Pork knuckle calories per 100. Pork knuckle - calories, benefits and cooking recipes

29.10.2019 Grill menu

Fiber is a type of complex carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the enzymes of the human stomach, but is beneficial for the intestinal microflora and the overall functions of the digestive system. The main products rich in fiber are primarily the stems and grains of plants - in fact, it is fiber (or "dietary fiber") that forms their dense structure.

Although not readily absorbed by the body, fiber plays a critical role in digestion by mechanically moving food through the gastrointestinal tract (1) . In addition, it helps to regulate and balance blood sugar levels, thus influencing the feeling of hunger and satiety, ultimately helping to lose weight.

It must be remembered that one cannot blindly trust the tables of fiber content in products found on the Internet - many of them have gross errors. For example, often such tables put grapefruit in first place in terms of the maximum content of dietary fiber, strangely implying that it is eaten with the peel.

The role is also played by the fact that the fiber content in plants varies quite significantly depending on the variety and method of cultivation, and in finished food products (for example, whole grain bread or pasta) - on specific production technologies. That is why it is better to focus on the general logic than on a specific figure.

Table of foods rich in fiber:

Fiber rich foods

As can be seen from the table, the foods richest in fiber are bran (in fact, it is a hard shell of grain), flaxseed and whole grain cereals (for example, pearl barley, buckwheat and oats) - they contain up to 10-15 g of fiber per 100 g dry product. In addition, there is a lot of fiber in all types of legumes (including lentils and peas).

We also note that the fiber contained in oatmeal - beta-glucan - is especially useful for the body. Scientific studies show that regular consumption of beta-glucan in food not only normalizes hunger and satiety, but also reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. That's why .

Daily amount of fiber in the diet

The daily fiber intake for children and adults is 20-30 g (1) . Athletes need up to 40 g of fiber per day due to a higher caloric intake and, accordingly, an increased amount of food consumed (2) . Unfortunately, the diet of a typical urban dweller contains at least half as much fiber.

The reasons for this are banal - love for potatoes, bread, sweet pastries, desserts, convenience foods and fast food, poor not only in dietary fiber, but also in vitamins and minerals. However, we recall once again that it is necessary to replenish the daily fiber intake not by taking pharmacy supplements in tablets, but by eating fresh vegetables and various cereals.

Why is fiber deficiency dangerous?

A chronic lack of fiber in the diet provokes numerous metabolic disorders - from an increase in glucose levels and the associated constant feeling of hunger, overeating and weight gain, ending with constipation. However, it must be understood that a lack of fiber is primarily a consequence of a complex malnutrition.

Since fiber is found in regular vegetables and grains, there is absolutely no need to look for recipes for high-fiber meals, buy pharmacy supplements, or expensive “fiber-rich” foods. It is enough just to include natural vegetables in your daily diet, while minimizing (sugar, white flour products).

Fiber for constipation

If you practically do not eat vegetables and cereals, and see fruits only in the form of desserts sprinkled with sugar, be sure that you will have digestive problems (primarily constipation), obesity, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. At the same time, a healthy diet always begins with natural food, and not with taking vitamins in tablets.

Pharmacy dietary supplements with fiber, as well as various sports supplements containing dietary fiber, are significantly inferior to conventional plant products in terms of cost. In fact, a jar weighing 150-200 g contains a fiber norm for only a few days - however, a pack will be much cheaper and more effective for normalizing health and digestion.

Fiber for weight loss

FitSeven has already written that fast carbohydrates (for example, sugar) cause a sharp increase in blood glucose levels - this causes the body to produce large doses of insulin for. At the same time, the presence of fiber in the stomach slows down the absorption of glucose into the blood, which positively affects the normalization of insulin levels.

In simple terms, the more fiber you eat, the fewer calories are stored as fat. In addition, dietary fiber physically fills the intestines, causing it to block the feeling of hunger and send a satiety signal to the brain, which prevents overeating. However, this does not mean that taking fiber tablets will help you lose weight.


