Pig aspic from a bottle. Jellied meat in a bottle - delicious and original in the form of a pig

In our family Bell pepper love, therefore we plant it every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season, I cultivate them constantly. And every year I try to try something new. Pepper is a thermophilic plant and quite whimsical. About varietal and hybrid varieties of tasty and fruitful sweet pepper, which grows well with me, and there will be a speech Further. I live in middle lane Russia.

Meat salad pork with mushrooms - a rural dish that can often be found on festive table in the village. This recipe with champignons, but if there is an opportunity to use Forest mushrooms, then be sure to cook like this, it will be even tastier. You don't need to spend a lot of time preparing this salad - put the meat in a saucepan for 5 minutes and another 5 minutes for slicing. Everything else happens almost without the participation of the cook - meat and mushrooms are boiled, cooled, pickled.

Cucumbers grow well not only in a greenhouse or greenhouse, but also in open ground... Cucumbers are usually sown from mid-April to mid-May. Harvesting in this case is possible from mid-July to late summer. Cucumbers do not tolerate frost. This is why we don't sow them too early. However, there is a way to bring their harvest closer and taste juicy handsome men from your garden in early summer or even in May. It is only necessary to take into account some of the features of this plant.

Polisias is a great alternative to the classic variegated shrubs and woody ones. The elegant, round or feathery leaves of this plant create a strikingly festive curly crown, and the elegant silhouettes and rather modest character make it an excellent candidate for the largest plant in the house. Larger leaves do not prevent him from successfully replacing the ficuses of Benjamin and Co. Moreover, the policeman offers much more variety.

Pumpkin casserole with cinnamon - juicy and incredibly tasty, a little like pumpkin pie, but, unlike pie, it is more tender and just melts in your mouth! it perfect recipe sweet pastries for a family with children. As a rule, babies do not really like pumpkin, but they never mind eating sweets. Sweet casserole pumpkin - delicious and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is prepared very simply and quickly. Try it! You'll like it!

A hedge is not only one of essential elements landscape design. It also performs various protective functions. If, for example, the garden borders on a carriageway, or there is a highway nearby, then a hedge is simply necessary. "Green walls" will protect the garden from dust, noise, wind and create a special comfort and microclimate. In this article, we will consider the optimal plants for creating a hedge that can reliably protect the site from dust.

Many cultures in the first weeks of development need a pick (and not even one), while others - a transplant is "contraindicated." To "please" both, you can use not quite standard containers for seedlings. Another good reason to try them is cost savings. In this article, we'll show you how to do without the usual boxes, pots, cassettes and tablets. And let's pay attention to not traditional, but very effective and interesting containers for seedlings.

Useful vegetable soup from red cabbage with celery, red onion and beets - recipe vegetarian soup which can also be cooked in fast days... For those who decide to drop a few extra pounds, I advise you not to add potatoes, and slightly reduce the amount olive oil(1 tablespoon is enough). The soup turns out to be very fragrant and thick, and during fasting you can serve a portion of soup with lean bread- then it will turn out satisfying and healthy.

Surely everyone has already heard about the popular term "hygge", which came to us from Denmark. This word is not translated into other languages ​​of the world in any way. Because it means a lot of everything at once: comfort, happiness, harmony, spiritual atmosphere ... In this northern country By the way, most of the time of the year is cloudy weather and little sun. The summer is also short. At the same time, the level of happiness is one of the highest (the country regularly ranks first in the UN global ranking).

Meat balls in sauce with mashed potatoes- a simple second dish based on Italian cuisine. The more common name for this dish is meatballs or meatballs, however, Italians (and not only them) call such small round cutlets meat balls... The cutlets are first fried until golden crust, and then stew in a thick vegetable sauce- it turns out very tasty, just delicious! Any mince is suitable for this recipe - chicken, beef, pork.

Chrysanthemum is called the queen of autumn, because it is at this time that its bright inflorescences adorn the garden. But chrysanthemums can be grown throughout the season - from February to December, and in heated greenhouses - during the winter months. If you organize the process correctly, you can sell planting material and chrysanthemum flowers all year round. This article will help you understand how much effort it will take to grow chrysanthemums in large quantities.

Homemade muffins are a simple recipe with figs, cranberries and prunes that will obey even a novice pastry chef who is inexperienced in pastry. Delicious cupcake on kefir with cognac and dried fruits will decorate any home holiday, moreover, such pastries can be prepared in less than an hour. However, there is one important point- Dried fruits must be soaked in cognac for at least 6 hours. I advise you to do this on the eve of cooking - they will soak well overnight.

