What to do with raspberry and currant leaves. Harm and beneficial properties of blackcurrant leaves

07.03.2020 Vegetable dishes

Red raspberry leaves have a lot of useful properties, decoctions, infusions are prepared from them, they are added to tea for flavor. In alternative medicine, the leaves of this plant are widely used to relieve symptoms and treat many diseases.

Collection of raspberry leaves

The best time to harvest raspberry leaves is June-July. When harvesting, give preference to young and clean leaves, free from disease and damage. Try not to collect leaves from the lowest branches - they are not so useful.

After collecting, spread the leaves in a single layer on a clean and wide sheet of paper, leave them to dry completely. The room should be dark, well ventilated and dry.

Beneficial features

Raspberry leaves contain the following beneficial substances:

  • organic acids;
  • Manganese;
  • Cellulose;
  • Vitamins C, E, K;
  • Folic acid;
  • Magnesium;
  • Flavonoids.

All these elements are easily absorbed by the body and have a positive effect on its work.

Indications for use

The medicinal properties of this plant help alleviate or eliminate the following health problems:

  • high temperature, fever;
  • Colds;
  • bleeding;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Inflammation of the uterine appendages;
  • endometriosis;
  • Cough, bronchitis, tracheitis;
  • Abscesses, pimples, acne;
  • Psoriasis, eczema;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Pain in the joints.

Dried raspberry leaves can be purchased at a pharmacy. Read the instructions for use.


Raspberry leaves in any form should not be used in such cases:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Constipation;
  • Nephritis;
  • Gout;
  • Hypotension;
  • Decreased body temperature.

Long-term use of a decoction of raspberry leaves is also not recommended, check with your doctor about the duration of treatment.

medicinal tea

Pour into a thermos 2 tbsp. spoons of raspberry leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 3 hours. You can also mix raspberry leaves in equal proportions with currant leaves.

Take 100 grams 20 minutes before meals three times a day. The course of treatment should not be longer than 3 weeks.

With the exception of color, black raspberries are indistinguishable from red raspberries in appearance. This type of raspberry is the rarest, it is mainly grown by lovers of ornamental plants in their gardens and few people know about the beneficial properties of this plant.

Currant is the most useful and tasty product that grows in almost every yard. In addition, it has found its place not only in cooking, but also in alternative medicine, cosmetology, so it is grown on special plantations and is regularly used. However, what are the useful, healing properties of currants, not every person knows, so let's consider what it helps from and what healing properties it has.

Currant leaves: useful properties

The benefits of currants is in vitamin complexes and macronutrients contained in its foliage. Consider the benefits of currant leaves:

When the currant bush blooms, its leaves accumulate a large amount of vitamin C. Compared to currant fruits, the foliage contains twice as much of this element, since it does not contain enzymes that destroy ascorbic acid. If there is a lack of vitamin C in the human body, you can drink decoctions of currant leaves and recover quickly, because every 100 g of leaves give a person more than 90 mg. useful enzymes necessary for full health, beauty / elasticity of the skin, density of teeth and bone tissue.

In addition, thanks to the currant foliage, it is possible to prevent atherosclerosis, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, the benefits of vitamin C- reduction of blood clotting, elimination of inflammatory processes and strengthening of the vascular walls, but given that the body is unable to produce this enzyme on its own, it must be absorbed with food, at a daily dosage of 90 mg.

Currant leaves also contain such polyphenolic compounds:

These enzymes found in currant leaves are important to every person, especially people who have had oncology or are genetically predisposed to it. They are natural antioxidants that prevent the development of free radicals and unstable oxygen cells that disrupt the natural processes that take place inside the human body, destroy healthy cells or transform connective tissues into malignant tumors.

It is especially useful to use properly prepared decoctions from currant leaves to people living in areas with a high radiation background, in large, gas-polluted cities and addicted to smoking. Antioxidants of natural origin actively fight toxic substances, entering the body and contribute to their removal.

In addition, currant leaf enzymes contain elements responsible for the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, muscle health, growth and strength of bone tissues:

  • Sodium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Calcium.
  • Potassium.

The presence of potassium and magnesium brings a double benefit to a person, because over time, the internal organs wear out and then heart disease appears. It is these enzymes that prevent the occurrence of a heart attack and strengthen one of the main heart muscles - the myocardium, which is why, with regular use currant leaf tea there is a prevention of cardiac functionality, restoration of the rhythm of the heart and regulation of blood flow.

Currant leaves: contraindications

Despite the benefits of the plant, some people are strictly forbidden to drink tea or a decoction of currants in order to prevent sad consequences. For instance:

The rest of the people need to brew 90–100 g of leaves daily and drink the decoction in the form of tea. Then the body will be saturated with the elements and vitamins necessary for health, and given that the foliage has a pleasant smell and taste, both adults and children will drink such a decoction.

