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30.10.2019 Desserts and cakes

The kitchen is always a separate world for the hostess. It has its own rules, its own operating principles and, of course, its own kitchen appliances. If you are well-versed in this room, equipped it for yourself and clearly know how to work in it quickly and efficiently, then you can save an incredible amount of time. And the cooking process itself will turn from a painful routine into something interesting and dynamic.

What will it be about?

This article will tell you about how to achieve such heights in working in an ordinary kitchen. To be more precise, we will focus on the most popular and necessary tools. We have all singled out and even used kitchen appliances more than once, but now let's organize and supplement our knowledge about them.

Appliances you can't do without in the kitchen

First, there are four knives. The first is for meat, and the rest is for vegetables and similar products in structure. The meat knife should be wide, but made of thin steel. Such characteristics will allow faster, more convenient and safer work with the product. A large vegetable knife is used to cut the food. The kitchen appliance for slicing vegetables and fruits in this category is a medium knife, but a small one is for small tasks such as removing eyes and lesions from potatoes. All these devices are worth buying with a metal handle, because a wooden one is not very reliable, easily absorbs odors and wears out rather quickly.

Secondly, you can't do without scissors. There are many types of them, like knives, but the most necessary in the kitchen are the following: medium fish (for fins and butchering the carcass itself), large (for cutting meat with bones), small (in order to cut sour cream bags and similar products ).

Thirdly, the above devices will very quickly become useless without a sharpener. For cutting tools to be truly effective, it is simply irreplaceable.

More about small but very important kitchen appliances

Now let's look at other hand-held kitchen appliances. Titles and short descriptions are given below. These are small kitchen appliances, but their importance in modern kitchens cannot be underestimated:

  1. Spoons (both common table spoons and wooden ones). The latter are needed in order to handle jam and dairy dishes. As a rule, in the kitchen it is enough to have three spoons, but this number can vary depending on the situation.
  2. Cutting boards. Usually housewives manage with two: a large one - for working with dough, a small one - for meat, vegetables, fish and the like. Often, separate boards are used for the listed products. This is more hygienic and reduces the risk of misunderstood tastes.
  3. Rolling pins. The most popular are two-handed, one-handed and rotating (also called European).
  4. A hammer, preferably made of wood.

Since it often costs a lot to repair electrical kitchen appliances, the use of mechanical and hand tools is more financially beneficial. Most often, such devices still do not require much attention or care, which greatly simplifies their work.

What inexpensive appliances can help save time?

Now we bring to your attention kitchen appliances, photos and descriptions of which will show that they were created precisely in order to save your time as much as possible. Let's start listing and describing:

  1. Meat grinder. A truly brilliant invention. Complete with attachments can be used for more complex tasks than simple meat chopping. It is even suitable for squeezing juice.
  2. Grater. If it is universal, it is simply irreplaceable. Nothing more can be said.
  3. Whisk. Electric, as well as manual, quickly and efficiently mix everything - from creams and drinks to minced meat and sauces.
  4. Garlic press. It will save you the need to painfully grind garlic by hand.
  5. Timer. A food saver and helper who will free your head from worries.
  6. Corkscrew opener. Will open in front of you almost any jar, bottle, pull out the cork. It will also do it very quickly.

More complex, but no less effective devices

Now let's look at those products that are not at all necessary in the kitchen, but are incredibly useful and effective. Let's compose the top 10, which will include only the best kitchen appliances.

Devices with many combined functions

Tenth place - food processor. It can replace the entire kitchen arsenal that we listed above. You just need to get it, turn it on, select the desired function and wash the device after use. He will cut, and stir, and beat, and grind. For a large family - one of the most necessary things. But there is also a significant drawback - the harvester requires scrupulous and complex maintenance.

The ninth place is a multicooker. In general, a miracle of technology, which can replace not only appliances in the kitchen, but also the hostess herself. Cooking in it is safe - no burnt pastries or undercooked cereals. Among the pluses, it is important to note that multicooker is completely independent, the hostess needs to load the necessary products inside and press a button. But, of course, there are also disadvantages - it takes up a lot of space, also requires maintenance, it is quite difficult to wash it. It should be noted that the multicooker is still not omnipotent - complex dishes still do not lend themselves to it.

Drinks and bread - what humanity needs

Eighth place is a juicer. We think that there is no need to explain its purpose. The popularity of this device at the moment is due to the fact that more and more people are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. It should be said that juicers are of two types - for fresh juices (used on a daily basis) and for blanks (used seasonally). What's important for kitchen utensils is that juicers are easy to clean.

Seventh place - bread makers. Such a machine may hit your pocket a little, but housewives who use breads confidently claim that it is worth it. It is important to know that such a device has more than one function. As a rule, bread makers knead dough very well, make preserves or jams, and sometimes even produce fermented milk products (yoghurts). Well, who doesn't like the opportunity to make your own bread?

