The best alcoholic beverage. Alcoholic drinks: list

04.05.2019 Bakery products

There are many ways to have fun. Someone will prefer the evening at home watching a family comedy, someone - until morning to move from club to club, and the third give a trip to distant lands with the brightest local flavor. But it just so happened that most of the fun scenarios are mixed with alcohol. No, we are convinced: you can have fun without degrees. And it's better not to mess with drinks from this list at all: you never know how the night in such a company will end!

Alcohol is the most popular travel souvenir and a constant item on any travel program. But we advise you to think carefully before trying drinks from this rating abroad. After all, their strength is far from everyone's teeth. But, nevertheless, tourists rarely manage to restrain themselves so as not to taste ...

10. Stroh - 40-80%

This spiced rum is the most popular souvenir from Austria. Tourists buy it in liters, but in vain: in view of the high fortress, Stro is extremely rarely used in pure form... But his spicy taste perfectly complements traditional baked goods, as well as winter cocktails such as hunting tea and punch. Drink available at different options, with an alcohol content of 40% to 80%.

9. White Rum John Crow Batty Rum - 80%

In the twentieth century, Jamaica has earned a certain fame in the entertainment world. And this drink perfectly complements Bob Marley's "glorious" list of intoxicating landmarks in the country. To cope with this type of rum (and, in fact, moonshine), you need to have a truly steel stomach!

8. Sunset rum - 84.5%

Originally from the island of St. Vincent in the Caribbean, this rum is worthy of a true pirate. Due to its high strength, “Zakat” is strictly not recommended to drink in its pure form, but only as a component in cocktails.

7. Vodka Balkan - 88%

It turns out that the harshest vodka is not in Russia at all, but in Bulgaria. The danger of using this potion is immediately warned by 13 labels on the package. Triple distillation, mix only.

6. Vodka Pincer Shanghai Strength - 88.8%

Don't let the name fool you: the homeland of the drink with three eights is Scotland. Shanghai is officially recognized as the strongest vodka in the world. It is noteworthy that it is in the region of highlanders and kilts that the strongest beer (41%!), As well as the strongest gin, are also produced. What can you say: the Scots are tough guys.

5. Absinthe Hapsburg Gold - 89.9%

Not sure which souvenir to bring from the Czech Republic? Certainly not Hapsburg Gold absinthe. Only if you are an artist, poet or, at worst, a designer. After all, it is difficult to guess what will be seen after meeting this "green fairy". No wonder the slogan of the drink is simple and laconic - "no rules".

4. Rum River Antoine Royale Grenadian - 90%

A drink that we would proudly call moonshine. Distilled from sugarcane juice. Therefore, it has a pronounced sweet taste. True, you will hardly be able to feel it fully: any bartender will immediately serve you a glass of water “included”. Otherwise, this Caribbean attraction is simply not familiar.

3. Whiskey Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled - 92%

Remember when we said that the Scots are famous for the strongest vodka and beer? Feel free to add whiskey to this honorable list! Truly Scottish heritage. BBC journalists even managed to charge a sports car with a drink and accelerate it to 100 miles per hour! What does this potion do to human body, we can only guess.

2. Everclear - 95%

Most strong alcoholthe most popular drink in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records (1979). Banned for sale in California, Florida and 7 other US states since 2015. A popular rock band is also named after him. Certainly not for lightness.

1. Spirytus - 96%

Knowledgeable people compare the "divine" and "spiritual" taste of this Polish invention to a punch in the stomach, which makes them breathless. We strongly discourage use.

If you have already decided on an evening accompanied by alcohol, do it carefully and correctly. And don't skimp on your own health. Even though.

Even in ancient times, people learned to produce a variety of alcoholic beverages. The list of titles includes great amount species and varieties. They differ mainly in the raw materials from which they were prepared.

List of low alcohol alcoholic beverages

. Beer - a low-alcohol drink, obtained by fermenting hops, malt wort and brewer's yeast. The alcohol content in it is 3-12%

. Champagne - sparkling wine obtained by secondary fermentation. Contains 9-20% alcohol.

. Wine - an alcoholic beverage obtained by fermentation of yeast and grape juice different varieties, the names of which are usually present in the name. The alcohol content is 9-20%.

