Pork leg jelly and beef meat. jelly (jelly)

27.07.2019 Restaurant notes

Kholodets, cold or jelly is one of the most popular dishes in Russia. They boil it and winter holidays, and in the spring at Easter. And weddings and anniversaries are never complete without several types of jelly. Although this dish is considered an appetizer, however, in terms of satiety and nutritional value, it will give odds to many second courses.

In cold weather, jelly warms, as it is very high-calorie and fatty. But on a hot summer day, when you don’t want anything hot, you’ll be satisfied with jellied meat and cool down. Collagen substances contained in jelly are certainly beneficial for joints and bones. When my husband broke his leg, the doctor told him that he should eat jelly with beef so that the bones grow together faster.

Our favorite holiday is coming - New Year. On the New Year's table, as usual, we have all the most beloved family dishes, including jelly from pork feet. In our family, it is cooked two days before the holiday and is perfectly preserved in the refrigerator.

All the features of this Russian, national dish I can't describe in one article. I will share only the main secrets that I use myself. I invite everyone to cook with me today. And then write to me in the comments if you liked the dish according to the recipes given here.

Although the meal will be prepared for a long time, it will not require special labor costs. You will only need to prepare the pork legs and meat. And in a saucepan or slow cooker, the dish is cooked by itself, without your participation. After cooking, arrange the meat in molds, pour the broth.

Aspic is traditionally served with horseradish or mustard.

Gelatin, agar-agar or other thickeners in real jelly are not needed at all. After all, gelatin is made from bones, and we take meat with bones, cartilage, mosses, and even legs with hooves. Subject to the following, simple recommendations, the jelly will harden so that you will cut it with a knife. And it will be transparent, tasty and fragrant.

Features of the preparation of jelly

  • As I said, for a good solidification of jelly, you need to take pork legs, shank, beef shank, turkey or chicken feet. It is in the legs that the highest content of collagen substances is found. And also in pork skin. For the meat part of the jelly, you can take any meat that you like.
  • But it is even more important that the legs are fresh and well scorched and cleaned. Pay attention to the color of the meat when buying. And, of course, the smell. Poorly scraped legs, with traces of soot, can absorb the smell of burning, which will subsequently be transferred to the finished dish.
  • Meat and legs before cooking should be chopped into pieces up to 10 cm in size. Rinse, pour water and leave to soak for 3-4 hours.
  • After boiling, drain the first water, pour the meat over a new one and cook until tender.
  • Pour excess water into the saucepan. So that you do not have to add later when the liquid evaporates during the cooking process.
  • When cooking the broth, it is advisable only immediately bring to a boil, and then cook on the smallest fire. Within 4-6 hours it will be ready even in the largest saucepan.
  • Take spices to your liking, but be sure to use allspice and black peppercorns, a few cloves of garlic and one unpeeled onion. Of course, it must first be thoroughly washed.
  • Spread the finished meat on the bottom of the molds, pour strained broth and let cool completely. Then you can put it in the refrigerator.

Recipe for homemade pork jelly with beef and chicken

I have a carcass of a domestic cockerel. I use it for making jelly. I also took a pork leg and pork knuckle, as well as a piece of beef on the bone. You can use other types of meat and offal. I myself sometimes add tongue or heart to jelly.

It is believed that the more varieties of meat in jelly, the richer and tastier it is.

Spices, too, take to your liking. Just be sure to add allspice and black peppercorns and garlic. One onion is put into the broth right in the husk, unpeeled.

What you need:

Broth preparation:

1. I put the thoroughly washed meat in a large basin and fill it with water at room temperature. I will soak it for three hours. To get rid of the remaining blood clots and odor.

2. I put the soaked and washed pieces of meat in large saucepan and pour clean water. I put it on the stove and wait for it to boil. I do not close the lid all the way so that it does not run away. All this time I remove the resulting foam.

3. After boiling, I cook for about five minutes over low heat and turn it off. Now I drain this broth, and thoroughly wash the meat and the pan.

This is done so that excess fat is boiled out of the meat and the broth is completely transparent.

And again I put the pork, beef and chicken in the pan and fill it with the last water for cooking. The pot should be very large so that everything goes in and does not spill out when boiling. For one kilo of meat I pour about one and a half liters of water.

4. If you take large beef mousses, then pour more water. After all, they will be cooked for a long time and the liquid will evaporate.

During the cooking process raw water pouring is unacceptable. This can darken the entire broth.

Why do I struggle so much for the transparency of the broth? Because the jelly is festive with us and I don’t want to lose face. Let it be light through and through, so that you can see in it both meat and carrot flowers and every sprig of greens. And let all the guests praise me!

5. So, again I wait for the water to boil and again I remove the foam with a slotted spoon. As soon as the boil begins, immediately reduce the heat to a minimum and cover with a lid. Close tightly to allow steam to escape. Our jelly will be cooked for 5-8 hours. Depending on what kind of meat and bones you take. We check the readiness of the meat with a long knife.

