Fennel use for newborns: tea and instructions for use. The chemical composition of the fruits, seeds, root of this plant

Fennel is very good at helping with digestive problems, for example, with spastic colitis, flatulence, gastritis, intestinal colic, dyspepsia. This herb helps to relax the muscles of the intestinal tract, thereby helping to relieve spasms in the intestines. To get rid of these disorders, you need to drink an infusion made from one or two small spoons of fennel seeds, brewed with one glass of boiling water. And prepared from five grams of dry seeds, brewed with a mug of boiling water, the enema will help your child get rid of colic and gas in the tummy.

Fennel is quite often used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If you have the flu, you need to make an infusion of five grams of fennel seeds per cup of boiling water. The infusion made from fennel will help clear mucus from your airways. If you use a lower dosage, it will be a good preventive measure against colds and flu. And if you combine fennel with any other drugs (with mint, anise, coltsfoot and others), then fennel acts as an expectorant for dry bronchitis and upper respiratory tract disease.

For a long time in folk medicine, fennel has been used to increase the flow of milk in a nursing mother and to normalize the menstrual cycle. Thanks to most of the studies conducted, it has been proven to have an estrogenic effect, that is, it acts in a similar way to the female sex hormone. It is thanks to this that the female cycle and lactation are regulated during the treatment with this plant. Moreover, if a nursing mother does not have enough milk, then she is recommended to drink three to four glasses of fennel tea a day (you can make tea by brewing one or two small tablespoons of fennel seeds in a mug of boiling water). This tea also helps to relieve menopause. But for pregnant women, the use of this tea in large quantities is not recommended.

In the earliest times, there were people who believed that fennel could cure blindness in humans. This is certainly a clear exaggeration, but still it makes sense, because it is good to rinse sore and dry eyes with fennel tea lotions. Very often, the need for such lotions arises when being in dry and hot countries, when a person is in the sun for a very long time. And even after a long stay in sea water, the eyes are inflamed, then there is a burning sensation and dryness in the eyes. Here is fennel tea that will help relieve these painful symptoms. Therefore, when going on vacation or a business trip to hot countries, do not forget to take a bag of dry fennel with you, it will save you from illness.

Quite often, fennel is used with difficulty urinating, with kidney disease, with sand in the kidneys, with an infection of the genitourinary system. At the same time, coriander goes well with fennel as a mild antibacterial and diuretic.

Fennel has a calming effect on the central nervous system and can help eliminate feelings of fear and nervousness. For these symptoms, it is advisable to chew fennel seeds or drink tea from them.

Fennel tea for newborns.

Even in ancient Greece, they talked about the beneficial properties of this plant. By the way, fennel got its second name (marathon plant) from the Greeks. Since that time, fennel is considered to be a plant of success. If you make tea with this plant, then such a drink will only help strengthen the child's nervous system, the immune system. Incidentally, the tea made with fennel is delicious. Well, besides good taste, it has good medicinal properties. One of these properties is the fight against intestinal colic and gas formation - these two phenomena most often excite infants from their very birth. Fennel tea contains natural and natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. These components normalize the digestive processes, and they also help to reduce the increased formation of gas and colic in the intestinal region.

Baby fennel tea is often formulated with the prebiotic inulin, which helps keep the newborn baby's bowels healthy. If you give this tea to a newborn child, the parents thereby kill several birds with one stone, in addition to normalizing the gastrointestinal tract, the formation of the child's skeletal system is normalized, because thanks to fennel and the tea in which it is contained, calcium is well absorbed. And this tea also contains a lot of vitamin C, and there is not a drop of sugar, as well as various dyes, preservatives and other flavors. Such tea is allowed for children to drink from the fourth month of a child's life.

Fennel for weight loss.

Fennel seeds are recommended to be chewed in the event that you need to suppress hunger, in addition, its seeds have a slight diuretic effect. And thanks to this, excess fluid is quickly excreted from the body. Fennel has a pleasant and sweet aroma, and this helps to calm the nervous system, reduce the likelihood of a stressful situation, help to relax, and this plays an important role in adherence to diets, which in themselves are already a great stress for the body.

It will be enough to drink fennel tea during the diet, for the preparation of which you need to crush twenty grams of fennel seeds and pour them two hundred and fifty grams of boiling water. We put it all on fire and let it boil for four to five minutes. After that, remove the tea from the heat and let it brew for thirty minutes. In addition to this tea, you can add fennel seeds to various culinary dishes.

