Porridge in a jar for the night recipe. Lazy oatmeal in a jar

09.10.2019 Restaurant notes

Oatmeal is deservedly considered a healthy breakfast option. However, not everyone knows that you can cook lazy oatmeal in a jar for weight loss. Why am I lazy? Yes, because it does not need to be cooked. The ingredients of the dish are simply poured into a jar and sent for a certain time in the refrigerator. So cold and eat.

Oatmeal: what is useful?

Cereals are good for weight loss due to their low calorie content and the content of complex carbohydrates that the body processes slowly. And this provides energy and a feeling of satiety for a long time. What's happened simple and complex carbohydrates we have already mentioned in one of our articles.

The cereal is rich in fiber, proteins, from which muscle tissue is built. Therefore, it is advised to athletes, as well as people engaged in hard physical work. He does not have fats, so it is impossible to gain weight with him.

  • eczema;
  • Allergic diseases;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • Diabetes;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases.

Porridge contains a lot of phosphorus, which strengthens teeth, nails, bones, as well as iodine, which is vital for the thyroid gland.

No wonder that oatmeal with dried fruits Considered one of the most correct breakfasts.

Lazy oatmeal in a jar for weight loss - recipes

Ordinary boiled oatmeal also contributes to weight loss, but without butter and sugar, so that the calorie content does not increase (you can add honey instead of sugar). But a cold, lazy version of cereals will be more effective for losing excess weight.

For cooking, it is better to take oatmeal, for example, Hercules, which is rich in coarse and soft dietary fibers. The advantage of cereal is that it does not take long to cook. Attention! Instant porridge sachets will not work!

The container is a simple glass jar, it is good if it has a screw cap. But you can replace it with a plastic container (light box).

Recipe for lazy oatmeal in a jar with milk - basic

Cooking order:

  • First, 3 tablespoons of cereal are poured into the jar;
  • Then honey is added (1 tablespoon is enough):
  • Pour 200 ml of skimmed milk;
  • Milk is followed by yogurt (250 g);
  • The container is closed with a lid, the contents are shaken for better mixing;
  • If desired, berries and fruits are added to the mixture, after which everything is thoroughly mixed.

The next morning, porridge can be eaten.

Honey has a very valuable composition, it is recommended to use it instead of sugar. Several have even been developed honey diets for those struggling with weight.

Lazy oatmeal - a recipe for kefir

This is the lowest calorie option. The preparation process is as follows:

  • First, pour 3 tbsp into the container. spoons of oatmeal;
  • Add 1 teaspoon of sugar (if desired);
  • Pour 350 g of low-fat kefir;
  • The dishes are closed with a lid, shaken well;
  • If desired, put any fruit, cut into pieces;
  • Close, put in the refrigerator for the whole night.

You can eat porridge in the morning. Kefir fights excess weight very effectively, we have talked about this more than once on the pages of the Point of Weight Loss website. You can not only drink it at night, but also follow a kefir diet.

Recipe for oatmeal jar with apple and cinnamon

Cooking steps:

  • ¼ cup of cereal is poured into the jar;
  • Put 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • Pour milk (1/3 cup);
  • Pour in ¼ cup of yogurt;
  • After closing the lid, the contents of the jar are shaken so that everything is mixed;
  • Put three apples, finely chopped in advance;
  • Stir the mass again;
  • Covered with a lid, the jar is placed in the refrigerator.

You can eat a healthy meal in the morning.

Cinnamon apples enhance the effect, both products are often used for weight loss. Losing weight usually use cinnamon in the form of drinks, apples are present in the diet, fasting days, in addition, it is successfully used vinegar from these fruits.

How to make a lazy oatmeal jar with cherries and grated chocolate

This version of the sweet dish is made like this:

  • First pour in oatmeal (a quarter cup);
  • Add a teaspoon of honey
  • Then - half a teaspoon of vanillin;
  • Everyone pours 1/3 cup of milk;
  • Next, pour a quarter cup of yogurt;
  • Close the dishes, shake well;
  • Then pour a tablespoon of grated chocolate;
  • Finish with a glass of cherries (fresh or frozen);
  • The whole mass is stirred once more;
  • Close, take to the refrigerator, where they keep 12 hours.

In the morning enjoy a delicious meal.

