Recipes for the most delicious and healthy summer cocktails. Cocktail "Sparkling Sunset"

10.04.2019 Egg dishes

Summer is at its zenith. Like air under water, there is not enough coolness.

Before you 7 summer drinks - these refreshing cocktails will quench your thirst and give you an energy boost.

Cooler "Cameron"

This one is simple but pretty strong drink, perfect for summer parties in big noisy companies.


  • 360 ml Blended Scotch Whiskey
  • 120 ml of white wine (for example, "Sauvignon Blanc");
  • 120 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 120 ml sugar syrup;
  • 240 ml of cold ginger beer;
  • a bit of Venezuelan Angostura;


We combine whiskey, wine, lemon juice and sugar syrup and send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then we take it out, shake it well and pour it into a jug filled with ice cubes. And to top it off, pour in ginger beer and a few drops of angostura in a thin stream.

Watermelon tequila

This watermelon cocktail will perfectly refresh and quench your thirst. And you will find many non-alcoholic recipes with watermelon.


  • 60 ml of water;
  • 60 grams of sugar;
  • 60 ml freshly squeezed lime juice;
  • 300 ml tequila
  • 450 grams of watermelon pulp (seedless);
  • 400 gr blueberries;
  • fresh mint;


First, prepare the sugar syrup (melt the sugar in water and bring it to a boil over low heat), cool it. Then grind the watermelon pulp in a blender. Filter the resulting juice through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

In a jug ( original solution - use instead of a jug watermelon rind, cut in half in the form of a vase and peeled from the pulp) mix the sugar syrup, lime juice, blueberries and mint. The blueberries and mint should be crushed a little to give juice. Then add watermelon juice and tequila and send to cool for 2 hours.

Serve cocktail in glass goblets filled with ice cubes and decorated with mint sprigs.

Strawberry Lemon Mojito

Mojito is a summer drink classic. This option is slightly more fruity, but no less refreshing.


  • 240 ml of golden rum;
  • 90 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 60 ml cane sugar syrup;
  • 8 slices of lemon;
  • 4-6 strawberries;
  • mint leaves (25-30 pcs);
  • ice (cubes and crushed).


We send lemon, strawberries and mint to a shaker (can be replaced with a resealable bottle or a jar with a wide mouth). Then add crushed ice, rum, lemon juice and sugarcane syrup (prepared like regular sugar syrup). Shake well and pour in a stream into tall glasses filled to the top with ice cubes. Decorate with strawberries and mint.

Fruit "Sangria"

Sangria - traditional drink Spanish and Portuguese peasants. A glass of this low-alcohol "fruit drink" will give strength to work under the scorching sun.


  • a bottle (750 ml) of red fruit wine (for example, "Merlot");
  • 120 ml brandy;
  • 90 ml sugar syrup;
  • a cup of chopped and seeded limes, oranges and lemons


We mix wine, brandy, sugar syrup and citrus fruits. Then we send it to a cool place for 4-8 hours, until all the ingredients give each other aromas. Serve over ice.

Rum punch

This cocktail is very simple and delicious. If guests are coming, make it bigger - they will quickly drink it. For 8 servings you need ...


  • 240 ml of light rum;
  • 240 ml of aged rum;
  • 240 ml freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • 240 ml of mango nectar;
  • 120 ml pineapple juice;
  • 80 mint leaves;
  • 8 pieces of pineapple;


We combine all the ingredients (except ice and pineapple pieces) in a jug and send them to the refrigerator for 2 hours. Stir the chilled drink well, add ice and pour into glasses, decorated with small pieces of pineapple.

Cherry Gin is a mixture of classic gin and original cherry syrup. To make 12 servings, you need the following foods:

For cherry syrup:

  • 450 gr cherries (pitted);
  • 180 grams of sugar;
  • 240 ml of water;
  • zest of half a lemon;
  • zest of half an orange.

For the gin:

  • 480 ml gin;
  • 180 ml "Cointreau";
  • 180 ml fresh lime juice;
  • 540 ml cherry syrup;
  • a little bit of Angostura;
  • soda;
  • lime and cherry (for decoration).


