What does medlar look like? Medlar

09.04.2019 Meat Dishes

Medlar is a Japanese relative of our hawthorn, quince, and pear. It looks like a plum or peach. It tastes like a cross between a pear and a quince. It has the same juicy, crunchy flesh with 3 or 4 seeds. If you eat it inadvertently, you can even sprinkle it with ripe pulp.

Medlar is a fruit that came to Europe from China. But before Europe, he managed to visit Japan. Therefore, the full biological name of the loquat is Japanese. In the Caucasus, she is simply called "bumps".

The fruit is bright orange in color. Have ripe fruits peels easily. Medlar is very fleshy, juicy, sweet and sour, but low in calories and high in fiber and potassium. The fruit is very popular in Italy. There, medlar is eaten raw, and jam, marmalade are also cooked, added to various culinary products... Yoghurt with its taste is very popular among Italians.

Even when it's hot, the medlar juice inside the fruit remains pleasantly cool. On hot days, they cool. And if you eat 1 - 2 fruits in front of the beach, you will get an even tan.

The fruits have always been very popular, but in the past they were eaten mainly for medical purposes. Medlar is very rich and varied in useful properties. The fruit was used for healing the whole body, but especially for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.

A long time ago, they began to eat medlar to keep the body in shape. This fruit has not been spared by men either, everyone knows it positive influence to male power.

Trees are excellent honey plants. The flowers are fragrant, their smell resembles bitter almonds.

Medlar useful properties: chemical composition

This exotic fruit looks like a chemical. the composition is similar to the usual apple. Most of it is malic and citric acid - up to 70%. As well as sugar, vitamin C, aromatic substances, phytoncides, etc.

The uniqueness of the medlar in the high content of beta - carotene. When one molecule of beta-carotene breaks down, it turns into two molecules of vitamin A. And this is our good vision. Vitamin A is necessary for the formation of rhodopsin, in fact, thanks to it, we can see. Vitamin A is especially important for twilight (night) vision. The content of vitamin A in medlar is simply huge - 1.5 mg per 100 grams. For example, carrots contain 0.9 mg per 100 grams.

Medlar in its composition contains fiber. It improves the digestion of food. Promotes proper absorption of food. Reduces hunger by swelling in the stomach.

The fruits of the medlar contain almost all the vitamins of group B. And these are water-soluble vitamins that are not synthesized by the body itself. Their daily rate need to be received from outside. By and large, they all take part in cellular metabolism. Medlar contains thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, nicotinic and folic acids. And this is the correct growth and development of erythrocytes, normal work nervous system, good metabolism, or rather the synthesis of proteins and fats.

Medlar has a high content of potassium. And this is the contraction of muscles, including the heart, as well as the transmission of nerve impulses. Regulates acid-base balance.

To eliminate diarrhea, green medlar fruits are suitable. The unripe product tastes like knitting, but at the same time holds the feces well.

With prolonged constipation, colitis, bloating, gas, on the contrary, ripe medlar is suitable. In addition, it improves liver function, promotes the elimination of harmful cholesterol.

Medlar has a strong bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and antipyretic properties. Ripe berries are very useful for people with diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary system. Medlar improves heart function, lowers blood pressure, cleans blood vessels. It also helps to remove salts, sand or kidney stones.

The leaves of the medlar are very valuable. They contain a natural adsorbent - amygdolin. This substance cleanses the body from harmful substances: toxins, heavy metals, slags. The pectins entering the medlar remove radionuclides. A decoction of dry bark is an excellent antibacterial agent for treating the oral cavity. Shown is a decoction for flux, bleeding, paradentosis, and angina.

Like any berry or fruit, medlar is dietary product nutrition. 100 grams contains 44 kcal, but at the same time, thanks to fiber, for a long time the feeling of hunger does not come.

Thanks to vitamin C, medlar helps to increase immunity. Shown fruit in autumn - winter period to fight colds. Ripe pulp removes phlegm from the lungs, soothes a lingering cough, reduces shortness of breath. The fruit is useful for bronchial asthma.

For the treatment of colds, an alcoholic infusion of medlar is most effective.

For cooking you will need:

  • 7 - 8 ripe fruits
  • 100 g vodka

Remove the seeds from the fruit and cut into slices. Break the bones and put them in a glass jar together with the pulp. Pour the contents with vodka and leave in a dark place for 3 days. Store refrigerated with closed lid... Drink 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day.

