Jellied turkey neck. Turkey jelly: cooking options

Kholodets is a universal dish. Fits perfectly into the daily menu, will not defile any solemn feast with its presence. What is there to say. Not a single New Year's table is complete without this obligatory and, it should be noted, really tasty food. It is traditionally prepared with pork. But we would like to suggest that you pay attention to an alternative option - turkey jelly. It turns out that it is no worse, if not even tastier, and it also has an undeniable advantage - it contains a much smaller amount of calories, which is very handy when a “belly holiday” is on the agenda

But before talking about how to cook turkey jelly, I would like to dwell on some aspects, the incorrect interpretation of which sometimes leads to culinary misunderstandings.

So all the same: jelly or aspic?

There is a difference between these two dishes. Not to say that it is significant, but still. So, jelly (from turkey, pork or other product) is prepared on the basis of natural gelling broth, while the preparation of aspic involves the use of gelatin. It cannot be said that gelatin is a harmful product. Just the right approach to cooking jellied meat is the key to success. What is the correct approach? In the choice of turkey meat - in our case. Or rather, parts of her carcass. So, in order to get at the exit not a thick soup, but a jelly, you need to take wings for cooking, in which there are a lot of bones and ligaments, which give the stickiness that is so necessary for this particular dish. But since there is not so much meat in the wings, the drumsticks are usually cooked along with them. Sometimes, however, they also make jelly from the neck of a turkey. Not to say that it turns out tasteless, just this option should be considered as a budget option due to the lower cost of this offal.

Well, now that we have finally figured out once and for all what we need to properly prepare turkey jelly, let's go directly to the recipes.

Classic variant

To cook jelly according to this recipe, we stock up:

Cooking process

Wash the turkey meat well, remove the skin from the shins (this number will not work with the wings, so leave them as they are), put in a saucepan and pour water over it. You don't need much liquid, pour it so that it only covers the meat. We put on fire, after boiling we throw there peeled uncut carrots, a whole onion without husks, salt, leave to cook over low heat. After a few hours, you need to get the vegetables, and cook the meat for another hour. 10 minutes before the end, we throw bay leaves and our seasonings into the broth. A sign of readiness - the meat is easily separated from the bone. If we found it - it's time to get it.

Further, everything is just as simple. After cooling, we remove the meat from the bones, disassemble it into pieces, lay it out in bowls or trays. We filter the broth, fill it with turkey. If you wish, you can also put boiled carrots, greens, chopped into circles there, add finely chopped garlic.

All. It remains to put our turkey jelly in a cold place, wait for it to solidify completely, and then serve it on the table. By the way, you can easily get it out of the molds - just go around the edges of the dish with a knife and carefully turn the contents onto a plate.

There is another cooking option, when not only turkey, but also chicken is used as the main component of the dish - meat. By the way, a very interesting way that deserves attention.

Jellied turkey and chicken

Before presenting this recipe to you, you will have to again conduct a small lesson in literary educational program. Many housewives are very often mistaken when they start looking for answers to the question of how to cook jelly from turkey legs. The fact is that our cooks by the word "legs" mean just the same drumstick and thigh, while in fact these are real turkey legs. So, this part of the body in cooking is somehow, to put it mildly, not quoted. And none of them cooks anything, except perhaps the most desperate ones. But the recipe for jelly from turkey and chicken legs is very popular. And do you know why? Because the legs give the necessary stickiness, and due to this, there is no need to use certain parts of the turkey carcass for cooking (in our case, the wings). To put it simply, we can say something like this. When chicken legs are used in the preparation of this dish, then any turkey meat can be taken, even breast.

To prepare such a combined jelly, we take:

The rest of the ingredients are the same as in the previous recipe.

How to cook

We cook turkey meat identically to the previous version, so we will not repeat it. But what about the paws, a few words need to be said. Firstly, they must be processed: wash well, scald, do a “pedicure” (remove claws), remove the skin. And then put in a separate pan, pour water, salt and simmer for three or four hours. When the paws are cooked, they must be removed from the pan, and the broth should be filtered and combined with the one in which the turkey was cooked.

The rest of the cooking process is exactly the same as in the first case, only our meat is already poured with such a combined broth.

Prepared in both the first and second ways, turkey jelly is a very tasty and beautiful dish. Try it!

