Pancho is a generation-favorite cake, sancho cake and pancho cake. Cake "Pancho" - a delicate and airy delicacy for any holiday

15.05.2019 Vegetable dishes

A festive dinner is planned and you want to treat your loved ones with an interesting and easy-to-prepare dessert? The best solution would be Pancho cake with a delicate cream and the addition of fruits or nuts.

How to cook a biscuit

Cooking a biscuit will not take much time and even a novice cook will cope with the recipe. You should not strive to create a high cake, since about 2/3 of the pastries will need to be crushed to make an original slide.

The optimal solution is to take a form no more than 22-24 cm in diameter. Otherwise, the workpiece will turn out to be too bulky and it will be problematic to assemble the cake. It is better not to spare the ingredients for the preparation of the cream. The more you use it, the faster the dough will soak and the dessert will be more tender.

Pancho cake recipe involves baking 2 biscuit cakes:

  • 4 chicken eggs are thoroughly beaten with a blender or mixer, adding 160 g of granulated sugar. You should get a fairly lush foam. If you want to cook a high cake, it is recommended to beat the whites separately and mix gently with the yolks whipped together with sugar;
  • 310 g of previously sifted 2-3 times are introduced into the resulting mixture. wheat flour, a teaspoon baking soda, as well as 200 ml of sour cream with a fat content of 15%;
  • The mass is divided into 2 halves and a teaspoon of cocoa powder is added to one of them. Do you want to get a chocolate biscuit with a pronounced taste? In this case, you can increase the amount of cocoa to 1-2 tablespoons;
  • The dough should be even. Forms are greased with oil or sprinkled with wheat flour. The dough is carefully poured into molds and sent to a heated oven;
  • It is necessary to bake a biscuit at 180 ° C for about 30 minutes. You can check the readiness by piercing the pastries with a match or a toothpick. If there are no traces of raw dough left on it, the dessert blank is ready.

After removing the cakes from the oven, you should carefully remove them from the mold and wait until they cool. Each cake is cut horizontally into approximately 2 equal parts. One part of each cake must be cut into small cubes. Now you need to prepare the cream.

How to cook sour cream for Pancho cake

The recipe for the most delicate cream is also simple:

  • Pre-chilled 20% fat sour cream, 2 cups, is mixed with 150 g of 30% fat sour cream and whipped, gradually adding 130 g of sugar to the mixture. If possible, it is desirable to grind granulated sugar to the state of fine powder;
  • It is most convenient to beat the ingredients in a container placed on pieces of ice. In this case, the mass will be denser, retaining its shape well. You can compact the cream by adding a little softened butter to it;
  • When using rustic rather thick sour cream, it is recommended to transfer it to fine gauze and hang it for 2-3 hours so that the whey separates. Then no extraneous additives are required, the mass will turn out to be incredibly lush.

It remains to put together the parts of the dessert and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, since the preparation of the pancho cake includes the obligatory impregnation of the sponge cake with cream.

How to assemble dessert

In addition to cream and baking, you will need original additional ingredients. For example, to get a Pancho cake with cherries, you will have to sort through the berries and remove the seeds from them.

The cake is poured abundantly with sour cream and placed in a layer of cherry berries. Put the second cake on top and lightly press it with your hands. The second cake is also carefully greased with a creamy mass.

Small pieces of biscuit are mixed and spread in thin layers on top of the second cake. Each layer is carefully smeared with cream. Do not rush, the cream should literally soak the dough.

You can add cherries to this small biscuit crumb, flavored with a delicate cream. Upon completion of the design, it is necessary to grease the top with cream and sprinkle the surface of the cake with chocolate chips. You can make chocolate icing and decorate the dessert with netting and cherries.

There are many cooking methods. For example, Pancho cake with pineapples is very popular. In this case, take canned fruits. You can add pieces to the "stuffing" of the dessert walnuts or soaked dried fruits.

Cooking cake "Pancho" in a slow cooker

Prepare original dessert optionally in the oven, you can use the slow cooker:

  • In a separate container, beat 6 chicken eggs until almost white color. As a rule, when using a mixer, the desired result is achieved in 10 minutes;
  • Continuing to beat, gradually add 250 g of granulated sugar to the mass. When the grains of sugar dissolve, carefully add 220 g of wheat flour sifted 2-3 times and 5 g of special baking powder to the mixture. If it is decided to prepare a chocolate version of the dessert, add 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • Lubricate the bowl with butter and pour a homogeneous dough into it. Set the mode "Baking". The duration of the process is 60 minutes;
  • It is necessary to open the valve designed to drain the condensate. Otherwise, moisture will collect in the slow cooker and the biscuit will get wet;
  • During baking, it is not recommended to lift the lid of the appliance so that the dough does not fall off and the cake turns out to be lush;
  • The finished biscuit is cut horizontally into 2 parts, one of which is crushed into cubes when the baking is cool enough;
  • Bones are removed from fresh cherries, frozen ones are brought to room temperature. The juice flowing from the berries can be used to impregnate the cake;
  • The preparation of sour cream does not differ from the above recipe. Mix 500 ml of sour cream 20% fat and 150 ml cream 33%. Add to cream 160 g powdered sugar;
  • Assemble the cake, adding cherries and hazelnut pieces as a filling. The surface of the dessert is poured with chocolate icing made from 30 g of butter and 70 g of dark chocolate, or sprinkled with chocolate chips.

A small nuance: the longer you keep the cake in the refrigerator, the more tender it will turn out. An abundance of sour cream, a light biscuit and chocolate will make a splash! Easy baking and bon appetit!

The Sancho Pancho cake, the recipes of which we will study today under a microscope, is tender and incredibly beautiful dessert. It differs from the usual cakes for us in that it is formed in the form of a slide. It is based on biscuit pieces that are dipped in cream. But first things first.