Especially useful for bronchitis, asthma, cough, etc. Combine internal reception with rubbing.

Medlar is a powerful natural antioxidant. All thanks to vitamin A, C, as well as flavonoids contained in it. Excessive oxidation of the body is a big problem. An acidic environment is the basis for the development of various foci of inflammation, a paradise for the development of diaphoretic microorganisms.

In addition to all of the above, medlar is rich in minerals: calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper.

Daily use juicy fruit protects us from a serious illness - diabetes. Because it stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin.

The flesh of the medlar is very useful for the skin of the face, to maintain its youth and elasticity. It is not for nothing that vitamin A was nicknamed the vitamin of beauty. And the medlar is the record holder for its content.

Fresh pulp - natural cream for face. The gruel from the medlar will moisturize the face, remove dryness, nourish, relieve puffiness, improve the passage of oxygen, and rejuvenate the cells.

  • Contraindications:
  • Increased acidity of the stomach.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • An allergic reaction is possible.

Medlar properties: useful leaves and bark

Leaf tea is very popular in Japan and China. This is due to the fact that this tea is a good antiviral agent. It coughs up well and cures coughs, helps with angina.

Tea made from medlar leaves is easy to prepare. As usual, they are poured with boiling water, they are allowed to brew for a while. Add honey if desired.

Therefore, if you are lucky enough to be near the medlar tree, do not be too lazy to pick the leaves and dry them for the winter. This is a terrific cold remedy.

Medlar leaves can be brewed in a mix with other ingredients, for example, with ginger root, licorice root, mint, basil, raspberry leaf, etc.

The fact is that phytoncides containing medlar in leaves contribute to the production of antibodies. Therefore, the body heals itself.

Also, tea from the leaves cleanses the blood from sugar and cholesterol. Improves its composition and liquefies the structure. Medlar leaves help to preserve minerals. This is very important in the summer. With "soft" bones or lack of minerals, tea from medlar leaves is what you need. In addition, it relieves inflammation in the joints.

If you are lucky enough to get the medlar bark, do not be lazy and make a decoction. it excellent remedy for oral cavity care.

Medlar compote: recipe

  • 4 ripe fruits.
  • 1 l. water.
  • 1/3 lemon.
  • 150 g of sugar.
  • mint.

Bring water to a boil. Add 150 gr. Sahara. Meanwhile, we cut the medlar in half. We do not take out the bones. Add fruits to boiling sweet water... After boiling, squeeze the lemon juice. We boil for 5 - 10 minutes and turn off. After that, we transfer the fruits of the medlar into a prepared jar and fill them with syrup. Put 3 - 4 mint leaves with a stalk on top. We cover the container with a lid.

After cooling down, you can drink. And if you use a sterile jar, you can make a blank for the winter. Then the mint is thrown into a boiling compote for a couple of minutes for sterilization.

Medlar is a subtropical plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. The most common are two types:

  • Caucasian medlar (German).
  • Japanese medlar.

This article will focus on the medlar, the photo of which is presented below.

The Caucasian and Japanese medlar are significantly different from each other. It reaches a height of six meters, but if grown at home, it can only grow up to two meters. She has sweet and tasty fruits that contain a large number of vitamins and nutrients.

The Caucasian medlar is a tree with a well-developed trunk, with a diameter of 20 centimetersshedding leaves in the winter. May be in the form of a bush.

It begins to bloom at the end of May. The fruits of this plant ripen in autumn, are red-brown in color, and become edible after frost. The pulp tastes sweet and sour. The shape of the fruit is usually spherical or oval. One fruit has several seeds. They stay on the branches all winter.

The Caucasian medlar is a winter-hardy plant that can grow even in temperate latitudes... She has a long growing season, lasting until the first frost, so young shoots in the cold suffer significantly. A photo of the Caucasian medlar is shown below.

Features of the Japanese medlar

The Japanese medlar is an evergreen tree. Its height is 3-5 meters. The leaves are large enough, reaching 25 centimeters long and 8 centimeters wide... They are oblong-oval in shape. The upper part of the leaves is glossy and dark green, while the lower part is greenish gray and velvety.

Its main feature is that the period of flowering and fruiting falls on completely different periods than for everyone garden plants... The flowering period lasts from September to March, and the fruits ripen in late May - early June.

