How to make sushi rice correctly. How to cook sushi rice at home

17.04.2019 Healthy eating

More recently, rolls were considered exotic in our country. Now they can be bought literally at every step. Moreover, you can make just one call and after a while ready-made sushi will be brought directly to your home. And, looking at these works of Japanese cuisine, somehow few people think that rolls are not at all difficult to cook on their own at home.


  • Rice (not steamed) - 1 glass
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 piece
  • Nori sheets - 5-7 pieces
  • Red fish (lightly salted) - 200 grams
  • Processed curd cheese - 100 grams (1 jar)
  • Sesame
  • Rice vinegar - 2 tbsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • How to cook rice for rolls at home

    1. Everything is very simple, the main thing is to follow the cooking technology. Pour 1 cup of rice with 1.5 cups of cool water, cover the pan with a lid and bring to a boil. Immediately after boiling, (try to open the lid as little as possible, do not stir!) Reduce the heat to a medium level (closer to the minimum), cook for 5 minutes. Then reduce heat to low and leave for another 12 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, do not open the lid for 15 minutes. Rice for rolls is ready. It will not boil over, will not burn and will be quite sticky.

    ... Next, you need to fill the rice with a special filling. Pour 1 tbsp into a mug. l rice vinegar.

    3 ... Add 1 tsp sugar + half a teaspoon of salt. Stir until dissolved.

    ... Now pour the rice with a thin construction and mix it with the dressing. It may seem that this amount of fill is not enough, it is not.

    How to make homemade rolls, option number 1

    ... The mat can be wrapped cling film, since in this version of making homemade rolls, the rice on the outer layer and can get stuck between the twigs of the bamboo mat. If there is no mat, use a regular kitchen towel, also wrapped in cling film.

    ... Place the nori sheet on the mat with the smooth, shiny side down. Depending on the size of the desired rolls, you can cut the sheet in half.

    ... We distribute the rice in a thin layer over the rough surface of the leaf, leaving a free edge of 1-1.5 cm. To prevent the rice from sticking strongly to our hands, moisten our fingers with rice vinegar.

    ... Then carefully grab the nori leaf by the edges in the place where there is no rice and turn it over so that the smooth side of the algae is on top and the rice is on the bottom.

    ... We spread a thin strip fresh cucumber... You don't need to peel or remove seeds from dense cucumbers. Simply cut the cucumber into long strips as it is.

    ... Then we spread cottage cheese (replacing Philadelphia cheese) with a strip next to a cucumber.

    ... On the other side of the cucumber, lay out a strip of red fish.

    ... We twist the rolls, start from the edge where there is no rice. Gradually, lifting the mat, we roll the nori sheet with the filling into a tight roll. You can give the shape round or square as you wish.

    ... Roll in sesame seeds. Cut into 6-8 pieces. It is important to cut the rolls beautifully, the knife must be very sharp. You can also pre-lubricate the blade with rice vinegar.

    Rolls at home, option number 2

    ... Spread out the nori sheet with the smooth side down. Spread the rice by soaking your fingers in the rice vinegar. We leave the free edge of the sheet. On top, at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge of the rice, lay out the cucumber and fish strips.

    ... We turn off the roll.

    ... Cover the top with cream cheese.

    ... Then roll in sesame seeds. Cut into 6-8 pieces with a sharp knife.

    Delicious homemade rolls are ready

    Enjoy your meal!

    What rolls are made of

    In Japan, making rolls has long been elevated to the rank of art. Every little thing is taken into account here. But the real masters are especially anxious about the choice of products. They should not only be fresh, but also complement each other well, creating a real harmony of taste in the mouth. So before you start making your own rolls, you need to choose the right ingredients.


    Not every type of rice is suitable for making rolls. In order not to bother too much, you can simply purchase special varieties of Japanese rice. Now they are sold in a specialized department of almost any chain store. Of course, such a product is not very cheap.

    In fact, it is suitable for rolls and regular rice, which is much cheaper than the special one. The main thing is that the rice should be moderately sticky, but at the same time not boiled too much. therefore the best option is the purchase of round-grain varieties, and the best of them is the usual Krasnodar round rice... What you really shouldn't do is buy clear and parboiled rice.