Currant leaves: application

As mentioned earlier, currant foliage is recognized both in cooking and in the medical field. With the help of this product, every person caring for a fruitful shrub will be able to maintain a normal vitamin balance in the body and their own health all year round without financial costs, because the foliage retains healing properties both freshly harvested and frozen/dried.

Currant leaf: medicinal properties

Many people prefer to use alternative treatments that are cheap and effective instead of expensive drugs. In such cases, decoctions will be useful or tinctures from properly harvested foliage.

With regular use of currant decoctions, it has a therapeutic or prophylactic effect of such diseases:

  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases that attack the lungs and bronchial system.
  • Dysentery.
  • Colds and internal pathologies.
  • Increased intravascular pressure.
  • atherosclerosis.
  • Diseases of the heart and vascular system.

In addition, regular consumption of currant leaves leads to improved vision, increases the functionality of the immune system, stabilizes the renal and hepatic performance. If a person suffers from acne, then it will be useful for him to make lotions from this decoction that relieve skin inflammation and bring the face back to normal.

Therapeutic baths

Currant leaves have shown themselves well in dermatology and this become useful to people suffering from skin diseases:

With the help of a decoction of currant leaves, you can get rid of:

  • Any dermatoses.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Children's prickly heat.
  • Diathesis.

Decoctions added to baths nourish skin cells, nail plates and hair, so this procedure is popular with women of any age.

Currant leaf tea: benefits and harms

Currant leaf tea is a good tonic and tonic, which, compared with store-bought coffee and tea, not only does not act aggressively on the body, but also nourishes it with useful substances.

Currant tea is especially useful for people with such diseases:

  • Edema of the extremities.
  • Pyelonephritis, cystitis and other kidney diseases of pathological origin.
  • Gout.
  • Urolithiasis.

Most of all, people of advanced age need currant tea, because during this period their metabolic process, the work of the central and peripheral nervous system, and blood circulation are disturbed. Currant leaves enriched with vitamins and macroelements contribute to the support of the body of pensioners and have a gentle effect on them.

If a person does not have contraindications for use, then you need to regularly drink tea from this product, regardless of age, because it does not harm a relatively healthy person.

The benefits of blackcurrant leaf vinegar

Currant vinegar is popular, especially among young women, because even in ancient times they noticed that the use of this product rejuvenates the skin and restore its beauty.

Vinegar for hair

Thanks to the properties of the leaves, vinegar can be used to restore/strengthen perm-damaged/weakened hair. In order for them to acquire a healthy look and beauty, you should mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar and warm water, and then apply the resulting solution on your head.

Vinegar for hands

Blackcurrant leaves in the form of vinegar, helps soften the skin and get rid of age spots, make it soft and tender. To achieve such results, you should wipe your hands daily with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar.

Vinegar for feet

To soften the rough skin on the legs, you need to pour a small amount of warm water into a basin and add a glass of vinegar to it, and then soar your legs in the resulting liquid.

Vinegar for teeth

If you rinse your mouth daily with concentrated vinegar, it will eliminate plaque, restore their natural whiteness and get rid of bad breath.

Before using vinegar, you should consult a specialist, because he has high acidity. If you use it internally, you can bring on such problems as hepatic cirrhosis, colitis, gastritis, but in the case of external use, you can only benefit from vinegar.

Currant for men

It is known that men do not believe in medicine, and even more so in the prevention of many diseases. However, it currant is able to support men's health, throughout life, because it improves sexual abilities, strengthens the functionality of the urinary system and prevents potency. Scientists have also found that men are twice as likely to develop cardiovascular diseases and die from them, so blackcurrant will further strengthen cardiac activity and prevent death from a heart attack.

When to collect medicinal currant foliage, and how to dry it

For the collected foliage to really help, you need to carefully approach its collection and drying. You can use both wild bushes and domestic ones. The main condition is that you need to collect foliage, which has not been treated with poisons for a month before collection.

To using the leaves as vinegar, infusion, decoction, therapeutic baths had the desired effect, you need to collect foliage during the flowering of the shrub, because at this moment, the greenery accumulates the maximum concentration of useful substances. However, if for some reason this period was missed, you can collect raw materials later, but its effectiveness will be slightly lower.

Best to carry out picking leaves in the morning, after the dew has dried and only in dry weather, while the leaves should look beautiful, be free of any damage and fungus.