Fiber is an important component of a healthy diet that affects hunger and lowers glucose levels and. At the same time, fiber is not a panacea for weight loss at all, and pharmacy dietary supplements and sports supplements are inferior to natural sources of dietary fiber (vegetables and cereals) both in price and in ease of use.

Scientific sources:

Most people love pork knuckles, and there is absolutely nothing strange about that. Tender and juicy meat is used in many cuisines of the world to prepare a wide variety of dishes. Of the most interesting dishes on how to cook pork knuckle, one can note the Czech Veprevo koleno, the English Pig’s knuckle and, of course, the German Schweine Haxe and Eisbein.

The shank (or pork knuckle) is the part of the pork leg adjacent to the knee joint. It consists mainly of coarse muscles and connective tissues. During the cutting of pork, the borders of the separation of the semi-finished product are the knee and elbow joints, as well as the line of separation of the leg. The back shank is considered to be more fleshy, so it is most widely used.

How to cook pork knuckle?

There is enough meat on the shank to cook from it not only soups, but also main dishes. For example, such a dish as smoked shank is known, which rightfully takes pride of place in the preparation of rich pea soup. The fresh part of the ham can be deliciously baked in the oven, pre-boiled until tender. In some recipes, before boiling and baking, it is recommended to marinate the knuckle in a mixture of wine or wine vinegar with water, with the addition of spices and salt.

A very popular dish is pork knuckle roll, which can be compared to boiled pork in taste, only much juicier and softer. You can also cook a boiled-smoked knuckle, which, although it cannot be attributed to too healthy dishes, but during the holidays it is quite possible to treat yourself to this tasty, juicy and fragrant product, supplementing it with a glass of high-quality light beer and all kinds of pickles.

Why you should not use the rudder regularly? Yes, because it is a high-calorie product with high nutritional value. The most suitable side dish for the shank is stewed, sour or fresh cabbage.

Composition and calorie content of pork knuckle

100 g of pork shank contains 53.9 g of water, 0.8 g of ash; vitamins: biotin (H), tocopherol (E), cobalamin (B12), folic acid (B9), pyridoxine (B6), pantothenic acid (B5), riboflavin (B2), thiamine (B1), niacin (PP); minerals: tin, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, manganese, chromium, copper, fluorine, iodine, sulfur, iron, phosphorus, chlorine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium.

The calorie content of pork knuckle is approximately 335 kcal per 100 g of product. A standard carcass weighs about 1.2 kg, so cooking one piece is enough for a full and hearty dinner for at least two people. It should be noted that in the process of cooking the shank is significantly reduced in size.

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The pork knuckle is the part of the pork leg that is attached to the knee. This part is also called the shin. She has practically no meat, but there are plenty of ligaments and tendons. The front knuckles have a lot of veins, so they are mainly used for making jelly and aspic. The back knuckles have meat near the bone and with proper processing, you can get a tasty and original dish.

How to choose?

To make a pork knuckle dish tasty, you should choose it correctly in the store. To do this, follow these guidelines:

Look at the appearance of the rudder. It should have a white skin, without any spots, bruises or other damage.
Pay attention to the cut, the meat should not be winded. There should not be too much fat in the meat.

Do the standard meat test - poke your finger on the surface. The resulting dimple should recover as quickly as possible, otherwise it is better to refuse the purchase.

The color of the meat should not be dark, and a quality product will also have white fat. The dark shade of meat and yellow fat are signs that the animal was old.
Smell the shank, it should have a sweetish aroma. The presence of extraneous odors should repel you from making a purchase.

The composition of the pork knuckle

100 g of pork shank contains 53.9 g of water, 0.8 g of ash; vitamins: biotin (H), tocopherol (E), cobalamin (B12), folic acid (B9), pyridoxine (B6), pantothenic acid (B5), riboflavin (B2), thiamine (B1), niacin (PP); minerals: tin, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, manganese, chromium, copper, fluorine, iodine, sulfur, iron, phosphorus, chlorine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium.