    What our stores have no problem with is wasabi. True, in our country you can buy only a cheap imitation of this seasoning. Real wasabi, even in their homeland, not every Japanese can afford. The main ingredients of the imitation are horseradish and mustard, flavored with a few more ingredients. This is certainly not exactly wasabi, but it tastes very much like it.

    Immediately advice: it is better to buy a seasoning in powder. This wasabi just needs to be diluted with water and the seasoning is ready. Ready-made wasabi in tubes can also be used for rolls, but the likelihood of containing various not very useful preservatives in them is much higher.

    Rice vinegar

    To make the rolls tasty, do not skimp on vinegar. For this dish it is best to take Japanese rice vinegar, the so-called sous. Unlike our sour and enough hot vinegar, sous has a pleasant, slightly sweetish aftertaste. Plus it's not sharp at all.


    An integral ingredient for rolls are algae sheets or, in other words, nori. They are sold as large, dark sheets. Their size is different, but the most optimal width of such a sheet is 20 cm or so.

    Ginger and soy sauce

    Rolls, of course, can be made without these two ingredients, but serving them to the table without pickled ginger (gary) and soy sauce is somehow wrong.

    As a rule, rolls are eaten dipped in soy sauce. By and large, there is not much difference which of the varieties of sauces to buy. The main thing is that it is a product of natural fermentation and that it is packaged in glass containers... In all other respects, you can completely rely on your taste.

    As for ginger, then there is nothing complicated either. You just need to ensure that the product is fresh. Yes, and one more nuance. Ginger comes in white and pink. Spicy food lovers are better off taking pink gingerand the rest is white. Although, in fact, the taste of ginger does not really matter. After all, it is eaten in order to remove taste sensations from the just eaten roll, before sending the next one into your mouth.

    Some subtleties

    There are some subtleties in the preparation of rolls. Professional craftsmen also have their own tricks. But at first, you can get by with the standard rules, especially since there are not very many of them.

    How to cook rice properly

    How to choose rice has already been written above. Now, some of the nuances of preparing and cooking cereals.

    Rinse the rice first. First, you just need to fill it with water and shake your hands a little to clean it of debris and husks. Even if the rice is clean, the water will still take on a milky white hue. This water must be drained, then again "shake" the croup with massaging movements, pour water over and repeat the whole operation. You need to do this 5-7 times. This will be quite enough for the water to remain clear after the procedure.

    Cook rice in a sufficiently deep saucepan. Water should be poured at the rate of 1 part of rice 1.5 parts of water. Grits should be cooked over low heat. When the rice has absorbed all the water, the rice must be removed from the heat and left to infuse under closed lid for about 15 minutes. Only after that the rice for the rolls can be considered ready.

    Filling and dressing for rolls

    Cooking rice is half the battle. It still needs to be refueled. For dressing, you need to mix salt, sugar and vinegar. In this case, the sous (rice vinegar) can be slightly warmed up, then the seasonings dissolve faster.

    Rice that has not yet cooled down should be put in a sufficiently wide container. Gently add the resulting dressing mixture in a thin stream over a wooden spatula into the rice, stirring constantly with the same spatula. Stir the rice, preferably with horizontal movements, so that each grain is saturated with the dressing mixture. Then the container must be covered paper towel and leave for a while.

    Now you can start filling. Most often, fish is used as such in rolls, which is cut into thin and long slices. If other products are to be used for the filling, then, as a rule, they also need to be cut into strips.

    How to fold rolls?

    The simplest homemade rolls are hoso-maki or thin rolls. Of course, to prepare them, you need to get a special bamboo mat - makisu.

    First you need to put the rug on the table and prepare a bowl with a mixture of water and vinegar to moisten your hands. Place half a nori sheet on the mat. Place with the rough side up. Put four tablespoons of rice on the seaweed. Spoons should be full - with a slide. With your hands soaked in water and vinegar, you need to distribute the rice over the surface of the nori sheet so that a free strip about 10 mm wide remains on top, and about 5 mm on the bottom. As a result, you should get a layer of rice with a thickness of about 7 mm.