O taste and the benefits of fruits walnut, I think everyone knows. Surely, many, taking out tasty kernels from the shell, wondered: "Shouldn't I grow it on the site, and from the nuts themselves, because in fact these are the same seeds as in other plants?" There are many horticultural myths and legends around the cultivation of walnuts. Half of them turn out to be untrue. We will talk about the features of growing walnuts from a nut in this article.

To cook something so unusual holiday dish - jellied pig, the following set of products is required:

Pork knuckle - 1 pc.

Pork leg - 1 pc.

Beef pulp - 200-250 gr.

Onions - 4-5 pcs.

Garlic - 3-4 cloves

Allspice peas

Jellied pig - recipe cooking:

Jellied meat is a favorite and delicious snack for a Russian person. Perhaps not a single one festive feast is not complete without a traditional Russian dish -. I offer my own recipe for jellied meat and its design for a festive feast.

Be patient, the cooking process, although not difficult, takes a lot of time.

So, let's begin.

Rinse the pork knuckle, leg and meat thoroughly cold water, remove the remaining bristles and place in a saucepan, fill with cold water so that the water completely covers the contents of the pan and even more. Put on the fire, wait until the water boils, add salt, remove the foam formed during the boiling process with a slotted spoon.

The cooking process is very long and will take about 4-5 hours.

After boiling, reduce the heat to low and cook until the shank and legs are completely boiled.

After 2-3 hours of cooking, put a few bay leaves and peas allspice in the broth and 1-2 small onions along with the husks to give the broth a beautiful golden color.

After the knuckle and leg are completely cooked, remove from the pan and allow to cool.

Remove the onion, seasonings from the broth and strain through a sieve. Allow the broth to cool to room temperature.

Cut the shank and leg, separate from the seeds and chop finely.

The meat is also finely chopped or divided into fibers.

Peel the onions, rinse and chop finely.

Peel the garlic and press through a press.

Combine onion and garlic with meat and mix thoroughly.

V meat broth add black pepper to taste.

A little more patience.

We take clean plastic bottle a volume of 1.5 - 2 liters and put in it meat mass with onions and garlic.

After all the meat is in the bottle, pour the strained broth through the funnel up to the neck.

To evenly distribute the meat in the bottle, after filling, close the lid and shake well from side to side.

Place the bottle with the future jellied meat in the refrigerator in a horizontal position until it solidifies completely.

Remove the frozen jellied meat from the refrigerator and carefully cut the bottle on both sides in height with a sharp knife, get the jellied meat. Place on a platter with lettuce leaves. From a circle of boiled sausage, make a patch and cut out the ears and tail and secure with toothpicks. Make eyes and nostrils from the halves of an olive, fasten with toothpicks in the same way.

Served jellied pig with horseradish, mustard or ketchup.

Nice turned out "Piglet" is not it?

Aspic (or jelly) - delicious dish consisting of chilled broth with pieces of meat. It is not difficult to properly prepare this amazing dish. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step recipe exactly.

Useful properties and harm

Analyzing the benefits of jellied meat from poultry, you should refer to its components. Chicken fillet is rich in vital macro- and microelements (fluorine, rubidium, potassium and copper). In spite of heat treatment, the meat product does not lose beneficial features and preserves a whole set of vitamins of groups A, C, B.

The dish contains an aliphatic amino acid, which acts as a barrier against viruses, promotes the absorption of calcium. Fatty acid, which jellied meat is rich in, have a beneficial effect on nervous system... In addition, the jelly contains glycine. It reduces feelings of fatigue, irritability and increases brain activity.

Gelatin, which is used in the preparation of jellied meat, is extremely beneficial for joints. An important factor is the process of boiling the broth for the jellied meat. With prolonged boiling, the protein in the composition of the dish is destroyed.

Chicken aspic is a fairly low-calorie product. His energy value per 100 gr. is no more than 120 kcal.

With all positive properties jelly has contraindications. For example, it should not be eaten in large quantities by people with medical conditions. gastrointestinal tract... And also the loin of the bird is capable of provoking allergic reactions.

Choosing meat for jellied meat

Before you start cooking chicken jelly, you need to choose the right meat. The following guidelines will help you:

  • in most cases, elderly hens or cocks are taken for jellied meat;
  • for cooking, use the neck, legs, wings, backs or legs of the bird;
  • the most useful for jellied meat are chicken drumsticks;
  • the breast for the jelly will not work.