6. When there is still an hour left until the dish is ready, you can throw in whole peeled carrots, celery and onions.

Do not forget to put one onion in the husk. It is the husk that will give the finished dish an appetizing, golden color.

7. At this stage, the broth should already be salted and spices added. I have black pepper and sweet peas, bay leaves and a sprig of rosemary. Let it cook for another hour.

8. When the meat is almost ready and falls off the bones, turn off the fire and take out the meat and vegetables in separate plates. Onions, rosemary, celery should just be thrown away, and I leave the carrot. From it will be flowers for decoration. Let everything cool down a bit. And the broth must be strained.

9. I filter the broth twice. Once through a metal sieve, removed small bones and spice rubbish. And the second time through two layers of gauze, and here all the welded particles of foam that were not removed with a slotted spoon are already removed.

Decorating and decorating:

10. I take apart the cooled pieces of meat with my hands. I throw away the bones and all the pork and chicken skins. And I split the meat with a fork into small fibers. Finely chop the garlic or push it through a press. I mix everything with garlic and pepper with ground black pepper.

11. We choose dishes for decorating jelly. Whether you need small, portioned molds, or vice versa, large ones, of which there will be one or two for the entire table - decide for yourself. I have small trays, and there are quite roomy ones. And everything is so clearly visible in them, both meat and flowers. I also make simple carrot stars and large roses. For roses, I cut the carrots into thin slices.

12. I begin to collect an artistic composition. I put a layer of meat on the bottom of each tray. Whether it will be a large layer, decide for yourself. Do you want more meat or more jelly broth.

From above I decorate with flowers from the “petals” of carrots. For decoration, you can use cucumber circles and hard-boiled eggs, in a word, everything that your fantasy tells you. And the finishing touch is a couple of sprigs of greenery. You can use dill, rosemary or parsley.

Here, one more nuance should be taken into account. If you serve the jelly upside down from the container onto the dish, then the flowers and greens should be placed on the bottom of the bowl, and the pieces of meat are already on top. In large trays, the flowers are on top of the meat, and the broth is on top of the flowers.

13. All trays are filled with meat and decorated. The broth has already cooled down enough. Carefully, using a holey spoon, pour all the containers with broth. I leave them to cool completely. Then I refrigerate.

14. In the refrigerator, keep the containers tightly closed. Jellied meat has the ability to absorb odors. And this is of no use to us. You can try the next day. I try to keep the fat on top as low as possible, but it is still present. I remove this layer of fat with a long, sharp knife.

15. You can serve on the table directly in the tray or cut into portions. And you can serve beautifully on a platter. Only here it must first be thawed by lowering the mold with aspic into hot water.

16 On the table, jelly is located next to horseradish and mustard. They are inseparable friends. You can also cut lemon slices into it.

It turned out to be a notable jelly. It is strong like brawn and very meaty. For the taste I can say - eat, eat, eat .. and still want! And how I am pleased with the transparency of the jelly layer, words can not convey!

Pork shank jelly with chicken in a bottle in the form of a pig

Here is another very original way festive decoration jelly. It's easy to prepare and the products are all the usual. It is the serving of this dish that touches the guests. A very cheerful pig on a platter among lettuce leaves.

Suitable bottles of 1 and 1.5 liters or more. What capacity you take, this size will be a piglet.

I took one pork knuckle and chicken parts. For decoration 4 cloves and three circles of boiled sausage. The jelly will be very meaty.

  • Then I put it on to boil. I remove the foam as it appears. When the water boils, I reduce the fire and cook for five minutes. I take it off the stove and drain the water. I wash the meat and the pan. I refill with clean water. I remind you that we pour one and a half liters of water per kg of meat.
  • Now we are finally cooking. When it boils, I carefully remove all the foam and put on the smallest fire. Jellied meat is boiled for 4-5 hours.
  • When the meat is ready, but still not far behind the bones, you need to salt, put carrots, onions and spices. The bulb is washed, but the husk is not peeled.
  • Cook for about an hour more. I take it off the heat and take out all the meat and bones with a slotted spoon. Let the meat cool down. I filter the broth first through a strainer and again through a double layer of gauze.
  • Finely chop the cooled meat. I look carefully so that there are no small bones left. The meat must be tasted and, if necessary, salt and pepper. Add finely chopped garlic clove if desired.
  • AT plastic bottle with a teaspoon, carefully lay the meat and gradually add the broth.
  • The bottle is full. I cool down to room temperature. Then I put it in the fridge for a few hours. Even if she stays there for two days, nothing will happen to her. I take it out just before serving. Because the finished piglet will already be on the table and can “swim”.
  • Using scissors, I cut off the bottom of the bottle, and then cut it along to the very neck. thus I release the jellied meat from the bottle.
  • From two circles of sausage I cut out the ears from the third patch. I make slits on the head of the piglet and insert the ears into them. Two cloves are the eyes. Two more are the nose. I attach the nose to the head with a toothpick.
  • I spread the piglet on a dish and decorate with herbs and halves of tomatoes.
  • This pig with horseradish and mustard will be a good decoration for the festive table. And will delight all the guests.

