Is chicken jelly useful? How to properly cook a delicious jellied meat

02.07.2020 Restaurant notes

Jellied meat is boiled over low heat until the meat begins to easily separate from the bone.
Cook jellied meat in a pressure cooker - depending on the meat used.

A simple jellied recipe

for 5 liters of water
Pork leg - 1 piece, about 2 kilograms (or 2 pork legs and 1.5 kilograms of pork on the bone)
Beef or pork meat - 500 grams
Chicken legs - 3 pieces
Garlic - 5-6 pieces
Black pepper (peas) - 30 pieces
Carrots - 3 pieces
Onions - 2 heads
Bay leaf - 4-5 leaves

How to cook jellied meat
1. Put the pork leg in a large (7-10 liters) saucepan with boiling water, bring to a boil, cook for 5 hours on very low heat under a lid.
Then put meat and chicken legs, spices and vegetables, plus salt in a saucepan.

Cook the jellied meat for another 1.5 hours. Drain through a colander, remove vegetables and spices. Separate the meat from the bones (it is important to check that small bones do not get into the final dish), finely chop. Pour the broth into the chopped meat, rub the garlic and mix thoroughly.

How to cook jellied meat in a slow cooker
1. Put the meat in a slow cooker, add water, add salt and pepper, put a bay leaf.
2. Add peeled onions and carrots.
3. Close the lid of the multicooker.
4. Set the multicooker to the "Extinguishing" mode and the time - 6 hours.
5. After 6 hours, open the lid, put the meat and cool, disassemble.
6. Strain the broth.
7. Arrange the meat in the forms, pour over the cooled broth.
8. Remove the forms with jellied meat in the refrigerator and freeze.


The classic proportions of products for a 5-liter pan of jellied meat - for 2 kilograms of fatty pork on the bone, 500 grams of lean meat, 3 chicken legs. Such jellied meat will solidify without the addition of gelling products.

To make the broth for the jellied meat transparent, the meat can be pre-soaked for 8 hours. The skin of a pork leg can be scraped off of dirt. The jellied meat will turn out more transparent if you drain the first broth after boiling and replace it with fresh water.

Aspic until solidification can be decorate boiled eggs and boiled carrots, herbs, green peas, canned corn.

If you want to cook "soft" in meat consistency jellied meat, boiled meat can be passed through a meat grinder.

If you want to cook "even" jellied meat, thoroughly mix the meat with the hardening broth 1 hour before the final solidification.

If you want to cook jellied meat in a pressure cooker, the boiling time of the jellied meat will be 40-50 minutes.

To give spicy taste, you can add chopped garlic to the jelly before pouring.

- Serve jellied meat should be served with bread, horseradish and mustard.

To jelly froze without adding gelatin, it is necessary not to add water to the broth during cooking. Immediately pour more water and cook over low heat - so that the broth does not boil too much.

If the broth turns out to be liquid or there is a need to cook jellied meat with low-calorie broth, add 3-5 grams of gelatin for each liter of strained broth (depending on the fat content of the broth). First, measure and cool 1 glass of broth, pour gelatin into it, mix and leave for 10 minutes. Then heat the mixture in a saucepan to 65 degrees with constant stirring, pour into the bulk of the broth, mix thoroughly and pour into bowls with meat. You need to work quickly: the gelatin broth will begin to solidify already at room temperature.

- Salted jellied meat half an hour before the end of cooking, so that both the broth and meat are salted. If you add salt to the jellied meat at the beginning of cooking, as a result, as the water evaporates, the jelly may turn out to be oversalted.

- Keep jellied meat can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days at a temperature of 0 - +1 degrees in the freshness zone. It is important that the meat for the jellied meat is cut not with bare hands, but with gloves. If the jellied meat is planned to be stored for so long, the forms for the jellied meat should be doused with boiling water before laying out the meat, and the forms themselves should be provided with tight-fitting lids so that the jellied meat does not dry out. If there are no lids, then the forms with jellied meat should be placed in plastic bags and tightly closed. If there is a lot of jellied meat, it is recommended to freeze it immediately after cooling, and, if necessary, melt, boil and pour again into clean forms. It is not recommended to store jellied meat decorated with eggs and vegetables for a long time.

The cost of products for jellied meat according to our recipe is about 700 rubles. (on average in Moscow for October 2018).
The total boiling time of jellied meat from the beginning of boiling to solidification is about 12 hours. Clean time in the kitchen is 2-3 hours.