    There is no point in talking about the layout of the filling. It is simply laid out in layers or paths in Fig. But then the most interesting thing begins - folding the roll. This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. First, align the bottom edge of the nori sheet with the edge of the rug. Holding the filling, raise the makisu and start folding the blank for rolls with forward and upward movements. When the roll is rolled up to the end, the edges of the rug should be slightly bent and roll the roll a little back and forth. There is no need to put pressure on him. After this procedure, the workpiece can be considered finished.

    How to cut the rolls?

    Cutting even rolls from a roll is also a kind of art. This is best done by following the traditions of Japanese rollers. First, moisten the knife with a mixture of water and vinegar. This kind of "lubrication" will allow the knife to go through the rice as if it were butter. The prepared roll must be cut first in the middle, and then each part must be divided into three or four equal rolls. That, in fact, is the whole trick.

    Popular roll recipes

    There are incredibly many types of rolls. there is simple recipes, there are complex, there are popular, and there are unfamiliar. In principle, you can make any at home. It is better to start with the simplest or, in extreme cases, popular varieties.

    Rolls shake maki

    Perhaps these are the most simple rollsthat even a child can cook in Japan. All they need is rice, nori and salmon prepared according to the recipe described above. Making sake maki is incredibly easy. To do this, put rice on half of the nori sheet in a layer 5-7 mm thick, stepping back from the edge about 1 cm. In this case, it is understood that not the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe algae sheet is filled with rice, but only half of it. In the middle of the rice layer, a "path" of salmon cut into oblong pieces is laid out. After that, the workpiece is rolled up and then cut into 8-16 rolls.

    By the way, according to the same principle, you can make rolls with shrimp or crab meat... The only caveat is that the peeled shrimp must first be fried in oil for 5 minutes, and then stewed with a little soy sauce (you can add a little sherry) until the liquid has completely evaporated.

    Rolls "Philadelphia"

    Cooking this type of rolls, of course, cannot do without rice, nori and rice vinegar. For the filling, you will need the following ingredients:

    • red fish;
    • cucumber;
    • cream cheese "Philadelphia" (you can take other similar cream cheese).

    There is no point in describing the preparation of rice in this case. This is discussed in sufficient detail in the previous sections.

    Put a nori sheet divided in half on a bamboo mat and put a thin layer of rice on it (about 4 tablespoons). Helping yourself with the mat, turn the nori rice down and place it back on the mat. Grease the shiny side of the algae leaf with Philadelphia cheese, and put thin slices of cucumber on it. After that, you need to roll up the roll in the above way.

    Put the blank of the roll on the edge of the rug, and in front of it put a layer of thinly sliced \u200b\u200bred fish. In width, it should correspond to the resulting roll, and in length it should be such as to cover the entire rice. Using the mat, wrap the roll blank with red fish and roll it lightly.

    It remains to cut the roll, first in half, and then each of the parts into 3 or 4 more parts. The Philadelphia rolls are ready.

    Rolls "California"

    The homeland of this type of roll is not Japan, but the United States. Basically, that's why they are called "California". To prepare them, you will need a lot additional components, in addition to rice, vinegar and algae leaves:

    • trout;
    • avocado;
    • cucumber;
    • curd cheese;
    • caviar flying fish (tobiko). If you couldn't find tobiko in the supermarket, then you can take cod or pollock caviar. True, such rolls will taste different from real California.

    The cooking technology of "California" is in many ways similar to that used when working with "Philadelphia". After all, both types of rolls are turned inside out, i.e. in finished products nori is not outside, but inside a mini roll.

    To begin with, rice is laid out on half a sheet of algae. A thin layer of caviar is placed on top of it. Now the nori sheet with the filling laid out should be turned over with the caviar down, and grease its smooth surface with a thin layer of cheese. Next, thin slices of avocado, cucumber and trout are laid out. After that, the workpiece can be folded into a roll, given a more square shape with a rug and cut into 6 or 8 rolls.

    These rolls can be slightly modified by using mayonnaise sauce (preferably Japanese) and crab meat instead of or with trout instead of cheese.

    Hot rolls "Tempura"

    Rolls can be served not only raw. Even in Japan, this dish is often fried or baked. Rice for such rolls is prepared in the same way as for all other varieties. And besides him and nori for Tempura you will need:

    • cream cheese;
    • salmon or lightly salted salmon;
    • cucumber;
    • flying fish roe;
    • egg;
    • tempura flour;
    • breadcrumbs.

