A simple biscuit cream at home. Low-fat yoghurt cream with fruit

24.07.2019 Bakery

Delicious cream for biscuit cake- the main component festive dessert... Even perfect cakes can be easily spoiled by unsuccessful impregnation. The best recipes biscuit creams are published below.

Sponge cake custard

Ingredients: liter of fat cow's milk, 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of high-grade flour, vanilla sugar to taste and a glass of ordinary white, half a standard pack of butter, 5 tablespoons eggs.

  1. Eggs with all loose components are beaten until smooth. Even the smallest lumps should not remain in the mixture.
  2. Not cold milk is poured into the pan with the whipped ingredients. The mixture is cooked with constant stirring for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Melted butter is added to the almost finished cream.

It remains to beat the delicacy with a mixer at the slowest speed.

Sour cream recipe

Ingredients: 260 ml medium fat sour cream, glass full regular sugar(with a slide) and a bag of vanilla, 1 teaspoon of thickener.

  1. To cook the simplest sour cream for a sponge cake, put the pre-chilled dairy product in a deep bowl.
  2. Sour cream is whipped with a mixer at the slowest speed and in parallel is poured into it in a thin stream granulated sugar... Its crystals must completely dissolve in the mass.
  3. Flavored vanilla sugar is added. The mixture continues to beat until thick.
  4. If the consistency of the cream does not suit the hostess, you can correct the situation with a thickener. But this is not at all mandatory step... After adding the thickener, the mass is beaten again.

After smearing the cakes with such a cream for high-quality impregnation, they should stand for at least 5-6 hours.

Curd cream for cake

Ingredients: 80 g of butter, 440 g of powdered sugar, a pinch of vanilla extract (5-7 g), 320 g of semi-fat cottage cheese.

  1. At a slow speed, a mixer combines melted butter, pounded cottage cheese and vanilla extract. The mass is whipped until it becomes fluffy and as homogeneous as possible.
  2. Next, the mixer is replaced with a spoon. Powdered sugar is poured into the mixture in minimal portions. After that, beating with a mixer is repeated. You need to work with the device for at least 2.5-3 minutes.

Have you decided to please your loved ones or guests who are almost on the doorstep with something sweet, but at the same time, you do not want to spend a lot of time and energy on cooking? In this case, we suggest that you pay attention to the biscuit with custard.

Baking takes minimal amount time. In these minutes you can easily make a cake or cake for filling. So, let's see what products we need for both and how the mystery of the birth of a wonderful sweet delicacy takes place.

Ingredients for the biscuit

Biscuit dough is perhaps the easiest to prepare and the most advantageous in terms of taste. An amazing result will be obtained if custard is added to it. A sponge cake can be viewed in any cookbook, there are plenty of options: thin and voluminous, white and chocolate - for every taste and color.

  • Four eggs.
  • One glass of granulated sugar.
  • Half a teaspoon of baking powder.
  • One tablespoon (or one packet) vanilla sugar.
  • A glass of milk.
  • One hundred grams of butter.
  • Chocolate bar (if you want brown cakes).

Sponge cake preparation

As we have already said, a sponge cake with custard is prepared very quickly, which cannot but please the hostess, who also wants to have time to make herself up for the arrival of guests.

So in separate dishes should mix four chicken eggs and sugar. Then add the baking powder and beat all the ingredients thoroughly again. As soon as a lush foam starts to appear, you can add vanillin. After that, gradually introduce flour into the dough. Remember to sift through a fine sieve before adding flour.

Take a small dish, break the chocolate in there and put it on water bath... You do not need to pour a lot of water. But make sure that it does not boil away while melting the chocolate. Once the chocolate is liquid, you can add it to our dough. We mix everything thoroughly and pour it into a mold.

Even if you make cakes, bake a large cake first, and then cut the finished one as you like. It is convenient and fast. Do not forget to pre-grease the form with oil or line parchment paper... The dough is baked for 30-40 minutes at an oven temperature of 180 degrees.

When the biscuit is ready, do not try to take it out of the oven right away. Experienced housewives it is advised to give the cakes a little "reach" in the warmth. Five to seven minutes have passed - you can take out the cakes and cool them.