First, prepare the syrup: boil all the ingredients for it over low heat for 40 minutes. After that we filter the liquid and cool it down - it turns out about 540 ml of cherry syrup.

We combine gin, Cointreau, lime juice, cherry syrup and a few drops of angostura. Mix well and pour into glasses, not adding a little to the end - fill the rest with soda. Decorate with limes and cherries and serve to guests.

Sweet peach + bitter "Aperol" create unique combination... Bitter peach cocktail - wonderful drink to end a hot summer day.


  • 360 ml grappa;
  • 120 ml "Aperola";
  • 120 ml peach nectar;
  • 60 ml chilled champagne;
  • a slice of peach (for decoration);


Fill the shaker (or its "analogs") with ice, add grappa, "Aperol", peach nectar and shake well. Pour into chilled glasses, top up with champagne and garnish with peach slices.

Enjoy your moments and, of course, share your favorite summer cocktails in the comments!

A familiar feeling when you are full, but still want something tasty? Pamper yourself, make cocktails at home from our small rating. For you, we have prepared those homemade cocktails that are easy to make at home. These refreshing cocktails are non-alcoholic and contain a simple set of ingredients.

1. Mojito with strawberries

Our recipes for refreshing cocktails are opened by strawberry mojito. All varieties of mojitos are refreshing cocktails that can be made at home as a matter of fact. So, we take peeled strawberries, a little sugar, the juice of one orange, mint leaves and grind it all in a blender. Distribute the resulting mass into glasses and add lemonade. Add ice if desired.

2. Traditional non-alcoholic mojito

Of course, summer refreshing cocktails are hard to imagine without a lime mojito. This refreshing mint cocktail perfectly tones and invigorates in the sweltering heat. To cook it, cut the lime into several large pieces, squeeze its juice into a glass. We send the remaining peel with pulp there. We remember the mint a little and, along with ice and sugar, also send it into a glass. Fill with a sprite.

3. Milkshake with banana and cinnamon

Refreshing milkshakes are also very popular because they are delicious and healthy. How do children like them? For cooking milk drink chopped banana with white ice cream and whisk milk in a blender. Pour the resulting mass into glasses, the edges of which are pre-dipped in cinnamon.

4. "Raspberry Delight"

If you are intrigued by the name and are extremely curious about how to make a refreshing raspberry cocktail, we answer. Boil raspberries a little with sugar. Then cool and pour into a blender. We also add milk and ice cream without filler here. Beat until lather. It remains only to pour into glasses.

5. Coffee and orange drink

And in conclusion, we will tell you what refreshing non-alcoholic summer cocktails can be prepared on the basis of coffee. Beat ice and milk well in a blender. Add orange juice and some brewed coffee. Beat a couple more and you're done.

Indulge in delicious and healthy refreshing drinks at home. Surprise your family original cocktails from common products.

Non-alcoholic cocktails are especially in demand in the summer. Summer heat very rarely does anyone like it.

Of course, in winter, during frosts, we all dream of being warm and comfortable outside again. But when the heat reaches forty degrees, all our dreams again rush towards something refreshing and cold.

That is why summer cocktails deserve such a significant share of attention and are popular with the onset of warmth. Moreover, we are not talking about alcohol, mind you, an extremely refreshing and tonic effect.

All cocktails that are popular in the summer can be divided into three categories by time of daywhen they are best suited for consumption.

In the morning, nutritional fortified cocktails based on fresh fruit and berries.
Refreshing cocktails made with ice will come in handy at lunchtime.
In the late afternoon, it would be nice to recharge with caffeinated tonic drinks. Why do that? Yes, just who sleeps in the summer, pray tell? Ahead is a night full of adventure and active recreation!

If we consider in more detail the recipes for summer non-alcoholic cocktails, then we can come to the conclusion that at present there are already many of them. But we will focus on the most popular ones, which allow people around the world to feel cool and enjoyable during a hot summer life.