How to dry the collected raw materials

So that the currant does not lose its healing properties, you need to carefully approach not only the choice of the leaves themselves, but also their drying. To properly carry out the procedure, you should lay out the foliage in a thin layer and leave to dry in the shade, preferably outside. After drying, the resulting ingredients should be packed in jars and closed with a lid.

Blackcurrant leaves help get rid of from various diseases and also has a general strengthening effect on the entire body. If there are no contraindications for use, then blackcurrant does not harm a person at all, therefore, relatively healthy people need to regularly drink tea from properly collected and dried raw materials, use tinctures, take therapeutic baths in order to support the body as much as possible, enrich it with useful vitamins, micro and macro elements extending life for decades.

With the advent of summer, many people who care about their health try to stock up on useful herbal teas in order to treat themselves and their loved ones to fragrant tea - a source of vitamins and macronutrients. A huge number of plants can help strengthen the body's immune system and rid it of chronic ailments. This, in particular, is about currant leaves, decoctions of which help us get rid of beriberi, which, as a rule, rages in the winter season. And their benefits don't stop there.

Beneficial features

Why is currant leaf tea so valuable? First, it is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Flavonoids, tannins, phytoncides, magnesium, copper, manganese, vitamin C - all of the above components are found in abundance in the leaves of the berry bush.

Restorative effect

As already emphasized, currant leaf tea helps to strengthen the immune system, which means that the body's resistance to viral infections and diseases increases.

In addition, the above tonic drink is recommended for overwork and loss of strength - it quickly relieves fatigue. Currant leaf tea increases vitality and invigorates. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Currant phytocollection is useful for colds: acute respiratory infections, flu, tonsillitis. Its action is aimed at relieving symptoms and speedy recovery. If you combine tea from currant leaves with honey, then colds, as they say, will be removed as if by hand.


Few people know that the above drink slows down the aging process - this property is especially valuable for the elderly. Pensioners with regular use of currant tea always maintain cheerfulness and clarity of mind. In addition, they improve visual acuity.

Here are some amazing properties of currant leaf tea. What are the benefits and harms of this drink? Not everyone knows the answer to this question. Let's continue to fill this gap.

Improves the function of vital organs

A decoction of the leaves of a berry bush has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. In other words, it reduces the risk of developing such dangerous ailments as stroke, heart attack and hypertension. The drink also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. The systematic intake of currant tea normalizes the functions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and improves appetite. It also restores the functioning of the organs of the urinary system: liver, kidneys, bladder. For example, it is effective for removing excess amounts of purine and uric acids. Of course, many need tea from currant leaves. The benefits and harms of the above drink should be obvious to everyone.


A decoction of the above shrub is not without a negative effect.

In particular, it adversely affects tooth enamel, so it is better to combine currant leaves with other herbs. You can not overdo it with the dosage of tea. Half a glass twice a day is the optimal norm. Fermented currant leaf tea is also contraindicated for people who suffer from allergies. Those who have been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer or gastritis with high acidity should also refrain from drinking the drink.

Symbiosis of currant and raspberry

Many adherents of alternative medicine prefer to drink tea from currant and raspberry leaves, as this drink has unique healing properties. It is recommended for metabolic disorders, edema, bleeding, as a diuretic. A decoction of the leaves of the above shrubs has an antiviral, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. With vitamin deficiency and weak immunity, tea from currant and raspberry leaves is the first medicine.

However, the second berry also has contraindications in terms of health. Raspberry leaf infusions are not recommended for women who are pregnant. You can not take a drink before swimming in icy water, and in winter, if you plan to go out into the fresh air, then before that it is better to refrain from a decoction of raspberry leaves.

Cooking method

Of course, many are interested in the question of how to make tea from currant leaves. There are several elementary ways. For example, a large handful of leaves is placed in a container of boiling water, boiled for a couple of minutes, and then a decoction is infused for a quarter of an hour, which is tasty and healthy not only hot, but also cold. It would be useful to add 2 teaspoons of honey to the drink. You can give the composition a more saturated shade by insisting it for 3 hours, after which the leaves should be removed, otherwise they will spoil the taste.

Do not know how to make tea from currant leaves? You can experiment. You will need: mint (1 part), currant leaves (2 parts), lemon balm (1 part), black tea without additives (1/2 part). It is necessary to mix the above ingredients, and then prepare a drink at the rate of 1 tablespoon of tea leaves per glass of water. It takes about 15-20 minutes to infuse the decoction.

There are many adherents of fermented drinks, since their taste is more pronounced and piquant than fresh leaf decoctions. First, the raw material is placed in the shade so that it is slightly wilted. Then the leaves are placed in a thin layer on a cotton cloth previously moistened with water (slightly), and at the next stage the cloth is rolled up into a kind of sausage. The workpiece is thoroughly fixed and left for one day. The beginning of the fermentation process will be indicated by the heat that will begin to emanate from the leaves. After 24 hours, they are unwrapped and dried, after which they become fragrant, and drinking tea from such currant leaves is a pleasure.

