How to cook rice. Which rice is suitable for different dishes

10.08.2019 Fish dishes

Rice is an extremely versatile cereal: you can serve it sweet, like Japanese desserts, mix it with hot sauces, or practically without spices. It can be either a main dish or a side dish for meat. It often happens that the hostess's rice comes out too viscous, boiled and soft, no matter how hard she tries. In this article, you will learn several methods on how to avoid such cooking of rice, as well as the secrets of the correct preparation of this cereal.

How to properly cook loose rice

If you want to get a grain to grain side dish, then you should choose long-grain and round rice varieties. Such rice absorbs too much water, gradually boiling. You don't need any special ingredients, everything is extremely simple:

  • Take a glass of rice.
  • Two glasses of clean water.
  • The pan should be with thick walls, like a cauldron.
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Put the water to a boil, only then start rinsing the rice. This algorithm is due to the fact that the contact of cereals with water should occur almost before cooking, otherwise the rice will have time to absorb excess water, which will lead to boiling.

Rinse the groats at least 8-10 times until the water becomes completely transparent. You can use a colander for this if its holes do not allow grains to pass through.

As soon as the water boils, add salt. Add other free-flowing spices if desired. It is necessary to send rice to the pan strictly in hot boiling water so that the cooking process begins immediately. The cooking temperature must be changed, namely:

  • Once you put the rice in the pot, the heat should be high to bring the water back to the boil as soon as possible.
  • Reduce the heat to minimum when the water is boiling.

Cover the saucepan and leave for 15-20 minutes. Just forget about her. When you open the lid. you will see crumbly cooked rice. Leave it to stand for another 15 minutes under a closed lid with the fire turned off, so that the remaining moisture is absorbed into the cereal.

How to properly cook rice in a slow cooker

Usually, for cooking good rice in a slow cooker, a little less water is taken. Take one and a half glasses of water for a glass of cereal. Remember to rinse the rice well.

  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl.
  • Pour in the washed and squeezed rice.
  • Add spices.

Please note that the grits must be evenly distributed over the bottom of the bowl, otherwise some of the grains will not cook well.

Now close the lid and put on the “Rice” or “Pilaf” program. Some multicooker differ in the set of options. The cooking time will be 15 minutes.

If you have the “Keep warm” function, then heat the rice for another 20 minutes with the lid of the multicooker open. So all the moisture will go into the grains, leaving them crumbly.

Do not forget about the thoroughness of washing the cereals, as there is rice flour between the grains, formed in the process of rubbing the grains in the bag. If this dust is not removed well, the rice will start to stick together in the early stages of cooking.

If you cook rice for dishes like sushi, mochi or onigiri, then the very notion of proper rice turns upside down. For Japanese cuisine, rice should be sticky, but not boiled. This is difficult to achieve, so ideally a special Asian vinegar is used, which can be found on store shelves in the sushi section. Add a few tablespoons of this vinegar when cooking rice and you have a sticky side dish. It can be used to sculpt onigiri and rolls.

When rice is cooked for desserts, the vanilla extract and other flavorings must be added directly to the water during the cooking process. Do not forget that such cereals in desserts should have only a slight aroma.

Do not add to rice:

  • Lemon.
  • Butter.
  • Plain table vinegar.

These are all culinary myths that will only spoil your side dish. Loose grains begin with experience when you have the perfect cooking time and exact amount of water.

To enjoy the cereal for a long time, transfer it from the pan to a wooden container or plastic container. This will keep it crumbly longer, even if stored in the refrigerator.

How to cook rice so that it is crumbly depends on the type of rice itself. Today, there are more than 180 varieties, varieties, trade names of this cereal.

In Southeast Asia, rice is such an important food staple that in many languages \u200b\u200bthe traditional wish of a bon appetite literally translates to "treat yourself to rice."

In oriental culinary traditions, cooked rice is an independent dish; it is prepared without adding other products - meat, fish, sometimes adding a minimum amount of seasonings. The influence of cultural exchange with the West led to the appearance of dishes with the obligatory addition of seafood, poultry, and fish to rice. Correctly boiled rice is placed in the center of the refectory table, its white color is a symbol of purity and well-being of the family.

In many eastern pre-monotheic religions, rice is called divine. Traces of the deification of rice can also be found in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Central Asian peoples, where it is called sholi (shali). In fact, Shaly is the name of the wife of Dagon, the Sumerian god of agriculture.

Friability of rice - this is also a sign of its correct preparation. And the correct preparation of the grains of this cereal is a necessary condition for the preservation of the nutrients that are included in its composition, a condition for the full manifestation of the medicinal properties of rice dishes.

Useful properties of rice

Rice as a side dish or main dish is present in the culinary recipes of almost all nations on all continents. The enormous popularity and demand for this cereal was facilitated not only by its taste and, not least, by its beneficial properties, a small calorie content in 100 grams of grains, only 248 kilocalories.

At the same time, a grain of rice has a sufficient amount of proteins necessary for building the cells of the body - in 100 grams of the product there are 7.3 grams of pure protein and only two grams of fat.

Rice is an excellent sorbent, it is used for poisoning, diarrhea, strengthens the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main value of rice grain proteins is that they are not allergic. Rice lacks the protein gluten, which is practically the main cause that triggers food allergies. The protein content of lecine in grains is sufficient to ensure the normal functioning of brain cells, as well as the cardiovascular system.