    Put the rice on the nori and grease it liberally with cream cheese. Spread the flying fish roe evenly on top and lay the fish and cucumber cut into strips. Roll the workpiece into a roll.

    Now you need to prepare the batter by mixing the egg with tempura flour in a long rectangular container. You can buy the latter product, but you can also cook it yourself. To do this, you need to mix wheat and rice flour, starch, garlic powder, black pepper, and baking powder.

    The prepared roll should be dipped in batter, rolled in breadcrumbs and fried on all sides in a preheated pan vegetable oil... Only after that, cut the workpiece into 6 pieces and serve immediately.


    That's all. Of course, there are countless varieties and recipes of rolls in the world. But they are all done according to the principles that were described above. Well, you can experiment with fillings by adding those ingredients that you like best. Enjoy your meal!

    Video recipes

    “The history of sushi began 800 years ago in Osaka and Kyoto. People salted crucian carp in barrels along with rice, salt, vinegar, and then wrapped it in bamboo leaves and took it with them on the road. That is, sushi arose as a result of people's desire to preserve food for a long time.

    This dish has been constantly evolving. A hundred years ago, for example, of course, no one salted fish and rice in barrels, but the belly of tuna, one of the most popular ingredients for sushi today, was never used, it was believed that it was garbage. It only began to be used in the 1960s.

    Most Japanese families eat sushi every few months, usually in restaurants. We don't make sushi at home. Ask a Japanese housewife to show you how to properly prepare sushi - she probably won't be able to. Because sushi is restaurant food, like tempura, for example. Sushi is difficult and laborious to cook. For example, to cook correct rice, there are many nuances to consider.


    Round grain glutinous rice is used for sushi in Japan. It has more moisture and starch than other varieties such as Basmati. Most Popular Brands in Japan - Koshi Hikari, Akita Komachi and Hitomebore ... You can also buy them in Russia.

    A good analogue is Nishiki rice, which is produced in the USA. Some Russian restaurants use Kuban round grain rice. All these types of rice have a slightly different taste, but it is very difficult for me to describe such subtle nuances in words, just believe that the taste is different.

    The good news is that when you pour the dressing over the rice, it tastes about the same whatever rice you use. But the texture is a little more complicated.Boiled Japanese rice is not rubbery. It is firm on the outside and very soft on the inside. This is its uniqueness.

    The measure of good rice is considered to be the following: in a ball weighing 15 g there should be 186 rice grains, in a ball weighing 25 g - about 300 grains. Then the rice will be fluffy, soft, but firm. In American rice, this figure is much higher, although I will not give you an exact figure. That is, the grains themselves are smaller, 15 g of them fit more, but the texture rice ball it turns out harder, more massive, because there is less air between the grains. But I would not say that this is a dramatic moment. For example, we use both Japanese and American rice.

    There is one more secret. In Japan, a mixture of rice from last year's harvest and fresh rice is used for sushi. Young rice is softer and older rice is harder. To get something in between, we mix crops. Although for different types fish and seafood suitable different rice... For example, for white fish ( sea \u200b\u200bbass, halibut) need softer, younger rice. But these are already very subtle nuances.

    I will show you how to properly cook rice for sushi, using the example of American riceNishiki ... It has less broken grains, less whitish rice than Russian rice, although more than Japanese. Japanese is even rounder than this one. After cookingNishiki it turns out to be slightly long, while the Japanese is oval.


    Rice must first be rinsed to remove any remaining husk. The main mistake - wash the rice through a sieve under running water. This is not entirely correct, often a grain of rice breaks during this process. It is impossible to wash rice by hand, grabbing it in handfuls and squeezing it, for the same reason.

    The main thing is to maintain grain texture and integrity. It is necessary to collect some cool water, half the volume of rice, and, gently pressing on it with your palm, wipe in a circular motion clockwise. With such pressure, as you wipe the dust of the house from the shelves.


    Dust is removed with the first water. The water becomes whitish, cloudy, like milk, because starch partially comes out along with dust and husks.


    This water must be drained, and then a new one must be drawn. This procedure must be repeated 4–5 times until the water becomes almost transparent.