Beneficial features

The benefit of pork knuckle is the presence of gelling substances that are important for bone, ligament and cartilage tissue. Aspic prepared on the basis of the shank contains a large amount of collagen, which increases the elasticity of the joints. In large quantities, the composition of the shank includes glycine and vitamins of group B. The product contains arachidic acid, which has a positive effect on metabolism and on the functioning of the nervous system.

Calorie Pork knuckle 332.7 kcal.

The energy value of the product Pork knuckle (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 15 g (~60 kcal)
Fat: 30.3 g (~273 kcal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 18%|82%|0%

Pork knuckle properties

Pork ranks second after lamb in terms of digestibility and first among meat in terms of vitamin content. The shank contains such vitamins as: B1-2-5-6-9-12, choline, PP, H and E. The shank is enriched with useful minerals, among which magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus are of particular value. , manganese, cobalt, copper, iodine, tin, sulfur, nickel, fluorine, molybdenum, chromium, chlorine and some others.

It also contains glycine, which is necessary for the human body. The energy value of pork knuckle is as follows: proteins - 18.6, fats - 24.7. Calorie content in one hundred grams of the product is equal to 333 kilocalories. However, such a high calorie content is expressed due to easily digestible substances, as a result of which pork knuckle belongs to medium-heavy foods. The weight of a standard shank is about 1.2 kilograms.

It should also be taken into account that during cooking, the calorie content of the product can be reduced if the skin is removed from the shank and cooked without it. The product is also irreplaceable because it contains extremely useful amino acids.

Benefits of pork knuckle

The digestive system receives a huge benefit from the pork knuckle. After using the product, the nervous system is restored, well-being improves, and nervous tension disappears. The shank is excellent for combating insomnia and depression. It has been proven that it can reduce the risk of any diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the knuckle is able to restore hemoglobin in anemia. The use of shank is recommended for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

It is advisable for athletes and people who are subject to frequent physical exertion to include this product in their diet, because it perfectly restores strength, gives energy and makes you feel much better, quickly drives away hunger and serves as a preventive measure against muscle and bone diseases.

The use of pork knuckle

Cooking the shank is quite easy. It can be boiled, fried, baked, smoked. Bouillons are most often boiled from the front knuckle, it is added to soups and jelly is made. The back knuckle is recognized as meat, so you can cook any main dishes from it. Pea soup cooked on a pork knuckle is excellent.

Before baking, the shank is pre-boiled or marinated. The shank is suitable for making meat rolls. Such a roll has the taste of boiled pork, only much juicier and softer. It is best to combine the knuckle with fresh or sauerkraut. Pork is also suitable for combining with other foods, such as potatoes, mushrooms, pasta, cereals, vegetables and even fruits.

For cooking, it is ideal to take a shank from a two-year-old animal. This shank is the softest, most nutritious and tender. For a more pleasant taste when cooking, you can add a little vinegar to the pan, just remember that this will make the meat a little tougher. After cooking, the knuckle is laid aside for three hours and only then the bristles are burned from it. Any sauces, mustard, mayonnaise and various spices can be served with the knuckle.

Pork knuckle harm

Recipe one: hot smoked shank

Let's figure out how to pickle a shank for smoking. The previously cleaned and washed shank is poured with brine. To prepare it, we need 3 liters of water and 1 glass of salt. These ingredients must be mixed in a large saucepan and place the shank in it. All this should be placed in a cool place for 5-6 hours. Then this brine is drained, and the meat is poured fresh and left for another 6 hours. This procedure increases the shelf life of the finished product and makes the meat softer and more tender. Next, the shank must be removed from the brine and rinsed well. After that, be sure to let them dry.

Smoking shank according to this recipe takes place on wet wood chips. Soak it in cold water for at least an hour. Take wood chips, not sawdust, you need 2-3 handfuls, no more. We spread it on the bottom of the smoking container, put the fat tray on top, and then the meat grill.

