How to properly cut herring from the bones. How to cut a herring for a festive table

02.04.2019 Snacks

Every housewife at least once in her life was faced with the need to clean and cut herring. However, for many, this process takes so long that the next time they try to either refuse to cook a dish with herring or try to purchase already finished fillet.

Well, is it really possible to deprive yourself of your favorite delicacy, especially since the process of cleaning and cutting herring does not take so much time, and the result exceeds all expectations. After all, such slightly salted herring is much tastier and more tender than the purchased fillet or some preserves, the quality and purity of which, I personally, very much doubt.

In this recipe, I will tell you how to easily and quickly separate the herring fillet. And you will never again face this problem, or this moment of cutting herring will not seem to you something terrible. I have already gotten used to peeling and separating herring fillets pretty quickly.

By the way, fillet of lightly salted or slightly salted herring is great for many, such as herring under a fur coat, forshmak, etc. - there are a great many of them. Maybe my skills are far from the professionalism of real chefs and cooks, but I myself acquired these skills as a teenager, when we did not have any Internet and there was nowhere to spy on. I hope you find mine useful.

And now we are learning to clean weakly salted herring, remove bones from it and separate fillets. It will come in handy!

Method for cutting herring

To carve a slightly salted herring, we need a whole cooked herring weak salting, a sharp kitchen knife and cutting board... If you are using a wooden board, then it should be specially designated for fish, since wood absorbs odors very strongly. We put our herring on the board and proceed to cutting.

I don't think anyone needs a head and a ponytail, except to give it to a kitty, so we boldly cut them off and send them to waste.

Then we rip open the abdomen in the direction from the lower caudal fin to the end and carefully scrape all the insides, including caviar and milk, onto the board. Caviar and milk can be rinsed under running water and left (many love them), and the rest is safely sent to waste.

With scraping movements inside the abdomen, moving from the ridge to the edges, we clean the herring from all foreign matter, first on one side, and then on the other. We wash the fish under running water and now it looks absolutely clean inside.

Now we tear off the lower caudal fin with an upward movement towards the peritoneal incision, prying it with a finger from the side of the tail.

Then we carefully pull out the pelvic fins - also with movements from the tail to the head.

The turn of the dorsal fin has come - we also undermine it from the side of the tail and pull it out. All fins are wasted.

Now, with a sharp knife, we make a shallow incision along the entire back - from tail to head, as if not completely dividing the fish into two halves.

Cut the skin from the bottom of the tail to the place where the tail fin is pulled out.

Put the herring on its side and pry the skin near the cut on the tail side. Gently, so as not to skin the meat, pull it up towards the head and remove the whole thing.

Some argue that the herring needs to be cleaned not from the tail, but from the head, but I prefer to act differently - it seems to me easier and more accurate. As a result, after all, it is still not visible from which side you cleaned the fish: from the head or from the tail. :) Don't forget to peel off the other side.

This is our herring, cleaned of entrails, fins and skin. At this point, you can rinse it again a little under cool running water.

Now the most important and, probably, most difficult is the process of fillet separation from the ridge. To do this, you need to stick your finger into the incision on the back, approximately 2-3 centimeters from the edge of the tail, between the ridge and the fillet. And slowly, pressing your finger to the ridge, moving towards the tail, separate the half of the tail fillet.

Now, gently grasping the separated fillet of the tail, slowly sip towards the head, dividing the fish into two halves.

The spine remains at the bottom, and the top of the fillet is almost complete.

We do a similar procedure with the remaining half. Gently slip your finger under the ridge and separate the tail of the fillet from the ridge.

Then, pulling on the ridge, but not on the fillet, slowly pull it out. And of course the ridge goes to waste. At this stage, I want to note that I saw on the Internet how some large hands, separating the fillet from the ridge, crushed and chopped the poor herring from the side of the head, holding it in a canopy, moving to the tail.

But to be honest, the sight made me close my eyes. And what kind of porridge, and not whole fillet, was the result - it's hard to say, because fillet lightly salted herring quite gentle and you definitely don't need to press and tear it.

Now it is necessary to remove all the bones from the resulting two halves of the fillet. Some bones come out with the ridge when we pull it out, but some of the bones still break off and remain in the meat. You need to feel well with your fingers both halves of the fillet and remove the remaining bones. These are mainly rib bones: short and long.