And there is also such a dietary dish that you can cook on your own. We take the fennel root, cut it into slices and fill the resulting mass with lemon juice and olive oil. Thus, you get a low-calorie and dietary salad.

Fennel is a contraindication.

Due to its positive properties, fennel has practically no contraindications. The only thing to remember is that there is an individual intolerance to foods, and you should not use this plant in large quantities for people with epilepsy, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Fennel tea is a herbal drink. It is an excellent remedy for bloating, gastrointestinal disorders, excess gas, as well as colds and other illnesses. It works as an immune stimulant and improves digestion. Let's figure out how to use it correctly and what useful qualities the plant has.

This plant is a close relative of dill, which is widely consumed in our country. Fennel is not so common, is there any reason for this? In Asia and Egypt, the herbal drink was used for snake and insect bites, maybe it is even more useful than dill itself?

The herb contains essential oils with a pleasant light smell, close to the smell of anise, with sweet tones. As a healing agent, the herb was used in ancient Greece. There it was used for stomach and intestinal problems, and not just as a tasty addition to the diet.

Pros of using

Fennel tea has many qualities; beneficial properties are undoubtedly more often used for problems with digestive function and other gastrointestinal problems. But the use of tea will also be beneficial for such diseases:

  • Dyspepsia syndrome.
  • Flatulence (bloating, increased flatulence in the intestines).
  • With diabetes.
  • Heartburn.
  • For weight loss while losing weight.

Fennel tea, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we are studying today, really stimulates digestion. The tool improves the secretion of juice in the stomach. It also has a positive effect on liver function, protects it from negative factors.

With regular use of the drink, metabolic processes improve, which helps with weight loss. Experts recommend drinking it to burn belly fat. It is advised to drink 350-400 milliliters of the drink 2 times a day.

Fennel tea is also beneficial for relieving stomach pain from flatulence. It lowers blood sugar well, which is beneficial for diabetics. But don't drink it if you are already taking blood sugar medications.

Little secrets for making a drink:

  • Add black pepper or caraway seeds to the drink, it will double the effect of fennel.
  • For flavor, you can add lemon juice or a little honey to the tea.

For mothers and children

For newborn babies, fennel tea is given for colic, bloating, as well as adult. Only here you need to know how much is allowed and will not harm the child. The remedy relieves colic quite quickly, already for 15-20 minutes the baby will not feel pain.

For babies, the amount of liquid is limited to 5 milliliters per day. Breastfeeding mothers should also drink tea carefully, no more than two cups a day. Since the substances contained in the drink can be passed on to the child along with milk.

On the other hand, the drink stimulates lactation, it can be used if your milk begins to disappear. To increase the effect, fennel is mixed with caraway seeds.

Cooking method

This recipe was prepared a hundred years ago, until today the traditions have not changed:

  • Grind a teaspoon of seeds in a mortar or blender.
  • Fill with a glass of boiling water.
  • Cover and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
  • Strain through a sieve and add a little hot water.

How much to drink and who is not allowed

For adolescents, the consumption rate will be from 25 to 50 milliliters twice a day. For the elderly, you should not drink more than 100 milliliters per day. Exaggerating these norms can provoke problems with different organs.

Individual intolerance or allergies can become an obstacle to the use of fennel. If you are allergic to carrots or cumin, then most likely you will not be able to use this plant either. Allergic reactions can be different: vomiting, itching, skin rash and irritation.

Studying reviews on women's forums, you can find comments that drinking increased breast size during pregnancy. Men talk about a decrease in masculine strength, but there are also opposite reviews. It's still not scientifically proven, so listen to yourself. Consuming fennel tea, the benefits and harms will be unequal, there are much more advantages from drinking than disadvantages. Enjoy the gifts of nature.

The familiar dill is considered a distant relative of fennel. Both types of plants can be attributed to the same umbelliferous (or celery) family. For a long time, people have taken advantage of the healing properties of fennel. Since the days of Ancient Greece, the use of this plant for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the digestive system has been known.

The healing properties of fennel and its beneficial effects on the digestive system have been known since the days of Ancient Greece.

After birth, no child is immune from problems with the digestive system. The baby is getting used to living in a new world, his organs are not yet perfect, the accumulation of gas in a small tummy leads to the appearance of often very painful colic. The baby cries loudly, pulls her legs to her tummy, it is difficult to calm him down at such moments. In the fight against children's colic, mothers have long used a natural and completely safe product for the child's body - fennel.