How to cook?

Prepare a chilled chicken dish different ways... One of popular recipes is a jelly in a bottle. The cooking process does not require special skills and knowledge. Preparing it at home will not be difficult. For classic recipe jelly roll with gelatin, we need:

  • poultry carcass -1.5 kg;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • gelatin - 50 g;
  • green pea, canned;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Thoroughly rinse the poultry carcass and cut into pieces. Put in a large saucepan, salt, pepper, add bay leaves. We put on the stove, fill with water, bring to a boil. Then we reduce the heat and cook for an hour. We take out the meat and let it cool, pour the broth into a separate container. Squeeze the cloves of garlic into it and add gelatin, sprinkle with spices, mix thoroughly until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Separate the meat from the bones and grind, add green peas to it. Pour out the broth, mix everything, take out the bottle from the plastic and cut off the "neck". We fill it with broth with meat, tamp it, the roll should be dense. We put the bottle in the refrigerator for 3 hours, after the specified time, take it out and cut it. Ready chicken roll put it on a dish, cut it into pieces like ham or sausage.

It is nutritious and hearty dish perfect for a festive table and will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious gourmets.

How to cook chicken aspic in a bottle, see the next video.

Have you ever cooked jellied meat in a bottle? The recipe is cool, I'll tell you now!
I think that jellied meat is very delicious snack... Still, after all, we can say that there is only meat in it. But personally, before serving this dish, I always had a question: how to arrange it so that it looks attractive and appetizing? Agree, it's not an easy task. How much time was spent by me in search of an answer ... Do not count! And, finally, a solution was found - to prepare aspic in a one and a half liter plastic bottle from under mineral water or make 2 servings in a condensed milk bottle.

Photo: Aspic in the form of a pig from pork knuckle and chicken

I do not argue, it sounds difficult, and perhaps even impossible for someone. Bottle, meat, broth ... How to put it all together? Hard? Not at all. You know that I am a lover of simple and quick recipes, so you can trust me here too. I will not let you down: it will turn out well, sooo tasty and spectacular!

I always say that the main thing is to know good basic recipe, and then it can be interpreted a little for the products available at home. Also here: the first time you can cook just like me, and the next times you can experiment. For example, take not a knuckle, but pork legs, or even make it entirely from chicken. Why not?


For cooking you will need:

  • 1.5 kg pork shank;
  • 1 chicken leg;
  • 2.5-3 liters of water;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 3 cloves of garlic (optional)
  • 1 bag of gelatin (15g);
  • spices: allspice, bay leaf, dried basil.

How to cook jellied meat in a bottle?

We will cook from a pork knuckle with a skin, so it must be washed well, pour boiling water over for 5 minutes. Scrape with a knife to remove stubborn dirt.

Just wash the legs, do not forget to cut off the tail. Instead of chicken legs, you can take half of a homemade chicken.

Put the shank in a five-liter saucepan, fill it with water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for 1.5 hours over low heat, so that it barely gurgles. Then the broth will be clear, not cloudy.

Be sure to remove the foam, the noise that floats on the surface.

Add chicken legs, continue cooking for another hour and a half.

Wash and peel the carrots. Add onion and garlic, carrots, celery, salt and all spices to the meat. Cook everything together for another hour.

In total, the jellied meat will be cooked for about 4 hours. This is enough for the meat to come off the bone and cook completely.

Disassemble the shank and legs: separate from the bones and separate the meat into fibers.

Pour 0.5 liters of broth from a saucepan. Add gelatin to it so that it swells.

Then pour this mixture into the whole broth and bring to a boil, strain and leave to cool. Do not pour hot liquid into plastic.

Finely chop the garlic and add to the meat. I never add garlic, I do not like its taste with jellied meat. I prefer mustard or horseradish. I also cook them myself, I can tell you the recipe, if you are interested, write in the comments.

Fill the washed plastic bottle with meat almost to the top through the neck. Pour in the broth with gelatin using a water funnel. Lay on its side and put away to cool in a cold place for 4-5 hours to set the jelly.

How to get it out?

The frozen jellied meat must be carefully removed from the bottle. I use sharp scissors or a knife for this. First I cut off the bottom.

Then I carefully make a cut lengthwise. I open the bottle and take it out carefully.

It is important that the jellied meat freezes well and does not pour out.

How to decorate?