Oatmeal jar with orange and tangerine

Order of adding products:

  • A quarter cup of oatmeal;
  • One third of a glass of milk;
  • A quarter cup of yogurt;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • a tablespoon of orange jam;
  • After closing the jar, shake to mix the ingredients;
  • After opening the container, put ¼ cup of tangerine pieces;
  • Stir again, cover and refrigerate overnight.

All citrus fruits are great for weight loss. Orange with tangerine are among the ten least high-calorie fruits, have a diuretic effect. Orange is the basis of the whole diet - orange. Orange is generally recognized as one of the most useful products among all fruits, a storehouse of vitamins. Read all the information about this fruit .

Recipe with banana and cocoa

The sequence of laying products in the dishes is as follows:

  • Flakes - ¼ cup;
  • Flavored with a teaspoon of honey;
  • Pour a third of a glass of milk;
  • A quarter cup of yogurt;
  • Pour a tablespoon of cocoa powder;
  • Mix the mass;
  • Then put 3 bananas, cut into pieces;
  • They interfere, close, send to the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.

Banana is an excellent source of potassium, which is essential for heart function. It also supplies the "hormone of joy", helping with depression. In addition, the fruit is known as an aphrodisiac.

Summer oatmeal in a jar is a trendy new way to make breakfast. The peculiarity of the dish is that it should be eaten cold. So it retains more nutrients. Can you lose weight on oatmeal? A product such as oatmeal is indispensable for weight loss. In the morning, it energizes and gives a feeling of satiety that lasts for a long time: complex carbohydrates are slowly digested, gradually giving energy to the body.

The benefits and harms of oatmeal in the morning

Oatmeal has healthy carbohydrates, no fat. By itself, it cannot become a source of weight gain. The fiber and proteins contained in it become the main "fuel" for the body, which is used to strengthen and build muscle tissue. These features of oatmeal make it an excellent nutrition for athletes and for people who get heavy loads during the day. The benefits of oatmeal in the morning:

  • It contains calcium, phosphorus - the building blocks of teeth, bones, nails.
  • The product is useful for people who suffer from eczema and allergic diseases. It helps to treat problems with the gastrointestinal tract, reduces flatulence, and normalizes stools.
  • Using the right cereal for breakfast benefits patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  • A dish of oats contains a lot of iodine, which is vital for the full functioning of the brain.

Harm of oatmeal:

  • If you get too carried away with additives - butter, sugar, meat - the calorie content of the product in this case will be high, and weight may increase.
  • Oatmeal should not be consumed by patients with celiac disease - if the body is not able to digest cereals.
  • Oat porridge is better to eat not every day. This is due to the fact that cereals contain phytic acid, which has the ability to remove calcium, which will lead to osteoporosis.

Recipes for making lazy oatmeal in a jar for weight loss

The most useful porridge for health is Hercules. Such a dish contains a huge amount of coarse and soft dietary fiber, thanks to which a person can be satisfied even with a small portion. Lazy oatmeal in a glass jar for weight loss can be prepared with a variety of ingredients: chocolate chips, nuts, dried fruits. You can use cinnamon, vanilla, coffee. Lazy oatmeal for breakfast for weight loss can be prepared in the usual plastic containers that are easy to carry around.

Classic recipe with yogurt and skim milk


  • a glass of fresh skimmed milk;
  • 250 g of natural yogurt;
  • 3 art. l. oatmeal;
  • any berries or fruits of your choice;
  • 1 tbsp honey.

Cooking "summer" oatmeal according to the classic recipe in a glass jar with a lid:

  1. It is necessary to fill the bottom of the jar with cereal.
  2. Next, we shift honey, milk, yogurt to them. Close the lid and stir until all ingredients are combined.
  3. From above, if desired, add fruits or berries, mix everything again.
  4. Close the jar tightly, put it in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning the porridge will be ready.

How to cook without milk and yogurt on kefir


  • 350 g low-fat kefir;
  • 3 art. l. oatmeal;
  • any fruit;
  • 1 tsp sugar (optional).

Oatmeal porridge for weight loss on kefir is considered the lowest calorie. To prepare it, you will need a 0.5 liter glass jar with a lid:

  1. Pour oats into the bottom of the jar. If desired, add sugar and pour kefir on top.
  2. Next, close the container with a lid and shake well. You can also add any pieces of fruit, so the porridge will be tastier.
  3. A closed jar of lazy oatmeal should be put in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, a healthy dish will be ready.

How to make with apple and cinnamon


  • 1/3 cup fresh milk;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • ¼ cup of yogurt;
  • ½ tsp cinnamon;
  • 3 fresh apples;
  • ¼ cup oatmeal.