  • Biscuit cakes can be replaced with cookies, and poured over with sour cream.
  • You can add the taste of goodies by laying out chopped nuts, chocolate, pieces of fruit or berries between the layers.
  • A sprinkle of chocolate and nuts should be applied immediately after decorating the treat. It will roll off a chilled dessert.
  • Do not water the cake with very hot icing, otherwise the cream will melt.
  • Before applying the glaze, it is recommended to keep the cake in the refrigerator until its top layer hardens.

Cake "Pancho": a classic recipe with a photo step by step

Let's start with the traditional Pancho cake recipe. Such a dessert will win the hearts of your household and guests.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 st. granulated sugar;
  • 1 kg of sour cream;
  • 1 b. condensed milk;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • 2 tbsp. sifted flour;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • salt;
  • 1 st. powdered sugar;
  • 1.5 st. cream;
  • 1 st. chopped nuts;
  • 2 tsp butter;
  • vanilla;
  • 100 g chocolate.


Pineapple treat for the delight of the sweet tooth

Now let's bake a Pancho cake with pineapples. A step-by-step recipe with a photo will help even novice confectioners cope with this culinary task.


  • 2 tbsp. sifted flour;
  • 3 art. granulated sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 700 ml sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 1 st. l. baking powder;
  • 1 b. canned pineapples;
  • 100 g chocolate.


Gourmet baking from a multicooker

can be baked gourmet cake"Sancho Pancho" in a slow cooker. And quickly, and incredibly tasty, and without any hassle!


  • 500 ml sour cream;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • 2 tbsp. sifted flour;
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • vanilla;
  • 3 art. granulated sugar;
  • 1 st. l. gelatin;
  • cocoa powder to taste
  • butter;
  • nuts;
  • canned pineapples and peaches.

Advice! Choose sour cream with a fat content of 30-35% .


  1. First, beat 1 tbsp. granulated sugar with eggs.
  2. Add 200 ml of sour cream and work with a mixer or blender.
  3. Now we introduce the sifted flour, mixed with baking powder, and vanilla, beat well.
  4. Add cocoa powder (approximately 2 tablespoons) and mix.
  5. Lubricate the multibowl with butter and place the dough in it.
  6. We set the option "Baking" and wait one hour until the biscuit is cooked.
  7. In the meantime, let's take care of the cream. Leave the gelatin until it swells.
  8. We combine the remaining sour cream and 2 tbsp. granulated sugar.
  9. Beat the sugar-sour cream mass and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.
  10. Swollen gelatin, as they say, dissolve in 1 tbsp. l. purified water and add to the cream.
  11. Peaches and pineapple cut into small cubes.
  12. We take out the finished biscuit and cut it into halves.
  13. One biscuit will play the role of the base, and we cut the other into cubes.
  14. Spread the biscuit base with cream.
  15. Now we form a hill of pineapples, peaches and biscuit cubes, pouring them with cream.
  16. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  17. Let's melt a bar of chocolate and pour it over our cake. And sprinkle with crushed nuts in a blender on top.

Attention! On a sound signal, we are in no hurry to get the cake, leave it to cool slightly.

Many confectioners, simple housewives and mothers who love homemade cakes consider dessert with interesting name"Sancho Pancho" is one of the most successful in cooking. Mostly because it does not require certain culinary skills. Even taking up such a recipe for the first time, we can say with confidence that you will succeed. In order to prepare this cake, it is enough to bake one biscuit cake. The cream is made elementary - by mixing several components.

Choose any filling: there can be fruits, berries, and different varieties nuts. The cake is decorated with chocolate icing. With it, too, there will be no difficulties - we will suggest the best recipe for its preparation. Another distinctive feature of this cake is that it can be baked both in the smallest oven and in a slow cooker. There are craftswomen who have the skills to bake biscuits even in a microwave oven.

Cake cherry "Sancho Pancho" with hazelnuts

Many confectioners believe that classic version cake "Sancho Pancho" is chocolate sponge cake with cherries as a filling, always with sour cream and, of course, roasted hazelnuts. Ideally, the cake should turn out soft and tender, well-soaked, the main taste is chocolate-nutty with light fruity notes. Now let's take a closer look at his recipe.


  • eggs - 6 pieces
  • sugar for dough - 200 grams
  • flour - 320 grams
  • cream sugar - 100 grams
  • glaze sugar - 6 tablespoons
  • 1/3 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice
  • sour cream 20% - 700 milliliters
  • cherries - 300 grams
  • roasted hazelnuts - 1 cup
  • milk - 40 milliliters
  • 100 grams of butter

Cooking method:

Prepare a convenient form for a biscuit in advance. It is better if it is detachable and with high sides because the dough increases in size during baking. Cover the bottom of the form with parchment, grease the sides butter. Now you can do the dough for the cake. The main principle of its preparation is that all components must be introduced gradually and in small portions. So, the whites should be separated from the yolks. Whisk them in a dry bowl until strong foam. Without turning off the mixer, add sugar in small parts, and then add all the yolks one by one. Next, the mixer must be turned off and set aside. All further actions will be performed with a spoon (preferably wooden).

AT separate dishes sift dry ingredients: flour and cocoa. Introduce them into the dough little by little, carefully stirring and kneading the lumps. Extinguish soda with lemon juice and add to the total mass - the dough is ready. Then it must be transferred to the prepared form and sent to bake in the oven (temperature 180 ° C). The whole process will take about 40 minutes. After that, the readiness of the cake must be checked by piercing it in the middle with a match. Remove the finished biscuit from the oven, cool, free from the mold and cut into two parts, one of which will be the basis of the Sancho Pancho cake. The other, larger part, needs to be cut into pieces of 2-3 centimeters.

It's time to do the cream, let's recall its simple recipe: first beat one sour cream, then gradually add granulated sugar to it. Remember that there should be no grains of sugar in this sweet dressing, beat until it is completely dissolved. Taste the finished cream, if you like it sweeter, then the amount of sugar can be increased. Since cherries will be put in the cake as a filling, it should be noted that any berries are suitable - fresh or canned. You can also use frozen - it all depends on the season. Free the cherries from the pits and roll in a small amount of starch.