Nutritious fortified cocktails

1. Double layer smoothie with berries... This cocktail attracts attention not only bright colorsbut also filling. As components for the bottom layer, you must use ripe fruit mango, about a spoonful of lime juice, orange fresh and a couple of spoons of honey.

We mix all the components with a blender and pour into a glass, filling it exactly halfway. Then we start preparing the top layer. You need to take a banana and a tablespoon of squeezed lime juice, which we will mix with one hundred and fifty grams of strawberries or cherries.

Having mixed all this thoroughly, we fill the glass to fullness. Leave a few slices of mango, strawberry, and banana on top for decoration.

2. Yoghurt smoothie with berries... This cocktail is easier to prepare. For cooking, you need to pour a glass of milk into a blender, half the amount low-fat yogurt and a few berries or cherries. All this "mix" is poured into a glass, and on top we cover with a layer of strawberries or cherries cut into slices, depending on what taste you initially chose for your cocktail.

3. Fruit cocktail with yogurt... To prepare this potion, we need a banana, white grapes seedless, green apple, kiwi and honey. In addition, you need to get unsweetened yogurt somewhere, and add sugar separately according to your own taste. All components must be thoroughly mixed in a peeled form and served with kiwi slices as a decoration.

4. Watermelon mix... Watermelon is not in vain summer berry, so there was a niche for him in the production of cocktails. In a ratio of three to one, you need to mix watermelon and raspberries in a blender and then decorate the top of this mass with a mint leaf. This cocktail not only perfectly energizes in the morning, but also promotes building muscle mass in athletes.

5. Blueberry smoothie... As the name suggests, the main ingredient in this cocktail will be blueberries. But besides this, there is also a frozen banana, orange juice, a spoonful of honey and vanilla sugar.

Banana and blueberries should be mixed in a blender, gradually adding orange juice, keeping an eye on the consistency. After all, add honey on top and vanilla sugar, but if even without them the drink seems sweet to you, you can do with what you have.

6. Tropical smoothie... This cocktail combines all the tastiest tropical fruits together with the domestic flavor in the form of strawberries and apple juice... First of all, you need to take the pulp of a banana, pineapple, kiwi and cut it all into small slices, place it in a blender, where strawberries are already waiting for them. After all, add apple juice and mix until smooth.

7. Kefir cocktail with persimmon and nectarine... Such exotic fruits like persimmons and nectarines are also useful for making summer morning cocktails. Only homemade kefir is desirable. But the fruit needs to be chopped and mixed in order to obtain a homogeneous mass. Along the way, you can add brown sugar to taste and, of course, kefir itself.

Refreshing cocktails with ice

1. Non-alcoholic Pina Colada... This cocktail is known to many. But few people know that it can be non-alcoholic if prepared properly. The recipe for this drink is quite conservative and straightforward.

You just need to take low fat milk, heavy cream and pineapple. Mix the first two ingredients with a mixer until the resulting mass is homogeneous, which should then be poured into a glass. All this needs to be sweetened with a tablespoon of sugar, and then decorate the top of the glass with pineapple slices.

2.. This drink perfectly quenches thirst and serves as a freshener on the hottest summer day. There is nothing complicated in its preparation.

You just need to cut the lime into several pieces and then squeeze its juice into a glass. At the same time, a couple of used slices are placed on the bottom of the glass, and then "grind" all this with crushed mint.

The next step will be ice cubes, after which you immediately need to pour soda along the walls of the glass. From above, you can decorate all this splendor with another mint leaf.

3. Lemon-apple fresh with ginger... In the course of preparing this cocktail, we will need a lemon and a few apples, which we then dilute with ginger. You just need to peel these fruits and squeeze the juice out of them, and grate and add the pulp to the resulting fresh.

After that, you need to wait until all the ingredients are mixed and strain. The resulting liquid can be further diluted with a pinch of cayenne pepper for added spice.

4. Green vitamin mix... This cocktail not only perfectly refreshes, but also fills our body with the necessary proportion of vitamins. Apple, cucumber, half a lime, a couple of sprigs of dill and celery, as well as a little sorrel must be crushed and passed through a juicer.