    Delicious jelly from pork legs in a slow cooker

    A detailed video from the channel of Marina Petrushenko is also interesting for those who like to cook in a slow cooker. As you know, everything in it is cooked deliciously, quickly and without problems.

    It's so simple and amazingly tasty, and you can festively serve jelly for the New Year's table. If someone found my recipes useful, unsubscribe in the comments, I will be very pleased.

    Thanks to everyone who cooked with me today! If you liked these simple recipes, press the buttons social networks to keep them on your page!

    Kholodets - traditional Russian dish from meat and frozen broth, which we love to cook for the holidays. Especially in the cold season. For many, aspic is an equally important and obligatory dish for New Year's table like Olivier. Each hostess has her own secrets of cooking jelly, recipes are passed down from generation to generation. Tastes and preferences for such a dish are also formed in families over the years. Someone likes cold meat exclusively from pork, while someone adds chicken or beef meat to it. Often, all types of meat are found in one fragrant frozen aspic. The set of favorite spices is also individual.

    Very often, jelly is cooked more than once, until the moment when there is the very recipe that will appeal to every member of the family. After all, you can cook with large pieces of meat, and with the addition of vegetables and herbs. You can grind the meat into minced meat and cook very satisfying and meat aspic, dense texture, or you can make a thin and transparent frozen broth that will melt on the tongue as if by magic.

    Therefore, there is such a wide variety of recipes. But the most important thing that unites them is that in most cases jelly is cooked without the addition of gelatin, but only on the basis of thick rich broths high concentration, which solidify on their own. This is due to the fact that the broth is cooked from pieces of carcasses that have large quantity cartilaginous tissue, which gives such properties to the broth. Usually legs, tails, ears are used for jelly. All where there are bones, joints, cartilage and skin. In addition to richness, such a broth will also have special taste. But for a full bouquet and richness of the dish, meat is best suited, which is added during the cooking process and, unlike bones and joints, also ends up in the finished dish.

    If you want to make the aspic elegant and beautiful, then put beautifully chopped vegetables, olives, green leaves in it. This is done before the broth is poured into the mold so that when it hardens, all this elegant beauty remains inside.

    Cooking jelly on your own is quite difficult and long, especially jelly from pork legs is cooked for a long time. Such jelly is prepared without the addition of gelatin, many housewives are concerned about the question of whether it will harden, but if you strictly follow the recipe, the cooking process will be successful. The result in the end is worth the effort and most importantly, properly cooked tender jelly from pork legs is a very tasty cold appetizer for the holiday or even for every day.


    • pork neck - 1 kg;
    • pig legs - 2 pcs.;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • garlic - 8 cloves;
    • bay leaf, peppercorns, salt - according to preferences.


    1. In a 5-liter saucepan we send pork legs, meat chopped into big pieces, carrots and onions. Pour all the ingredients with water and send to the fire. After the water starts to boil, the jelly needs to be salted, the emerging foam is removed with a slotted spoon, this is necessary so that the jelly turns out to be a transparent color.

    2. Cook aspic for 5-6 hours over low heat. We take out the vegetables from the pan after one hour of cooking.

    3. 30 minutes before readiness, add the remaining products. We take out the meat, cook the broth for another 15 minutes. We filter the broth.

    4. We disassemble the meat into fibers, do it with our hands to feel and remove all the bones.

    5. Put decorations on the bottom of the mold; chopped olives and greens can be used as decoration.

    6. Put the meat into the mold, fill it with broth. In this form, leave until completely cooled, after which we put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

    7. Before serving, put the jelly on a plate, turning the form upside down. If you followed all the points of the recipe, then the pork leg jelly will be elastic, keep its shape well and not melt when room temperature.

    Delicious, fragrant, transparent aspic ready, you can start eating.

    A hearty appetizer will be a great decoration for the festive table.

    For cooking, you will need the following set of products:

    • beef - 0.5 kg;
    • processed pork legs - 1.3 kg;
    • bulb - 1 pc.;
    • carrot - 210 g;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • laurel leaves, pepper, salt - optional;
    • greens - used for decoration.

    Cooking steps:

    1. We wash the meat with water, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water so that the water completely covers the meat. We turn on the fire, wait for the boil and remove the foam.

    2. Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid, leave it in this position for 5 hours. Salt, pepper the broth, add vegetables and bay leaf, continue to cook for another 60 minutes.

    3. Remove vegetables and meat from the broth and set aside on separate plates, leave the broth to cool. Strain the broth through a fine sieve.

    4. We cut, sort and cut the meat, which will be added directly to the jelly. Use only the pieces that you are going to eat.

    5. We see fat on the surface of the broth, it must be removed. If you leave it, then a thick white layer of frozen fat forms on the surface of the finished frozen jelly.

