How to cook thick jelly. How to make jelly at home

21.09.2019 healthy eating

Many are afraid to approach the preparation of jelly, but in vain! Even with all the apparent complexity, but adhering to just a few rules, you will definitely succeed, and your family will highly appreciate your culinary skills.

Here is what is important to know in order to cook a delicious jellied meat:

  • The most important guarantee that the jelly will harden without additional addition of gelatin is the presence of pork legs in it(the ones with hooves).
  • The rest of the meat can be chosen to your taste, different - pork, beef, chicken, rabbit. It is desirable that it be fresh not frozen, have a pleasant smell and color.
  • Aspic can be cooked from one type of meat, of course, but it’s better take an assortment of different meats- so the taste of the dish will be richer. The main condition remains only that it be "gelatinous" parts of meat(legs, ears, shank, wings ... in general, everything with bones and veins) - it is from them that you can cook a sticky, well-hardened broth.

      In order for the broth to be appetizing, transparent and with a rich taste, spices, carrots and onions must be added during cooking. Moreover, at least one onion can be invested with not completely peeled off the husk, which will give the broth a pleasant, yellowish tint.

    It is necessary to cook aspic over low heat - so the liquid evaporates more slowly and topping up is not required. If, nevertheless, this happens and you need to add water - use not raw, but boiled, hot water. This is believed to help the broth stay clear and not cloudy.

Another important condition is that it is necessary to cook in a large saucepan so that the meat is freely located there and there is a lot of water. Still, jelly is a dish of frozen broth with meat pieces. It should remain about the same in volume as the meat.

I cook jelly beef and pork, and certainly with the addition of chicken - such a trio makes it especially tasty.

All the meat should be thoroughly washed, put in a large saucepan, pour cold water for (at least) 3 hours - during this time, the water will "pull out" coagulated blood from the meat.

After that, drain this water, rinse the meat and, if necessary, clean it of hair and marks.

Put back into the saucepan. Pour cold water over medium heat.

As soon as the first water boils, it is drained. The meat can be washed and poured with fresh cold water. It is believed that a certain portion of fat (read - cholesterol) and coagulated protein (blood) are removed in this way.

As soon as the second water begins to boil, foam will appear. It must be carefully removed with a slotted spoon - the transparency of the broth depends on this.

During this time, vegetables should be prepared. Peel and wash onions and carrots, one onion, if desired, can be left with the husk.

As soon as all the foam has already been removed - reduce the fire to a minimum. Add prepared vegetables, bay leaf and black pepper. Salt, but not much, about 1 tablespoon per 6 liter pan.

Well, then ... you will have to be patient - let it all languish not in a small fire (so that a slow boil is maintained), cover with a lid and forget for 6-7 hours, no less. During this time, the meat will become incredibly soft and will be very easy to separate, literally bouncing off the bones.

By the way, if you have such a miracle device as a pressure cooker, then the cooking time can be reduced to 2-3 hours. Just be sure to follow the terms of use.

After the allotted time has passed, it will be necessary to take out the meat - let it cool down at least a little, and ...

Strain the broth through a couple of layers of cheesecloth.

Disassemble the meat into fibers or cut into small pieces - as you like, put it back into the pan. Pour in strained broth.

Then I put everything back on the fire and warm it up a little, at the same time carefully removing a layer of fat from the surface with a spoon - well, we don’t like it in a frozen form. But this is a matter of taste - if you like the fatty layer, then you can skip this step.

Now is the time to try the broth for salt. It is necessary to add salt so that the broth even seems a bit oversalted - you should not be afraid of this, in a frozen state everything will become moderately salty - the meat will “pull out” some of the salt for itself.

Finely chop the garlic cloves and also send to the pan.

Turn off heat immediately and pour into prepared molds. Ideal in those that can be put on a festive table or in small, portioned molds. Portion portions are also convenient because they are with lids - cooling in the refrigerator we get rid of unnecessary odors, and saving space - it is convenient to stack one on top of the other.

You can also pour in different ways. Most often, it is customary to first put meat pieces into molds, slightly tamping, and then carefully pour strained broth - this is how a beautiful separation into layers is obtained.

I like the method described above - the meat is located freely (as if "floating" in the broth), and stratification is also observed. So here the choice is yours.

If desired, you can decorate with openwork carved boiled carrots and parsley leaves.

Allow to cool at room temperature and then refrigerate until completely solidified.

Mustard and horseradish are traditionally served with jelly.

Enjoy your meal!