Turkey jelly

In winter, it's time to cook such a delicious snack as jelly or it is also called "cold", "jelly", "jellied". The fact is that in different national cuisines this dish is prepared according to its own unique recipe from different ingredients, which is why it is called differently.

But in general, it turns out tender boiled meat with spices in a frozen broth. Moreover, if you cook this dish according to all the rules from a shank, or a pork knuckle, then the broth really freezes on its own, because there are a lot of substances in such meat that have a gelling effect. True, the dish can be somewhat fatty, especially if you cook it only from pork. Turkey jelly, a recipe with a photo will show all the cooking step by step, you can even eat on a diet.

Turkey meat is not fatty like pork and not as tough as beef. Since such a broth will not harden on its own, we will add soluble gelatin to it. So we get a tasty and healthy and beautiful dish.

If you want, the turkey can be boiled with the addition of vegetables, for example, it is very good to put an unpeeled onion in the broth. It will give the broth a certain taste and a beautiful copper hue. You can also flavor the broth with carrot roots, parsley roots and your favorite spices.

To prepare jellied turkey with gelatin, you can fill the meat in a large container and cut it into portions before serving, or in small bowls, which are then turned upside down. As a decor, you can use boiled quail eggs, cut into quarters, circles of boiled carrots or sweet peas.

- turkey meat - 1 kg,

- table salt - 5 g,

- fresh garlic - 15 g,

- ground black pepper - 5 g,

- bay leaf - 2 pcs.,

- carrots and onions - 1 pc.

To prepare the jelly, we wash the turkey well, cut it into pieces and set it to cook in the broth for about 3.5 hours over low heat.

When the foam appears, we will definitely collect it, as this protein coagulates with salts.

Add carrots and onions as desired.

After that, we bring the broth to taste according to the balance of spices and spices. To do this, put in it bay leaves, salt and pepper.

We cook until ready. The meat should be soft and easy to move away from the bone.

We filter the finished broth so that it is transparent.

The meat, as soon as it cools down, is disassembled into fibers and placed in molds in which we will cook jelly.

Dissolve gelatin in warm water.

And we introduce it into the hot broth.

Add chopped garlic to the broth.

Pour the broth over the meat.

We put the molds in a cool place so that the jelly from the turkey freezes.

We also offer you to cook the original chicken jelly.

Recipe: Turkey Jelly - No Gelatin

turkey wings - 4 pcs. ;

garlic - 2 cloves;

ground black pepper - to taste;

bay leaf - 1 pc. ;

black peppercorns - 5 pcs.

In connection with the foregoing, some time ago I made a promise to myself to cook jelly as often as possible, moreover, with or without reason. I’m starting today to fulfill my promise by making jellied meat from turkey wings.

For jelly, we need four turkey wings, moreover, the part in which there are two bones: it costs less and gives more strength to the jelly, because I'm not going to add gelatin - I'll manage with natural processes.

Wash the wings and place in a bowl of cold water. Bring to a boil, then drain this first broth, rinse the turkey wings, fill them again with cold water so that it only slightly covers them, and again return the pan to the stove. Bring to a boil a second time, remove the foam, if any, and add bay leaves, a few black peppercorns, and unpeeled carrots to the pan.

To the chopped turkey meat, add garlic squeezed through a press, a little salt and freshly ground black pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.

We filter the broth through gauze rolled up in several layers so that nothing superfluous remains in it, put the pan with it on a strong fire and boil it so that its amount decreases several times, and it becomes more concentrated. As a result of boiling, I got 200 ml of broth.

Gently pour the carrots and parsley with a small amount of broth and put in the refrigerator so that this layer freezes, and it freezes very quickly, because the broth is very concentrated.

Now the “top” beautiful layer is ready, and now you can be sure that pieces of meat will not get here and spoil the whole picture.

We tightly pack the meat and pour it with the rest of the broth.

Put it back in the fridge again, this time overnight. After standing overnight in the refrigerator, the jelly will solidify perfectly and will be very uniform and dense. To gently pull it out of the mold, just lower the mold for half a minute in hot water, and then turn it over onto a serving plate.

Enjoy your meal! and health to your joints!

Turkey jelly

Turkey wings - 2-3 pcs.

Water - 2.5 - 3 liters (be guided by the number of products)

Onion - 1 pc.

Garlic - 3-4 cloves.

