Raspberries with sugar - delicious recipes for a variety of sweet preparations.

26.08.2019 Seafood dishes

Raspberries are considered one of the most delicious and healthy berries, the healing properties of which are legendary. Due to the high content of salicylic acid, raspberries have the ability to bring down the temperature in case of a cold, and also have an antitoxic and hemostatic effect on the body. Copper, which is part of the fragrant berry, serves as an excellent "antidepressant". In addition, raspberries are an ideal "rejuvenating" remedy - with its regular use, muscle tone increases, complexion, general condition and mood improve. Many remember from childhood the unique taste of raspberry jam, a couple of jars of which could be found in the pantry of every good housewife. However, prolonged heat treatment leads to the destruction of the nutrients of the berry. Therefore, raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking is the best option to preserve their healing properties. The most common recipes for raspberries for the winter are grated with sugar and frozen in the freezer. And lovers of "boiled" berries will love the simple and surprisingly delicious recipe for five-minute jam.

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Healthy raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking - a recipe with a photo

This type of harvesting raspberries for the winter will allow you not only to enjoy the extraordinary freshness of the berries, but also to preserve their useful qualities. The advantage of the product is quick and easy preparation, as well as a minimum of ingredients. However, you will have to store such "uncooked jam" until winter on a refrigerator shelf or in a cellar.

List of ingredients for uncooked raspberry recipe:

  • raspberry-1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg

Step-by-step instructions for cooking raspberries for winter with sugar without cooking:

  • We carefully sort out the raspberries, but not wash them - otherwise the berries will quickly absorb moisture and become watery.
  • Grind the berries with a blender until smooth.
  • It turns out such an appetizing bright mass.
  • Fill the grated raspberries with sugar.
  • Mix and leave for about an hour. After a while, mix thoroughly again until the sand is completely dissolved.
  • That's it, our raspberries with sugar without cooking are ready for the winter.
  • Now we pour the product into previously prepared sterile jars and put it in the refrigerator or cellar.
  • Raspberries with sugar for the winter in the freezer - a simple recipe

    In winter, the body's need for vitamins is extremely high, especially in children. Therefore, an excellent solution would be to freeze various berries, from which it will be possible to prepare natural fruit drinks, compotes and simply sweet healthy desserts. So, raspberries with sugar in the freezer retain their freshness, unique taste and aroma until winter. Berries can be prepared either whole or grated.

    Stocking up ingredients for harvesting raspberries in the freezer for winter

    • raspberries - 3 liters
    • granulated sugar - 1 glass

    Step-by-step instructions for a frozen raspberry recipe in the freezer

  • Fresh raspberries, previously cleaned of debris (berries cannot be washed!), Are placed in a large bowl or other container. We take a potato crush and crush the berries.
  • Add sugar and mix thoroughly. To completely dissolve the granulated sugar, leave it for 15 minutes. If desired, you can do without this ingredient.
  • The most convenient way to freeze raspberries is by portioning them in plastic bags. Such mini-briquettes can be easily made as follows: cover a small bowl or vessel with two plastic bags.
  • Now, with the help of a scoop, pour the chopped raspberries with sugar, a little short of the top edge of the container. We tie first one, and then another package. Then we put the sweet mixture in the freezer - until winter.
  • Such raspberries with sugar will become a real vitamin "bomb" in the cold winter months and will perfectly replenish the body's reserves with useful microelements. Add other equally useful berries "to the company" to raspberries - blueberries, blackberries. Enjoy your tea!

    Raspberries with sugar for the winter - Five minutes, jam recipe

    Fans of "classic" jam will like the amazingly tasty raspberries with sugar - it will take a minimum of time to prepare it. The season of berries and fruits is not as long as we would like, so it is better to start harvesting for the winter as soon as the raspberries are ripe. And since the hostess often has little time, our five-minute jam recipe will be the perfect solution. Try this express method of preparing raspberries with sugar - and the shelves of your pantry will quickly fill with jars with healthy and tasty contents.

