Long Island Cocktail Mysteries - A High Degree Test of Strength.

19.08.2019 Seafood dishes

The Long Island cocktail is a mood-creating drink. It harmoniously combines five different alcoholic beverages: gin, rum, vodka, tequila and orange liqueur. This whole mix is ​​mixed with Coca-Cola and lemon juice. Sometimes the lemon component is skipped. Long Island tastes and smells like iced tea, which is why it has the ice tee prefix in its name. But despite such a harmless name and excellent taste, this long drink is insidious - its strength is 28%. Before you have time to come to your senses, you will get drunk. Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to one serving of the cocktail per evening, or at least two.

The origin story of the Long Island Ice Tea

The history of the origin of this drink will be more interesting than many detective stories. There is a version that "Long Island" was invented during the Prohibition in the United States. Then this alcoholic drink was disguised as a non-alcoholic one - it was served in tea cups under the guise of cold tea. And no FBI agent who enforces the law even suspected what kind of "killer" mixture the visitors of the bar were drinking.

According to the second version, in the 70s Long Island residents regularly competed in the ability to walk on their own feet to the end of the street, drinking in each of the bars along the way. In the fight for visitors, the bartenders were tricky and mixed the players with a cocktail that quickly knocked them off their feet and did not allow them to enter other establishments.

There is another story. Once, a young man with a companion came into one of the bars on Long Island. The man drank two glasses of whiskey and began to behave inappropriately. Then his beloved gave him an ultimatum - either she or whiskey. The man chose love. On the next trip to the bar, he ordered tea, but when his girlfriend was away, the man asked the bartender to add him a glass of whiskey. The bartender approached the process creatively - mixed several types of alcohol and added the resulting mix to tea.

Long Island Ice Tea Cocktail - Classic Recipe

You don't need to be a professional bartender to cook Long Island at home. Also, it is not necessary to have a shaker and other bartender's equipment, a spoon and a tall glass with thick walls (highball) will be enough. When preparing this classic long drink, you will need the following ingredients:

  • light (white) rum (preferably Bacardi) - 20 ml;
  • vodka - 20 ml;
  • gin - 20 ml;
  • silver tequila - 20 ml;
  • orange liqueur (Triple Sec or Cointreau) - 20 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • Coca-Cola - 100 ml;
  • ice cubes - 150-200 grams.

Cooking method:

Mix all alcoholic drinks in a shaker and pour them into a large cocktail glass (highball) filled to the top with ice. Then add juice and cola. Finally, garnish the glass with a lemon or lime wedge and insert a straw. If you do not have a shaker at hand, you can prepare a cocktail directly in a glass; for this, pour the drinks one by one, starting with alcoholic ones and stir.

American Long Drink recipe options

If for some reason you do not have the ingredients for making the classic "Long Island", you can safely replace them and create your own recipe for making this drink. For example, use iced tea, cranberry juice, or phantom instead of cola. Replace orange liqueur with another one, for example, peach. Add brown rum instead of white rum. The main principle of this mix is ​​a little bit of everything, but stronger. Bartenders have been experimenting with the Long Island composition for a long time and have already created several variations of the classic drink: Alaska Ice Tee (in this recipe, Blue Curacao blue liqueur is used instead of Coca - Cola), Tokyo Ice Tee (in this recipe they replace already two ingredients: tequila for Midori liqueur, and cola for lemonade), Long Beach Ice Tea (this drink also does not contain Coca-Cola, but cranberry juice is added instead), Long Island Peach (main taste the drink is given by peach schnapps, which is added to the drink instead of tequila).

Russian cocktail recipe "Long Island Ice Tea"

There is also a Russian version of the Long Island Ice Tea cocktail. To prepare it, you will need the following components:

  • silver tequila - 20 ml.;
  • light rum - 25 ml;
  • gin - 1 tablespoon;
  • vodka - 20 ml;
  • orange liqueur - 15 ml;
  • champagne - 4 large spoons;
  • fresh berries, raspberries and cherries - 2 each;
  • ice cubes - 150-200 grams.

Method of preparation: Peel the cherries, mix with raspberries and crush. Next, add this mixture to a shaker and fill it with alcoholic beverages. Fill a cocktail glass with ice cubes and pour the contents from a shaker into it. It is advisable to pass the berry-alcohol mix through a sieve before this. Then add sparkling champagne and mix all the contents. Decorate the glass with lemon or lime wedges.