The time has come for the most crucial moment - to assemble the cake. Place the base on flat dish, soak with juice from cherries mixed with sugar. Next, apply a layer of sour cream, put some cherries and nuts on one "floor". Dip the cut pieces of biscuits one by one into the cream and put them on the cake. Do not forget to lay berries and nuts alternately between the layers of the cake. Remember that the shape of "Sancho Pancho" should be cone-shaped.

The top of the cake is traditionally decorated with chocolate icing. To prepare it, mix sugar and cocoa powder in the indicated doses, add milk, and, stirring constantly, hold on low heat for 5-10 minutes. At the end, add 100 grams of butter and stir. When the icing has cooled, you can begin to cover the cake with it. After that, the newly made dessert needs to be in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours, and it is better if it stays there all night. In the morning, you can serve the cake on the table and enjoy the wonderful fruit and chocolate masterpiece!

Fruit cake "Sancho Pancho"

We present you another recipe for the famous Moscow Sancho Pancho cake. In this version, you will meet a vanilla biscuit, a delicate cream on a sour cream base, and fruits will act as a filling: bananas and pineapples. A waterfall from chocolate icing. Ready to try?


  • sugar - 200 grams
  • wheat flour - 160 grams
  • 4 eggs
  • baking powder - 10 grams
  • bananas - 2 pieces
  • canned pineapples - 200 grams
  • sour cream - 500 milliliters
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • 100 grams of milk chocolate

Cooking method:

First you need to prepare the dough. To do this, together with sugar (200 grams), beat the eggs at high speed. Sift flour several times. This is done so that it is enriched with oxygen and is more magnificent. Mix with baking powder and vanilla. In small portions, enter the flour into the dough, stirring with a spoon in a circle and lifting it from the bottom up. Do it carefully, then it will be lush and airy.

Cover the baking dish with paper, grease the edges with oil. Pour the dough into the mold, smooth it over the surface and send it to the oven for 40 minutes (the temperature should be approximately 180 ° C). Remove the finished biscuit from the oven, cool. In the meantime, prepare the cream, for which just beat the sour cream with a glass of sugar until it is completely dissolved.

Cut the pie into pieces, the bottom will be the base of the cake. Its thickness should be approximately 2 centimeters. Tear the rest of the cake with your hands or cut into pieces, the future Sancho Pancho cake tower will be built from them. Go to the assembly stage: place the base on a flat plate, grease it with cream, put slices of bananas and pineapples on top. Next, dip the biscuit pieces in the cream and lay them on the cake in a slide, alternating them with fruit. Decorate the top of the dessert with melted chocolate. It is convenient to apply it with a spoon, or you can make beautiful chocolate stains with pastry bag. Next, the dessert should be left in the refrigerator, where it will wait for the start of the holiday.

The culinary recipe for an amazing cake called "Sancho Pancho" is one of the most confectionery creations, for which there is a real hunt on the Internet. There are quite a few variations of it, we examined the simplest and, in our opinion, the most successful. Prepare a cake according to one of these recipes and form your own opinion about it.

Pieces of tender, airy biscuit combined with nuts, fruits, soaked wonderful cream and excellent combination of various additional components into the original slide - all this is the Sancho Pancho cake. Today we invite you to create this miracle with your own hands and enjoy it together with people who love you. We have prepared a couple of the best Sancho Pancho cake recipes that you will leave everyone in a crazy delight.

Cake recipe "Sancho Pancho" with cherries at home


For test:

  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • fine sugar - 400 g;
  • flour (highest grade) - 550 g;
  • cocoa (dark) - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp.

For cream:

  • sour cream (25%) - 450 g;
  • - 1 bank;
  • sour cream thickener - 1 pack;
  • cherry - 250-300 g;
  • hazelnuts - 150 g.

For glaze:

  • milk chocolate - 150 g.


We take the freshest eggs, because then the yolk shell is denser and it is easier to separate from the protein. Whisk egg whites with sugar until white. We introduce here the yolks stirred in a separate bowl and continue to beat until fluffy. Pour dark cocoa into the egg mass, but mix already with a spoon. In the same way, we introduce flour and at the end add soda slaked with lemon juice. We move the dough into a Teflon-coated mold, which we lightly grease with any of the fats. chocolate biscuit bake for about 45 minutes, at 180 degrees in the oven.

We combine sour cream with chilled condensed milk, sour cream thickener and beat the ingredients until the cream is light. Then gently mix it with cherries (pitted) and roasted hazelnuts.

From the cooled biscuit, we evenly cut off the lower part of 1-1.5 centimeters, and chop the remaining cake into small pieces, which we put in a bowl with cream and mix again. Then we move everything onto the cut cake and lay it in the form of a pyramid. Cover the surface of the cake with melted milk chocolate.

Sancho Pancho cake recipe with pineapple and sour cream


For test:

  • eggs (large) - 5 pcs.;
  • cocoa - 50 g;
  • wheat flour - 400 g;
  • granulated sugar - 380 g;
  • baking powder - 2 tsp.

For cream:

  • - 0.5 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.

For filling:

  • pineapple (canned) - 1 can;
  • walnut kernels - 200 g.

For glaze:

  • dark chocolate - 80 g.


We combine the eggs separated from the shell with granulated sugar and beat until airy. Mix flour, baking powder and cocoa powder and sift into a bowl with eggs. We mix the ingredients with a spatula and get a watery dough, which is immediately poured into a round baking dish, covered with a sheet of oiled parchment paper. We expose the form in the center of the preheated oven to 185 degrees and bake a biscuit for the cake 35 minutes. Then we take it out, cool it and cut off thinly and evenly its lower part. Coarsely cut the rest (main) part of the biscuit, similar to the shape of cubes.

Smear the cut cake with a cream obtained from homemade sour cream whipped with granulated sugar. Sprinkle it with coarsely chopped walnuts and pineapple cubes, on which we spread part of the crushed biscuit. Next, cover everything with cream and repeat the layers again: walnut, pineapple, cream (twice), narrowing the cake up like a slide. We finish the "Sancho Pancho" with a cream coating on all sides and a decoration in the form of streams melted with dark chocolate.