Lemon - 2 round slices.

Black peppercorns - 4-5 pcs.

Cooking instructions

The lowest-calorie jelly can be made from turkey. To taste, it is in no way inferior to the traditional one and it is very easy to cook it. Unlike chicken, there is a lot of meat in the wings and thigh, and it freezes without gelatin and other offal.

Wash the turkey in cool water. Peel onions and carrots.

Put the meat and vegetables in a saucepan, add black peppercorns, and pour water so that its surface is 5-7 centimeters higher than the meat, put on fire (I got about 2.5 liters of water, but you can navigate by the volume of food). Add 1.5 - 2 teaspoons of salt. After boiling, remove the foam and reduce the heat. Cook over low heat for 4 hours. And after 2 hours, remove carrots and onions from the pan. We need carrots for decoration, and onions can be thrown away. During the cooking process, you can add a little water.

When the turkey is done, take it out of the pot and let it cool down. Strain the broth through a fine sieve.

Free the turkey from the skin and bones. Break it up with your hands or a fork.

Cut carrots into small pieces, you can cut out figures or stars. Finely chop the garlic.

Put the carrots in a tray.

Then lay out the meat, garlic and lemon slices.

Pour the contents of the tray with strained broth. Cool and refrigerate for several hours. If you are afraid that the jelly will not harden, use gelatin. To do this, take 1 ladle of broth and completely dissolve the gelatin in it in the amount indicated on the package. Then combine and mix both types of broth with and without gelatin, and pour over the jelly.

Serve turkey jelly with mustard or horseradish with black bread.

One of the traditional holiday dishes is jellied meat. It can be called jelly or aspic, but the essence of this does not change. As a rule, it is customary to cook jelly from pork or beef shins, ears, skins, hooves with the addition of a large amount of fatty meat. But what to do if pork or beef dishes have not taken root in your family? How to replace pork jelly to make the dish low-calorie, healthy and tasty at the same time?

One of the best solutions would be a turkey jelly recipe. The meat is much leaner than pork, and an order of magnitude healthier than chicken. Such a dish can be eaten by young children, and the elderly, and people who adhere to proper nutrition or a strict diet.

Cooking rules

To get a traditional rich and very quickly hardening jelly, you have to cook meat for a long time (from 6 to 12 hours). In such cases, gelatin is not added. If there is not enough time for long-term cooking, if the jelly was boiled for a long time, but did not freeze, then the use of gelatin is allowed. It also helps out in cases where the meat component does not provide enough fat and fat necessary for self-hardening of the jelly.

For a turkey jelly recipe, you need to choose the right meat. Preference is given to those parts of the carcass in which there are more bones and cartilage. It is they who, as you know, help the jelly to harden. Wings, neck and legs are considered ideal in this regard.

Today we will offer a choice of several simple, but very tasty recipes for turkey jelly without gelatin and with its addition. Kholodets can be cooked both in a conventional pan on the stove and in a slow cooker, which will significantly save cooking time.

Spices for color - carrots, onions.

Spices for flavor - peppercorns, bay leaf, cloves, garlic, parsley, dill, mustard seeds, ground coriander, parsnip root, ground paprika, turmeric.

Recipe for turkey jelly with gelatin

The first option for preparing jelly will be using a thickener. This will significantly reduce the cooking time of meat and make the jelly-like part of the jelly more transparent. Gelatin, as you know, is an animal natural protein that is obtained from cartilage, bones, tendons and ligaments of animals. It has excellent gelling properties and has long been used in cooking.

Required Ingredients

To quickly and easily master the recipe for turkey jelly, you need to prepare the following set of products:

  • Ham, drumstick, neck or thigh of a turkey - 350 gr.
  • Turkey fillet - 350 gr.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Laurel. sheet.
  • Greens.
  • Peppercorns.
  • Gelatin 1 sachet

Cooking process

So, we present you a recipe with a photo of turkey jelly step by step with gelatin. To begin with, all the meat parts that have a bone are added to a voluminous pan. Thighs, shins, neck, legs are filled with water. A couple of teaspoons of salt, bay leaf and peas of black allspice are added in the amount of three to four pieces. The bulb is cleaned and entirely sent to the water. We put the jelly to boil.