Believe me, you will definitely like the resulting mixture as taste, and by the content of vitamins.

5. Summer freshness ... The very name of this cocktail speaks for itself. For cooking you will need green tea and a few fruits. Among them, you need to highlight a couple of kiwi, lemon juice, diluting all this cane sugar... Best served with ice.

6. Ice coffee... To prepare this drink you will need strong coffee and natural milk... These ingredients in a one-to-one ratio should be added to a blender, as well as a few ice cubes. After mixing the contents, you need to pour it into a glass, and put another ball of vanilla ice cream on top. It is advisable to use this drink through a tube.

7. Vitamin mix with avocado and cucumber... This cocktail will not only help you freshen up during the summer heat, but also fill your body with vitamins. First of all, you need to peel the cucumber and avocado, then cut into small slices.

You should also first remove the pit from the avocado, and then put all this abundance in a blender, combining it with sprigs of basil and oregano. Also add pistachios and salt to your blender to taste. By mixing all this, you can get a high-quality fortified and refreshing cocktail.

8. Sweetie... To make this sweet and fresh cocktail you need a shaker. With its help, you need to thoroughly mix pineapple and orange juices. Also add pomegranate syrup with ice cubes. After pouring the contents of the shaker into a glass, you can garnish your cocktail with a cherry on top for a sophisticated touch.

9. Banana light... This cocktail combines banana, pineapple, lemon and orange juice. All this, along with several slices of a whole banana, is mixed in a shaker with the addition of ice, and then laid out in a glass. As a decoration, you can place a mint leaf on top.

10. Pomegranate frappe... You will need one scoop for this cocktail lemon sherbetto be placed in the glass initially. And fill it with a mixture of pomegranate and lime juice, which are shaken with ice. Top can be decorated with a fourth lime share and a sprig of lemon balm.

11. Pineapple sour... This cocktail is easy to prepare. You just need to mix pineapple juice, sugar syrup and lemon juice.

12. Summer... To make a cocktail with the meaningful name "Summer", you need juices. In particular, pineapple, orange and tangerine. Pomegranate syrup is also used. Mix the juices with ice, and add the pomegranate syrup to the glass after. Place fruit pieces nearby as decoration.

13. Crimson... For this cocktail you will need a quarter of a kilogram of raspberries, a glass of cream, a couple of spoons granulated sugar and ice. Everything except ice is mixed in a shaker and served in high-walled glasses.

14. Northern... If you take a kilogram of carrots, half a liter of cranberry juice and the same boiled water, then you can prepare about six servings of a quality refreshing drink. The first two ingredients must be mixed in a juice state, but add water and sugar to taste after that.

15. Aqua fresco... This cocktail requires melon, lemon, sugar and mint for its preparation. You will also need sparkling water and ice. First of all, you need to bring the melon pulp to a homogeneous mass using a blender. Pour lemon juice on top of all this, add sugar to taste and crumpled mint leaves.

Make the resulting mass homogeneous and let it brew for three hours. After that, it is necessary to strain this combination of fruits and aromas using a coarse sieve, and also dilute the liquid with carbonated water. Serve with ice cubes in a glass.

Summer tonic cocktails

1. Lemon Twist... In this cocktail invented in french city Strasbourg, vegetables and fruits are wonderfully combined. Besides fresh celery, beet pulp and lemon wedges for garnish, there is also room for lemon juice, apple juice, and non-alcoholic beer Tourtel brands.

2. Aojiru... This drink has in green, which is logical considering that its main ingredient is cabbage juice. It is not very tasty, as they say "for an amateur", but very, very useful.

3. Punch "Planter"... This invention is also quite dietary, so it is very popular among women around the world. Here most of all carrot juicebut also pineapple and tangerine. In addition, the punch contains strawberries, which must first be pickled in pepper. And it all gets diluted special water Evian.

4. Lassi... If you are in the atmosphere high temperature and significant humidity, not being able to acclimatize for a long time, then it is the lassi that will help you with this. It consists of water and yogurt.