Sour cream cake "Pancho" is ready to decorate any table, and turn home tea into a holiday!

The secret of the cake lies in the fact that the cake consists of tender biscuits soaked in sour cream and covered with chocolate icing. The preparation of this cake does not take too much time and does not require many abilities. And about how to cook Pancho cake at home, I will tell you right now.

1. You should start with the dough, it is done using a blender, mixer or whisk: beat 2 eggs with a glass of sugar, gradually add 150 g of condensed milk, beat, add 2 tablespoons of cocoa (you can not add, then the cakes will be white), beat, and finally add 1 cup of sour cream, beat a little more. Pour further 1.5 cups of flour, baking powder, and leave, carefully so that the mixture does not settle.

2. At this time, grease the baking dish or baking sheet with oil, carefully lay out the dough and send it to the oven. It is necessary to bake until cooked, periodically checking the cake with a match or a knife. When the skin is ready to get it, let it cool to room temperature, break it into pieces about 2 * 3 cm.

3. At this time, we make impregnation: beat 500 g sour cream and a glass of sugar.

Dip the pieces of cake in sour cream with sugar and spread on a flat surface, like a Christmas tree, one on one, a hill. Sprinkle the pits and crevices of the slide with chopped nuts and fruits. We put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, so that the cream freezes.

4. After we prepare the glaze. Beat 200 g sour cream with 1/2 cup of sugar and put this mixture on the stove, stirring thoroughly, bring to a boil. Put the oil and cook, stirring for another 2-4 minutes. Remove the glaze from the stove, cool to a warm state. You can add cocoa and get chocolate icing.

5. Pour the frozen cake with icing. Place back in the refrigerator until chilled. After 2-3 hours, the cake can be eaten!

Enjoy your meal!

The classic recipe for the Sancho Pancho cake is based on the preparation of a biscuit. Exist different variants dessert recipes. chocolate biscuit fast food consists of several layers of cakes, but it is not too high.

Products for biscuit and cream

The main ingredients of the Sancho Pancho cake are cakes, nuts, pineapples and cream. The recipe for an airy biscuit without butter based on eggs, flour and sugar allows you to make a cake for 8 servings. Products for biscuit base dessert:

  • eggs - 4 pcs;
  • a glass of wheat flour (160 g);
  • a glass of granulated sugar (200 g);
  • a pinch of salt.

Before kneading the dough, you can add 2 tsp to the flour. baking powder or 1/2 tbsp. potato starch, to flour product did not crumble before cutting into pieces. Instead of potato starch, corn, wheat or rice starch is suitable for baking. Flour for biscuit dough should be of the highest grade.

Baking will have a porous structure that is convenient for further processing. Give dough chocolate color will allow cocoa powder, added before laying out in a form greased with a piece of butter in the amount of 4 tbsp. The biscuit will take on a chocolate color when baked. The color of the Sancho Pancho cake is contrasting.

Usage canned pineapple 400-500 g as a filling improves the taste characteristics of the cake. To prepare the dough according to the recipe, it is convenient to use a blender that allows you to quickly mix fresh kefir, sour cream or eggs into a homogeneous mass. It is better to make cream from premium sour cream of 20% fat content, taking it in an amount of 650-700 g.

Sour cream for cream should not have a sharp sour taste or signs of fermentation. For more air cream liquid cream with a fat content of at least 30% is suitable, which is best used chilled. Before mixing the composition with a blender, add powdered sugar (0.5 tbsp.) And a pinch of salt to taste into the mixture. The ingredients will cost more, but butter cream tastier than sour cream.

Step-by-step recipe for Sancho Pancho cake

For cooking juicy pastries With delicate taste a pre-baked biscuit is suitable, which can be stored for 2-4 days before creating original cake"Sancho Pancho". Finished cake allows you to feel the taste of delicate butter or sour cream, turning into a fresh pineapple dessert. Then the biscuit gets spicy taste cognac, and after - bitter chocolate glaze. Dessert recipe:

  1. Bake a biscuit in the oven.
  2. Cut the semi-finished product into 2 parts.
  3. Mix cut into pieces one of the cakes with slices of pineapple.
  4. Prepare cream or sour cream.
  5. Pour cognac-based syrup over the second cake.
  6. Combine pieces of biscuit and pineapple with cream, collect the slices in a slide on a cake base and pour over with chilled cream.

You can replace the finished biscuit with cookies. Serve a cake beautifully decorated with chocolate for tea or coffee. Melted chocolate bar is best applied to the entire cake. Put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. If you pour too much icing on the cake, the cream will begin to melt and drain. Refrigerate dessert before decorating. Decorate, waiting for the top layer of cream to completely harden.

Preparing the biscuit dough

It is better not to bake too high a cake, since the recipe calls for crushing about 2/3 of the volume of the entire cake. This will allow you to make an original slide from biscuit dough, the cooking sequence of which is as follows:

  1. Beat with a mixer or blender the chilled proteins and yolks separately or eggs (4 pcs) completely.
  2. Pour a glass of granulated sugar into the eggs or whites, beat until fluffy foam, then add the beaten yolks.
  3. Add flour to the mixture, sifted 2-3 times, slaked with vinegar soda (1 tsp), low-fat sour cream (200 ml).
  4. Divide the dough into 2 parts and add cocoa powder to one of them.

Prepared biscuit dough should be viscous, i.e. thicker than sour cream. You can only add cocoa to one of the two parts of the dough, divided in half, and not make the cake completely chocolate.

There are two ways to prepare biscuit dough: with and without heating. In the first case, it is convenient to use water bath. Bring the mixture to a temperature of 40-50 °C. For continuous whipping of the mixture when heated, you can use a metal whisk. Removed from the water bath, cool the pan with the heated contents to room temperature. After that, add the sifted flour to the mass, increased in volume by 2-3 times, and knead a homogeneous biscuit dough.

