How much condensed milk is cooked in a jar in a saucepan. How to cook condensed milk in a jar in a saucepan

09.08.2019 Buffet table

Milk condensation technology has been known for a long time. In the middle of the nineteenth century, it was already included in the army rations and rescued American soldiers. This canned product was taken with them on long trips, used as complementary food for babies and just as a dessert.
Condensed milk is good in cakes and pastries, and as a bite to tea. Many people love this sweet product since childhood, and perhaps you will not find someone who has not eaten it at least once in his life. Condensed milk can be made at home or bought ready-made. But the taste of a dessert made by yourself is completely different.
Unfortunately, even according to GOST, antioxidants and stabilizers are allowed in condensed milk (ascorbic acid, potassium and sodium derivatives - E331, E332, E339, E340). And unscrupulous manufacturers make condensed milk not from whole milk, but from powdered milk with the addition of vegetable (often palm) oil; flavor enhancers, dyes, preservatives are used.
Knowing these facts, the question arises - how to cook condensed milk at home? This process is lengthy and will require patience. Therefore, it is better to cook immediately for future use - milk sweetness is perfectly stored in the refrigerator. You will spend several hours, but the result will be a "clean" product without harmful additives and with an amazing taste.
The color, consistency and taste of the finished condensed milk depends on the cooking time. The longer she spends time on the stove, the thicker and darker the dessert will be. White color is heating for up to half an hour, this sweetness is only slightly thicker, the taste is very mild. If you cook homemade condensed milk from milk and sugar for 3-4 hours, you will easily get a thick mass, rich caramel color.

Taste Info Dairy desserts


  • Fresh very fat cow's milk - 1 liter (from 3% fat and above);
  • Granulated sugar brown or white - 1 tbsp.;
  • Half vanilla pod or vanilla sugar (teaspoon)
  • Baking soda - 0.5 tsp

How to make condensed milk at home

One liter of milk produces 250-300 grams of condensed milk.
Pour milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add vanilla and boil. If you put the pod on, be sure to remove it after boiling.

Dissolve the baking soda in three tablespoons of cold boiled water.

Put diluted soda into the milk and add all the sugar in one fell swoop. Stir and return to stove.

First, cook over medium-high heat, stirring every 5-10 minutes with a wooden spatula or spoon, so as not to burn. Watch out for color and consistency. If you suddenly missed the moment when the milk burnt, strain it and continue to cook.

After about 40-45 minutes, the milk will begin to thicken and take on a beautiful creamy shade. From this moment on, it is no longer possible to leave the stove. Turn on your favorite movie or music, turn down the heat a little (to medium). Cook, stirring constantly, until the condensed milk darkens and begins to lag behind the bottom. For the specified amount of ingredients, this will take about half an hour.

Place the pot in a large bowl or bowl of cold water and stir quickly and violently.

Transfer to a jar and let cool.

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Serve homemade condensed milk with tea or coffee with fresh white buns or Viennese waffles. Also, this dessert can be used as a cream for cakes, nuts and rolls. Follow the above recipe with the photo, and you will succeed.

How to make condensed milk at home:

  1. Take very fresh whole milk - this will be a guarantee that it does not curdle during prolonged cooking;
  2. Homemade milk is much fatter than store milk, you can also add cream and butter to increase the fat content;
  3. If you are not sure about the freshness of the milk, then add a little soda, then it will definitely not curdle;
  4. Take a thick-bottomed non-stick pan, or even better - cook in a water bath;
  5. Powdered milk will add a rich milky taste to the finished dessert. Mix it with sugar and pour into boiling liquid;
  6. To speed up the process, replace granulated sugar with powder, just measure it not with glasses, but by weight.

Condensed milk can be prepared with the help of kitchen helpers:

  • The multicooker can be used in the "braising" and "steaming" modes. Put all the ingredients in the bowl, turn on the selected mode, but do not close the lid. Stir the milk and sugar occasionally. Dessert is ready in an hour.
  • The bread maker is perfect for boiling condensed milk, moreover, the process will be automated as much as possible in it. If your machine has “jam” or “jam” modes, then you already know how to cook a dessert from water and berries with sugar. Pour in dry food, pour in milk by closing the lid, set the desired mode. The bread maker will do everything for you.
  • You can also use other kitchen units designed for long heat treatment of food. They will speed up and facilitate the preparation of a sweet dessert.