What is the dish that almost no festive Russian feast can do without, especially in the cold winter period? That's right, no cold. This amazingly tasty and rich dish has been known to us since antiquity and is still loved by many. A descendant of a strong meat broth, jelly has always been a welcome guest both on the table of common people and on the festive tables of aristocrats. Only the set of products and methods of preparing and clarifying the broth for jelly differed. If in the homes of ordinary people jelly was cooked from meat leftovers and was valued primarily for ease of preparation and satiety, then in rich houses jelly and jelly were cooked from the best products with the addition of vegetables, seasonings and spices, and the broth was clarified and filtered. Such jellies modified by French culinary specialists were called galantines, from the French word galantine (jelly, jelly). And still well-cooked jelly is appreciated by gourmets all over the world.

How to cook jelly? The canonical jelly was prepared only from beef. For such a jellied meat, a beef head, brains and legs were used. However, over time, the set of products for jelly has undergone significant changes. Today, jelly is prepared from a variety of product sets. The recipes are countless. For the meat part of jelly beef, veal, pork, meat of domestic and wild poultry are used. Various vegetables (carrots, onions, garlic, celery), herbs and spices are used as flavoring additives. However, the most important component of meat jelly was and remains pork or beef legs, ears, heads. It is these ingredients that make it possible to prepare a real strong jellied meat without the addition of gelatin. After all, jelly prepared with the addition of gelatin turns into aspic, and this is a completely different dish!

In itself, the preparation of jelly is an activity, although quite time-consuming, but not at all difficult. However, even here there are little secrets that allow you to cook not just a satisfying, but incredibly tasty and fragrant dish. Today, "Culinary Eden" has collected and prepared for you the most important tips on how to cook aspic.

1. In order for your jelly to turn out strong and harden well without adding gelatin, you will definitely need pork or beef heads or legs. It should be borne in mind here that pork jelly is somewhat more cloudy and fatty than beef jelly. When buying legs or heads for jelly, pay close attention to their freshness. Stale, not too fresh legs or meat from old animals can irreparably spoil the taste of your dish. If you buy frozen legs, then pay attention to their color. The legs should be even, light in color, without stains and traces of defrosting. When choosing chilled legs and heads, be sure to smell them. Fresh meat has a pleasant sweet smell. It is better to refuse to buy meat that has an unpleasant smell of ammonia or old fat, you cannot cook tasty jellied meat from such meat. Before cooking, the legs must be thawed and soaked in cool water for about an hour. After that, scrape the legs with a sharp knife and rinse thoroughly in running water.

2. As mentioned above, any type of meat or poultry can be used for the meat component of the jelly. The most delicious are aspics, in which various types of meat are combined. For example, if you use pork legs for a gelling effect, then for the meat part, take beef tenderloin and a little chicken or turkey meat. The meat of wild animals or birds can give a special piquancy to your jelly. If you have such an opportunity, try adding some venison or wild duck meat to your jelly, and you will be surprised how much more interesting and aromatic the taste of a familiar dish becomes. Whatever type of meat or poultry you decide to use in your jelly, it should not be too fatty, because the legs, heads, cheeks already contain a sufficient amount of fat. A thick layer of fat formed on the surface of the frozen aspic will not give your dish appetizing. Tenderloin or white meat is best for the meat part.

3. For the vegetable part of the jelly, onions, carrots, herbs and celery or parsley stalks are used. Vegetables are cooked with meat. There are two ways to bookmark vegetables. In the first method, vegetables are laid at the very beginning of cooking and removed after 1 - 1.5 hours. Otherwise, vegetables are laid 1.5 hours before the end of cooking. Due to the different ways of laying vegetables, the taste of the finished dish gets slight differences. Usually vegetables are laid whole and already peeled, but if you want to give your jellied meat a pleasant golden hue, then you can put onions without peeling, but only by cutting off the roots and getting rid of the topmost layer of the husk. When cooking vegetables, make sure that they do not boil and do not turn into gruel! You can use any spices for jelly, depending on your taste and desire. Most often, bay leaves, black, white and allspice peas, cloves, dill seeds are used to prepare jellied meat. It is best to lay all the spices at the very beginning of cooking aspic, along with the meat.

4. The duration of cooking jellied meat is usually from 6 to 12 hours. The longer your jelly is cooked, the more saturated its taste and aroma will turn out, and the better and stronger its consistency will turn out. After the meat is cooked, take it out on a separate dish and let it cool slightly, and strain the remaining broth through cheesecloth or a fine sieve into a separate bowl. Now comes the most important moment in the preparation of jelly, to which you can involve the whole family. Disassembly of meat. It is best to disassemble the meat with your hands, gently rubbing the fibers between your fingers and tearing them. Thus, you can always be sure that even the smallest fragments of bones cannot get into your jelly, and the dish itself will turn out soft and tender. In case of lack of time, you can skip the boned meat through a meat grinder or grind it in a food processor, but you must admit that this is not the same! The most delicious is jelly, in the preparation of which all family members participated. Arrange the disassembled meat in pre-prepared shallow forms, decorate it with slices of boiled carrots, green peas, pieces of boiled eggs, herbs, then pour strained broth, cover the forms with lids and take out in the cold until completely solidified.