Baking a biscuit in the oven

It is better to bake a blank for a cake in round shape with a diameter of 22-24 cm. If you take a container larger in size, then it is more difficult to make a stable slide on pineapples and a wide base from a large number of pastries. Cover the bottom of the form baking paper and pour the biscuit dough into it.

  1. Preheat oven to 170-180°C.
  2. Put the mold with the dough into the oven.
  3. Bake 40-60 minutes until done.
  4. Take the cake out of the mold.
  5. Cool the cake for 20-30 minutes, covered with a towel.

The heat treatment time of the biscuit dough depends on its volume in the form. With a biscuit thickness of 25-40 mm, bake the cake for about 35-50 minutes in an oven heated to 200-220 ° C. If the thickness of the biscuit is less than 10 mm, then the form can be placed in the oven for 10-20 minutes and bake the dough at the same temperature.

The oven must be preheated before whipping the dough. At the very beginning of baking, a baking sheet or form with biscuit dough, saturated with air, must not be rearranged or pulled. This can cause the biscuit to shake and become denser due to the release of air as the mold is moved.

To check the readiness, it is enough to pierce the cake with a wooden toothpick, which should come out of the workpiece clean without lumps. raw dough. The finished biscuit is also easy to identify by its delicious smell. Remove the cake from the mold when cooled to divide into 2 equal parts with a knife.

Cream preparation methods

It is better not to spare products on the cream, carefully soaking the biscuit product with the composition. The classic recipe for sour cream for dessert:

  1. Mix two types of chilled sour cream 2 cups with a fat content of 20% and 150 g (fat content of 30%), beat at low air temperature.
  2. Add granulated sugar (130 g) to the mixture or pre-grind it into powder.
  3. Seal the sour cream composition by adding softened butter to it.
  4. You can aromatize the composition vanilla sugar(5 g).

To prepare the cream, you can use rustic sour cream. This product has thick consistency. To separate the serum, it is enough to transfer it to gauze and hang it for 3 hours.

Cream of rustic sour cream(1 tablespoon) and powdered sugar (4 tablespoons) does not require additional additives. From dairy product you can beat an incredibly lush mass without the addition of gelatin, which is better not to tint. Whipped sour cream should be held on the whisk.

The cake can be covered with buttercream. Whipping heavy cream with a fat content of 35% is very convenient, and in cream from liquid cream(20% fat) it is better to add gelatin. When whipping, the cream can be congealed, so it is better to immediately free the mass from excess liquid by laying the composition on a sieve. If this process happened again, then it is no longer possible to turn the mixture into a cream.

It is better to cook butter cream before soaking the dessert, which can be stored in the refrigerator for only 2-3 hours. If the cream is whipped without gelatin, then the cream will spread and lose its shape. The sequence of preparation of air treats:

  1. Cool fresh cream (fat content 30% or more).
  2. Start beating at low speed and then increase it by adding powdered sugar.
  3. Beat until the cream increases in volume.
  4. Place the container with the thickened whipped cream in the refrigerator.

If you whip the cream with a mixer, then the nozzle should be in the form of a frame, and for a blender it is more convenient to use a whisk.

Preparation of impregnation for cakes

For flavoring sponge cake suitable as an impregnation sugar syrup. The product will be flabby if the pastry is not kept for 7 hours before soaking in syrup, which must be cooled to room temperature before use. You can add cognac, white dessert wine, coffee, vanillin, liquor.

To prepare 100 g of syrup, take 2 tbsp. granulated sugar and 3 tbsp. water. Sweet soak recipe for biscuit baking next:

  1. Pour sugar into a bowl.
  2. pour sugar the right amount water.
  3. Mix the ingredients, boil the syrup and remove the foam.
  4. Cool the impregnation to room temperature.
  5. Add flavorings.

If used as a filling for a cake canned pineapple, then the syrup from under them can be used instead of water, additionally dilute cognac, liquor or wine (2 tablespoons)

Assembling the layers of the Sancho Pancho cake

It is convenient to use as a basis for a cake in the process of assembling a dessert. thin cake 1.5 cm thick, remaining after cutting the finished biscuit into 2 parts. Divide the part that is tangible in size into small cubes with a side of 3 cm, but do not grind, otherwise the biscuit cake will be crumbled. Then prepare sliced ​​pastries pre-soaked in syrup and assemble the cake in stages:

  1. Cut pineapple into small pieces.
  2. Drizzle with syrup and brush thin crust with cream.
  3. Put pieces of biscuit with impregnation into the cream.
  4. Add pineapple slices to the biscuit and cream mixture.
  5. Gently mix the biscuit and pineapples with the cream and put on the base.
  6. Form a hill and pour over the rest of the cream (1 tbsp.).

Pineapples can be substituted with processed ones if desired. fresh cherries, berries. It is better to lay out pieces of biscuit and stuffing in layers, lubricating each of them with cream. The filling can be pre-mixed with walnuts or soaked dried fruits.

The topmost layer should not be flat, but wavy. Spread the rest of the cream over it, pouring it onto a biscuit. assembled cake"Sancho Pancho" put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, so that the cakes with the filling are completely saturated with cream.

Preparing frosting for cake decoration

To decorate a slide of biscuit, poured with cream, chocolate icing is ideal. simple recipes glaze preparations are based on the use of water and sugar with the addition of cocoa powder. More complex compositions can be prepared from butter, sour cream or cream:

  1. Mix 4 tbsp. sugar and cocoa, adding a little salt.
  2. Combine the mixture with sour cream or cream (4 tablespoons) and butter (50 g).
  3. Heat the composition in a water bath or cook on the stove in a saucepan with a thick bottom with frequent stirring.
  4. cool down finished glaze, since it is impossible to water the cake with a hot composition, otherwise the cream will drain down.

Another option for making chocolate icing:

  1. Mix granulated sugar (1 tbsp.) With water (1/2 tbsp.) And cook until a test for a thick thread.
  2. Add cocoa powder to the mixture and cool the glaze to 60-80 ° C.
  3. Dip a spatula into the mixture, rubbing the icing on the edges of the saucepan so that the sugar crystallizes.