Universal helpers

Sixth place is a microwave oven. It is thanks to her that you can really save a lot of time. First of all, we will mention the incredible ability to heat food almost instantly. But this is far from the only advantage of such a furnace. Here you also need to add cooking various dishes and quick defrosting. If you buy a more advanced microwave oven, then it will have other interesting and useful functions that such kitchen appliances have.

The fifth place is the mixer. There are really many types of such devices and even more attachments for them. For example, you can use a mixer with your own bowl or submersible. The attachments are needed to expand the functionality of the device. It is thanks to them that the mixer can both whisk and stir with a spatula, how to knead the dough with a hook, and chop with knives. Changing the speed mode helps to achieve different effects, and expensive specimens can also do this without noise and splashing.

The most useful human inventions

The fourth place is an electric kettle. Not new, but very useful kitchen appliance. Modern models can boil water faster and faster, and the improved ones maintain the temperature you need for a given period of time, and even can be turned on at the time you specify thanks to a timer.

The third place is a meat grinder. It has already been mentioned, but now we will consider the option not manual, but electric. It goes without saying that such devices are much faster and more multitasking. As in electric, there are many attachments for a variety of purposes. The more modern the model, the more effective and better the attachments. The same applies to knives, which are self-sharpening in most cases. Such meat grinders allow not only grinding minced meat, but also cooking sausages or nipples. In terms of design, modern models are very compact and often disassemble automatically. Washing an electric meat grinder seems to be easy, but this process cannot be called very easy.

What a kitchen is not a kitchen without

The second place is the stove. We don't think there is a kitchen anywhere without it. Since this is an extremely common type of modern kitchen appliances, it is logical that there are so many variations and models. For example, you can choose between a gas and an electric stove or buy a double; you can install only a stove or choose an option with a built-in oven. A lot of interesting information can be told about this irreplaceable assistant of any hostess, but this is a completely different story ...

The first place is definitely taken by the refrigerator. It is he who allows us to keep food close at hand, and not to run every time to the garden to pick a tomato, or to the field to milk a cow. It must be said that a modern refrigerator is not just a cold cabinet. Smart systems and clever engineering solutions help this unit to use individual settings, thereby significantly increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of refrigerators.

What is all this for?

All of the above useful kitchen appliances make our life very easy. That is why it is worth evaluating your time expenditures and, perhaps, using the information from the article in order to minimize them as much as possible. In addition, such tools in the kitchen will make cooking not only easier, but also more enjoyable, interesting, and even brighter. With our pace of life and constant rush, such factors play a very important role, and therefore you cannot just discount the chance to simplify and at the same time beautify your life. Happy purchases!

Good or bad - it's hard to say, but, in any case, it is inevitable: any woman spends a lot of time in the kitchen. And if there are children in the family, or someone from the household on a diet or special food, then the duties of cooking become almost the main part of the hostess's routine. will tell you about 10 of the most useful kitchen appliances, the use of which makes life easier and shortens the time spent in the kitchen.

Let's make a reservation right away that every woman in her own kitchen is a chef, so we all have different "technological" addictions. Someone prefers to do with the minimum, someone respects the most fashionable and advanced novelties and is in a hurry to get them as soon as they appear on sale. The rating is compiled on the basis of Internet surveys, and, perhaps, you will place the devices differently in terms of importance and usefulness.

10th place: food processor

This device replaces graters, knives, a mixer, a blender, it cuts vegetables and fruits, whips eggs, kneads dough - in general, it is an excellent assistant to the hostess in the kitchen. Critics remind that the harvester takes up a lot of space and requires careful maintenance: after each use you have to disassemble it and rinse every large and small part. In general, both critics and supporters agree that the harvester is justified if the family is large, and it is necessary to cook food often and in large quantities.

9th place: multicooker

In fact, this is an electric pan with ample opportunities: you can cook soups, cereals, pilaf and even baked goods (muffins) in it. Cons - it takes up a lot of space, requires careful maintenance, still cannot cook complex dishes. Pros - food does not burn, food is cooked at the optimal temperature. The most important advantage of the multicooker is its "independence": the hostess can do other things while the food is being prepared, which saves a lot of time. In advanced, more expensive versions, there are quite a few modes and functions, there is the possibility of delayed cooking and keeping the finished dish hot.

8th place: juicer

More and more families are adopting a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition. The growing popularity of juicers is probably related to this fact. There are two main types: for everyday use and industrial-type juicers (for blanks for the winter). The main advantage of the supporters of this device is its ability to squeeze out fresh juices quickly and quality, which are much more useful than packaged juices.