In steamed rice, γ-amino-butyric acid is perfectly preserved in a biologically active form. This amino acid takes part in the blood thinning processes, reduces and stabilizes blood pressure.

Rice contains B vitamins (B ₁, B₂, B₃, B₆, B₉), antioxidant vitamins A, E, PP, H, almost all trace elements necessary for a person.

Oligopeptides, which are included in the protein composition of rice, contribute to the processes of increasing immunity, reduce the risk of colds.

All the beneficial properties of the cereal are inherent only in those varieties that do not exfoliate the shell. In Japan, after the world war, a general epidemic of a disease called "beriberi" broke out - people experienced degeneration of peripheral nerves, swollen legs ... The reason was the change in the consumption of rice. The introduction of modern technology for the production of polished rice, based on the separation of the grain shell, led to a catastrophic shortage of vitamin B, which the Japanese obtained exclusively from rice processed according to the traditional technology.

What are the varieties of rice

The methods of boiling rice of a friable consistency largely depend on the type of rice itself.

The parameters by which rice is divided are diverse. Grains of this sign are classified according to the length of the grain, processing methods for obtaining edible rice, cultivation methods, place of growth, and trade names.

By cultivation method

Rice cultivation technology requires a lot of water. The plant is of swamp origin, therefore, for successful yields, it requires that during the growing season, flowering period, ovary formation and grain ripening, 1/3 of the entire plant is in water. Man has artificially learned to grow rice with a minimum amount of water. Accordingly, they are distinguished:

  • wet rice, grown in water according to ancient technology;
  • dry rice, or dry rice, which can be grown in less water.

Rice is an excellent diuretic that helps with diseases of the bladder and kidneys.

Varieties of dry rice contain a slightly smaller amount of starch, respectively, they boil less and the finished rice turns out to be more crumbly.

Trade name classification

On sale you can find the following trade markings for rice:

  • caroline, the standard of this rice is an oblong grain, white, rather transparent, odorless;
  • piedmont rice - grains are milder in shape and rounded at the edges, opaque and have a yellowish tint;
  • indian, which has oblong grains with excellent transparency;
  • japanese, has white, but very fine grains of good quality.

In summer, crumbly rice is an excellent remedy to reduce thirst.

Rice cooking methods

There are many recipes, culinary tips, recommendations, housewives' secrets on how to cook crumbly rice. Unfortunately, almost all of them do not take into account such a feature of the grain of this cereal as the ability to absorb some harmful substances from the atmospheric air, in particular arsenic. Also, rice has such a feature as the intensive accumulation of pesticide residues in the grains, which were used to treat the fields.

Research at Queens University Belfast, led by Professor Andy Merhag, made it possible to offer scientifically based recommendations on how to cook rice so as to extract arsenic and other unsafe substances from grains as efficiently as possible, the accumulation of which in the body can cause diabetes, cancer, and vascular disease. A practical panacea has been to increase the amount of water in which rice is boiled. Three methods are currently used:

  • increasing the amount of water for cooking to a ratio of rice: water to 1: 3, this is the most ineffective way;
  • adding water to rice in a 5: 1 ratio, this method reduces the content of harmful substances by 50%;
  • soaking rice grains before cooking for 12 hours - the content of harmful substances is reduced by 80%.

Naturally, if you cook soaked rice in such an amount of water, then there is a great risk of the product turning into a sticky mass. To avoid such cooking, you just need to strictly monitor the set cooking time, and then just drain the excess water and rinse the rice.

Decoctions from rice are used to treat bronchitis - they have the ability to remove phlegm from the bronchi.

How to cook crumbly basmati

This rice variety, which originates from India, is considered by culinary experts to be the most aromatic. To make it crumbly, you need to follow certain rules for its preparation. The entire cooking process can be divided into several stages.

Stage one - rice quality control

For the rice to be crumbly, it must be of good quality. When choosing this product when buying, you need to pay attention to the quality of the grains. They should all be whole, there should be no broken off rice in the product. It is usually not difficult to carry out such control in difficulties. In stores, rice is sold both by weight and in packages made of transparent polymer films. If you buy rice in boxes or beautiful bags, you need to be sure of the manufacturer's conscientiousness.

Stage two - soaking and rinsing the rice

Basmati rice is soaked before cooking. This must be done observing certain proportions of the ratio of cereals and water. It is advisable to maintain the accuracy of the ratio 1: from 1.5 to 2, for example, one glass of rice for one and a half glasses of water. If one and a half glasses were poured into a bowl with a glass of rice, but the water did not completely cover it, then the amount of water is increased to 2 glasses. Let the rice stand with water for about fifteen minutes. Then the rice is thoroughly mixed - the water should, due to the excess starch washed off from the grains, become cloudy and acquire a whitish color. The cloudy white water is drained and new is poured, mixed again and drained.

The process is repeated, achieving complete transparency after vigorous stirring. The clarity of the water indicates that all excess starch has already been removed. As a rule, this procedure will have to be repeated 4-5 times, and Japanese cooks wash local rice varieties up to 12 times.

The washed rice must be filled with water again, and then left in water for half an hour. This is necessary in order for the cooked rice to fully reveal its special texture. During the preliminary soaking, water penetrates into the microcracks of the rice, they slightly increase in volume.