Short notes about jellied meat by reading no more than a minute.

Jelly has long been one of the most favorite dishes in our country. It can be cooked both on holidays and on weekdays. In Russia, they love to cook it, especially during the winter holidays. For the first time it was said about it in ancient chronicles.

In Russia, this dish was very often prepared only in rich families, and the servants were fed it, since after the holidays, pieces of meat remained on the table. Only in the past it was prepared in a slightly different way - from the remains of a strong broth. The mass solidified, since the broth contained jelly-forming substances.

Initially, jelly appeared in France, but there its preparation was different from ours. It was prepared from bird bones, added all kinds of spices, eggs, vegetables, and be sure to chop the pieces. This dish was called galantine.

Nowadays, housewives consider the process of cooking jellied meat to be quite long and time-consuming, so they prefer to buy ready-made jelly in the store. But homemade jelly is different from the purchased one - its taste is richer and more natural.

In the article, we will consider such questions of interest as the composition of jellied meat, calorie content, what it is made of, recipe for jellied meat, contraindications during pregnancy, weight loss and a diet on jelly.

First of all, jelly is rich in micro- and macroelements, and in particular, it is dominated by the amount of zinc, aluminum, copper, phosphorus, fluorine and calcium. In addition, the broth contains many vitamins such as A, B10 and C7. This chemical composition has a good effect on the connective tissues of the body, and also strengthens the bones.

Jelly protects cartilage and bones from brittleness, and also helps to restore the integrity of the bone faster and more efficiently.

The main benefit lies in the regeneration of tissues at the cellular level, but this can adversely affect the figure, since due to tissue regeneration, the process of building up fat or muscle mass occurs.

Aspic is saturated primarily with nutritional value, since it contains a lot of protein. In addition, its calorie content is quite high.

The amino acids contained in the jelly will stimulate the immune system, protecting the body from viruses. In addition, the body will be enriched with multivitamins and minerals.

Jellied meat is especially useful for athletes - the collagen contained in it contributes to the restoration of tissues and bones from injuries, but nevertheless, it is worth choosing jellied meat with the lowest calorie content.

For a good effect on the body, a healthy person is allowed to eat about one hundred grams of jelly per day. This will increase the body's resistance and improve immunity.

What are they made of?

Another useful element of aspic is natural collagen, due to which it takes the form of jelly. Collagen has a positive effect on the skin, promotes the regeneration of dead cells and makes the skin more elastic, as well as the growth of nails and hair.

Collagen acts as a building protein that slows down tissue and cell aging and reduces the likelihood of bone fragility.

Another interesting point: the jellied meat contains aminoacetic acid, which literally saves you from a hangover if there was a festive event in the evening with the presence of alcohol and jelly.

Glycine is also one of the constituents of aspic, and it helps in activating and stimulating the brain, and also restores nutrients in the body. Thanks to glycine, the work of enzymes is activated and enhanced, which helps to get rid of stress and depression, and overcome fear.

Retinol, found in jellied meat, improves organ function and has a positive effect on immunity due to its antiviral properties and improves joint function.

Jellied meat also contains B vitamins and some minerals. They bring the nervous system and hemoglobin levels back to normal.

Jelly harm

How is it harmful? Despite all the useful properties of jellied meat, do not forget that it also has contraindications. This is indicated by the cholesterol found in meat or broth. Recently, however, experts have concluded that cholesterol is only found in bone fat and fried meat.

Despite the large amount of protein in the jelly, it is important to remember that some of the nutrients are destroyed during the cooking process.

In addition to the fact that the fat content of the jelly is quite high, it contains a substance called histamine. Very often it causes inflammation and appendicitis and stomach discomfort. Therefore, if you have problems with digestion, you should refrain from using aspic, regardless of calorie content. In addition, this dish will not digest the body of those people who do not eat meat.

When cooking, you need to calculate the time very carefully so that, again, there are no problems with the intestines.

The use of jellied meat should be limited to people with high cholesterol, since its calorie content is quite high, and it will not bring any benefit, but on the contrary, it will have a detrimental effect on the body and may even contribute to the development of diseases.

Jellied garlic can have a bad effect on the liver, so it is worth limiting its use in the diet.

Remember that the classic version of the jelly does not include the addition of fried meat, so there is no cholesterol in it. This is the main advantage of including aspic in the diet.

Calorie content

Basically, the calorie content of jellied meat is determined by the meat from which it is prepared.