The average price of 1 kilogram of currant leaf tea varies from two hundred to three hundred rubles.

Unique cosmetic property

Unfortunately, few people know that currant leaves make a woman more beautiful, improving the condition of her skin and hair. It is vitamins D and E, with which they abound, that prevent the appearance of wrinkles and relieve puffiness under the eyes.

When to Collect

As for the berries, everything is simple here: when they are ripe, then you need to collect them. If we are talking about leaves, then you should remember some rules. Visually, it is difficult to determine from the leaves whether the time has come for their collection or not.

Which leaves are better to collect: those that are younger, or perhaps those that are larger? In fact, this is not the most important thing. There is an opinion that the ideal time to collect currant leaves is the new moon phase. The moon influences most of the processes that occur on Earth, and the maturation of plants is no exception. Some experts believe that it is during the new moon that the greatest amount of vitamins is concentrated in currant leaves. However, this is not the only factor to consider. Experts recommend harvesting in dry weather, after the morning dew has evaporated. At the same time, one should not wait until the sun begins to bake the earth, otherwise there will be few useful substances in currant leaves.

What part of the bush is better to use for harvesting? Ideally fits the middle of the branch. Remember that there are very few vitamins in old leaves. And tearing off young shoots, you can damage the entire shrub. The middle of the branch is what you need.

Fermentation is a special way of processing leaves, which makes it possible to obtain dried raw materials that have a richer taste, color and aroma compared to freshly picked plants or dried by simple methods - in the wind or heat. During fermentation, insoluble substances of plant tissues are converted into soluble forms and are easily absorbed by the body.

To start fermentation, it is necessary to destroy the leaf structure. This is done in three ways: scrolling in a meat grinder, twisting between the palms and freezing (autumn collection). The leaf tissue oxidizes, begins to ferment under the influence of bacteria contained in the leaf plate and air. After the appearance of a special aroma and color change, the leaves can be dried in the usual way.

The coarser raw materials of the autumn harvest after the freezing process can give you a richer color, taste and aroma than tender and juicy spring leaves.

There is one more trick: before fermentation, it is recommended to wither the leaves (slightly dry). Usually the process lasts 4-6 hours and depends on the humidity of the air. At the withered leaf, the crunch of the main vein disappears. In order for it to happen more evenly, you need to periodically stir up the leaves.

After withering, you choose the method of fermentation. If the first one (twisting in a meat grinder), then it is necessary to cover the twisted mass with a napkin so that it does not dry out. Further drying under a napkin should occur at a temperature of 25-27 degrees. When a rich aroma appears, the fermentation process can be completed. It is necessary to dry the fermented raw materials at a temperature of 100 degrees for 1 hour.

Types of fermentation

Light: 3-6 hours. The tea will have a mild taste, delicate aroma.

Average: 10-19 hours. The tea will have a slightly sour taste and rich aroma.

Deep: 20-36 hours. The tea will turn out tart, and its aroma will be rich.

Fermentation of blackcurrant leaves

Currant leaves are used as part of vitamin collections along with raspberry leaves, lingonberries and rose hips. They are rich in ascorbic acid, carotene, phytoncides and have a disinfecting effect associated with the presence of essential oils.

The dried leaves can be used as a remedy for dysentery and as an adjuvant to increase the activity of antibiotics. They are used for rheumatism, colitis, sore throat and cough.

Ingredients for tea

Leaves from a bush growing in the shade

Cooking method

The leaves are collected in dry weather early in the morning. The leaves should not be washed so that they ferment better.

First stage- withering. Spread the leaves in the shade with a layer of no more than 6 mm for 12 hours. After the specified time, check the readiness: squeeze the mass in a fist - it should not fall apart.

Second phase- fermentation. After withering, the dried mass is kept for another day in a bag, and then placed in the freezer for a short time. Frozen leaves at room temperature begin to secrete juice.

Frozen leaves in portions of 6 pieces are twisted with palms in the form of rolls until they are moistened. The next step is to cover the rolls with a fermentation cloth. The process takes eight hours.

Third stage- drying. The rolls are cut into pieces and dried on a baking sheet covered with paper. The layer should be no more than 1 cm. Dry at 100 degrees, cool with the door open and store in a jar with a tight lid.

Tip: you can not dry the leaves, but immediately start the fermentation process by sending them to the freezer. After the freezer, wind the rolls, hold them under a napkin for fermentation, and then dry them.