    6. Combine the meat with the broth, leave a small amount of meat for decoration. Stir and put back on the hot plate.

    7. Let the broth boil and turn off the fire. Pass the garlic through a press.

    8. Cut the carrots into thin circles or flowers, transfer it to the form, and the greens there too.

    9. Fix the decoration with the remaining meat so that it does not run away anywhere.

    10. Pour the meat with the broth into a mold with a ladle, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

    11. Before serving, the layer of fat formed on the surface must be removed. It not only spoils appearance but not very palatable either.

    12. We shift the jelly to the surface, decoration up.

    Serve cold, garnished with fresh herbs and vegetables. Don't forget about mustard and horseradish, these two spices best friends real homemade jelly.

    Beef jelly prepared according to this recipe is an independent dish, in this case, you do not need to add gelatin. The jelly will harden on its own if cooked from the right part of an animal carcass, such as pig ears, tails or legs. For beef jelly the most commonly used part of the leg, which is called a motolyga (motor ski). This is essentially a knee with a joint, it is the articular tissues that make it possible to make a thick, well-setting broth. After all, this is exactly what you need for jelly. The taste of beef, of course, will be different from pork. The characteristic smell and taste of beef and veal will give the jelly its properties. The color of jelly will also be darker, as it happens with beef broth. In my example, I will show how to make jelly with meat ground in a meat grinder, but you can also do large pieces, cutting the meat with a knife or parsing the pieces into fibers. Choose according to your taste.


    • beef motor ski (part of the leg with the joint) - 1 kg;
    • beef - 300-500 g;
    • onions - 2 pcs;
    • carrots - 1 pc;
    • garlic - 1-3 cloves;
    • peppercorns, salt - to taste.


    1. Pour the meat with water, after boiling, drain the water. Fill with new water, send the peeled vegetables there and cook the meat for 5 hours. Remove the foam when boiling, this will help keep the broth, and subsequently the jelly, transparent.

    2. After an hour of cooking, remove the carrots and onions from the pan so that they do not overcook. Continue cooking meat. When ready, take out and separate the meat from the bones. We pass boiled meat and garlic through a meat grinder.

    3. Pour the chopped meat with strained broth and mix, evenly distributing. Salt to taste and add ground black pepper.

    4. Cool the beef jelly, put it in the refrigerator until completely solidified. The container in which it will solidify is best covered with a lid, and if it is not, then cling film.

    The jelly is ready, decorate it with greens and serve it to the table. Cut into portions and serve with hot spices and sauces. Bon appetit!

    People who have little time can cook jelly according to " lazy recipe". The entire cooking process will take no more than 1 hour. Preparing such a jelly is very simple, the main difficulty is to find a really high-quality stew. Ideally, you need to use stew home cooking, the quality of store products should be verified in advance. Since the stew itself does not have the properties necessary for thickening the jelly, she will have to help with this. Ordinary gelatin will come to the rescue, which will give the desired jelly-like consistency.


    • beef stew - 300 g;
    • onion - 2 pcs;
    • carrots - 1 pc;
    • gelatin - 20 g;
    • water - 1 l;
    • peppercorns - ½ tsp;
    • salt - 1 tsp


    1. Pour gelatin into a bowl and dilute it, as indicated in the instructions on the package. Set aside to swell.

    2. Transfer carrots, peppers, onions to a saucepan and fill with water, it will take 500 milliliters. Turn on the burner, cook the vegetables for 10 minutes.

    3. We get out of the stew big chunks meat and cut them, put them in a mold. Pour the rest of the contents of the jar into the broth. Cook for 25 minutes.

    4. We filter the broth through a sieve and combine it with swollen gelatin. Stir and pass through a sieve again.

    5. Cut boiled carrots into circles. We take 3 circles, cut in half and send them to the meat, sprinkle with dried green onions.

    6. Fill the stew with broth. Close the container with a lid, after complete cooling, put it in the refrigerator.

    At first glance, the combination of stew and gelatin may seem unusual, but the simplicity of cooking is now appreciated. To taste jelly from stew, cooked according to quick recipe, does not differ from the classical one.

    Another decoration of the festive table can be a jellied meat that looks like ham. The taste of ham is soft and tender, great option cold appetizer, no added preservatives.


    • pork knuckle - 3 pcs.;
    • pig ears - 6 pcs.;
    • pork leg - 2600 g;
    • pork neck with bone - 1.8 kg;
    • onion - 250 g;
    • celery stalk - 600 g;
    • garlic, salt, laurel, peppercorns - according to preferences.


    1. We put the pork in a saucepan, add water, turn on the burner. If there is stubble on the handlebar and ears, shave it off with a disposable razor.

    2. After boiling, put the pork in a colander, rinse with running water. Thus, we remove the scale from the meat.

    3. We shift the clean pork into a saucepan, add onion, celery to it, and fill it with water. Turn on the fire, remove the scale with a slotted spoon.

    4. Cover the pan with a lid, let the meat cook at a slow boil for 4-4.5 hours. An hour before the end of cooking, add chopped garlic, as well as salt and spices.