  1. At the bottom of the jar, first lay out the flakes, add honey. Next, pour everything with milk and yogurt, add cinnamon.
  2. Close the lid and mix gently.
  3. First cut the apples into small pieces. Then we shift the apple blanks into a jar, stir again.
  4. Close the lid, put the jar in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Enjoy a delicious meal in the morning.

With cherries and chocolate chips


  • 1 st. l. grated dark chocolate;
  • ½ tsp vanillin;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1/3 cup fresh milk;
  • ¼ cup oatmeal;
  • ¼ cup of yogurt;
  • a glass of frozen cherries (you can fresh).

Slimming Jar Cherry Lazy Oatmeal is a nutritious, tasty dish that even kids will love. To prepare such oatmeal you need:

  1. Pour cereal into the bottom of the jar. Then add honey, vanillin.
  2. Pour all the ingredients with yogurt with milk.
  3. Cover with a lid and shake thoroughly.
  4. Open the jar, add chocolate, cherries, mix well again.
  5. We close the jar and put it on the shelf of the refrigerator for 12 hours.

With orange and honey

Wonderful oatmeal, which does not need to be boiled, will delight the whole family with its unique taste. Ingredients:

  • ¼ cup of yogurt;
  • 1 st. l. orange jam;
  • ¼ cup oatmeal;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1/3 cup milk;
  • 1/4 cup chopped dried tangerines.

For its preparation:

  1. At the bottom of the jar, you need to fill up the cereal. Next, pour milk and yogurt.
  2. After that, add honey, jam to the resulting mass.
  3. Close the lid and stir. We open it, put pieces of tangerines on top of the mass and gently stir again.
  4. Cover with a lid, put on the shelf of the refrigerator for the night.

With banana and cocoa


  • 3 ripe bananas;
  • 1/3 cup milk;
  • ¼ cup oatmeal;
  • 1 st. l. cocoa powder;
  • ¼ cup of yogurt;
  • 1 tsp honey.


  1. Put the cereal on the bottom of the jar. Add honey, milk, yogurt, cocoa to it.
  2. Cover with a lid and mix everything well.
  3. Cut the bananas into small pieces first. We shift the banana blanks into a jar and stir.
  4. We put the closed jar in the refrigerator. It is allowed to store porridge for two days. It is better to eat it cold.

With coffee filling and nuts


  • 200 g of any crushed nuts;
  • 1/3 cup milk;
  • 1 st. l. cocoa powder;
  • ¼ cup oatmeal;
  • ½ tsp coffee;
  • ¼ cup of yogurt;
  • 1 tsp honey.

Cooking oatmeal with nut-coffee filling:

  1. You need any jar with a lid. First we put flakes in it, add honey and cocoa to them. Top with milk and yogurt.
  2. Next, dilute the coffee in a tablespoon of boiled water and pour it into a jar with the mixture.
  3. Close the lid, mix thoroughly. Open the jar, add the nuts, gently mix everything.
  4. We put the closed jar on the shelf of the refrigerator for the whole night. You can store porridge for three days.

Calorie content of the dish

Oat flakes

natural yogurt

Jam from oranges

Nuts (walnuts)

So, for example, a portion of lazy porridge in a jar with milk, apple, yogurt, honey, cinnamon will be equal to 382 kcal, and 100 g - 115.8. The calorie content of the dish depends largely on the additional components. It is simple to regulate it: the less you put sweet, fatty, the more dietary the dish becomes. A hearty version is obtained by adding nuts, milk, butter, and a lean one - on the water.

Answers to frequently asked questions:

Is it possible to freeze jars of oatmeal for future use? You can freeze porridge for a period of one month. The main thing is that it is necessary not to fill the banks too much, because. they can explode when frozen. It is better to lay the jar on 3/4 of the total volume. Before using the product, the frozen jar should be moved from the freezer to the refrigerator. The porridge will defrost on its own and can be easily eaten.

How to reheat oatmeal in a jar? Lazy oatmeal recipes are usually meant to be eaten cold, but you can try and reheat the porridge. If you want a warm dish, then warm it up using the microwave. To do this, just remove the cover. For warming, you can place a jar of porridge in the microwave for one minute. If you want it to be hot, heat the oatmeal longer.