Custard and its varieties

The cakes are prepared in the same way, which cannot be said about custard. The recipe for a biscuit for each housewife is somewhat different, yes. There are several types of cream:

  • Classic custard.
  • Lemon or orange custard.
  • French version using only yolks.

Today we will look at all these options and learn how to make a delicious custard in milk for a biscuit. It should be noted that it is this layer for cakes and pastries that is used very often. Custard is suitable for absolutely any type of baking, which always saves housewives who are at a crossroads and do not know how to pamper their households.

Classic version

So let's start with the most popular option - classic custard (biscuit recipe). Most often it is used for a layer of biscuit cakes. Since the cream does not hold its shape well, it is whitish-yellow in color, slightly gelatinous, it is considered ideal only, like cakes.

Necessary products

Before you start preparing the cream, you need to take the following products:

  • 50 grams of flour.
  • A packet of vanilla powder (5 grams).
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar.
  • 350 grams of milk.
  • Three to four chicken eggs.
  • 15 grams of butter.

Most of the time in preparing the cream is spent preparing an ingredient such as flour. If we are talking about custard - classic for biscuit, then in no case should this point be neglected.

So, pour the flour onto a small baking sheet and put it in the oven to warm up. It takes quite a lot of time - 40-45 minutes, but this work is necessary. After the flour is fried in the oven, it will acquire pleasant aroma hazelnut, which is what we are trying to achieve initially.

While the flour cools down, move on to the eggs. We break them in a separate bowl and beat well, gradually introducing the cooled flour. Try to make the mass homogeneous, without any inclusions and lumps. The better the dough is beaten, the tastier your custard biscuit will be.

We put on the stove a large pot pouring water. This will be a water bath, where the miracle of making custard takes place. Pour milk into another dish (slightly less). It needs to be warmed up a little by adding granulated sugar to it. When the milk boils, we begin to add the egg mass to it. Try to keep it flowing in a thin stream, do not "plump" everything into the pan at once. The time it takes for the cream to thicken is approximately ten to twelve minutes.

Now you can remove it from the heat and pick up the mixer again. While you beat the cream, you will need to add the melted plum to it. butter and vanilla powder. The classic version is ready. Leave to cool. You can now start decorating the cakes.

Lemon variant

For those who love citrus aromatic layers in pastries and cakes, this custard option is perfect.


  • Three lemons.
  • Half a glass of powdered sugar.
  • Thirty grams of butter.
  • Three chicken eggs.

Squeeze juice from all three lemons. Rub the zest from two fruits. Add to zest and juice icing sugar and eggs. We begin to mix the ingredients with a mixer. We leave the mixture for half an hour so that it is infused and saturated with lemon aromas.

When half an hour has passed, you can start adding flour to the lemon mixture. Do not forget to sift it to saturate it with oxygen. Add butter... We put on a water bath. Unlike classic recipe, custard with lemon juice will harden an order of magnitude faster. Cooking time: five to ten minutes.

French on yolks

Sponge cake with custard French recipe will be different from the usual classic version... Here, only the yolks are involved in the recipe, hence the bright saturated yellow and the lightness of the mass.


  • three egg yolks;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • 75 g sugar;
  • 50 g flour;
  • a bag of vanillin or vanilla sugar;
  • 10 grams of butter.

Rubbing egg yolks with granulated sugar. As soon as the mass turns bright yellow, you can add milk and flour to it. While you are beating the mass, put a water bath in advance. Save your time.

When the cream begins to thicken in a water bath, add vanillin, vanilla there. sugar or a fresh vanilla pod (whatever you have on hand). If you are adding vanilla pods, remove them immediately after the cream is ready and removed from heat.

This type of custard turns out to be richer in taste and denser in consistency. It can be safely used not only to layer cakes, but also to decorate the top.

Chocolate option

This cream will turn out fluffy and delicate, and even richly chocolatey. Great option if you are making baked goods for children with a sweet tooth.


  • Two glasses of flour.
  • Three eggs.
  • 200 grams of sugar.
  • Two tablespoons of flour.
  • Cocoa - three tablespoons.
  • Rum - two teaspoons.