Raspberry leaf fermentation

Raspberry leaves are a well-known antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. Raspberry leaves contain fiber, organic acids, manganese, vitamins. In addition, folic acid, flavonoids and other useful substances were found in them.

The leaves can serve as a useful substitute for tea, as they have a rich taste and aroma. In the presence of a large amount of toxins in the body, it is recommended to drink a glass of raspberry drink.

To get a drink that is useful in all respects, the people do this: they crush the green leaves with their hands until the plate blackens and juice is released, and then dried in an oven.

tea ingredients

Medium fresh raspberry leaves

Cooking method

Freshly picked leaves are rubbed between the palms until dark and juice is released. The rolls are cut into pieces and put in a bowl, continuing to knead the raw materials with your hands. The ground leaves are poured into a flat bowl with a thick layer and covered with a damp cloth. In a warm place (22-26 degrees) the process of fermentation (fermentation) begins. After the process is completed (usually 6-8 hours), the raw materials are dried at 100 degrees in an oven or in a ventilated room.

Tip: if you want to get granules, then skip the crumpled rolls through a meat grinder with a large grate.

The next step for this method will be fermentation in a moderately warm room and the final one is drying.

Ready raspberry tea should have a brown-green color and a strong fruity-floral aroma. It is better to store it in glass jars with a tight lid.

P.S. Since fresh raspberry leaves contain a lot of moisture, they should be dried in warm windy weather in the shade.

With the advent of summer, many people who care about their health try to stock up on useful herbal teas in order to treat themselves and their loved ones with fragrant tea - a source of vitamins and macronutrients. A huge number of plants can help strengthen the body's immune system and rid it of chronic ailments. This, in particular, is about currant leaves, decoctions of which help us get rid of beriberi, which, as a rule, rages in the winter season. And their benefits don't stop there.

Beneficial features

Why is currant leaf tea so valuable? First, it is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Flavonoids, tannins, phytoncides, magnesium, copper, manganese, vitamin C - all of the above components are found in abundance in the leaves of the berry bush.

Restorative effect

As already emphasized, currant leaf tea helps to strengthen the immune system, which means that the body's resistance to viral infections and diseases increases.

In addition, the above tonic drink is recommended for overwork and loss of strength - it quickly relieves fatigue. Currant leaf tea increases vitality and invigorates. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Currant phytocollection is useful for colds: acute respiratory infections, flu, tonsillitis. Its action is aimed at relieving symptoms and speedy recovery. If you combine tea from currant leaves with honey, then colds, as they say, will be removed as if by hand.


Few people know that the above drink slows down the aging process - this property is especially valuable for the elderly. Pensioners with regular use of currant tea always maintain cheerfulness and clarity of mind. In addition, they improve visual acuity.

Here are some amazing properties of currant leaf tea. What are the benefits and harms of this drink? Not everyone knows the answer to this question. Let's continue to fill this gap.

Improves the function of vital organs

A decoction of the leaves of a berry bush has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. In other words, it reduces the risk of developing such dangerous ailments as stroke, heart attack and hypertension. The drink also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. The systematic intake of currant tea normalizes the functions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and improves appetite. It also restores the functioning of the organs of the urinary system: liver, kidneys, bladder. For example, it is effective for removing excess amounts of purine and uric acids. Of course, many need tea from currant leaves. The benefits and harms of the above drink should be obvious to everyone.


A decoction of the above shrub is not without a negative effect.

In particular, it adversely affects tooth enamel, so it is better to combine currant leaves with other herbs. You can not overdo it with the dosage of tea. Half a glass twice a day is the optimal norm. Fermented currant leaf tea is also contraindicated for people who suffer from allergies. Those who have been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer or gastritis with high acidity should also refrain from drinking the drink.

Symbiosis of currant and raspberry

Many adherents of alternative medicine prefer to drink tea from currant and raspberry leaves, as this drink has unique healing properties. It is recommended for metabolic disorders, edema, bleeding, as a diuretic. A decoction of the leaves of the above shrubs has an antiviral, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. With beriberi and weak immunity, tea from currant and raspberry leaves is the first medicine.

However, the second berry also has contraindications in terms of health. Raspberry leaf infusions are not recommended for women who are pregnant. You can not take a drink before swimming in icy water, and in winter, if you plan to go out into the fresh air, then before that it is better to refrain from a decoction of raspberry leaves.

Cooking method

Of course, many are interested in the question of how to make tea from currant leaves. There are several elementary ways. For example, a large handful of leaves is placed in a container of boiling water, boiled for a couple of minutes, and then a decoction is infused for a quarter of an hour, which is tasty and healthy not only hot, but also cold. It would be useful to add 2 teaspoons of honey to the drink. You can give the composition a more saturated shade by insisting it for 3 hours, after which the leaves should be removed, otherwise they will spoil the taste.