Long Island Ice Tea Cocktail Recipe

No less popular is the non-alcoholic version of Long Island. It is prepared quite simply and quickly. To do this, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Coca-Cola - 120 ml;
  • lemonade - 120 ml;
  • cold tea - 120 ml;
  • wedge of lemon or lime
  • ice - crushed or 200 grams cubes.

Cooking method:

Fill a tall glass with ice cubes. Pour lemonade, tea and Coca-Cola. Stir the drink and decorate it with lemon or lime.

Cocktail(eng. cocktail- disputed origin) - a drink obtained by mixing several liquids. Cocktails are alcoholic (containing alcoholic drinks as one or more ingredients) and non-alcoholic. This is how Wikipedia says about this phenomenon.

In this post, I will try to break down the 10 most popular and most common cocktails in the world. And at the very end, a little professional trick that will make a real bar out of your household alcohol reserves :)

1. Mojito

A Caribbean-born cocktail that draws on its history from the time of pirates, has won true love around the world. The preparation is based on white rum and has many variations.
Classic Mojito is 3-4 lime leaves at the bottom of the glass, covered with 2 tsp. cane sugar, choke, but do not crumble, with a wooden contraption (I forgot the name), so that the juice goes. The juice of 2/4 lime is poured onto all this, 1/4 is simply thrown into a glass, 40 ml of white rum is poured, crash (finely crushed ice) is placed to the top of the glass, 150-200 ml is poured. sprite / seven ap. Using a bar spoon, raise the thick lower part to the top. Done!

Remember: White Rum.

2. Cuba Libre

The inventors of the cocktail are American officers who mixed Cuban rum and American cola and toasted to a free and thriving cuba in the early 20th century in Havana bars. The recipe is terribly simple: 200 gr. a glass is placed with a maximum of ice cubes, 50 ml of white rum, 100 ml of cola. For the beauty and delicate taste of citrus - a slice of lime / lemon / orange inside the glass. Done!

Remember: White Rum.

3. Screwdriver

Ingeniously simple and one of the most popular in the world. The homeland of the classic screwdriver is the USA during the Prohibition era (orange juice completely overwhelmed the smell of alcohol). At 200 gr. put ice in a glass (3-5 cubes), pour 100 ml of orange juice, 50 ml of vodka on top (ratio 2 to 1). Garnish with a citrus wedge to taste. My favorite option is Sicilian red orange juice and build vodka (gently wadded onto ice cubes or onto the rim of a glass with a spoon). There are countless variations, with different types of juices and ratios of alcohol to it.

Remember: Vodka

4. Tequila Sunrise

It is believed that this cocktail was invented in the 30s in one of the hotels in the state of Arizona. . It is also the favorite alcoholic drink of the Rolling Stones. .
Pour 100 ml of juice into the bottom of a glass full of ice, 50 ml of tequila on top, then 10-20 ml of grenadine (pomegranate syrup). Ready. You can put a slice of some citrus.

Remember: Grenadine, Tequila

5. Bloody Mary

That Bloody Mary that is served in most establishments is from France in the 30s. Put in a 200 ml glass 2 pinches of pepper, 2 pinches of salt, a couple of drops of Worcester sauce (optional), 100 ml of tomato juice (with pulp), 40 ml of vodka, squeeze a little lemon. Decorate with celery / shrimp / cucumber / bell pepper / parsley to taste. Ready. It is considered one of the best hangover drinks. It's also one of my favorite cocktails.
There are also plenty of its varieties: with gin, tequila, whiskey, with a bouillon cube, hot, cold ...
There is another kind - the racially correct Polish cocktail shot "Krvava Manka" (or something like that). First, tomato juice is poured into the shot, and then carefully, along the blade of a knife, vodka (so as not to mix). Vodka and juice in equal amounts.

Remember: vodka

6. (Long Island) Ice Tee

It was first served in New York in the 70s, at the Smithtown Club on Long Island. Technology: vodka, gin, tequila, white rum, Cointreau - all 20 ml is poured into a 200 ml glass filled with ice cubes. Pour 50 ml of cola on top, squeeze 1/4 of the lemon, add 20 ml of sugar syrup. Mix thoroughly, decorate with a citrus wedge. Done!
Shl one of the strongest "longs" in the world: 28% ... Be careful with him :)

Remember: Tequila, gin, vodka, white rum, Cointreau

7. Margarita

The cocktail is originally from Latin America of the 30s. Prepare as follows: pour 100 ml into a glass (martinka). tequila, 50 ml Cointreau, 30 ml lime / lemon juice. In the original recipe, margarita should be drunk without a straw, through salt. To do this, at the very beginning, you need to make a salty rim - pour an even layer of salt on a flat plate, wet the rim of the glass with your finger and attach it to the plate.