Shoots and inflorescences are covered pubescence... Its flowers have several shades, which depend on the variety, they are very fragrant, reminiscent of almonds.

The fruits are pear-shaped, spherical, flattened and oval. Their taste is pleasantly sweet.

The Japanese medlar is a thermophilic plant. At temperatures below -15, it dies, so it is grown in the southern regions. A photo of the Japanese medlar is shown below.

Medlar Caucasian and Japanese have common characteristics:

  • Shade-tolerant;
  • Drought-resistant;
  • Undemanding to soil;
  • Self-fertile.

Fruit taste and beneficial properties of medlar

The fruits of both types are used for food in fresh... The fruits of the Japanese medlar are very amazing in taste and resemble apple, strawberry and apricot at the same time. German medlar has tart fruits, but with the onset of the first frost they acquire a very pleasant sweetish-sour taste, similar to an apple.

The fruits of both types are used to make preserves, jellies, jams, marmalade and other sweets, and are also used as an additive to drinks. Japanese medlar has fermented juice, in which the alcohol content reaches four percent. If you overtake it, you get vodka. The fruits of the Caucasian medlar are used for pickling, they make vinegar.

The chemical composition and properties of the fruits of these two varieties differ, but not much. They contain:

  • Sucrose;
  • Fructose;
  • Glucose;
  • Malic acid;
  • Vitamin C.

Young unripe fruits contain tannins in large quantities... They are applied in folk medicine as a remedy for diarrhea. The bark and leaves of both species have similar medicinal property, and here ripe fruitson the contrary, it is used as a mild laxative. Tincture of leaves is used to gargle with colds... A decoction of the leaves is able to stop the blood.

The loquat is used as an ornamental plant and is often grown in rooms.


Reproduction takes place in different ways.

Seed method

Seeds are soaked for one day before planting. If this is a southern region, then the seeds are sown directly into the ground, and in regions with a temperate climate, the seedling method is used.

Sow seeds in the ground at the end of October - early November. If the seedling method is used, then the seeds must be germinated in a well-lit room with a temperature of about +10 degrees in the ground mixed with humus, peat, turf soil, sand and deciduous soil in equal proportions... Seeds begin to germinate only after a year.

Vegetative way

The Caucasian medlar reproduces by layering. Autumn is a favorable period for this. Reproduction occurs in a standard way, when the branches for layering are bent and attached to the ground, making an incision in the bark.

For the plant to take root well, the soil is moistened. Layers must take root within 2 years., during this time they should have a well-developed root system and a few shoots. Separate and transplant them only after the leaves fall.

The Japanese medlar is propagated by cuttings. A stalk is taken from a branch of last year's growth with two developed nodes. The leaves are cut in half, which helps to reduce moisture evaporation by dusting the cuts with wood ash. This helps to avoid the formation of rot and protects against the penetration of pathogens.

When rooting the cuttings in a pot, sprinkle the bottom with a thick layer of drainage. The stalk is planted to a depth of 4-5 centimeters strictly vertical. After that, it is abundantly moisturized.

Garden varieties of both types are propagated by grafting on quince, hawthorn and pear.

Planting and leaving

It is not difficult to grow medlar, the most important thing is proper care, only then can you get a good harvest. It is planted in spring or autumn on a plot where it is necessary to destroy all weeds in advance. The soil is fed with bone meal and mineral fertilizers. A stake is driven into the ground, and a tree is subsequently tied to it.

A hole is dug in such a size that the roots enter freely. The soil is crushed and mulched with a layer of manure or compost. Under such a cover, the soil remains moist and cool. Medlar needs water abundantly, but only with settled water. During the first two years after planting, the conductors of the skeletal branches should be cut in half. For the next two years, only a quarter of the length is trimmed. An adult tree may not be pruned.

Do you know what medlar is? What is it - musical instrument, oriental beauty or delicacy? Or maybe a loquat fruit? Hearing this chanting name, one immediately remembers Sergei Nikitin's song "Brichmulla", before the eyes there is an oriental bazaar, chased dishes, on them baklava, churchkhela, a mysterious unknown loquat. But since you cannot live in ignorance, you should thoroughly understand this unfamiliar concept.