    5. Remove the boiled pork from the broth, cool. The pulp is separated from the bones, ears.

    6. Strain the broth through cheesecloth.

    7. The form must be wrapped with cling film. Put the ears in the form, followed by the prepared meat and rich broth.

    8. Using a fork, distribute the broth throughout the form. Up we wrap the ears, wrap with a film. We put the form under pressure. Ship to refrigerator compartment so that our ham freezes.

    9. Before serving, cut into slices like regular ham.

    We lay out the pieces of the finished jelly beautifully on a plate. Garnish with vegetables and lettuce leaves and serve. festive table with mustard and horseradish. Very tasty and appetizing looking!

    There is nothing difficult in preparing jellied meat in a slow cooker, just put all the ingredients in a bowl, set the desired program and the dish will be cooked overnight. After that, you need to remove the dish from the mold and cool it.

    You will need:

    • pig's ear - 1 pc.;
    • pork hoof - 1 pc.;
    • pork knuckle - 1 pc.;
    • chicken legs - 2 pcs.;
    • onion - 130 g;
    • carrots - 80 g;
    • salt - optional.


    1. We put the parts of pork and chicken thoroughly washed and cleaned of bristles into the multicooker bowl. Highly large pieces cut into pieces.

    2. Cut the onion into two parts, it is not necessary to peel it, send it to the bowl. Onion peel will give the jelly a bright beautiful color. We divide the carrot into 3 parts, move it to the meat.

    3. Pour water into the bowl so that it completely covers the food. Salt the meat, close the lid of the multicooker. We turn on the “jelly” or “stewing” mode, in this mode, by default, the meat is cooked for 6 hours.

    4. After the time has elapsed, he takes food out of the bowl. The meat is separated from the bones and passed through a meat grinder.

    5. Strain the broth through a fine sieve. Combine the chopped meat with the broth, add your favorite seasonings, stir.

    We turn on the "soup" program and bring the jelly to a boil. Then turn off the slow cooker and add fresh garlic squeezed through the press.

    6. Cool to room temperature, pour into molds and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

    Even novice housewives can cook delicious jelly in a slow cooker. The meat will not burn, if all the water boils away the cooking process will stop. During the time while cooking is in progress, you can safely go about your business or go to bed, setting it up for the night.

    Ready-made jelly is perfect as an appetizer for the festive table.

    How to cook delicious jelly pork and chicken

    For delicious aspic only fresh meat should be used, meat that has been frozen will not work. Chicken can be substituted if desired. turkey neck. A mixture of pork and chicken gives a very tender and pleasant taste, the jellied meat will turn out light and transparent.


    • laurel leaf - 4 pcs.;
    • pork leg - 600 g;
    • pork on the bone - 0.5 kg;
    • chicken leg - 1 pc.;
    • salt - 2 tsp;
    • peppercorns - 13 pcs.;
    • onion - 140 g;
    • garlic - 25 g.


    1. Put the meat and onions in a saucepan, pour 4.5 liters of water.

    2. We send the pan to the fire, cook over high heat until boiling, then reduce to low. After 3 hours, salt, pepper and add Bay leaf. We take out the chicken from the broth, it will cook before the pork.

    3. We take out the meat when it is ready, let it cool down, cut it into small pieces. We do the same with chicken.

    4. Finely chop the garlic and put it on the bottom of the mold. We lay out the meat in forms. If the meat is not salty, add salt to it.

    5. Onion lovers can cut it up and add it to the meat.

    6. Fill the molds with broth, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

    The next day, pork and chicken jelly is completely ready. It will become elastic and soft at the same time and at the same time very tasty. Bon appetit!

    Festive pork and turkey jelly - video recipe

    I suggest you look at another recipe for making jellied meat. This time the company pork meat in the dish will be a turkey, from which we use a wing. And for the beautiful festive feed we will make beautiful flowers on the surface of the jelly from boiled eggs and carrots. It is pleasant to put such a jellied meat on the festive table for the New Year and hear praises from all guests and household members.

    Now you know how to cook the most delicious jelly. In this case, you do not need to have special culinary skills, the main thing is to be patient and time. Good luck with your culinary experiments!

    In order to prepare a transparent jelly, you must remember
    some simple rules, adhering to which it will be possible to easily create this cooking masterpiece.

    Rule 1

    The choice of the main ingredient is meat.
    You can cook jelly from any meat (chicken, pork,
    beef, pork legs, etc.), the most important thing is to choose the right
    main product.

    Buying such an important component in aspic as meat is best on
    market, because there it is guaranteed not to be frozen.
    Pork legs, which are the key to solidifying the dish, must be well cleaned of bristles, and, if necessary, burned on fire, then rinsed. You can add any meat of your choice.

    Will it be chicken, beef or all the same pork jelly- the hostess decides, but pork legs (to be more specific - the part that ends with hooves) are necessary, then no gelatin is needed.