Remember: Tequilla, Cointreau

8. Cosmopolitan

The cocktail was invented in the 70s on the east coast of the United States. The apotheosis of his popularity on other "strata" of society came with the popularity of the TV series "Sex and the City", where he was the heroines' favorite drink. Its recipe is as follows: 80 ml of vodka, 40 ml of Cointreau, 30 ml of cranberry juice, squeeze a slice of lemon / lime.

Remember: vodka, Cointreau

9. Sex on the beach

The official cocktail of the International Bartenders Association, the history of which neither I nor the Internet know. Nevertheless, it is very popular, especially here in the 90s. Recipe: 50 ml vodka, 50 ml orange juice, 25 ml peach liqueur, 25 ml grenadine / cranberry juice. Pour everything into a 200 ml glass full of ice.

Pearl Mesta, then the US Ambassador to Luxembourg. The cocktail is considered the ancestor of all coffee cocktails.
Received its name "Black Russian", marking the dark period of the Cold War against Soviet Union... This cocktail, which is considered the ancestor of mixed drinks, including coffee, was included in the collection (Gotha) of world cocktails only in the second edition of the IBA (International Bartenders Association).
The recipe is ingeniously simple: a lot of ice, 100 ml of vodka, 50 ml of kalua (or any other coffee liqueur.

And now a little secret: Buy all the ingredients for Long Island Ice Tee (vodka, gin, tequila, rum) - and a huge expanse will open up for mixing dozens of types of cocktails (well, buy juices, colas, etc.)


The history of the long Island Ice Tee cocktail, which does not go out of fashion, like most famous cocktails, has several versions. One of them, very similar to the truth, says that this strong drink appeared in America in the harsh years of Prohibition, when, with the strictest ban on alcohol in drinking establishments, it was served under the guise of iced tea (ice-ti), but it really looks looks great like iced tea, and the cola present in the composition repels the smell of alcohol.

In any case, it is named after Long Island, located in New York Harbor. The Long Island cocktail is one of the strongest, as it contains 5 alcoholic ingredients. The drink is classified as a long drink, that is, a large volume alcoholic cocktail that is drunk for a long time, as the ice melts. Served in tall glasses.

Long Island Ice Tea cocktail recipe

Kitchenware: tall glass, straws.


Preparing a large Long Island cocktail

Long Island Cocktail Recipe Video

A video tutorial on how to make a Long Island cocktail, after watching which you can mix a trendy cocktail on your own.

  • For fans of experimentation, I suggest trying to make changes to the main recipe of this drink. For example, if raspberry vodka is added to the proposed composition, then the cocktail will acquire a slightly different color - pink, and the taste will also change slightly.
  • For Electric Ice Tea, take Blue Curacao and lemon soda - the drink will be blue. And for the stunning Miami Ice Tee you will need tequila, cranberry juice and peach schnapps. You can also replace tequila with Midori liqueur, cola - with lemonade, then we get "Tokyo Ice Tee".
  • If you decide to learn how to properly prepare and serve cocktails beautifully, then try other recipes. For example, the famous cocktail - "Bloody Mary" - is easy to prepare, but very effective, or - it also makes an indelible impression. Many enchantingly delicious cocktail options can be prepared — with Martini Bianco —.
  • One cannot but recall the legendary “Margarita” cocktail, which conquered the world with its simplicity and grace. But the most spectacular, in my opinion, is the three-layer B-52 cocktail, which one must be able not only to make, but also to drink correctly.

The popular Long Island cocktail has an interesting history and no less interesting composition. Combining several types of alcohol and other drinks, it has the familiar and beloved taste of cold tea.

The history of the drink

Although the cocktail did not appear more than a century ago, the exact history of its origin is unknown. There are several versions regarding the appearance of the drink.

Most often, the alcoholic mix is ​​associated with the period of "Prohibition" in the United States. At the time of the strict ban on drinking alcoholic beverages, the bartenders of the island of the same name, located in New York, came up with an alcoholic mix disguised as iced tea. It was even served in tea cups and called "Ice Tee".

According to another version, the cocktail was invented in bars on Long Island Street. In the middle of the 20th century, an alcoholic festival was popular in New York. Men walked into every bar on Long Island and drank a glass. In order to retain customers, some bars began to pour a strong alcoholic mix for competing men.

