Raspberry tincture. Raspberry tincture as a real health elixir

18.08.2019 Snacks

Everyone knows that raspberries are not only tasty, but also a healthy berry. But, not everyone knows how to use this berry correctly so that it brings clear benefits to the body and helps get rid of most diseases and problems. Therefore, after reading this article, you will learn how to prepare raspberry tincture with vodka and how it can be used in treatment.

The benefits of raspberry tincture

So, let's take a look at how a homemade raspberry tincture can be useful. Of course, it will not be possible to call raspberry infusion just a medicine, it is also a very tasty drink. This product is very pleasant to use as a dessert drink. Most who have consumed raspberry tincture both for medicinal purposes and as a drink, note that this product is incredibly pleasant to drink and consume inside.

Of course, the raspberry tincture can be somewhat sugary, but this is in case you overdo it with the sugar that you add to the tincture. Therefore, it is very important to follow the specific recipe described below. But, more on that later. Let's take a look at the beneficial properties of raspberry tincture:

  • Influenza, acute respiratory viral diseases (ARVI) -
  • Colds, especially seasonal colds
  • Malaise-
  • Laryngitis-
  • Recovering from a relapse
  • Angina-
  • Inflammatory and infectious process in the throat
  • Laryngeal pathology
  • Pathological increase in pressure
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Stomatitis-
  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity
  • Sedative effect, raspberry tincture soothes well and improves the functioning of the central nervous system
  • Immunostimulating effect with a decrease in the protective functions of the body.
  • But, remember that raspberry tincture should not be the only drug that must be used during the treatment of diseases. Be sure to consult a doctor at the first signs of illness and ask whether it is possible to combine the treatment with raspberry tincture and those medications that you have been prescribed.

    Video: Raspberry Liqueur Recipe

    Raspberry tincture must be combined with the basic medication that your doctor has prescribed for you.

    Cooking raspberry tincture

    Above, we mentioned that you should not take raspberry tincture as the main drug. These are just things that can be supplemented with the main treatment prescribed by doctors.

    For the base of this drink, you can use vodka (high-quality, without additives and any impurities) or diluted medical alcohol. Remember that absolutely all foreign impurities and additives can completely spoil the taste of the tincture, therefore, you need to take a pure product as a basis.

    If you decide to use moonshine as a base, then, before preparing a tincture on it, it must be very thoroughly cleaned. That is, make a second distillate in a moonshine still. It is advisable to use those technical installations in which there is a sump and a reflux condenser.

    Video: RASPBERRY Tincture!

    When buying vodka for a raspberry tincture base, it's best to buy a proven product. Especially this rule must be observed if in the future you will use raspberry tincture as a medicine.

    Raspberry tincture recipe

    Let's start with a classic raspberry tincture recipe. To prepare it you will need:

    Video: Dandelion tincture properties of use on alcohol and vodka

    • Raspberry berries - 3 kg (it is very important that the raspberries are ripe, ripe, but not dented - sort out the berries, remove those that have already rotted or damaged by insects) -
    • Vodka without additives (good quality) - 1 liter -
    • If there is no vodka, then dilute high-quality medical alcohol 40% to 1 liter
    • Plain beet white sugar - 250 grams
    • One glass of pre-boiled water (usually 250 ml in a glass).

    Cooking raspberry tincture requires adherence to a certain technology. Specifically, first you need to:

    • Wash the raspberries, sort them out-
    • Take a 3-liter glass bottle and pour all the raspberries there-
    • Grind all the berries in a bottle with a mortar or fork - whichever is more convenient for you-
    • Raspberries are filled with the whole volume of vodka-
    • Place raspberries in a warm place for 5 days, and the berries need to be stirred daily
    • After 5 days, you need to add sweet syrup to the infusion, which you prepare from 250 ml of water and sugar. This is done very simply, put a container of water on the stove, add sugar there and wait for the syrup to boil. The sugar syrup should now cool down and can be added to the raspberry tincture.
    • After you mix the sugar syrup and raspberries with vodka, leave this drink to infuse for another 15 days.

    When these 2 weeks pass, you need to take the tincture and strain it through a layer of gauze or through a sieve so that the raspberry grains and the pulp of the berry are gone and a pure drink remains. Now you can pour the raspberry tincture into convenient containers and use it as a medicinal drink or a pleasant dessert product.