In a separate bowl, break the eggs so that the whites are separate from the yolks. In the latter we add cocoa, granulated sugar and rum (if you are preparing a cream for "adult" desserts). In another cup, mix the milk with flour, whisk, trying to avoid lumps. We combine the two masses and put them in a water bath.

After ten minutes, with vigorous stirring, the cream will begin to thicken. Now you can put butter in it. Remove from heat, let cool.

While the cream is cooling, beat the whites in strong foam... In the cold cream, carefully and carefully add the whipped egg whites. Ready!

Sponge cakes are the undisputed favorites when it comes to a grand celebration, social event or family dinner in honor of some event. There are many reasons for this. The biscuit prepares quite quickly, it looks impressive, and there is no need to talk about the taste - it is incomparable. Soft and airy cakes require an appropriate addition in the form of a gentle cream. It can be prepared from various ingredients, it is only important to choose correct combinations... We suggest you choose a recipe for a cream according to your tastes and preferences.

Classics are always relevant

Since the biscuit itself is very airy and light, the cream must match it. The simplest, but a win-win- whipped cream. All you need is to buy heavy cream at least 33% and beat them with a mixer with added sugar to taste. If you plan to make a chocolate cake, then you can add melted chocolate or special ready-made sauce with chocolate flavor... This is probably the fastest and most delicious

Simple but tasteful

Actually exist various types in particular for a biscuit. If you don't like lusciously sweet desserts, then perfect option for you - sour cream. It can be prepared by whipping sour cream with powdered sugar. Berries of raspberries, strawberries, blueberries or any other of your choice will help to make the taste more interesting.

To the delight of children

A very popular and especially beloved by children recipe for sponge cake cream includes two simple component- condensed milk and butter. In this case, you can use both the usual and boiled condensed milk... If desired, add cocoa powder, chopped nuts or grated chocolate to the cream.

Exquisite cream for delicate natures

The listed types of creams are the easiest and fastest. For those who are not afraid of difficulties and like to conjure in the kitchen, we offer more interesting options. Delicate cream with a delicate creamy aroma can be prepared on the basis of it is brewed like this: milk (3 glasses) is boiled with sugar (3 tablespoons), starch (3 tablespoons) is diluted in 1 glass of milk and mixed with boiled. A little vanillin is also added there. Jelly is cooked over low heat with constant stirring. Then it should be cooled and whipped with a packet of butter until airy. A cake with such a cream will turn out to be moderately sweet, tender and soft.

Health benefits

If you care about your health and prefer healthy foods, then here is a recipe for cream for a sponge cake based on cottage cheese. In a deep bowl, beat 400 grams of cottage cheese, 3 tablespoons of sour cream, a little butter (50 grams), half a glass of sugar and two soft bananas. You should get a homogeneous air mass. Layer with it, alternating cream with strawberries and banana slices. Even small piece such a cake will saturate, but at the same time will not harm the figure. Berries will give it freshness, and cottage cheese will be a great alternative to heavy cream and condensed milk.

... and shapes

One more, one might say diet recipe cream - based on egg whites... You just need to beat the chilled whites with a drop. lemon juice and sugar to taste until soft peaks appear and brush immediately with this cream biscuit cakes... Your cake will turn out to be very light, almost weightless.

Agree, from such a variety of options, it is easy to choose a recipe for a cream for a biscuit cake, no matter how demanding your guests' tastes.

Sponge cake cream is the most delicious and beloved component of the cake. The cream is able to give the usual biscuit cake the most varied shades of taste, allows you to cook absolutely different confectionery, turn a trivial cake into a masterpiece.

The main advantage of a biscuit is its versatility. Absolutely any kind of cream is combined with biscuit dough, so it is impossible to describe how to make a cream for a biscuit cake in one post. The most common are considered sour cream, fatty and satisfying oily, healthy and nutritious curd or yoghurt cream, sweet and beloved by everyone, without exception, chocolate or caramel cream based on condensed milk.