5. Serve aspic to the table on a large dish, decorated with fresh herbs and boiled vegetables. Take a wide shallow dish and cover it with fresh lettuce leaves. Dip the form with the prepared jellied meat for a couple of seconds in hot water, and then turn it over onto the prepared dish. With a very sharp knife, carefully cut your jelly into portions, being careful not to damage the overall shape. Along the edges of the dish, beautifully arrange circles of boiled carrots, sprigs of fresh herbs and thin slices of lemon. Serve with freshly prepared horseradish and good, spicy Russian mustard.

6. Let's try to cook aspic according to the recipe that V. Pokhlebkin offers us. Rinse one pork head and 4 veal legs, clean and cut into equal parts. Put everything in a large saucepan, fill with water at the rate of 1 liter per 1 kg. meat, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 6 - 8 hours on the lowest heat, without boiling, so that the volume of water is halved. An hour before the end of cooking, add 2 onions, 1 carrot, 1 parsley root. 20 minutes before cooking, add 5 bay leaves, 10 black peppercorns, 5 allspice peas, salt to taste. Remove the prepared meat from the broth, separate from the bones, chop finely and mix with 1 head of finely chopped garlic and a small amount of ground black pepper. Place the remaining bones back into the broth and cook for another 1 - 1.5 hours. Strain the finished broth thoroughly, and fill it with the meat prepared and laid out in forms. Cover the molds with a lid and refrigerate for 3-5 hours. Serve with mustard, horseradish and crushed garlic with sour cream.

7. Delicate and tender is jelly made from pork legs and chicken meat. In a deep saucepan, place two prepared pork legs and 400 gr. white chicken meat without skin, pour 2 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook at the lowest boil for 6 hours. An hour before the end of cooking, add 1 onion, 1 carrot, 2 bay leaves, 6 black peppercorns and salt to taste. Remove the meat and vegetables from the prepared broth. Separate the meat from the bones and finely crumble, strain the broth. Put the meat in a jellied dish, sprinkle with finely chopped fresh parsley and garlic on top, pour in the broth and take it out in the cold until completely solidified.

8. Russian jelly made from beef shank, chicken and pig ears is very tasty. Soak one kilogram of beef shank in cold water overnight, then carefully clean with a sharp knife and rinse. Place the shank in a saucepan, add 500 gr. chicken meat and two pork ears. Pour everything with hot water so that it covers the meat by 7 - 8 centimeters. Bring to a boil, remove foam and reduce heat to low. Add two onions with peel, one carrot, one parsley root, 2-3 bay leaves, 5 black peppercorns, salt to taste. Boil everything together for 1.5 hours, then remove the vegetables and cook for another 6 - 8 hours on the lowest heat. Remove the cooked meat from the broth, cool, separate from the bones and chop. Strain the broth thoroughly, add a head of finely chopped garlic to it. Arrange the meat in forms, sprinkle with ground black pepper and pour over the broth. Cover the forms with lids and take out in the cold until the jelly is completely solidified. Before serving, dip the mold in hot water and invert onto a serving platter. Garnish the jelly with slices of boiled carrots and slices of boiled eggs.

9. Unusually transparent and appetizing meat galantir is obtained according to an old recipe. Rinse one veal head thoroughly, cut it into equal parts, remove the brains and tongue, and put the pieces of the head in a saucepan. Add 400 gr. lean beef and 400 gr. any other meat (and preferably game). Add one carrot, one each parsley and celery root, one onion, your favorite spices, a little saffron or turmeric, and salt. Pour in water so that it covers the meat by 5 - 7 cm, bring to a boil, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook at the lowest boil for 6 - 8 hours. An hour after the start of cooking, remove vegetables and roots from the broth. When the meat is well boiled, remove it from the broth to a separate dish, free from the bones and cut into small pieces. Strain the broth through a thick napkin or towel, add two raw eggs to it, boil again and strain. To the resulting completely clean and transparent broth, add a few drops of lemon juice to clarify. Arrange the pieces of meat in deep dishes, garnish with circles of boiled carrots and boiled eggs, and then fill with galantir. Refrigerate until completely cold.