    Something like this. Then you need to put the rice on a sieve, put the sieve on a bowl to allow all the water to drain completely. We leave the rice for 10-15 minutes.


    After that, you need to pour the rice into the rice cooker and add water. Japanese rice should be poured with water for cooking in a ratio of one to one. The American and Russian need a little less water, about 1.9 liters of water per 2 kg.


    Then you need to add Japanese baking powder for rice, it is called "Miola", sold in many Asian stores in Moscow. It gives the rice airiness, lightness. The finished rice will not gag or flatten when you start sculpting it into balls. You need very little baking powder, literally 3–4 g for 2 kg of rice.


    Then we add 3–5 grams of dried kombu seaweed. Kombu is a natural flavor enhancer, the source of umami. If there is no umami - a dishaccording to japanese traditions will be tasteless. The nuance is this. Many people wash their komba under running water before using - and this is not necessary. Just wipe the surface with a damp cloth.


    If you cook rice in a rice cooker, then there is nothing to think about, she will do everything herself. Put the rice for 45 minutes and forget about it. Some of this time the rice will settle, some will boil. And then cooked rice it is necessary to leave for 15 minutes so that the grain is finally steamed and becomes airy inside, otherwise the rice will remain a little rubbery.

    If you do not have a rice cooker, then the sequence of actions is as follows. First, let the rice with water, baking powder and kombu sit for 10-15 minutes. Then put on high heat, bring to a boil, wait until water evaporates from the surface. As soon as it disappeared from the eyes and the rice appeared from under the water, turn down the heat and leave the rice to simmer for 20–30 minutes, then look when done. And then turn off the heat and leave the rice to stand for 10-15 minutes; why - I already said above.

    While the rice is cooking, prepare the sauce. As I already said, initially they began to add it to rice in order to keep it cooked for long term... The sauce is composed of mirin rice vinegar, sugar and salt. To dress 2 kg of rice, you will need 500 ml of mirin.


    Then we add 250 g of sugar and 75 g of salt. In general, sugar is not used in Japan, only salt and vinegar. Sugar in rice sauce is an American invention, they like richer and sweeter flavors. Sushi came to Russia from the USA, and Russians also like heavy and rich flavors, so we add sugar. But if you don't like sugar, then you can skip adding. The rice will turn out to be the same sticky texture, and the taste is sour and salty.


    All this must be heated over a fire, without bringing to a boil and stirring with a whisk until all loose ingredients are dissolved. This will take no more than 5 minutes.


    Then we add 15 g of dried kombu seaweed to the warm sauce (to enhance the taste, you can cut the seaweed itself with a herringbone). After that, let it brew - at least an hour. Usually restaurants make this sauce in a large number and stored directly with the algae. Some add lemon juice or yuzu to taste (or whole citrus fruits, half a lemon is needed for 500 ml of sauce), then the sauce will be sour.


    This is how the finished product should look like boiled rice... You need to fill it hot.


    Many people think that you can just plump the sauce in a saucepan and mix everything. This is not true. Refueling should be done in a wooden container with a wooden spatula. The wood absorbs excess moisture. If you knead in any other non-porous container, then the moisture will not go away, the rice will become too soft, boiled.

    The norm is 200-250 g of sauce per 1 kg of rice. Someone loves more rich taste and dense texture, some less. But pouring more than 250 g is not worth it, the rice will become very heavy and sticky, sticky.

    Pour the sauce evenly over the rice, for this we substitute a spatula, and from it the sauce is already pouring down.


    Remember how we washed the rice? With about the same movements, only with a spatula, it must be mixed.

    Avoid careless movements, do not turn the rice, just move it horizontally with a spatula. You also need to break the lumps with a spatula, if there are any: when the rice cools down, you will not break the lumps.

    When the sauce is absorbed on one side, let the rice rest for 5 minutes, gently turn it over with a spatula to the other side and repeat the process. Then let the rice stand again for 5 minutes and put it in a thermos or back to the pot.


    When the rice has cooled down, you can start sculpting the sushi. Correct temperature filing in Japan is calculated cleverly: it should be slightly higher than body temperature. But women have a slightly higher body temperature than men, so in Japan men are more often employed as sushi masters.