Friction within the composition will lighten the glaze, on the surface of which you can see a thin shiny crust. This will determine the readiness of the glaze. Apply the composition to baked goods cooled to room temperature.

To decorate the cake, melt chocolate and butter at the same time in a water bath. Bananas, cut into thin slices or circles, are easy to stick to the surface of the cake. Lubricate the cake with icing, and after decorating the baking with bananas, pour glazed fondant over the entire dessert.

Sancho Panza, whose characteristics are the subject of this review, is one of the main characters of the famous novel by M. Cervantes "Don Quixote". He is a simple peasant, has a wife and children, however, succumbing to the persuasion of the knight and tempted by the idea of ​​becoming the governor of the island, the hero leaves his home and becomes his master's squire.


This hero is considered to be the antagonist of the main character, since he seems to be completely devoid of the worldview that is characteristic of his master. Sancho is primarily interested in material gain, the opportunity to get rich. He has his own philosophy of life, based on simple worldly wisdom. No wonder his speech is replete with folk quotations, sayings and proverbs. An ordinary peasant, he perceives everything that happens through the prism of his special, peasant consciousness. He tries to find a practical explanation for everything, he is not inclined to go into abstract reasoning, like his companion. Thus, at first glance, it may seem that the protagonist is opposed by Sancho Panza. The characterization of this character, however, shows that this is not entirely true.

Comparison with Don Quixote

The squire of the main character is, in a sense, his double, despite the obvious difference in characters. Not without reason, both immediately found a common language and even became friends throughout the trip. The thing is, they both have a lot in common. First of all, this concerns their boundless credulity. After all, just like Don Quixote, Sancho Panza is ingenuous and ingenuous.

The characterization of the hero proves that in this respect he is very similar to the master. For example, he immediately believed in the possibility of his governorship and throughout their journey he never doubted this. Despite the fact that he often questioned the words of his companion and even deceived him more than once, Sancho himself nevertheless easily admitted the possibility that one day he was destined to become a ruler. At the same time, his own comfort is most important to him, as evidenced by his following statement: "Now feed me or take away the governorship."

Most surprising of all, his wish really came true: once the duke actually appointed a squire as the head of the island. Panza borrowed a lot from Don Quixote and implemented these skills in his management. So, he was honest, fair, trying to imitate his master. The inhabitants were especially struck by his expression, which can be largely explained not only by his innate eloquence, but by the influence of the owner.

folk traits

Of great importance for understanding the meaning of the novel is its image. Sancho Panza is one of the most attractive characters not only in the writer's novel, but also in world literature in general. He became close to many readers and gained great popularity largely due to the fact that in his person the author embodied the traditional folk character. Such characters, as a rule, have always enjoyed the love of readers because of their innocence, gullibility, and humor. In the course of the journey, the hero takes all the adventures for granted, which immediately becomes sympathetic to the reader. He operates with concrete concepts, there are almost no abstract metaphors in his speech (“On a good foundation, a building can be good”).

His remarks and phrases are a real treasure trove of people's experience of life. And if Don Quixote explains what is happening from the point of view of a knight and a nobleman, then his faithful and permanent squire prefers to manage with well-aimed bright phraseological units that bring a touch of warm humor to the narrative.


Famous quotes by Sancho Panza testify to his sharp mind, observation and cunning. It can be seen from them that the hero argues from a practical point of view, caring primarily about physical health, about relationships with people, about comfort - both bodily and spiritual. For example, he owns the following phrase: "Where music plays, there can be nothing bad."

So, the image of the squire Don Quixote is an integral part of the whole novel, without him the character of the knight would not be so expressive. And the character himself is a self-sufficient and independent figure, since it is rooted in folk life. So, Sancho Panza acted as a kind of double of the knight. The characterization of this character is impossible without comparing him with the master.

Some people confuse the Pancho cake with other cakes that have almost the same look - these are the “Earl ruins” and “Stepka ruffle”. But this Pancho is much more interesting in cooking and in taste. Exist various recipes preparation of this cake, which we will try to describe.

The history of the famous Pancho and his difference from his brothers

The confectioners of the well-known Moscow confectionery do not disclose the Pancho cake recipe, although there is an opinion that this recipe was found during a survey of residents. The cake is so popular that many housewives, having tried it, tried to bring it to life at home. For some, this worked out and many varieties of cake with different fillings appeared.

Since Pancho is confused with the Count's ruins, it is necessary to find their differences, by which you can accurately determine which cake is in front of us. Let's present the ingredients that the classic recipe for these cakes contains in the form of a table and see how they differ in composition.

The cooking method for both cakes is almost the same, with the only difference being that Pancho should look like an even hill, and the ruins are similar to their name. It is already clear from the dough that Pancho contains more eggs, which, when beaten thoroughly, give the cakes more lightness and softness of taste .

There is also a difference in the glaze that covers the cake, for Count's ruins it is prepared with the addition of cocoa powder, and the icing recipe for Pancho calls for exclusively melted chocolate bar. Although experiments are put on both recipes, one way or another modernizing them.

Varieties of Tor Pancho

Many housewives, for the purpose of experiment, add between layers various fruits, nuts, berries. The most widespread was the Pancho cake with pineapples. But there are also:

  • Sancho Pancho, added bananas, hazelnuts;
  • With cherries and dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, cherries;

The recipe of each is almost the same in preparation, the difference is only in the number of ingredients and fillers. Let's start, perhaps, using the classic recipe, and then consider the rest with additives.

Classic Torah Pancho

The ingredients for the cake itself have already been presented above in the comparative table, but it's worth repeating. To prepare the crust you will need:

  • Chicken egg - 6 pcs.;
  • Premium flour - 200 g;
  • Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 250 g;
  • Confectionery baking powder or soda - 1 teaspoon.
  • Sour cream 20% - 400 g;
  • Cream 33-35% - 200 ml;
  • Sugar - 150 g.