Further preparation depends on whether you are a supporter of sugary drinks or prefer more spicy taste... You can add honey and sugar, or you can use salt.

5. Ovaltin... The drink with such a pleasant name for the ear combines malt and egg. They are being replaced coffee drinks with a 3-in-1 effect. That is, in the evening this is the very thing if you suffer from insomnia. Currently, to prepare ovaltin, you just need to get the powder prepared by the manufacturers and pour it over with milk. Moreover, the temperature of the milk does not matter.

6. Mate... This product is much more tonic than coffee, which we are used to drinking every day. But its disadvantage is that the holly tree, from the leaves and stems of which mate is cooked, grows only in Latin America.

But if you travel there, be sure to order this cocktail from the bartenders, which is served in pumpkin pots. You will not regret!

Enjoy your summer to the accompaniment of refreshing and tonic drinks!

Do you want something unusual? Invite a cheerful company to the dacha and have a cocktail party on a hot afternoon!

"Bloody" cocktail

1 liter lemonade

1 liter of cranberry juice (fruit drink)

Juice of 3 limes (or lemons)

How to make a "Bloody" cocktail :

  • Mix all ingredients.
  • Cool the cocktail.
  • The bloody cocktail is ready.

Non-alcoholic "Champagne" for friends

Juice of 6 lemons

75 g sugar

2 red apples

2 liters of cold apple juice

1 liter of cold carbonated mineral water

Mint leaves

How to make non-alcoholic "Champagne" for friends :

  • Dissolve the sugar in lemon juice, gradually heating on low heat. Refrigerate.
  • Core the apples and cut into small pieces.
  • Mix water, syrup and juice, add mint and apples.
  • Chill, serve over ice.
  • Non-alcoholic "Champagne" for friends is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

Berry "country" smoothie

150 g of a mix of any berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc.)

1 small ripe banana

1/2 liter apple juice or soda mineral water

How to make a berry "country" smoothie :

  • Chop the berries and banana in a bender until smooth, add juice or mineral water.
  • Pour into glasses, add a little honey and berries.
  • The berry "country" smoothie is ready.

Classic lemonade

1 liter of cold water

100 g sugar

3 lemons, coarsely chopped

How to cook classic lemonade :

  • Put lemon slices, sugar in a blender and add about 100 g of water. Mix.
  • Strain the mixture, squeeze out the juice. Top up the remaining water in a jug, add ice and lemon or lime slices.
  • The classic lemonade is ready.

Evening "chocolate"

100 chocolate pieces, chopped into pieces

600 ml milk

150 ml cream

How to make an evening chocolate :

  • Place the chocolate in a small saucepan, pour in the milk and cream. While stirring, bring to a boil over low heat.
  • Refrigerate. Serve sprinkled with grated chocolate. You can add a few cherries for garnish.
  • The evening chocolate is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

Strawberry Fizz with Sorbet

What you need (for 2 servings) :

5 strawberries (chopped)

100 ml tonic

2 scoops of berry ice cream (sorbet)

How to make strawberry fizz with sorbet :

  • Place the chopped strawberries on the bottom of two glasses. Place sorbet ball on the berries.
  • Top up the tonic almost to the edges of the glasses.
  • Serve garnished with whole strawberries.
  • Strawberry fizz with sorbet is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

Cocktail "Sparkling Sunset"

Soda or tonic

1 layer:

200 g raspberries

3 teaspoons powdered brown sugar

1/2 lemon juice

2 layer:

4 peaches

Juice of 1 lemon

How to make a Sparkling Sunset cocktail :

  • Fruit and berry puree can be prepared in advance: shelf life in the refrigerator is 2 days.
  • Grind raspberries, sugar and lemon juice in a processor, rub through a sieve to get rid of seeds.
  • Peel the peaches, remove the seeds and rub in the processor with lemon juice.
  • Before serving the cocktail, gently pour a raspberry layer into a glass, then a peach layer, add soda or tonic to the edge.
  • The sparkling sunset cocktail is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

You probably remember the parties from American films: loud music, a crowd of people and mysterious cocktails in colorful glasses. In the 21st century, there is no place for beer and other commonplace alcoholic beverages... No beach party, picnic or birthday party in summer is complete without bright, cool and refreshing cocktails.