    For sushi you need to take 10–12 g of rice, roll into a ball, put a piece of fish (about 15 g) on \u200b\u200bthe rice and form a small sausage with your fingers. In Russia, cooks often press rice very hard, resulting in an overly dense ball. No, it must be airy.


    From land such a paradox. Rice should emphasize the taste of the fish, but not interrupt it. Although the main thing in sushi is still rice.

    Dip sushi in soy sauce with fish, not rice. This way you will not oversaturate the sushi with sauce, the excess will simply roll off the fish, and the rice will not fall apart. "

    Rolls are a traditional dish japanese food, which is gaining more and more popularity every day. They can be found in the menu of any restaurant, but alas, it is not always possible to visit such an establishment. When making rolls at home, the most difficult thing is correct preparation rice. It would seem that it is difficult to boil all of us familiar cereals? But in this matter there are many subtleties, which we will tell you about in this article.

    How to choose the right rice for rolls?

    How to cook rice for rolls and how to choose the right one? The choice of rice for this dish should be approached with special responsibility, because incorrectly selected rice is guaranteed to bring you less trouble. Today, all major supermarkets have specialized sections where you can find all the ingredients for the rolls, including the right rice. If you do not have the opportunity to visit such a department, then when choosing rice you just need to consider a few simple rules:

    • The rice should be round. This type of rice is distinguished by its stickiness, which makes it ideal for making everyone's favorite rolls. It easily takes any necessary form and at the same time retains it.
    • The bigger the better. Large rice will be easier to handle and ready dish it will look nicer and more noble.
    • Steamed and long rice - taboo. These rice varieties are great for pilaf or simple side dish, but certainly not for rolls. Their friability will not give you the opportunity to stick the rice together, making it impossible to further cook the rolls.

    Observing these simple rules, you can easily choose the right rice for the rolls. If you are not sure what to buy the right rice, then it is better to find a specialized department in the supermarket and buy rice there with the inscription “Rice for making rolls and sushi”. It is possible that its price will be higher than the price of regular rice, but you will be sure that you will not have any problems with cooking rice porridge.

    Now that we have learned how not to make a mistake when choosing rice, it's time to think about dressing with it. We show you how to make vinegar dressing for rice.

    How to prepare a vinegar dressing for rice?

    Vinegar dressing is an essential part of any rolls. It gives the rice a special sourness and gives it pleasant aroma, bringing the finishing touch to the preparation of this part of the dish. To prepare such a dressing (for 450 grams of rice) you will need:

    • Rice vinegar 2 tbsp l.,
    • 1 tsp Sahara,
    • 1 tsp salt.

    Pour vinegar into a small container and put it on fire. It is very important: the fire should be minimal so that our dressing does not boil. After that, add salt and sugar to the vinegar, stir gently to dissolve. Then remove the mixture from the heat, let it cool slightly and sprinkle the boiled rice with it. Remember to stir the rice very gently in order to maintain its integrity and not turn it into porridge.

    There is another recipe for making vinegar dressing. The number of ingredients remains the same, but one more component is added to the composition - algae. To prepare it you need:

    • Rice vinegar 2 tbsp l.,
    • 1 tsp salt,
    • 1 tsp Sahara,
    • Kombu seaweed (Nori) 3 gr.

    The process of making such a dressing is practically the same. We also put the vinegar on a low heat, add the rest of the ingredients and stir until the salt and sugar are dissolved. The difference is that before removing our dressing from the fire, it is necessary to remove the algae. They have already given the sauce everything it needs and are no longer needed. Now we wait for the sauce to cool down and add it to the rice. Now our rice is completely ready!

    How long does it take to cook rice for rolls?

    At this stage, patience is key. Before you start boiling rice, you need to prepare it. This is required in order for the rolls to be as tasty as possible. Rinse the cereal first. Pour over rice cold water, then drain it and repeat this procedure exactly 5 times, each time the water should become clearer. This removes the starch from the grinding from the rice.