Do not know how to make tea from currant leaves? You can experiment. You will need: mint (1 part), currant leaves (2 parts), lemon balm (1 part), black tea without additives (1/2 part). It is necessary to mix the above ingredients, and then prepare a drink at the rate of 1 tablespoon of tea leaves per glass of water. It takes about 15-20 minutes to infuse the decoction.

There are many adherents of fermented drinks, since their taste is more pronounced and piquant than fresh leaf decoctions. First, the raw material is placed in the shade so that it is slightly wilted. Then the leaves are placed in a thin layer on a cotton cloth previously moistened with water (slightly), and at the next stage the cloth is rolled up into a kind of sausage. The workpiece is thoroughly fixed and left for one day. The beginning of the fermentation process will be indicated by the heat that will begin to emanate from the leaves. After 24 hours, they are unwrapped and dried, after which they become fragrant, and drinking tea from such currant leaves is a pleasure.

The average price of 1 kilogram of currant leaf tea varies from two hundred to three hundred rubles.

Unique cosmetic property

Unfortunately, few people know that currant leaves make a woman more beautiful, improving the condition of her skin and hair. It is vitamins D and E, with which they abound, that prevent the appearance of wrinkles and relieve puffiness under the eyes.

When to Collect

As for the berries, everything is simple here: when they are ripe, then you need to collect them. If we are talking about leaves, then you should remember some rules. Visually, it is difficult to determine from the leaves whether the time has come for their collection or not.

Which leaves are better to collect: those that are younger, or perhaps those that are larger? In fact, this is not the most important thing. There is an opinion that the ideal time to collect currant leaves is the new moon phase. The moon influences most of the processes that take place on Earth, and the maturation of plants is no exception. Some experts believe that it is during the new moon that the greatest amount of vitamins is concentrated in currant leaves. However, this is not the only factor to consider. Experts recommend harvesting in dry weather, after the morning dew has evaporated. At the same time, one should not wait until the sun begins to bake the earth, otherwise there will be few useful substances in currant leaves.

What part of the bush is better to use for harvesting? Ideally fits the middle of the branch. Remember that there are very few vitamins in old leaves. And tearing off young shoots, you can damage the entire shrub. The middle of the branch is what you need.

Fans of natural drinks know how useful currant leaf tea is. Blackcurrant is a real vitamin and mineral pantry for the human body. And we are talking not only about the benefits of berries, but also the leaves of this shrub. A huge amount of vitamin C, as well as phytoncides, copper, magnesium and manganese compounds is far from a complete list of what is contained in blackcurrant leaves. When preparing tea, a mixture recipe is usually used with other products, in particular with raspberry and mint leaves, while the beneficial properties of plants are summarized. What are the benefits and possible harm of this drink - let's figure it out.

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Benefits and possible harm

Currant tea, especially with the addition of berries and raspberry leaves, in addition to excellent taste and fragrant aroma, has the following useful properties:

  • general health effect on the body;
  • anti-inflammatory effect for colds and other ailments;
  • tonic effect;
  • diuretic effect;
  • antipyretic action;
  • cleansing action.

In this regard, blackcurrant leaf tea is used for diseases such as:

  • inflammation of the respiratory tract;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • visual impairment;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • metabolic diseases - gout;
  • prevention of oncology and premature aging;
  • prevention of Alzheimer's disease;
  • recovery period after surgery and prolonged illness.

Despite all the beneficial properties, tea from the leaves and berries of blackcurrant and raspberry can be harmful if contraindications for its use are ignored.


  • diseases of the stomach with high acidity;
  • ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hepatitis in the acute stage;
  • pathological blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • allergy to components of tea from berries and leaves of currant and raspberry;
  • postinfarction condition.

From the video you will learn how to make tea from blackcurrant leaves at home:

How to brew

All the best properties of tea will be preserved as much as possible if the plant materials are properly collected. The leaves are collected on warm summer days during the flowering period of the shrub, they are stored dried in a glass jar under a lid. As for blackcurrant berries, the benefits will be higher if they are frozen for the winter. You can also collect and store mint and raspberry leaves.

To make delicious tea from blackcurrant leaves, you do not need to invent a recipe for a long time, although experiments are allowed. Usually they take a tablespoon of dried or fresh currant leaves (can be mixed with raspberry leaves) and a tablespoon of ordinary black tea, pour a liter of hot water and let stand for a quarter of an hour. You can drink up to 3-5 cups a day, if there are no contraindications, otherwise this amount will not benefit, but harm. The recipe does not allow re-brewing, the healing properties are lost. Every time you have to brew in a new way. It is believed that it is better to make tea from wild currant leaves, it is more aromatic and richer, however, in terms of the number of useful compounds, such a recipe differs little from garden currant tea. Instead of sugar, it is recommended to use honey (a teaspoon per cup), but in the absence of allergies.