There is a third version, according to which Long Island was invented for men whose wives were against drinking. Then, in one of the bars in New York, the husbands began to pour a cocktail under the guise of iced tea.

Long Island Composition

The Long Island cocktail, which includes many ingredients, is made on the basis of 5 types of alcohol, such as:

  • white rum;
  • with orange flavor;
  • natural silver tequila.

A whole alcoholic atlas of the world is collected in one glass. All alcohol is mixed in equal proportions and diluted with soft drinks so that the strength of the cocktail is about 30%. Thanks to the non-alcoholic additives, the cocktail is easy to drink. Although there is a classic mix recipe, the additional ingredients vary from region to region and depend on the tastes, traditions and preferences of the local population.

Types and varieties of cocktails

Since the Long Island Ice Tea is made from a large number of ingredients, there are many varieties of strong mix. Most often, the variations of the drink are associated with the local flavor. Natural alcoholic components that make up Long Island are expensive, so they are often replaced by drinks common in the region.

Bartenders are experimenting with the strength of the mix, creating lighter "feminine" varieties and even non-alcoholic options. The most common Long Island views are:

  • Electrician Ice Tee;
  • Raspberry Ice Tea;
  • Miami Ice Tee.

Classic cooking recipe

The classic composition of the alcoholic mix includes 5 types of alcohol, lemon juice, cola and ice. There are 3 options for mixing proportions of alcoholic components: 15, 20, 30 ml. The last option will be the strongest. However, the strength largely depends on the amount of additional non-alcoholic components. In the classic recipe, cola and lemon juice are added in equal proportions with alcohol. Cola colors the liquid in a characteristic tea color, and lemon juice drowns out the smell and taste of alcohol.

Since initially the Long Island cocktail, the recipe of which involved mixing several types of alcohol, was served under the guise of chilled tea, according to the classic version, the drink is poured into a tall glass glass, decorated with a slice of lemon and drunk through a straw.

Other cocktail variations

The classic recipe is popular with strong mix lovers. However, other cocktail variations have their merits as well.

Electric Ice Tea is distinguished by its unusual color and taste. Lemon soda or lemon-flavored soda water and French Blue Curacao liqueur are added to the cocktail. The taste of the drink becomes more pronounced, and the liquid becomes silvery-blue. This cocktail variant is popular in nightclubs.

Long raspberry cocktail is a feminine version of the mix. If, instead of plain vodka, add raspberry to the glass, the drink will acquire a rich pink color, retaining its taste. This option is easy to prepare at home.

Miami Ice Tee conveys the atmosphere of a sultry beach. It contains not only classic ingredients, but also peach liqueur and cranberry juice. Also, more ice is added to this type of mix. A great option to freshen up and have fun.

Each country brings its own changes to the classic recipe of the drink. For example, the Russian version provides for the addition of champagne and the juice of fresh crushed berries. The Japanese add orange liqueur and juice to the mix. And in Hawaii, the strength of the drink is reduced by the exclusion of ingredients such as gin and tequila.

How to Make Long Island Iced Tea

Although the cocktail resembles ice cold tea in taste and appearance, it has a high strength, so you cannot drink it in large quantities. But for friends, you can make a couple of cocktails at home. There are many ingredients in the drink, but it is not difficult to prepare it.

For Long Island preparation, it is better to use a highball - a special tall cylindrical glass for mixing drinks. It is not necessary to use a shaker. The container is filled to the top with ice cubes. Whole cubes can be broken, but then the ice will melt faster and the strength of the drinks will decrease.

When the highball is completely filled with ice, alcoholic beverages are poured into it in equal parts. The glass should be about half full. Then add cola or other soda to the highball. Most often, Sprite or plain lemon-flavored soda is used instead of cola. If citrus fruit or berry juice is used instead of cola, then the cocktail should be sprinkled with cola only on top.

You can squeeze a slice of fresh lemon into a glass or hang it on the edge of a container. All ingredients must be gently mixed with a special cocktail stick or just a thin spoon. The strong mix is ​​drunk immediately.

Add your price to the base

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Cocktail history

Version one

According to one version, this strong alcoholic drink appeared in the United States of America during Prohibition, when official sales of alcohol were roughly suppressed. At that time, this cocktail was served in bars under the guise of strong tea - in color it fully corresponded to this harmless drink, and the alcoholic smell was easily interrupted by bright citrus notes. For better fit, this cocktail was sold in clear faceted glasses with ice and citrus slices.