. Vermouth - fortified wine, flavored with spicy and medicinal plants, the main component is wormwood. Fortified wines contain 16-18% alcohol.

. Sake - Japanese traditional alcoholic drink. Obtained by fermentation of rice, rice malt and water. The strength of this drink is 14.5-20% vol.


. Tequila... The traditional Mexican product is made from the juice extracted from the heart of the blue agave. "Silver" and "Gold" tequila are especially common alcoholic drinks. The list can be continued with such names as "Sauza", "Jose Cuervo" or "Sierra". The best software taste a drink aged 4-5 years is considered. The alcohol content is 38-40%.

. Sambuca... Strong italian liqueur based on alcohol and essential oil derived from anise. The most popular are white, black and red sambuca. Fortress - 38-42%.

. Liqueurs... Strong sweet alcoholic drinks. The list can be divided into 2 categories: cream liqueurs (20-35%), dessert (25-30%) and strong (35-45%).

. Cognac... Strong alcoholic drink based on cognac alcohol obtained by distilling wine. Distillation takes place in special copper cubes, the product is subject to subsequent aging in oak barrels at least two years. After diluting alcohol with distilled water, it acquires a strength of 42-45%.

. Vodka... Refers to strong drinks with an alcohol content of 35-50%. It is a mixture of water and alcohol, which is made from natural products by fermentation followed by distillation. The most popular drinks: vodka "Absolute", "Wheat", "Stolichnaya".

. Brandy... An alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice by distilling it. The alcohol content in it is 30-50%.

. Gin... Strong alcoholic drink with unique tasteobtained by distillation of wheat alcohol and juniper. To enhance the taste, it may contain natural supplements: lemon or orange peel, anise, cinnamon, coriander. The gin strength is 37.5-50%.

. Whiskey... A strong drink made by fermentation, distillation and aging of cereals (barley, corn, wheat, etc.). Aged in oak barrels. Contains alcohol in the amount of 40-50%.

. Rum... One of the strongest alcoholic beverages... It is made on the basis of alcohol, aged in barrels for at least 5 years, due to which it gains brown color and burning taste... Rum strength varies from 40 to 70%.

. Absinthe... Highly strong drink with an alcohol content of 70 to 85%. It is based on alcohol, wormwood extract and a set of herbs such as anise, mint, licorice, calamus and some others.

Here are the main alcoholic drinks. This list is not final, it can be continued with other names. However, they will all be derived from the main composition.

Types of alcoholic beverages

All drinks in different amounts containing the substance ethanol, also known as alcohol, are called alcoholic beverages. They are mainly divided into three classes:

3. Strong alcoholic drinks.

Bread kvass... Depending on the manufacturing method, it may contain from 0.5 to 1.5% alcohol. It is prepared on the basis of malt (barley or rye), flour, sugar, water, has a refreshing taste and bread aroma.

The actual beer... It is made from almost the same components as kvass, but with the addition of hops and yeast. Regular beer contains 3.7-4.5% alcohol, but there is also strong beer, where this percentage rises to 7-9 units.

Kumis, ayran, bilk. Fermented milk drinks. May contain up to 4.5% alcohol.

Energy alcoholic drinks... They contain tonic substances: caffeine, guarana extract, cocoa alkaloids, etc. The alcohol content in them ranges from 7-8%.

Second category

Natural grape wines... Depending on the sugar content and the grade of the main raw materials, they are divided into dry, semi-dry, sweet and semi-sweet, as well as white and red. The names of the wines also depend on the grape varieties used: "Riesling", "Rkatsiteli", "Isabella" and others.

Natural fruit and berry wines... They can be prepared from a variety of berries and fruits and are also classified by sugar content and color.

Special varieties

These include madeira, vermouth, port, sherry, cahors, tokay other. These wines are made using special methods and in a specific wine region. In Hungary, in the manufacture of Tokaj, a "noble" mold is used, which allows the berries to dry right on the vine. In Portugal, Madeira is aged in special solariums under the open sun; in Spain, sherry ripens under a yeast film.

Still, dessert and fortified wines. The first are prepared using natural fermentation technology, the second are very sweet and flavored, and the third are fortified with alcohol to the desired degree... They can all be red, pink and white in color.