10. But jelly is prepared not only in Russia! Unusual, fragrant and very tasty aspic prepared according to the original Georgian recipe. Soak six pork legs overnight in cold water, carefully scrape with a sharp knife, separate the hoof. Put the legs in a deep saucepan, add the onion, parsley root and three bay leaves. Pour in water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook at a low boil for 4 hours. Remove the finished legs from the broth, cut along and carefully remove the bones so that the skin with meat forms a tube. Strain the broth thoroughly, mix with the juice of two lemons and a bunch of finely chopped cilantro. Arrange the prepared pork tubes in trays, fill with broth and leave to harden in the cold. Serve on a platter, garnished with cilantro and lemon slices. Do not forget to offer your guests real Georgian chacha!

Almost every family and every home has its own special recipe for this delicious and hearty winter dish - jellied meat. And our today's story could not contain even a hundredth of these recipes on how to cook jelly. However, we sincerely hope that our today's tips will help you to please your loved ones with new and interesting options for this delicious and satisfying dish. You can always find even more recipes on how to cook jelly and jelly on the pages of Culinary Eden.

Europeans do not understand how you can adore jelly, but we know that nothing will warm you better than jelly with horseradish under a glass of vodka if you have just walked in the cold.

Kholodets is a rather simple dish, although it requires some patience. The convenience of jelly is that it will cook for a long, long time on its own. Nevertheless, he still requires, albeit minimal, but supervision, so it is better not to leave the house. The most important point is that the aspic should solidify without the addition of gelatin and agar-agar. He will do it, no problem, but only if you follow a few simple rules, choose the right meat and fill it with the right amount of water. That's actually all.

What meat to take for jelly

In the old days, jelly was cooked from beef legs and head. It was a method of disposing of those parts of a cow/veal carcass that are completely unsuitable for other dishes. Now we have the opportunity to put anything in the jelly. But in order for the broth to solidify without gelatin, you still need to use legs, drumsticks, tails - they impart viscosity and stickiness to the liquid. The veins, cartilage, skin, and skin contribute to the solidification of the broth.

In addition to the legs, you can use almost any meat that is not a pity to cook for a long time. Pork knuckle, chicken, beef edge are good. They make jelly and completely from poultry, but then it is necessary that there must be legs, chicken legs, and also that the chicken is not store-bought young and white (the broth will not freeze with it), but homemade, nondescript, bony. Old roosters are good for chicken aspic.

There shouldn't be too much meat.

If there is a lot of meat, then this will not contribute to the solidification of the broth. You need to keep the proportions. For one part of the legs, about two parts of the rest of the meat.

Soaking is a must

Before cooking jelly, meat, and especially legs and tails, must be soaked. That is, they must first be washed, the legs scraped, if necessary, singe, and then pour cold water and leave for several hours. This procedure will remove blood clots from the meat.

How much water to pour

After soaking, drain the water and pour cold water over the meat again. But it shouldn't be too much. Water should be above the level of the meat by about the width of the palm. And the fact that it is cold is also important. This will make the broth taste better.

Drain the first water

Bring everything to a boil and drain the water. With this procedure, the broth will become transparent. Then rinse the legs and everything else again. Pour cold water again and bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove the foam, turn the fire to a minimum.

The slower the better

No wonder jelly used to be cooked in the oven. At a temperature of about 90 degrees, the meat slowly languished and gave everything to the water, so the jelly turned out to be fragrant, rich, and perfectly solidified. Now we cook jelly on the stove (you can cook jelly in a slow cooker, where it languishes like in an oven), but on the smallest fire. So that he only gurgles quietly. And all the time we remove the foam. Fat can also be removed if you do not like a thin white fatty layer on the surface of the finished jelly. By the way, it can also be removed from a ready-made frozen jelly.

Important! Jellied meat is cooked for at least 6 hours, and better - 8 hours.

What else to put

Onion, peeled from the first layer of husk, a couple of carrots. Of course, peppercorns and bay leaf. All those products that make meat broths tastier. But we do not put them immediately, but towards the end of cooking. Carrots and onions - two hours, and pepper and other spices - about half an hour.

When to salt

Not earlier than an hour before the jelly is ready, because the water is slowly boiling away and there is a danger of oversalting the jelly. Many salt jelly after it is cooked. In this case, you need to put a little more salt, taking into account the fact that the meat will absorb it.

After cooking

When the jellied meat is turned off, you can salt it, add crushed garlic to the broth and let it stand and rest for about 20 minutes. And then start parsing the jellied meat: separate the meat from bones and cartilage.

Analysis of jellied meat and bottling in forms

When the jelly is cooked, the meat is removed from the broth with a slotted spoon. It is removed from the bones, separated from the cartilage, and the skin is selected. All meat is cut into small pieces. It is often recommended to add finely chopped cartilage to the meat, so the jelly will be more dense.

Try to choose peppercorns and bay leaves from the meat.

