Homemade preparations for modern housewives are the best recipes. Pickled cucumbers with red currants

10.05.2019 Dishes for children

Home canning has long ceased to be a relic of the Soviet past, and modern hostesses are trying to cook for their family tasty preparations for the winter from seasonal vegetables and fruits, without preservatives and other chemicals inherent in store canned food.

And of course, I am no exception. For several years in a row I have been collecting on the site Home Restaurant golden recipes for blanks for the winter. Recipes from mom's notebook, homemade recipes like grandmother's, recipes for jam and jams, pickles, adjika ... these are not all homemade preparations for the winter. step by step photos presented on the Home Restaurant website.

In the section "Blanks for the winter" you will find the most delicious recipes preparations for the winter time-tested and by more than one generation of housewives, as well as home preparations for the winter according to modern adapted recipes... Gold recipes winter preparations from the site - these are proportions verified to the gram, time-tested recipes, detailed description canning process with high-quality photos, and, of course, a predictable result in the form of mouth-watering and tasty jars with twists.

For your convenience, all golden recipes for delicious preparations for the winter are accompanied by step-by-step photos. After all, you must admit that it is very convenient to cook delicious preparations for the winter, looking through recipes with step-by-step photos in your kitchen from your phone or tablet. If you liked the golden recipes for winter preparations from the Home Restaurant website, do not forget to share them with your friends in social networks, as well as write your comments and feedback on preservation recipes on the site!

From plums you can cook not only delicious jam or compote, they make an excellent sauce for meat dishes- tkemali. Variations in tkemali, as is often the case with popular dishes, quite a lot, so I'll make a reservation right away - my today's recipe for tkemali ...

Greetings, dear friends and guests of the culinary site Home Restaurant! The mushroom season has started late, and I hasten to tell you another way to prepare pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars. Last winter, while visiting, I tasted delicious pickled ...

Greetings, dear friends and guests of the culinary site Home Restaurant! I dedicate today's recipe to all sweet tooths and fans. chocolate desserts... As you probably already guessed from the name of the recipe, we will make plum jam with chocolate and cognac. Incredible, magical, velvet ...

Jams, preserves, compotes prevail among the preparations from plums ... But plums are good not only for sweet preservation... The well-known sauce is prepared from them - tkemali, and adjika with plums is also very tasty. Yes, exactly adjika. She has a very ...

The caviar from bell pepper, pre-baked in the oven, turns out to be incredibly tasty and aromatic. I prepare this conservation every year, it always ends faster than the rest. From the specified number of products, 3 half-liter jars are obtained, so feel free to increase the portion several times. Caviar …

Greetings, dear friends, and guests of the Home Restaurant 💖💖💖. According to your numerous requests here on the website and on social networks, I have prepared a recipe for you with sea buckthorn. The simplest and most affordable thing to do is sea buckthorn with sugar on ...

Dear friends, today I want to invite you to cook sweet pickled tomatoes for the winter. They really turn out to be sweet, or rather, sweet-spicy, very interesting in taste. This is a relatively new preparation for me: the recipe for sweet pickled tomatoes for the winter was shared with me at work for a year ...

I don’t know for sure if this is really how tomatoes are prepared for the winter in beautiful Portugal, but the recipe for such pickled tomatoes with slices with onions, which a friend shared with me, had just such a name - “In Portuguese”. But, by and large, what's the difference, what is the name ...

Today we are preparing for the winter a delicious Mother-in-law Tongue from zucchini - a recipe with a photo at your service !. I love this recipe for its simplicity and of course great taste... The result is about 4.5 liters of delicious ready-made canning. To keep the workpieces for a long time, use ...

Blanks for the winter are very popular, and the range of harvested products has expanded significantly compared to what our grandmothers once used. except classic set preservation products - cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, current housewives even use exotic vegetables and fruits, preparing salads and snacks, vegetable caviar, compotes, jam and other sweet desserts.

Even despite the fact that today any canning can be purchased in a store, homemade preparations are in great demand. Experienced housewives are constantly experimenting with ingredients, composing their own bouquets of flavors and aromas using spicy spices and herbs. They will be happy to share their secrets with you!

The recipes of our section will tell you in detail and show how to make preparations for the winter from the most different products, with and without sterilization. And let your daily menu will be varied, healthy and tasty throughout the year.

Blanks for the winter

I offer my own version of cooking a delicious vegetable snack - lecho from zucchini and pepper. To be honest, I have been preparing zucchini appetizers and salads only for the second year. Before that, I thought that it would not turn out very tasty, so there were not too many recipes. But I was very wrong. Zucchini makes just wonderful blanks, which in winter can be served with any side dishes and dishes from meat and poultry. For lecho, I recommend using ...

I like to make jam with several ingredients and sometimes I take different berries and fruit, so the result is always new and interesting taste and aroma. This time I made jam from blackberries and apricots, not even expecting that in the end it would turn out so delicious. The cooking principle is not much different from conventional recipes cooking sweet preparations, but there are a few nuances that I will gladly share with you. Blackberries are best used ...