Champagne and other sparkling wines... Of these, French is the most popular, but in other countries there is no less decent drinkse.g. Portuguese spumante, spanish cava or Italian asti. Sparkling wine differ in particular appearance, delicate aroma, interesting taste... Their main difference from quiet wines are playful bubbles. The drinks can be pink and white in color, but sometimes sparkling red wines are found. According to the sugar content, they are divided into dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet. The quality of wine is determined by the number and size of the bubbles, by how long they last and, of course, by the taste.

These types of alcoholic beverages have a strength of no more than 20% vol.

Third, most extensive category

Vodka... A cereal-based alcoholic beverage containing 40% alcohol. Through continuous distillation, at one time was obtained new Product, named vodka "Absolute", and its producer - Lare Olsen Smith - was awarded the title of "king of vodka". Sometimes this drink is infused with herbs, citrus fruits or nuts. Made according to Swedish technology from high-purity alcohol, vodka rightfully occupies one of the first places in the ranking of alcoholic beverages in this category. It is used to prepare various cocktails.

Tinctures bitter. They are obtained by insisting vodka or alcohol on aromatic spices, herbs or roots. The fortress is 25-30 degrees, but it can rise up to 45 degrees, for example, "Pertsovka", "Starka" or "Hunting".

Sweet drinks

Sweet infusions. They are prepared on the basis of alcohol or vodka, mixing them with fruit drinks and sugar, the content of which can reach 25%, while the alcohol content usually does not exceed 20%. Although some drinks are stronger, for example, the “Excellent” tincture contains 40% alcohol.

Pouring. They differ in that they are made on the basis of fresh berries or fruit without yeast, but with the addition of strong vodka and a large amount of sugar. These types of alcoholic drinks are very thick and sweet. The name of the liqueurs tells what they are made of: plum, cornelian cherry, strawberry. Although there are strange names: "spottykach", "casserole". They contain 20% alcohol, and 30-40% sugar.

Liqueurs... Thick, very sweet and strong drinks. They are made by mixing molasses or sugar syrup with alcohol, infused with various herbs, spices, with the addition of essential oils and other aromatic substances. Distinguish between dessert liqueurs - with an alcohol content of up to 25%, strong - 45% and fruit and berry, 50% strength. Any of these varieties require 3 months to 2 years of aging. The name of alcoholic beverages indicates which aromatic additives were used in the preparation of the product: "Vanilla", "Coffee", "Raspberry", "Apricot" and so on.

Strong grape drinks

Cognacs. They are made on the basis of cognac spirits, and alcohols are obtained by fermentation of various grape varieties. One of the first places in the line is occupied by Armenian cognac. The most popular is "Ararat", "Nairi", "Armenia", "Jubilee" are no less famous. Of the French, the most popular are Hennessy, Courvoisier, Martel, Hein. All cognacs are divided into 3 categories. The first includes ordinary drinks aged for 3 years. The second is vintage cognacs with a minimum aging period of 6 years. The third includes long-lived drinks, called collection drinks. The smallest exposure here is 9 years.

French, Azerbaijani, Russian, Armenian cognac are produced and sold by cognac houses founded more than one century ago and still dominating the market.

Grappa. Italian vodka on the basis of grape pomace, aged in oak or cherry barrels from 6 months to 10 years. The value of the drink depends on the aging period, grape variety and where the vine grows. Relatives of grappa are georgian chacha and South Slavic brandy.

Very strong alcoholic drinks

Absinthe - one of them. Its main component is bitter wormwood extract. The essential oils of this plant contain the substance thujone, which is the main component of the drink. The more thujone, the better the absinthe. The price directly depends on the percentage of this substance and on the originality of the drink. Along with wormwood, absinthe includes anise, mint, angelica, licorice and other herbs. Whole wormwood leaves are sometimes placed at the bottom of the bottles to confirm the naturalness of the product. Thujon in absinthe can contain from 10 to 100%. By the way, the drink is presented in two varieties - silver and gold. So, "golden" absinthe, the price of which is always quite high (from 2 to 15 thousand rubles per liter), is banned in Europe precisely because of the large amount of the above-mentioned substance in it, reaching 100%. The usual color of the drink is emerald green, but it can be yellow, red, brown and even transparent.