Arrange the meat in forms and trays, and strain the broth and pour over the meat. You can mix, or you can leave the meat below so that there is a layer of jelly above it.


Aspic looks great on the festive table, served in portions - for each guest. Meat and broth for such a jelly is poured and laid out in small portion molds, and it’s nice to put decorations on the bottom of the mold: sprigs of greens, carrot mugs, half an egg, etc. When you take out the jelly on a plate, the decorations will be on top.

The jelly looks great, frozen in a bottle, it can be cut into large circles, like a roll. To get such a round jelly, you need to pour the meat and broth into a plastic bottle with a cut off top and let the dish harden. Then pour over the bottle with hot water and take out the jellied meat.

You can also use molds for cakes and pastries with ribbed walls for jelly - it will turn out beautifully and in an original way.

If you want to decorate the jelly, then you can separately boil carrots and other vegetables, those that were cooked with meat, most likely lost their marketable appearance.

The last step is freezing

First, the jelly is cooled at room temperature. And then he needs a very low positive - about 1-2 degrees. It is impossible to freeze jellied meat, it will lose its tenderness and softness, and it will lose its taste. So to solidify the jelly is sent to the refrigerator, approximately in the middle.


The classic sauce for serving jelly is grated horseradish. You can buy it in the store, or you can make it yourself if you have horseradish root on hand (grate, add a little sugar, salt and vinegar, quite often this sauce is also diluted with water). Table horseradish can be with the addition of beets, very fragrant horseradish is obtained with sour grated apples, and if you add pureed tomatoes to horseradish, you get Siberian horseradish.

Also, an indispensable companion of jellied meat is mustard. Of course, Russian, strong, not sweetish French.

Pork leg jelly

1 kg pork legs
2 carrots
2 onions
Black peppercorns
2-3 bay leaves

Step 1. Wash and scrape pork legs, singe, remove hooves. Soak 3-4 hours.
Step 2. Pour the legs with water so that it covers them by 5 cm and put on a strong fire, bring to a boil.
Step 3. Drain and pour new water, bring to a boil again, remove the foam, put on a slow fire. Boil for about 8 hours.
Step 4. An hour and a half before the end of cooking, put peeled carrots and onions in their skins. After another 40 minutes, add pepper and bay leaf.
Step 5. Remove meat and vegetables with a slotted spoon. Vegetables - throw away. And the meat is separated from the bones and cartilage, finely chopped. Arrange in forms.
Step 6. Strain the broth and pour the meat into the molds. Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for a few hours until set.

Jellied meat in a multicooker

2 pork legs
2 chicken legs
2.5 liters of water
1 bulb
½ head of garlic

Step 1. Rinse, clean and soak the legs for 2-3 hours.
Step 2. Cut the chicken into pieces (the leg can be cut into three parts).
Step 3. Peel the onion, put meat and onions, spices and salt into the multicooker bowl, pour water to the maximum.
Step 4. Put on the extinguishing mode, the longer the better, it is convenient to leave the multicooker for the night.
Step 5. When the jelly is cooked, take out the meat, remove it from the bones and cut into small pieces.
Step 6. Add garlic cloves crushed with a knife to the broth. They insist while we are engaged in meat. Taste and salt if needed.
Step 7. Put the meat into molds, filling them in half or two thirds. Pour in strained broth. Cool at room temperature and then place in the refrigerator to chill.

Russian cuisine indulges its admirers with a variety of delicious dishes that captivate with a delicate taste and fragrant aroma. However, Russian culinary delights are rich not only in a special relish and spicy smell.

Masterpieces prepared according to old recipes from the "folk chest" amaze with the warmth and heartfelt color of the picturesque country. One of the favorite dishes of many people is jelly - the great-great-grandson of meat broth.

A dish with a lot of history

One fine day, a caring hostess decided to pamper her household with fragrant and delicious meat broth. She took a large cauldron, poured some water into it, put meat and bones, added an onion, a carrot and put it on the stove.

Dinner was a success! But in the morning the hostess found that the soup had frozen. Of course, this did not delight her, since she had to heat the stove again to warm up the broth. This is how a relative of modern jelly appeared - jelly.

Jelly-like food has undergone a number of changes since that time. At first it was intended exclusively for the poor. So, for example, servants ate jelly at court. It was prepared from leftovers that remained on the table after the dinner of noble people.

When the fashion for everything French “covered” Russia, the jelly became an invited guest at the feasts, since the dish was in great demand in the country of love. True, it was called galantine.

We can say that the current jelly is a colorful combination of culinary traditions of two picturesque countries - Russia and France. More than 400 years have passed since that time, but the jelly-like dish is still an honored "guest" on the festive table.

Helpful or harmful? Should I eat it often?