    List of ingredients for a five-minute raspberry for winter

    • raspberries - 500 grams
    • granulated sugar - 500 grams
    • butter - 1 tsp

    Step-by-step instructions for a five-minute raspberry jam recipe for winter

  • Pour the peeled raspberries into a sieve and grind thoroughly so that the berry mass "at the exit" is pitted. The consistency of the mixture should resemble mashed potatoes.
  • We take a spacious saucepan or other container and shift the grated raspberries and sugar. Bring the mass to a boil and add the butter to avoid frothing. Boil the jam for no more than five minutes.
  • After thickening, remove the raspberry mixture from the heat and wait until it cools down a little. Pour into pre-sterilized dry jars and roll up the lids. Raspberry-five-minute with sugar for the winter is not only quick and tasty, but also extremely healthy jam - due to the minimum cooking duration.
  • Delicious raspberries with sugar and lemon for the winter - recipes with photos

    Citric acid significantly prolongs the shelf life of raspberry jam. However, raspberries with sugar for the winter, prepared in this way, are a fairly high-calorie product, which should be considered when following a diet. Add a little lemon "sourness" to the raspberries, ground with granulated sugar, and during the long winter you will have a natural and healthy product at hand.

    Ingredients for preparing raspberries for winter with lemon:

    • raspberries - 3 kg
    • sugar - 4 kg
    • citric acid - 1 pack

    Step-by-step instructions for harvesting raspberries for winter with lemon:

  • Place the prepared and peeled berries in a deep container and cover with sugar. Set aside the raspberries for about 3 hours.
  • Mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Put on fire and bring raspberries to a boil.
  • Add citric acid and, stirring, boil raspberry jam for 15 minutes.
  • Remove from the stove and after complete cooling, put again and bring the raspberries to a boil. Remove from heat and cool again. This procedure is repeated a couple more times, and then the hot jam is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with lids. An amazingly tasty treat!
  • Fresh raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter - video recipe

    Raspberries, grated with sugar, invariably help with colds, and are also the basis for many desserts. You can prepare fresh raspberries with sugar for the winter in any form, but the most delicious berry remains without heat treatment. Try it and enjoy!

    Raspberries with sugar for the winter always turn out to be amazingly tasty, tender and extremely healthy. According to our recipes, you can prepare raspberries in different ways - without cooking, rubbed with sugar and frozen in the freezer. If you love classic jam, then you will like the healthy five-minute raspberry, which retains its freshness and taste for a long time. Enjoy your treats!

    Mashed raspberries with sugar for the winter - a useful and simple piece that should definitely be in your pantry.

    Raspberries mashed with sugar for the winter: a recipe

    You will need:

    Raspberry - 1 kg
    - granulated sugar

    Put the harvested crop on the table and sort it carefully. You must throw away all the leaves, twigs, insects. Get rid of spoiled fruits. Sprinkle the selected fruits, cover with granulated sugar, pound with a crush. The amount of sugar can be varied. The longer you plan to store the seals, the more sugar you need to add. The time for grinding berries also depends on what consistency of the workpiece you want to get. If you like particles of berries in jam, then 10 minutes will be enough for grinding. Pour sugar into a bowl, pour the contents. Choose cookware made of glass, plastic or enamel. All other metals are oxidized. Wash the jars thoroughly, pour over boiling water, distribute among the jars, and seal tightly.

    Delicious mashed raspberries with sugar for the winter


    Fresh raspberries - 1 kg
    - powdered sugar - 3.2 tablespoons
    - granulated sugar - 1.5 kg

    Carefully sort out fresh raspberries, discard all bugs and debris. Put the berries in a deep bowl, put sugar on top. Mash the mixture well, grind in a blender bowl. The amount of granulated sugar added depends on the desired shelf life of the future treat. Leave the raspberry base to infuse for 20 minutes to dissolve all the sugar crystals. Prepare the jars: wash them, sterilize them, dry them dry. Spread the jam, sprinkle with powdered sugar, screw with boiled lids.

    Also appreciate the taste.

    Mashed raspberries with sugar for the winter: recipes with photos

    You will need:

    Granulated sugar - half a kilogram
    - fresh raspberries - 1 kg

    Sort the berries carefully, discard the leaves and debris. Distribute in plastic containers. Sprinkle each layer with granulated sugar gently and evenly. Cover the containers with lids, put them in the freezer or refrigerator. The blank can be used as a filling for pies or eaten with sweet tea.

    Do and.

    Mashed raspberries with sugar for the winter quickly


    Dry gelatin - 7 g
    - sugar - one and a half kilograms
    - fresh fruits - about 1 kg
    - filtered water -? glasses

    Sort the berries thoroughly, rinse them in cool filtered water. Throw away the leaves and rubbish. Get rid of all tainted berries. Transfer the raspberries to a saucepan, sprinkle with granulated sugar. Put the container in the refrigerator for 4 hours. During this time, the fruits will start up juice, and the sugar will slightly dissolve. Take a wooden spoon, rub the fruit well with the addition of granulated sugar. You can use a blender or meat grinder.