Rum... It is prepared by fermentation from the residual products of sugar cane - syrup and molasses. The quantity and quality of the product depends on the variety and type of raw material. The following types of rum are distinguished by color: Cuban "Havana", "Varadero" (light or silver); gold or amber; Jamaican "Captain Morgan" (dark or black); Martinican (made only from cane juice). Rum strength is 40-75 gr.

Strong drinks with fruit juice

Calvados. One of the varieties of brandy. For the preparation of the product, 50 varieties of apples are used, and a pear blend is added for uniqueness. Then fruit juice fermented and clarified by double distillation and brought to 70 degrees. Aged in oak or chestnut barrels for 2 to 10 years. Then, with softened water, the fortress decreases to 40 o.

Gin, balm, aquavit, armagnac... They also fall into the third category, since they all contain alcohol. All these are strong alcoholic drinks. Their prices depend on the quality of alcohol ("Lux", "Extra"), strength and aging of the drink, brand and constituent components. Many contain extracts of aromatic herbs and roots.

Homemade drinks

Homemade moonshine is also a prominent representative of spirits. Craftsmen make it from different products: it can be berries, apples, apricots or other fruits, wheat, potatoes, rice, any jam. Sugar and yeast must be added to them. All this is fermented. Then, by distillation, a strong drink is obtained with an alcohol content of up to 75%. For higher purity of the product, a double distillation can be done. Homemade moonshine is cleared of fusel oils and other impurities by filtration, then it (if desired) is either infused with various herbs, nuts, spices, or diluted with fruit drinks, essences, juices. When correct preparation this drink will not yield to various vodkas and tinctures in taste.

Finally, I would like to remind you of two simple rules, observing which, it will be possible to maintain health and not get bored in a cheerful company: do not abuse alcohol and do not spend money on low-quality drinks. And then everything will be fine.

If food is the way to a man's heart, then drinking is the way to his soul. This is what all beverage manufacturers know about. Therefore, they invent ever richer and more seductive flavors to please their fastidious customers. But the connoisseur good alcohol not easy to impress. That is why the strongest alcoholic drinks in the world.

For those looking for a blend that will make you feel the fire inside for a while, we have collected ten of the most impressive drinks. They are presented in order of increasing alcohol content, from least potent to most potent. Perhaps one day you will try them.

10. Elixir végétal de la Grande-Chartreuse - 69% alcohol

This herbal liqueur with almost three centuries of history is still produced by secret recipe Marshal Estre. It contains the "essence" of over 130 plants, whose aromatic and healing properties make liqueur not only one of the strongest in the world, but also very useful, in reasonable quantities. The reviews say that it is enough to drop a few drops of liquor on a sugar cube or dilute not a large number of in the water, and fatigue or slight discomfort will take off like a hand.

The herbs are kept at the Monastery of La Grande Chartreuse and then processed at the distillery in Voiron by the monks. And the resulting liqueur remains to mature in oak barrels in the largest distillery cellar in the world. The monks decide when the drink is ready and then bottle it, which in turn is wrapped in elegant wooden packaging. Vegetal de la Grande Chartreuse is supplied to over 100 countries worldwide.

9. Bacardi 151 - 75.5%

Yohoho, this is a real pirate strongest rum. And even if you are not a pirate but love spirits, be sure to try Bacardi 151. It is an essential ingredient in many high-quality cocktails and can burn your throat if you sip carelessly. However, once inside, it no longer burns, but generates a pleasant warmth.

Bacardi 151 has a fruity aftertaste, and the aroma, according to the manufacturer, contains oak and vanilla notes. Judging by the reviews of experts, this rum has only one drawback - it is easy to drink with it.

8. Devil Springs Vodka - 80%

it perfect vodka for home tincture... From dried fruits to herbs, nothing can escape her fiery anger. And when the essences of your fruits and herbs surrender to the mercy of alcohol, simply dilute the mixture with water in a "1 to 1" ratio and get the most regular vodkabut with an unusual taste.

7. Pincer Shanghai Strength - 88.8%

This super strong Scotch vodka was probably made to fight the cold. But who wants to fight the cold without being able to take a normal breath? However, manufacturers claim that it is healthy drinkwhich contains extracts of milk thistle and elderberry to support the liver.

One of the strongest spirits in the world was produced in a limited edition and intended mainly for the Chinese market.