Fennel, in combination with other methods and means, will help normalize the child's digestive system.

Perhaps this plant will not contribute to the faster formation of the baby's digestive system, but in combination with a massage done by kind mother's hands, fennel will help the child calm down and forget about what recently bothered him so much.

Healing properties

This amazing plant is rich in various vitamins, healing essential oil, minerals valuable for the body. The plant's healing properties are associated with its ability to reduce the amount of accumulated gases in the intestinal tract.

Fennel tea is often used to relieve symptoms of intestinal colic and bloating in toddlers.

The benefits of the plant

The benefits of fennel for newborns explains the frequent use of this plant to alleviate problems associated with the functioning of the digestive tract of the baby. But it turns out that fennel has a beneficial effect on the work of other systems of a small organism.

This plant improves the digestion of food and reduces the formation of gas in the intestines.

Fennel for newborns is used to:

  • improving food digestion;
  • elimination of too strong gas formation and colic;
  • removal of possible spasms of intestinal smooth muscles;
  • improving metabolic processes in the body;
  • enhancing the baby's immunity;
  • relieving stress of the body as a whole;
  • providing a positive effect on the nervous system of the newborn.


Like any medicinal plant, fennel has contraindications that should be considered when using it.

  • Children's fennel tea is contraindicated when allergic reactions appear on the body of a newborn.
  • It is strongly discouraged to use fennel tea if the child has epilepsy.

In order to make sure that this medicinal plant does not cause an allergic reaction in infants, it is important to give him a small dose of tea. To begin with, no more than one teaspoon is given.

If itchy rashes and redness do not appear on the baby's skin, the child is cheerful, cheerful and active, then the dose of tea can be gradually increased to 3 teaspoons a day, about one before each feeding.

In rare cases, fennel tea can cause an allergic reaction in a child.

How to make tea

All parts of fennel have healing properties. Man uses the fruits, roots, seeds, leaves of this wonderful healer. Children's fennel tea can be made from both fresh and dried herbs. The crushed fruit is also good for making a healing drink. If there are seeds available, then they must be thoroughly crushed, and then, rich in essential oils, brewed in boiling water, they will definitely help the baby get rid of the unpleasant pains in the tummy that torment him.

To relieve a baby of colic, you need to know how fennel is brewed for a newborn.

There are several ways to brew this plant.

Freshly harvested fennel tea

This tea for newborns is made from freshly picked fruits. Fennel fruits are thoroughly washed under running water and finely chopped with a knife. A small amount of crushed fruits is needed: one teaspoon per 240 ml of boiled water. You should not prepare a drink for future use. Fresh fennel fruits are brewed as needed. The tea should be infused for about half an hour. Then it is important to strain the resulting drink. It is not recommended to give too much tea to the baby at one time. The maximum amount per dose is 15 ml.

Fresh fennel tea can be given to a child in an amount not exceeding 15 mg.

Leaf tea

Take one tablespoon of dry or fresh crushed leaves of the plant and pour 240 ml of boiled water. Insist the resulting mixture for half an hour. The tea drink is filtered and cooled to a comfortable temperature for babies. Fennel tea for newborns can be added to powdered infant formula or to breast milk after expressing. The daily norm of such tea for children cannot exceed 50 ml.

An infusion of the leaves of this plant can be added to your baby's formula or expressed breast milk.

Seed infusion

To prepare fennel for newborns, you need to take a small amount of seeds (about a teaspoon) and grind or chop thoroughly with a knife. Then the seeds are poured with 240 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused for 30 minutes. It is important to strain the infusion well and let it cool. The resulting fennel drink is given to the baby with every feeding. Typically, fennel tea has a positive effect on the health of a little person and is also liked by babies.

Fennel seed infusion promotes good digestion and is therefore recommended before meals.

Root decoction

To obtain a decoction from the roots of fennel, the roots are taken in a small volume, about 5 g, then finely chopped. One glass of boiled water is poured into a container with crushed roots. The mixture is heated at a low temperature for a few minutes, after which it is important to keep it in a saucepan under the lid for 15 minutes. The resulting product must be filtered, cooled. After that, it is ready to eat.

Fennel root has a very good effect on the digestive processes in the child's body.