    In some tincture recipes, you can find components such as cinnamon, honey, raspberry leaves, orange peel. But, remember that if you are preparing raspberry tincture for the first time, it is still better not to experiment.

    Also, do not increase the number of raspberries, as the tincture can be very cloying and tasteless from this.

    Raspberry jam tincture

    If it is not possible to use fresh raspberries, then you can take fresh frozen berries or even raspberry jam. Stir raspberry jam with alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio and leave for a week. And that's all - a drink or a medicine (at your discretion) ready to use. If the drink turns out to be too cloying and sweet, then you can always add a small amount of boiled water and dilute it.

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    one of the rarest in a home bar. See how many interesting and simple recipes exist for making raspberry tincture. Success in the preparation of raspberry liqueur is the adherence to the recommendations in the recipe, and also the high quality of the berries. Raspberry tincture not only a delicious alcoholic drink, but also a remedy for colds. Find out what delicious raspberry tincture can be.

    Tinctures have been made since ancient times. In many countries, especially the court nobility, liked this method of preparing alcoholic beverages. Initially, tinctures were made on alcohol with the addition of herbs, which was supposed to help with various ailments and diseases. Over time, the preparation of tinctures has become more thorough, although it should be noted that it is probably hardly possible to create the same tincture a second time. Nowadays, tinctures are made from almost any fruit, berries and herbs in various combinations. One of the most delicious tinctures is raspberry tincture or robin.

    Robin very popular, so there are really many recipes. Below are the recipes for raspberry tincture from different countries and peoples.

    Raspberry tincture with alcohol

    In order to prepare this raspberry tincture, first of all we need: 0.5 l of alcohol, about 1.2 kg of raspberries and 4 liters of sugar syrup (proportions of 1.5 kg of sugar per 2 liters of water) ... First, pour the sugar syrup over the raspberries. Then add alcohol. Close everything carefully and set aside for 10 days in a warm place, but avoid direct sunlight. After 10 days, pour the resulting tincture into bottles and store in a dark place. This fairly simple recipe for making raspberry tincture with alcohol has no right to fail!

    Lithuanian robin

    It will take about 6 months to prepare this robin, but for the sake of its excellent, unique taste, it really is worth the wait.

    We will need: 1.2 kg of raspberries, vodka or alcohol diluted to 40%

    Raspberries should be poured with alcohol so that all the berries are covered with vodka. We leave them in a dark place for a day. Then you need to pour, only the liquid, into another dish and discard the raspberries (without squeezing). We fall asleep again, fresh raspberries in a jar, and fill with alcohol, which turned out after the first time. We leave for another day. After that, we filter and pour into prepared bottles. We close them tightly and set them aside in a cool dark place for 6 months so that the cooked robin “ripens”.

    German raspberry tincture

    How to prepare a raspberry tincture that will have a unique aroma and taste? It is enough to follow the recommendations below. The German robin is truly something else among raspberry tincture recipes.

    Would need: 2.4 kg raspberries, 5 gr. cloves, about 5 gr. plum (crushed) seeds and 4 liters of alcohol (diluted to 70%)

    Juice should be squeezed out of raspberries, cloves and crushed plum seeds should be poured into it. Pour all this with alcohol. Close the bottle tightly and expose to the sun or a warm place for a month. Then filter and bottle. Set aside for 6 months in a cool place.

    Forest raspberry tincture

    The preparation of this tincture is quite simple, however, it is more difficult to collect the berries for this robin. The forest tincture will require raspberries harvested from the forest, but finding and picking berries really pays off! Forest raspberries are more aromatic than garden raspberries. You need approximately 60 gr. wild berries and 0.5 l of alcohol (diluted to 60% ), and a week later sugar .

    Pour the raspberries with alcohol so that all the berries are covered. Put on a window, on the sunny side, for a week, so that the color does not fade. Then we pour the resulting liquid into a separate bowl, and fill the raspberries with sugar (the amount depends on how sweet the tincture should be). When the sugar dissolves and juice is formed, separate it from the berries (squeezing well) and combine it with the resulting liquid. If the tincture is cloudy, you can filter it through paper. Pour into bottles and you're done!