Soaking has a positive effect on the quality, since the water that has penetrated into the microcracks will heat up the rice as if from the inside of the rice. Such rice turns out not only crumbly, but will also perfectly absorb sauces.

Basmati cooking stage

Pour water into a saucepan. The amount of water by volume should be twice that of the prepared rice. If you add less water, the rice will turn out to be hard, if you add more, the rice of the finished product will be soft.

Put the pan on fire and wait until it boils. Wait until large bubbles form on the surface. Add salt to boiling water according to the recipe. Salt is added not only to get the usual saltiness of the dish. The boiling point of ordinary water is 100˚С. Salted water boils under the same conditions at 102˚С. Thus, in salted water, rice will be cooked at a higher temperature, so the processes that occur when cooking with grains will be more complete.

When the salted water boils again and large bubbles appear again, add rice while stirring the water. Boiling stops immediately. There is no need to increase the fire. Constantly stirring the rice, it is recommended to use a wooden spoon for this, you should wait for the boil and then close the pan with a lid, reduce the heat to minimum.

Rice is boiled for about fifteen minutes. Do not open the lid so that steam does not escape.

Rice should not be stirred during cooking - it will come out mushy.

The time to cook basmati rice to a crumbly consistency depends on the variety. Whole grains may take a little longer to cook.

After the minutes for cooking, turn off the heat, but do not remove the rice from the pan, let it cool slightly in the pan - five minutes will be enough.

Then remove the lid and stir the rice with a fork. During this process, the rice is separated from one another and the rice is crumbly and at the same time fully reveals its texture and aroma.

Microwave crumbly basmati

First of all, you need to prepare the rice, as described above - rinse, soak.

Put prepared rice into a cooking utensil that can be used for cooking in microwave ovens and cover it with water. The amount of water that is poured over the rice depends on the amount of rice. It is necessary to observe the ratio of 1: 2 - 1 volume of rice to 2 volumes of water.

Put the lid on the dish in the microwave oven. The cooking time depends on the power of the particular microwave oven. If the microwave has a power of 750 W, then the time is set to six minutes. If the power of the kitchen appliance is 650 W, then the cooking time timer is set to seven minutes.

After the timer signals the end of the cooking time, cover the dishes with a lid so that holes are formed in order for steam to escape. You do not need to use covers that have holes at the top.

Due to its unique qualities, rice is an excellent remedy for the treatment of tonsillitis, pneumonia, influenza, acute respiratory infections; it is used as an antipyretic, diaphoretic, antiseptic natural medicine.

The microwave power is reduced to 350 W and the timer is set for a cooking time of fifteen minutes.

After the cooking time has elapsed, the rice is kept in the microwave for five minutes, then taken out and gently mixed with a fork.

Cooking crumbly black rice

The rice of this type of rice is of medium size, they fully contain all the substances that make this cereal so beneficial to health. After cooking, the product acquires a deep purple color and a pronounced mild nutty flavor.

It is used not only as a separate type of garnish. Many varieties of salads are prepared with it, they are added to the fillings of stuffed poultry, various types of pastries.

It is black rice that has the whole range of nutrients characteristic of rice.

In order for black rice to be crumbly, it must also be soaked and rinsed thoroughly beforehand.

Black rice is poured with water in an amount twice as large in relation to the volume of rice. Leave for fifteen minutes and then rinse. While washing, the rice should be rubbed with your hands. This is done again until the water is completely transparent. Thoroughly washed rice is again poured with water, left for eight hours. Then they start cooking.

Black rice can be boiled not only in water, but also in meat or vegetable broth to give it the appropriate taste and saltiness.

Without turning on the fire, put the rice in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour in liquid in the usual proportion - for one volume of rice, two volumes of liquid.

They light a strong fire and wait for the water to boil. Cover the pot with a lid, reduce heat to low and continue the cooking process for fifteen minutes. During this time, the rice should absorb all the water. Turn off the heat, leave the rice without stirring in a saucepan for fifteen minutes. Then mix with a fork.

How to cook crumbly round rice

Almost all culinary guides indicate that this type of rice makes excellent porridge and other dishes of a similar consistency. But oriental culinary specialists, who seem to know everything about rice, know how to cook this type of rice loosely.

Professionals advise - in order for the rice to be crumbly, do not take the rice out of the dishes in which it was cooked immediately, but leave it under the lid for about fifteen minutes, then add a little vegetable or butter.

First of all, pre-processing. Rice is thoroughly washed, changing the water several times, until the water is completely transparent. Then the rice is dried. Ideally, a special dish called a wok is used for cooking. As a last resort, you can take an ordinary cast iron pan with thick sides and bottom.

Vegetable oil is poured into the bottom of the pan or ghee is dissolved in it and rice is lightly fried in oil with the addition of salt and spices, onions. Salt is added at the rate of one teaspoon for two hundred milliliters of water, which will be added for cooking.

Water is added directly to the pan. Round rice has a higher moisture absorption capacity than long grain varieties. Therefore, use the proportion when adding water one to three. Heat the water over high heat until large bubbles begin to form, salt, again wait for a violent boil, add rice and cover the pan with a lid. The fire is reduced to the smallest. Cook without stirring the lid without opening for twenty minutes. The readiness of rice is determined simply - the cooked rice should be easily bite into the teeth.

After the end of cooking, the rice is left in the bowl in which it was cooked for about fifteen minutes.