Aspic, melting in the mouth, is known for a number of properties:

  • restorative;
  • invigorating;
  • tonic;
  • relaxing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • restoring;
  • nutritious;
  • stimulating;
  • protective;
  • cleansing.

Despite the mass of useful properties, it is not necessary to include a jelly-like dish in the daily diet, since it contains bad cholesterol, which contributes to the occurrence of serious diseases.

Calorie aspic

Aspic cannot be called a very high-calorie dish. Its energy value, of course, depends on the type of meat. 100 g of the product contains 80–400 kcal.

Pork leg jelly - step by step photo recipe

Do you want to cook a real jelly? No, we are not talking about some obscure substance, like the one sold in supermarkets under the same name.

The presented jelly recipe contains the most useful and most detailed recommendations, allowing you to get a great jelly in the best traditions of Russian cuisine.

Cooking jelly is not very difficult, but the cooking technology requires a patient and attentive attitude. To make it tasty and at the same time useful, several requirements should be taken into account.

  • All products should be purchased only fresh quality.
  • Aspic should languish, so it will cook for at least seven hours with minimal heating.
  • The meat components of the meal must be laid in a certain order.

Time for preparing: 10 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Chicken drumsticks and thighs: 4 things.
  • Legs, drumsticks (pork): 2 pcs.
  • Large bulb: 1 PC.
  • Carrots: 1 pc.
  • Fresh herbs: 5-6 sprigs
  • Black pepper (peas): 15 pcs.
  • Laurel: 3-4 pcs.
  • Salt:

Cooking instructions

Chicken meat variation

To prepare a fragrant and tasty dish, you need to stock up on the following components:

  • chicken weighing 2-3 kg - 1 pc.;
  • chicken feet - 8-10 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • fragrant laurel - 5-6 pcs.;
  • spicy pepper - 5-8 peas;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 5-7 liters.

For clearance gourmet dish you will need:

  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • curly cilantro - 5 sprigs.

Creating a culinary masterpiece consists of three stages.

Stage 1- preparation of ingredients:

  1. Rinse the carcass under running water.
  2. Remove the skin from the chicken.
  3. Clean the paws: remove the hard skin and claws.
  4. Cut the chicken carcass into four pieces.
  5. Peel carrots, onions, and garlic.
  6. Wash vegetables under running water.
  7. Boil eggs, peel and cut into rings.
  8. Wash the cilantro and pluck off the leaves.

Stage 2- cooking

  1. Place the meat and legs in a large saucepan.
  2. Fill the chicken carcass and legs with water.
  3. When the liquid boils, reduce the heat.
  4. Remove the foam using a slotted spoon.
  5. Boil the fragrant broth for 6-8 hours.
  6. When the meat is off the bone, add the onions and carrots.
  7. After 30 minutes, remove the chicken meat and legs from the pan.
  8. Add bay leaves, pepper, garlic and salt to the jellied meat.
  9. Stir ingredients and cook for another 30 minutes.

Stage 3- shaping the dish

  1. Strain the broth using a strainer.
  2. Disassemble the meat: remove the bones and finely tear into fibers.
  3. Place the chicken in deep bowls.
  4. Place the egg rings and cilantro leaves over the meat.
  5. Pour the stock over the ingredients.
  6. Taste a piece of culinary art after 12 hours.

If desired, various figures can be cut out of carrots - hearts, stars, squares, and curls can be made from onion feathers, which will perfectly decorate the dish.

Chicken aspic is perfect in a duet with mustard, sour cream or horseradish.

Can it be made with beef? Yes!

To prepare jelly, you need to arm yourself with:

  • beef leg - 2 kg;
  • beef ribs - 2 kg;
  • beef tail - 1 pc.;
  • beef pulp - 1 kg;
  • large onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2-3 pcs.;
  • fragrant garlic - 1 head;
  • stock laurel - 5 pcs.;
  • fragrant pepper - 8-10 peas;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 5-7 liters.

For clearance noble dish you will need:

  • curly parsley - 5-10 branches;
  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs.

To pamper family members and guests with amazing jelly, you must strictly follow the recipe and do the work in stages.

Training ingredients:

  1. Wash the tail, ribs, fillet and drumstick under running water.
  2. Put meat products in a basin, fill them with water, cover the container with a lid and go to do other work.
  3. When the beef is “soaked” (3-5 hours), remove the ribs, tail, drumstick, pulp from the pelvis and wash again under running water.
  4. Disassemble the meat products: cut the pulp, tail, ribs into small pieces, and carefully cut the leg with a hacksaw.
  5. Peel and wash onions, garlic and carrots.
  6. Chop the fragrant garlic.
  7. Boil eggs, peel, cut into rings.
  8. Wash the parsley (if desired, disassemble into individual leaves).