    If the meat is with a skin, then this will also play a good role in
    freezing of jelly. The size of the pieces of meat for jelly does not play a big role.

    The brisket and drumstick can be cut into several parts, and large and
    leave the central bone intact. To avoid small
    bones, pork feet cut in half lengthwise and then again
    in half along the joint.

    But, oddly enough, you can not overdo it with meat. Necessary
    observe certain proportions, otherwise there is a risk that
    the dish still does not freeze: for several pork legs weighing
    approximately 700 grams can be taken no more than one and a half kilos
    other meat components.

    Rule 2

    Meat must be soaked before cooking. This procedure is necessary for
    in order to remove the remains of clotted blood from the meat. Besides
    the skin after soaking will be much softer and more tender.

    Taking a bowl and placing in it meat ingredients, you need to completely soak them in cold water, and leave for several hours (or better all night). In the morning, the meat can be washed again, carefully scrape the pork legs to remove the smoked places.

    Just peel the skin on the rest of the meat components. A small "vegetable" knife is suitable for this task like nothing else. Then you can put the meat in a cauldron and start cooking.

    Rule 3

    The first water must be drained! The belief of some housewives that
    that descaling with a slotted spoon will completely solve all problems - not entirely correct.

    It is better to drain the first water after cooking meat, because with it
    all excess fat and other unwanted components will be removed.
    Moreover, the appearance of such a jelly will be much more attractive, its calorie content will noticeably decrease, and the smell will become much more pleasant.

    Ideally, you can also drain the second water, then the jelly will be clean and transparent, like a baby's tear.

    After draining the broth, it is necessary to rinse the contents of the cauldron under running water, which will remove small adherent remnants of coagulated protein. After that, you can put the meat back for the final cooking.

    The amount of water should be above the level of the meat by about 2 centimeters. If the amount of water is more, then it will not boil away as expected. Therefore, the jelly may not freeze. If there is less water, then during the cooking process it will be necessary to add it from the kettle, which will also not have a very favorable effect on the final result.

    It should also be taken into account that in order for the jelly to turn out transparent, the contents of the cauldron should not be allowed to boil. You need to cook the jelly over low heat, about 6 hours, and then the result will surpass all expectations.

    Rule 4

    Spices and seasonings also have their turn.
    After 5 hours have passed since the start of cooking, a whole onion and carrot can be added to the broth. If you do this earlier, then all the "charms" from adding these ingredients will evaporate along with the boiled water.

    Salt in aspic also needs to be added after 4-5 hours, because in the process
    boiling water, the broth becomes more concentrated, and there is
    the likelihood of simply oversalting the dish.

    It is better to add allspice, lavrushka and other spices to taste thirty minutes before the end of cooking, then the bouquet of aromas will win the hearts of even the most scrupulous critics.

    Rule 5

    How long does it take to cook jelly.

    Pork jelly (pork legs, knuckles) 5-6 hours;

    Jellied chicken 3-4 hours;

    Beef jelly 7-8 hours.

    But the best thing is to cook jelly from assorted meat, then it will turn out
    more tasty and rich.

    Rule 6

    Bones are removed by hand, not a meat grinder.

    After the jelly has finished cooking, it is necessary to remove the meat from
    pots. It is most convenient to do this with a slotted spoon. The broth must be filtered through a colander, and preferably through a clean cloth, removing the onion, carrot, peppercorns and bay leaf.

    Slightly cooled meat must be carefully sorted out with your hands, separating it from the bones (you can help yourself with a small knife).

    It is better to cut meat by hand, and not with a meat grinder, as this will be a guarantee that even the smallest bones, which are very easy to break teeth, will not fall into the plate of any of the guests.

    It is better not to throw away skins and cartilage, because they will give the jelly a fortress.

    At the bottom of the plate in which the jelly will solidify, you can put greens or cut out various figures from carrots - this will wonderful decoration such interesting dish. After that, expanding meat mass in a prepared container, you can fill it with broth.

    Rule 7

    The right temperature is the key to success. The best place for
    solidification of jelly is not a window sill and not even a cold balcony.
    The most “correct” temperature for jelly is on the middle shelf

    After all, if the jelly is not cold enough, then it will not freeze, and if,
    on the contrary, it will freeze, then it will lose all its wonderful taste
    quality. This culinary masterpiece will harden within 5-6 hours.

    Rule 8

    If the jelly is not frozen (jelly with gelatin).

    If the jelly has not frozen, you should not worry. The dish can be easily salvaged by pouring it back into a clean pot and simmering for a few minutes. Next, you need to separate dishes dilute the gelatin according to the instructions on the package (dosage should be seen there).

    Pour the gelatin into the jellied meat and mix well, pour into plates. After such a procedure, the jelly will harden for sure, there is no doubt.

    jelly recipe

    To prepare a delicious jelly, you will need the following products:

    Pork knuckle weighing about a kilogram;

    0.5 kg of pork;

    One bulb;

    2-3 bay leaves;

    5-6 peas of allspice;

    2-4 cloves of garlic;

    2.5 liters of water;

    Cold preparation:

    1. Prepare the meat: rinse and pour water, soak for a couple of hours.
    After that, clean the shank well and cut it into two parts.