Filling a jar of canned pineapples and a glass of walnuts.

The icing is made from dark chocolate - half a bar and 30g. butter.

In order to cook the cake correctly, you need to get all the products that were stored in the refrigerator about an hour before cooking so that they warm up to room temperature.

Next, we begin to prepare the dough for the cake. We break the eggs into a bowl and with the help of a mixer we achieve a voluminous foam, after which we add sugar in a thin stream, while the mixer works all the time. After waiting for the sugar to dissolve completely in the eggs, turn off the mixer and start working with other products.

Mix the remaining dry products, after sifting the flour and cocoa. Add to the sweet mass of eggs. Then mix thoroughly with a spoon until a homogeneous mass without lumps.

Pour all the resulting dough into a baking dish. Someone uses a form with a removable board, someone silicone. But they must be smeared with butter, moreover, with butter, and only then pour in the dough.

The oven by this time should be preheated to 180 degrees, on which then we bake for about half an hour.

Cream preparation. Using a mixer, whip the cream, start at a low speed and gradually bring to a maximum. The cream should thicken, then add sour cream and sugar without stopping whisking. You can change sugar to powdered sugar, then things will go faster.

We take the cake out of the oven, and wait for it to cool completely so that it can be safely taken bare hand. Only after that we take it out of the form. Next, with a very sharp knife, cut off the bottom layer of about 1 cm, and cut the rest into cubes, about two by two centimeters. We lay the bottom layer on a plate and begin to collect the cake. Soak the cake a little with pineapple liquid, then cover it with cream. Next, lay out the nuts, chopped in advance into medium pieces and pineapples, take all the ingredients in half of the original volume.

Dip the cubes from the chopped cake into the cream and place on the pineapple nut layer. The torus should be a slide, so all layers should taper towards the top.

We divide the remaining nuts and pineapples into two equal parts, one of which is also laid out on a layer of biscuit cubes, and again we dip the cubes into the cream and close the pineapples with nuts. The top of the mountain is the remaining pineapples and nuts, which must be placed on a layer of biscuit cubes. We generously cover the whole mountain with the remaining cream.

Prepare the icing - break the chocolate into small pieces and mix with butter. Cook for steam bath until a uniform brown mass is obtained.

The smaller the pieces of chocolate, the faster the frosting will cook.

Gently pour the prepared cake with the resulting icing and hide in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. After this time, enjoy delicious dessert with tea or coffee.

Sancho Pancho Cake

The recipe for this cake is not much different from the classic one, only walnuts change to hazelnuts, and pineapples to bananas. The ingredients for the cake do not differ from the previous one, the cream also remains unchanged. It turns out that only the filler changes. Bananas mode with 1 cm plastics (naturally peeling them). Fry hazelnuts a little and leave to cool. The cake is assembled in the same way as in the previous recipe, replacing pineapples with bananas, and walnuts with hazelnuts. For a full cake, you need 3-4 bananas and a glass of nuts. After complete assembly, we send the cake to the refrigerator to soak with cream and cool a little. The cake is ready - you can serve it on the table.

Cake with dried fruits and cherries

Do not repeat the recipe for dough and cream, as they are the same as in the classic recipe. What should be done with the filler? We remove the pits from the cherries, and wash the dried apricots and raisins, cut the dried apricots into pieces that should be equal to the raisins.

You will need a glass of cherries, 50 gr. raisins and 50 gr. chopped dried apricots.

It's important to know!

According to the Ministry of Health, diets today are the main methods weight loss. However, the number of obese people continues to grow! In this regard, "Bee Slim" appeared - drops for burning up to 80% fat.

This is the only recipe in which two cakes are baked, and not one as in the classic one. Cooked by classic recipe divide the dough without adding cocoa into two parts. Add cocoa to one, and dried fruits to the second half. We bake each cake, light with dried fruits will go to form a slide, and dark to the bottom layer.

We form a slide, which begins with cherries, walnuts and the remains of dried fruits, then white cake cubes. So we continue to the end of the mountain - there should be 3 layers of filler and 2 of biscuit cubes. Pour everything with cream and let stand in the cold for about 3 hours.

When you cut off one piece, the play of colors is visible in the section - red, orange, brown and white. Very beautiful.

The Fili Baker confectionery company has gained unprecedented popularity in recent years, which is primarily associated with the Pancho cake. The recipe for this great sour cream cake became a real hit, equaling in popularity with the much-loved Soviet "Prague", " Bird's milk” and “Poor Jew”. original recipe cake, made in a confectionery, is shrouded in secrets, and in fact, is a trade secret of the corporation itself.

At the moment, we can safely say that, despite the fact that signature recipe you may not have it, but at the same time, you can easily prepare such a cake, because it is based precisely on our grandmothers' so beloved recipes. The ingredients used in the cake itself are quite simple, so just by learning the information from this article, you will be able to prepare this dessert.

In Soviet times, the Pancho cake was already quite famous, just under completely different names. The standard name by which it is known today is already an invention of the manufacturing company itself.

At its core, the cake itself is a confectionery masterpiece, consisting of completely ordinary ingredients. Here you just need to perfectly combine the beautiful fluffy biscuit with lots of fruit and the most delicate cream from sour cream. All other ingredients are also quite prosaic, since almost any cake cannot be imagined without them. These include cocoa, eggs, flour, lemon juice, baking powder, and very fat sour cream. And of course fine chocolate for glaze.

None of these ingredients require special preparation, so preparing such a cake will be quite simple, despite the rather a large number of necessary ingredients. the only important point is that all the ingredients used must be warmed to room temperature, so they will need to be removed from the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking.

classic cake"Pancho" with pineapples

Time for preparing

calories per 100 grams

It is this recipe, which contains pineapples in its composition, that has become most widespread throughout the country. It takes a long time to prepare, but the result is completely worth all the effort.

In fact, this recipe differs very little from the classic one, so here you should mainly focus on the filling. It is imperative to remove the pits from cherries, and also bake two cakes instead of one.

For cream:

Time limit: 100 minutes.