Homemade condensed milk is perfectly stored. Prepare it for future use and delight children and adults with a healthy homemade dessert.

Many housewives know very well that home-cooked condensed milk will have a fundamentally different taste than the one that is sold ready-made in stores. But many consider the process of boiling condensed milk to be a very long and troublesome business. Those who once cooked condensed milk in a jar, do not immediately decide on repeated experiments.

However, the result and taste of boiled condensed milk will largely be determined by the quality of the original product. Today there are many different manufacturers of condensed milk. And the cost of such a product also has wide limits with a relatively identical mass. Most housewives, choosing food, will certainly try to save money.

Therefore, as a result, the cheapest products appear in the consumer basket. This can also apply to condensed milk. It is reasonable to conclude that the lower the price for it, the more the quality will suffer significantly. Manufacturers of this product in most cases supply the composition of condensed milk with substances that either do not boil at all, or it takes too long. It may turn out that after a few hours of keeping the cans of condensed milk on fire, its main amount will remain liquid.

Therefore, if you choose condensed milk just for home cooking purposes, then initially try to buy the highest quality of such products. Only when boiling high-quality condensed milk will you get a really good result. And this circumstance by no means requires that the price of condensed milk be very expensive.

You just need to learn to buy only those products, the manufacturers of which have already acquired an impeccable reputation. The quality of condensed milk does not in itself guarantee that it will be perfectly tasty as a result of cooking. Here, of course, a lot will depend on the hostess too. For this reason, you need to follow the rules on how and how long condensed milk should be cooked. The direct cooking process involves the following stages. First, remove the label on the can. Rinse it well under tap water.

Condensed milk needs to find a suitable container. Please note that the product will take a very long time to cook. And water, as we know, will inevitably boil away. Therefore, immediately find a saucepan with a fairly large volume so as not to stand at the stove all the time, making sure that the water does not exhaust itself. Put a jar of condensed milk on the bottom of the container. Fill the pot with cold water. Pour water according to the level to the maximum possible. So in the process of boiling condensed milk, you will not need to add it often. Wait for the water to boil. When this happens, the fire of the stove must be lowered. Be sure to time it. The question of how much is needed boil condensed milk, perhaps, will be the main one in this process.

This should take at least an hour and a half. As a result, the condensed milk will turn out to be not too thick in consistency. As such, it is best used to create cake cream or biscuit filling. If you cook condensed milk a little longer, say, two to three hours, then it will turn out to be thicker. Its shade will also appear to be an order of magnitude darker. Just such condensed milk is most often used to create a filling for such a dessert as nuts with condensed milk. Three to four hours condensed milk is boiled by those who prefer its very thick appearance and dark color.

Check the water level in the pot with the jar every twenty to thirty minutes. And remember that the water level must necessarily cover the jar. If you start topping up water, be sure to use the hot form. If there is a sharp temperature drop, then the can of condensed milk can simply burst. And if there is a shortage of water, then this can lead to such a sad consequence as the explosion of a can. This is pretty dangerous. The condensed milk spread during the explosion of the can will be hot. It can burn you badly.

But even if you yourself do not suffer from this, you will still need to scrape off the remains of condensed milk from the walls or ceiling, which is not easy. Therefore, from the very beginning, it is wiser to show a sufficient degree of vigilance in the process of boiling condensed milk. After boiling, the jar with condensed milk must be cooled.

Many people do it out of habit, simply, that is, for cooling, they immerse the jar in a container of cold water. But this should not be done so as not to create a sharp temperature drop and prevent the can from bursting. This cooling method will be correct.

Just do not remove the jar from the water where it was boiled until the water has completely cooled down. At the same time, condensed milk will also cool down, after which it can already be used for its intended purpose. With a device such as a pressure cooker, condensed milk is much easier to cook. If you want to use a pressure cooker, simply place a can in it and fill it with water.