Whatever recipe for tea from natural plant materials is used, it is important to observe the measure and not get carried away with tea drinking for those who have contraindications.

As summer approaches, refreshing fruit teas made from the leaves and berries of fruit bushes and trees are gaining more and more popularity. One of the first on the sites begins to turn green and bloom blackcurrant. From its young leaves, you can make a very tasty, and most importantly, healing tea. Having studied the benefits and harms of tea from currant leaves, you can bring your body a maximum of positive sensations.

Currant has a strengthening effect on the body - not only berries, but also leaves have this property

Useful properties of currant leaves

Despite the fact that most people only eat its berries, blackcurrant is one of those fruit bushes that can benefit from almost everything, including the leaves. In their composition, you can find many substances necessary for the body, including:

  • vitamin C in a fairly large amount;
  • tannins;
  • phytoncides, flavonoids;
  • mineral salts of manganese, magnesium, copper, etc.

A large amount of vitamins, led by vitamin C, makes currant leaf tea indispensable for combating beriberi or strengthening immunity during colds. It is also able to speed up the recovery of the body after a serious illness, restore vigor after prolonged overwork. Do not forget that vitamin C is a fairly strong antioxidant that can prevent the development of cancer, as well as premature aging of body cells.

The high content of phytoncides makes decoctions and infusions of currant leaves an excellent antiseptic, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent that can act on a par with medicines. Currant leaves are often used in the treatment of ulcers or gastritis, anemia or atherosclerosis, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Tea with currant leaves will quickly eliminate coughs, help overcome colds, bronchitis, flu, whooping cough or sore throats.

With regular use, currant leaf tea prevents the development of diabetes.

Due to its properties, infusions and decoctions of currant leaves help maintain vigor even in old age, maintain clarity of mind and excellent vision. In addition, such a drink has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke and pressure problems.

Currant leaf tea is very useful for normalizing the functioning of all organs of the digestive system and improving appetite. Thanks to the active components that make up their composition, the body acquires the ability to receive from food and absorb much more of the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Indications for use

Due to a wide range of beneficial properties, currant leaves, both fresh and in the form of a tea, decoction or infusion, can be used to treat a variety of health problems. They are used:

  • with bleeding;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • with kidney disease, a tendency to edema;
  • for the prevention of diabetes;
  • pressure reduction;
  • improve appetite;
  • with colds, flu.

Currant leaves are able to destroy the dysentery bacillus, therefore they are often used in complex treatment, enhancing the effect of antibiotics. Also, the greenery of this shrub is part of multivitamin collections from various medicinal herbs and plants.

In Tibetan medicine, currant leaf tea is used to treat tuberculosis of the lymph glands, colds, general malaise, and diseases of the genitourinary system.


Studying the benefits, we must not forget about the possible harm of tea from currant leaves. Even if it comes down to just individual intolerance. If it is not known whether there is an allergy to currants, it is worth starting with very small portions to make sure that it is not.

Also, do not abuse this drink, although side effects from this have not yet been identified. However, currant tea is a medicinal drink, which means that it is worth observing the measure.

  • hepatitis;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • increased acidity.

You should also carefully take such tea during pregnancy, without abusing it. Also, during this period, you should not brew currant tea with raspberry leaves - you can’t take it until 37 weeks, so as not to provoke a miscarriage or premature birth. The very same tea from currant leaves, in reasonable quantities, will help a pregnant woman cope with toxicosis, insomnia, strengthen the immune system and the walls of the uterus.

cooking recipes

By learning how to make blackcurrant leaf tea, you can have one of your favorite drinks in your collection. It is easy to prepare, the taste is pleasant, and the aroma is reminiscent of summer. For making tea, you can use both fresh, only plucked leaves, or dried or frozen. If desired, they can be chopped or brewed whole - this does not affect the taste.

For tea, you need to choose the healthiest and freshest leaves, rich green color.

Fresh leaves are best harvested in the spring, when the currant begins to bloom. If the moment is missed - you can get raw materials for tea later - in June. Collect them in dry weather, waiting until the morning dew leaves the leaves. It is important to choose intact, healthy leaves that have a rich green color.

Basic - classic - recipe

In the simplest version of making tea, you just need to pour 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves with boiling water. The drink is infused for about a quarter of an hour, then filtered and drunk. If there is a habit of sweet teas, then you can add a spoonful of sugar to it, or better - honey.