The Japanese method of cooking loose rice

In Japanese cooking, rice has been cooked for centuries, it is not surprising that during this time Japanese chefs have invented many methods of cooking cereals in order to obtain a finished product of the desired consistency - sticky, like for rolls, medium stickiness of rice, like for rice balls (omusubi, onigiri) , crumbly, as for side dishes. At the same time, one of the basic principles of Japanese cuisine is observed - processing products in such a way that they preserve their natural taste as much as possible, preserve their inherent useful properties as much as possible.

For the preparation of friable rice, Japanese cooks traditionally use slightly altered proportions of the ratio of the volumes of cooked rice to water, as well as their own special method of cooking rice. As an example, let us give a recipe for the Japanese dish "Chahan", for which crumbly rice is prepared. "Tyakhan" is a general name for dishes that are prepared using the technology that ensures rice friability, and to indicate with which products the dish is prepared, the name of the ingredients used is added to the general name. For example, if shrimp is used - ebi chahan, if if seafood is sifudo chahan. As an example, let's take a recipe for chicken chahana - tori chahan.


  • Round rice - one glass

For the preparation of chahana, they take Japanese round rice of the Nishiki variety, but you can also cook this peculiar Japanese pilaf based on long-grain rice of the Jasmine and Basmati varieties.

  • Chicken meat - four hundred grams
  • Sweet pepper is not very big - one
  • Chicken egg - one
  • Soy sauce - one hundred milliliters
  • Ground red pepper - one quarter teaspoon
  • Two small cucumbers
  • Two small onions
  • Soy sauce - one hundred milliliters
  • Boiled pork meat - three hundred grams


  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly until the water is transparent;
  2. Pour the washed rice with water and let it stand for two hours, then drain the water and wash the rice again until the water is transparent;
  3. Put the washed rice in a thick-walled saucepan with a thick bottom, add water in proportion to one volume of rice - one and a half volumes of water;
  4. Rice is cooked on three modes of fire - first three minutes on very high heat, then seven minutes on medium heat, the final stage - two minutes on minimum heat;
  5. After cooking, the lid is not removed and the cooked rice is allowed to "rest";
  6. In a separate bowl, beat two eggs with 2 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  7. Preheat a frying pan, preferably made of thick-walled cast iron, and fry egg pancakes on it - half of the egg-soy mixture is poured onto the highly heated vegetable oil in a frying pan and fried on each side for one minute;
  8. The cooled egg-soy pancakes are chopped into thin strips;
  9. Peeled peppers and onions are chopped as thinly as possible - pepper in strips, and onions in half rings
  10. Chicken meat is cut into long pieces;
  11. In one frying pan, prepared peppers and onions are fried in vegetable oil (until the onions are transparent), on the other - chicken meat (fried on both sides for about seven minutes), boiled rice is also fried with chicken;
  12. Cut the cucumber into thin strips, also cut the pre-boiled pork;
  13. Mix all prepared foods, season with soy sauce, which remained after cooking egg-soy pancakes, with pepper.

Some Japanese chefs do not mix the cucumber with the rest of the ingredients, but sprinkle it on the finished tori chahan.

Loose rice cooked using a multicooker

It is easier to get rice with a crumbly consistency when cooking in a multicooker, not only because there is no need for personal control over the cooking technology - the kitchen appliance will do everything by itself - but also because the rice is not only boiled, but also steamed, which ensures that the rice lags behind each other.

Before cooking, the rice is washed and slightly soaked.

Not only rice is put into the multicooker bowl, but also a piece of butter. Vegetable can be used, but rice tastes better with butter. Water is added to rice in a standard ratio of 1: 2. Salt, favorite seasonings and spices are added.

Cook with the "Rice" mode, the time is not set, since it has already been programmed for this mode.

In most models of multicooker, after the expiry of the programmed cooking time, heating is turned on in automatic mode. For rice, this improvement can result in the boiling of the grains. Therefore, after the expiration of the cooking time, the multicooker must be turned off. The heat that keeps the cooked rice in the multicooker bowl, which is like a thermos, is enough to make the rice "come through".

The easiest way to boil loose rice

The easiest way to get crumbly rice is cooking for folding pilaf. To do this, the rice is washed very well and put in salted boiling water (one volume of rice - six volumes of water). After re-boiling, boil for 13-15 minutes, low heat, then rinse the rice with cold water and mix with odorless vegetable oil.

How to quickly cook loose rice can be found in the video

Not all housewives can cook boiled and tasty rice. It is necessary to observe certain proportions, then your side dish will always work out. Our recommendations will help you prepare this cereal correctly.

Choosing the type of rice

When choosing rice for cooking a particular dish, you should take into account its appearance.

  • The round variety has good absorbency and sticks easily. Good for making rolls, sushi, cereals, casseroles.
  • The middle grain is represented by small oval grains about half a centimeter long. It is used for making pilaf, soup or pickle.
  • Long grain is characterized by long, thin grains up to a centimeter long. Such cereals do not stick together. It is an ideal side dish for fish and meat. It goes well with vegetables. Used as an ingredient in salads.

Cooking rules

Boiled rice is a simple dish. However, in order for it to be successful, there are certain tricks to know.