The level of the latter should, as with the usual cooking method, be slightly higher. Turn on the fire on the stove and wait for the water to boil. Next, note about fifteen minutes, during which the water should boil. Then turn off the heat and, without removing the lid from the pressure cooker, wait for the water to cool. Using a pressure cooker won't save you time.

After all, the water in this device with the lid closed will cool down for a long time, namely two to three hours. But the advantage of a pressure cooker over a regular saucepan is that you don't have to worry about the water boiling out of the container.

Does not threaten the cooking process and the explosion of the can. While the water-filled pressure cooker cools down, you may well go about your business and even leave the house. Knowing these secrets, you can arrange a small holiday for yourself and enjoy the delicious taste of self-cooked condensed milk.

Condensed milk is one of the most favorite products for those with a sweet tooth. For many, it is the smell and taste of condensed milk that is associated with childhood and the brightest childhood memories.

In addition, condensed milk is a universal product. It can be eaten just like that, it can be added to a variety of dishes and pastries. Very tasty and very easy to make. There are a huge number of ways to cook it. But you need to strictly follow the cooking rules and know how much to cook condensed milk. Otherwise, instead of a delicious dessert, you can get a lot of problems. The fact is that if cooked incorrectly, the can can explode. And this will not only ruin the product itself, but also add a lot of hassle to cleaning the kitchen.

How much to cook condensed milk

The cooking time for condensed milk depends on the recipe you choose. You can cook milk, as in a jar, without violating its integrity until the end of the entire cooking process, or only the condensed milk itself, having previously taken it out of the container.

How much to cook condensed milk in a jar

The first and one of the simplest method is cooking in water.

Water is poured into a cooking container, into which a can of condensed milk is placed. Make sure that the water completely covers the jar. Put the saucepan on the stove and bring the water to a boil over a fairly high heat, after which the fire is reduced and the jar is left to cook for 2-2.5 hours. As it boils, water is periodically added to the saucepan. Remember, this is very important. Otherwise, if left without water, the jar may explode.

The second method is the preparation of boiled condensed milk using a pressure cooker.

This recipe is for those who love to cook without straining at all. As they say - set and forget. You do not need to constantly monitor the water level and cooking time. Fill the pressure cooker with water, put a can of condensed milk in it (the water should completely cover the jar) and bring it to a boil over very high heat. After the water has boiled, wait another 10-15 minutes and turn off the pressure cooker. We do not take out the jar until the water has completely cooled.

If you have very little time, or you simply do not want to follow the process of preparing condensed milk for 2 hours, the option of cooking condensed milk in a microwave oven is more suitable for you.

How much condensed milk needs to be cooked in the microwave.

Believe it or not - only 15 minutes. Yes, it is in such a short period that you can prepare this delicious delicacy. Well then. Let's say a huge thank you to the creators of this miracle of technology and go ahead for the cause. We open a can of condensed milk and pour its contents into a deep bowl (the dishes must be designed for use in a microwave oven) and, setting the medium power mode, we start the microwave for 15 minutes. During cooking, condensed milk will need to be stirred several times, since the radio waves emitted by the oven heat the liquid unevenly.

Here are some helpful tips for those with a sweet tooth.

Buy only high quality products. A quality product contains only milk and sugar. Condensed milk, with many impurities, is not only harmful to health, but when cooked can give completely unexpected results. For example, curl up into lumps or "please" with crystallized grains of sugar.

The longer the condensed milk is boiled, the darker and more viscous in consistency it becomes.

If you are cooking condensed milk in a jar, then after the completion of the cooking process, you need to let the water cool completely and only then you can remove the jar from it. Never chill with cold water, otherwise the taste of the dish can be greatly affected.

Now you know how much to cook condensed milk. So, all that remains is to wish you bon appetit.

Everyone remembers condensed milk from childhood. Who doesn't love this sweet delicacy, which can be added to coffee, tea, various desserts, or simply eaten with a spoon. And then everyone knew the recipe for boiled condensed milk. Of course, boiled condensed milk is sold in modern stores. But in terms of its taste, it cannot be compared with boiled condensed milk at home. Do you know how to cook condensed milk in a can?