Be careful and check well if all the bones have been found and extracted! The more accurately you manage to separate the first half from the second and take out the spine, the less bones you will then have to choose.

Now all that remains is to rinse the fillets well under running water. You can safely start cooking the dish for which you tried so hard!

Bon appetit and enjoy cooking!

Few people dislike herring. It is good with potatoes, onions, black bread, not to mention the famous herring under a fur coat. Serve this fish to festive table - our national tradition... At a low cost, herring has excellent taste, and therefore it is considered an affordable delicacy for all. One thing is upsetting: cleaning and cutting herring is a rather dirty process, and without experience and knowledge of how to properly clean and cut fish, it is also time consuming.

What is this fish and how is it useful

Herring - sea \u200b\u200bfish... She lives in the Pacific, Atlantic oceans and in most salty seas. The herring family comprises more than 60 species of fish, in our country the most famous are Atlantic, Norwegian, Iwashi, as well as herring and sprat, also related to herring.

Herring is found in almost all slightly salted seas

The beneficial properties of herring can hardly be overestimated. Fish is very fatty, and these are the most useful, unsaturated fats, the so-called Omega 3. The protein content of herring meat is such that 250 grams of fish satisfy the daily need for it human body... On the other hand, there are few carbohydrates.

The calorie content depends on the type of herring, on average it is 240 kcal.

In addition, herring meat is rich in vitamins of group B, PP, E, D, A and microelements: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iodine and others.

The content of omega 3 makes herring good for the heart and blood vessels, fights with "bad" cholesterol, without reducing the amount of "good", and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Vitamin D is good for bones and kidneys, especially for pregnant women. Vitamin E is powerful antioxidant, vitamin A improves vision. And these are just a few of useful properties herring.

Herring has no contraindications. Yet this product contains a protein that is highly allergic. For people with food allergies, especially seafood allergies, it is better to avoid herring. There are restrictions on the use of salty and smoked fish. A large number of salt is harmful to hypertensive patients and those suffering from kidney disease. Smoked meats should be eaten with caution in case of diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver. In this case, it is better to bake or steam the fish.

But before cooking, it needs to be cleaned and gutted. How to do this correctly, let us consider the example of salted herring. It is sold without scales.

How to clean and gut salted herring and keep your kitchen clean

The question may arise: why clean it at all, if you can buy ready-made fillets or preserves in different sauces or oil? When buying such products, you cannot be sure that they are prepared from fresh quality fish. Read the composition on the jar of preserves, what kind of chemistry is not there. Therefore, if you like quality productbuy a whole fish. How to choose it correctly will be discussed below.

Before proceeding, prepare everything you need for cleaning and cutting. This will determine how comfortable it will be for you to work and how clean the space around you will remain.

What you need:

  • sharp knife;
  • cutting board;
  • paper napkins or towels;
  • thin rubber gloves, preferably with a rough surface;
  • tweezers or tweezers for removing small bones.

Photo gallery: necessary items for cutting herring

A sharp knife and a convenient cutting board are almost the main thing when cutting herring Paper napkins and kitchen paper towels help keep the kitchen clean
Thin gloves when cleaning fish are needed to bad smell not absorbed into the skin of the hands
Easy to remove with tweezers small bones in herring

Rinse the fish lightly before cleaning to remove excess dirt from the surface. But do not wash, otherwise the herring will be saturated with water, since it is without scales. Pat the fish dry with a paper towel.

How to properly remove the head of a fish, then gut it

Having gutted the carcass, we proceed to the next operation.

How easy it is to skin a herring

Now it remains only to free the parts from the bones.

Correct cutting: how to remove large and small bones in salted herring

Bony herring. In addition to the ridge and ribs, it is literally stuffed with many small bones. But from tender meat they can be removed easily. This can be done in several ways.

Traditional way

Unconventional way

Video: two ways to quickly peel a herring, remove the skin and free it from bones

The easy way

  1. Separate the back meat from the ridge as in the traditional way... It is more convenient to do this on both sides, and only then proceed to the separation of the edges.
  2. Pry the meat off the tail and pull up. The bones will remain on the ridge, and you will receive clean fillet.
  3. Do the same with the other fillet, holding the ridge with the other hand.