For example, jellied meat made from pork has the highest calorie content - 180 kcal. Chicken jelly - 120 kcal.

For people with high cholesterol or obesity, jelly from low-fat beef legs is suitable, it contains only 80 kcal.

However, during pregnancy, the calorie content of the jelly will not harm the body.

Is it possible to get fat by eating a product? Despite the fact that there is a diet on jellied meat, it makes you fat if you cook it from pork and make the broth too thick. You can also recover from beef, if it is incorrect to include it in the diet.

Jelly during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the inclusion of jellied meat in the diet plays a good role for the body and immunity. There are practically no contraindications, since jellied meat is very useful during pregnancy. In addition, during pregnancy, aspic with vegetables will improve metabolism and have a beneficial effect on brain activity.


Contraindications, first of all, have people with high blood cholesterol levels and obese. If you do not take this into account, then complications can begin to develop.

Cooking features

Many people wonder what jellied meat is made of and how. Basically, the broth is boiled from the legs and then poured into molds. But there is a simpler and more delicious recipe for jellied meat in a slow cooker.

In a multicooker

Cooking in a multicooker aspic also will not do without pork legs. Next, you need onions, one carrot, bay leaf, a head of garlic, and a tablespoon of salt.

Peeling the skin from the legs is necessary if you want to reduce the calorie content of the dish. Next, you need to peel the onions and carrots, add the bay leaf and fill everything with water.

Put out in a slow cooker, and after four hours get the ingredients. Cut the meat and vegetables into pieces and put them in the molds, pouring the broth. Refrigerate for five hours.

Chicken aspic

The process of making chicken jellied meat is somewhat different from pork, as well as its taste.

Add the following ingredients to the multicooker: two-kilogram chicken, 20 grams of gelatin, onions and carrots, bay leaves, pepper to taste and one and a half liters of water.

The calorie content of such a dish will be much lower - only 136 calories.

Slimming with jelly

Losing weight with jellied meat is real, such a diet has become known for a long time. Of course, such a diet will not consist entirely of jellied meat, it will be in addition to other useful products. In addition, weight loss will only be possible if the diet includes the lowest calorie jelly - from lean beef or chicken.

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How we cook step by step with a photo

For 8-12 servings we need:

  • Pork hoof - 1 kg
  • Chicken thighs - 5-8 pcs
  • You can use any chicken with bone or beef tenderloin, as well as add pork shank (part just above the hoof) - 500 g
  • White onion - 2 pcs. (medium)
  • Carrots - 1 pc. (large)
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves (small)
  • Celery stalk - 2 pcs. (not necessary)
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns - 5-8 pcs.
  • Salt - 2 tsp + to taste
  • Horseradish (or mustard) - to serve

Want even more jelly?

Stock up on a huge saucepan (from 8 liters) and multiply the components by 1.5-2 times.

  • Cooking time is about 7-7.5 hours.
  • Time before and after cooking is 45-60 minutes.

The ideal alignment is to pre-soak the pork hooves in water by placing them in the refrigerator - from 3 to 8 hours (for example, overnight).

In any case, the hooves should always be washed thoroughly - in running water, scraping off the surface layer with a knife.

We use a large pot where we will cook the meat. We compactly place the washed hooves and chicken thighs and fill them with water so that it covers the meat.

As soon as the first broth boils, we drain it completely (!) - be sure!

We wash the meat, put it in the pan again and fill it with a fresh portion of water.

Amount of water \u003d Cover the meat 2.5 fingers on top (4-5 cm, no more!).

Put it on the stove again, let it boil, reduce the heat and let the broth boil a little under the lid - 5 hours.

Then add the peeled vegetables (whole carrots and onions) and celery stalks. We continue to cook the meat in the vegetable company for 40-45 minutes. Throw in peppercorns, bay leaves and salt (2 tsp). Cook for another 15-20 minutes. We do not add water! Total - 1 hour after adding vegetables.

Our step-by-step recipe with a photo does not in vain clarify the time when the ingredients were added. By adding spices at the end, we insure against the bitterness that overcooked bay leaves and peppers can give.

The broth for the jellied meat is cooked. Remove from heat, remove hooves, onions, bay leaves. We put aside boiled carrots and chicken meat for processing: they will be included in the jellied meat as solid ingredients.

Strain the saturated broth itself through a very fine sieve. Better yet, through a paper towel or several layers of gauze. So we get the perfect composition for a transparent jelly miracle after curing in the form.