Secrets of cooking boiled condensed milk at home

Delicious homemade boiled condensed milk is a wonderful delicacy and an excellent basis for making fillings for cakes, pastries, nuts, waffles and other sweet delicacies. However, sometimes when boiling condensed milk, difficulties can arise - the can will explode or burst, then the milk will be digested or, conversely, remain liquid. To avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to know a few secrets of making boiled condensed milk at home.

How to guarantee the safety of cooking condensed milk?

Many have heard that condensed milk can explode when boiling. It's true. If you are in the kitchen at this time, you can get severe burns. It is good if hot condensed milk does not get on your face. At best, you only have to scrape the condensed milk off the walls and ceiling. Naturally, such boiled condensed milk is not suitable for consumption. Usually a can of ready-made condensed milk bursts when you start to cool it. The contents are poured into a pot of water or a sink, and many hours of work down the drain.

To prevent condensed milk from exploding and bursting during cooking, remember:

How long does it take to cook a can of condensed milk?

The cooking time for homemade boiled condensed milk depends on the fat content of the milk and on what result you want to achieve.

  • condensed milk with a fat content of 8-8.5% is cooked for one and a half to two hours
  • condensed milk with a fat content of more than 8.5% is cooked for two to two and a half hours and longer, that is, the fatter the milk, the longer it is cooked
  • after 1 hour of cooking, condensed milk has a liquid consistency and melted beige color
  • after 2 hours of cooking, medium consistency, pale brown color
  • after 3 hours of boiling, the condensed milk becomes really thick, the color is melted brown
  • after 4 or more hours of boiling, the milk in the jar will become thick, like "toffee" candy, and will acquire a chocolate color

What other rules are there for the preparation of boiled condensed milk?

There are a few more secrets, the knowledge of which will help you cook delicious boiled condensed milk.

How to cook condensed milk in a closed jar

In a closed jar, condensed milk can be cooked in two ways - in a saucepan and in a pressure cooker. Both methods take approximately the same time, but if you are using a pressure cooker, your participation in cooking will be limited to only a few minutes. So the second method is great if you, for example, are going to leave home and cannot watch condensed milk boiling for several hours.

Boiled condensed milk in a saucepan

You will need:

  • can of condensed milk
  • large saucepan with lid
  • kettle or saucepan with boiling water to add water

Step-by-step instruction:

Boiled condensed milk in a pressure cooker

You will need:

  • can of condensed milk
  • pressure cooker

Step-by-step instruction:

How to cook an open can of condensed milk

Open condensed milk can also be cooked in two ways - in the microwave and in a water bath. The first method is the fastest, the condensed milk will be ready in 20-25 minutes, but you will have to tinker a lot. The second method takes about 4-5 hours. Both options are fine if you want some boiled condensed milk rather than a whole can. Also, many people like that in either case, you can control the degree of readiness of the condensed milk during the cooking process.

Boiled condensed milk in the microwave

You will need:

  • condensed milk
  • deep bowl for cooking in the microwave
  • spoon with a long handle for stirring milk
  • microwave

Step-by-step instruction:

Boiled condensed milk in a water bath

You will need:

  • condensed milk
  • small saucepan with lid
  • spoon with a long handle for stirring condensed milk
  • larger pan for a water bath
  • kettle or saucepan with boiling water for pouring water

Step-by-step instruction:

As you can see, using all the above methods, you can cook condensed milk at home. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules so that the jar of condensed milk does not explode. Boiled condensed milk can also be used to prepare various desserts. Try to make a delicious cake “

Method 1: elementary

All you need is a can of condensed milk and a large old saucepan.

Bring water in a saucepan to a boil. First, make sure that the volume of liquid you have collected can completely cover the can of condensed milk.

Remove the paper label from the can. Glue may remain on the surface and stick to the pan during cooking. That is why it is necessary to take the old container so that it is not a pity to throw it away.

Carefully immerse the can of condensed milk in boiling water. It is best to do this with tongs or a slotted spoon. The can must be stable, upside down, otherwise it will roll, bounce during cooking and make annoying sounds.

Boil condensed milk over low heat for three hours.

Important: always make sure that the water completely covers the jar, otherwise the condensed milk may explode. If necessary, just add boiling water to the pot.