We offer 25 recipes for summer cocktails, which you will pleasantly surprise and delight your guests during a hot party.


1. Elderberry lemonade


10 l of water
30-50 elderflower (black) brushes
1 kg sugar
3 lemons
juice of 1 fresh lemon
a bottle of chilled sparkling wine (champagne)

Cooking method:

1. Black elderberry flowers and lemons, cut into slices, put in a non-metallic container and fill with water. We leave it for 24 hours so that the liquid is infused.
2. Strain through the sated water and discard the cake. Add lemon juice and sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves and leave for another 24 hours.
3. Bottled and left for 3 weeks to form carbon dioxide in the lemonade in the form of sparkling bubbles. In order not to wait several weeks, pour the chilled drink into glasses and add a little champagne. Serve to guests with a slice of lemon or ice.

2. Strawberry margarita


50 ml silver tequila
30 ml orange liqueur
40 g lime
100 g strawberries
2 g granulated sugar
160 g ice

Cooking method:

1. Dip the rims of the glass in liqueur and then in sugar to get a thin border.
2. Pour 6 strawberries into a blender, fill with tequila and orange liqueur... Squeeze out the juice of half a lime, throw in some ice and beat thoroughly so that there is no large pieces.
3. Pour the drink into a glass and decorate with one ripe strawberry. Serve chilled.

3. Cava Sangria


8 large mint leaves
1 bottle of sparkling wine, chilled (in original recipe, this is a Cava wine, but you can replace it with another kind)
3/4 cup white grape juice, chilled
1/2 cup fresh strawberries, chopped
1/4 cup orange liqueur
ice cubes

Cooking method:

1. Rub the mint leaves against the sides of a large jug with a wooden spoon to release the aromas.
2. Pour into a jug a sparkling wine and mix with grape juice, strawberry slices and orange liqueur.
3. Top with ice cubes and serve immediately to the guests.

4. Raspberry beer cocktail


3/4 cup frozen or fresh raspberries
3 1/2 bottles of chilled beer
12 ounce lemon concentrate
1/2 cup vodka
wedges of lemon or lime
ice cubes

Cooking method:

1. Grind raspberries in a blender or simply crush with a spoon, and then mix with beer.
2. Mix vodka with lemonade concentrate in a separate container. We put everything together just before serving. Until this time, the mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days. Throw in ice cubes and decorate with lemon or lime wedges.

5. Cocktail "South Breeze"


40 ml bourbon
25 ml apricot liqueur
40 g lemon
sprig of mint
20 g dried apricots
10 g dried dates
crushed ice

Cooking method:

1. Put 1 dried dates and 1 dried apricots on the bottom of each glass. Then, we fill them crushed ice to the very top.
2. Pour into a shaker or a jar with a tight lid apricot liqueur, bourbon and squeeze a quarter of a lemon. Fill a shaker with ice and beat thoroughly.
3. Pour the cocktail into glasses, decorate with dried apricots and mint leaves.

6. Blackberry cocktail


a couple of fresh mint sprigs
12 thin cucumber slices
200-300 g fresh berries blackberry
3/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice (about 3 limes)
8-12 teaspoons of sugar
1 cup and 2 tablespoons Gin
1 cup cold soda
crushed ice

Cooking method:

1. Place mint sprigs, cucumber, blackberries, lime juice and sugar in a large jug. Gently squeeze the mint leaves, cucumber and blackberries against the sides of the jug with a wooden spoon to release the aromas.
2. Add gin and soda to the jug. Mix thoroughly.
3. Serve the cocktail with ice cubes.

7. Peach sangria


2 bottles of dry white wine
4 tbsp. l Cointreau peach liqueur
250 ml peach vodka
4 tbsp. l. Sahara
2 cinnamon sticks
2 limes, cut into wedges
2 oranges, sliced
500 ml sparkling water

Cooking method:

1. In a large jug or other container, mix wine, liqueur, vodka, sugar, cinnamon sticks, lime and orange wedges. Mix thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved.
2. We put in a cold place for several hours so that the cocktail is infused.
3. Before serving, add sparkling water and ice cubes. Decorate with a slice of lime or orange if desired.