    French raspberry liqueur

    This type of robin also takes a long time to ripen, but it will pay off in full. French tincture - this is something special.

    Ingredients: 3kg raspberries, 0.5kg powdered sugar. After 2 days, sugar and 4 liters of vodka, or diluted up to 40% alcohol.

    Grind raspberries with powdered sugar and, thus, leave the resulting mass in a cool place for 2 days. Then we transfer the mass to a bottle, add sugar (amount to your liking) and fill it with alcohol. Mix everything and strain through a thick sieve. Pour into the bottle again and let it brew for 4 days in a cool place. Finally, filter and bottle. Close tightly and leave for 6 months.

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    Raspberry tincture is not only tasty, but also healthy. This vibrant, sophisticated dessert drink can be easily prepared by yourself.

    It turns out a natural, moderately strong tincture, which is especially popular in cold winters.

    Raspberry tincture at home - the basic principles of preparation

    Fresh and even frozen berries are suitable for tincture. The latter must first be defrosted. The berries are carefully sorted out, removing all the debris, washed, and only after that they are used to prepare the tincture. Alcoholic beverages are used as a basis. It can be moonshine, brandy, alcohol, vodka or other alcohol. It is worth remembering that the taste of the drink will differ depending on the alcohol used.

    In some cases, the tincture is made from raspberry jam or jam.

    Prepare a drink only in glass or earthenware. The prepared berries are poured into the chosen dish, poured with alcohol and insisted for several days in a dark place. Then the drink is filtered, poured into glass bottles and stored in a cool room.

    To make the taste of the tincture even more interesting, citrus peels, vanillin or cinnamon are added to it.

    For sweetness, sugar or honey is added to the drink.

    Recipe 1. Raspberry tincture at home on vodka with leaves


    kg of raspberries;

    granulated sugar;

    10 g dried raspberry leaves;

    a liter of quality vodka.

    Cooking method

    1. Sort out the raspberries, removing twigs, leaves and other debris. Place the raspberries in a colander or strainer. Rinse gently under the tap and leave excess liquid to drain. Transfer the prepared berries to a deep bowl and mash with a potato crush.

    2. Wash the jar thoroughly, dry and transfer the raspberry mass to it. Pour in vodka, stir and leave in a dark place for a month and a half. You should not insist more, otherwise the bone will give unnecessary bitterness.

    3. Strain the drink gently. Add sugar to your taste. Stir and pour into 1/2 liter bottles. Seal tightly. It is advisable to withstand the tincture for a couple of months before use.

    Recipe 2. Tincture of raspberries at home on alcohol


    raspberries - one and a half kg;

    drinking water - 500 ml;

    alcohol 96% 600 ml + 400 ml of drinking water;

    granulated sugar - half a kilogram.

    Cooking method

    1. Sort out the raspberries. Discard spoiled fruits, twigs and leaves. Transfer the raspberries to a colander and rinse under the tap. Leave the water to glass.

    2. Transfer the berries to a glass or enamel bowl and mash until they become mushy.

    3. Dilute alcohol with 400 ml of drinking water. Stir. Pour the alcohol solution over the raspberries, stir and leave in the sun for a week. Stir occasionally.

    4. Filter the finished tincture through a layer of gauze and cotton wool. Squeeze the cake. Make a syrup from granulated sugar and drinking water. Pour it into the tincture and stir. Pour the drink into a three-liter bottle, close the nylon cap and stand for another three weeks. If a precipitate appears, filter the tincture again.

    Recipe 3. Raspberry tincture at home on gin


    kg of fresh raspberries;

    zest of two limes;

    one and a half liters of gin.

    Cooking method

    1. Gently sort the raspberries and put them in a colander. The berries must remain intact.

    2. Wash the jar, dry and put the raspberries in it, filling the glass container to three-quarters of the volume. Remove the zest from the limes using the finest grater. Add it to the jar. Pour the contents under the neck with gin. Close and place in a dark place.

    3. After a couple of days, add gin if necessary. Shake the bottle daily. Insist for three weeks.

    4. Then drain the tincture. Do not squeeze the berries. Pour the drink into 1/2 liter bottles and store in a cool place.

    Recipe 4. Raspberry tincture at home on cognac


    fresh raspberries - 400 g;

    cognac - half a liter.