  • Initially, you should choose the right cookware, it should be deep, have thick walls and a bottom. It can be a saucepan or a cast iron. The main thing is that the grains are evenly warmed up from all sides. First, the shell of the grain should soften, then the core undergoes heat treatment. The use of aluminum and enameled containers for these purposes is not recommended, since they do not provide uniform heating. For this reason, the cereal may burn.
  • Rice is sorted out, specks, dark grains (if any) are removed.
  • The groats are repeatedly washed in running water until the white and cloudy liquid becomes a transparent and clean substance. It should not be forgotten that rinsing water is used without fail cold. This is due to the fact that using hot or warm water for washing, it is possible to brew the starch contained in the outer shell of the grains.

  • The washed rice is placed in a cooking container and filled with water, which is salted and supplemented with spices (according to individual taste preferences). Chicken or mushroom broth can be used as a base. In order to prevent grains from sticking together, add vegetable oil before cooking (a spoon is enough).
  • Next, the container is sent to the stove.
  • First, the flame of the fire must be large. After boiling, the pan is covered with a tight-fitting lid to create a greenhouse effect. At the same moment, the fire decreases to a small flame, the rice should come to readiness.
  • The duration of the process from the beginning of cooking to the end of cooking is determined by the type of rice.


The ratios of water and cereals, depending on the type of rice, are as follows:

  • round grain - 2.5: 1;
  • medium grain - 2.25: 1;
  • long-grain - 2: 1.

If you take a glass of cereal, then in the first case, you should take two and a half glasses of water for cooking, in the second - two glasses and a quarter, and in the third two glasses will be enough.

Time for preparing

The cooking time also depends on the shape and size of the grain:

  • round grain is cooked for 20 minutes;
  • medium grain is boiled for a quarter of an hour and infused for a quarter of an hour;
  • long grain will be ready in a third of an hour.


Universal garnish

Take a glass of water for 200 g of cereal. Rinse the rice thoroughly to remove gluten. Put the rice grains in a saucepan, cover with water, add salt to taste. Put the saucepan covered with a lid on the fire. At the time of boiling, reduce the power of the stove. The cooking process will take about 15 minutes. At the moment when the liquid is absorbed by the rice, remove the container from the heat. For the next half hour, it is required to keep warm in the pan, for this purpose, cover it with a warm cloth. After the above time has elapsed, stir the garnish, add a piece of butter.

Loose rice using a multicooker

A multicooker home assistant will help you make a crumbly side dish without any problems. This will require:

  • one part of rice cereal;
  • two parts of water;
  • a small piece of butter;
  • a handful of salt.

Well washed rice is immersed in the bowl of the appliance. Water is poured from above. Salt and oil are added. The device closes. The "Rice" (or "Milk porridge") mode is set. After the end of the program, let it stand for some time so that the rice is completely steamed and tastes even better.

Parboiled rice

This product undergoes a special heat treatment, which, however, takes away one fifth of its useful properties. You can prepare crumbly parboiled rice as follows. Add 1 cup of parboiled rice to 1 and a quarter cup of water. After washing, soak the cereals for 30 minutes. Put the cooking container with cereals and water on the stove. After boiling water, reduce the fire. Season with salt, add oil to taste. Then cook the garnish for about 20-30 minutes until it is finished cooking.

Another option for preparing parboiled rice is without soaking. In this case, you need to take a liter of water for 1 and a half glass of cereal. Rice grains are placed in boiling water. It is cooked for 30 minutes in a saucepan covered with a lid. After the end of cooking, you need to remove the dish from the stove and stand for 10 minutes.

Uzbek pilaf

Cooking Uzbek pilaf is associated with knowledge of the intricacies of the cooking process and requires certain skills. Getting down to business, you should prepare the necessary dishes. Ideally, this is a round cauldron with a convex bottom (cast iron or aluminum with thick walls). At the preparatory stage, you should stock up on provisions:

  • ½ kg of fatty lamb (preferably a ham);
  • ½ kg of premium long grain rice;
  • ½ kg of carrots (the sweeter the better);
  • ½ kg of onions;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 4 teaspoons of a mixture of ground spices, which includes paprika, black ground pepper, cumin, barberry;
  • mutton fat in the classic version of the dish can be replaced with vegetable oil, respectively, 75 grams of fat should be taken, sunflower oil - a glass.

Initially, the cauldron is placed on fire and warmed up. Oil is carefully poured into a heated bowl, which should flow along the walls of the cauldron (or the fat is warmed up). The fire at this moment should not be great. The oil or fat is not brought to a boil, as vegetables and meat must be roasted, not stewed. The lamb is cut into pieces of the same size, arbitrary shape (but not too small). The meat is fried until it acquires a brown hue over maximum heat.

Wash peeled onions and dry them with a paper towel. Cut into half rings and add to meat for frying. Peeled carrots are also cut, but in the form of long sticks (you should not use a grater: in this case, a lot of carrot juice is released and the vegetable will be stewed). The resulting blank is added to the cauldron at the moment when the color of the onion turns golden. The mass is mixed and fried for five minutes.

All this mass should be slightly salted, because after placing the rice in the cauldron, the dish will not be salted. Add the prepared spice mixture.