7th place: bread maker

This device is quite expensive, but supporters consider the price to be justified. Most bread makers are able not only to bake fresh bread on their own (from kneading to baking), but also know how to knead dough for dumplings and dumplings, as well as make jam. Housewives get the opportunity to experiment with the composition of the bread (add bran, cereals, corn flour, etc.). And most importantly, the bread turns out to be tasty, and its composition is known for sure.

6th place: microwave

This device won us over with its ability to quickly heat food, but it is capable of a lot: you can cook in the microwave oven (even baked goods in some models), as well as defrost food. Types of microwave ovens: "solo" (microwaves only), "solo + grill" (microwaves and grill function). Advanced, more expensive versions of ovens are multifunctional - they have convection heating, they are capable of processing food with steam.

5th place: mixer

A mixer is indispensable in a modern kitchen. Mixers are submersible (manual) and stationary with a bowl (for small volumes, these can be used in "manual" mode, unfastening the movable part). This device has many attachments - whisks for whipping, mixing products, hooks for kneading dough, attachments for blenders (with chopping knives), chopping glasses. It is possible to set different speed modes, which helps to get different results. Advanced, more expensive versions of mixers have noise minimization systems, anti-scratch systems, and anti-splash systems.

4th place: electric kettle

The device is certainly not new, but modern electric kettles have become more powerful, thanks to disc heaters they boil and heat water faster. “Smart” models are able to maintain a constant water temperature and turn on on a timer.

3rd place: meat grinder

Meat grinders are mechanical and electrical. Our mothers and grandmothers also used mechanical ones, and electric ones are gaining more and more popularity, since they take on the main work on themselves. Meat grinders process meat quickly, efficiently and in different ways (up to 4.5 kg per minute). They have self-sharpening knives, different attachments not only for minced meat of different consistency, but also for homemade sausages, homemade sausages. Modern meat grinders are easily disassembled (sometimes automatically), have compartments for storing small parts, and are compact. Advanced, more expensive versions of meat grinders are combined with food processors (there are grinders for slicing and shredding, grating products - vegetables and fruits), as well as with juicers.

2nd place: kitchen stove

Stoves can be gas and electric (including electric stoves and hobs), have or not have a built-in oven. There is no dispute about tastes, moreover, in some situations, the installation of electric stoves is due to the situation (for example, in multi-storey buildings). The advantage of gas stoves is efficiency, the advantage of electric stoves is the absence of open fire. In most cases (and this is certainly more convenient and expands the culinary possibilities), the stoves are combined with ovens (gas or electric). Electric ovens have more options: several heating modes, convection heating (the best option for various baked goods), built-in grill, etc. They can also be combined with a steamer or microwave. Many modern stoves and ovens have a built-in programming function, timers, various cooking modes (simmering, gentle stewing, fermentation, defrosting, etc.), as well as quick cooling systems.

1st place: refrigerator

This is the most energy-consuming appliance in the kitchen and - by the unanimous recognition of housewives - the most useful. Meat remains frozen in it, vegetables - fresh, and drinks - chilled. Modern refrigerators are optimized for storing different products in different modes, have built-in LCD screens with various indicators, combined with freezers (top, bottom or side-by-side). The shelves in refrigerators are adjustable in height, drawers and baskets are fully extended, there are containers for storing certain products, compartments with humidity control (for fruits and herbs). Energy efficient refrigerator models are labeled with the Energy Star label.

Popular among hostesses are also:

- coffee maker

It is compact, easy to use and relatively inexpensive (compared to a coffee machine, for example). Instant coffee does not have such a rich, rich taste as brewed, and the coffee maker brews coffee quickly and on its own. Detachable parts are easy to clean; in advanced, more expensive versions, you can set the mode to keep the coffee hot; they also have a so-called "anti-drip" system, often supplemented with coffee grinders.

- toaster

This device is very popular in the West, but, according to experts, it did not take root in Russia. Many housewives believe that it is unreasonable to occupy a limited kitchen space with equipment that can perform only one function - to fry and dry bread. Proponents of toasters claim that it helps to diversify the menu, and is also good for health (nutritionists recommend eating dried bread). All toasters have thermostats - they regulate the degree of toasting of bread; advanced, more expensive options can heat buns, croissants, toast with frozen bread.

- kitchen scales

Many housewives cook intuitively or "by eye", but kitchen scales are relevant for complex dishes and pastries. Modern electronic scales are supplemented with functions for storing weight, sequential weighing of ingredients, calculating the volume of the weighed liquid, and a tare compensation function (products are weighed without taking into account the weight of the bowl).

- blender

This appliance is often built into other kitchen appliances (such as a food processor) and has similar functions and the same attachments as a mixer, so housewives tend to choose one.

- airfryer

A fashionable appliance among lovers of fried foods. Allows you to fry in a relatively harmless way, with a minimum of fat.