    After that, pour the rice again with cold water in the ratio of 1 cup of rice to 2 cups of water and put on medium firecovering with a lid. At this stage, you can put some Nori seaweed in the pan to give the rice a special flavor, as the water boils, take out the seaweed. Then reduce the flame to low and let the rice simmer for 15 minutes. After the cereal has absorbed the water, remove the pan from the burner and leave it alone for 15 minutes: the steam will bring the cereal to readiness. After this time, the rice will be completely ready - it remains only to pour over it with the already prepared dressing and proceed to the next stages of cooking the rolls. The whole procedure for preparing rice for rolls, from rinsing to mixing with dressing, takes about 40-45 minutes.

    A little tip: after the water has boiled, do not remove the lid and stir the rice. This can cause the grains to lose their integrity, turning into porridge, and the lack of heat will make it soggy and tough.

    Recipes for making rice for sushi and rolls

    In addition to the above recipe for cooking rice, there is a wide variety of other variations that differ from each other in the time required for cooking. We will show you a few interesting recipes cooking rice for rolls.

    1) Fast way.

    This recipe is perfect for those who need to quickly make rolls. You will need:

    • A glass of round brown rice,
    • 2 glasses of water
    • 1 tsp salt,
    • 1 tsp Sahara,
    • 1 tsp lemon juice
    • 2 tbsp. l. rice vinegar.

    Rinse the rice under cold water. Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil, then pour in a glass of washed rice. Reduce the burner flame to a minimum and continue cooking the rice until it absorbs all the remaining water, after covering it with a lid.

    While the rice is cooking, prepare the dressing. Combine all the remaining ingredients in a small bowl and put on fire, as soon as everything dissolves, remove and saturate the cooked rice, then cover with a towel and leave for 15 minutes to fully cook.

    2) Traditional recipe for a multicooker.

    If you have enough time, effort and desire, then you should try to boil rice for rolls according to the traditional recipe.

    Everything is a little more complicated here. First, the rice must be sorted out, removing all the bad grains and excess debris. Then you should rinse it well: rub the grains on the bottom of the container in which you wash it in order to remove rice starch from the cereal as much as possible. Drain the cloudy water and add new water until the rice has given up all the excess starch. When the water becomes clear, pour the cereal with a new portion of cold water and set the pan aside for an hour.

    The first and most difficult part of the preparation is done. Now you can start cooking itself. Pour the rice into the multicooker container, fill it with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and turn it on in the “Rice” automatic mode. While the rice is cooking, use the recipe above to prepare a dressing for it, then pour it over the finished rice. Enjoy your meal!

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    Japanese food has won the hearts of the people. Each hostess strives to master Japanese cuisine. Sushi - classic dishwhere the main ingredient is fig. There are many methods on how to cook sushi rice.

    Let's figure out how to cook sushi rice at home. Everything you need to create sushi is in the store. Japanese is not sold in Russia. But vinegar for rice is sold. The alternative is round grain.

    Cereal characteristics:

    • grain to grain
    • without husk
    • white
    • no cracks, chips

    The choice in favor of round grain, since it contains a lot of starch. It induces the stickiness required for sushi. Better to check, weld a trial version first. Look at the stickiness of the cereal. On the grains themselves, they should not break, be whole and soft.

    Everything depends on rice. The main thing is to choose and cook it correctly. Calculation of cereals is simple, remember: 1 kg of dry cereal - 16-18 portions of a roll. One person eats 2.5 - 3.5 servings.

    How to cook rice for a roll. Sort out thoroughly, transfer to a ladle and pour warm water... Leave on for 2 minutes. See if husks have surfaced on the surface, remove. Drain, fill with clean water and repeat the procedure. Until the grain is clean and the water is clear. Pour into a colander, the remaining liquid is drained. After we soak in cold water... We leave for 20 minutes.

    Basic Rules:

    1. The cereal is boiled until full readiness
    2. Dressing, includes salt, sugar, rice vinegar
    3. The finished product is refueled in a deep saucepan

    Cooking in a slow cooker

    Multicooker the best way making porridge is a godsend for sushi lovers. Cooking rice in it is a pleasure. It turns out the way it should be. Do not have to suffer with fire, over time. They put it in, set the time, and that's it.

    In a slow cooker, the product is prepared according to the recipe: for two servings of sushi, take 300 g of cereal, measure it with a measuring cup. We wash our way. We put the cereal into a slow cooker, fill it with water to the mark. Select the "Rice / Groats" mode for 25 minutes and press the button. After finishing, we don't get the rice right away, we give time to reach full readiness - 20 minutes.