Thoroughly washed rice is given a place on top of an impromptu pillow (do not mix cereals with the components of the pillow). A saucer is placed on top of the rice, onto which boiling water is carefully poured from the kettle until the rice is covered with liquid by 1-1.5 cm. The saucer is removed with care, since it is important not to break the monolithic layer of rice. The final preparation process is carried out over high heat, without covering.It turns out that the rice is steamed over a pillow of meat and vegetables, resulting in a crumbly dish.

After the water boils off, the rice is pierced in several places to the bottom, a little hot water is poured into these holes. Quartered garlic cloves are carefully distributed. The container is closed with a lid, the flame is reduced to a minimum, the dish is soaked for a quarter of an hour. After turning off the stove, you should not open the lid for another quarter of an hour in order for the dish to reach the desired condition. Before serving, turn the contents of the cauldron onto a large flat dish: there will be rice at the bottom, a pillow of vegetables and meat on top.

It will not hurt to serve lavash, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes with pilaf.

Vegetable rice in a pan

The side dish is attractive, tasty, and easy to prepare. For cooking, you need to take:

  • ¾ glasses of long rice;
  • larger onion;
  • bigger carrots;
  • ½ cans of green peas;
  • ½ cans of dessert corn;
  • a teaspoon of turmeric powder;
  • sunflower (sesame can be) oil.

Oil is poured into a frying pan with high sides, which is heated to a hot state. Diced onions and carrots are fried in it for 5 minutes. During the frying process, stirring occasionally, add turmeric powder. After the onions and carrots are sufficiently fried, the cereal, peeled from the starch, is laid out on top, leveled in an even layer and poured with boiling water.

The liquid should cover it by 1 cm. Add salt. After boiling, the pan is covered with a lid: the dish is simmering over minimal heat. After a third of an hour, green peas and corn are laid out on top of the steamed rice. And in this combination, the dish languishes under a tightly closed lid for a few more minutes. Stir everything before eating.

Mushroom risotto

An exquisite dish with Italian roots is best made from round rice. To prepare it, you should stock up:

  • ⅔ glasses of round rice;
  • 100 g parmesan;
  • ½ chili pepper;
  • a couple of garlic cloves;
  • medium onion;
  • 300 g champignons;
  • 1½ cups mushroom broth
  • olive oil;
  • parsley.

In order to prepare such a risotto, you should go through the following steps. Heat a couple of tablespoons of oil well in a frying pan. Onions, chili, garlic are chopped very finely and fried in oil. This is done carefully: the onion should just become transparent, but not change color. Mushrooms, pre-cut into large pieces, are laid out in vegetables. All ingredients are fried for 5-8 minutes. In another skillet, dry rice is fried in olive oil over medium heat until it becomes transparent.

The groats are transferred to the first pan, where vegetables and mushrooms are located. Next comes the gradual introduction of mushroom broth: first, 50 milliliters are poured into a mixture of rice and vegetables, which is periodically mixed. After the rice has absorbed the liquid, the process is repeated several times until the rice is completely cooked (it should be soft, but not boiled). A mixture is made of grated cheese and finely chopped parsley, which is laid out in rice. The melted cheese gives the dish a delicate and unique taste.

It was previously noted that the characteristics of rice grains, expressed in shape and size, affect the cooking time and the characteristics of the cooking process itself. Below are some guidelines for preparing different types of rice grits.

Round shaped rice

  • Such raw materials are characterized by the presence of a greater amount of starch in comparison with other types of rice cereals.
  • To obtain a friable state in finished form, such a product must be thoroughly washed and dried before cooking. You can dry it by spreading it out on a sieve.
  • Boiling fire is used medium before the water boils and small after it boils.
  • The cooking container must be covered with a lid.
  • You should not stir the rice as this will cause the production of excess starch, which prevents the formation of a crumbly structure.
  • After the rice has absorbed all the liquid, it can be removed from the heat and insisted until cooked.

Long rice

  • It is advisable to cook long seeds in pots with thick walls and a tight-fitting lid.
  • Preparing such cereals for cooking consists in rinsing it until the cloudy shade of the liquid disappears.
  • You can use this trick to check if there is enough water to cook the rice. Immerse your thumb in the water while touching the rice: if the phalanx is half-covered, then enough liquid has been poured.
  • It is important not to oversalt, because when using rice as a side dish or as part of a salad, do not forget that sauce can be used in the preparation of the dish.
  • A lid that fits tightly over the pot will help make the grains more crumbly and prevent them from sticking together.
  • Before the water boils, the fire is made as large as possible, after boiling - the slowest.
  • After turning off the heat, it does not hurt to hold the rice under the lid for a couple of minutes.

You should know that long-grain rice is white, brown, black.

Brown rice

  • In terms of the composition and content of trace elements, it is healthier than white.
  • It is cooked like white, but the cooking time after boiling should be longer (5-10 minutes).
  • Its disadvantage is that it deteriorates faster.
  • You do not need to use oil for this type of rice as brown rice contains it.

Wild black rice

  • It has a considerable cost, therefore it is not as common as white rice.
  • The taste is sweetish, has a nutty flavor.
  • As a rule, in the store you can find packaging where black is combined with brown or white rice.
  • It should be soaked for a long time before use (12 hours), which is done to cleanse and preserve the nutritional properties of the product. After such an operation, the cereal softens and will cook well.
  • Since during cooking it greatly increases in size (almost four times), water should be taken 3 times more than cereals.
  • The cooking time for black rice is longer than brown rice - up to three quarters of an hour.