Add garlic, squeezed through a press, to the strained broth, and taste the liquid for salt. We add salt without fanaticism if it's too bland.

We separate the cooled meat from the bones with our hands (make sure that cartilages and small fragments of bones are not worn out!). Cut the carrots into thin slices.

We form jellied meat in portions. A very nice presentation option that always captivates guests. Deep bowls, small bowls or wide cups will do - as long as the shape expands towards the top.

Jellied meat layers in each serving:

Mug of carrots - Pieces of meat - Pour broth 1-2 fingers above the meat.

We set to freeze - in the refrigerator, which will take 3 hours and will require another portion of patience. Serve with horseradish or mustard.

If we are worried, will the jellied meat freeze:

We put in the refrigerator 1-2 tbsp. spoons of broth - in a small bowl... If it hardens, you do not need to add gelatin.Checking is worth doing if you have taken different meat or proportions of water, or added water to the broth due to boiling over.

How to get the jellied meat out of the mold? For a couple of seconds, dip the bottom of each bowl in hot water and overturn on a plate. A little fiddling, but what a spectacular result!

Seven main secrets of success

Choosing meat - for a strong gelatinous broth.

Pork or beef hooves are always needed. They give gelatin - the basis of jellied meat. Without them, the broth is unlikely to harden well - you will need to add gelatin.

How to choose good hooves? Smooth, light color, free from defrosting spots. We smell before buying! The pleasant sweetish smell of fresh meat is the best reference point.

An interesting alternative to purely hoofed jellied meat is to add a shank to the hooves, taking it 2 times less than hooves. But we take into account that the shank will make the jellied meat even fatter.

Choosing meat - in the jellied meat.

Whatever your heart desires, taking into account the ability to chew. We love chicken, it is soft and perfect for both adults and children. A good option is turkey or beef tenderloin. Pork (hooves) + one more type of meat is enough for a rich dish.

What vegetables and spices to use?

Classics of the genre: onions and carrots - always, celery stalk and parsley root - at will. We do not cut vegetables when cooking. It is convenient to add them 1 hour before the end of the digestion of the meat. Spices to taste. Traditionally, we use black peppercorns, bay leaves, cloves, dill seeds.

How long does it take to cook? What to do when boiled?

On average, we cook jellied meat for 6-12 hours. Take out the meat and separate what will go into the finished jellied meat. The broth itself is filtered, as we described above in the step-by-step recipe (very fine sieve or gauze).

What is the best way to disassemble the meat?

To cook a beautiful and transparent jelly at home, the best choice is to disassemble the meat with your hands into small oblong pieces along the fibers. The process itself can become a very nice family tradition, to which the whole family or at least a curious little one is attracted. Another quick option is to chop finely or mince.

How to serve jellied meat?

Pour into bowls, rectangular bowls, or into a large bowl with a raised bottom (such as a cupcake). Or do as we showed above - portioned molding in bowls. Decoration - slices of carrots and eggs, dill and parsley, green peas, strips of doctor's sausage.

Let's finish the story with a spectacular Georgian recipe - pork leg appetizer in jellied meat.

  1. Soak 6 pcs. legs in water (put in the refrigerator overnight). In the morning we take out, wash and scrape. Cook - as described in the recipe above, for at least 5 hours. An hour before the end, we send 2 onions, 2 medium carrots, parsley root to the broth.
  2. Let the boiled legs cool. We cut them in a special way: we cut along one side and carefully take out the bone. Our goal is to form tubes of leather and meat.
  3. We put these tubes in 1 row in a convenient shape. Fill the tubes not just with strained broth, but with a mixture of broth + juice of 2 lemons + finely chopped parsley or cilantro. The dish freezes in the cold for 3-4 hours. When serving, add lemon slices and sprigs of herbs.

We hope that in our step-by-step recipe with a photo you have found useful tricks for yourself on how to cook jellied meat at home masterly - from any meat, truly transparent, easily holding its shape without gelatin. Bon appetit and admiration of your beloved companions!

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Every self-respecting housewife should be able to cook jellied meat. Moreover, even one man can hardly resist this dish. On New Year's holidays, jellied meat is a very popular and demanded appetizer, which usually flies with a bang and is eaten with great pleasure. Almost no New Year's - and indeed just a festive - feast is complete without this dish. Pork aspic is not only a very tasty and appetizing dish with an amazing taste, suitable for any occasion. This snack is also very beneficial for the normal functioning of our joints. Collagen, which is part of aspic, has a beneficial effect on the joints, protecting them from damage and destruction. However, jellied meat also contains a lot of cholesterol, so it is not recommended to use it too often.