Any recipe with a photo of turkey jelly will show that the broth from this type of meat does not turn out to be as cloudy when cooked as, for example, during the preparation of pork or beef jelly. This is what attracts culinary specialists with poultry meat, which is becoming more and more in demand and popular in recipes for jelly and jelly.

Cooking poultry meat is recommended for about two hours. Then a clean fillet is added to the parts with bones. We cook for another half an hour. We take out from it the onion, bay leaf, meat parts. Now you can strain the broth. This is done using the finest sieve or through gauze. When the meat has cooled, we take it apart with our hands into flakes and add them to the broth. We also put finely chopped garlic and a little seasoning "for jelly" there. It remains to make the correct "dressing" of gelatin.

How is gelatin diluted?

Gelatin for a turkey neck jelly recipe, it is advisable to start cooking in advance, when the meat is still on the stove and cooked. The preparation time for gelatin is 40 to 60 minutes. After opening the package, pouring the powder into a mug, pour cold, but always boiled water there. Mix thoroughly and leave to swell.

Now a small saucepan comes into play. In it, the gelatin will bloom over low heat. Gradually stir the water with gelatin, waiting for the ingredient to completely melt. It is strictly forbidden to bring the gelatinous mass to a boil. As soon as all the granules are dissolved, remove from heat and filter through a fine sieve.

Now you can add the gelling composition to the broth. It is very important not to rush with a bookmark in the refrigerator. It is possible to remove turkey jelly from the cold (the recipe with the photo shows this step by step) only after the dish has completely cooled. When serving, the dish can be decorated with a sprig of fresh herbs, a boiled egg or a piece of boiled meat. If a spectacular presentation is necessary for a festive table, then we advise you to pour the jelly into portion molds.

Jellied meat from the neck of a turkey. Recipe with photo

Judging by the reviews, this option is considered among the hostesses one of the most popular. Firstly, jelly is being prepared with little or no participation of the cook. Secondly, the preparation does not require a large amount of meat ingredients. Thirdly, the dish is prepared without the use of gelatin, which is a big plus for many. Fourthly, this is a turkey jelly recipe for those who like a large amount of transparent jelly and a small amount of meat.

What will be required?

  • Turkey necks - 3 pcs.
  • Small carrot.
  • One bulb.
  • Spices: laurel. leaf, peppercorns, cloves, salt, ground pepper, dried parsley.

Cooking process

Store-bought necks must be washed well. Then they are cut into two or three parts, so that it is more convenient to put them in a pan. Fill the necks with two liters of water and put on a strong fire. Add a bay leaf, a couple of peppercorns, a peeled onion, two cloves, a large pinch of salt to the water. On high heat, the necks are boiled until foam appears. Take it off and turn the heat down to medium.

The cooking time is two hours. After 1.5 hours, peeled carrots and greens should be put in the broth. Remove from heat, strain the broth. The meat is removed from the neck and poured with broth. For beauty and an additional flavor note, you can put boiled carrots cut into circles and a couple of cloves of garlic in the jelly.

Let the jelly cool down at room temperature. As soon as the broth begins to set a little, it means that it has cooled down. We put it in the refrigerator for the night.

Aspic with chicken feet and turkey fillet in a slow cooker

It turns out very tasty jellied turkey in a slow cooker. The recipe is simple and quick, requiring only the loading of products into the kitchen "assistant". The chicken feet that will be used in this recipe are an excellent source of gelling agents. Gelatin is not required.

List of products for the dish

  • Turkey fillet - 400 gr.
  • Chicken feet - 500 gr.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 4-6 tooth.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Five peppercorns.
  • Parsnip root - 1 pc.
  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Three pinches of salt.

How to cook?

Chicken legs must be prepared before laying in the pan. First, they require thorough rinsing under running water. Secondly, the skin must be removed. Thirdly, cutting off the phalanges with claws is mandatory. The turkey fillet is simply cut into two large pieces.

We send the meat and paws to the multicooker pan, pour three liters of water (if the volume allows). If the multicooker bowl is designed for a smaller volume of liquid, then we slightly reduce the amount of spices and water, and leave the amount of meat the same. We put vegetables.

The onion can be peeled, or you can simply remove the upper dusty layers of the peel. Many experienced housewives say that an incompletely peeled onion adds more flavor and color to the broth. Peel the carrots and cut into three pieces. We cut the parsnip root into two parts and also send it to the pan with the meat.