The jelly is ready! It already looks unusual, but you can make it the nail of your festive table by decorating it in a special way. For example, you can make it look like a pig. I am preparing a menu for New Year, and the upcoming 2019 Year of the Pig, I think it will be right on the festive table.

From boiled egg and olives to make eyes, and from boiled sausage- patch, ears and tail. Although, who knows where your fantasy will take you! Perhaps you can come up with an even more memorable dish design option.

For a beautiful jellied color, I can sometimes add beets at the end of cooking. It's simple: pre-boiled beets need to be cut into pieces, put in a white cotton napkin or piece of gauze, tie and put to cook in a saucepan with meat for 10 minutes. After this time - get it. This point in cooking, of course, is optional, it remains at your discretion, but I strongly recommend that you try it - you will notice the difference right away.

And in conclusion, I will say: this method of cooking jellied meat is excellent. Such an appetizer stands out noticeably against the background of other dishes and invariably collects a bunch of compliments. Prepare it and you will not regret it!

You can decorate the festive table in the Year of the Pig in an original way - prepare jellied meat in the form of a pig.

Jellied meat is one of the main dishes on any festive table. Jellied meat is especially relevant for the New Year, because it freezes perfectly on the balcony at sub-zero temperatures, when there is no more room in the refrigerator. But today I propose to cook not regular jellied meat, and a cold appetizer in the form of a symbol of 2019 - a pig, or rather, a cute little pig. Jellied meat is prepared in the form of a pig in a plastic bottle - nothing complicated, you just need to properly cook the meat broth.

The recipe uses pork, but in order not to offend, according to Chinese beliefs, the symbol of the year, you can replace pork with chicken, using as much cartilage as possible for the broth.

New Year's jellied meat "Pig" is a real decoration of the festive table, which will raise the guests' mood and amaze culinary skills hostess. It will take a long time to prepare it, but final result worth it. Delicious, aromatic and hearty snack will not leave anyone indifferent at the table. Quite a lot is obtained from this amount of ingredients. ready meal, enough for everyone.

  • 1 (1-1.5 kg) chicken;
  • 2 kg of pork head;
  • 2 pcs. pork legs;
  • water;
  • 3-4 heads of onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 10-15 pcs. black pepper in a pot;
  • 10-15 pcs. allspice;
  • 4-5 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • salt;
  • chopped black pepper;
  • boiled sausage for decoration;
  • 2 carnation buds.

First you need to prepare all the products. Let's start by buying fresh meat ingredients. We wash all meat products very well. If necessary, use a knife to scrape off the dirty areas. Divide the chicken into portions. Pig's head we will divide into several parts. Legs can be left intact.

We select a comfortable a large pot... Move the meat and fill it with cold water. We leave for 3-4 hours. Every hour, drain the old water and pour in fresh water.

After soaking meat ingredients rinse well again. We put it in a saucepan. Pour cold water so that the meat is covered with liquid, we send it to the stove. We turn on the fire strong. We don't go far. As soon as the water in the saucepan starts to boil, make the heat on low so that the liquid gurgles slightly, and cook for 4-5 hours. As the foam forms, remove it with a slotted spoon.

After an hour of simmering and simmering, add bay leaf, black pepper and allspice. We continue to simmer. You can cover it with a lid. Make sure that the broth does not boil too much, otherwise it will lose its transparency.

After 2-2.5 hours of boiling, add well washed and unpeeled onions, washed carrots and continue cooking for another 2-3 hours. Fat forms on the surface of the broth, collect it with a spoon in a separate container. This is done in order to frozen jelly there was no fat layer. Trying to separate the meat from the bone: if this is easy to do, then the pan can be removed from the stove.

We transfer the meat to a separate bowl and cool it well.

Separate it from the bone and chop it finely. We mix so that festive jelly turned out to be homogeneous.

Cool the broth to 35-40 degrees and add chopped garlic. Season ground pepper and salt. Stir and taste. If necessary, you can adjust it at your discretion by adding spices and salt.

Strain the broth through cheesecloth folded in several layers.

We take a plastic bottle narrowed to the cork. Choose the size at your discretion. We cut it into 2 parts, approximately in the center. We discard the lower part, leaving only the upper part with the cork. We take a large cup and place the top of the bottle in it with the tightly twisted cork down. We move the meat into a plastic bottle. Fill with broth. We send it to the refrigerator until it hardens completely, preferably at night.