    2. Pour into a saucepan cold water and put all the meat in it.

    3. After boiling, drain the first broth and add 2.5 liters to the meat
    cold water.

    4. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat as much as possible (so that the broth barely
    boiled). Cook jellied meat for 5 hours.

    6. Remove the meat from the pan, and put garlic crushed with a knife blade into the broth.

    7. Divide the meat into small pieces. Strain the broth through a fine sieve or clean cloth.

    8. Put the meat into the jellied molds and pour in the broth. Allow to harden (preferably in the refrigerator on the middle shelf).

    9. Serve jelly, pre-garnished with herbs, with mustard or

    Blitz tips for cooking jelly

    Based on the foregoing, we can formulate some basic tips that will help you properly, and most importantly, tasty, cook jelly.
    1. Meat must be fresh.

    2. In order for the jelly to freeze better, it is better to take pork knuckle or animal legs for cooking.

    3. To make the jelly taste good, the meat must first
    soak in cold water.

    4. It is better to drain the first broth.

    5. Spices and seasonings should be put shortly before the end of cooking
    jelly to keep their flavor.

    6. Meat bones must be carefully selected by hand.

    7. The jelly should solidify at the right temperature - at medium
    refrigerator shelf.

    8. If the jelly is not frozen, you can simply add gelatin, after boiling the jelly.

    9. Do not add too much water, as the jelly may not
    freeze. Too little water is also not the best option.

    10. You need to salt the jelly at the end of cooking, so as not to oversalt the dish.

    That's all, the jelly is ready, and there is nothing super complicated. All you need is
    carefully choose the meat, and carefully consider its cooking, and then
    jelly is doomed to success!

    We wish you bon appetit!

    How to cook delicious jelly: six important rules.

    Delicious transparent jelly from pork, beef or chicken, with horseradish or mustard - even those who count every calorie on the plate are unlikely to refuse such a dish.

    However, not every housewife will be able to cook a delicious jellied meat. Some are afraid that it will not freeze. Others tried to cook jelly, but instead of tasty, appetizing, transparent, it turns out to be inconspicuous in appearance and inedible.

    However, there are a number of rules, knowing and following which, you can easily cook delicious homemade aspic. So let's get started

    Rule one. Choose the right meat

    One of the main ingredients of jelly is pork legs, and more specifically, their lowest part, the one that ends with hooves. It is these nondescript pork "spare parts" that serve as a guarantee that your jelly will harden properly.

    Add the rest of the meat to your liking: it can be chicken, turkey, pork (an excellent option is a knuckle), beef on the bone. It is better that the meat is with veins and with a skin - this will also contribute to a better solidification of the jelly. But pork legs are a MUST anyway!

    In this case, certain proportions must be observed. For a pair of pork legs weighing about 700 grams, take no more than one and a half kilograms of other meat parts. Too much meat, oddly enough, can harm your jelly - it simply won't freeze.

    Rule Two.Before cooking, be sure to soak the meat

    This procedure is necessary in order to remove the remains of coagulated blood from the meat. Besides, pre-soak meat softens the skin, which can then be easily peeled.

    To soak the meat, take a pot in which you will cook your delicious jellied meat. Pour the meat with water so that it is completely hidden by water and leave to soak for at least three hours, and even better overnight.

    After soaking the meat, carefully scrape the pork legs, removing the sooty spots. In the same way, clean the skin (if any) on the rest meat parts. It is most convenient to use a small "vegetable" knife for this purpose.

    Rule Three. Drain the first water after boiling the jelly

    Some housewives neglect this procedure, believing that descaling with a slotted spoon is enough to get clear broth. However, draining the first broth, you will not only ensure the transparency of the jelly, but also reduce the number of calories in the finished dish and get rid of the specific greasy taste.

    After pouring the first broth, rinse the contents of the pan under running water - this will remove the small remaining coagulated proteins that have stuck to it.

    Pour the washed meat again with water. At the same time, pay attention to its quantity - it should be two centimeters above the level of meat. Pour more - the jelly will not have time to boil away during cooking, respectively, it may not freeze. Pour less - you will have to add additional water during the cooking process, which, again, will adversely affect the solidification of the jelly.

    By the way, in order for the jelly to be transparent, do not allow the contents of the pan to boil intensively. You need to cook aspic on a quiet fire for six hours, no less, only in this case it will turn out delicious and freeze perfectly without adding gelatin.

    Rule four. Add herbs and spices the right way

    After your future delicious jelly has been cooked for five hours, add a whole peeled carrot and onion to it. It makes no sense to add vegetables before - all their flavor will disappear during the cooking process. By the way, do not peel the onion from the outer husk, but simply rinse it thoroughly - this will add ready broth nice golden color.