What is medlar

What is medlar? There are many names for this cute fruit: Japanese eriobotria, lokva, biwa, shesek. First of all, medlar is fruit tree reaching in wildlife 10 meters of the Rose family, Yablonev subfamily. Despite the fact that there are many varieties and bred varieties, in China there are about 1000, and in Algeria and on the Iberian Peninsula there are about a hundred, the Japanese medlar and the Caucasian (German) are distinguished. Japanese - biwa (lokva), being an evergreen tree, is also widely used in landscape design.

Where grows

The climate where it grows japanese lokva, softer and wetter than the one where the Caucasian (Germanic) grows. Although the tree itself is winter-hardy and can withstand short-term cold snaps. The homeland is considered to be China, from which it was brought to Japan, where it has been growing for over 1000 years. The areola of distribution is extensive: China, Japan, Asia, warm Mediterranean countries: Spain, Israel, Algeria, and the Black Sea coast: Turkey, Abkhazia. The Caucasian variant is found in the Balkans, northern regions of Iran and the Caucasus. This plant prefers mountainous terrain, and originally came to Europe, it was grown for decorative purposes.

What is this fruit

So what is this fruit that grows from the Japanese archipelago to the Atlantic? Japanese name biwa fruit, the national plucked instrument of the lute family is also called, resembling a round one in shape. In color and size, the fruits of the loqua resemble.


The taste of the fruit is fresh, juicy, depending on the degree of ripeness and variety, sweet, sweet-sour or slightly acidic, reminds ripe pear, fleshy.

As it is

When choosing a lokva, you must definitely pay attention to the skin. It should be free of cracks, damage and stains. Because fresh fruits are of the greatest value; in the process of harvesting they are removed in clusters together with the stalk. The brushes are cut with a knife or pruner. After the fruit is separated from the brush. Pits are removed before eating the fruit. When eating Caucasian medlar, which has a dense tough peel, the fruits are also cleaned of it. Peeled fruits are eaten fresh, added to fruit saladssprinkled with grated coconut. Medlar contains a significant amount of pectin, therefore excellent jams and povil are obtained from it, compotes are boiled, added to liqueurs and tinctures.

In Spain, this fruit is used as main ingredient for making sauce for meat, and eastern countries chutney with medlar, cloves, cinnamon, etc. is popular.

What does a medlar look like

Lokva grows on evergreen trees of average size 4-7 meters, due to dense pubescence, the inflorescences have a reddish gray color, resembling panicles in appearance.

The leaves of the medlar are thick, tough, leathery with clear veins, rich dark green color with a short handle.

Flowering - slightly aromatic.

Medlar fruits are collected in bunches of 5-30 pieces. Most often it is bright yellow fruit size 3-5 cm.

The skin is yellow, orange, rarely red. Fruit pulp - from white to yellow with an orange tint.

Beneficial features

Medlar (lokva) has a rich vitamin compositionwhich makes it a very popular product in Japan. And as everyone remembers, the Japanese are famous for longevity. This fruit has a large amount of water, over 80%, it perfectly quenches your thirst, and is low in sugar, so it will not affect your figure in any way. The triterpent included in the composition stimulates the production of insulin, so the medlar can be eaten by people who are sick diabetes mellitus. Active substances, such as phytoncides, inhibit the growth of bacteria and microscopic fungi.

Ground medlar bones are brewed in the form of coffee, or whisk into a foam, which is added to ready meal... Lokva is the most valuable honey plant in the subtropical climate.
Medlar is useful not only in terms of nutrition. Souvenirs are made of reddish wood, kitchen utensils... The bark and leaves are used to tan the leather.

Calorie content

Medlar and its per 100 grams of product is: 45-48 kcal.


  • water - 87%,
  • fats - 0.1%,
  • carbohydrates - 10%,
  • proteins - 0.4%,
  • dietary fiber - 2%, ash - 0.5%


Vitamins that this fruit is full of: beta-carotene (vitamin A), B vitamins, incl. folic acid, ascorbic and malic acids.

Trace elements

Also, this fruit is rich in macro and micro elements: iron and copper, potassium and calcium, iodine and selenium, phosphorus and sodium, manganese, etc.

Why is medlar useful?

So what is the special benefit and is it possible harm to the body, when used this is not enough famous fruit? In the east, medlar has long been used in folk medicine and cosmetology. A rich set of acids gives the body energy and supports immunity, being a natural antioxidant.

Lokva flowers have an expectorant effect, so a decoction of flowers is used to treat bronchitis, cough and asthma, and rid the body of mucus.