Cooking rich meat and vegetable broth:

  1. Put meat products in a saucepan and cover with water.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and place on the stove.
  3. When the liquid boils, remove the foam and reduce the heat.
  4. Boil the broth for 5-7 hours.
  5. When the meat moves away from the bone, add the onion and carrot.
  6. Remove the meat products after 30 minutes.
  7. Add salt, pepper, garlic, bay leaf to the jelly.
  8. Remove the pot from the stove after 30 minutes.

Formation dishes:

  1. Place the beef in deep bowls.
  2. Put egg rings and parsley leaves (twigs) on the meat.
  3. Pour the warm broth over the ingredients.
  4. When the jellied meat has cooled, put the plates in the refrigerator.
  5. Taste the dish after 12 hours.

If desired, it can be decorated with canned corn or green peas. The dish goes well with hot mustard, fragrant horseradish and spicy tkemali.

Another version of beef jelly in the video.

How to cook a noble shank dish

To prepare a dish worthy of the royal table, you should stock up on the following components:

  • pork knuckle weighing 1.5–2 kg - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • large onions - 1-2 pcs.;
  • winter garlic - 1 head;
  • bay leaves - 3-5 pieces;
  • fragrant cloves - 1-2 stars;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 5-7 liters.

For clearance healthy meals you will need:

  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • curly parsley - 5-6 branches;
  • green onions - 5 feathers.

Cooking a budget, but very tasty jellied meat consists of three stages.

Training ingredients:

  1. Rinse the pork leg under a thin stream of cold water.
  2. Put the knuckle in a saucepan, fill with water, cover with a lid and proceed to other work.
  3. When the meat product is "soaked" (8-10 hours), remove it from the container and wash thoroughly.
  4. Remove dark spots from the shank with a knife.
  5. Saw the leg using a hacksaw.
  6. Peel and wash vegetables.
  7. Boil chicken eggs, remove the shell and cut into rings.
  8. Wash your greens.
  9. Disassemble the parsley into leaves (if desired, this can be omitted).
  10. chop the garlic

Cooking rich meat and vegetable broth:

  1. Put the shank in a large container and fill it with water.
  2. Put the pan or cauldron on the stove and cover with a lid.
  3. When the future broth boils, remove the foam using a slotted spoon and reduce the heat.
  4. Simmer jelly for 5-7 hours.
  5. When the meat and fat come off the bone, add the onions and carrots.
  6. Remove the leg after half an hour.
  7. Add salt, pepper, bay leaf, cloves to the jelly.
  8. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  9. Simmer the meat aspic for another half hour.
  10. Remove the container from the stove.

Formation dishes:

  1. Strain the fragrant aspic through a strainer.
  2. Separate the meat from the bone and chop.
  3. Lay the pork on the bottom of the plate.
  4. Place the egg rings, onion feathers and parsley over the meat.
  5. Pour the stock over the ingredients.
  6. When the jellied meat has cooled, put the plates in the refrigerator.
  7. Taste the dish after 12 hours.

Fragrant jelly goes perfectly with lemon juice, horseradish and mustard.

Jelly from the head - how and how much to cook

For a culinary masterpiece, you need to arm yourself with the following components:

  • pork head - ½ pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • large onions - 1-2 pcs.;
  • fragrant garlic - 1 head;
  • spicy cloves - 2-3 stars;
  • fragrant bay leaves - 3-5 pieces;
  • spirited pepper - 7-10 peas;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 5-7 liters.

For clearance fragrant dishes you will need:

  • chicken or sawn eggs - 6-8 pcs.;
  • greens.

To cook "cold" with a breathtaking taste, you should "break" the work into three stages:

Training ingredients:

  1. Rinse the pig's head thoroughly under running cold water.
  2. Place the pig's head in a basin, fill with water, cover and leave overnight.
  3. Remove the head in the morning and rinse with running water.
  4. Take a brush with coarse bristles and go over the skin with it.
  5. Saw the head with a hacksaw into 4 pieces.
  6. Clean and wash vegetables.
  7. Chop the garlic.
  8. Boil eggs, peel and cut into rings.
  9. Wash the greens and disassemble into leaves.

Cooking rich meat and vegetable broth:

  1. Put the sawn head into pieces in a saucepan and fill it with water.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and place on the stove.
  3. When the broth boils, remove the foam and reduce the heat.
  4. Simmer rich meat broth - 5-6 hours.
  5. When the meat moves away from the bone, add carrots, garlic, onions, peppers, cloves, bay leaves, salt.
  6. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and cook for another hour.
  7. Remove the saucepan from the stove.