    Pour a little cool water into a ladle, add dry gelatin, leave it to swell for 20 minutes. Heat the liquid over low heat (but do not bring it to a boil). Pour the mixture gently into the raspberry jam and stir. Rinse the containers, pour over boiling water, wipe dry with a kitchen towel. Arrange the treat in jars, cover tightly with plastic lids, move to the refrigerator, leave until solidified.

    Mashed raspberries with sugar for the winter in jars

    You will need:

    Fresh raspberries - 2 kg
    - granulated sugar - 2 kg

    Sort the berries, wash them, dry them, put them in a small bowl. Mash thoroughly with a crush, strain through cheesecloth, laid several times. Pour in the sugar, stir to completely dissolve the crystals. Let stand 10 hours (temperature should be room temperature). Arrange the delicacy in dry containers, seal, store in the refrigerator.

    Do and.

    Whipped raspberries with sugar for the winter

    You will need:

    Sugar - 2 kg
    - raspberry fruits - 1 kg

    Wash the berries under running water, transfer to a colander to remove excess liquid. However, the raspberries do not need to be washed. This is if you harvested the crop on your site. Prepare granulated sugar. You will need it 2 times more than berries. Mash both ingredients in a common bowl. You can grind the fruits in a blender, it is still better to use a wooden crush. You need to grind until the sugar crystals dissolve. Process cans with lids. If you just store the workpieces in the refrigerator, then you can simply pour over the container with boiling water.

    Pour the varenytsya into jars. Add a spoonful of granulated sugar on top. Arrange in a container, transfer to storage in the basement, or simply refrigerate. This blank can be used for making pies and pies. It is also a great cold remedy.

    How do you like it?

    Another option for a raspberry treat:

    Fresh raspberries - 1.1 kg
    - sugar - 1.1 kg

    You can also use frozen fruits to make raw jam, but it's better to take fresh ones. The blank will turn out not only tastier, but also more aromatic. Prepare the raspberries: sort it out well, set aside the low-quality berries. Wash them, dry them on a clean towel. Rinse the raspberries gently to prevent damage and maintain their attractive appearance. The best option is to put the berries in a colander and put them in another container with cool water. Repeat the procedure three times.

    Grind the washed berries with a meat grinder, blender or pestle in a mortar. As a result, you should get a homogeneous mass, reminiscent of berry puree. Introduce sugar or powdered sugar into a container with grated berries. Leave the saucepan in a warm place for a couple of hours. This time is enough for the sugar crystals to melt. Distribute the workpiece to the prepared cans.

    Whole raspberry

    This cooking option is even easier than all the previous ones. Prepare the fruit in the traditional way. Place them in layers in steamed jars. Spread granulated sugar between layers. Observe as even proportions as possible. Insist content for 20 minutes. This is required for pasteurization. Leave the raspberries in a warm place for a few hours. Refrigerate. The berries will give off their juice even without crushing. Therefore, you can save time.

    Raspberry syrup

    You can make the syrup in just a couple of hours. In addition to berries, you need to take sugar. It needs to be added 5 times less than the fruit. Chop the berries in any way you can. Hold the mixture in the refrigerator for several hours so that a sufficient amount of juice comes out. Take a piece of gauze. Place in a bowl, spread the mixture on top. Squeeze the juice into the container with gentle movements. If desired, you can additionally boil it. The remnants of the compote can be used to prepare other blanks.

    Seedless Jam

    Place the fruits processed in advance on a sieve, press down well with a crush. The pulp will drain into the container. All bones will remain on the surface of the sieve. Unfortunately, this is a rather lengthy process, but the result will certainly please you. Pour sugar into the resulting mass. For 1 kg of raspberry content, take 1.5 kg of sugar. Stir vigorously until the sugar crystals melt. Distribute the mixture into jars. Later, the container needs to be pasteurized.

    This dessert is also very tasty:

    For seaming, it is better to use half-liter jars, which must be sterilized in advance. You can process them in different ways. Choose the most convenient one for you. Cover the containers with clean paper or nylon lids treated with boiling water. For cooking, prepare:

    - raspberry berries - 1.1 kg
    - sugar - 1.6 kg

    Free the fruit from debris. Fold the berries into a clean bowl, sprinkle with sugar. Grind the contents until puree. Take a blender or crush for this. Distribute the grated berry into containers, close the lids.