    Cooking method

    1. Thoroughly wash and dry a liter jar. Sort the raspberries, separate from the tails and remove all debris.

    2. Put the prepared fruits in a jar. Fill them with cognac, close the lid and put in a warm place.

    3. Infuse the drink for two months. Then drain the tincture, strain through a special filter. Pour into a 0.7 liter bottle. Store the drink in a cool place.

    Recipe 5. Raspberry tincture at home on rum


    kg of fresh raspberries;

    30 g granulated sugar;

    half a liter of light rum;

    250 ml of purified water.

    Cooking method

    1. Sorted out all the excess and washed raspberries, put in an enamel bowl, fill with drinking water. Add squeezed lemon juice and granulated sugar to the mixture.

    2. Put on low heat and simmer, stirring continuously, for a quarter of an hour. The berries should be well steamed and juiced. Then remove the cookware from the heat and cool completely.

    3. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth, squeeze well, filter again and put on fire again. Boil. Pour rum directly into the hot mixture, mix well, cover and cover with a warm cloth. Let sit for a month, then filter and bottle.

    Option 6. Homemade raspberry tincture from jam


    raspberry jam - 500 g;

    moonshine - half a liter.

    Cooking method

    1. Transfer the jam to a clean, dry liter jar. Pour in moonshine and mix. We close the capron lid. We put glass containers in heat for five days. Shake the contents daily.

    2. Filter the finished tincture through a layer of gauze and cotton wool. We bottle it and store it in a cool room.

    Recipe 7. Homemade raspberry tincture with spices


    600 g raspberries;

    10 g sugar;

    500 ml of brandy;

    vanilla extract;

    2 cm cinnamon sticks;

    three carnation buds.

    Cooking method

    1. Sort fresh raspberries, remove all unnecessary. Place in a colander and rinse. Do everything carefully to keep the berries intact.

    2. Take a clean jar. Place the raspberries and spices in it. Fill everything with alcohol, close the lid and put the container in a warm place.

    3. After three weeks, open the jar, pour the contents into another clean dish through cheesecloth. Squeeze out the rest of the berries. Add granulated sugar to your taste and mix. Bottle and stand for at least another month.

    Recipe 8. Homemade raspberry tincture with chili and ginger


    half a kilo of fresh raspberries;

    half a chilli pod;

    700 ml of 70% alcohol;

    20 g fresh ginger;

    550 ml of drinking water;

    70 g fructose.

    Cooking method

    1. Raspberries can be used fresh or frozen. Sort fresh berries, rinse. Defrost the frozen ones completely.

    2. Put the fruits in a clean glass container and cover with alcohol. Insist ten days in a dark place. Peel the ginger, wash and grate finely. Wash the pepper, cut slightly. Add the pepper and ginger to the infusion jar.

    3. Leave it on for three days. Then try, if the drink is spicy, you can drain it. If you want the tincture to be even sharper, let it stand for 24 hours. Then drain the drink, filter, dilute with water and add granulated sugar to taste. Pour the tincture into bottles. Soak it for at least a couple of weeks before using it.

    Recipe 9. Raspberry tincture at home "Raspberry jacket"


    1 kg 200 g raspberries;

    three carnation buds;

    two liters of moonshine;

    3 g of apricot or cherry kernels.

    Cooking method

    1. Put cloves and apricot kernels in a mortar and crush with a pestle. Transfer the spices to a clean glass container.

    2. Sort out the raspberries well. Remove twigs, rotten fruits and leaves. Put the fruits in a colander and rinse under running water. Place the berries in a jar. Fill the remaining volume with alcohol. Heat for three weeks. Shake the jar daily.

    3. After the allotted time, carefully drain the tincture. Strain through a sieve, special filter or cheesecloth. Try it. If the drink is too strong, pour in half a liter of water and stir. Add granulated sugar to your taste. Pour the drink into bottles, cork tightly and let stand for another month.

    • Prepare the tincture only in glass or earthenware.
    • Add sugar or honey to an almost finished tincture to your taste.
    • Soak the drink for at least a couple of weeks before drinking.
    • Do not throw away the berries, they can be used to make syrup that can be used to soak cakes.
    • If the drink is too strong, you can dilute it with water to the desired degree.