One or another cream is prepared depending on the desired calorie content of the dish, taste or additional components. Which is better is hard to say. For example, a cake with berries and fruits goes well with cottage cheese, yoghurt or sour cream. Chocolate cake we recommend adding a thick butter cream. We recommend making a dessert with nuts with caramel cream from boiled condensed milk.

We offer proven recipes for creams. Their preparation is not difficult, but the result will surpass all expectations.

Photo of a simple sour cream cake

Sour cream is not as high in calories as butter, and less sweet than protein. Great for cakes with fresh or canned fruits and berries, has a pleasant sourness and will be appreciated by those who do not like sugary desserts. Most popular cakes biscuit-based is a cake with cherries and sour cream or a cake with fruits and sour cream. The cakes are light, juicy, tender, do not overload the body with fats and carbohydrates.

Ingredients for the recipe:

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the cooled sour cream with a mixer at medium speed, gradually adding sugar.
  2. Add vanilla sugar at the very end. Use immediately until the cream is fluffy.

Photo of the lung curd cream for cake

Curd cream for biscuit is considered one of the most useful and low-calorie. It goes well with berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants), fresh and canned fruits (apricots, plums, peaches). To obtain a thick layer of cream, it is recommended to thicken the cream with gelatin.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • cottage cheese 500 g
  • heavy cream (30%) 250 ml.
  • sugar 1.5 cups
  • gelatin 20 g
  • berries (optional) 300 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 150 grams of gelatin warm water... Leave to swell for 30 minutes. Heat the swollen gelatin, stirring occasionally, until it is completely dissolved. Refrigerate.
  2. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to get a homogeneous mass without lumps.
  3. Whisk the cream with a blender into a fluffy mass, gradually adding sugar. Add cottage cheese, stir. Adjust the amount of sugar to taste.
  4. Pour gelatin into the cream in a thin stream. Add washed and dried berries. Mix gently. Cream of cream and cottage cheese is ready.

Photo of thick chocolate cake cream

The chocolate cream in this recipe is suitable for white and chocolate biscuit cakes. It can also be served as a stand-alone dessert. The cream turns out to be thick, dense, goes well with juicy soaked biscuit cakes. Preparing quickly and easily. The calorie content of the cream is high, so it is necessary to feast on a cake with chocolate cream in moderation.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • sugar 1.5 cups
  • butter 400 g
  • cocoa powder 3 tbsp. spoons
  • water 100 ml.
  • cognac (rum, chocolate liqueur) 2 tbsp. spoons

Method of making chocolate cream for biscuit cake:

  1. Boil the syrup from sugar and 100 milliliters of water. To do this, mix the sugar with water and cook, stirring occasionally, until the sugar dissolves. Skim off the foam that forms when the syrup boils. Set aside to cool.
  2. Use a mixer to beat the eggs until fluffy. Gradually add chilled sugar syrup.
  3. Whisk in softened butter with cocoa powder. Add egg mixture and cognac. Continue whisking until smooth. Most delicious cream ready.

Photo of fruit yoghurt cake cream

Steel Yoghurt Cakes the best gift for girls who are trying to keep themselves in shape. With their appearance, it became possible to feast on a delicious cake without harming the figure. By itself, yogurt is a valuable fermented milk product containing lactic acid bacteria important for the body, therefore, desserts with its use are not only tasty, but also healthy. It is preferable to give such cakes to children. They are light, low in calories, and tasty. Try making a fruit yoghurt cream at home. It is possible that it will become a frequent delicacy for your family.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • yogurt 500 ml.
  • cream (30%) 1 cup
  • powdered sugar 1 cup
  • fruit juice 1 glass
  • gelatin 30 g

Method of making yoghurt cream for sponge cake:

  1. Soak the swelling gelatin in the juice as directed on the package.
  2. Whip the cooled cream into a foam, gradually adding the icing sugar. If using packaged juice, be aware that it is sweet enough. The amount of powder can be reduced.
  3. Heat the swollen gelatin. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let the mixture cool slightly. Combine yogurt, whipped cream, and gelatin. Mix gently.
  4. If desired, you can add pieces of fruit or whole berries to the yoghurt cream - raspberries, strawberries, peaches. The cream hardens, keeps its shape well, it can be used under mastic. To get a thick layer of cream, lay it in several steps, waiting for the previous layer to harden a little.