Quick way

  1. Make an incision near the tail to the ridge at a slight angle.
  2. Pry the meat with your fingers and pull upward. Pull gently so as not to pull the ribs away from the spine. You will have a clean fillet in your hands, the bones will remain in the second half.
  3. Turn the fish over and repeat on the other side.
  4. With this method, it is important that the films are removed from the abdomen, otherwise they will interfere with the separation of the bones.

With one movement, holding the fish by the tail, remove bones

Video: how to properly cut a herring and rid it of bones - 2 ways from a chef

After any of these methods, small bones may remain. Remove them using tweezers or tweezers.

It is interesting! Traditionally, one Saturday in June in the Netherlands, the Herring Day is held, which is timed to coincide with the start of herring fishing. On this day, anyone can eat freshly caught herring.

Now fillets can be chopped for salad, minced for forshmak, or simply cut beautifully and served.

Methods for beautifully cutting fish fillets

There are many ways to cut herring. For home lunch this can be done simply in slices, but for a festive table it is worth trying.

Slices can be sliced \u200b\u200bfor serving on a plate or for snack sandwiches.

Canape with herring

If you cut them at an angle, you get such pretty rhombuses.

Cutting with rhombuses diversifies the herring serving

From thin slices cut diagonally, collect a flower that will decorate the plate. To do this, put the slices one after the other in a chain.

Put the sliced \u200b\u200bslices in a chain

Roll the chain into a flower, transfer to a plate, add snacks, decorate.

A herring flower looks spectacular on a festive table

The flower can also be collected from fillet strips.

A flower made of thin strips of herring will decorate the dish

Thin strips can be rolled up and served on sandwiches.

A roll is made from fish fillets, then laid out on slices of bread

From whole or halved fillets, you can make rolls, fastened with a skewer, or serve on a plate.

Fillet of small herring can be served without slicing

Pieces of salted and smoked fish, laid with a herringbone look good

From pieces different fish you can collect a plate for a festive table

Of course, salty and smoked herring we are more accustomed to. But like any other fish, herring can be cooked different ways: fry, boil, bake. And for this you need fresh or frozen herring.

We clean fresh and frozen herring from scales

Pre-defrost the frozen herring by placing it on the top shelf of the refrigerator overnight. Be sure to put it in a dish and do not take it out of the bag, otherwise the fish juice will leak onto the shelves and you will have to start washing the refrigerator, and the fish aroma will remind you of your mistake for a long time.

In general, the process of cleaning and cutting fresh and frozen fish is not much different from salted fish. Except for one point - it must first be cleaned of scales. But do not let this upset you, herring scales easily fall off. It may happen that you buy fish practically “naked”. But if the scales are still there, they need to be removed.

Correct cleaning of scales:

  1. Rinse the fish under cool running water and pat dry with a paper towel.
  2. Lay on the board with your head facing you.
  3. Holding the tail with one hand, scrape from tail to head with the blunt side of a knife or a special scraper.

So that the scales do not scatter in different directions and do not stain the entire kitchen, some housewives clean it in water. To do this, put a bowl in the sink, put the fish there and fill it with water so that the fish is completely covered. They are cleaned under water, only if the fish is completely immersed in water, the scales do not fly apart. Watch the video tutorial below to help you gently remove scales from fish.

Video: how to clean fish from scales in water at home

Experienced fishermen remove scales using their fingers without using any tools. With the thumbs of the hands, starting from the tail, pry off the scales and separate them from the skin. At the same time, the scales do not fly apart, and the skin remains clean and smooth.

I will share my secret on quick cleaning fish from scales using only fingers. We take, for example, a medium-sized crucian carp and dip it in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then pull it out and under a stream of water with our fingers against the “fur” from the tail to the head, rip off the scales. The advantage is that it is fast, and the kitchen at home stays free from flying scales.\u003d3187

Video tutorial: how to clean fish from scales with bare hands

How to properly cut fresh fish:

  1. If the fish will be cooked whole, remove the gills. To do this, lift the gill flap, trim the gills at the attachment points and remove them. It is convenient to do this with culinary or simple scissors.
  2. Use a knife or scissors to cut off all the fins.
  3. Gut the fish.
  4. If necessary, cut into fillets in one of the ways mentioned above. Depending on the recipe, the skin is removed or left on.