Dill water

The so-called dill water is very helpful in relieving the baby from painful colic in the intestines. Taking into account its name, you might think that such water is infused with dill juice or oil. In fact, the liquid is based on the essential oil of the fennel plant. When using it, it is important not to confuse the dosage of the drug. Therefore, it is better to buy it in a ready-made form at the pharmacy. After use, this drug is stored in the refrigerator for one month.


It must be remembered that teas made from fennel and decoctions from this plant are given to the child only freshly prepared. If the drink remains after use, a nursing mother can drink it. Through breast milk, fennel will enter the baby's gastrointestinal tract and help reduce tummy irritation.

29 03.16

Yesterday evening, Roma and I were walking around the square and found a box with fennel (still packed), apparently someone dropped it, carrying a full package from the store. I understood - this is a sign, it's time to write about this wonderful drink.

The best medicine for all kinds of diseases is prevention. For this purpose, it is best to use traditional medicines, one of which is fennel tea.


Fennel is one of the oldest medicines with pronounced healing properties. The funds based on it are:

  • Antispasmodics
  • Diuretics
  • Expectorants
  • Disinfectants,
  • Promote increased lactation,
  • They have a mild laxative effect.
  • Antimicrobial and antifungal,
  • Increase the secretion of the digestive glands,
  • Improves digestion.

Easy to handle

This drink is good for children from birth when they have gas and bloating, and it also helps with intestinal colic. Fennel tea normalizes all digestive processes, relieves spasm from the intestinal muscles.

If the child has constipation, then an enema with fennel decoction will quickly solve this problem. With flatulence, tea can be enhanced with caraway seeds.

Very often in pharmacies you can find tea for newborns, which is called dill water, since fennel belongs to the same umbrella family as dill.

There are also various modern names for this drink, but regardless of the name, they all have similar instructions for use.

For adults, indications for the use of fennel-based products are gastritis, dyspepsia, spastic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, nervous agitation, etc.

The drink has the ability to increase lactation, so it will be very useful for nursing women.

Thus, the benefits for our body from drinking fennel tea can hardly be overestimated.

How to brew

Making fennel tea is easy. A couple of tablespoons of seeds are poured with a quarter liter of boiling water and kept for one hour. The resulting drink has a pleasant smell and taste, so adults and children drink it with great pleasure.

It should be noted that to prepare a decoction for babies, it is recommended to pre-wash the seeds and cook them in a clean, boiled container.

When applied to the eye area, tea lotions are applied for 10 minutes.

Recipe for slimness

It is necessary to crush 20 grams of raw materials, pour boiling water (200 ml) and boil for about 5 minutes, then insist half an hour and the drink is ready for use.

Weight loss occurs due to a mild diuretic effect and a decrease in hunger, and a mild laxative effect helps prevent constipation.

You need to use it within reasonable limits, in courses. It should be remembered that these recipes are only suitable as a supplement to physical activity and a balanced diet.


This drink has a minimum list of contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance,
  • Epilepsy,
  • During pregnancy and lactation, it is necessary to consult a specialist
  • If the heart rhythm is disturbed, use caution
  • In case of an overdose, bleeding, indigestion and stool disturbances may occur.

Fennel is a useful plant that allows us to fight various ailments. Funds based on it can be prepared independently or purchased ready-made in a pharmacy.

Until next time, your Evgenia Shestal


Greetings, everyone on mine. Today I will tell you about fennel tea.

Fennel - even the ancient Greeks noticed and used the properties of a wonderful herb in relieving a variety of ailments. By the way, its second name - "marathon plant" - it owes exactly to the Greeks. Since then, fennel has remained a plant of success.

The ancient Saxons included fennel in the list of nine sacred herbs that eliminate the nine root causes of disease. Among the people, the herb is also called pharmaceutical dill and is used for a variety of purposes. Most often it is used in the form of a tea broth.

A bit of history

A kind of "ode" to fennel tea was written and published in Prague back in 1563 by PA Matiol, the court physician of Ferdinand the first. The treatise was called "The Power and Action of Fennel."

In his work, he cited all the healing properties of the plant known at that time, which are still recognized today and are used in scientific medicine, homeopathy and very widely in folk medicine.

If we shift the work into modern language, we get the following:

fennel helps with eye inflammation, nervous anxiety, bloating, indigestion, and insufficient lactation. Fennel tea is especially good for coughs, asthma and whooping cough, lung diseases and headaches.

Let's take a closer look at where and what application of this wonderful plant will be irreplaceable.