Jellied meat can be made from beef, chicken, turkey, but today on the agenda we have a rich and delicious pork aspic. This dish is a hearty and nutritious cold appetizer and a great addition to various side dishes. The skill level of jellied meat preparation is determined, first of all, by how it is made - with or without gelatin. The pinnacle of skill is, of course, jellied meat without gelatin, which will be discussed in our article. Preparing pork aspic without gelatin is not so difficult - all you need to do is choose the right meat and bones, pour them with the right amount of water and cook for a certain time. In this case, the jellied meat will harden itself due to the gelling substances released from the bones during cooking. To prepare pork jellied meat, it is best to take the legs, shank, head, tails and ears. An important point in cooking that affects the solidification of the jellied meat is water. Meat should only be poured with cold water. The main thing in this process is to correctly calculate the amount of water. The water does not have to completely cover the meat, otherwise you may end up with a very thin jellied meat that cannot solidify without gelatin. But very little water is also bad, since the jellied meat will turn out to be quite steep. This is perhaps the most difficult moment in the entire preparation process. But everything comes with experience. It is generally accepted that the water is about 2 cm higher than the meat level. And most importantly - cook the jellied meat for at least 6-8 hours. This will allow you to get a fragrant rich broth that hardens perfectly.

Cooking jellied meat undoubtedly requires patience. Despite the duration of cooking, jellied meat is convenient because the stove and refrigerator do the main work for you. When buying meat and bones, choose only fresh parts - they will make a fragrant broth, and, therefore, a delicious jellied meat. Homemade pork is a guarantee of an excellent taste of jellied meat, so pay attention to the origin of the meat when buying. Legs, shanks, and tails are best used to help the dish take on the jelly consistency.

Before boiling jellied meat, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the pork and soak it for 2-3 hours in cold water, changing the water several times. This will remove blood clots and other particles, resulting in a clear broth and, therefore, a beautiful clear jelly. To avoid turbidity of the jellied meat, it is also recommended to drain the first water after boiling the products, regularly remove the foam formed during cooking, prevent the broth from boiling intensively and filter the broth before pouring into molds through cheesecloth folded in 2-4 layers. Onions, carrots, garlic, peppercorns and bay leaves are invariable "attributes" of delicious jellied meat. Onions (with dry top scales) and carrots give the broth an appetizing golden color, and garlic and spices give an excellent aroma. Adding herbs such as celery or parsley root will also improve the flavor of the final dish.
So, to cook jellied meat, you need to pour the meat with bones in cold water in a saucepan, bring to a boil over high heat, remove the foam, reduce heat and cook for about 4 hours. After that, vegetables must be added to the broth (one hour before the end of cooking) and spices (half an hour before cooking). It is recommended to salt the dish about an hour before removing the pan from the stove. The finished broth should be allowed to cool for half an hour, and then proceed to "parsing" the jellied meat, which consists in separating the meat from the bones. Chopped meat must be mixed with finely chopped garlic, put into molds and pour over strained broth. You can leave the layer of meat separately, or you can mix the meat with the broth. Allow the jellied meat to cool at room temperature, then send the dish to the refrigerator for final solidification. On average, the jellied meat hardens for about 10 hours. In no case use a freezer to freeze the jellied meat, as it will spoil the taste of the dish.

If you want to make your jellied meat exclusive and unique, we advise you to decorate it, so much so that all the guests gasp. To do this, put plastic wrap on the bottom of the jellied meat mold and put on the bottom figures from vegetables cut with metal molds, for example, carrot stars, radish snowflakes and green pepper Christmas trees. After that, pour the jellied meat according to the instructions, and when it is ready, turn it over onto the dish. Jellied meat can also be decorated with herbs and boiled egg slices. Jellied meat is traditionally served cut into pieces with mustard and horseradish.

Each housewife has her own recipes for cooking jellied meat, which make this dish so unique. We will share the recipes with you. We suggest starting with pork shank jellied meat, which, thanks to its taste, will undoubtedly give odds to any appetizers on the New Year's table. When choosing a shank, make sure it is pink on the inside and light on the surface, without any spots. When pressing on the skin, its elasticity should be felt. You don't have to worry about the solidification of such jellied meat - the shank contains a large amount of gelling substances.