Calorie content: 262 kcal.

  1. In a separate bowl, mix sugar and eggs together. Beat them with a mixer until a sufficiently fluffy foam appears. After that, sour cream and vanillin should also be added to this mixture. At this stage, be sure to add quenched soda. Do this with lemon juice. Mix all the dough well until smooth and divide into 2 completely equal parts, since you will need to bake 2 cakes;
  2. When the dough is divided into different bowls, it will be necessary to add dried fruits to the first. They must be pre-cooked, that is, steamed in boiling water for at least 15 minutes. Dried apricots must then be cut in half, and then rolled in flour. This will help the dried fruits not to sink to the bottom of the biscuit, but to be evenly distributed;
  3. In the second bowl, mix the dough for the dark cake. To do this, add cocoa powder and flour to the mixture. The dough will need to be kneaded quite carefully;
  4. Both cakes are baked for about 25 minutes. To do this, put the molds in the oven, which has already been heated to 200 degrees before. Cool the biscuit by covering the mold with a towel;
  5. Now start preparing the cream. To do this, simply beat the sour cream, constantly adding sugar to it in a thin stream. All dried fruits and cherries should also be prepared in advance. All excess moisture must be drained from the cherry. The light cake at this stage is also cut into cubes, each of which should then be dipped into the cream. After that, it is only necessary to assemble the dessert;
  6. The dark cake will be the bottom layer here. Put it on a dish and grease with cream. After that, a slide is gradually laid out from the biscuit cubes, which must be stuffed with nuts, dried fruits and cherries quite often, preferably just filling the space between the cubes. Pour the cake with the rest of the cream and sprinkle with nuts. Sprinkle grated chocolate on top and refrigerate.

If you like slightly sour cakes, and not just sweet ones, then this one will become perfect choice. It requires only one cake to be prepared, but its juicy taste will not leave anyone indifferent.

Ingredients amount
Eggs 6 pcs.
Sugar 400 g
cocoa powder 80 g
Lemon juice 5 ml
Sugar for cream 80 g
Flour 300 g
Soda 5 g
Bananas 400 g
Hazelnut 100 g
Sour cream 700 ml
Milk 60 ml
Butter 100 g

Time limit: 75 minutes.

Calorie content: 327 kcal.

  1. Divide all eggs into whites and yolks. Gradually start beating the whites until they stop into a fairly stable foam. After that, start adding sugar and yolks to the mixture. When the sugar dissolves, using a whisk, gently begin to introduce half of the cocoa, the soda quenched with lemon juice, and then the flour. Knead the dough until it becomes homogeneous. Lubricate the form with oil and send all the dough into it. Bake for about 30 minutes until the crust is fully cooked. To check, simply use a toothpick;
  2. The biscuit for this cake must be airy and tender. After it has cooled, it should be cut in half, in a ratio of approximately 1:2. For cream, beat sour cream with sugar, then proceed to picking up the cake. Put the thin half of the cake on the dish to make it the base. Fill it well with cream, and then lay out a layer of bananas cut into rings;
  3. The second cake, thicker, should be cut into squares. Dip all the pieces in the cream and lay them on the base, gradually forming a slide. Do not forget to periodically add the filling in the form of ground nuts and bananas. When the cake is assembled, it should be poured with icing and put in a cold place. You can decorate the cake before serving with a little more bananas.

Do you really want to know perfect combination products in the cake? This is undoubtedly custard sour cream, tender biscuit and bananas. In no case should they be cut into very thin pieces, otherwise the whole taste will be lost.

Light brown ingredients amount
Flour 150 g
Kefir 200 ml
Sugar 200 g
Egg 1 PC.
Soda 1 teaspoon l.
Ingredients for dark crust
Kefir 200 ml
Egg 1 PC.
Flour 150 g
Sugar 200 g
Soda slaked 1 teaspoon l.
cocoa powder 2 table. l.
Filling Ingredients
Bananas 400 g
Sour cream 650 g
Sugar 200 g
To decorate the cake:
Bananas 400 g
banana yogurt 200 g
Chocolate 100 g
Walnut 50 g
Vegetable oil 30 ml

Time limit: 80 minutes.

Calorie content: 198 kcal.

  1. Banana cake should be unusually light, so kefir must be used for cakes here. First, pour kefir into one bowl, and then, gradually whisking, add another egg and sugar. After that, carefully sift the flour and introduce it gradually, so that there are no lumps at all. The last thing you need to add soda to the dough, after which you should mix everything thoroughly with a whisk, and then leave to bake at 180 degrees;
  2. When the light cake has already stood in the oven for about a quarter of an hour, then start cooking the dark cake. It is worth making it just like light, just be sure to add cocoa to it immediately after adding flour. After cocoa, soda is already introduced, since it should always come last due to enough acid soda, because in other cases it will simply extinguish it, preventing the dough from rising;
  3. Each cake should be baked for at least 20 minutes, after which they should cool completely. Cut one of the cakes in half to make the base, and cut the rest of the biscuit into pieces;
  4. Peel the bananas and cut into large enough pieces, add them to the biscuit cubes and mix everything. In a blender, combine the ingredients for the cream, that is, sour cream and sugar. Whisk everything and pour the biscuit and bananas with cream, then stir the whole mixture for a more even impregnation;
  5. All this mixture must be laid out on the base. Use your hands for this, just compact the slide later. top layer should become banana yogurt to be smeared over the surface. It should be soaked in the refrigerator, after which you need to decorate it with bananas soaked in chocolate icing. The rest of the icing should be poured onto the cake and lightly sprinkled with chopped nuts.

  1. If you want to make the cream for your cake more tender, then you should replace the sugar in it with the same amount of powdered sugar, this will not only change the taste a little, but also make the cream cooking faster;
  2. Icing for the Pancho cake should be prepared only from natural chocolate, cocoa is absolutely not suitable here. To make the frosting, break the chocolate into pieces. small pieces and then mix them with butter. Put everything in a water bath and wait until the mass becomes brown and homogeneous.