- freezer

It is considered necessary by those housewives who freeze a large amount of food (fresh fruits and vegetables) for the winter.

- Dishwasher

A dishwasher is a dream of mothers of large families, but this dream is not cheap and takes up quite a lot of space.

What kitchen appliances do you find most useful?

Time-saving devices and tools
1. Meat grinder with attachments (for juicing and with a tube for special types of ground meat: mititeev, kebabs).
2. Manual or mechanical (electric) whisk with two knirls and two blades (for stirring creams, minced meat, sauces, dough, drinks).
3. Garlic extractor.
4. Timer (kitchen alarm-stopwatch). With the timer, your head is free for more important things, while without it you have to worry all the time, has it burned out, has it boiled over?
5. Universal grater: rubs, planes, grinds, shreds.
6. Stainless universal corkscrew opener: opens bottles, cans, corks, punches holes in containers with liquids.
7. Foil rolls are wide and narrow.

Required tools
1. Four knives made of stainless steel, with the cutting part and the handle made of metal. Knives with a wooden or bone (plastic handle) are impractical: they get dirty, smell, bend, misfire more often than others. One knife - for meat (wide, made of thin steel, medium length), three - for vegetables: large (blade 16 centimeters) - chopping, medium (blade 10 centimeters) - for peeling fruits and vegetables, small (blade 6 centimeters) - the so-called potato (for cleaning eyes, lesions, etc.).
2. Scissors: stainless steel, medium, so-called fish, - for trimming tails, fins, cutting small fish into pieces; stainless steel, large (strong, able to cut bones) - for butchering chickens, ducks and other poultry; small - for trimming milk cartons, cream, cottage cheese bags, etc.
3. For knives and scissors, you need to have a sharpening plate with a fine notch in order to periodically slightly edit cutting tools.

Other non-mechanical hand tools
1. Wooden hammer.
2. Wooden chopping boards measuring 70x50 and 45x30 centimeters: large - for dough products, small - for meat, fish, vegetables.
3. Three rolling pins: Russian two-handed, Russian one-handed and Western European (rotating).
4. Two or three wooden spoons: for stirring jams and for dairy dishes.

1. A kettle for boiling water for 3-4 liters.
2. Coffee pot (or special coffee pot with a long handle) for brewing coffee.
3. Two earthenware, or even better porcelain teapots for brewing tea: 1.5 liters and 750 - 800 milliliters.
4. 6-8 pots: large enamelled, low - for soups; two aluminum, wide, low - one for boiling milk, the other for cooking dumplings, dumplings; medium enameled - for stewed fruit, jelly, etc .; metal (aluminum, babbit, etc.), with a rounded and thickened bottom - for cereals; metal, with a semicircular bottom, thick-walled such as a cauldron or cauldron (boiler) - for frying and stewing meat, fish, cooking pilaf, frying pies.
5. Casserole: large or medium (metal) - for frying and straining; small (enameled) - for creams, sauces; enamelled, medium or small - for quick preparation, heating and heating coffee, cocoa in milk, semolina, etc.
6. Frying pans, trays, sheets: light metal large deep frying pan made of thick metal - for baking, stewing; light metal small frying pan made of thick metal - for frying, browning; black cast iron pan - for pancakes; enameled cast iron - for baking fish, omelets, stewing and browning; black cast iron enameled - for roasting fish, omelets, stewing and sautéing dishes for children; three enameled light low half-pans, half-pans - for quick boiling of fish, cooking roasts in the oven and for jelly; two tin trays - one (thicker) for pastry dishes, the other for roasts (mainly poultry); at least three sheets - for baking.
7. Kitchen spoons: large stainless steel spoon - for arranging side dishes; enameled slotted spoon.
8. Tools for straining and sifting: enameled colander (very convenient), in extreme cases aluminum; metal sieve - for flour; two strainers - frequent and rare, made of anodized wire; wooden matting sieve - for folding back the boiled products; wide funnel - for straining and narrow - for pouring; a set of clean rags: linen napkins, gauze, calico.
9. Grinding devices: 3-4 porcelain mortars of different sizes with pestles; a wooden mortar - for crushing nuts; two mashed potatoes or a pusher and a wooden spatula.

Devices are desirable but not required
1. Pressure cooker.
2. Food processor.
3. Electric grill (replace with a grate in the oven).
4. Standard set of knives and other items (12 pieces).
5. The juicer is universal (interchangeable with an attachment to a meat grinder or a manual juicer).
6. Vacuum box (replace with a bag made of two layers of foil).
7. Coffee maker.