1.5 kg pork shank,
2-3 onions
2 carrots,
3-5 cloves of garlic
Bay leaf.

Pour cold water over the meat and bring the water to a boil. When the water boils, drain it, rinse the meat under running water, and then fill the pan with new water. Bring water to a boil again, then reduce heat and simmer over low heat. Cover the pot with a lid, leaving a small hole for steam to escape. After 5-6 hours, add the peeled carrots and onions to the broth. The bulbs can also be housed in the husk by rinsing them thoroughly to give the broth a beautiful hue. Add salt and spices half an hour before cooking.
When the meat is cooked, remove it from the pan and divide it into pieces. Stir the meat with chopped garlic and place in a jellied meat dish. Decorate with carrot slices and pour over the strained broth. Allow the jellied meat to cool at room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator until it solidifies.

Few people know that the tradition of cooking jellied meat on pork legs dates back to the 17th century, when thrifty and thrifty peasants tried to use all parts of animals after slaughtering so that not a single valuable product was thrown away. Pork leg jellied meat is an affordable, inexpensive and extremely tasty snack that can become a real decoration of a festive evening. Do not neglect the addition of celery and parsley root to the dish - these herbs can give the jellied meat a unique spicy aroma.

1.5 kg of pork legs,
1 onion
2 carrots,
1 parsley root
1 celery root,
4 bay leaves,
3-4 juniper berries (optional),
3-4 cloves of garlic
dill greens

Rinse and clean the pork legs. If they have hair, they should be singed. Divide the legs in two, place in a large saucepan and cover with water. Bring the water to a boil, skimming off the foam as it forms. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for about 3 hours. Then add vegetables and cook for another 2 hours. Add bay leaves and juniper berries, if used. Cook for another 30-60 minutes.
Chop the finished meat and arrange in the forms, sprinkle with chopped dill. Salt the meat broth and stir with the garlic passed through a press. Let it brew a little, strain and pour the broth over the meat. Refrigerate.

Pork aspic can be prepared from different parts of the animal, including the head. A pork head is extremely rarely popular with consumers, and completely in vain, because the jellied meat from it is simply excellent. In addition, the cost of this part of the carcass is several times lower than that of other pieces of meat, so the jellied meat comes out quite economical. About 1.5-2 liters of jellied meat is obtained from one pork head. Pork head aspic is also called brawn. Its main difference from jellied meat from other types of meat is its extraordinary density. Brawn can complement the daily menu, as well as become a festive table dish. When buying a pork head, ask the butcher to immediately chop it into several pieces, since it will be very problematic to do this at home.

Pork head jellied meat

1/2 pork head (4-5 kg),
2 carrots,
2 onions,
5-6 peas of black pepper,
3-4 bay leaves,
3-4 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon salt, or to taste.

Rinse the pork head thoroughly, remove the eyes and tongue. To prepare jellied meat, it is best to cut half a pork head into 3-4 parts. Place the meat in a large saucepan, add water and bring to a boil over high heat. Drain, refill with water, not completely cover with a lid and cook for 4.5 hours.
Add peeled onions and carrots, and after another half hour add spices and salt. Cook for another 30 minutes. Allow the finished broth to cool slightly, then disassemble the head, removing the cartilage and bones. The meat must be cut and put in jellied molds, mixed with garlic, finely chopped or passed through a press. Cut the boiled carrots into slices and place on top of the meat. Strain the broth and pour over the meat. Put in the refrigerator until it hardens completely.

Today, pork aspic is served on the table as a festive traditional dish, but if you delve into history, this food was not always considered worthy of celebration in Russia. In wealthy houses, after the feast, the leftovers of meat were collected, poured over with broth and insisted in the cold - such second-rate food was usually served to servants. French chefs gave a new taste and sophistication to jellied meat after the fashion for everything French came to Russia. We suggest you prepare a very unusual jellied meat, which is a combination of delicate jelly and crispy cartilaginous ears. Pork ear jellied meat is a dish for real gourmets, from which, as they say, you cannot pull by the ears. This type of jellied meat will certainly be appreciated by lovers of meat cartilage in any form.

1 kg of pork ears,
1 onion
1 carrot,
5 black peppercorns,
3 bay leaves,
2 cloves of garlic
salt to taste

Rinse and clean pig ears thoroughly, especially in hard-to-reach places. Place your ears tightly in a saucepan and fill it with water. Bring to a boil, remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon, not completely cover and cook for about 3 hours. Then add peeled vegetables, and half an hour before cooking - peppercorns and bay leaves. Season the broth with salt at the end of cooking.
On the bottom of the jellied meat tins, place beautifully sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots, top with chopped pork ears mixed with chopped garlic. Pour over the strained broth and sprinkle with parsley. Put in the refrigerator to freeze.