Before you smoke the knuckle, you need to prepare the glaze. To do this, mix 3 parts of honey and 1 part of pineapple juice. If you don't have these ingredients, or if you like a savory taste, use Dijon mustard and maple syrup in a 1:3 ratio. The shank is covered with the resulting glaze and laid out on a wire rack.

Let's open a few secrets on how to smoke a hot smoked shank to perfect condition. First, you need to take a special meat thermometer and stick it in the thickest part. The process continues until the temperature of the meat reaches 75-80 ° C, then the shank will turn out juicy and tender. If the temperature is higher, then there is a risk that the meat will fall off the bone. Secondly, in the process of smoking, do not forget to water the chips with water so that the dish is saturated with the aroma of smoke.

Do not forget to turn every half hour and grease with glaze.

Use in cooking

Most often, the front knuckle is used to prepare various dishes. The most popular dish of national Czech cuisine is Veprevo kolenche, which is a baked pork leg in beer. In addition, it can be boiled with various spices or smoked. Based on this part of the carcass, broths are prepared for first courses. Of course, it is impossible to cook a delicious rich jelly without using a pork knuckle. Rolls are also prepared from it, which taste like boiled pork.

How to cook delicious pork knuckle?

  • When using a frozen product, it should first be thawed in the refrigerator, and then held at room temperature for some time.
  • If you decide to boil it first, and then bake or smoke it, then you can boil it together with the peel. For cooking first courses, it is better to remove it.
  • To make the shank broth tasty, use vegetables and spices. By the way, one secret, so that the spices do not float in the broth, it is better to put them in a gauze bag or in a special tea strainer.
  • Cooking pork knuckle costs about 1 hour. After that, it should be left to dry, and then burned.

Pork knuckle in a slow cooker: what can be cooked?

Pork knuckle is great for cooking meat dishes. There is a lot of meat in it, which can always be separated from the bone and cooked from it goulash, meatballs, zrazy, frying and many other dishes. In its entirety, the shank is often baked. But for this, it is preliminarily customary to boil it until half cooked, and for baking it is supplemented with various sauces, spices and herbs. The baked meat shank turns out to be quite high-calorie, so fresh vegetables, or steamed or stewed vegetables are perfect as a side dish. Smoked pork knuckle in a slow cooker also turns out to be very tasty and fragrant, of course, if a particular model of the device has special cold or hot smoking modes.

It is recommended to pre-marinate the pork knuckle before cooking. A beer-based marinade is perfect for this. In addition to light beer, black peppercorns, garlic, onions, hot capsicum, cumin and rosemary are added to the marinade. It is necessary to marinate the shank in such a marinade for several hours. It is best to do this at night, then the finished shank will turn out to be as soft and tender as possible.

Pork knuckle in a slow cooker for cooking jellied meat.

Pork knuckle in a slow cooker can be boiled until tender for several hours to prepare a delicious jelly. And for this, the Extinguishing or Simmering mode is perfect. The meat of a hot pork knuckle is disconnected from the bone and scrolled in a meat grinder together with garlic. Broth is added to the resulting mixture to obtain the jelly of the desired density. It remains only to cool the dish in the refrigerator.

Pork shank harm and contraindications

Pork knuckle can bring harm if an individual intolerance to the product is detected. Limit consumption if you have problems with the liver or stomach. You can not eat shank dishes for people who have a problem with cholesterol and obesity.

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Pork knuckle is a common and delicious dish that has been enjoyed by many nations. Especially often such a dish can be found in the cuisine of Czechs, Germans and British. A knuckle, or in other words a shank, is a juicy piece of pork ham that is adjacent directly to the knee of the animal. As such, the meat of this part is muscles and connective tissues.

As you know, pork is the richest source of B vitamins, which have a huge positive effect on the human body. This is participation in various metabolic processes, and strengthening the immune system. In addition to B vitamins, pork knuckle is a source of vitamin, PP and H. Pork ham contains most of the table of chemical elements. These are calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, iodine, phosphorus and many other elements that the body needs every day. Pork knuckle is a natural source of natural ingredients that are perfectly absorbed by the human body.