By the way, Scotland is the homeland of strong beer in the world. It has the telling name "Snake venom" and contains 67.5% alcohol. It even has a sticker warning that this beer should be drunk in small portions due to its very high strength. Ingredients to create Snake venom»Served smoky peat-smoked malt and two types of yeast. Perhaps this beer will someday find its way into, if experts dare to try such a vigorous swill.

6. Poitin 1661 - 90%

National irish drink with a rich history is a kind of moonshine. It was cooked in small copper pots ("pota") from barley or potatoes.

In 1661, the sale and preparation of potina was banned in Ireland due to difficulties in taxing it and as part of a larger British effort to suppress Irish culture. This ban lasted more than three centuries and is still in effect in Northern Ireland.

5. Mariënburg rum - 90%

Throughout its evolution, this rum alpha male has improved its already rich texture. The jewel in the crown of Suriname, this 90% rum is a welcome gift for every spirits connoisseur. However, you can buy a real 90% Mariënburg rum only in Suriname itself. For export products, the percentage of alcohol was reduced to 81%.

4. Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled Whiskey - 92%

The strongest malt whiskey produced using a 17th century recipe. It is refined four times, making it an extremely pure alcoholic beverage.

An experiment with this whiskey has shown that it is powerful enough to accelerate a sports car to 160 kilometers per hour. If he can do it with a sports car, imagine what he can do with your body.

3. Everclear Grain - 95%

The top 3 strongest drinks in the world are opened by vodka, which for a long time was banned in the US and Canada. Due to its neutral taste, it is ideal for preparing alcoholic mixtures. In 1979, she entered the Guinness Book of Records as the strongest alcoholic drink.

If you are brave enough to try it neat, make sure you have a local service number. emergency assistance in speed dial mode.

2. Cocoroco - 96%

An alcoholic drink originated in Bolivia is usually sold in tin cans with the image of a crocodile. It is made from sugar cane and coconut and is illegal in some of Bolivia's neighboring countries, such as Chile (where all alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content of more than 55% by volume are illegal).

A rare stomach will withstand Cocoroco undiluted. Usually this hellish swill is drunk, diluted with cool tea, or added to various cocktails.

1. Wratislavia Spirytus - 96%

The most strong vodka in the world, made in Poland, is nothing more than liquid fire. It is odorless and looks exactly like water to the untrained eye. But it is worth taking just one sip of this drink, albeit in a diluted form, and it becomes clear that this is not water at all, but the most overwhelming experience for your taste buds.

Its name - "Bratislava Spiritus" - does not refer to Poland at all. But here all the questions are for the manufacturer.

With strict quality standards and a multi-level cleaning system, Wratislavia Spirytus is the ideal base for premium alcoholic blends and even desserts.

In its pure form, the strongest alcohol in the world is not recommended to be consumed. They say it can damage the insides for the rest of your life. We will not check, and we do not advise you.

AND interesting properties absinthe

Bitter wormwood extract contains a large amount of thujone, a colorless substance with an odor similar to the aroma of menthol. It is he who gives absinthe that very heady and weakly hallucinogenic effect. In addition to wormwood, the composition of this drink also includes the following herbs - anise, angelica, fennel, licorice, calamus, lemon balm, mint. Less often, but still white ash, coriander, veronica, chamomile, parsley and other aromatic plants are added to absinthe.

Wormwood gives the drink its characteristic greenish color with a rich emerald hue. Less commonly, absinthe can be clear, yellowish, blue, brown, red or even black. The traditional green hue is due to chlorophyll, which decomposes in the light, so it is believed that the initial bottling and absinthe should only take place in dark glass bottles.

Some people prefer to drink the drink diluted and are surprised at its rapid turbidity. This is explained quite simply: when mixed with water, contained in herbal extracts essential oils form an emulsion.

How to drink absinthe?

There are several ways to consume of this drink, and usually each of them is associated with a specific country of origin.

So, czech method, which is also called "crystal", is the simplest of them: you need to take a glass glass with thick walls and pour some absinthe into it. Then the liquid must be set on fire and left to burn out for 4-5 seconds. They drink such absinthe, blowing out, in one gulp, without a snack.

French method: the volume of the glass is divided into four equal parts, absinthe is poured into one, then a special spoon with a sugar cube is placed on the edge of the glass. Then, through sugar into a glass, you need to pour on the remaining three parts ice water... As a result, the cube will completely dissolve, and the resulting syrup will mix with the main drink. Another variation on the French usage is the replacement cold water liquid with finely crushed ice.