Appliances for those who like to cook
1. Kazan for pilaf, kebab, buglama and other oriental dishes.
2. Marble board for oriental sweets measuring 15x40 centimeters. Halva, nougat, kozinaki, honey sweets, caramels do not adhere to oiled marble.
3. Pastry bag and set of combs and cornet tips for squeezing creams and decorating cakes. With the help of combs and cornets, it is easy to get all those intricate cake decorations that are considered by the uninitiated as the most difficult and difficult to make cakes.
4. Set of fruit, vegetable and pastry cutouts.
5. Four to six ceramic portion pots - for soups and stews.
6. Two enameled cast iron pots - for soups and stews.
7. Enamelled rectangular large baking sheet - for casseroles, jellies, jellies.
8. Copper bowl for jam (with handle) and two small enamel bowl bowls for making syrups, creams and candied fruits.
9. Four medium enamel bowls.
10. Dumplings made of metal or plastic.
11. Six to eight bowls.
12. Two forms for biscuits.
13. Two forms for Easter cakes.
14. One or two tins for curd cakes with a double removable bottom.
15. Mesh frames for steaming.
16. Matting sieve for reclining and drying semi-finished products when cooking candied fruits, nut jam and other rare types of jam.

Of course, in addition to the listed items, the kitchen inventory should include large spoons and forks for turning and stirring food, spatulas for taking off pies and cookies, as well as knives of various sizes, stuffing, filling needles for sewing stuffed poultry and game, etc.
Their quantity and need for them are determined individually. At the same time, it is possible to recommend everyone to use for cutting fish, especially sea fish, not with a knife, but with scissors, with the help of which it is convenient to cut thorny fins, and for removing scales - with a small fish scraper. The scissors can also be used when cutting dough.
Some "exotic" kitchen appliances should also be mentioned, which are not at all necessary in every household, but interesting and useful for those who are especially fond of the culinary arts. First of all, this is a fish cauldron - an enamel, oval or oblong saucepan with a grate inside, on which fish is steamed or steamed when it is necessary to keep its shape unchanged. In such a boiler, water is poured below the grate level.
This is a grill for grilling steaks and chops; a spit on a plate for cooking whole game and poultry; a closed skillet with a wire mesh inside, used for roasting chestnuts and roasting nuts; and finally, the salamander, an oval thick tin-plated iron plank with a curved handle, used for gratinating egg-glazed and cheese toppings on sandwiches and baking with heat from a distance when the heat of the oven could damage the product. Of course, it is useful to equip (but not re-equip!) Your kitchen with all sorts of technical innovations, such as food processors and mixers, but at the same time it is useful to know that no such devices and mechanisms can completely replace skills and art, but can only help to save time and strength. That is why sometimes it is better to knead the dough the old fashioned way, by hand, for example, for cupcakes and other "cool" confectionery products. At the same time, it is best to knock whites, cream, prepare a biscuit using a mixer. Remember that the main positive quality of kitchen utensils is its functionality, that is, the ability to improve the taste and quality of food in the best, most perfect way. From this point of view, one should approach her choice.

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How much water needs to be added to get the alcohol of the required strength.

Fermentation control calculator

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Sugar wort calculator

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How much glucose should be taken to replace sucrose.

Alcohol Mixing Calculator

Calculates the final strength of a liquid when mixing two liquids of different degrees.

Theoretical information

For a novice moonshiner, distilling moonshine seems like a very simple and exciting process. Only when you start to act, you will realize that you do not know about many things. You can find a seasoned moonshiner and ask. It is more accessible to turn to Internet sources, and use a calculator for calculations.

Selection and preparation of raw materials for moonshine

The quality parameters of moonshine include the strength of the drink in percent and its purity. Purity is understood to mean the absence of impurities. Most dangerous? methanol has an alcoholic odor.

The main classic products for moonshine are sugar, yeast and water. To determine their number, you need to find out how much drink is required to exit. If you make moonshine with a strength of 40 °, 1.2 liters of liquid come out per 1 kg of sugar. For example, using a calculator, you can calculate that to get 5 liters of 40 ° moonshine, you need 5 x 1.2 \u003d 6 kg of sugar.

The rest of the products are calculated in relation to sugar. The formula for the calculation is simple: for 1 part of sugar - 0.1 yeast - 3 parts of water. In our example, 6 x 3 \u003d 18 liters of water and 6 kg x 0.1 \u003d 0.6 kg \u003d 600 g of yeast. A calculator is not required for this simple calculation.

It is necessary to take into account that the distillation of moonshine gives a real yield of the final product, less than the calculated one. It depends on the quality of the raw materials, the temperature and the speed of the process. Therefore, the formula will be as follows: the amount of the product obtained is multiplied by 1.2. Using the calculator, we get 7.2 kg of sugar - 800 g of yeast - 21.6 liters of water.