    H vodka-based raspberry astoika is one of the most popular and delicious berry drinks. It is very easy to cook it, moreover, there is not one, but several different recipes. We have prepared some interesting recipes and will be happy to share with our readers!

    Of course, the tincture is best done with vodka or alcohol. But no less interesting will be a drink prepared with cognac, and an excellent liqueur will come out of raspberry jam!

    On vodka

    The classic recipe for a fragrant drink is a raspberry tincture prepared with vodka. To cook it. This recipe requires a minimum of ingredients.


    • raspberries (to fill a liter jar);
    • 0.5 liters of good quality vodka;
    • a glass of granulated sugar;
    • 100 ml of boiled / filtered water.


    1. Berries need to be carefully examined, to choose quarrels and pests. Rinse with water in a colander so as not to damage. Set aside for a few minutes so that the water is glassy.
    2. The berries are placed in a liter jar, very carefully, again - so as not to damage.
    3. Pour vodka over the raspberries so that they cover the berries. Close the jar with a tight lid.
    4. For a couple of months, remove the alcoholic berries in the refrigerator.
    5. After the expiration of the term, you need to get the jar, drain the vodka into another container and put it in the refrigerator.
    6. The remaining berries need to be covered with granulated sugar, covered with a lid and shaken well. A jar of berries is also placed in the refrigerator, again - for several months. Periodically, you need to take it out and shake it.
    7. When the infusion time is over, we take out a jar of berries that have already started up the juice. Bring the mixture to room temperature.
    8. Boil 100 ml of water, and then pour the berries with sugar with it. The resulting liquid must be filtered through several layers of gauze.
    9. Berry syrup is mixed with vodka, which has been in our refrigerator for a long time.
    10. That's all! The drink is ready! It remains only to place it in the refrigerator until the moment of use.

    On cognac

    The taste of cognac goes well with raspberries; it is recommended to make such a tincture without the use of sugar in order to preserve the natural aroma. We offer you such a simple recipe!


    • 750 grams of raspberries;
    • 1 liter of good real cognac.


    1. Raspberries, as usual, are peeled and washed, then poured into a jar.
    2. The berries are poured with brandy so that it protrudes above the raspberry layer.
    3. The bank is closed and removed for two months in a warm place.
    4. The tincture is filtered and bottled for storage.

    With raspberry jam


    • raspberry jam - 500 g;
    • 0.5 l of quality vodka.


    1. Prepared jam is poured with vodka and closed tightly with a lid.
    2. The jar is placed for three to four days in a warm place, it must be shaken every day.
    3. When three days have passed, strain the resulting syrup and dilute to a strength of 20 vol. clean water.



    • 2 cups raspberries
    • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
    • 2 teaspoons of citric acid;
    • 40 cherry leaves;
    • 0.5 liters of good vodka.


    1. Cherry leaves and raspberries are poured with one liter of clean water and boiled for five minutes.
    2. The tincture is cooled and filtered, after which citric acid, granulated sugar are added there, and boiled again.
    3. After the mixture has cooled down, vodka is poured into it. The liquor is bottled and left to infuse for a month.


    Of course, all these tinctures can be drunk during feasts, to keep warm in cool autumn and cold winter. For entertainment purposes, these drinks are used most often, but this does not mean that they are devoid of useful properties. For example, these funds do an excellent job with sore throats, coughs, warm up and increase immunity.


    Raspberries contain a large supply of nutrients. This is just a storehouse of vitamins and elements! It contains fiber, vitamins of groups A, B, C, iron, essential oils, copper, magnesium, cobalt, zinc, tannins, pectin and nitrogenous substances. Raspberry has a wonderful effect on capillaries, has preventive properties in the occurrence of sclerosis. Salicylic acid lowers body temperature, which is why this berry is so popular for the treatment of colds. It also helps with diseases of the gastric system, kidney problems and anemia.

    Of course, alcoholic tinctures are less useful than ordinary raspberry jam, but for the treatment of colds, they will become simply irreplaceable.