Berries and currant sprigs can be added to this tea. After brewing, it is better to knead the berries with a spoon so that they give the maximum of their capabilities to tea. Berries and shoots will enhance the healing effect, improve the taste and aroma of the drink.

You can also combine currant leaves with the usual black or green tea. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of tea leaves and 2 tablespoons of chopped currants (fresh or dried).

Fresh leaves are thoroughly washed. Then they are crushed and placed together with tea in a teapot. The mixture is poured with boiling water and infused for 15 minutes.

tea for colds

This recipe is well suited for the autumn-winter period, when it is especially important to strengthen the immune system. The resulting infusion is recommended to be supplemented with honey to enhance its antiviral effect.

Leaf tea can be supplemented with dried or fresh berries

To make tea, you need one teaspoon of raspberry and currant leaves. They are poured with a glass of hot water and infused for about 15-20 minutes.

Mint currant tea

The combination of currant leaves with mint gives the tea a calming effect. This drink eliminates sleep problems, cleanses the body. And in addition, it has all the above useful properties of currant leaves.

Required components:

  • currant leaves;
  • mint;
  • Melissa;
  • Black tea.

All components are mixed in a ratio of 2:1:1:0.5. It is very convenient to prepare the mixture in advance, and then brew it as needed at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the collection per glass of hot water. Tea with currants and mint is also infused for about a quarter of an hour.

Vitamin collection

Another useful source of vitamins can be obtained by combining one part of raspberry and strawberry leaves with two parts of currant leaves. Fresh leaves are washed in cool water, placed in a teapot and poured with hot water (about 0.5 l). This drink is also infused for about 15 minutes, after which it is drunk with honey.

Currant leaf tea offers complete freedom of action in the choice of additives - you can combine currant with blackberry leaves, jasmine flowers, apples, leaves, fruits and flowers of any other fruit trees or shrubs, each time getting a new drink. Which at the same time will be equally useful and tasty!

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People have known about the benefits of such a berry bush crop as currant for a long time. Our ancestors respected this plant very much, they ate fresh currant berries, made jam from them, baked pies with them. And quite widely used a decoction of currant leaves. However, today not everyone knows what the benefits and harms of tea from currant leaves are, they do not know how to brew and use it correctly. After all, if taken incorrectly, even such a healthy drink may not go to the body for the future.

What is useful tea with currant leaves?

The beneficial properties of currant leaf tea are due to the high content of biologically active compounds in all parts of the plant. As in berries, a significant amount of ascorbic acid accumulates in the leaves, phytoncides, organic acids, dietary fiber, macro- and microelements, which are in an easily digestible form, are also presented here. When preparing a drink, they pass into a liquid in a large volume, so a person will be able to extract from such a decoction the maximum natural benefit of the plant itself.

Why blackcurrant leaf tea is useful is a topical issue both for inveterate tea lovers and for those who lead a healthy lifestyle and are interested in herbal medicine, preferring to be treated with folk, natural remedies. Firstly, such a drink is excellent for hypertensive patients, since it effectively reduces pressure. Secondly, it has an antimicrobial and antiviral effect, so it should be used as a prophylactic during colds. Thirdly, it has a positive effect on the tone of the body, strengthens the immune system. A decoction of currant leaves is a natural energy drink, it is very useful to drink it in the morning and during the working day, if you have to work actively and experience great physical and intellectual stress.

In addition, the benefits of currant leaf tea are also manifested in the following:

  • it reduces the risk of oncology;
  • reduces the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease in old age;
  • helps lower blood sugar levels, is indicated for diabetics;
  • beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal cycle;
  • maintains visual acuity;
  • helps to recover faster in the rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • removes excess fluid from the body.

A decoction of currant leaves is also used externally - for the treatment of various skin ailments, lotions and compresses are made with it.

What harm can be from tea with currant leaves?

Like any other herbal product, currant leaf tea can cause allergies, so people prone to this disease should be careful. Everyone else is advised to drink no more than 5 cups of decoction per day, as it can cause intense urination and dehydration, as well as exacerbate chronic kidney disease. The drink is absolutely contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers, hepatitis, thrombophlebitis.

How to properly brew blackcurrant leaf tea for maximum benefits?

Currant leaves can be brewed fresh and dried, without any additives, or together with raspberry leaves, cherries, herbs and the usual types of tea, black and green. Only raw materials untouched by diseases and withering are suitable for food. The best addition to the drink would be honey or stevia-based sweeteners. If you brew tea only from currant leaves, then you need to infuse it in a thermos for at least two hours, if you add herbal tea to regular tea leaves, then you can infuse the drink for only 15-20 minutes.