8. Melon cocktail


2 large melon wedges
50 g ice cream
100 ml white wine

Cooking method:

Peel and seed the melon, cut into small pieces and beat in a blender with wine and ice cream. Serve chilled or with ice cubes. The glass can be decorated with a small piece ripe melon.

9. Watermelon and mint margarita


4 cups pitted watermelon, chopped
1/2 cup tequila
1/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon grated lime peel
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice (about 3 limes)
2 tablespoons chopped fresh leaves mint

Cooking method:

1. Watermelon, cut into pieces, place in the freezer for 4 hours.
2. Lubricate the rim of the glass with lime juice and dip in sugar to create a thin rim.
3. Place frozen watermelon, tequila, sugar, lime peel and juice, mint leaves in a blender and beat thoroughly.
4. Gently pour into glasses and serve chilled.

10. Pink lemonade


60 ml lemonade (any, even light color)
30 ml rose liqueur (in the original recipe, X-Rated Fusion Liqueur)
30 ml vodka
citrus slices

Cooking method:

Throw a few ice cubes into a large glass. Then pour lemonade, pink liqueur, vodka and mix thoroughly. If desired, top with a slice of orange, lemon or lime.

11. Margarita with frozen cranberries


50 ml tequila,
15 ml Triple Sec (orange peel liqueur)
25 ml cranberry juice
25 ml apple juice
1/4 orange juice
1 tbsp. l. salt
1 tbsp. l. Sahara
zest of one orange

Cooking method:

1. Mix ice, tequila, orange liqueur, cranberry juice, orange juice in a shaker or a jar with a tight lid.
2. Dip the rim of the glass into the liquor, and then into the mixture of salt, sugar and orange peelto create a thin border.
3. Carefully pour the cocktail into a glass and serve.

12. Sweet tea with soda


2 cups cranberry juice
1 glass of vodka
1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
ice Cube
1 soft lemon drink (carbonated)

Cooking method:

1. Mix cranberry juice, vodka and lemon juice in a large jug.
2. Add ice cubes and soft lemon drink. Mix gently and serve immediately.

13. Cocktail "Grapefruit sparkler"


80 g grapefruit juice
50 g cranberry juice
50 g gin
mineral sparkling water
lime juice
lime wedges for garnish

Cooking method:

1. Lubricate the rim of the glass with grapefruit juice and dip it in salt.
2. Fill glasses with ice cubes.
3. Fill a cocktail shaker or jar with a tight lid halfway with ice. Add grapefruit and cranberry juice, gin, some Campari and squeeze out the lime juice. Cover and shake vigorously for about 30 seconds.
4. Strain through a strainer, if necessary, and pour into glasses. Add a little mineral water on top. Decorate with mint or lime wedge if desired.

14. Cocktail "Berry Bliss"


45 ml Midori melon liqueur
30 ml vanilla vodka
15 ml raspberry tincture
2-3 tablespoons pineapple juice
2-3 tablespoons of sparkling water
a couple of strawberries
ice cubes

Cooking method:

1. Place 7 ice cubes in the bottom of a large jug or punch bowl.
2. Add liqueur, vodka and raspberry tincture according to the recipe. Pineapple juice and add soda to taste, but not less than one splash.
3. Gently mix all ingredients and pour into tall glasses. Decorate the top with strawberries or other fruits, if desired.

15. Blackberry Pisco Sours


50 ml pisco
1 ml Angostura Beater
15 ml sugar syrup
half an egg
75 g lemon
ice cubes

Cooking method:
1. Pour into a shaker or a jar with a tight lid 1/2 egg white, sugar syrup and pisco. Squeeze out half a lemon, fill a shaker with ice cubes and beat thoroughly until frothy.
2. Pour the cocktail into a chilled glass and decorate with a few drops of angostura.