    Berries in their own juice

    Go through the fruits: wash them, dry them. Place the prepared raw materials in a deep bowl in layers. Sprinkle each of them with sugar. For 1 kg of raw materials, take about 0.2 kg of sugar. Place the container with the contents in a warm place and for a couple of hours. The sugar will dissolve, and the fruits will let the juice. Place the raw materials in a prepared container. It should not reach about 2 cm to the edges. Put all the jars in a wide saucepan, cover with lids. Pour cold water, sterilize 15 min. after starting the boiling process.

    Raspberry compote

    Sort the fruits. Wash them if desired and place them in sterilized jars. Only fill the jars to 1/3 of the height. It is optimal to use two-liter containers. Pour the berries with hot water. Fill each jar to the top. Leave the product on for 20 minutes. Drain the water from the cans into a separate saucepan and place on the stove. Add granulated sugar to boiled water. Pour gently into jars so that the compote does not overflow. Close containers with compote tightly. Turn it upside down, wrap it with a warm blanket.

    Delicious jam

    Water - half a liter
    - sugar - 1 kg

    Heat water over low heat, add granulated sugar and stir thoroughly to dissolve the sweet crystals. As a result, you get a liquid and transparent syrup. Pour 1 kg of fruit into the sweet liquid, boil the mass, reduce the heat, continue cooking for another 5 minutes. You don't need to stir the contents. It is enough just to tilt the pan in different directions.

    Remove the saucepan from the stove and let sit for about 5 minutes. Cool after removing from the burner. Remove the formed film. The fruits should float to the surface, and the liquid should acquire a thick consistency. Distribute to the jars, roll up the lids.

    They are all very healthy so you can eat them in the winter to prevent disease.

    Homemade preserves, jams or confiture are traditional winter delicacies on our tables. Many housewives enthusiastically harvest the berries: they freeze, boil, rub in order to please with homemade sweets for tea. A very special attitude to raspberry jam, it is not just a sweet addition to tea drinking, it is, first of all, given to sick with colds so that a person sweats and, having received a dose of medicine created by nature itself, quickly recovers.

    Grated raspberries with sugar for the winter is a live, especially healthy jam. With this method of harvesting, you do not need to cook the berries. But it will have to be stored exclusively in the refrigerator. After all, even this amount of sugar will not save valuable jam from fermentation if you store it just in a cool basement.

    And the jam is truly valuable as it contains natural aspirin. That is why, raspberry jam is used at high temperatures, sore throats, coughs, colds. And it is harvested more often as a medicine, and not as a delicacy.

    Taste Info Preserves and jam


    • raspberries - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 1.5 kg.

    How to cook mashed raspberries with sugar without cooking for the winter

    To prepare fresh raspberries with sugar, without cooking, for the winter you need to determine how much sugar to add. There are no overwhelming proportions here. If you are going to store raspberries in the refrigerator, then the proportion is at least 1 to 1.5. Why minimum? Because it all depends on the berry itself. If the berries are dry and clean, then you do not need to wash them. These berries are available immediately after harvest. Therefore, if you buy berries at the market, we advise you not to be lazy and go there in the morning to buy fresh berries. These raspberries can be kept in the refrigerator at a ratio of 1 to 1.5.

    If your berries are a little bit "played" - i.e. they are already wet and crumpled, and besides, they are dirty, then such berries must be washed, which means that they will absorb a little more liquid. The amount of sugar for such berries should be increased to 2 kg per 1 kg of berries. Yes, it may be very sweet, but your berries will not ferment. Although it will be possible to prepare a tincture from them.

    So, we have decided on the amount of sugar. Let's harvest berries. They need to be sorted out, debris and stalks, if any, removed.

    Pour the prepared berries with sugar.

    Grind everything with a blender. You can also skip the berries through a meat grinder, and then sprinkle with sugar. If you do not like seeds in berries (and they are, and not everyone likes them), you can grind the mass through a sieve. Then you will have a pure raspberry puree. It is just as healthy as with seeds. The remaining cake, do not throw it away, it can be frozen and used for compotes, or you can immediately cook compote or fruit drink.

    Prepare jars for raspberries in advance. They need to be washed at least, preferably with baking soda, and dried completely. Since moisture can lead to fermentation.

    We lay out the grated raspberries in jars.

    Sprinkle with a layer of sugar on top. It will serve as a kind of cork and will not allow fermentation. In addition, experienced housewives advise to cut out circles according to the diameter of the neck of a bank of white paper and put it under the lids. This is an additional way to preserve the jam.

    We close the jars and store them in the refrigerator for no more than 6 months. Unfortunately, it is not recommended to store raw jam in the closet.