Second version

Later evidence of the emergence of the cocktail dates back to the 70s of the last century. It is believed that it originated from the popular game at the time, which took place on Island Street, in New York, which at that time was home to an incredible number of bars and restaurants. The essence of the game was to walk down the street, go to each establishment and have a cocktail there. The one who could walk to the end of the avenue on his own feet became the winner. Naturally, during this distance, an insane amount of alcohol of various types and strengths was drunk. A similar assortment of alcoholic beverages is included in the Long Island recipe, the name of which comes from that very memorable street.

Version three - "romantic"

According to this version, the Long Island cocktail was invented by bartender Robert Butt. A man who liked to drink whiskey often came to his establishment. But after a hefty dose of alcohol, he lost control of himself and made a brawl. His girlfriend made him make a choice - she or whiskey. The man chose his beloved.

At the next party, the girl allowed her beloved to drink only iced tea. When she left, the man asked a friend of the bartender to add strong alcohol to his tea. The bartender was not taken aback and poured everything he had at hand: vodka, gin, rum, tequila and orange liqueur. Nobody noticed the substitution. Later, instead of tea, cola was added to the cocktail.


There are several variants of the Long Island cocktail, the preparation of which does not require the obligatory presence of a shaker - tall glasses and a cocktail spoon are quite enough.

No. 1 Classic recipe

Required components:

  • Vodka - 20 ml
  • Tequila - 20 ml
  • White rum - 20 ml
  • Gin - 20 ml
  • Cointreau or Triple Sec - 20 ml
  • Lemon juice - 30 ml
  • Coca-Cola - 80 ml

Take a tall glass and fill it with ice cubes. All ingredients except Coca-Cola must be shaken well in a shaker (or other container), pour the contents into a glass with ice and add Coca-Cola. It is good to use a sprig of mint or a lemon wedge for decoration.

No. 2 For girls

A more flavorful Long Island is obtained by slightly modifying the classic recipe. The preparation of this drink (which is mostly preferred by ladies) will require the following types of alcohol - rum (light) vodka, silver tequila, orange liqueur, gin.

Required components:

  • Silver tequila - 15 ml
  • Light rum - 15 ml
  • Vodka - 15 ml
  • Orange liqueur - 15 ml
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Syrup - 30 ml
  • Gin - 20 ml
  • Cola - 50 ml

Cooking sequence

All alcoholic components are poured into one glass. They add 30 milliliters of lemon juice and syrup to them, everything is gently mixed. At the last stage, 50 ml of cola is poured into the cocktail and ice is added.

No. 3 Summer

Long Island with aromatic melon liqueur is suitable for hot summer or resort holidays. To prepare a cocktail according to this recipe, you will need: 20 ml each of gin, tequila, Cointreau, vodka and melon liqueur (Japanese is best). Soda water is used as a "solvent".

Required components:

  • White rum - 20 ml
  • White tequila - 20 ml
  • Gin - 20 ml
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 20 ml
  • Vodka - 20 ml
  • Melon liqueur midori - 20 ml
  • Soda
  • Cointreau - 20 ml

Cooking sequence

The cocktail is mixed, like most of the previous options, in a shaker or a suitable container.

№4 Russian version

The Russian version of the preparation of this drink is very simple, but at the same time very original. The drink turns out to be incredibly aromatic and tasty.

Required components:

  • Vodka - 10 ml
  • Gin - 10 ml
  • White rum - 10 ml
  • Silver tequila - 10 ml
  • Orange liqueur - 10 ml
  • Dry sparkling wine - 100 ml
  • Cherries - 10 g
  • Raspberries - 20 g
  • Ice cubes - 100 g

Cooking sequence

Place pitted cherries and raspberries in a shaker and grind. Next, pour in order: orange liqueur, silver tequila, white rum, gin and vodka. Fill a shaker with ice cubes and beat well.

Pass the cocktail, add dry sparkling wine to the brim. Stir gently with a cocktail spoon and garnish with raspberries on a skewer.

Features of the cocktail

Different countries have their own interpretations of this drink. In the UK, for example, lemon juice is not added, replacing it with other juices or lemonade. Orange juice or liqueur, pineapple juice, peach schnapps, cranberry juice are added to such cocktails, this adds a certain zest to the drink.

It should be borne in mind that the drink is strong enough, so you should not use it a lot. If two glasses are able to relax and improve mood without any consequences for the body. Then, having drunk more than four glasses, you risk waking up in the morning with a headache and dim memories of the past evening. Remember that the cocktail should bring pleasure, not a morning hangover.