Formation dishes:

  1. Strain the aromatic broth through a strainer.
  2. Divide the pork among plates.
  3. Put the egg rings and greens on the meat.
  4. Pour the stock over the ingredients.
  5. When the meat jelly from the head has cooled, put the plates in the refrigerator.

If desired, a flower can be formed from an egg, and grass from greenery. Serve the dish in combination with hot mustard, fragrant horseradish, spicy soy sauce or spicy adjika. The stormy delight of households and guests is guaranteed.

Recipe for a slow cooker - very fast and tasty

To cook delicious "cold" in a slow cooker, you need to take:

  • chicken ham - 1 pc.;
  • beef shank - 1 pc.;
  • pork shank - 1 pc.;
  • large carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • medium-sized onion - 2 pcs.;
  • chopped parsley root - ½ tsp;
  • fragrant cloves - 2 stars;
  • zapashny bay leaves - 3-5 pieces;
  • spirited garlic - 5-10 cloves;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fragrant pepper - 5-7 peas;
  • water - 4.5 liters.

To decorate the dish, you can stock up on greens.

Cooking a tasty and healthy jelly in a slow cooker consists of the following steps.

Training ingredients:

  1. Wash the meat products thoroughly, put them in a saucepan, cover with a lid and wait 4-6 hours.
  2. Remove meat from water and wash again.
  3. Cut the pork and beef shank into small pieces.
  4. Peel vegetables.

Cooking rich meat and vegetable broth:

  1. Put the meat into the bowl.
  2. Put vegetables and spices on the meat.
  3. Pour cold water over the ingredients.
  4. Put the bowl in the slow cooker, cover with a lid, select the "Extinguishing" mode and set the time - 6 hours.
  5. Take the bowl out of the multicooker.

Formation dishes:

  1. Remove the meat and strain the broth.
  2. Separate the meat from the bones and chop.
  3. Divide the meat platter among the plates.
  4. Pour the stock over the ingredients.
  5. When the jellied meat has cooled, put the plates in the refrigerator.
  6. Taste "cold" after 12 hours.

If desired, the dish can be decorated with vegetables and herbs. Serve "cold" in a duet with herbs and mushrooms.

Gelatin to be! diet option

To prepare an incomparable dish with low fat and calorie content, you should pay attention to turkey or chicken breast and gelatin.

  • chicken breasts - 3-4 pieces;
  • turkey pulp - 1 pc.;
  • large carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • fragrant cloves - 2 stars;
  • zapashny bay leaves - 3-5 pieces;
  • spirited garlic - 5-7 cloves;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fragrant pepper - 5-7 peas;
  • water - 5-7 liters;
  • gelatin - per liter of broth - 50 g.

To decorate the dish, you can arm yourself with greens.

To cook "cold" with a breathtaking taste, you should divide the work into three stages:

Preparation of ingredients:

  1. Rinse the chicken and turkey breasts under running water.
  2. Cut the fillet into small pieces.
  3. Clean and wash vegetables.
  4. Finely chop the garlic.

Cooking rich meat and vegetable broth:

  1. Put the meat in a container and fill with water.
  2. Cover the pot with a lid and place on the stove.
  3. When the future jelly boils, remove the foam and reduce the heat.
  4. Boil jellied meat for 1-2 hours.
  5. Add vegetables and spices to the meat broth.
  6. Mix the ingredients and simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Remove the container from the stove.

Formation dishes:

  1. Strain the fragrant jelly using a sieve.
  2. When the broth has cooled to 40°C, add gelatin, stir and strain again.
  3. Chop the meat and arrange it on plates.
  4. Pour the stock over the ingredients.
  5. When the meat gelatin jelly has cooled, put the plates in the refrigerator.
  6. Taste aspic after 12 hours.

If desired, decorate the crown dish with greenfinch. Serve with soy sauce or lemon juice.

How to cook delicious, transparent jellied meat - tips that have been proven over the years

Kholodets is a dish that will perfectly fit into the festive menu! To make the jelly tasty, fragrant, healthy, and most importantly - transparent, famous chefs recommend:

  • use fresh meat on the bone;
  • soak meat products before preparing the broth;
  • pour cold cuts and bones only with cold water;
  • remove the foam every 2-3 hours;
  • cook jelly over low heat (it should not boil);
  • in no case do not add water to the broth;
  • cook jellied meat for at least 4 hours (if gelatin is not introduced);
  • add spices after the meat leaves the bone (if the jelly is not cooked in a slow cooker);
  • be sure to filter the jelly;
  • add 1 tsp. lemon juice, if the broth is cloudy;
  • do not expose the jellied meat to frost.

That's all the wisdom of cooking incredibly tasty, healthy and fragrant food.