We carefully cut the bottle and remove the jellied meat on flat dish... To make the jellied meat even and beautiful, you can wipe the sides of the bottle with a towel dipped in boiling water, unscrew the lid and try to knock the jellied meat out of the bottle. You can also walk from the inside along the walls of the bottle with a knife.

Cut out a patch of boiled sausage, ears and fix it with skewers. We make the eyes from a carnation. Decorate with herbs.

New Year's jelly "Piglet" is ready. Serve cold. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 2: jellied meat in a bottle of chicken (step by step photos)

Chicken roll in a bottle - perfect cold appetizer for any side dish and just like independent dish... It turns out to be similar to saltison or chicken aspic, but cut into slices, like a regular milk sausage. This option of cooking chicken dishes is often served on the festive table, but on weekdays, cutting a roll will instantly "fly away" from the plates. The appetizer keeps its shape perfectly, is elastic due to the addition of gelatin. It can be replaced if boiled homemade chicken- such a bird contains gelling substances and the broth after cooking will solidify by itself in the cold.

To make it easier for you to create a roll, choose low, thin, clean bottles with a wide neck. The dish can be reduced in calories by removing from the broth. upper layer fat - such a roll can be tasted even by those who follow a diet. Do not purchase only chicken fillet- it is dry, not greasy. Chicken legs, thighs, drumsticks are best suited for the roll. Optionally, you can add to the roll canned corn, canned peas, chopped olives, olives, etc. - it will be more colorful in appearance.

  • Chicken legs 3 pcs
  • Gelatin 25 g
  • Salt 0.5 tsp
  • Bay leaf 3 pcs
  • Pepper 10 pcs
  • Water 1.5 l

Rinse purchased chicken parts in water.

Put them in a cauldron, add black peppercorns, bay leaves and salt. Pour in water and place the cauldron on the stove. Bring to a boil and remove the resulting foam. Cook for about 35-40 minutes until the meat is tender.

Turn off heat and leave to cool for 30 minutes.

Remove the chicken parts, remove the meat from the bones into a container, remove the bones.

Strain the broth from the spices through a strainer. At this point, you can remove the fat from it if needed. Pour gelatin into the strained broth, let it swell for 5-7 minutes and stir until completely dissolved.

Put chicken meat in a bottle.

Pour in the cooled broth with gelatin, close the lid, mix slightly. Place in an upright position in the cold, about 4-5 hours. There is a possibility - to leave overnight to solidify.

As soon as the roll hardens, cut off the neck of the bottle, cut it lengthwise and remove the roll onto a dish.

Cut into wide slices.

Serve with fresh herbs, sauces: mustard, beetroot horseradish etc.

Recipe 3: aspic Piglet in a plastic bottle

Aspic - familiar dish on the festive table during winter holidays... It is often not cooked. This is due to the very long process of boiling jellied meat, only the meat is cooked for at least 6 hours.

Kit meat products for jellied meat, each housewife chooses herself. Unlike jellied meat, the use of gelatin is not required for the preparation of jellied meat. Be sure to have those parts that give the jelly stickiness: pork shank, ears, tails, steering wheel. In a bird, these are legs and wings.

Someone likes pork jellied meat, someone - beef jelly, someone - chicken. All three types of meat can be used for cooking jellied meat. The ratio of pure meat and gelling ingredients should be 2: 1.

A fancy design in the form of a fried pig will help to make this tasty, but modest dish a decoration of the table. How to cook jellied meat in the Piglet bottle is described in detail in our article. Jellied meat preparation time - at least 15 hours.

  • 1 piece of beef shank;
  • 1-2 pieces of chicken leg;
  • 1-2 pieces of pork legs;
  • 500 grams of beef pulp;
  • 1 PC. onions;
  • 1 PC. carrots;
  • 100 grams of ham;
  • 1 package of gelatin;
  • salt, pepper, spices;
  • mayonnaise, herbs for decoration.

For cooking meat, you need to take a large saucepan, at least 5 liters. Before cooking meat, it must be soaked in cold water overnight.

We begin to cook the beef, the water should completely cover the meat. Cook the shank for 3 hours, adding onions, carrots, peppercorns to the broth. Then put the pork in the broth and cook for about 1 hour. Add the chicken two hours before the end of cooking. In total, the meat is cooked for 6-10 hours on low heat.

In order for the jellied meat to be transparent, the broth should not be allowed to boil strongly. Salt the jellied meat at the end of cooking. You can add a few bay leaves at this time, which must be removed from the broth after 5 minutes.