Beneficial features

Due to the high content of vitamins and microelements, pork knuckle is able to replenish the reserves of essential minerals and vitamins, as well as improve the functioning of many body systems. The shank is especially useful for the work of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, B vitamins have a positive effect on the health of men and women, prevent aging and improve the functioning of the nervous system. The mineral components in the composition of the shank strengthen the immune system, improving resistance to many common diseases. And iron, which is part of the meat, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.


The knuckle has found wide application both in the preparation of first courses and second courses. For the preparation of a delicious and fragrant soup, saturated with a rich broth, the hind legs are suitable, because. there is more meat. And for everyone's favorite jellied meat, the front ones will be the best - they contain special substances in the joints that contribute to the formation of jelly.
The knuckle is rich in meat, which is enough not only for soup, but also for a nutritious second course. It is especially popular to cook smoked shank, which is suitable both for an appetizer and as a separate dish. It can also be used to make pea soup. In addition, the knuckle can be successfully baked in the oven using spices and herbs or made into a delicious and juicy roll.
The best addition to the knuckle is sauerkraut or salted cabbage and a glass of aromatic beer.

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The knuckle is called a pork shank. This is the part of the pork carcass, from which the jelly is usually made, which, probably, every person has tried. The culinary possibilities of the shank are not limited to this: it is included in the cuisines of many countries as an integral ingredient in various folk dishes, such as the Czech Boar Knee. And of course, in addition to gastronomic value, it also has useful properties that will never interfere with the human body.

Knuckle: composition, benefits, harm

Pork is one of the richest meats in vitamins. Any part of it is no exception. The shank contains the following vitamins:
    vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12 vitamin PP (niacin equivalent) choline vitamin Evitamin H
Of the minerals, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, sulfur, fluorine, chromium, tin, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum predominate in it. The meat from the pig's leg is, despite the high calorie content ( 332 kcal per 100 grams), very easily digestible. It is advised to eat in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. It also contains a lot of protein, which is needed by any organism, especially one that spends a lot of energy per day - the knuckle is quite capable of compensating for it. Those who are overweight are not advised to eat this meat. In addition, if any person abuses the quantity, then nothing good will come of it, and all the positive qualities that the knuckle has can sharply turn into negative ones.

How to cook?

Most often, something like broth or soup is made from the knuckle (which, by the way, turn out to be very tasty and rich), but due to the fact that there is enough meat on the pork leg, it may well become an independent dish. This meat is great for rolls and looks good with exotic sauces.

Roll of shank

Required Ingredients:
    knuckle - 1 piece of garlic - 2 cloves coriander grains - 1 teaspoon salt - 4 tbsp. black pepper (peas) - 10 sheet - 5 pieces
Cooking method:
    To begin with, pork meat must be salted in any way convenient for you. Usually, the knuckle is kept salted for about two weeks. Immediately before cooking, the meat must be thoroughly washed and put under cold water all night so that all excess salt is gone. When the knuckle is ready, remove the bone from it, trying not to damage the meat itself. It should make a layer, and not several shapeless pieces. Grind the spices, crush the garlic. We rub the meat with all this, then we fold it so that the skin is on the outside. We wrap it with cling film, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of days. When the meat is well cooled, cook it in a saucepan for an hour and a half directly in cling film. As a result, we get a hearty roll made from natural products that can be cut into sandwiches instead of sausage.

Shank in beer

Required Ingredients:
    knuckle - 1 dark beer - 1-2 mustard - 2-3 tbsp. spices - to taste salt - to taste greens - 2-3 bunches
Cooking method:
    For marinating the shank, we select the spices that you like - coriander, basil, cumin, etc. We generously rub the meat with them, cover with chopped herbs, wrap in cling film and put in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours. Put the shank in a pot, pour beer and bake under a closed lid in the oven for two hours. The first half hour we keep the temperature at 200 degrees, then we lower it to 160. We make sure that the beer does not boil away to the end, if necessary, then add it. Before serving, the finished dish can be decorated with parsley sprigs and slices of your favorite vegetables.