Russian method: poured into a glass with thick walls pure absinthe, which then ignites and burns for a couple of seconds. After this time, the first container must be closed with a second glass, as a result of which the flame will quickly go out. Then you need to pour the absinthe into a second container, and quickly cover the first with a napkin and turn it over with an inserted tube. Thus, two cocktails are obtained at once - heated absinthe and its vapors, which are very pleasant to alternate.

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People spend huge amounts of money on clothing, recreation, houses and cars. However, there is one more item of expenses that hits the pocket of many lovers of good rest - this is alcohol. However, rare of these party-goers could afford the most expensive alcoholic drinks in the world.

Most expensive beer

Do you think beer is the most affordable drink? Maybe it is, if we are not talking about the Tutankhamun drink. The first bottle of this beer, named after the legendary Egyptian pharaoh, was sold at auction for $ 7,686. The drink was packaged in a graceful wooden boxpainted with hieroglyphs.

The secret of this beer is in the original taste and special strength - 25%. However, in retail trade the beer came at a significantly reduced price - "only" $ 80. Here it gave way to another brand - Vielle Bon Secours, which is sold in the London pub Bierdrome. Only ardent fans can taste this beer, because it costs about $ 1000 per bottle. However, the volume of the bottle is rather big - 12 liters. In this beer, you can catch the aromas of anise, lemon and caramel, but almost not.

Most expensive wine

Wine is one of the most expensive. Best wines are prepared, harvested by hand, and aged in special. The reddest wine was sold to a private collector for $ 90,000. This drink of Chateau Lafite variety was released in 1787. The first owner of the wine was US President Thomas Jefferson, even his initials remained on.

The most expensive wine is the Château d "Yquem of 1811. It was paid for $ 124,000. The price was influenced by the peculiarities of this year's harvest, favorable production conditions and even a comet that flew that year, which, according to signs, had a good influence on the drink.

Contrary to popular belief, wine cannot last forever. If it is very old, it tastes like ordinary vinegar.

The most expensive alcoholic beverage in the world

The alcohol itself is a bottle of D'Amalfi Limoncello Supreme citrus liqueur. In principle, it is the bottle that determines the tremendous price of the drink. The neck of the vessel is adorned with three diamonds of 13 carats, another one, 18 carats, is located on the bottle itself.
For the first time, liqueur topped the rating of the most expensive drinks... Usually the first lines were whiskey or cognac.

The liquor itself is a variety - national italian drink from citrus fruits with a pure sweet taste. The composition of limoncello is extremely simple - lemons, sugar and alcohol. In total, two bottles of D'Amalfi Limoncello Supreme were made, one of which has already been found by the owner. It is not yet known how the most expensive drink in the world tasted, but for this price it should be unusually pleasant.

Diva, Henri IV Dudognon Heritage and Isabella’s Islay are names that thrill true connoisseurs of expensive alcoholic beverages. Their value at auctions can reach incredible marks containing six or more zeros.


When it comes to, consciousness builds an associative array associated with the broad Russian soul. But the most was made not in Russia, but in Scotland. Diva vodka is contained in a bottle encrusted with precious and semi-precious stones, including diamonds. The product itself is a triple distillate, passed through diamond sand and filtered charcoal Scandinavian birch. At auctions, the cost reached a historical minimum of $ 3,700, few owners of tight wallets can afford the maximum - $ 1,060,000.

Among cognacs, Henri IV Dudognon Heritage, worth $ 2,000,000, is the leader. Alcohol with a strength of 41% has been aged in barrels for 100 years. But the value of cognac is not in cognac, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. The bottle in which it is packed contains gold and platinum with a total weight of 4 kg and 6,500 diamonds.

The history of the intoxicating drink goes back a long way, but it is still not known for certain who and when made it for the first time. The oldest alcoholic "nectar", according to historical data, is wine. The first strongest drink, containing a high percentage of alcohol, appeared in the 11th century - it was ethanol, developed by a Persian doctor, the progenitor of vodka and alcoholic beverages.