For information on how to cook rice for a side dish, see the next video.

Rice is usually served with various side dishes, meat and fish. It has many beneficial substances. But, not every housewife is able to cook delicious porridge.

How long does it take to cook rice so that it is crumbly? This is the most important factor that should be known and taken into account when cooking crumbly porridge.

Required components:

  1. Rice - 1 glass;
  2. Water - 2 glasses;
  3. Butter - 3 tbsp. l .;
  4. Salt to taste.

Cooking time: 60 minutes.

Caloric content: 140 kcal.

Cooking steps:

How to get crumbly rice

There are several ways. So, here's how to cook rice to keep it crumbly:

These methods describe general principles. Below is a recipe for a complete side dish.

Required components:

  1. Rice - 2.5 cups;
  2. Nutmeg - a pinch;
  3. Turmeric - 5 g;
  4. Salt - 20 g;
  5. Ground paprika - 5 g;
  6. Vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Caloric content: 140 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Place the groats in a container and pour boiling water over;
  2. Leave for 10 minutes, during which time the water will turn white;
  3. Drain the water and rinse under running water;
  4. In this case, the grains must be rubbed with your hands, continue until the water becomes transparent;
  5. Place the cereal in a cauldron and pour water over it, so that the water covers the rice and its level is 2 centimeters higher;
  6. Add spices, oil and salt. Mix;
  7. Cook in a cauldron over low heat, covered, for 20 minutes.

How to cook crumbly rice for a side dish in a saucepan

Before cooking rice, you need to think about what result you want to achieve. The result depends not only on the method, but also on the type of cereal.

Round grain / round rice has a lot of gluten. This promotes moisture absorption. As a result, it sticks together and boils. Rinse it only under running water. It absorbs well even such water.

Long grain grinded is most suitable. It does not clump and has a very delicate taste.

Brown / brown rice should be soaked before cooking. The cooking time is also different, it is much longer. This variety is preferred by people who pay a lot of attention to their health.

Parboiled grains cook faster and are nearly universal. Any dish can be prepared from this type of cereal.

How to cook a truly delicious and crumbly dish?

Required components:

  1. Rice - 1 glass;
  2. Water - 1 glass;
  3. Salt to taste.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Caloric content: 130 kcal.

Cooking steps:

The most common mistakes that cause rice to stick together

  1. Rice can be spoiled very easily if it burns. There are several explanations for this. The most common - porridge will burn if you do not observe the ratio of liquid to porridge. Thus, the bottom will burn, and the top will stick together;
  2. You can also skip the rice. This can happen if you cook over very high heat. Thus, all moisture will evaporate before the porridge is cooked. This can be remedied by adding some hot water to the container. But keep in mind that excess water can cause rice to stick together;
  3. If the porridge is ready, but the water remains, then there are several exits. You can evaporate the rest of the moisture on the burner or strain through a sieve;
  4. If the porridge is stirred, then lumps form. The porridge does not become less tasty from this, but the appearance of the appetite does not cause. In extreme cases, the porridge can be stirred only 1 time, when boiling;
  5. Do not rinse the rice after cooking. The porridge is washed just before cooking. In this case, it is necessary to remove all debris and all grains on the surface;
  6. For side dishes, you can fry rice. It is washed, placed in a container with hot oil and all the liquid is evaporated. After a little fry and add the required amount of liquid for cooking;
  7. Choose the right type of rice. Round grain is the least suitable for this purpose.
  1. The amount of water should be strictly observed;
  2. Pour the porridge only with boiling water;
  3. When choosing a container for cooking, give preference to thick-walled dishes;
  4. Add salt at the end of cooking;
  5. Water can be replaced with broth;
  6. After cooking, it is not recommended to open the lid for some time;
  7. Keep track of the expiration date of the cereal. If it passes, then the porridge will stick together, and the grains will break.

Enjoy your meal!

And another visual recipe for cooking friable rice is in the next video.

They began to grow it three thousand years ago BC. Residents of many countries consider it to be the main product of their diet. Dishes made from such a product never get bored.

Variety of rice

The most famous in our country is white rice, which, by the way, is not the healthiest of the other varieties of rice (there is also brown, black, red)

There are more than 150 varieties and several thousand varieties of rice. It is not surprising that in Asia it never becomes boring, because a wide variety of varieties are eaten there.

This variety is divided into two types:

  1. indian origin;
  2. of Japanese origin.

The first type includes varieties: Indica, Jasmine, Basmati... The form of cereals is long, thin. They are in great demand among the population. They are used more often for making salads, pilaf and for garnish.

In the second case, the most common varieties Arborio, Yaponika, Thai... The grain is round and short. Perfect for risottos, desserts, milk porridge, for making sushi. Arborio is usually classified in a special category. The wide and short grain is a representative of a medium grain cereal grown in Italy.

Any kind of grain is divided into two groups - sticky and non-sticky. For heat treatment, it is essential to take into account such properties as: shape, color, stickiness. These characteristics have a clear relationship.

Important Factors When Choosing Rice

In Russia, rice porridge is not popular. This is explained by the fact that the cereal is boiled everywhere in one way. Neglecting the preparation of cereals for cooking leads to the fact that the starch contained in the grain becomes gelatinous during subsequent cooking. The result is a viscous porridge, with a dense consistency.