    You also need to salt the jelly after four to five hours of cooking, in no case at the beginning. Otherwise, the jelly can easily be salted, because during the cooking process the broth boils away and becomes concentrated.

    Add bay leaf and peppercorns to the jellied meat half an hour before the end of cooking.

    Rule five. Cut meat properly

    After you finish cooking your delicious aspic, remove the meat from the broth with a slotted spoon. Strain the broth itself through a colander. Throw out the onion, carrot.

    Carefully separate the meat from the bones with your hands, helping yourself with a small knife. Cut the meat with a knife (do not use a meat grinder or food processor) - this way you will definitely not miss the small bones. But the garlic is better not to cut, but to pass through the press. In this case, it will be distributed in the meat mass more evenly.

    Do not throw away the skins and cartilage - they will give strength to the finished jelly, cut them finely and mix with "good" meat.

    After spreading the meat mass in trays, fill it with broth. Stir very gently so as not to stir up the broth.

    Rule six. Ensure the right temperature

    In order for the jelly to freeze well, it needs the “correct” temperature. In the kitchen, even on a cool windowsill near the window, the jelly will not freeze. To the balcony / loggia winter time it is also impossible to endure it - frozen jelly irrevocably loses its delicate texture, as they say, “stops off” (an exception is a glazed insulated loggia).

    In view of the above the best place for solidification of jelly - the middle shelf of the refrigerator. Trays with aspic can be stacked on top of each other to save space, of course, after cooling them at room temperature and covering each tray cutting board. If you did everything right, the jelly will harden in four to five hours.

    By the way, if you cover the jellied meat with a lid, wait until it starts to "seize", otherwise the lid will stick to frozen aspic and remove it without violating the integrity ready meal, will be impossible.

    And further. Do not immediately remove everything from the surface of the finished jelly melted lard- it will protect the jelly from "weathering".

    In principle, these are all the basic rules, following which you will be able to cook delicious jelly. As you can see, there are few of them and they are all quite simple. Good luck with this delicious dish!

    Recipe for homemade pork and beef jelly


    • beef - 490 g;
    • pork legs - 1 kg;
    • small bulb;
    • carrots - 65 g;
    • coarse salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
    • two bay leaves;
    • a head of garlic;
    • water;
    • a mixture of dry vegetables - 1 tbsp. the spoon.


    In a deep stewpan, put the washed and processed pork legs and beef pulp. Add spices to taste, throw bay leaf and a dry mixture of vegetables. Fill the contents with filtered water so that it covers the meat a little. How much beef and pork jelly do you need to cook? There is no exact answer to this question! It depends on the size of your dishes. We bring the water to a boil, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, cover with a lid and boil on the weakest fire for 4 hours. Then add the peeled onion, carrots and salt the broth to taste. Garlic is processed from dry husks and squeezed through a press. After 45 minutes, carefully remove the meat from the pan and send the garlic gruel there. We boil the broth for another 20 minutes, and in the meantime we are engaged in meat: we cool it and disassemble it into small pieces. Discard the onion and carrot, and strain the broth. Next, we take deep bowls, lay the prepared meat on the bottom and fill it with broth to the very top. We send the blanks to the refrigerator for complete solidification. Serve ready-made pork and beef jelly without gelatin, cut into pieces, with homemade mustard or an appetizer based on horseradish.

    Pork leg jelly recipe with beef


    • pork legs - 1 kg;
    • beef - 520 g;
    • onion - 115 g;
    • carrot - 65 g;
    • one bay leaf;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • peppercorns;
    • salt;
    • instant gelatin - 1 sachet.


    We wash the meat, throw it into a pot of water and put it on a lit stove. We bring the liquid to a boil, remove the foam that has risen, throw in the unpeeled onions and cook the jelly beef and pork for 5 hours. 1 hour before the end, we throw carrots, peppercorns, lavrushka into the broth and add some salt to taste. After 30 minutes, we taste our broth. Next, turn off the fire, carefully take out our offal and put it in a separate bowl. We filter the broth and pour a little into a glass, then to dissolve the gelatin in it. We sort the meat, separate it from the bones and cut into small pieces. boiled carrots clean, chop with rings and put on the bottom of the container. Spread the meat in an even layer on top, throw in finely chopped garlic and sprinkle with meat again. Dissolve gelatin in warm broth, strictly following the recommendations on the package. Then mix it with the remaining broth and pour into a plate. We send the jelly to the refrigerator and wait about 7 hours for it to harden. Next, cut the appetizer into pieces and serve to the table with rye bread, fuck and .

    Cooking jellied pork and beef in a slow cooker



    We cut the pork legs across and soak for 10 hours in water. Then we put them with meat in the dishes of the multicooker and fill it with filtered water. We throw the lavrushka, spices to taste, close the lid and cook for 6 hours on the “Stew”. After that, carefully remove the meat from the broth, disassemble it and lay it out in molds. Squeeze the peeled garlic into the broth through a press and pour the liquid into the molds. We remove the jellied meat in the refrigerator and wait until it hardens.