How to make yogurt at home in a slow cooker. Strawberry-banana yogurt in a slow cooker from jars

24.07.2019 Lenten dishes

With the advent of the main kitchen assistant, many housewives diversified the number of dishes in their traditional menu, which, undoubtedly, pleased the loved ones. But not everyone decides to experiment with fermented milk products. Making homemade yogurt in jars in a multicooker is not difficult if you follow simple rules.

Natural sour milk product contains great amount useful for human body bacteria. They help to improve the digestion process and supply intestinal microflora correct "inhabitants". This is especially necessary after taking antibiotics.

Natural homemade drinking yoghurt contains such an amount of nutrients (potassium, magnesium, calcium), which is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the entire system. By consuming this fermented milk product regularly, you can get rid of extra pounds and increase the tone of the body. If the house has a multicooker, you can safely start cooking it.

Store yoghurts that have a shelf life of more than 7 days cannot be called healthy. Preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavoring enhancers will definitely not improve health. It is better to abstain from the use of such products.


The most important thing in the yoghurt making process is adherence to temperature regime... The multicooker will cope with this in in the best possible way! Most modern models of "smart pots" have a "Yogurt" mode. Even if there is no such button on the display, do not be upset. You can use the "Heating" or "Multi-cook" mode by setting a certain temperature and time.

To make yogurt in jars in a slow cooker, you need milk and sourdough. For lovers fruit flavors you need to stock up on berries, fresh or frozen fruits, jam or nuts. The dishes that will participate in the process must be clean. Therefore, for reinsurance, it is better to sterilize it (especially if the yogurt is intended for little child). To do this, it is enough to pour over everything with boiling water.

Yoghurt starter

The taste, benefits and consistency of the dairy product will depend on the quality of the starter culture. Today, on store shelves and in pharmacies, you can find this main ingredient in powder form in special packages. The composition contains bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, Bulgarian bacillus, thermophilic streptococci and others useful material... The choice of starter culture depends on what effect the yogurt will have. Instructions and descriptions are provided on each such packet. It should be borne in mind that ready-made starter cultures should be kept in the refrigerator, at a temperature not exceeding 10 ° C. This required condition to preserve the vital activity of bacteria.

Can go in an easy way and use ready-made yogurt as a starter culture. The most suitable will be the one with a short shelf life, and there are no fruit fillers in the composition. The most suitable for this are considered "Activia" and "Actimel". In the future, it is necessary to leave not a large number of homemade yoghurt for next time.

What is the best milk for yogurt?

The ideal option would be to use homemade milk, which is pre-boiled and cooled. With such a product, you can be sure of complete naturalness and the absence of preservatives. At heat treatment the milk is brought to a boil and left for a few minutes over low heat. Then it is cooled to about 40 ° C.

If homemade milk is not at hand, it is quite possible to replace it with store milk. We only pay attention to the timing again. If storage is possible for more than a month, it is better not to use such a product. Opinions differ about boiling store-bought yogurt milk, but it's best to play it safe.

Tasty milk yogurt it will work if you add a small amount during cooking heavy cream... The taste of such a product will be more delicate.

Classic yogurt in jars in a slow cooker: a recipe

Simple and delicious yogurt according to the classic recipe, all family members will enjoy it. It can be safely given to children as complementary foods. Facilitates the whole process of cooking "miracle" kitchen appliances- multicooker. Some models have special yoghurt cups.

For cooking you will need:

  • Milk (2.5-3.5% fat) - 1 liter.
  • Starter culture - 1 pack.
  • Sugar - 5-6 tbsp. spoons.

Sugar can be skipped if desired. This will make the yogurt taste more sour. If there are no stomach problems, you can safely use your own dairy product.

Cooking method

  1. First you need to prepare the milk. There is no need to boil pasteurized in bags. It is only heated to 40 ° C. Homemade or store-bought with a short shelf life, bring to a boil and cool. The foam formed on the surface must be removed.
  2. The next step is to mix milk and sourdough. It is better to carry out this action in a separate container, for example, in a cup or deep bowl in a small amount of milk. Stir thoroughly until the dry substance is completely dissolved. To get drinking yoghurt, you need to take more milk. A standard package of dry starter culture (1 g) is designed for the preparation of 1 to 3 liters of dairy product.
  3. The resulting liquid is combined with the rest of the milk and sugar is added. After stirring everything thoroughly, the cooked must be poured into jars. Before making yoghurt, they are thoroughly washed and sterilized. Do not pour the milk mixture all the way to the edge.
  4. Having placed the jars in the multicooker bowl, set the "Yogurt" mode. It provides for the presence of one temperature (about 40 ° C) during the entire cooking time. Depending on the power of the device, the process takes 6 or 8 hours. Before use, ready-made yoghurt should be refrigerated for 1 hour.
  5. Some housewives pour water into the bottom of the bowl. This is necessary in order to glassware did not scratch the coating. You can also craft a silicone mat. This is only necessary if the kit does not include a set of cups. Jars for yogurt (for a multicooker) are very convenient to use and have lids. They can store finished product in the refrigerator for several days.

Dried Fruit Yogurt Recipe

This type of yogurt will be especially useful for children. Prunes, raisins and dried apricots contain a large amount of trace elements, and in a duet with "good" bacteria, this is just a storehouse of health.


  • Milk - 1 liter.
  • Starter culture (or store-bought yogurt without additives) - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 4-5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Pitted prunes - 6-8 pcs.
  • Dried apricots - 6-8 pcs.
  • Raisins - optional.