Do not forget about an integrated approach to health. If you overdo it on fried, fatty, spicy, and salty foods, you shouldn't expect a large intake of fruit to solve the problem. A rational, varied diet is the key to health.

Using the medlar fruit and its beneficial properties, you can gradually and systematically improve the body's health step by step. By saturating the body with the fluid it needs, regularly removing toxins from the body, you cleanse the intestines. Considering that it is in the intestines that up to 80% of the cells responsible for immunity are formed, improving the absorption of nutrients, you help to better absorb useful substances. Healthy eating and a thoughtful attitude towards your body helps to keep your heart and circulatory system in good condition.

In what other cases is this useful delicious fruit? Medlar its benefits and harms.

Medlar during pregnancy

The load on the woman's body increases. All previously existing diseases are manifested. And drug treatment is often not recommended. Therefore, the fruit is useful for the expectant mother, saturating the body with necessary vitamins and micro elements. Properly composed nutrition and following the recommendations of the attending physician are the key to health future mother and baby.

Medlar for beauty

As noted earlier, all parts of this plant are used in cosmetology and home skin care products. Face masks are made of the pulp, decoctions and squeezes from the leaves are used for lotions designed to combat problem skin, including during adolescence. There are options for face masks and lotions on the Internet. But do not forget that they can only be used fresh, and in no case is it recommended to store them. instead of good or burn.

Medlar to maintain a slim figure

If you are maintaining your weight or want to adjust in the direction of decreasing, Lokva will help you. Nourishes the body nutrients, saturates cells with moisture, cleanses the intestines and removes toxins at a very low calorie content.

Diabetes and heart disease treatment

By removing excess fluid from the body, improving kidney filtration, this outlandish fruit reduces arterial pressure and the load on the vessels. Malic acid is involved in the breakdown of fats and leads to a decrease in bad blood cholesterol.

Medlar - an evergreen plant with racemose fruits. Her appearance resembles an apricot, and tastes like a combination of apricot, apple and strawberry.

The plant belongs to the family Rosaceae, apple subspecies.

The delicate tree has about 30 varieties, but the most famous and popular in recent years have become German and japanese medlar.

It is interesting that the first flowers of the Japanese medlar bloom on the tree in the fall, and not in the spring, as is usually the case among fruit plants... Fruit ripening occurs in the spring. In shape, they vaguely resemble a pear, and their diameter usually does not exceed 10 cm.

Types of fruit

There are more than 30 types of medlar, but usually only two are common in planting: germanic (Caucasian) and Japanese.

The Germanic medlar dates back to ancient Babylon. Now it is common in places with a warm climate - in Western Ukraine, Crimea, southern Russia, Western Europe and the United States.

Fruit brown color, can reach 3 cm in diameter, ripen in October. Can withstand temperatures down to -23 ° C.

The Japanese medlar (lokva) is cultivated in Japan and China. The scent of the flowers is reminiscent of bitter almonds.

The fruit is quite large with a juicy pulp.

Useful and medicinal properties for the body

Calories per 100 grams plant is only 47 kcal. As seen, nutritious fruit is not caloric at all, so you can safely eat it and not be afraid to gain a couple of extra pounds.

Nutritional value of the product:

  • water - 86.73 g;
  • dietary fiber - 1.7 g;
  • proteins - 0.43 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10.44 g;
  • ash - 0.5 g.

Vitamins, included in the medlar: A (0.007 mg), B1 (0.019 mg), B3 (0.18 mg), B6 \u200b\u200b(0.1 mg), B9 (0.014 mg), C (1 mg).

Chemical composition: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper and selenium.

By chemical composition medlar is similar to an apple. It also contains sugar, fruit acids, phytoncytes, pectins, tannins and aromatic substances.

Medlar wide used in medicine and cosmetology.

A coffee substitute is prepared from the dried and ground seeds of a Japanese plant, which is taste is no different from the original, but it is a very useful and invigorating drink. And since it does not contain caffeine at all, it can be consumed by pregnant women.

  • Stops bleeding (leaf decoction).
  • Diuretic. Promotes the removal of stones.
  • It removes toxins and toxins, harmful cholesterol, heavy metal salts, radionuclides.