I offer my delicious recipe for preparation - adjika with bell pepper, tomatoes and garlic. I found this recipe 2 years ago and have been cooking for the second year. The appetizer turns out to be much tastier and more interesting than the usual lecho. The dish goes well with pasta, rice, buckwheat and other side dishes, as well as meat dishes. It is very simple and quick to prepare, and the ingredients are available at any time of the year, but it is better to use seasonal vegetables, as they say - ...

I offer my recipe delicious vegetable preparation for the winter - salad with eggplants and tomatoes. In my family they love winter salads slightly sweet, so when preparing this appetizer, I use more sugar. In this recipe, the amount of salt and sugar is arbitrary, and you can also use it to your liking. Vegetable salad according to this recipe, it turns out bright, juicy, rich. Cooking products are available at any time of the year, but it is better to use ...

Home canning has long ceased to be a relic of the Soviet past, and modern hostesses are trying to prepare delicious preparations for the winter for their families from seasonal vegetables and fruits, without preservatives and other chemicals inherent in store canned food.

And of course, I am no exception. For several years in a row, I have been collecting golden recipes for winter preparations on the Home Restaurant website. Recipes from mom's notebook, homemade recipes like grandmother's, recipes for jam and jams, pickles, adjika ... these are not all homemade preparations for the winter, recipes with step-by-step photos presented on the Home Restaurant website.

In the section "Blanks for the winter" you will find the most delicious recipes for blanks for the winter time-tested and more than one generation of housewives, as well as homemade preparations for the winter according to modern adapted recipes. Golden recipes for winter preparations from the site are proportions verified to the gram, time-tested recipes, a detailed description of the canning process with high-quality photos, and, of course, a predictable result in the form of mouth-watering and tasty jars with twists.

For your convenience, all golden recipes for delicious preparations for the winter are accompanied by step-by-step photos. After all, you must admit that it is very convenient to prepare delicious preparations for the winter, looking through recipes with step-by-step photos in your kitchen from your phone or tablet. If you liked the golden recipes for winter preparations from the Home Restaurant site, do not forget to share them with your friends on social networks, and also write your comments and reviews on the preservation recipes on the site!

We cook very delicious salad from vegetables for the winter. Thanks to a large number preservation of vegetables turns out to be very juicy and aromatic. It goes well with the main courses of meat, poultry or fish. Vegetable snack will become a great addition to side dishes of potatoes, rice or ...

This year I had a large harvest of plums at my dacha. Therefore, in addition to traditional jam and compotes, I decided to cook spicy sauce from plums for the winter. It goes well with meat and poultry dishes, it can be used as a dressing ...

Eggplant can be used to make the most various blanks for the winter. Eggplant goes well with other vegetables, garlic, and various spices. Today I will tell you another simple recipe for canned eggplant with red bell pepper in garlic marinade... Delicious pickled eggplants ...

Today's spicy salad from zucchini for the winter without sterilization - delicious home preparation, easy to prepare and accessible to everyone. This recipe won't take you long. You just need to stew the zucchini in a mixture of chopped tomatoes, peppers and garlic, and ...

Cabbage, carrots, onions, peppers, tomatoes and apples - these ingredients go well with each other, and it turns out delicious and beautiful salad... I'll tell you even more - you can close such a salad with cabbage and apples for the winter. Believe me, this preservation is nice ...

Many housewives stock up on zucchini for the winter, harvesting various canned food... One of them is a zucchini stew for the winter without sterilization. Preservation turns out to be very tasty, aromatic, slightly spicy thanks to bitter pepper (its amount can be adjusted to taste). Vegetable ...

Dear friends, today my recipe will appeal to those who love spicy dishes... After all, I want to invite you to cook chili sauce with me for the winter. It includes only hot pepper, tomatoes, salt and vinegar. But believe me, these four ingredients ...

We prepare a snack that is very simple in terms of components and cooking technology from seasonal productsvegetable stew for the winter without sterilization. In order for the preservation to be tasty and well stored throughout the winter, it is necessary to correctly select the ratio of all components. Therefore, today I will tell you in detail ...

Did you know that you can cook pickled garlic for the winter with cloves, and not just whole heads? It turns out to be a great appetizer - very tasty, bright and interesting. But at the same time it is very budgetary - after all, the main costs for its preparation are only ...