Photo butter cream for biscuit with condensed milk

The most common cream is a cream based on boiled condensed milk. Habitual, known from childhood homemade taste, delicate creamy consistency, ease of preparation - thanks to these qualities, the cream is most often prepared for a layer of biscuit cakes. Combines perfectly with white and chocolate biscuit, with cakes soaked in regular syrup or fine alcohol. A thick butter cream on boiled condensed milk can be used to decorate desserts, it keeps its shape, does not flow when room temperature.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • boiled condensed milk 400 BC
  • butter 200 g.
  • cream (30%) 200 g.
  • cognac 1-2 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

  1. Whisk softened butter with boiled condensed milk and cognac.
  2. Whisk the cold cream separately until lather. Combine the masses carefully. The cream is ready.
  3. If you want to use cream for cake decorating, it is better not to add cream. They make the cream airy and delicate, but hold the pattern worse.
Since the cream for a sponge cake is the main component of the dessert, on which the success of the dish depends, it is worth paying special attention to its preparation. Tips and tricks experienced confectioners how to prepare biscuit cream correctly will help you not to be mistaken:
  • To prepare sour cream, thick, fatty sour cream is needed, from 30% and above. If you could not find one, you can make the usual 20% sour cream thicker. To do this, discard the sour cream in a colander, previously lined with gauze or a linen napkin. Leave to stand for 3-4 hours. The excess whey will drain and the sour cream will become thicker.
  • Cool well before whipping sour cream or cream. Warm dairy products will remain liquid lush cream will not work.
  • Butter cream it will not be so high in calories if part of the butter in the recipe is replaced with thick semolina in milk.
  • If using gelatine creams, coat the cakes in a cake tin. The cream will not float, but ready product will keep the correct round shape.
  • Add powdered sugar to the cream instead of sugar. This will help avoid situations where the sugar has not dissolved and crunches unpleasantly on the teeth.
  • Feel free to change the proportions yourself in the recipes above. Quality ready-made cream Will not change. Only the taste will change slightly.

Sponge cake is perhaps the simplest and most versatile baked goods to create a dessert. Cakes and pastries are collected from biscuit cakes, from thin layers biscuit dough roll up the rolls. And the usual, cooked on hastily, the biscuit is able to decorate any tea party.

Cream is the most delicious part of any dessert. It impregnates biscuit dough filling it with extra sweetness and special taste... The dryish biscuit smeared with cream becomes softer and more tender, with creamy masses you can not only fill, but also decorate desserts. Often cooked over special recipe creams prepare the surface of the cakes before decorating with mastic.

The selection contains the most simple recipes biscuit creams, using which you can quickly create your own original dessert.

General cooking principles simple creams for biscuits

There are many, both complex and simple options biscuit cream. Correctly selected recipe is by no means everything. To make the cream tasty, fluffy and uniform, you must follow the basic requirements. All cream products must be of the first freshness and quality. Strict adherence to technology and recommended temperature regime, are also required.

. Protein creams. Since the cream mass is not exposed heat treatment, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the dirt off the eggshell warm water, and it is best to do this using soda. The shell should be broken carefully, trying not to damage the film holding the yolk - even the smallest of it, once it gets into the whites, will interfere with high-quality whipping.

.Custards. The basis is cream mass must be cooked in an unenamelled pan and it is advisable to provide for the container to have a double bottom. For stirring, it is recommended to use a wooden spoon with long handle... The surface of the hot base or ready-made cream should be lightly sprinkled with fresh powdered sugar or covered with foil before cooling. If this is not done, the surface will be weathered and covered with a dry film (crust).

. Oil creams. Prepared on the basis of butter. It should be with the maximum available fat percentage and High Quality... Otherwise, it may delaminate when whisking. Butter fat before use, be sure to keep it warm for some time to soften.

. Creamy creams. Prepared by whipping cream with various additives... The main requirement is the use of high-quality and fatty, 35% cream. When using a product with a low fat content, the cream will turn out to be liquid.