Helpful tips: how to choose quality fish in the store and properly prepare it for processing

  • When choosing fish, pay attention to the gills. Their color should be bright red or maroon, but not whitish or gray.
  • The eyes of fresh or frozen herring should be transparent, not cloudy, the flesh should be firm, and the skin should not be damaged.
  • Rusty spots on the surface of herring indicate fat oxidation; avoid buying such fish.
  • The meat of the females is drier. If you have not set out to buy herring with caviar, choose a male.
  • Place a few layers of clean paper on the board before cutting the fish. Baking paper is also suitable for this purpose. As you get dirty, remove the top layers to keep your work area clean.
  • Use latex gloves for work, the fishy smell is difficult to wash off.
  • You can get rid of the fish smell by rubbing your hands with a lemon wedge.
  • Do not peel off the skin starting from the tail. A lot of meat will be removed with her.
  • Do not throw away caviar and milk, they are quite good for food.
  • If the herring is too salty, soak it for 1-2 hours in milk or strong tea... Herring with dense pulp is soaked in milk, too soft in tea.

All comes with experience. Don't be afraid to tackle fish butchering and you will get better, cleaner and faster every time. Find a method for yourself that will be convenient for you. And enjoy herring - healthy and tasty fish.

Ways to properly and quickly cut herring into pitted and skinless fillets.

Most modern housewives prefer to buy ready-made herring fillets and use it for making snacks and spicy salads... But as practice shows, it is such a milled fish that often has low quality.

For this reason, it is best if you buy whole herring and remove skin, fins, and bones yourself. In this case, you will be able to more correctly assess the freshness and quality of the product, thanks to which you will definitely be able to cook from it delicious appetizer... We will talk about how to peel herring without unnecessary problems in our article.

How to clean herring correctly, easily and quickly: tips from chefs and housewives

Cleaning herring: tips from chefs and housewives

If you think it is very difficult to peel the herring on your own, then you are deeply mistaken. If you show a little patience, you can quickly get a high-quality fillet. All you need to do is prepare a cutting board, a sharp knife, and a few paper towels.

Simple Tips:

  • Take a cutting board and wrap it in plastic wrap, or just slip a few ordinary bags over it. This is to keep your board clean after milling the fish.
  • Prepare a knife with a thin blade. If you understand that he is a little dull, then be sure to sharpen him. If you do not do this, then in the end, when cutting, you will, as it were, tear the fish fibers and this will prevent you from doing perfect fillet.
  • Be sure to have tweezers on hand. With it, you will remove the thinnest and smallest bones from the fillet, located as close as possible to the herring ridge.
  • Also place a few paper napkins and towels on the table where you will butcher the fish. You will need them in order to remove blood and intestinal films from fillets.
  • It will be more convenient to peel the herring with your hands. In order to do this quickly, you will need to pry the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tail or head, and then gently pull it towards you. Try not to overdo it with stretching, because the skin will tear and you will have to start the procedure again from the very beginning.

How to quickly and correctly peel salted herring for slicing: photo

If your goal is the perfect fillet for slicing, then you need to clean the fish. the classic way and, if possible, do everything as carefully as possible.


  • Initially, you will need to rinse the herring and blot its surface paper napkin... This must be done so that it does not slide over the surface of the cutting board.
  • When you are done with this stage, you can take a knife and proceed directly to cleaning the fish. To do this, put it on a board and cut off the head with a sharp knife. Next, make a neat cut along the ridge line and remove the upper fins in one stroke. The lower fins can be cut off with ordinary kitchen scissors.
  • In the next step, cut the belly of the herring. If you love caviar and milk from this fish, then try not to stick the knife very deeply. Gently spread the abdomen and gut all the insides. Also, be sure to remove all films at once with a paper towel.

  • Pry the skin in the head area with a knife and begin to peel it off with a smooth movement. After the skin is removed, once again inspect the fish and, if necessary, remove the newly formed dirt.
  • Next, use your fingers to press down on the incision made along the ridge, and begin to gently remove one half of the fillet from the bones. Set the separated fillet aside and do the same manipulation with the rest.
  • After the ridge is removed, you will need to arm yourself with tweezers and try to remove all small bones as carefully as possible. The finished fillet will need to be cooled and only after that it can be cut into portions and served on the festive table.

How to clean salted herring from bones on fillets for salad, fur coats: step by step with a photo?

Step by step photo cleaning herring

If you plan to use herring fillets for salad making, then you can use the so-called pushing method for this. This method differs from the previous one in that you first have to get rid of the ridge of the fish and only then remove the skin from it.


