Why is soda water so called. How to make real soda at home

02.11.2019 Lenten dishes

Soda water is a type of soda. It is prepared by combining sodium bicarbonate, ordinary purified water and carbon dioxide. Very often, the drinking solution can contain a variety of flavors, special syrups that give the drink a sweet taste, and other additives. Soda water is easy to make and can be easily made at home.

Are there any differences between soda and soda? Surely many will not be able to answer this question absolutely correctly. We all love lemonade and various soda-based cocktails. Such products are offered almost everywhere, but when purchasing them, most do not even know if there are any differences between soda water made with their own hands at home and purchased liquid.

These two substances have a similar appearance and the same taste. They both have a pleasant taste and effervescence. But soda water still differs from soda: the second version of the drink consists of carbon dioxide and purified water.

Knowing how to make your own lemonade at home can save you money and eliminate artificial additives in your soft drink. Whether it's mixing sweet syrup with soda water or making your own soda from scratch, preparing a soda is much easier than it sounds. With a handful of simple ingredients, you can make delicious sodas and chill them in the refrigerator. See Step 1 for more information.


Whip up lemonade

    Start by preparing a thick soda-syrup base. The easiest and quickest way to make lemonade is to prepare a thick base and add soda water to it. If you want to start the brewing process from scratch, go to the next method and make your own soda. Preparing the syrup saves you the hassle of fiddling with yeast and is essentially like old-fashioned lemonade, or modern-day lemonade from a draft machine. Combine the following ingredients in a saucepan:

    • 1 cup of sugar
    • About 1/2 glass of water
    • 1/2 cup fresh fruit juice or two tablespoons of flavoring extract
  1. Bring the mixture to a boil in a saucepan. Stir vigorously to dissolve the sugar. Make sure it does not burn. It should melt well and turn into a thick syrup. Bring the syrup to a boil.

    Boil the syrup halfway. Turn heat on low and simmer until half of the mixture has boiled away. If it looks rather thick and sweet, that's good. It should be very sweet and concentrated, making it perfect for adding to cold lemonade.

    Pour into a bottle and store in the refrigerator. Let the syrup cool and transfer to a convenient container, then refrigerate. It will be usable for several weeks or more.

    • If you have sports water bottles, they are ideal for storage. You can pour a serving of the syrup into a glass of soda water, and carefully store the rest of the syrup in a bottle on the refrigerator door.
  2. Serve with ice and seltzer water. Fill a glass with soda water and pour in the soda and syrup in a small stream, stirring thoroughly with a spoon until it dissolves. Try and add more if needed, or dilute with more soda water. Serve chilled and enjoy.

    • If you have access to a carbonator, you can make your own soda to make the process easier and do it yourself. While a carbonator can cost you a pretty penny, you can start making your own soda for free. If you drink a lot, the device will pay off in the shortest possible time.

Yeast based soda

  1. Prepare the required ingredients and equipment. Making soda by fermenting is much easier than you might think. All you need is enough sugar, bottles, flavors, and some time. To start making your own batch of soda, you will need:

    Pasteurize and wash bottles. You should let your fake lemonade brew in bottles for at least 24 hours at room temperature. This means that you need to sterilize and wash them before starting to kill bacteria that can spoil the drink.

  2. Make a flavored syrup. The main way to make lemonade is to make a sweet flavored liquid, then add active yeast and leave in the bottle to ferment. The flavor combination will vary depending on what kind of lemonade you want to make, but the base ratio should be about 2 cups of sweetener for every 4.5 L of water and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of extract. This will be the still base of your lemonade.

    • If you use extracts for flavoring, lower the temperature of the drink to hot, but not boiling, about 38-43 degrees Celsius, and dissolve the sugar in the liquid. Add 2 tablespoons of the flavor and let the mixture cool for a few minutes until the temperature drops.
    • If you are using raw ingredients for flavoring, simply bring 4.5 L of water to a boil in a large saucepan. Then add sugar, stirring vigorously, to dissolve. Leave on the fire for a few minutes, stirring constantly, to infuse the aromas, then remove from heat and add yeast.
  3. Add yeast. You have your base ready for a flavored drink, but now you must add the bubbles. When the sugary liquid heats up to about 38 degrees Celsius, it will be warm enough to activate the yeast, but not warm enough to destroy it. Add about 1/4 teaspoon of champagne yeast and stir vigorously to activate.