The benefits and harms of drinking alcohol

Fermented berry and fruit juice, turned into mash or wine, was used by the inhabitants of Ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece as medicinal product from all diseases. Drinks with more high degree were more often used for immersion in a trance, disinfecting wounds and as a pain reliever.

Numerous studies have shown that moderate intake with a low ethanol content has a positive effect on the body. This statement applies only to wine, beer and cider, prepared purely without the addition of synthetic materials, using components of natural origin. The benefits of drinking such drinks are due to the high content of flavonoids in them, which help to eliminate cholesterol and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

However, strong alcohol cannot boast of a healing effect on human organs. The irregular and frequent consumption of vodka, brandy or whiskey in large quantities provokes the development of serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, cerebral vessels, nervous system... Strong alcohol requires adherence to certain rules when drinking, otherwise a person may get severe intoxication and dehydration the next day after drinking it.

The best spirits: how to choose the right one

Good alcohol is not always the one that costs more than 1,000 rubles per bottle. Often, cost does not mean quality, therefore, when choosing wine, cognac, liqueur and other wine-vodka products, you need to look at the composition of the product, shelf life and brand of the manufacturer.


The strongest drink in the world. Contains from 75% to 95% ethanol, which corresponds to 151 and 190 degrees. It is used exclusively for making cocktails due to its high strength.


It is rightfully one of the alcoholic beverages consumed both independently and as part of cocktails. It is known for its high ethanol content, its strength ranges from 55 to 85 degrees, the most common is absinthe with a strength of 70 degrees. The drink is banned in some countries, it has varieties with hashish additions. Made with wormwood, thuja, anise, calamus, fennel, chamomile, parsley, angelica, licorice and coriander. The poisonous extract of bitter wormwood and thuja contained in absinthe, according to the legends about the drink, is capable of causing hallucinations.

Bacardi 151 o

Flammable strongest drink used in flaming cocktails. The ethanol content is 75.5%, the strength is 151 ppm. The most common use of this drink is in the B52 cocktail.


Beer, which is the most "vigorous" in the whole world. Scottish brewers, due to a special fermentation method, have created a drink that is not inferior in strength to vodka, whiskey and cognac. The alcohol content in one bottle of such beer is 65%.


It is considered the wine with the highest ethanol content - 60%. Made from grape pulp. The drink owes its name to the place where it was first made - a small italian city Bassano del Grappa, located near Mount Grappa.


World famous alcoholic beverage, mainly used in combination with tonic. Contains 55% alcohol. A cocktail with him is very popular.


It contains 43% ethanol, is made from yeast, various cereals and water, and is aged in special barrels. It is considered the drink of true gentlemen.


Mexican strong drink, akin to Russian vodka. Fortress - 43%, made from agave, mainly by hand. There are 2 types and dark. Only light, unseasoned drink is used with lemon.


A drink with a strength of 42%. Known for its stimulating effect on the heart. Manufactured in many countries.


A truly Russian drink, as it is believed all over the world. Vodka has a strength of 40%, on its basis, many make strong home drinks - tinctures on herbs, berries, fruits, nuts. Some enterprising people in the country use vodka to create homemade cognac.


Sweet and aromatic drink... IN separate form rarely used because it tastes too sweet, mostly used in cocktails. It is considered the weakest alcoholic beverage among spirits. The alcohol content in the liqueur is 35%.

7 rules for a feast: how to reduce the negative effects of strong alcohol

1. Take your time. The strongest drink must be taken slowly - experts advise to drink no more than 50 grams of cognac, vodka, or one glass of wine within one hour.

2. Before any feast or party, you should eat a solid meal - high-calorie foods will significantly reduce the rate of absorption and minimize the effects of its intake.

3. After each drink, you should drink a glass of purified still water.

4. It is better to add ice to the strongest drink - so it will become less concentrated, its degree will decrease.

5. You should not smoke while drinking alcohol, as acetaldehyde contained in tobacco smoke aggravates ethanol poisoning of the body, that is, a hangover syndrome.

6. Do not use alcohol as an antidepressant - its effect only intensifies the state of depression.

7. There is an opinion that a strong drink has a warming effect, but this is far from the case. Once in the body, alcohol provokes the release of heat, thereby causing fever, but at the same time, the internal body temperature decreases. It should be remembered that alcoholic beverages cool, so their use in the cold season for warming is not advisable.