It is necessary to salt the jellied meat more strongly than the usual broth, otherwise it will become tasteless.

The finished meat must be removed from the broth and allowed to cool. Brew a bag of gelatin hot water, pour the finished solution into the broth and bring it to a boil, but do not boil. If taken enough gelling pieces of meat, you can do without gelatin.

Cut the meat into small pieces and put it in plastic bottles. Fill the meat with broth with gelatin. When the jellied meat has cooled, place the bottles in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

We take the frozen jellied meat out of the bottle, carefully cutting it. We put the jellied meat on a serving dish.

We make the ears and heels of the pig from pieces of ham, the eyes from black peppercorns. You can decorate the "piglet" with mayonnaise, herbs, green peas.

Jellied meat, frozen in the form of a multi-colored chicken egg or in the form of a cake, looks beautiful. But aspic in the form of a pig will attract attention and make your guests smile.

The recipe for jellied meat in the Piglet bottle is absolutely simple to prepare. The only difficulty will be the design. In this case, you will need to show imagination and think in advance how to decorate the dish.

Recipe 4: aspic in the form of a pig in a bottle

If you are bored with jellied meat, let's turn it into a piglet.

  • pork legs 2 pcs
  • onions 2 pcs
  • carrots 3 pcs
  • bay leaf 5 pcs
  • allspice peas to taste
  • boiled sausage for garnish 20 g
  • gelatin for garnish to taste
  • toothpicks 20 pcs
  • ground allspice to taste
  • salt to taste

Probably, every housewife and every family has their own traditions of making jellied meat, so you can use any recipes you are used to. After all, for us today, not the content will be important, but the form. For my jellied meat, I thoroughly washed and cleaned two pork legs. Peeled the carrots and onions. If you want the broth and the pulp to become “golden brown”, the onion can be boiled in the husk - as you know, it gives a natural reddish color. She put the legs in a saucepan, poured cold water, brought to a boil and drained the water. Then she again poured cold water, put the carrots and onions and began to cook until tender, that is, when the pulp is easily separated from the bones. An hour before the end of cooking, added allspice and bay leaf. I took the pulp from the bones and chopped it into small pieces.

Now we start turning the jellied meat into a pig. For this we need a plastic bottle. The shape of the future pig will depend on its shape, so choose it as responsibly as possible ... 😉 The thickness of the bottle will also be an important factor, since it will have to be cut later. Better if the plastic is thin.

We carefully cut off the bottom of our bottle. Close it tightly with a lid. And we fix it steadily. For this, you can lower it into some glass so that it stands upright. Fill the finely chopped pulp for jellied meat with broth. To make our piglet pinkish, you can add food coloring which will provide pink color or, for example, a drop of beet juice. Add ground allspice, mix well and put in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. We need the broth to acquire the consistency of a weak jelly - this will guarantee an even distribution of the pulp and broth over the future piglet;) Put the thickened mass through the cut bottom into our container and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. Also for decoration we need a thin layer of frozen jellied broth.

We carefully cut the bottle and take out the frozen blank for the future piglet from it. Put it on a dish, put the chopped jelly there.

We decorate the pig. To do this, you need boiled sausage. Cut out her ears, a patch and a tail and glue it with gelatin to the base. Until the gelatin hardens and grabs, fix everything with toothpicks. Take a brush and smear the ears, tail and patch with gelatin. When it hardens, they will shine beautifully without standing out against the background of glossy jellied meat. You can give free rein to your imagination and use not necessarily sausage for the pig. For example, I had a ready-made pate on hand - I sculpted all the pig's details from it.

Insert allspice eyes and decorate the patch with them.

We serve the pig with traditionally horseradish and mustard. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 5: how to make pork jelly in a bottle

Pork shank jellied in a milk bottle is a modern version of homemade pork brawn. Brawn, or thick jelly- the dish is incredibly tasty, but I'm afraid to buy the store version. Several bad experiences have discouraged me from industrial delicacies forever. Another thing is homemade cold (as it is called in the village): you choose the meat yourself, singe the skin on the pork, cut off all the excess, and examine the rest under a magnifying glass. Even the most fastidious eater will not be able to make any complaints about such a dish!

For jellied meat, choose small meaty and not very fatty shanks - a lot of meat and few bones, this is just what you need for a delicious brawn.

  • 1.2 kg pork shank;
  • head of garlic;
  • a bunch of parsley and dill;
  • 30 g gelatin;
  • salt, bay leaf, pepper;
  • liter plastic bottle.