    Cooking in a saucepan

    How to cook sushi rice at home if there is no multicooker. Then only in a pot can you cook rice for sushi.

    Not everyone has a multicooker, someone does not like new technologies, so you can cook in an ordinary saucepan... There are a lot of methods of such cooking, we will give the most traditional ones.

    • We take a pan with a thick bottom. Pour 250 g of water into 200 g of cereal. We use a measuring container. For the smell, add a piece of nori, remove until boiling. Cover with a lid, put on medium heat, after boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum. Cooking time 10-15 minutes.
    • We take a container for cooking. We wash the cereal, put it in a saucepan and fill it with cold water in a ratio of 1: 2. So we leave for 30 minutes. Next, put on the largest fire, bring to a boil. Then we put on a small light, and cook for 10 minutes. Let it brew for 25 minutes.
    • The proportions of grain to water 1: 2. We fall asleep already in boiling water, turn down the fire, put the smallest one. Cook until fully cooked for 30 minutes. Next, turn off the stove. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
    • Rice groats are washed and dried on a towel. We spread the grain in a container and pour the liquid in a 1: 1 ratio. We put on minimum heat, cover with a lid. Before boiling, add the fire for 2-3 minutes, then we reduce it. We boil for 20 minutes, before turning off, add a light for 15 seconds and turn off the stove. Put a towel under the lid. Wait 15 minutes.

    Hulled rice


    1. Cereals - 600g
    2. Water - 600g
    3. Salt - 1 tsp
    4. Creamy vinegar 60g;
    5. Mirina - 1.5 tbsp. spoons

    We wash the dried grain, put it in a saucepan, add water and salt. Cook over low heat until cooked through. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Put the cooled cereal in a wooden container, watering classic vinegar for sushi. Mix with a wooden spatula so that the cereal does not crush. The Japanese say that in order for the rice to turn out to be really white, you need to fan it when it cools down. If we true connoisseur Japanese food then try it. The cereal is ready for sushi, but any rice needs to be seasoned with marinade to get a familiar taste

    How to make rice dressing

    Making a dressing is easy. Classic sauce for rice groats... Can be purchased or prepared. It is most delicious to cook it yourself, a dressing for rice, for sushi. Much depends on the sauce, what taste the rolls will have, what color. Therefore, we carefully prepare it, do not violate the proportions.


    • 450 g - boiled cereal
    • 2 tbsp. - tablespoons of vinegar
    • 1 teaspoon - salt
    • 1 teaspoon - granulated sugar

    We fill the container, mix the ingredients, cook over moderate heat until a homogeneous mass is obtained. For flavor, mix the dressing with algae. The taste and smell are amazing. Mix while still hot ingredients, let cool.

    It is better not to cook rice in advance. There are situations when it is necessary. But if this happens, then there are rules that you must follow, otherwise it will disappear. Then you will not prepare this delicacy.

    1. It cannot be refrigerated in a saucepan.
    2. Divide the cereal into portions
    3. Arrange in sachets
    4. Store in a cool place
    5. Term - 2 days

    For a festive event, you can make holiday rolls... Just dye the hulled rice in different colors. Take red creamy vinegar, put it in the dressing instead of regular vinegar... The color will be pinkish. Mix the finished cereal with seaweed, we get a gentle green tint. When cooking, add one spoonful of turmeric, the color will be bright yellow. Experiment. The main thing is not to violate the technology of cooking rice at home. Then there will be not only beautiful, but extraordinarily tasty.

    Note to the hostess

    1. Average cooking time of cereals 20 minutes
    2. All ingredients are mixed hot
    3. Use ready-made rice immediately, do not leave for later
    4. Do not stir while cooking
    5. Make rolls and sushi from cooled cereals
    6. Do not pour the cereal completely with sauce, so that it tastes slightly
    7. Don't leave him in open form for a long time, it will dry out

    Observing these non-tricky rules, you will succeed. Gradually you will learn how to cook them, learn the secrets oriental cuisine... You will surprise your family and friends with amazing dishes from Japanese cuisine. Homemade sushi is tastier than restaurant sushi, as it is prepared with love and soul. Believe in yourself!