Finally, the last on the list of options for pork jelly is pork tail jellied meat. Many people unnecessarily underestimate this unsightly part of the carcass, while jellied meat with the addition of pork tails hardens very quickly, because the tendons contain a lot of gelling substances. Since there is very little meat in pork tails, they are best used with other parts of the carcass, such as legs.

500 g pork tails
1 kg of pork legs
1 carrot,
1 onion
1 teaspoon peppercorns
2-3 cloves of garlic

Rinse pork tails and legs well, remove bristles, put in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Wait 5 minutes after boiling and drain the water, replacing it with clean water. Before this, it is best to rinse the meat under running water.
Cook covered for 3 hours, then add the peeled onions and carrots. After a couple of hours, add the peppercorns and cook for another 1 hour. Season with salt to taste before the end of cooking. Remove the meat from the tails and chop it together with the meat from the legs. Stir the meat with finely chopped garlic, arrange in tins and pour over the strained broth. Wait until it solidifies completely in the refrigerator and serve.

Pork jellied meat is a wonderful winter snack that will decorate your table and delight everyone gathered at it with a wonderful taste. Use our tips for making pork jellied meat and you can rest assured that your family and friends will thank you more than once for this dish.

Europeans do not understand how you can adore jelly, but we know that nothing will warm you better than jellied meat with horseradish under a glass of vodka if you have just walked in the cold.

Jellied meat is a fairly simple dish, although it requires some patience. The convenience of jellied meat is that it will cook for a long time by itself. Nevertheless, he still requires a minimum, but a look, so it is better not to leave the house. The most important point is that the jellied meat should solidify without the addition of gelatin and agar-agar. He will do this, without any problems, but only if you follow a few simple rules, choose the right meat and fill it with the right amount of water. That's all.

What kind of meat to take for jellied meat

In the old days, jellied meat was cooked from beef legs and head. This was a method of disposing of those parts of cow / veal carcass that were completely unsuitable for other dishes. Now we have the opportunity to put anything in the jellied meat. But in order for the broth to freeze without gelatin, you still need to use legs, shanks, tails - they impart viscosity and stickiness to the liquid. Veins, cartilage, skin, skin contribute to the solidification of the broth.

In addition to the legs, you can use almost any meat that you do not mind cooking for a long time. Pork shank, chicken, beef rim work well. Jellied meat is made entirely from poultry, but then it is necessary that there must be legs, chicken legs, and also that the chicken is not a store-bought young and white (the broth will not freeze with it), but homemade, nondescript, bony. Old roosters are good for chicken jellied meat.

There shouldn't be too much meat

If there is a lot of meat, it will not help the broth to solidify. You need to keep the proportions. One part of the legs is about two parts of the rest of the meat.

Soak is a must

Before cooking jellied meat, and primarily the legs and tails, must be soaked. That is, they must first be rinsed, the legs must be scraped, if they need to be scorched, and then filled with cold water and left for several hours. This procedure will remove blood clots from the meat.

How much water to pour

After soaking, drain the water and refill the meat with cold water. But there shouldn't be too much of it. The water should be about the width of the palm of your hand above the level of the meat. And the fact that it is cold is also important. This will make the broth tastier.

Drain the first water

Bring everything to a boil and drain the water. This will make the broth clear. Then once again rinse the legs and everything else. Pour cold water again and bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove foam, dodge the fire to a minimum.

The slower the better

No wonder jellied meat was previously cooked in the oven. At a temperature of about 90 degrees, the meat slowly languished and gave everything to the water, so the jellied meat turned out to be fragrant, rich, and perfectly solidified. Now we cook jellied meat on the stove (you can cook jellied meat in a slow cooker, where it languishes like in an oven), but on the smallest fire. So that he just gurgles quietly. And we remove the foam all the time. Fat can also be removed if you do not like a thin white greasy layer on the surface of the finished jellied meat. By the way, it can be removed from a ready-made, already frozen jellied meat.

Important!Jellied meat is boiled for at least 6 hours, and better - 8 hours.