In order not to cook jellied meat for a long time, we take two small shanks, usually they weigh about a kilogram. You can, of course, cook one large leg, but it takes a little longer to cook.

So, put the pork in a saucepan, fill it with cold water so that the meat completely drowns. Add 4 cloves of garlic, bay leaf, bunch of herbs, add salt. This amount needs about 4 teaspoons of coarse table salt, but you may have your own preference, so add salt to your liking.

Cook the knuckles over moderate heat for about 2 hours after boiling, cool in the broth.

When the meat cools down, we cut it off the bones along with the skin - the real cold is prepared this way - with skin, with fat and meat! Chop the pulp finely, carefully check it so that no pieces of bone are caught.

Add finely chopped herbs - parsley and dill to the chopped meat. You can also add some green celery, a few lovage leaves.

We rub two cloves of garlic on a fine grater, no more need to add so that the garlic does not interrupt all the other tastes. Thoroughly mix the meat with garlic and herbs.

Strain the broth in which the meat was cooked through a sieve. To make it transparent, you can strain the broth through cheesecloth folded in several layers.

We heat the broth to a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius, pour in the gelatin, stir until completely dissolved and filter through a sieve.

We take a milk bottle, carefully cut off the neck and the upper narrowed part. Fill the bottle tightly with meat, then pour the broth with gelatin.

We remove the bottle on the lower shelf of the refrigerator compartment, leave it for 10-15 hours so that the jellied meat is completely frozen. Then, when the mass hardens, carefully cut plastic packaging scissors or a utility knife.

Cut the finished pork shank jellied meat in a bottle into thick slices, serve with horseradish or mustard. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 6: New Year's jelly Piglet (step by step)

  • Pork and beef legs(hoof)
  • Pork knuckle
  • Pork
  • Beef
  • Onion
  • Carrot
  • Greens
  • Bay leaf
  • Peppercorns
  • Gelatin

For decoration

  • Two mugs of boiled sausage
  • Olives
  • Four carnations

Fill the meat with water for a couple of hours so that the blood comes out and the broth is more transparent.

Here's what happens.

Drain, wash the meat, fill in clean water and set to cook.

How to boil - remove the scale, put the carrots and onions, set the temperature to a minimum, cover the lid and leave to cook for 4-5 hours.

Then add the herbs, salt to taste and cook for another 40 minutes.

After 40 minutes add bay leaf and pepper and cook for another 20 minutes.

Remove the meat from the broth.

Separating from the bones.

From the legs, I still take out such large and small transparent veins and also add, finely chopped, to the jellied meat like natural gelatin.

Cut the meat across the fibers.

Rub the carrots on fine grater(you can throw it out if you don't like it)

Add to the chopped meat and mix.

We take a bottle, preferably with an elongated neck, but I did not have one, so my pig will be short-faced and saw off / cut off the hard threaded part from it, so that later it would be easier to cut the bottle.

We put the meat in it, without tamping, but rather tightly, and add the garlic passed through a press.

Dilute gelatin in the broth in accordance with the instructions on the back of the package and filter it.

Pour into the bottle to the maximum, gently tap on the sides of the bottle so that the air comes out and the broth settles, and we will add it a little so that the bottle remains full by the time the jellied meat begins to freeze. You can stir with something, for example, with a stick or a thin long knife. We put in a cold place to freeze.

Frozen. We cut along in several places.

We open the bottle.

We take pieces of sausage and cut out the ears and a patch (I cut out the patch with a bottle cap).

We attach the piglet with two carnation buds. For the ears, we make a slit and insert them.

Cut out the ponytail and attach it. We make the eyes from rings of olives, also fixing them with cloves. We put the pig on a dish, decorate with herbs and vegetables. Ready.

Recipe 7: Piggy - jellied meat from bytylka (with photo)

Today I will tell you how I cooked a pig from jellied meat. it is not difficult to prepare, but very original. Such a pig is perfect both for a festive table and as a gift to your loved ones, as I did!

  • pork drumstick - 1 pc .;
  • pork - 1 kg;
  • pork leg - 1 pc.;
  • leg leg - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs;
  • allspice peas - 5-7 pcs;
  • black peppercorns - 5-7 pcs;
  • salt to taste;
  • doctor's sausage - 50 g;
  • gelatin - 10 g

We put the meat in a saucepan, fill it with water and put it on fire.

When the meat boils, a lot of foam will appear, which must be removed with a spoon.

