How to make a kefir cocktail with bran and prunes, a step by step recipe with a photo. How to make a kefir cocktail with bran and prunes, a step-by-step recipe with a photo Prune cocktail

31.10.2019 Meat dishes

There is no such person who refuses a delicious dairy treat. Children especially love milkshakes, even those who do not drink regular milk. But they are not just tasty, they contain useful calcium for bones, various vitamins, minerals and other trace elements.

How to make a milkshake at home? Milk drink is very easy to prepare at home, it is enough to have a blender. It is best to grind fruits and berries with a submersible blender with a special chopping attachment, then remove the bones with a strainer, and only then add the berry-fruit mixture to milk.

Many cooks advise frothing milk in a bowl with knives. So the milk is enriched with oxygen and acquires airiness.

If you don't have a blender, you can use a mixer.

For the simplest milkshake, take milk with medium fat content (3.2%), it should not be too cold, otherwise you will not feel any taste or sweetness. It is best to take slightly chilled milk. If suddenly you do not like milk, replace it with yogurt, cream, kefir or vegetable milk (almond, rice, oatmeal, coconut).

The simplest milkshakes include two ingredients: milk and ice cream. Proportions: for one glass of milk, take 100 grams of ice cream. Try using chocolate ice cream, or creme brulee, or whatever you like with toppings—how many flavors of a milkshake can you make with just two ingredients.

But, of course, such a delicacy is very high in calories, it may contain a lot of sugar, therefore, when treating yourself to a milkshake, it is still important to know when to stop.

Non-alcoholic milkshakes with fruits and berries: popular recipes

Fruit smoothies help fight thirst, satisfy hunger and refresh in the heat. The main condition is that the drink must be consumed immediately after you have whipped it, because due to the acid present in the fruit, milk can curdle. Do not be afraid to combine different fruits, add syrups, jams or ice cream to them and you will find your perfect milkshake.

Banana coctail

This is the easiest of the milkshakes. It has a delicate velvety texture and a pleasant taste. To prepare it, you need only a couple of bananas, 1 ice cream and a glass of cool milk. Blend the banana into a pulp using an immersion blender. Add banana and ice cream to milk, beat in a bowl with knives. Cane sugar can be added to taste.

Strawberry banana milkshake

In the summer season, be sure to treat yourself to this wonderful milk drink made from fresh strawberries. For a mug of milk, take half a mug of berries, washed and peeled of tails, and 1 banana. Mix banana and strawberries in a blender, add milk, beat. If you like sweets, don't forget to add sugar.

Blueberry Blackberry Cocktail

This drink has an amazing dark color. Take a handful of blueberries and blackberries, knock down with a blender. Pass through a sieve to remove the seeds from the berry mixture. Pour half of the berry gruel into glasses, add the rest to milk, whisk. Pour the resulting cocktail on top of the berry puree. Garnish with fresh blueberries and blackberries.

Creamy Strawberry Cocktail

To prepare it, take 100 grams of fresh strawberries and the same amount of ice cream, a glass of milk, vanilla. Grind the berries with a blender. Remove the tender center from the vanilla pod and add to the crushed berries. Mix creamy ice cream with berry puree and milk. Blend everything well together in a blender.

Kiwi cocktail

This drink will invigorate and refresh in the heat. To prepare it, take a glass of cold milk, ice cream with a creamy taste, 1 kiwi, sugar to taste. Peel and grind kiwi in a blender, add milk and ice cream. Put sugar to taste.

orange cocktail

Try an unusual combination of milk and oranges in this milkshake. You will need a couple of oranges, 1 banana, 2/3 cup milk and optionally a few tablespoons of sugar. Grind the banana in a blender, squeeze the juice from the oranges and grate the zest. Add juice and zest, sugar and milk to the banana, beat until frothy.

Milkshake with persimmon

Wash one medium persimmon, remove the skin from it and remove the seeds. Mix with a glass of milk and beat in a blender. This pleasant-tasting drink goes well with walnuts.

melon cocktail

This milkshake is also very tasty and unusual. Take a small melon of good ripeness, 1 scoop of sundae ice cream, 1 glass of cool milk, vanilla, sea buckthorn syrup and sugar of your choice. Peel the melon, removing the middle with seeds and peel. Cut into small pieces, add sugar, vanilla and syrup to it in a blender and beat until a puree consistency. Transfer the ice cream to it, pour in the milk and beat for another 3-4 minutes.

Non-alcoholic milkshakes with dried fruits and nuts

Don't be afraid to use nuts and dried fruit to make your milkshake. They contain no less vitamins than fresh fruits. In addition, such a nutritious cocktail is perfect for breakfast.

Milkshake with prunes

This drink will help improve the functioning of the digestive system. Take 50 grams of prunes, 1 ice cream and a glass of milk. Rinse dried fruits thoroughly and pour boiling water over them. After a while, drain the water, and place the prunes in the refrigerator to cool. Then grind it into gruel, add prunes and ice cream to a shaker with milk. Beat on high speed for a couple of minutes.