Moonshine can be made from a variety of fruits, berries, and other foods. It all depends on the availability of sugar and its cost in your area. Calculation correction factors take into account sugar content and moisture content in the mixture. If you need liqueur, use fruits and berries.


Wort fermentation takes place at temperatures from 18 to 24 °. Why is that
is it important to maintain a certain temperature? Alcohol is formed when yeast ferments. If the strength of the mash is more than 15 °, most of the yeast dies. Sugar does not have time to ferment. The way out is to keep the temperature in the fermentation room constant.

As a result of the oxidation of alcohol, harmful products are formed. These include:

  • acetaldehyde
  • methanol
  • acetic acid
  • tails

Methanol is extremely dangerous. It is he who contributes to the formation of acetaldehyde. Methanol causes severe poisoning. Fatal outcomes are not uncommon. If methanol has entered the body in high concentration, then no snack will help. Poisoning can result in complete blindness. Please note - you should not relax. Even after reading that when making moonshine from sugar, practically no methanol is formed.

The acidity correction of the wort should be done with citric acid. The optimum acidity for fermentation is 4.0 - 4.5 pH. Formula for calculation

the amount of citric acid contains integral expressions. You need to use a special calculator. But you can just take 5 liters of wort on the tip of a knife.

They say that they also drank fermented mash, if there was a good snack on the table. But mash cannot be compared with the final product, which produces the distillation of moonshine.

The mash column gives good distillation performance. The column has a refrigerator-condenser, a thermometer, a reflux condenser and a valve for accurate dosing of the liquid. In the factory, the height of the column is determined by the productivity and quality of separation into fractions. At home, the height is determined in proportion to the diameter. The column must have a diameter that you can supply to heat.

Distillation of moonshine from large volumes of mash is possible if a continuous mash column is used. This type of distillation is used in industry.

An additional stage in obtaining moonshine

Novice moonshiners ask the question: "Why is the second stage of distillation needed?" The answer is simple? to obtain a quality product.

The moonshine still looks like a factory column, but with one stage distillation. Therefore, for double distillation, the liquid must be drained into a separate container.

To prevent methanol and other tails from entering the moonshine, before the secondary distillation, the product must be cooled to room temperature. Due to the high strength of the drink after the first distillation, harmful substances are poorly removed. The liquid obtained at the exit after the first stage is diluted with drinking water to obtain a strength of 40 °.

Then it is poured into a distillation tank and heated over high heat to 60? 65 °. The first fraction obtained at the exit is used only for non-food purposes or discarded. The volume of the fraction is approximately 1-2% of the total volume. These are the so-called heads. It contains low-boiling impurities. The heads should be taken at a reduced boiling point.

The second fraction is obtained after accelerated heating with a maximum temperature of 85-95 °. You can select the main part. For her tasting an appetizer must be prepared. The third fraction, which comes to the outlet, contains a very small percentage of alcohol. But the content of fusel oils (tails) is high. It is impractical to deal with tails. It is better not to use them, like heads, at all. Capacities for heads and tails take from 3 to 7% of the total volume. We take a calculator and count again.

The heads and tails are discharged down the drain. A snack awaits on the table. Friends who have come to the light will help you evaluate the quality of the product.

Moonshine breeding rules

The column is equipped with various sensors at the factory. In the arsenal of a home moonshiner, there should be at least a calculator and a hydrometer to determine the strength.

The formula for determining the amount of water for brewing moonshine contains
the following parameters: Ki - the strength of the available liquid; Kv - the fortress, which must be obtained at the exit; Vo is the total volume of the product.

The formula is as follows: amount of water \u003d (Ki / Kw) * Vо - Vо. For example, 2 liters with a strength of 85 degrees. You need to get 40 °. Take the calculator again. Calculation of the volume of water \u003d (85/40) * 2-2 \u003d 2.25 liters.

Water is poured into moonshine, and not vice versa. The process must be carried out without haste and in one go.

Additional purification of moonshine with carbonization

For purification in factories, a rectification column with so-called trays is used. Separate impurities are isolated in them. A separate column is sometimes installed to remove methanol. But we make moonshine from sugar, and we are not afraid of methanol.,

It is important to let the liquid cool down to room temperature. At elevated temperatures, many impurities are not released in any cleaning method.

Distillation process

The old method of chemical cleaning of the finished product is coal cleaning or carbonation. As a way out, activated charcoal purchased from a pharmacy is most often used. But it is much more efficient to carry out charcoal.

You don't need a calculator here, just keep the ratio. For 6 liters of moonshine, take 200 g of charcoal and insist. Coals are piled into the container and the liquid is poured. Coals float up. When they all settle to the bottom, shake the container. This operation must be done twice.

The way out of the position of finding charcoal is to make coal yourself. Light a fire, preferably with birch branches and bark. Take an earthenware pot and fold the burned-out, but not cooled firewood. The wood ash must be blown away. Close the pot tightly and leave to cool completely. Grind the resulting pieces a little. You can carry out carbohydrate.