. Sour cream creams. The principle of preparation is similar to the technology of butter cream. The requirements for the main product are identical - freshness, quality, high percentage of fat. The higher this indicator, the thicker and firmer cream.

. Curd cream... The percentage of fat does not really matter. The main requirements are for the quality and graininess of the curd. It is advisable to take a non-dry, elastic product.

The process of whipping any cream should take place gradually. Initially using the minimum mixer speed. Increase the speed gradually. If, while whipping cream, or fermented milk products curdling occurs, the mass is spread on a sieve lined with gauze. They try to beat again only when all the liquid has come off.

V simple creams for biscuits, you can add any flavoring additives... It can be vanilla, berries, chocolate, cocoa, crushed citrus peel, nuts. For tinting, you can take berry or vegetable juice, factory food colorings.

Simple custard for biscuit with condensed milk


Tile white chocolate- 100 gr.;

A teaspoon of vanilla sugar;

Two tablespoons of regular milk;

180 g butter, preferably 72% butter;

300 gr. whole condensed milk.

Cooking method:

1. Break the chocolate into pieces, put it in a bowl. Add a third of the butter and place in a water bath. While stirring, heat until the chocolate is completely dispersed in the melted butter.

2. Pour into the oily mass regular milk and continue to heat, stirring in the same way, for 2 minutes. We remove from the bath, set aside for five minutes to cool.

3. In a separate bowl, beat the remaining butter with condensed milk until smooth. Add the cooled oil mass, vanilla - mix thoroughly with a mixer.

Simple biscuit cream: chocolate ganache recipe


Cream, at least 22% fat - 400 ml;

Creamy natural, high quality butter - 50 gr .;

450 grams of 96% chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Break the chocolate bar into squares, cut them into smaller pieces with a knife and put them in a bowl.

2. Heat the cream over medium heat. Do not boil as soon as the first bubbles rise - signs of boiling - remove the cream from the stove and pour it over the chocolate. We leave for two minutes.

3. Monitor the temperature of the cream. If they are not hot, chocolate lumps will appear, which is no longer possible to get rid of. The ganache will have to be filtered.

4. Put the softened butter to the chocolate melted in the cream and mix everything thoroughly with a mixer.

5. Chocolate ganache ready. It can be used immediately if you want to coat the surface of the cake. To coat the cakes, place the ganache in the refrigerator for half an hour - it will become denser and softer.

Simple caramel-flavored biscuit cream


Unrefined sugar - 200 gr.;

150 g frozen homemade cream or butter;

Liquid cream, not less than 22% fat - 300 ml;

Vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Spread the sugar evenly over the bottom of a thick-walled saucepan. We put the container on a small fire. While stirring, we warm up, waiting for the crystals to completely melt, after which we boil a little more so that the syrup acquires a beautiful brownish tint.

2. In parallel, at minimum heat, warm up the cream.

3. Actively stirring the sugar syrup, pour hot cream into it in a thin stream. Caramel pieces may form, do not stop heating, they will dissolve on their own.

4. When the creamy mass begins to thicken, remove the saucepan from the stove, pour the contents into a bowl. Cool slightly, then filter and place in the cold for a while. We take it out when the mass becomes similar in consistency to a thick sauce.

5. In a separate bowl, beat the softened butter until shiny. Then, without stopping whipping, add a teaspoon of caramel mass to it.

6. Such a cream is good not only for spreading biscuit cakes, it can be used to decorate and ready-made desserts... The chilled cream holds its shape well and does not flow during prolonged stay in the room.

Simple sour cream biscuit cream with butter


Homemade, not thickened sour cream - 200 gr. (you can take a factory one, 30%);

Half a glass of sugar;

200 gram pack of high fat oil.

Cooking method:

1. Put the oil out of the refrigerator in advance. Warming up to room temperature, cut it into thin cubes and spread to sour cream.

2. Gradually adding sugar, beat the sour cream until smooth. The result should be a non-spreading, fluffy mass.

3. Before applying to the biscuit, be sure to chill the sour cream in the refrigerator.

Simple cream for biscuit on proteins under mastic


Eight proteins;

A pound of sweet butter;

400 gr. sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Beat the whites until fluffy with a small pinch of salt. In the process, we gradually introduce sugar to the proteins.