  • The slightly unripe fruit is held together, and the juicy ripe pulp is used as a laxative.
  • Normalizes metabolism. Treats gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Alcohol tincture helps with bronchitis and asthma, heart pain.
  • Saturates the body with vitamins and microelements, stimulates the body to resist viral infections, strengthens the immune system, which is very important during pregnancy.
  • Stabilizes pressure prevents heart attacks and strokes.
  • Lowers blood sugar, which is useful function for diabetics. Also, taking medlar increases the amount of insulin in the body.
  • It removes phlegm in case of diseases of the respiratory system.
  • It is used as a prophylaxis against oncological diseases.
  • Creams with medlar extract make the skin more elastic and smootherth, slow down the aging process, help with skin rashes... In general, any extracts from this plant are useful for sensitive skinprone to irritation. Therefore, for women, the berry is a very valuable product.
  • Medlar is useful for menwho smoke and are overweight.

Freshly picked berries are not tasty at all, and stale ones lose their beneficial properties, so you should let them rest a little before eating.

Harm and contraindications

Contraindications to the use of medlar:

  • It is undesirable to eat unripe fruits.
  • Not recommended for use with acute diseases Gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers, diseases of the pancreas, with increased acidity (since the berry is sour).
  • Before you start feeding your child with this berry, you need to check for an allergic reaction. If, after taking one berry, the rash does not appear, then the body has normal tolerance to the product and it is safe. These recommendations also apply to nursing mothers. It is not advisable for a child to eat medlaruntil he is 1.5 years old.
  • Fresh medlar seeds are poisonous, since they contain hydrocyanic acid, but if you grind and fry them, then they perfectly replace almonds.

Growing at home

The plant is undemanding to soil. A tree planted in a bright, sunny place will bear more fruit.
It should be remembered that for one plant you need to free up an area of \u200b\u200b1.5x1.5 m in your garden.

Dry and damaged branches should be removed and a crown formed. Fertilize the plant periodically and treat with insecticides.

At home, it is convenient to grow Japanese medlar. It reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. There are 1-8 seeds inside the fruit. Saplings sprout rather quickly and actively develop. Several seeds can be planted in one pot for an unusual composition. Young plants can be cultivated at home in the winter garden.

Plant the seeds in one container, bury them shallowly in the ground, and water them well. Cover the pot with plastic wrap and put it in a warm place. To prevent mold, you need to ventilate the seedlings and blot the condensate every day. When the earth dries up, it is worth moistening the top layer with water from a spray bottle. The first shoots should be expected in about a month, after which the film can be removed and can be placed in a bright place, for example, on a windowsill.

It is necessary to water the medlar well, especially in summer, not letting the earth dry out. Every 2 weeks you need to feed the developing plant.

If the Japanese medlar is not limited in growth, then it can grow up to 1.5 m.

The tree lends itself well to pruning and shaping, so it can be looked after in the same way as a bonsai.

Actively growing young plants need to be replanted once a year, when they get stronger and slow down in growth - the procedure can be repeated after 3-4 years. But the top layer of the earth must be replaced every year anyway.

Homemade Japanese medlar blooms and bears fruit starting from 4-5 years of age.

Medlar is a fruit with tremendous potential for beneficial properties.

The fruits and leaves of medlar contain vitamins, minerals, organic acids, sugars, phytoncides, pectins and tannins.

In nature, about 30 varieties of this plant are known, but two varieties of medlar are most common in the world: Germanic and Japanese.

Despite the fact that their fruits outwardly are not at all similar to each other, but the useful properties of the medlar (fruit) are the same.

The calorie content of medlar (fruit) is 40-50 kcal.

Medlar is an exotic, healthy and dietary fruit

The beneficial substances contained in 100 gr. Medlar (fruit) are shown below, in the table

element quantity
Potassium 0.266 g
Phosphorus 0.027 g
Calcium 0.016 g
Magnesium 0.013 g
Sodium 0.001 g
Iron 0.00028 g
Manganese 0.000148 g
Zinc 0.00005 g
Copper 0.04 mg
Selenium 0.0006 mg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 0.001 g
Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) 0.00018 g
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.0001 g
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.000024 g
Vitamin A 0.076 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 0.014 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamin) 19 μg

The fruit is small, but the benefits are large

The beneficial properties of medlar (fruit) are widely used in medicine, they are recommended for use by people with problems of cardio-vascular system... If you eat medlar fruit constantly, the heart muscle will strengthen and will be provided with the necessary potassium for its stable functioning. Useful properties of apple and citric acid in the composition of fruits, medlar help cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. The beneficial properties of organic acids are also beneficial influence to work digestive system... In addition, they normalize metabolic processes... With regular eating of a medlar (fruit), the body will begin to fully absorb proteins and carbohydrates, due to the beneficial properties of phytoncides contained in the medlar. No less useful, the properties of medlar fruits turned out to be for dietetics. Due to the high content of acids, and mainly malic, fats are perfectly broken down and excreted from the body.