What else to put

Onion, peeled from the first layer of husk, a couple of carrots. Of course, peppercorns and bay leaves. All those products that make meat broths tastier. But we do not put them right away, but closer to the end of cooking. Carrots and onions - about two hours, and peppers and other spices - about half an hour.

When to salt

Not earlier than an hour before the jellied meat is ready, because the water is slowly boiling away and there is a danger of oversalting the jellied meat. Many salt jellied meat after it has been cooked. In this case, you need to put a little more salt, taking into account that the meat will absorb it.

After cooking

When the jellied meat is turned off, you can add some salt to it, add crushed garlic to the broth and let it stand and rest for about 20 minutes. And then start parsing the jellied meat: separate the meat from bones and cartilage.

Parsing jellied meat and filling in forms

When the jellied meat is cooked, the meat is removed from the broth with a slotted spoon. It is removed from the bones, separated from the cartilage, and the skin is selected. All meat is cut into small pieces. It is often recommended to add finely-finely chopped cartilage to the meat, so the jellied meat will be denser.

Try to choose peppercorns and bay leaves from the meat.

Arrange the meat in molds and trays, and strain the broth and pour over the meat. You can stir, or you can leave the meat below so that there is a layer of jelly above it.


On the festive table, jellied meat looks great, served in portions - for each guest. Meat and broth for such a jellied meat is poured and laid out in small portioned molds, and it is good to put decorations on the bottom of the mold: sprigs of herbs, carrot circles, half an egg, etc. When you take out the jellied meat on a plate, the decorations will be on top.

Jellied meat, frozen in a bottle, looks great, it can be cut into large circles, like a roll. To obtain such a round jelly, you need to pour the meat and broth into a plastic bottle with a cut off top and let the dish freeze. Then rinse the bottle with hot water and remove the jellied meat.

You can also use forms for cakes and pastries with ribbed walls for jellied meat - it will turn out beautifully and original.

If you want to decorate the jellied meat, you can boil carrots and other vegetables separately, those that were cooked with meat, most likely, have lost their marketable appearance.

The last stage is solidification

First, the jellied meat is cooled at room temperature. And then he needs a very low plus - about 1-2 degrees. It is impossible to freeze jellied meat, it will lose its tenderness and softness, and it will also lose its taste. So the jellied meat is sent to the refrigerator, approximately in the middle.


The classic sauce for serving jellied meat is grated horseradish. You can buy it in the store, or you can make it yourself if you have horseradish root at hand (grate, add a little sugar, salt and vinegar, quite often this sauce is also diluted with water). Table horseradish can be with the addition of beets, very fragrant horseradish is obtained with sour grated apples, and if you add mashed tomatoes to horseradish, you get a Siberian horseradish.

Also, an irreplaceable companion of jellied meat is mustard. Of course, Russian, zaboristaya, not sweetish French.

Pork leg aspic

1 kg of pork legs
2 carrots
2 onions
Black peppercorns
2-3 bay leaves

Step 1. Wash the pork legs and scrape, singe, remove the hooves. Soak for 3-4 hours.
Step 2. Fill the legs with water so that it covers them by 5 cm and put on high heat, bring to a boil.
Step 3. Drain the water and pour in a new one, bring it to a boil again, remove the foam, put it on low heat. Cook for about 8 hours.
Step 4. An hour and a half before the end of cooking, put peeled carrots and onions in the peel. After another 40 minutes, add pepper and bay leaf.
Step 5. Remove the meat and vegetables with a slotted spoon. Throw out vegetables. And separate the meat from bones and cartilage, finely chop. Arrange in forms.
Step 6. Strain the broth and pour the meat into the molds. Cool at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator for several hours until solidification.

Jellied meat in a slow cooker

2 pork legs
2 chicken legs
2.5 l of water
1 onion
½ head of garlic

Step 1. Rinse the legs, clean and soak for 2-3 hours.
Step 2. Chop the chicken into pieces (the chicken leg can be cut into three pieces).
Step 3. Peel the onion, put meat and onions, spices and salt in the multicooker bowl, add water to the maximum.
Step 4. Put on the stewing mode, the longer the better, it is convenient to leave the multicooker overnight.
Step 5. When the jellied meat is cooked, take out the meat, remove it from the bones and cut into small pieces.
Step 6. Add garlic cloves crushed with a knife to the broth. They are brewed while we are engaged in meat. Taste and salt if necessary.
Step 7. Put the meat in tins, filling them in half or two-thirds. Pour over the strained broth. Cool at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator to freeze.