    • Yeast, depending on age, strength, and climate, can be tricky. When you do this for the first time, you may end up with a lemonade that is too carbonated or too weak, depending on how much you use. Anything from 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon may be sufficient. Better to err on the side of non-carbonated - as you can add bubbles after checking.
    • Too much carbonated lemonade can cause bottles to explode, which can be dirty at best, and at worst dangerous, especially if you use glass bottles. For the first batch, add some soda yeast and experiment to see which dosage works best for you.
  4. Pour lemonade into bottles. Use a clean funnel and pour yeast lemonade directly into sterile bottles with caps. Let the bottles sit at room temperature for at least 24 hours to completely carbonate the drink, then refrigerate.

    • If you've come up with raw lemonade, it's a good idea to strain the lemonade through a sieve to remove any sediment or tough particles that might end up at the bottom of the bottle.
    • If the lemonade-filled bottles are closed while they are still too warm, they may burst or burst. Only after fermentation at room temperature, place the bottles in the refrigerator for safe storage.
  5. Take your first sip outside. After the lemonade has been infused for 24 hours, grab a bottle, go outside and open it. The lid can break off, therefore, being in the yard instead of the kitchen, you can avoid unnecessary dirt. Once you're happy with the degree of carbonation and flavor, put the bottles in the refrigerator and enjoy them for the next week or so. After five days in the refrigerator, they tend to lose some of their gases and become weaker.

    • If the lemonade isn't as carbonated as you'd like, you can set it aside for another day or two in the hope of increasing the carbonation rate. If that doesn't work, you can also add a second, tiny pinch of yeast to each bottle to try again. Or just enjoy a lightly carbonated drink and prepare another new batch!

Learning classic lemonade recipes

  1. Try the old-fashioned root beer. Due to the fact that sarsaparilla bark was once outlawed by the FDA, commercial beer is made from the extract of the root of the beer. It can be purchased at a hardware store for $ 3- $ 5. That's enough to make several batches of your own homemade root beer. The materials will pay off in the long term. Zatarain is a popular and cheap brand that is widely available, but you can experiment with different varieties to find the one you like best.

    • Add two tablespoons of beer root extract after the sweetener and water boil, before adding yeast. Try using brown sugar instead of white sugar for a molasses flavor in the finished product.
    • Try different roots for lemonades with unusual plant notes. You can buy licorice root extract, which will make a delicious and amazing drink, especially when mixed with a little lemon zest.
  2. Make fruit lemonade from fruit juice or extract. Orange, grapes, lime, strawberry, lemon, papaya: these are the ingredients for fruity sodas. Add a few scoops of any of the fruit extracts and you can create an incredible fruity summer lemonade.

    • Instead of using the extract, use grape juice as the base for the lemonade and substitute it for water to make real grape lemonade. You will not get the same purple craft drink from the store.
    • If you want to make citrus-based lemonade, pour the peels of oranges, lemons, or lemons in sugar with water a few hours before fermentation and adding active yeast. The rind will give the strongest flavor to the drink.
    • Try adding a few drops of food coloring if you want the flavor to match the look.

Soda is an excellent household helper, it has a very long experience and a lot of useful qualities. She cleans surfaces, works as a baking powder, and she is also very useful for gargling, brushing teeth with it, it is used as the main ingredient in making soda, it is used to treat heartburn, and mosquito bites are smeared with its solution. It is still difficult to find a similar substance that is used by humans so actively. This is probably why, even in childhood, we learn how to make soda in its various versions.

Soda for treatment

A soda solution is used to treat a sore throat and cough. The recipes are different, so here are both. It's easy to remember how to make a soda rinse solution. For 1 glass of warm water, you need to take 1 teaspoon (no top!) Soda, stir. Then you can start rinsing. If you add salt at the tip of a knife to the solution, 2-3 drops of iodine, then we get a solution for rinsing sick teeth. The solution draws out suppuration, inflammation, reduces pain. Soda solution also helps with thrush. In this case, the solution is prepared more saturated: a teaspoon of soda with top per glass of water. Stir for 2-3 minutes to dissolve all the powder.

Soda water, a drink from childhood

In the 70s and 80s, there was no such variety of soda in stores as it is now. And then in almost every house there was a siphon, with the help of which soda was prepared. And they also prepared soda water, which is popularly called "fizzy". By the way, for the children it was the first serious chemistry lesson, very visual, and even with a delicious result. First, dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of sugar in a glass of water. Then half a teaspoon of citric acid is poured there. And now the most spectacular moment of cooking! Pour ¼ part of a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass. There will be a very violent reaction, so it is better to use a larger container for cooking. You can drink right away. This recipe explains how to make soda water. But you can also make a pop with soda based on juice, compote, water with syrup, jam, etc.