    In order for raspberry jam to be stored longer without cooking, it can be frozen. Do not freeze in glass jars, because they will burst. If this is the case, freeze the sugar and raspberries in small plastic containers. In this case, the grated raspberries can be stored longer.

    We pour raspberries into a deep container, I took a saucepan, since I have as much as 1.5 kg of raspberries. Sprinkle the berries with sugar in layers. It turns out such a combination, which needs time to stand, it is better to leave it overnight. This is done so that the raspberries let out the juice, which means that the sugar in this juice will begin to melt.

    If the sugar melts, it will no longer crunch on your teeth, as a result you will get a delicious treat that can be consumed not only with a cold, but also in everyday life. Those who love raspberries can eat them under all circumstances and conditions. Raspberries, grated with sugar, will complement any dessert, will be an excellent option for breakfast, you just have to toast fresh toast.

    We interrupt the raspberries with sugar with a blender until they become a thick puree. Thanks to the resulting syrup, the raspberries will beat perfectly. If there is no blender, first twist the raspberries through a meat grinder, then add sugar and let the mass stand.

    Then stir to melt the sugar faster. Leave the whipped raspberries with a blender to stand for about 30 minutes so that all the sugar at the bottom melts, because it has the ability to settle.

    We put raspberries with sugar in clean jars, but sugar is no longer visible, and if you taste it, you will immediately feel it. Such raspberries need to be made sweet, well sweet, so that they do not turn sour in winter. We will not cook raspberries, thus preserving all of its healing properties.

    It is better to pre-steam the jars, cool completely and dry. In this form, the jars will be completely sterile and the jam will stand in them all winter without problems. We fill the jars up to the neck, the less oxygen in the jar, the better.

    Don't have time to cook? Follow quick recipe ideas on Instagram:

    We tighten the jars with lids: it is better to use screw caps, they can always be opened without using any openers and canning keys.

    Put the finished raspberries, grated with sugar, in the refrigerator until the desired moment. It is not necessary to wait for winter, there is such a damp and rainy autumn that the immune system asks for support, so we keep fresh raspberries on hand just in case.

    Fresh fragrant and sweet raspberries with sugar will become the most delicious treat for you and a lifesaver from many ailments. Bon Appetite!

    Since childhood, we know that raspberry jam is the best remedy for colds and all winter ailments. But how to keep all the vitamins in berries for the winter? The best thing is to make raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter, according to my recipe without cooking and step by step photos.

    For this method, raspberries are perfect, since in their raw form the berries will retain the maximum amount of vitamins, and for a harsh and cold winter, such a delicacy will be the best medicine. Raw raspberries are so fragrant that in winter you get a boost of energy and almost the rays of the sun.

    Such a vitamin preparation will be able to keep you strong on a bad day, since raspberry jam is the best way to prevent many seasonal diseases. It is also worth noting that raspberries, grated with sugar, are eaten with pleasure by children, whom you cannot force to drink pills, but here it turns out that both medicine and a delicious treat are collected in one jar.

    Cook for health, cook with pleasure!

    Required products:

    • 500 grams of raspberries,
    • 500 grams of granulated sugar.

    How to cook raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter

    Twist the raspberries through a meat grinder until puree. If the berry is homemade and you yourself picked it from the bush, then it is not necessary to wash it. If bought on the market, then you can rinse the berries with water and dry them on paper towels for reliability. The main thing in the washing process is not to crush the raspberries, but simply pour them into a sieve and quickly rinse them under running water.

    Add all the granulated sugar to the raspberry puree. Sugar is an excellent preservative and has been proven for many years. Our grandmothers also poured sugar over the fruits and kept them fresh until spring. The more sugar there is in the fruit, the fresher it will be. Therefore, the 1: 1 ratio is the best and most versatile., One might say, proven.

    Stir the sugar with the raspberries, and we do this not quickly, since the crystals should practically dissolve in the raspberries. We stir for 3-5 minutes, until sugar is felt at the bottom of the dish. Why you need to knead for a long time: because sugar will not melt in the refrigerator, but on the contrary, it can crystallize even more and then the raspberries will simply crunch on your teeth. To prevent this from happening, you need to mix the fruit with sugar well.

    What tasty can you cook quickly? See ideas on our Instagram:

    We lay out the raspberry blank in sterilized and dry jars, fill it to the top.

    We tighten the jars with lids and put them in the refrigerator for storage until the desired moment. Even for the prevention of ARVI, raspberries, rubbed with sugar, are great and will be your home doctor.