In order not to resort to the help of gelatin, it is necessary to cook such a jelly for about three hours. Most modern multicookers have a special jellied mode, so you don’t have to calculate and monitor the cooking time.

An hour before the end of cooking, add spices to the future jelly. A bay leaf, a few cloves, peppercorns, a pinch of salt are added - all in the proportions indicated in the list of ingredients. If your kitchen "assistant" is working in the "jelly" mode, like a pressure cooker, and it is impossible to open the lid until the end of the cooking process, then all spices are added at the beginning of cooking. If you can lift the lid in the middle of work, then it is better to add aromatic spices an hour in advance, as the recipe suggests.

After the multicooker has signaled the end of work, open the lid and take out the meat and spices with a slotted spoon. Now the broth will be easier to strain.

Prepare a beautiful form for jelly. At the bottom, put the boiled turkey fillet, disassembled into fibers. Add a layer of ground garlic mixed with small cubes or slices of boiled carrots. If desired, you can put a couple of large sprigs of parsley in the jelly for brightness of color and beauty of design. With a neat thin stream, pour the broth into the mold so as not to disturb the layers. The jelly from turkey fillet and chicken legs freezes perfectly. We are waiting for the broth to cool, send the jelly to the refrigerator. After four or five hours, the jelly is ready. If time permits, you can hold the dish in the cold overnight.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine: home
  • Type of dish: cold
  • Servings:4
  • 4 h

Jellied turkey and chicken must be on the tables, bursting with a variety of goodies during the winter holidays. We are accustomed to high-calorie, fatty jelly from pork legs and are afraid to use it while following a strict diet. But there is a recipe for turkey and chicken jelly, very tasty and at the same time light. Especially for those who follow their figure. Be sure to save the page or rewrite so as not to lose it!

List of ingredients:

  • turkey thigh - 1 pc.;
  • turkey wings - 3 pcs.;
  • chicken breasts - 2 pcs.;
  • filtered water - 2 l;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • carrots - 1 root;
  • lemon - 2 pieces;
  • garlic - 4 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp

How to cook diet jelly from turkey and chicken:

This is a light low-fat dish, which means it is suitable for any diet. In terms of taste, it does not differ from pork, and it is even easier to cook. When preparing such a jelly, gelatin is not required.

How many calories are in turkey jelly?

Calorie jellied turkey per 100 grams - only 52 calories

Cooking delicious turkey jelly without gelatin
Rinse chicken and turkey meat well in running water, dry with paper towels. Remove excess debris from carrots and onions.
Put the turkey meat with vegetables into a saucepan, season with the necessary spices, add water and put on high heat. Salt and stir.

As soon as the broth boils, remove the foam and reduce the temperature to a minimum. Boil jellied meat for about 3-4 hours over low heat. Remove vegetables halfway through cooking. Set aside the onions for another dish, and decorate with carrots at the very end.
When ready, remove the wings, along with the turkey thigh, from the meat broth and leave to cool. Strain the broth. Remove bones and skin from meat ingredients. Coarsely chop the turkey meat and chicken fillet. Cut boiled carrots beautifully (asterisks, flowers, etc.). And put the garlic cloves through the press.

Prepare containers for turkey jelly without gelatin. Lay the carrot slices on the bottom.
Arrange chopped garlic, turkey, chicken and lemon pieces on top.
Pour all the stacked products with broth. Leave it in the kitchen until it cools completely, then put it in the refrigerator and let it harden. This will take no more than 5 hours. I would like to emphasize once again that gelatin is not required in this recipe.

Served with mustard (or any other sauce) and bread. Your friends and family will love this dish! Get ready for the fact that the secrets of cooking will be lured out.
As you can see, the recipe for turkey and chicken jelly is very simple and quick to cook. We wish you bon appetit!

Helpful Hints
1. To decorate the jelly, in addition to carrots, you can use parsley.
2. To beautifully serve turkey jelly, you can immerse the products and pour them with broth into special molds, for example, in the form of hearts.

Watch the video on how to cook turkey jelly in a slow cooker

  • 1 kg turkey drumstick;
  • 2 laurels;
  • 2.5 liters of clean water;
  • 15 gr. instant gelatin;
  • 15 gr. garlic;
  • 5 gr. salt;
  • 5 gr. ground black pepper.
  • Preparation time: 04:00
  • Time for preparing: 06:00
  • Servings: 12
  • Complexity: average


Kholodets is a tasty and satisfying meat snack. This dish is prepared from almost any meat: pork, beef, chicken. But only from turkey jelly turns out to be so useful and dietary. Consider a recipe with a photo that tells step by step about the process of making turkey jelly with gelatin.