Before finally answering the question of what soda is, let's look back and take an excursion into history and ... chemistry.

Baking soda, in the language of chemistry - sodium bicarbonate, is part of many medical table waters of the sodium bicarbonate group. For example, the popular Borjomi mineral water belongs to them.

Carbonated natural water was considered curative and was used in medicine even before our era. The first artificial carbonated water appeared around 1767-70, when an apparatus called a saturator was invented, which allows you to saturate ordinary water and other drinks with carbon dioxide.

However, it was an expensive pleasure, so over time, by the beginning of the 19th century, ordinary baking soda was used to make soda. It was then that carbonated water got its name "soda water". The appearance of the novelty aroused great interest, all kinds of recipes with the addition of soda began to appear. She began to dilute alcoholic beverages. It was at that time that such a world-famous brand as Schweppes was created.

What is soda water in the modern world

This is the common name for any soda water. Modern soda water has nothing to do with baking soda, since it does not contain it. This is just a kind of soft drink based on flavored or mineral drinks and saturated with carbon dioxide, which is introduced there under high pressure, and accordingly contains a large amount of carbon dioxide.

Making soda water at home is easy. It is enough to add a little baking soda (on the tip of a knife) to the water with a little citric acid and shhhhh ... we will hear the magic sound of fizzy soda.

From the history

From America came the tradition of drinking whiskey and soda. It has taken root quite well due to the light taste and ease of preparation of the drink. Now this cocktail can be seen on the menu in almost every bar, but it's much more exciting to try to make a punch yourself, which will contain whiskey and soda water in the right proportion. It is the correct ratio that requires special attention when mixing these ingredients.

Soda water

First, let's figure out what soda is. It is wrong to assume that this is ordinary sparkling water. Water, in addition to carbon dioxide, contains baking soda and citric acid, the combination of which gives it a sourness and effervescence. It is quite easy to make soda, its formula is: + a pinch of acid + a tablespoon of soda per glass. Soda can be diluted not only with whiskey, but also scotch, juice, etc. Drinks with its content give vigor to the body.


There is also a little to say about whiskey. Whiskey is a fairly strong alcoholic drink that came to us from Scotland or, as others say, from Ireland. It is produced through the processes of malting, distillation and sufficiently long aging. Whiskey is made from corn, rye, wheat or barley. Grain whiskeys or classic bourbon are best for punch. Of course, it is better that they are from the middle price category in order to reduce the likelihood of buying a fake whiskey.


The recipe for this cocktail itself is quite simple. For this we need:

  • 40 ml of soda;
  • 60 ml of whiskey;
  • ice. Fill a whiskey glass 2/3 full with ice, then pour whiskey and soda.

Gin options

There are also many recipes that use soda water with another alcoholic beverage, gin.

Red sunshine

  • 35 ml gin;
  • 25 ml of Cassis liqueur;
  • soda;
  • 25 ml lemon juice. Shake liquor, gin and lemon juice with ice cubes. Pour the resulting punch into a glass and add the soda.

Fallen angel

  • 50 ml gin;
  • 1 tsp liqueur (preferably mint);
  • 2 drops of Angostura bitter;
  • 35 ml lime juice;
  • 90 ml of soda;
  • crushed ice. Fill the glass completely with crushed ice and add gin, liqueur, a drop of tincture, lime juice and soda. A lime wedge can serve as a decoration.

"Pink Lady"

  • 60 ml gin;
  • 20 ml brandy (preferably apple brandy);
  • 1 protein;
  • 15 ml of soda. Place all of the above ingredients in a shaker, shake thoroughly for half a minute and pour into a wine glass.

My fair lady

  • 30 ml gin;
  • 20 ml of soda;
  • 10 ml orange juice;
  • 15 ml of pomegranate juice;
  • 1 protein;
  • slice of orange;

All of the above ingredients, along with ice, must be placed in a shaker, shaken and strained into a cocktail glass. Serve with a straw and an orange slice on the edge of the glass. As you can see, there are quite a few cocktails that use soda water. There is no sugar in them, and therefore the state of intoxication comes faster. You have to make a choice in favor of this or that cocktail and enjoy its taste. However, remember that alcohol is harmful to your health.