Round-shaped varieties of grains have an increased water absorption capacity, they swell more in water. As a result, the cooked porridge develops a viscous consistency.

When a long-grain variety is cooked, the grain absorbs the least amount of liquid, so a loose consistency is obtained. This must be taken into account in order to know how to cook rice so that it is crumbly.

Broken grains are boiled during heat treatment, forming a sticky mass. Rice mixed from different batches can lead to the same result. Therefore, it is worth taking seriously the choice of the product.

For those who adhere, it will not be superfluous to know about the calorie content of rice - 116 Kcal per 100 g. boiled rice, and dry rice - 360 Kcal.

Specificity of grain preparation

Before heat treatment, cereals are usually sorted out and washed. When purchased in a vacuum package, there is no need for careful sorting. In the case when the groats were bought by weight, it should be cleaned from inclusions of husks, pebbles, broken grains.

There are features of preparing rice for cooking. They are directly dependent on the characteristics of the cereal. Primarily, the rice groats are washed until transparent in a large amount of cold water. After washing, long varieties are scalded, then poured again with cold water. Round rice is first soaked in cold water for several hours, then rinsed thoroughly. The final step in both cases is cooking.

Cooking features

In fact, there are dozens of methods for obtaining a loose consistency. Rice groats are boiled in water, various broths, fruit broths. For friable rice, take 1.25 cups of liquid for 1 cup of grain. This is an average proportion, since the amount of cooking liquid will vary depending on the variety.

To cook porridge in milk, you need to know that the cereal does not boil well in such an environment. Therefore, you do not need to cook until cooked. First, in liquid, then drain the broth and pour boiling milk. This will contribute to the fact that the porridge turns out to be loose.

There are several classic methods for making friable rice:

  1. pre-frying;
  2. soaking cereals and subsequent rinsing;
  3. cooking in a large amount of liquid.

The first practically any variety is prepared in a way. The method is quite versatile. Before cooking, the rice is washed, taking into account the peculiarities of the long-grain and round varieties. Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into a saucepan where the rice will be cooked. While stirring, fry for a few minutes over medium heat to give a richer white color. Pour boiling water at the rate of 1: 1.25, stir and salt. Cook over low heat with the lid on.

Second only round types of grain are prepared by the method. With this method, rice is soaked in cold water for about an hour. Then they are thoroughly washed to remove starch as much as possible. This is necessary in order to reduce the sticking of the grains during cooking. As in the first case, pour boiling water, salt and add oil. Oil or any other fat is added on average up to 10% by weight of the product. It is essential for enhancing flavor and improving appearance. With it, the dish acquires a more pleasant taste. Cook over medium heat with the lid closed.

Read also: You don't have to buy cottage cheese, we will teach you how to cook it at home

The third the method shows how to properly cook loose rice of Indian origin. First, prepare the rice by rinsing it well. Grits are added to boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2, adding salt. When the rice is almost ready, it is thrown into a colander, thereby removing excess water. Then washed with boiling water, pouring abundantly over it. The oil is added in the same proportion as in the second method considered.

Video: How to cook rice correctly

Cooking process in household kitchen appliances

Rice cooked in a slow cooker

Rice groats, except for pots, pots, saucepans, are cooked in a slow cooker. The proportions are the same as for cooking in a saucepan. Do not forget to prepare the rice by rinsing it before loading it into the multicooker bowl. Liquid or broth, salt and oil are added to the container. Turn on the "pilaf" or "rice" mode. In about half an hour everything will be ready. The advantage of this electrical appliance is that it does not stick to the bottom of the cereal; it is not stirred during cooking.

Double boiler

An easy way to cook rice is to use a double boiler. Rice grains are washed, salt and spices are added, placed in a double boiler with boiling water and cooked for a little over thirty minutes. To distribute the added spices evenly, stir the rice in the middle of cooking. At the end of cooking, the rice is rather loose.


You can also cook rice in the microwave

It will take approximately the same amount of time to cook in the microwave. The washed rice is poured into a bowl, filled with water and covered with a lid. Put in the oven at full power for five minutes. Then the power is reduced by about half and cooked for another fifteen minutes. After cooking, you need to leave the rice in the oven, it will take another ten minutes.

Rice does not particularly need stirring during cooking. During mixing, starch is released from the cereal into the water, which remains in the grain even after thorough washing. And he, in turn, when heated, turns into a paste. This means the cooked side dish will become sticky and sticky.

The exclusivity of parboiled rice

It can be difficult to make a choice of a certain type of rice from the many offered, then it is worth focusing on parboiled rice. It undergoes a special steam treatment, so it retains more nutrients. Rice that has undergone such a procedure becomes less fragile, but the duration of its culinary processing also increases. The grains of parboiled rice do not stick together, so the cooked rice grits are extremely crumbly and soft.

A step-by-step recipe for making a crumbly parboiled rice garnish:

  1. As in other cases, the cereals are washed before cooking. There is no need for scalding after washing, since the steaming of the grains during its production affects the starch content.
  1. Soak for 30 minutes. Then they are thrown back onto a sieve and the liquid is allowed to drain.
  1. Rice grains in a saucepan are poured with water. Proportion 1: 1.25. Add salt and bring to a boil over high heat.
  1. Turn down the fire. With the lid closed, over low heat, boil for about 25 minutes.
  1. Add butter or vegetable oil.

Rice in bags. Convenience of preparation