The most dietary jelly can be prepared only from turkey. Turkey jelly is very rich. Because turkey thighs and wings are meaty enough, so they give a good fat. Such jelly is prepared easier and faster than the traditional one, freezes well, and is very beneficial for the health of children and adults.

This turkey jelly in a slow cooker can be safely called budget. Because it uses inexpensive turkey parts and beef shank. These meat products contain a lot of connective tissues, so the jelly quickly hardens without the addition of gelatin. A slow cooker will help you quickly cook the broth.

Servings Per Container: 6.

Cooking time: 6 hours.

Calorie content: 86 kcal per 100 gr.


  • 800 gr. beef shank;
  • 500 gr. turkey shoulders (upper wing);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 liters of drinking water;
  • 0.5 large onions;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 pinch of black peppercorns;
  • 1-2 tsp salt.

Cooking process:

  1. We start cooking jelly from the drumstick and turkey by preparing the meat. A cut of beef shank should be chosen with a wide bone, with many veins and meat. We wash the meat in warm water, put it in the multicooker bowl, pour it with cold water.
  2. We close the lid, activate the "Extinguishing" mode for 5 hours.
  3. We clean the carrots, onions. Leave the onion whole, cut the large one into 2 parts. We cut the carrot into large pieces. After 2 hours from the start of cooking, open the lid, lay the vegetables, salt and pepper. We slam the lid, cook the broth until the final signal.
  4. We clean the garlic, lay it in a mortar, grind it. You can also just chop it or pass it through a press.
  5. We open the slow cooker with ready-made jelly from turkey and beef, carefully take out all the meat with pieces of vegetables. Add crushed garlic to the still hot broth, mix, let cool.
  6. Slightly cooled meat is stripped from the shoulder and lower leg, removing bones, skin, cartilage. Grind especially large pieces of meat with a knife.
  7. Carrots boiled in broth, cut into rings. We cut out flowers from them with a knife to decorate the jelly.
  8. Preparing molds for pouring jellied meat. These can be ordinary deep plates, trays or other containers of various shapes or sizes. At the bottom of the molds lay out the meat with carrot flowers.
  9. We filter the warm broth with garlic, slowly pour it into the molds. We put the classic beef and turkey jelly in the refrigerator for the whole night so that it freezes well.

Delicious and easy-to-make turkey wing and thigh jelly. These parts are inexpensive, so the dish can be classified as budget.

Servings: 8.

Cooking time: 4 hours.

Calorie content: 161 kcal per 100 gr.


  • 1 turkey thigh;
  • 2-3 turkey wings;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2.5-3 liters of water;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • 4-5 black peppercorns;
  • 1.5 tsp table salt.

Cooking process:

  1. We divide the wings into segments, chop the drumstick into several parts. We thoroughly wash the meat in cool water, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water.
  2. We clean the carrots with onions, cut the root crop into 2-3 parts. We put vegetables to the meat, add spices, salt, fill everything with water. The liquid level should be 5-7 cm higher than the meat level.
  3. We put the filled pan on the fire, we wait for the contents to boil. After that, remove the foam, reduce the power of the burner, cook for 2 hours.
  4. Then we take out the vegetables, cook the jelly for another 2 hours. Discard the onion, and leave the carrots to decorate the dish.

    If the water has noticeably evaporated during the cooking process, you can add a little, but not more than 1 cup.