2. Place the resulting air mass in a water bath. Whisking, slightly warm up (up to 30 degrees). Then we remove from the stove and continue to beat for another quarter of an hour.

3. Separately, after beating the butter, transfer the mass to the proteins. Working with a mixer, we achieve the homogeneity of the protein cream.

4. The cream is well suited for covering the dessert if it is planned to be decorated with mastic. When in contact with such a surface, jewelry does not melt or slip on it.

Simple chocolate cream for biscuit: recipe with cocoa


Half a liter of milk;

90 grams of starch;

Two tablespoons of powdered cocoa;

Half a glass of sugar;

Creamy, 72%, butter - 30 gr.;

1 gram of powdered vanilla.

Cooking method:

1. Pour 300 ml of milk into a large unenamelled saucepan and place over low heat. Warming up, add a pinch of cocoa to milk fine salt, sugar. We spread the chopped butter and mix well. Bring to a boil, after which we continue to cook on a lower heat for three minutes. Stir the cream base constantly - it can burn.

2. Dilute the starch in the remaining cool milk. Stirring the hot mass vigorously, pour in the starch mixture in a thin stream, bring the thickening cream to a boil and immediately remove from the stove.

3. Allowing to cool slightly, add vanilla to the chocolate cream. Leave until completely cooled, covering the surface of the creamy mass with a film.

Simple Mascarpone Cream Biscuit Cream


Fatty, 33%, cream - 300 ml;

250 g cheese, Mascarpone varieties;

Five tablespoons of sugar (125 grams).

Cooking method:

1. For a quarter of an hour, we move the package with cream from the general chamber of the refrigerator to the freezer.

2. After cooling, pour the cream into a clean bowl, add sugar to it and beat.

3. We closely follow the process, we try to do without going to maximum speed. With vigorous whipping, the cream can quickly churn into butter.

4. Having received a lush mass, add the mascarpone and, working with a mixer, slowly mix the cheese with the creamy base.

Simple cream for dark biscuit from cottage cheese with cherry flavor


Non-grained 9% cottage cheese - 300 gr.;

Small lemon;

Half a liter of 22% cream;

20 gr. instant (granular) gelatin;

Powdered sugar - 125 gr. (5 tbsp. L.);

Cherry juice - 70 ml;

300 gr. pitted cherries.

Cooking method:

1. For the cream, you can take fresh, frozen or canned in own juice cherries. We thaw frozen berries in advance in the air at room temperature, from fresh cherries remove the bones.

2. Fill the gelatin with warm water so that it completely covers it, and leave it until the desired moment. The granules should swell well.

3. Pour the lemon over with boiling water, wipe it dry. Fine grater scrape the zest off the citrus, then cut the fruit and squeeze the juice. We filter out the remnants of the pulp and remove the bones that have got into it.

4. Whisk the chilled cream until fluffy.

5. Grind the curd using a rare metal sieve. Add powdered sugar and mix thoroughly.

6. Separate three spoons curd mass, mix it with gelatin and, putting it back, mix. We put lemon zest, pour out Cherry juice, freshly squeezed citrus juice and interrupt until smooth with a blender. A mixer can be used.

7. In the resulting creamy base, gently stir in the whipped cream. Set aside a third of the prepared cream, and mix the remaining cream mass with cherries.

8. With a cream containing berries, coat the biscuit cakes, and with the one without cherries, coat the sides and top of the dessert.

Tips for Making Simple Biscuit Creams - Helpful Tips

Whipping the cream with a whisk is tedious. A mixer or blender will help to significantly speed up and facilitate the process.

For the preparation of the cream, do not use aluminum containers. The creamy mass may acquire a characteristic metallic taste and darken. The best utensils there will be glass containers for whipping the cream mass.

Do not overheat the oil. It should only soften a little, not melt. If the grease starts to shine and floats, return it to the refrigerator to harden a little.

If you forgot to get the butter out of the refrigerator beforehand, rub it on coarse grater... The fat will quickly soften, and in just five minutes you can make a cream from it.