Milkshake with dates

A very gentle and sweet cocktail is obtained with the addition of dates. For 1 cup of milk, you will need half a cup of these dried fruits. Rinse them, remove the bones. Place the dates in a small saucepan with milk. Wait until it boils, then lower the heat. Sweat the dates for another 5 minutes. Add sugar if desired. Cool milk with dried fruits and beat with a blender.

pistachio cocktail

An unusual taste is obtained from a cocktail if different nuts are added to milk. Take half a glass of pistachios, 100 grams of creamy ice cream, a glass of milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar. Chop nuts with sugar in a blender. Add ice cream, milk and vanilla extract to them. Beat for a couple of minutes.

Cocktail with walnuts and apple

You will need: 1 cup of milk, 1 non-acidic apple, 1/3 cup of nuts, peeled and peeled, honey and vanilla. Chop the nuts in a blender to a powder state. Wash the apple, peel it, cut out the seeds and turn it into a puree with a blender. Add milk, nuts, vanilla, a few teaspoons of honey to it and whisk.

Non-alcoholic milkshakes with syrups, jams and other additives

When preparing milkshakes, do not forget about such simple things as regular jam, condensed milk, coffee, chocolate or various syrups. All these additives will help you make an amazingly tasty drink out of milk.

coffee cocktail

Coffee lovers will surely love this milkshake. Take 1 glass of milk, half a cup of brewed or instant coffee, 50 grams of ice cream, add honey or cane sugar to taste. Blend in a blender for 2-3 minutes.

Cocktail with pineapple juice

For this drink, you can use both juice from the store and pineapple syrup. Mix 1 glass of milk with 50 ml of pineapple juice, add 50 grams of ice cream and beat. Garnish the cocktail glass with pineapple slices and fresh mint.

Non-alcoholic Pina Colada

Such an unusually delicious cocktail can be prepared even for a children's holiday. You will need: a glass of milk, creamy ice cream 60-120 grams, half a glass of orange juice, 4-5 tablespoons of coconut syrup. Whisk everything in a blender. Serve well chilled, garnished with an umbrella.

Raspberry cocktail with mint syrup

Mint cocktails have a unique invigorating and refreshing taste. Take a glass of raspberries or half a glass of raspberry jam, mix in a blender with a glass of milk, add 3-4 tablespoons of mint syrup. Garnish with fresh berries and mint leaves.

Chocolate milkshake with mint syrup

To prepare it, you need to take an incomplete glass of milk, 50 ml of instant coffee, 2 tablespoons of mint syrup, 1 tablespoon of cocoa, 50 grams of butter or chocolate ice cream. Blend all ingredients well in a blender until foamy. Pour into clear glasses and garnish with fresh mint leaves.

This treat will not leave indifferent any chocolate lover. Prepare a glass of milk, 20 grams of milk chocolate, 100 grams of slightly melted ice cream, 30 grams of cookies (for example, unsalted crackers). Put the chocolate in the freezer for half an hour, then chop it into crumbs in a blender, adding cookies to it. Pour in the milk and put the ice cream, mix. You need to drink such a milkshake as soon as it is prepared.

Cold egg leg with raspberry jam

To make this refreshing cocktail, take milk (no more than 1 glass), half a cup of raspberry jam, 2 eggs and 100 grams of ice cream. All you need is the yolks. Beat them in a blender with jam until foamy, then add the ice cream and pour in the milk. Beat for a couple more minutes.

Milkshakes with cottage cheese

Cottage cheese smoothies are very satisfying, especially if you add oatmeal or other cereal flakes to them. In addition, cottage cheese contains much more protein, so such drinks are considered protein drinks. Nutritionists recommend using them for active sports and weight loss. Choose cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat if you watch calories.

Cottage cheese and apricot milkshake

Take 1 glass of milk, 4-5 ripe apricots, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 2 teaspoons of honey. Wash the apricots, remove the pits from them. In a blender, grind apricots with cottage cheese, adding honey (or sugar), pour a glass of milk, beat.

Cocktail with honey and bran

Bran is perfect for those who are on a diet - they are not high in calories at all and perfectly satisfy hunger. To prepare such a milkshake, you need to take a glass of milk, half a glass of cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of bran and a couple of teaspoons of honey. Combine all ingredients in a blender and beat until foam appears.

Mint cocktail with lemon and cottage cheese

2 cups of milk, one lemon, a small bunch of fresh mint leaves, 200 grams of cottage cheese, sugar or honey 2-3 teaspoons. Rinse the mint, grate the zest of the lemon. Put mint, lemon zest in a blender and bring to a puree consistency. Add cottage cheese, milk and beat.

hot cocktails

Many do not like hot milk since childhood, because it has always formed a nasty foam. However, in winter, hot milk will help keep you warm, and the taste of such drinks is simply delicious. The main thing is to beat it quickly so that it does not cool too much before serving.