For a seasoned moonshiner, it's no secret how to store moonshine. But it is usually not stored for a long time. To get the full satisfaction from the process of home brewing, a snack is very important. The appetizer is prepared in advance, as all attention is focused on the process.

The scope of application of moonshine in everyday life is wide. Pouring made from moonshine may have a reduced degree. Use a dilution calculator specifically for women. Pouring is a matter of taste. Hence the variety of products for moonshine tincture.

The calculation of the amount of ingredients for the mash and the dilution of the finished product can be carried out using the moonshiner calculator. Approximate calculations of the volume of fractions during distillation can be determined from the sugar or alcohol content of the raw materials.

Below are some of the most essential calculators that you can use to produce high quality raw materials.

Alcohol dilution calculator with water

Alcohol dilution calculator with water

You need to add ml of water.

The exact proportions of alcohol are needed when we are going to make various tinctures and liqueurs, for example, apple liqueur needs 35%, but there is only batin vigorous moonshine with an alcohol content of 99%, what should I do? How to dilute? Just enter this data into the calculation form above and you will receive precise advice on how to proceed.

Sugar mash calculator

It will help to determine the correct proportions of mash and the highest possible alcohol content in it after the end of fermentation.

Mash calculator

The output will be a wash with a% alcohol content.

Take these calculations seriously, on how successfully you control the entire process of making moonshine, its taste, color and smell directly depend!

Sugar replacement calculator with fructose or glucose

Braga from glucose will give 12.5% \u200b\u200bless alcohol than the same from sucrose, but of higher quality. This calculator will calculate how much glucose is needed so that the output of moonshine is like with 1 kg of sugar.

Sugar Glucose Replacement Calculator

You will need kg of glucose.

Fermentation efficiency (calculator of alcohol in mash before and after fermentation)

For Brix Wort SG refractometer. The calculator will show the fermentation efficiency, how well the yeast worked and what we get.

Alcohol calculator in mash before and after fermentation

You will need kg of glucose.

Distillation to water calculator

Based on the volume of mash and the alcohol content in it, the calculator will calculate the estimated yield of moonshine and the volume of stillage in the distillation still, which will remain from the distillation process.

Optimal wort acidity calculator

In order for fermentation to be successful and undesirable bacteria do not develop during this process, the medium must be of optimal acidity: 4.0-4.5 pH. If it is necessary to make a correction of the wort, this must be done before adding the yeast. In this case, citric acid or lemon juice is suitable (at the rate of: 5 grams of acid corresponds to the juice of one medium lemon). You will need even the simplest pH meter to monitor acidity.

Optimal wort acidity calculator

Only one gram of acid is needed for dilution.

Calculation of fractionation of moonshine

Distillation of mash is associated with obtaining a product in which, in addition to ethyl alcohol, there are impurities of minor components. Their presence negatively affects the quality of moonshine.

Therefore, it is important to carry out a preliminary calculation of the volume of fractions, which are called heads, distillate body and tails among distillers. When selecting fractions, it is important to take into account the boiling point of ethyl alcohol and impurities.

By the way, here you can download the moonshiner calculator to your computer: CalcSam.exe

To determine how much you need to select the first fraction of moonshine, different calculation methods are used. The simplest method is based on measuring the sugar content in the mash before adding yeast.

  • For example, if 1 liter of mash contains 15% sugar, then by simple arithmetic you can calculate its weight.
  • It leaves 150 g. According to practical observations, 70-100 ml of the first fraction should be taken from 1 kg of sugar used to make the mash.
  • For 1 liter of mash, the indicator will be 10.5-15 ml, and for 10 - 105-150 ml.
  • In order to get a high-quality product in the process of home brewing, it is necessary to select heads with harmful impurities as much as possible with slow heating
  • ... This allows you to get high quality pure moonshine.

Secondary distillation

If the process provides for the secondary distillation of moonshine, then the intake of the estimated volume of heads can be divided into two parts and take away 75 ml.

The selection of the tails is carried out at the moment when the strength of the distillate changes. If the indicator falls below 40-41% vol., Then you need to immediately start collecting tails. To prevent fusel oils from entering the main container, it is necessary to measure the strength of the distillate collected in a separate container closer to the end of the process.

  • When using the double distillation method, the raw alcohol is taken to a strength of 30% vol. For this, it is better to use an alcohol meter.
  • If the necessary device is not at hand, then the determination is carried out by setting fire to the liquid in a teaspoon.
  • In this case, you need to adhere to basic safety rules and do not use open fire near the place of distillation.
  • The collection of raw material is carried out until the liquid burns.