Fennel tea for newborns.

A drink for a child, first of all, should taste good, otherwise the child will simply refuse to drink it. Tea made from fennel will appeal to all children, without exception, it is very tasty

In addition, its use will perfectly strengthen the child's immune and nervous systems, eliminate a very unpleasant and frequent phenomenon in infants from the first days of life - the formation of gas and intestinal colic.

Natural natural ingredients that make up the tea bring all digestive processes back to normal. The intestinal musculature relaxes, the spasms go away.

In pharmacies, special children's fennel tea is now sold to help parents of newborns. It contains the prebiotic inulin to normalize the bowel function.

The drink contains no sugar, preservatives or dyes at all. But it contains a lot of useful and necessary vitamin C. If the baby is more than three months old, this tea can be given.

In addition to normalizing the processes in the gastrointestinal tract, tea contributes to the fact that calcium is absorbed by the body well, therefore, the skeletal system of a small person is formed correctly.

As for adults, the infusion is also good for any digestive problems: gastritis, dyspepsia, spastic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome. It has a mild laxative effect.

Pour boiling water over one to two teaspoons of fennel seeds with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew, the tea is ready.

Fennel for weight loss.

We decided to get rid of extra pounds, and fennel will help in this matter.

Chewing on fresh or dry plant seeds will greatly decrease your appetite. In addition, the seeds will remove excess fluid from the body.

Fennel strengthens, improves the functioning of the liver and pancreas, helps to process fats and sugars.

It is no secret that diet is stressful for any organism, therefore it is important to maintain peace of mind during such a period.

Possessing a sweet-spicy pleasant aroma, fennel tea helps to relax the nervous system and calm it down. And this is already half the success in the fight against weight.

If losing weight is not part of your plans, but it does not hurt to relieve nervousness, you can safely brew yourself fennel tea.

It's easy to prepare. All you need to do is crush about twenty grams of seeds, pour a glass of boiling water over them, put them on the fire and let them boil for four to five minutes. We remove from heat, insist for half an hour, and then drink, lose weight, calm down.

Fennel eye tea.

Centuries ago, people sacredly believed in the ability of fennel to heal blindness. Perhaps such miracles have happened, but we do not know about it.

Fennel tea lotions are good for washing dry and inflamed eyes, with conjunctivitis. During holidays in countries where the sun is especially active, when you have to be under its rays and in salty sea water for a long time, tea lotions will come in handy.

The burning sensation and all painful symptoms will go away. Infusion sometimes cleanses the skin from fungal infections. Therefore, collecting your luggage for the trip, do not be lazy, grab a bag of dry fennel in your suitcase, it will help you out more than once.

It will be enough to pour a tablespoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water, let them cool and rinse them with eyes, or apply cotton swabs for five to ten minutes.

Fennel for Women's Health.

Traditional medicine has used fennel infusions since time immemorial to normalize a woman's cycle and increase milk flow in a nursing mother. "Is it really this too?" - you ask. Imagine yes!

Numerous studies have confirmed these properties of the plant. The thing is that it acts like female sex hormones - estrogens, thanks to which, during the use of fennel infusion, lactation and the female cycle are regulated.

Fennel tea is made by steeping one or two small tablespoons of seeds in a glass of boiling water. With insufficient milk production, a woman is recommended to drink three to four glasses.

During menopause in women, which, as you know, is also associated with hormones, the drink will facilitate the flow of not the most pleasant period in a woman's life.

The infusion can be consumed with sediment. Although there is an opinion that fennel eliminates toxicosis during pregnancy, nevertheless, you should refuse to drink this tea, or drink it in moderation, within reasonable limits.

We banish flu, colds, coughs.

Upper respiratory tract diseases can also be treated with fennel. The property of infusion to clear the respiratory tract from mucus is used quite often.

The flu caught by surprise, tortured by a cough - prepare tea from five grams of pounded seeds in a glass of boiling water, let it brew for about ten minutes, covered with a lid, strain and be treated for health.

Smaller dosages of the drink will serve as an excellent prevention of any colds and flu. It is enough to drink only fifty milliliters a day to always stay in the ranks. They can also gargle with pain and hoarseness. The antimicrobial properties of the plant are on the list of its advantages.

The combination of fennel with coltsfoot, anise is a powerful expectorant, indispensable for dry bronchitis and pneumonia.

Sand, gallbladder - all this is a continuation of the list of ailments subject to fennel.