Egg foot

It is customary to boil the traditional Egg Nog until it thickens and add rum to it. The simplified recipe for this drink will allow you to make a similar hot cocktail without ruining its wonderful taste. Take a glass of milk, 1 egg, some cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla, 1 tablespoon of sugar. Separate the yolk from the protein and rub the yolk with sugar. Add a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg to the milk and wait for it to boil. Pour hot milk into a blender, add the yolk with sugar and beat for 5 minutes. Serve sprinkled with ground nutmeg.


You will need 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of honey and the same amount of lemon juice, 2 cups of full fat milk. Separate the yolk from the protein and grind until white, bring the milk to a boil. Pour milk into a blender, add honey, yolk and lemon juice to it. We beat.

Cold ginger cocktail

It is not difficult to make it, you need to take a glass of fresh milk, ginger to taste, a couple of tablespoons of honey. Blend honey and ginger in a blender. Heat the milk, gently add honey and ginger to it, stir. Such hot milk will not only warm, but also help with the initial signs of a cold.

Serve ready-made milkshakes in tall glass goblets with a straw. Decorate the prepared milkshake with culinary toppings, crumbs of grated cookies or chocolate, fresh fruits and berries, mint leaves. Such simple desserts can easily be prepared by anyone who has a blender and a couple of free minutes.

If you want to keep your body in great shape, then a light weight loss breakfast is the best way to start the day.

Nutritionists recommend that everyone who wants to get rid of extra pounds adhere to an optimal diet, which must include a healthy breakfast for weight loss. To do this, it is not at all necessary to stand at the stove for hours or be content with purchased muesli, the right breakfast for weight loss is tasty and quick meals that contain a moderate amount of calories.

So, what should be breakfast for weight loss:

  1. Hearty, but not "heavy" for the digestive system.
  2. Fast to prepare.
  3. Contain enough vitamins.
  4. Made from natural products.
  5. Delicious (this is a very important point, since few people can last a long time on a not tasty, but very healthy breakfast for weight loss).

Breakfast for weight loss. Cocktail with bran and prunes


  • a large glass of kefir 1% fat (about 300 ml.);
  • 2 tablespoons of crumbly bran;
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour;
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder;
  • 5-7 pieces of prunes (preferably fleshy, not dry);
  • about 50 ml. boiling water (to steam prunes).


  1. We boil a little water and pour the prunes in a small container, let it steam for about 5 minutes. For this cocktail, try to find prunes so fleshy that even without steaming it is quite soft. Believe me, it really affects the taste!
  2. Pour kefir into a glass and add 2 tablespoons of bran to it. Bran can be rye, wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat - it doesn't matter.
  3. Add a tablespoon of flaxseed flour.
  4. Sprinkle in a teaspoon of cocoa powder. It is real cocoa powder (such as "Golden Label"), and not an instant drink with sugar and other additives!
  5. Stir until all ingredients are combined so that there are no lumps.
  6. Now we grind the swollen prunes together with some water with a blender into a puree. You can, of course, finely chop, but the consistency of the puree is more tender, more pleasant.
  7. Add prunes to the kefir mixture, mix.
  8. Put the cocktail for 5 minutes in the refrigerator.

Now the drink is still a little watery, and in a few minutes the bran will swell, the cocktail will become so pleasantly thick, saturated.

And now it's time to eat. Slowly, spoonfully, with pleasure. How nice it is to eat yummy and at the same time the right, healthy food, and even more pleasant to feel light and full of energy from this.

If desired, you can also add dried apricots.

The result will be on the face!

In the first days, out of habit, there may be interesting sensations in the stomach, but then it will pass. Your digestive tract will work like clockwork. And you will lose weight!

Any bran will do, I like oatmeal. Cocoa is needed bitter, natural, without sugar. Prunes are necessarily a soft specimen, although we will soak them.

Rinse the prunes well, pour over with boiling water, drain it. Steam 50 ml of boiling water and let stand for a while.

I prepared a cocktail in a 500 ml jar, it is convenient to close it with a lid and shake the contents well, a shaker is also suitable.
Mix dry ingredients: bran, flaxseed flour, cocoa.

Gradually add kefir, mixing well with a spoon so that there are no lumps.

Punch the swollen prunes together with some water with a blender into the gruel.

Add prunes to kefir mass. Close the jar with a lid and shake the contents thoroughly. Place in refrigerator for 15 minutes or more. The bran will swell, the mass will thicken. You can make such a cocktail for breakfast in the evening.

Pour into a glass, if desired, you can sweeten a little if the sweetness of the prunes is not enough. Drink slowly, enjoying a tasty, and most importantly healthy drink. And it’s even better to eat slowly with a teaspoon, so you will definitely get enough :))
Have a nice... And be healthy!!!