What banks to use? You can cook lazy porridge not only in glass jars. Also, any pots, plastic containers or containers that are designed for food products are well suited here. It is better that the container size is 0.5 liters, so it will be convenient for you to take them with you to training or work. Any container that can easily hold a glass of liquid will do.

Video recipes for lazy oatmeal in a jar for weight loss

The most common breakfast dish is the good old oatmeal. Of course, you can buy a bag of instant oatmeal if you are not confused by the ingredients in the composition, but it is much more useful to make oatmeal with yogurt, which does not need to be worked over, constantly stirring, like over boiled cereal.

In the evening, mix yogurt with milk. Place oatmeal in a deep bowl or jar along with any seasonal berries, fruits, nuts, seeds, or superfoods. Pour the oatmeal mixture over the oatmeal, cover the bowl with cling film and leave in the refrigerator until morning. If you choose unsweetened yogurt, add your sweetener of choice.

The next morning, all that remains is to brew coffee and remove the cling film from the plate. An extra serving of fresh berries on top wouldn't hurt either.

In addition to yogurt, oatmeal can be poured with juice (especially freshly squeezed), coconut or almond milk.

homemade cocoa

If you prefer cocoa to a cup of morning coffee (high five!), Then prepare its healthy homemade counterpart.

Mix cocoa powder with cinnamon, sugar and grated chocolate. If you don’t want to run for milk every morning, then you can also add a quarter cup of powdered milk to the cocoa mixture. Pour the cocoa into a jar and store with the lid tightly closed.

Pour 3 tablespoons of the mixture with a glass of milk, bring the drink to a boil, but do not boil and pour into cups. Marshmallows, cream and an additional portion of grated chocolate are at your discretion.

Mix for pancakes

Pancakes for breakfast can be not only a weekend dish, if you are not too lazy to prepare dry ingredients for the dough in advance. In a large jar, mix the flour with the baking powder and sugar and store the mixture until you're craving pancakes.

In moments of pancake insufficiency, open the jar, pour a couple of glasses of water or milk into it, add an egg, tighten the lid tightly and shake the contents. Use a fork to check if you managed to get rid of lumps.

The output is the perfect dough for tender pancakes, and all other dishes remain clean.


Oatmeal in yogurt


  • oatmeal - ⅔ st.;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • yogurt - ½ tbsp.;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • a handful of seasonal berries;
  • honey - to taste.


  1. Pour cereal into a jar or deep plate and place banana and berry slices.
  2. Mix milk with honey and yogurt. Pour the mixture over the oatmeal.
  3. Leave the cereal overnight, covering the dish with cling film.

homemade cocoa


  • sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • dark chocolate - 90 g;
  • cocoa powder - ½ tbsp.;
  • ground cinnamon - ½ tsp;
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. Combine all ingredients together and store in a jar or airtight container.
  2. To prepare cocoa, pour 3 tablespoons of the mixture with milk and cook until boiling.

Mix for pancakes


  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • baking powder - 4 tsp;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp.


  1. Mix all ingredients together. Store in a large jar.
  2. If necessary, pour a couple of glasses of water or milk into the dry ingredients, add an egg, twist the neck of the jar and shake everything thoroughly.
  3. From this amount of ingredients, 12 large fritters are obtained.

Oatmeal for breakfast is a long-standing tradition in my family. Moreover, since I realized that it is convenient to prepare it in advance and store it in a jar, the time for preparing breakfast has been significantly reduced. If the men in your family love cereals, then they will definitely support your initiative, mine, for example, appreciated oatmeal in a jar, they even make orders for the “stuffing”.

citrus oatmeal

It takes a lot of time to prepare breakfast, in the morning you don’t really want to cook complex dishes. Sandwiches can be prepared quickly, but such food cannot be called healthy. Sometimes I also have sandwiches for breakfast, but eating them every day is harmful, and even the body requires variety. An example of a varied, quick, healthy ready-made breakfast is oatmeal in a jar with fruit and berries and other delicious fillings.

I advise recipes for those who follow their health, figure, do not have time or do not like to cook food in the morning - it helps a lot. In addition, this is a suitable option for breakfast or dinner, if you follow the course of any diet for weight loss on cereals. for instance , it will not seem so boring, monotonous, because the menu on cereals can be alternated (oatmeal with filler in the morning, pearl barley for lunch, buckwheat for dinner).