  5. Place the cooked turkey on a plate to cool slightly. We filter the broth through cheesecloth or a fine sieve to separate the remaining curdled foam, small bones and spices from the broth.
  6. When the meat is cool enough to handle with your hands, we separate the meat, removing bones, tendons and skin. Pieces of meat are divided manually or cut with a knife into smaller pieces.
  7. We clean the garlic cloves from the husk, rinse them. We cut boiled carrots with any figures, having previously cut them into circles, or simply cut them into cubes. Finely chop the garlic with a knife.
  8. My lemon, scalded with boiling water to kill all the dangerous microflora, cut into thin half rings.
  9. Put carrots on the bottom of the enameled tray (you can add sprigs of fresh herbs). Then we distribute the chopped meat in an even layer, which we sprinkle with garlic on top, in places we put lemon slices.
  10. The tray filled in this way is topped up with strained broth. When the jelly has completely cooled, remove it in the cold until completely cooled.
  11. We serve the finished jelly directly in the tray, but it will be much more elegant to serve the dish by turning it over onto a dish. In this case, all the decorative elements of carrots, herbs and lemons will look great. And so that the jelly is well separated from the form, we dip the bottom and walls of the tray for a few seconds in hot water.
  12. Serve jelly with black bread, seasoned with mustard or horseradish. Bon appetit everyone!


Recipe for jelly from the neck and wings of a turkey

I offer you a simple recipe for turkey jelly without the use of gelatin, which can be prepared from turkey. Thanks to the dietary properties of turkey meat, jelly turns out to be low-calorie and at the same time very tasty and satisfying.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: large saucepan, ladle, spoon, sieve, silicone molds or deep bowls for jelly, stove.


How to choose ingredients

For such a jelly, I take a turkey neck, wings, bones with meat scraps.

Step by step cooking

Recipe video

You can see how to cook turkey jelly in this short video.

Recipe for jellied turkey drumstick and pork legs

And I consider this recipe for jelly pork and turkey a classic, so I suggest you definitely use it.

Time for preparing: 5-6 hours.
Calories: 100 g - 350 kcal.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: cast-iron caterpillar for 8 l; skimmer for removing foam; ladle; two bowls for disassembling meat; metal strainer; knife; plank; clean gauze; Silicone forms; deep glass bowls.


turkey drumstick1 PC.
turkey thigh1 PC.
pork knuckle1 PC.
pork hooves2 pcs.
water6-8 l
milk1-2 stack.
onion2 pcs.
carrot1-2 pcs.
garlic2-3 cloves
parsley root2 pcs.
ground black peppertaste
ground red peppertaste
seasoning "For smoked meats and lard"taste
dill and parsley4-6 branches
Bay leaf3-4 pcs.

How to choose ingredients

  • For this jelly, I choose meat that contains cartilage and tendons, which gel the broth well.
  • From turkey, it is better to choose the drumstick and thigh, and from pork, the knuckle and hooves are ideal.
  • You can not add seasoning "To smoked meats and bacon", but I always use it to make the jelly fragrant and saturated.

Step by step cooking

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe video

In this video you will learn how and how much to cook turkey and pork jelly. And the little tricks that you can learn from the cooking comments will help you make this dish especially tasty.

How can you decorate this dish?

Of course, the easiest way is to pour the jelly into deep bowls and wait until it hardens. But I like to serve this dish beautifully, so I use round silicone molds with a hole in the middle, which are designed for baking cupcakes.

With them, the serving of jelly becomes more spectacular and festive. And in order to make the jellied meat brighter and more beautiful, you can decorate it with greens, halves or circles of hard-boiled eggs or figuredly chopped boiled carrots at the stage of pouring the broth.

This dish is considered independent and does not require an additional side dish. It is usually served with grated horseradish marinated in beetroot juice, or mustard.

Basic common truths

  • Before cooking the broth for jelly, the meat must be soaked in water for at least 1 hour. This will make the meat more juicy and eliminate any unpleasant odors.
  • You can soak the meat in a solution of water and milk in a ratio of 1:3.
  • After the first boil, the broth must be drained and the meat should be poured with fresh water.
  • After re-boiling, the jelly should be simmered over low heat for at least 5 hours.
  • In order for the jelly to freeze without gelatin, you need to choose meat containing tendons and cartilage.
  • Vegetables and spices should be added 2 hours after the broth boils.

Other preparation and filling options

If you want to cook turkey jelly using only the meaty parts of the brisket, then you can make it according to the recipe I suggested, but with gelatin. - Jelly with gelatin - will guarantee that the broth will definitely harden.

Using, you can cook no less tasty and satisfying - beef jelly - but at the same time, the time for its preparation will need to be increased by 1 or 2 hours.

Today, when many housewives have given their preference to the latest kitchen devices, it is possible to cook jellied meat in a slow cooker, which is very convenient and practical.

Each housewife prepares this dish in her own way, so I am waiting for your options for turkey jelly recipes in the comments.