Medlar is a fruit with great potential

Medlar, namely the fruit, should be included in daily diet nutrition of people with diabetes, as well as those at risk of developing this disease. With the regular consumption of several loquat fruits, the body will begin to produce insulin much more efficiently. This is another one-useful property of the medlar.

Medlar fruit infused with alcohol, wonderful remedy for colds. To prepare the mixture, you will need 5-7 ripe medium-sized fruits. Mash the pulp, ceiling the bones, pour the mixture with vodka (90 g), insist for 72 hours, put in a cool room that does not let in sunlight. Tincture dishes must be taken from glass, tightly closed. They drink the finished medicine before meals, 10 grams each. Tincture is used to treat asthma and chronic bronchitis, the tincture has a mesolytic effect.

Useful properties of medlar leaves

Not only medlar fruits have useful properties, but also leaves.

The leaf of the tree is appreciated for the content of amygdolin, the strongest natural absorbent. Amygdolin promotes the elimination of heavy metal salts, toxins from the body and cleansing the liver. Agree, such a useful property of this plant will interest every person.

An infusion of dry leaves is used to cleanse the body. A thermos is required for its preparation. 10gr. raw materials are poured into ½ l. boiling water and insist for about 3 hours. The infusion is drunk before meals, for a quarter of an hour, for 2 weeks. If necessary, treatment must be repeated every quarter.

For diarrhea, use a thick infusion. 10 gr. leaves take 200 ml of water. The infusion, as in the previous case, must be kept in a thermos. Consume 2 tablespoons, 7-10 minutes before meals.

The beneficial properties of the leaves are successfully used to stop internal bleeding. And again it is necessary to prepare a concentrated infusion. Three tablespoons of the medicine must be taken after meals. In the same proportions, the mixture, taken orally 30 minutes before breakfast, will allow you to get rid of such unpleasant sores as stomach and (or) duodenal ulcers.

on the home table

Medlar not only has a significant number of useful properties, but also has good taste characteristics... From it, delicious compotes, preserves and jams are obtained. Homemade wines from medlar, in the Caucasus, are almost on every festive table... Medlar fruit seeds are used to make a coffee substitute. The latter, in its taste and useful properties, is in no way inferior to the original.

Contraindications in the use of medlar

Care should be taken to introduce medlar into the diet of young children. Do not abuse the fruit of the medlar for people with gastritis with high acidity and when replenishing the pancreas. It is also not recommended to drink juices and wines from this fruit, but jam, on the contrary, will be very useful, of course in reasonable quantities.

(fruit). Harvesting for the winter

If you want the fruits of the medlar to be stored for a long time, they must be picked unripe from the tree and be sure to wash in salt water, then dry. But the most the best way, of course, leave the fruits on the tree, from the frost they will only become tastier and will no longer be tart and, of course, retain all their useful properties. Most often, the hostess's medlar fruits are allowed to be processed, and in winter they pamper their loved ones and surprise guests. fragrant jam from the medlar.

1. Jam from medlar

To make jam you will need ripe fruit and sugar, in a 3: 1 combination. To add flavor to the jam, you can add a little cinnamon and cloves to it. The fruits must be boiled a little, and then passed through a sieve. The resulting puree must be mixed with sugar and spices added. Cook the jam in several stages over medium heat. After bringing the jam to a boil, remove from the heat and let it cool, then put it back on the fire and let it boil, and again remove from the heat. Simmer until the desired consistency is obtained. When the jam is ready, pour it hot into a glass, preferably sterilized container. This way it will be better stored.

2. Sherbet from medlar

To prepare this delicacy, you need to take: 200 gr. Sugar, 0.5 l. water, 1 kg. Fruit medlar. Boil the syrup and chill it to about 30 degrees. While the syrup is cooling down from the fruit, squeeze the juice. Mix juice and syrup, pour into glasses and refrigerate. Sherbet is ready!