I met a lot of recipe options, tips on how best to cook oatmeal in a jar, such a “lazy” breakfast has a lot of advantages, you can see for yourself how pleasant and easy healthy eating can be. Look, here are just the most obvious advantages of having such a porridge for breakfast on your table:

The basic recipe is simple, you can come up with a lot of combinations based on it, experimenting with a combination of ingredients. No monotony! Every day you get porridge for every taste.

Everything is described there in order, what is what, how to mix. I do it easier: I fall asleep all the components, shake. I still don’t quite understand why the recipe contains milk, there is very little of it, but it is, nevertheless, there. Probably so that the flakes are better soaked. Well, I sometimes add it (when I have it at home), sometimes I make porridge without milk.

Lazy oatmeal with different fillers-additives

And further. For those who like a homogeneous consistency of cereals, you can mix all the ingredients with a blender, leave it overnight or at least 3-4 hours to infuse. All the same, it turns out tasty, satisfying, healthy, unusual, fast.

Lazy (ready-made) oatmeal with natural additives

(basic recipe, portions and proportions of products are increased at our discretion)

What are we preparing from:

  • oatmeal flakes (hercules is best, you need tender cereals, but do not use instant cooking!);
  • unsweetened yogurt, without additives and fillers (preferably natural, it can be prepared independently from live bioactive starter cultures and milk, store-bought fermented baked milk or kefir will do);
  • low-fat (or skimmed) milk
  • sugar or its substitute sweetener to taste (it is even better to use natural honey);
  • suitable containers: glass jars (screw or tightly closed, the smallest ones are suitable for storing food, which are sold in kitchen accessories stores).

How we cook:

  • Pour oatmeal into the bottom of the jar, add milk, yogurt (kefir or ryazhenka), sugar (or a substitute). This is the base, then you can add any fruits, berries to your taste.
  • We close the jar with a lid, shake until all products are completely combined, put in the refrigerator for several hours (it is better to leave it there from evening to morning).

Oatmeal lazy with fruits and berries

Such oatmeal in a jar can be kept in the refrigerator for a couple of days (shelf life depends on supplement products). A product with a banana “filling” remains fresh for a long time with a shelf life of up to four days. Apricot, blueberries, currants, pears are well stored.

In three to four hours, oatmeal softens, absorbs the taste and smell of dairy products, fruit juices. During the night by morning you have a tender, healthy porridge ready!

Try to diversify such a “lazy” oatmeal by changing the recipe in your own way, the components for this are sold on the market, supermarkets, as well as ordinary stores.

Pumpkin oatmeal in a jar

  • milk - 5 tablespoons;
  • yogurt - 1/3 cup;
  • pumpkin puree -1/3 cup (boil the pumpkin until soft, beat with a blender until puree);
  • honey or sugar - 1 teaspoon;

After mixing the products in the jar until smooth, we infuse in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. We store there no more than two days.

Strawberry oatmeal in a jar

  • flakes "Hercules" - 4 tablespoons;
  • milk - 2 tablespoons;
  • yogurt - ½ cup;
  • strawberry jam (or jam) - 1 tablespoon;
  • strawberries (fresh, frozen, chopped) - ½ cup

According to this recipe, a dish is prepared in the same way as according to the base one, we combine all the ingredients, mix, send it to the refrigerator to infuse. Shelf life - no more than two days. Similarly, oatmeal is prepared in a jar with raspberries, currants, gooseberries, plums, apricots, peaches.

Citrus oatmeal in a jar

Tangerines, oranges, lemons are very suitable as an additive to oatmeal. It turns out a vitamin, nutritious dish.

  • hercules - 6 tablespoons;
  • milk - 1/3 cup;
  • yogurt (ryazhenka, kefir) - ¼ cup;
  • jam from orange, lemon or tangerine - 1 tablespoon;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • tangerines, oranges (finely chopped) - 1/3 cup.

Banana chocolate oatmeal in a jar

  • oat flakes "Hercules" - 5 tablespoons;
  • milk - 5 tablespoons;
  • 1/3 cup yogurt;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • cocoa (or melted chocolate) - 1 tablespoon;
  • banana - half a ripe fruit.

Shake the container with the rest of the ingredients of the recipe, put on the shelf of the refrigerator. If necessary, we store 3-4 days.

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal in a Jar

  • flakes "Hercules" - 5 tablespoons;
  • milk - 6 tablespoons;
  • yogurt - ¼ cup;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • apple (it can be finely chopped into pieces, grated, mashed with a blender - to your taste).