From fish trivia, and not only from it, you can cook gorgeous appetizer that just flies off the table. This is homemade canned fish, which for some reason are always compared with the store. Even the names of the recipes necessarily sound something like this ... ›

Sauerkraut is perhaps the easiest recipe for preserving this healthy vegetable... When boiling cabbage, almost half of this is destroyed in it. useful vitamin, like B9 (folic acid), but during fermentation, all vitamins remain intact and even added! The amount of vitamin C, for example, increases significantly, reaching 70 mg per 100 g, and vitamin P in sauerkraut 20 times more than fresh. ›

Some 20 years ago, only a few heard about ketchup, and store shelves were occupied by half-liter cans of Krasnodarsky tomato sauce. As children, we ate it almost in cans - with bread, until heartburn, it was delicious! And then ketchup appeared - oh, this bliss ... With it you could eat literally anything. But here's the bad luck - the more types of ketchup appear in stores, the less likely you are to buy a real tomato sauce with spices and seasonings, more and more starch, and dyes, and preservatives ... There is only one way out - to cook the ketchup yourself. ›

Crispy pickled cucumbers are the dream of every housewife. To achieve the desired result, many of them have to go through a difficult path of trial and error. But in fact, cooking crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter is not at all difficult, you just need to know a few important secrets. ›

Cook a wonderful cone jam, it's not difficult even for a novice housewife. There are many recipes for its preparation, among them you can choose both simpler and more refined. The main thing is to do it correctly, observing the technology of the recipe you have chosen and listening to our useful advice. ›

This seasoning is called “Gorloder”, “Khrenodeor”, “Ogonyok” seasoning, Russian adjika, “Horseradish”, “Cobra”, “Vyrviglaz” seasoning, “Thistle”, “ Shitty snack"," Fucking ", but in general it's just a table horseradish. Unless the options for additives are countless. For those who cannot imagine life without thrills in the culinary sense, Culinary Eden has prepared a selection of hot seasoning recipes. It's easy to cook shit ... ›

Each housewife strives to preserve in vegetables harvested for the winter a maximum of vitamins, which will provide the benefits that our body needs so much in winter. Pickled garlic is just one of the ways to get both benefits and wonderful preparation, which can be seasoned varied dishes, serve to the table in addition to meat dishes. ›

With the arrival of spring, a new harvesting season began. But what kind of blanks can we talk about when the snow has just melted, and the first greens have just begun to appear? Together with the first greens, wild garlic begins to appear - a plant familiar to many of its lungs garlic flavor and a whole list of vitamins and nutrients. ›

Perhaps not one New Year is not complete without tangerines. This is not only a tradition that cannot be changed, but also a great pleasure from contemplation of bright, uplifting fruits, and an aroma that instantly plunges all of us into the atmosphere. new year holidays... How do you want to prolong all these sensations longer! Anything is possible - cook tangerine jam! ›

The pumpkin is perfectly stored in its natural form, so to speak. And everything would be fine, but not everyone has the opportunity to put a dozen or a half orange balls for storage in an apartment, therefore, most often city housewives prefer to preserve pumpkin. One option for preserving pumpkin for the winter is pumpkin jam. Those who have never tried this jam should, at least for the sake of experiment, try to cook a couple of jars of amber delicacies. ›

Salted cucumbers long ago they have become a primordial Russian product, in the preparation of which there is no doubt that there is no equal to us, and the accompanying brine is also our Russian drink, the surest remedy for a well-known ailment to all. ›

If corn is the queen of the fields, then pumpkin is the queen of vegetable gardens. That's it, no more, no less! And it is not for nothing that this is the name of this huge miracle. Pumpkin contains a lot of carotene - almost as much as carrots! - which normalizes metabolism, accelerates cell renewal, maintains the strength of teeth and bones. She is also the leader among vegetables in terms of iron content. Pumpkin contains vitamins C, B6, B2, E, micro- and macroelements. ›

We do not carry out summer time wasted and idle, dear hostesses! We preserve, prepare good harvests of vegetables for future use! These are the secrets of canning some of the most common types of vegetables I would like to share with you.


Choose cucumbers with black pimples for pickling and pickling, as with white ones they are more suitable for eating in fresh... If cucumbers grow in your country house, pick them in the morning and immediately start preserving them. These cucumbers do not even require soaking. They just need to be well rinsed and cleaned of soil.

Cucumbers that were removed from the garden a few hours ago need to be soaked in cold water for a few hours. They will restore their elasticity and re-absorb the lost moisture.

We distribute cucumbers in a jar sideways to each other, but not tightly, do not press them too much, otherwise they will lose their "crispness". For the same reason, they should not be poured with boiling brine, which has a temperature above 90 degrees.


Only tomatoes are used for preservation late varieties... You can salt green tomatoes, red, pink. For canning tomato juice take tomatoes that are not fleshy, large and very ripe. And for pickling, on the contrary, medium and small size, fleshy and firm to the touch.

Of the spices, tomatoes react best in conservation to parsley, dill, horseradish, garlic, spicy capsicum and black peppercorns.


This vegetable for pickling, pickling is better to take the same size, thin-skinned. We cut off from them (from squash) the stalk with pulp, but not more than one centimeter. It is better to wash the squash with a soft brush in running water. This vegetable does not require soaking. We put small fruits as they are in a jar, and cut large ones into pieces. Squash love celery (its root), mint leaves, horseradish, parsley, garlic, dill.

Pepper (hot and sweet)

It is a vegetable that retains most of its vitamins when canned compared to other vegetables. Red sweet pepper more suitable for pickling. As a seasoning for other vegetable twists, it is better to use hot pepper, and white is best suited for stuffing. It can be frozen, salted.