After we have removed all the foam, we make the fire to a minimum, so that the water only barely gurgles. And leave to cook for 3 - 4 hours.

After the lapse of time, we will clean the onion and carrots, and also prepare a few peas of allspice and black pepper and a few leaves of bay leaves.

Add prepared foods to the broth.

We cook the contents for another 1.5-2 hours.

After the expiration of time, turn off the broth, filter.

We put the meat separately and put the meat and broth to cool.

After everything has cooled down, we disassemble the meat from the bones and finely tear.

Preparing a plastic bottle from mineral water (or any other one you have). Cut off the bottom in it, add half or more of the meat and fill it with broth.

We put the bottle in a stable glass and send it to the refrigerator overnight.

Distribute the remaining meat over the bottom of a deep plate.

and fill with broth and also put in the refrigerator to solidify overnight.

In the morning we take out a bottle of jellied meat and remove it using thin nail scissors.

and carefully cut around the neck.

In order for the jelly not to roll on the plate, it must be fixed. To do this, pour a little broth on the bottom of the plate.

Lay out the piglet's body on top.

and send the plate to the refrigerator for solidification. In the meantime, we cut out the ears, piglet and tail of the piglet from the boiled sausage. for the eyes, prepare two peas of allspice, and for the nostrils, two peas of black pepper.

We take out the fixed little piglet's body and start transforming it.

We try to cut the back of the piglet and smooth it in the form of an oval

we first take gelatin. fill it with cold water and leave for 20 minutes to swell. Then we heat it in a water bath until it is completely dissolved and leave to cool.

This solution will serve us for gluing together the details of the pig.

So we take individual parts, grease them with a gelatin solution and attach them to the piglet. We fix them with toothpicks or matches.

The parts that we fix are well coated with gelatin and sent back to the refrigerator. After the parts have frozen well, remove the matches. We cut the jelly that remained on with a knife.

And we surround the pig with chopped jellied meat.

Recipe 8: jellied meat for the New Year of Piglets

The pig is the symbol of the coming 2019, so all kinds of dishes, decorated with edible pigs and pigs, will come in handy on the festive table more than ever. No jellied meat New Year's table hard to imagine, so I want to show you how to cook delicious jelly in a slow cooker and how to decorate it with funny egg pigs. It turns out very nicely!

  • Pork leg - 1 pc. (400 g)
  • Beef brisket - 650 g
  • Chicken thigh - 500 g
  • Chicken paws - 2 pcs. (200 g)
  • Water - 2.3 L
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  • Parsley - a few twigs
  • Eggs - 12 pcs.
  • Sausage - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Salt to taste
  • Black peppercorns - 30 pcs.

Prepare necessary ingredients... For jellied meat, I took pork leg, beef brisket, chicken feet, chicken thigh and shin.

Thoroughly rinse the leg and feet and scrape them well with a knife.

Transfer the meat to a multicooker bowl.

Pour the meat with clean cold water up to the upper limit marked on the bowl. Turn on the multicooker, setting the "Extinguishing" mode for 5 hours.

Open the multicooker after 2 hours.

Add the onion, peeled and halved, peeled carrots, a couple of garlic cloves, salt and black peppercorns to the broth.

Close the lid of the multicooker and let the jellied meat simmer until the end of cooking signal.

Then unplug the multicooker from the network, use a slotted spoon to remove the meat with bones from the broth, as well as onions and carrots.

Add the garlic passed through a press to the broth, leave it for 10 minutes so that the garlic gives off its aroma.

Remove the meat from the bones and use two forks to disassemble into fibers.

Hard boiled chicken eggs peel off the shell. Cut flowers from carrots that have been boiled in jellied meat for decoration. Cut the sausage into thin circles and cut out the "ears" and "piglets" for the piglets. Prepare the black peppercorns for the "eyes".

Decorate the piglets from the ingredients prepared in the previous step (eggs, pepper and parts of a sausage), fasten the "piglets" to the eggs with small parts of a toothpick. Piglet steam should be made as much as planned portions of jellied meat, i.e. prepare 8 piglets for 4 servings, 12 eggs will be needed for 6 servings, etc. I will show an example of decoration for one portion, the rest are designed in the same way.

Divide the meat into bowls.

Put piglets from eggs on the meat, put carrot flowers and parsley.

Strain the broth and pour it over meat part jellied meat with decorations. In total, you will get about 6 such portions.

Let the jellied meat cool, then put it in the refrigerator overnight or until it solidifies. Bon Appetit!