Keeps in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Cherry chocolate oatmeal in a jar

  • flakes "Hercules" - 4 tablespoons;
  • milk - 1/3 cup;
  • yogurt - ¼ cup;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • vanillin - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • cherries (fresh, frozen) - ¼ cup;
  • chocolate chips (ready-made chocolate chips or chips prepared by yourself).

We mix everything in a jar, leave it to infuse in the refrigerator, store no more than 3 days.

Coffee oatmeal in a jar (mocha)

  • oatmeal - a quarter cup;
  • milk - a third of a glass;
  • yogurt - ¼ cup;
  • cocoa powder - ½ teaspoon;
  • instant coffee - ½ teaspoon (dilute in hot water - a tablespoon);
  • sugar or honey - 1 teaspoon.

Mix, insist several hours in the refrigerator. Porridge with such fillers is stored for up to three days.

Ready-made oatmeal in a jar can even be frozen, after defrosting the taste, the dish retains its beneficial properties. The main thing is not to fill the containers to the eyeballs so that they do not burst when frozen. If you take it out of the freezer in the evening, put it on the shelf of the refrigerator, then by morning it will have time to defrost and you will have a ready breakfast.

If you still prefer warm or hot cereals, then warming up oatmeal in a glass jar in the microwave is allowed (1-2 minutes, do not forget to remove the lid!).

If you can't find glass jars of the right size, then use any food container that holds 200-250 ml of liquid. It is convenient to use plastic 0.4-0.5 ml containers. Suitable, for example, those in which you buy tomato paste, sauces.
Invent your own recipes, mix fresh berries and fruits, enjoy beautiful, healthy oatmeal. Have a good and healthy appetite!

The main "trick" of this dish is that it does not need to be cooked. You just need to find a couple of minutes the night before to mix the ingredients of the future breakfast in one glass. Time and a refrigerator will turn a few simple ingredients into a healthy and delicious breakfast.

It must be said right away that oatmeal in a jar is a fairly popular recipe among lovers of looking beautiful and quickly losing extra pounds. There is an opinion that if you use oatmeal without cooking for breakfast for 2 months daily, then even without changing anything in your usual diet, you can lose a few kg. I don't know, I haven't personally tested it. But the fact that a breakfast of cereals that are not subjected to heat treatment is very healthy is obvious!

Firstly, oat flakes themselves are a valuable product - a real medicine for the intestines, and cereals from it are exceptionally good for excellent health. And if they are also cooked without cooking, then all the useful substances are safe and sound!

Secondly, in dietary breakfasts of this type, as a rule, fruits and nuts are added. This combination is a classic of healthy eating. In the recipe that I offer today, there is a berry mix: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries.

Finally, the composition of the breakfast includes another product of healthy cuisine - coconut milk. Vegetarians and lovers of Asian cuisine will be especially pleased with it. Coconut milk is high in the valuable lauric acid and is recommended by the Harvard School of Public Nutrition as an exemplary moderately low calorie (150 kcal) dietary product. You can read more about this miracle product.

Cooking time: 5 minutes + 6-10 hours. in the refrigerator / Yield: 1 serving


  • oat flakes not fast food - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • coconut milk from a can / bag - half a glass
  • poppy seeds in caramel or ordinary poppy - 1 teaspoon
  • strawberries, raspberries, blueberries - a few berries / handful

You will also need a jar with a lid.


In a bowl, pour oatmeal with coconut milk and mix with strawberry pieces. In my case, the milk turned out to be thick - almost coconut cream. The amount of milk is not important - create the consistency to your taste.

Sprinkle the ingredients mixed with a spoon with poppy seeds, for example in caramel.

*By the way, food poppy can be replaced with chia seeds, which have incredibly beneficial properties and are very relevant for dietary and healthy eating.

A mixture of oatmeal, strawberries or other berries, as well as coconut milk and poppy seeds, is transferred to a glass or jar, tightly closed with a lid and sent to the refrigerator on the middle shelf for at least 6 hours, preferably all night.

In the morning we take out a glass of magical food. Even without a magnifying glass, you can see that the volume has increased markedly, which means that the oatmeal has been saturated with exotic milk and juice of fresh berries.

We serve breakfast on the table, open the lid and enjoy the snow-white tenderness of the cooked dish.

Oatmeal, which can also be called a smoothie, stir with a spoon and proceed to the meal. We complement breakfast with a fresh portion of your favorite berries.

Do not add sweeteners to the finished dish - sugar, honey, condensed milk, etc. - the entire dietary effect will disappear!