    Due to the fact that all of the above tinctures basically contain alcohol, it is not recommended to use them when planning and during pregnancy, during feeding. It is not advisable to give such drinks to children in large quantities. And it's better for adults not to abuse them, they are sweet and pleasant to the taste - they can surprise you with their alcoholic effect.

    Video "Raspberry Liqueur Recipe"

    Another recipe that produces a fragrant and tasty raspberry tincture with vodka.

    Raspberry tincture, prepared at home, is considered a great refined drink. This dessert drink can be easily made at home. To prepare an alcoholic drink, you need to stock up on the simplest and most affordable products. Most of them are sold in the nearest store or are made by yourself.


    There is an opinion among experts that the use of fresh berries is considered the best option. For these purposes, there is no need to breed exquisite and elite varieties of raspberries in your summer cottage. Any berries can be used, even those found in the forest. An alternative option is the use of fresh frozen products. This is true during cold weather, when raspberries do not bear fruit, and fresh berries can be bought only at a fabulous price. Before use, the fruits are pre-thawed.

    The preparation of the drink begins with sorting out the berries. Petioles must be removed from them. Do not allow spoiled berries to get into the composition. Otherwise, the drink may taste bad. You should choose good varieties of vodka or brandy as a basis. If you do not have such products at hand, then you can dilute alcohol. Its strength should not exceed 45 ° C. As a last resort, high-purity moonshine is suitable. The resulting beverage should have a pleasant sweet taste and moderate strength.


    In order to prepare the tincture, you will need:

    • water 250 ml;
    • vodka (replaced by moonshine or diluted alcohol) no more than 1 liter;
    • sugar - 250 g;
    • raspberries - 3.5 kg.

    The berries are sorted out in the most careful way. After that, they are washed again, allowed to dry and poured into a jar. This mixture is poured with vodka. Then she is placed in a warm place for 3 days. Meanwhile, sugar is added to the water. In this way, we get a ready-made syrup, which is given room temperature. Vodka and syrup are mixed in a single bowl. The finished product must be stored in glass bottles sealed with a tight-fitting lid. The container is placed in a cool place where the rays of light do not penetrate. Here the product is infused for another 20 days. Then the tincture is filtered, the pure product is separated from the remnants of the berries. Store the tincture in the refrigerator or basement. There is no need to worry about safety, since the shelf life is unlimited.

    It is important to know!

    The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most dire consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE WINNED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


    No sugar is used in the preparation of this product. Thus, it is possible to preserve the pure taste of cognac and berries.

    To prepare the tincture are taken:

    • raspberries - 750 g;
    • cognac (preferably a good brand) - 1 liter.

    Raspberries must first be sorted out: remove the petioles and spoiled fruits. Next, the berries are thoroughly washed and dried. In the container where the raspberries are placed, it is necessary to pour cognac. It is recommended to add it until the drink covers the berries by 3 cm. The dishes must be tightly corked. As in the previous version, it is placed in a warm place. There the mixture is infused for at least 45 days. The ideal term is 2 months. The resulting tincture must be filtered from the sediment, and the berries are removed with ordinary gauze. Cotton wool is used to remove small parts of raspberries. The resulting product is bottled and stored in any convenient place.


    Even a product that has deteriorated due to prolonged downtime on the shelves is ideal for obtaining a drink. In other words, raspberry jam that has stood for a long time without consumption can be turned into a wonderful alcoholic drink. It is worth noting that if there is mold on the treat, then you do not need to use it. Otherwise, you can get real home brew.

    To prepare a drink you will need:

    • water - up to 150 ml;
    • moonshine or vodka - 300 ml;
    • homemade raspberry jam - 300 g.

    Preparation of an alcoholic beverage

    The jam must be removed from the container and placed in a clean container. Add vodka to this product and mix thoroughly. Then the vessel is tightly closed and placed in a cold room, where it will have to stand for at least 3 days.

    You must constantly monitor the process

    Jam and vodka may begin to crystallize. In this case, the product must be shaken. After settling, it is necessary to strain the resulting mixture. For this, not only gauze is used, but also cotton wool. If necessary, you can add water to the resulting drink, thereby lowering the alcohol content.

    These are the most famous and simple recipes that will be useful to everyone who decides to make a delicious alcoholic drink with their own hands. Drink to your health!

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