  • To get started, prepare a cutting board, a sharp knife, paper napkins, and tweezers. When everything you need is laid out on the table, rinse the herring under running water and dry thoroughly.
  • Take a knife in your hands and cut off the head, tail and fins of the fish as carefully as possible. Slit her belly and remove all the insides from it. If you see that a lot of films or giblets remain inside the abdomen, then be sure to rinse the fish under water again, and then dry everything with paper napkins.
  • Wrap the fish prepared in this way in cling film and knock it on the table or beat it lightly. Such a little trick will help to ensure that even small bones are easily separated from the fillets.
  • Place the footprint with the belly down and press lightly on it, open it like a book. Press it against the table, and then turn it over and lightly remove the ridge.
  • At the final stage, divide the workpiece into two separate fillets, remove the skin from them and remove all bones with tweezers.

How to clean herring from bones on fillets in one stroke

Cutting herring in one go

Those who want to cleanse the herring from the bones in one stroke can use the method, which we will introduce you a little below. But remember, in order for you to get exactly the result that you expect, the tail of the fish must be held very tightly.

In view of this, if you feel that it starts to slip, then simply cover each part of it with a paper napkin and then divide the fish into fillets.

  • At the initial stage, it is necessary to carry out the standard preparation of the carcass for cutting. This means you have to gut it and remove the fins. Already at this stage, you can additionally dry the abdomen and remove the remnants of intestinal films from it.
  • Make an incision on the tail of the herring no more than one centimeter deep, and then take it in your hands and begin to do somersaults towards yourself. If you do everything right, the herring will make circles around its tail.
  • In the next step, you must break the fish in two with one sharp movement. As a result, you should have two boneless abdomens and a sirloin with a ridge in your hands. It can be easily separated from the fillet by hand.
  • At the very end, you just have to remove the remaining small bones and you can chop the herring for a salad or snack.

How to quickly and correctly peel fresh herring from bones on fillets: photo

Peeling fresh herring fillets

As you already understood, if desired, the herring can be very quickly cleaned of skin and bones. If you want to simplify this process as much as possible, then use the method described below.

In this case, you can get a beautiful pitted fillet in just a few minutes. True, you must remember that it is easiest to peel the largest herring in this way.


  • Take fresh herring, gut it and cleanse intestinal films
  • Use kitchen scissors to remove the fins, and then use a knife to make a longitudinal cut along the ridge line.
  • Next, stick your finger inside the fish and begin to carefully separate the fillets
  • After separating one half, set it aside and use the same movements to remove the bones from the other fillet.
  • Examine the herring and, if necessary, remove small bones with tweezers

How to get rid of small bones in herring?

Choking small bones from herring

A large number of people refuse to eat herring due to the presence of small bones in it. But if you don't buy ready-made fillets, but try to make it yourself, you can just get rid of the seeds. In case you will mill pickled or salted herring, then you will need to arm yourself with ordinary tweezers and gradually remove all bones from the fibers.

But keep in mind that in the region of the ridge, the bones are placed deep enough and for this reason they sometimes cannot be seen with the eyes. In view of this, it will be better if you first remove all visible bones, and then begin to gently probe the fillet with tufts of fingers and remove whatever you find. You need to finish this procedure only after your fingers stop finding bones. If you will remove bones from frozen fish, then it will first need to be peeled from the skin and filleted, and then literally put in slightly salted water for 15 minutes.

After this time, the fish will need to be removed from the brine, rinsed, and then easily remove all the bones with tweezers. And finally, we want to tell you about a radical, but very quick method removal of small bones. In order to get rid of them in one motion, you will need to take and carefully draw a longitudinal line with a knife along the top of the fillet (its width should be approximately 5 mm). By doing this, you will immediately remove all the bones and you will not have to waste time searching for them with your hands and removing them with tweezers.

Which herring to buy: fillet or cut yourself?

Recommendations for choosing herring

If you want to make herring fillet yourself, then you need to choose the right fish for this. If you decide to save money and buy not very high-quality herring, then the perfect fillet will hardly work out of it. Therefore, when choosing this product in the market, in a store or supermarket, first of all, pay attention to its smell.

You don't even have to pick it up for this. You can just go as close as possible to the counter where the herring is and take a deep breath. If it is spoiled, then you will feel a rather specific and unpleasant smell, which will give off rot. Fresh and properly stored herring will have a pronounced marine scent. After making sure the fish smells right, try to feel it, paying particular attention to the belly.