Use tongs or a slotted spoon to remove the jar from the pot and let it cool to room temperature. In no case cool boiled condensed milk in cold water and do not open it ahead of time: it may explode.

After the boiled condensed milk has cooled, open it and stir until smooth.

Method 2: natural

If you don't trust the producers of condensed milk, you can prepare it from scratch.


  • 1 liter of fat milk (it is better to take homemade or store-bought maximum fat content);
  • 450-500 g of sugar.


Pour milk into a large saucepan and place over medium heat. Add sugar and, stirring constantly, bring mixture to a boil.

You really need to stir constantly, otherwise the sugar will burn.

After boiling, reduce heat to low and cook condensed milk for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. Determine the readiness by the color and consistency of the dish. Drop the condensed milk on a plate: if it spreads slowly, then it is already ready. Please note that the milk will harden after cooling, so do not try to boil it until it is too thick.

Chill condensed milk at room temperature and pour into a clean jar.

How to cook condensed milk in the oven

Transfer the condensed milk to an ovenproof dish and cover with foil. Place the food on a high-rimmed baking sheet or in another oversized dish. Fill the second container with hot water so that it reaches the middle of the form with condensed milk.

Send the baking sheet to an oven preheated to 200 ° C. After 1-1.5 hours, remove the milk from the oven, remove the foil and stir. If the condensed milk has not reached the desired color and consistency, cover it again with foil and return to the oven. Check it every 15 minutes until it's ready. Top up the baking sheet with water if necessary.

How to cook condensed milk in the microwave

This is the fastest way to cook boiled condensed milk. But it also has its drawbacks: the consistency may not turn out to be as viscous and homogeneous as during long cooking. However, if time is running out, then feel free to use this particular method.

Transfer the condensed milk to a glass dish and cook it on medium power for two minutes. Then remove from the microwave and stir.

You can do four to eight of these repetitions, depending on what result you want to achieve. True, after the fourth time it is better to set the timer not for two minutes, but for one, so as not to miss the moment of readiness.

Recipes with boiled condensed milk


  • 2 eggs;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 200 g butter;
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 450 g flour;
  • vegetable oil - for lubricating the mold;
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk.


Combine eggs with sugar, add melted butter and stir again. Add the vinegar slaked baking soda and stir again. Then gradually start adding flour and kneading the dough. It should be soft and elastic.

Roll out the dough into small balls a little smaller than a walnut. Put them in a special form for "Nuts", pre-oiled with vegetable oil and heated on fire on both sides. Bake the dough in a mold on one side for 4-5 minutes and then on the other for about three minutes. If you use an electric hazelnut maker, you can cook the dough in it even less: about four minutes.

Remove the shells from the mold, let them cool and fill each with boiled condensed milk. Join the two pieces of cookies together and trim off any excess edges.


  • 1 egg;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 1 pinch of vanillin;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 200 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 240 g flour;
  • 1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ cans of boiled condensed milk.


In a bowl, combine egg, sugar and vanillin. Add a pinch of salt, sunflower oil, milk and stir well. Sift flour and baking powder into the dough, mix again.

Put a tablespoon of dough in silicone muffin tins, add a teaspoon of boiled condensed milk in the center and cover the filling with another tablespoon of dough. Bake the muffins in the oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.


  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 180 g sugar;
  • 90 g flour;
  • 35 g cocoa;
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk;
  • 170 g cream cheese.


Cook first. To do this, separate the yolks from the whites. Whisk the whites until hot peaks, gradually adding sugar in the process. While whisking, add the yolks to the mixture (add one at a time, not all at once).

Mix the flour and cocoa separately and sift the mixture. Add it to the beaten eggs in portions and stir gently with a spatula from top to bottom.

Cover the bottom of a 24-centimeter form with parchment, distribute the dough in it and send to the oven preheated to 170 ° C for 40 minutes.

Cool the sponge cake (it is better to let it rest for a few hours in a form turned upside down) and cut it into three cakes. Assemble the cake, greasing each cake with cream of whipped boiled condensed milk and cheese. Spread the remaining cream on the outside of the cake and put the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours. Garnish with biscuits or cocoa before serving.

Do you have a favorite dish with boiled condensed milk? Let us know in the comments.