Methods for determining the volume of fractions

The calculation of the volume of the first fraction can be carried out using ethyl alcohol. This method provides for the extraction of distillate from the mash without separation. After the completion of the process, using an alcohol meter, the indicator of the strength of the moonshine is measured.

For example, if 1 liter of moonshine contains 45% ethyl alcohol, then for 100% pure alcohol in the distillate the volume will be 0.45 liters. Fractions are calculated based on this indicator. As heads, you need to select 10-15% of the estimated amount of alcohol or 45-70 ml of the total volume.

Odor is an important indicator in head selection. The first fraction is characterized by the presence of impurities. Therefore, experienced distillers in practice substitute a clean hand under the stream of distillate and catch a few drops.

They are rubbed into the palm of your hand and the aroma is sniffed. The selection of the body is carried out after the smell of the first fraction leaves. The temperature method can be used to separate the distillate into parts. But the practical side of its application does not give accurate results.

Measuring the strength of moonshine

  • One of the important parameters of an alcoholic beverage that expresses its quality and nobility is strength.
  • The indicator determines the ratio of the volume of pure ethyl alcohol to the total amount of liquid.
  • It is difficult to understand the strength of the product by the taste of the product, therefore, in practice, the measurement is carried out using a hydrometer or an alcohol meter.
  • The principle of operation of the devices is based on measuring the density of a liquid substance.

Each alcohol meter is designed for a specific range of action. To work with moonshine, it is better to use a device that determines the strength from 0 to 80% vol. An alcohol meter is used to determine the density of the mash and the finished distillate.

Since the density of alcohol differs from water, its content in different proportions in the mixture indicates a difference in indicators. The lower the density of the mixture, the deeper the device sinks.

To obtain the most accurate result, measurements are recommended at a distillate temperature of 20 ° C. The alcohol meter works only under the specified conditions, so it will not be able to show the result if the density is below or above the range.

The device is immersed in liquid. The strength of the drink is determined according to the scale on the inside of the glass tube.

Calculating the decrease in alcohol density

Professionals say that the strength of moonshine should not be lower than 50% vol. As a result of distillation, a strong drink is obtained. To enjoy it, you need to reduce the strength by mixing and softening.

To do this, you can use:

  • wine;
  • water with sugar or fructose;
  • herbal tinctures;
  • clean softened water.

In various versions, moonshine is used in certain proportions. Online mixing calculators can be used to blend the resulting products.

Using the program, you can calculate the density of moonshine obtained by mixing two volumes of an alcoholic drink with different strengths. For example, if you take 500 ml of liquid with a strength of 40 and 55% vol. and mix them, then the output will be 1000 ml of a mixture with an indicator of 48% vol.

Using the calculator

Using a dilution calculator allows you to calculate the required amount of alcohol and water for a given volume and density. To do this, you will need to enter the indicator of the required volume, degree and strength of the available alcohol.

For example, to get 1000 ml of a mixture with a density of 40% vol. in the presence of a distillate with a strength of 55% vol. you need to take 727 ml of moonshine and 273 ml of water.

  • You can use another method of calculation, in which it will be possible to calculate the volume of water that must be added to the available alcohol in order to obtain the desired strength.
  • In the field of the online calculator, you enter the volume of alcohol, density and the required degree after dilution. For example, in the presence of 1000 ml of alcohol with a strength of 55% vol. for breeding it up to 40% vol. will require 375 ml of water. The total volume after addition is 1375 ml.
  • The calculators use the unit of measurement for volume in milliliters, and the numbers are entered in whole, without fractions. When using the program, calculations can be made with accuracy for any type of drink prepared on the basis of moonshine.

Correct calculation of the distillation process

The distillation process is preceded by the wort preparation technology. To calculate the alcohol content in the mash, there is a sugar wort calculator. In the fields of the calculator, you enter data on the amount of sugar.

  • For example, 1 kg of sugar will require 4.84 liters of water.
  • As a result of fermentation, you get a mash with an alcohol content of 11.8%.
  • It is important to take into account the yeast's alcohol tolerance.
  • For the process, predominantly alcoholic yeast is chosen.
  • The sustainability index for them is 18%.

When replacing sucrose with glucose, the volume of the final product decreases. To get the same amount of moonshine, you need to take more glucose. For the calculation, there is an ingredient conversion calculator. To replace 1 kg of sucrose, you need to take 1.125 kg of glucose.

For the distillation process, a calculator is provided that allows you to calculate the time, the heating temperature of the cube, the selection of liquid by fractions. To obtain accurate data, the technical parameters of the cube are entered into the fields of the calculator.

Calculations based on the data are relevant for distillation on the simplest designs of the distillation apparatus. The boiling calculator of a water-alcohol mixture allows you to calculate the indicators at normal atmospheric pressure.