If you feel that it is too soft, then with a high probability in front of you is a stale product that has been defrosted many times. Also, be sure to see what color the gills of the herring are. If they are dark red and elastic, then you can safely make a purchase. And finally, look at the eyes. If they are cloudy, then this indicates that the seller is offering you a completely spoiled product.

How herring is cut at a factory, in production: video

Above, we have already introduced you to simple homemade ways to turn a herring carcass into an ideal fillet. And as you probably already understood this task is within the power of any person, even someone who has never cooked anything in his life.

Idea for filing number 4

Idea for filing number 5

Video: How to remove bones from a herring. Life hack


  • Salted herring

How to cut herring from bones into fillets

Herring is a very popular fish for holidays and weekdays. It's delicious and available fishbut cleaning it is a hassle. And although the herring can be served as independent dish or use it to prepare other dishes, many young housewives are reluctant to use it precisely because they do not want to bother with cleaning. And even when they start cleaning, the entire cutting board is smeared with blood and entrails, the skin is difficult to remove, and small bones scattered around. And this stops them, and next time I don't want to take on cleaning this fish.

They refuse to deal with her and deprive themselves and their families of many delicious dishes... But peeling herring is actually not as difficult as it sounds. If you clean the herring correctly step by step, then after a short time you will get clean and cut fish.

And you should also have a separate board for cleaning fish, as it will take a long time to wash it from the smell.

How to peel and cut herring step by step instructions with a photo:

Step 1

For work, we need herring (fish can be either fresh-frozen or already salted - the cutting principle is the same), a sharp knife, and a cutting board.

Step 7

Use your thumb to make a depression up to the spine where we cut off the dorsal fin. With a little effort, push your finger to the front of the carcass exactly in the middle, tearing the skin. Then in the other direction - to the back to the very edges. Thus, we will divide the back into 2 neat parts.

Step 10

At the tail, separate the meat from the ridge. Gently sip on the top fillet, and press the ridge, along with the bottom fillet, with your other hand against the board.

Everyone understands that it takes a very long time to carve herring and therefore they try to buy it ready-made in the store. I think no one thought about how it is made there and what kind of fish it is. After all, you will not be able to see what her gills were or what her eyes looked like. So, store fish is salted or pickled, mainly the one that starts to disappear or is not sold for a long time. That is, it has a poor-quality appearance.

By the way: herring eyes should not be cloudy, they are transparent and slightly protruding. Fresh fish should have red gills.

This is why the most the best way, buy fresh herring yourself. Then you want to salt it () or pickle, see how to pickle in this article. And then you can use it in any salads or just eat with onions and potatoes. But for this you need to learn how to properly cut the fish so that it does not look like minced meat.

Tip: When cutting herring, be careful, there are a lot of small bones in it.

How to quickly peel and cut herring from bones into fillets?

In this way, you will learn how to easily and quickly butcher fish for your delicious dishes.

For this we need:

  • Herring - 1 pc.
  • Gloves.
  • Scissors.
  • Cutting board.

1. Make a knife at an angle of 45 ° and cut off the head along the fin on both sides.

2. Take the scissors and cut the abdomen.

3. Then we remove the intestines. You can use milk or caviar at your discretion.

4. Begin to make an incision along the back, from head to tail, and cut off the dorsal fin.

5. We begin to remove the skin from the head. Then we remove the tail.

6. Using your fingers along the ridge, separate the fillet from the bone.

7. Remove the vertebral bone.

8. Remove the small bones that remain on the fillet with tweezers.

That's all, the fillet is ready.

How to clean herring so that there are no bones in one stroke:

I would like to suggest another very good and convenient way of cutting, which you will also like.

1. We do everything as in the first way, before filleting.

2. Make an incision in the middle of the tail.

3. Take the separated tails and twist the fish 360 °. We pull the tails in different directions. All bones should remain on the back.

4. Now remove the fillet from the bone with our hands.

Finished fillet can be used for any salads, including by cutting it into pieces.

To make it clearer, I suggest watching the video.

That's all, as you can see, it is a pleasure to cope with fish, easy and simple. But then you can cut it into portions and garnish with onions. Cover with oil and serve. This appetizer is just perfect for strong drinks... And I say goodbye to you, see you!