  1. The preparation of yoghurt with dried fruit should start with the preparation of the syrup. After washing the prunes and dried apricots, they must be cut and transferred to a small saucepan. Sprinkle the mixture with sugar and add a little water (50-70 ml). Putting it all on slow fire, bring to a boil.
  2. While the syrup cools down, you need to mix warm milk (pre-boiling if necessary) with dry sourdough or with store-bought yogurt. For babies, it is better to use the first option, and then use the previously prepared yogurt as a starter culture.
  3. At the bottom of the jars, first, pour a little syrup with pieces of dried fruit, and pour milk liquid on top. Having placed it in a multicooker, close the lid and set the "Yogurt" mode. Price home product will differ from store-bought counterparts (somewhere costing an average of about 15 rubles per 100-gram jar) in a big way, but the benefits and naturalness are much more important.

Yogurt recipe for apple and cinnamon lovers

There are several options for making this yoghurt. In one of them, apple-vanilla syrup is prepared, and in the second, after certain manipulations, fruits are added to classic recipe... The version with syrup is similar to the recipe for dried fruits, only the apples are mashed and combined with vanilla and cinnamon.


  • Milk - 1 liter.
  • Sourdough - 1 pc.
  • Apples (medium) - 2 pcs.
  • Vanilla - 2 pods.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Cinnamon - 3 g.


  1. The milk is brought to a boil along with the vanilla. Then it is cooled to 40 ° C, the foam is removed and filtered. Stir the starter culture in a separate bowl and combine with the remaining liquid.
  2. Pouring the mixture over a previously prepared dish, send it to the bowl and set the mode. After 6-8 hours, the yogurt in jars will be ready, then put in the refrigerator.
  3. Apples should be peeled and cut into small cubes. Then they are transferred to a frying pan, honey is added, sprinkled with cinnamon and poured over large quantity water.
  4. Having mixed the resulting mass well, set it on a slow fire and simmer for about 5 minutes. When the apples are soft, remove them from the stove and allow to cool. When serving, the ready-made mixture is added to the yoghurt.

How to make yogurt in a multicooker without jars?

Almost every housewife is ready for daring experiments With kitchen appliances... Thanks to this, many have gotten used to doing without containers for making yoghurts. If you follow all the prescriptions of women experienced in this matter (and men too), it turns out quite attractive and tasty dish... Although, according to numerous reviews, yoghurt in the Redmond multicooker (in jars) turns out to be especially tasty.

Any milk can be used. If the milk is homemade, it must be boiled and cooled to a warm state. If the store is pasteurized, just heat it up. If you cook yogurt with sugar, pour some milk into another bowl, add sugar, beat with a whisk until it dissolves. Then add the leaven and stir. Add remaining milk and stir again. I cooked without sugar, so I just put the dry starter culture in warm milk and mixed.

Cover with lids and place in a multicooker mold (if the jars are glass, put a piece of clean gauze or rags on the bottom of the mold). Pour in water so that it is slightly above the middle of the yogurt cups.

Close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the "Yogurt" mode. I have this program exposed for 8 hours. During this time, the yogurt is already thick. Remember, if you use homemade milk, you should occasionally look at the cooking process - yoghurt is cooked from homemade milk faster and if you overexpose it, it can just curdle. Allow the finished yoghurt to cool and place in the refrigerator. You can, of course, eat right away, but in the refrigerator it becomes thicker and richer.

And you can use it straight from the cups - it's very convenient! Serve with berries, fruits - I have berries frozen since summer. If not, it is delicious with jam or jam.

Good appetite!

Yogurt in a multicooker without jars is easy and simple. But, unfortunately, not all housewives get such a delicacy the first time. In this regard, many of them prefer to purchase a dairy product in the store. but natural yoghurt without various additives on the shelves is very rare. In this regard, we recommend using our advice and independently making a tasty and healthy fermented milk product.

Yoghurt makers are no longer a luxury. Almost every housewife has such a device. However, in most cases, it just stands and is not used for its intended purpose. In this regard, we propose to immediately acquire a multicooker. This kitchen gadget will definitely not stand idle. After all, you can cook in it not only but also other dishes.

Before I tell you about how to cook without jars, I should tell you a little about the mentioned product itself.

Yogurt is sour milk dish, which is formed as a result of the joint work of some living microorganisms, or rather thermophilic streptococci. Such beneficial bacteria live at a temperature of 37-40 ° C.

The required amount of sourdough is gradually introduced into milk, which has been warmed up to the indicated temperature, and then left in complete rest for several hours.

The longer the microorganisms multiply, the thicker the yogurt is obtained in a multicooker without jars. However, it should be noted that it is highly discouraged to overexpose such a product in a kitchen device. Otherwise, it may peroxide.

To stop the activity of microorganisms, the ready-made is cooled, and then placed in the refrigerator.

How to make a quality product?

Questions about how to cook yogurt in a multicooker without jars and how to make a quality product - different questions... After all, even an inexperienced cook can make such a dish. But if you do not adhere to all the rules, it will not turn out very tasty.

For cooking quality product it is necessary to use only boiled whole milk without any additives. You should also sterilize all dishes that in one way or another will come into contact with the raw materials.

Selection of starter culture

Before making yogurt in a multicooker without jars, you need to purchase a suitable starter culture. Right choice it is this ingredient that is the key to getting a tasty and healthy homemade fermented milk product.

The best quality sourdough is dry. You can buy it at any pharmacy or health food store.

If you do not have the desire to mess around with dry starter cultures, then it is better to buy regular yogurt (not drinking) without fillers and with a short shelf life.

Cooking features

You can cook yogurt in a multicooker without jars (the recipe will be presented a little later), regardless of whether the device has a corresponding program or not. The process for creating such a product is the same for all kitchen gadgets.

Preheat to the right temperature using heating or some other gentle mode, and then add required amount sourdough, stir and leave for 3-5 hours.

Properly made yogurt in a multicooker without jars has a shiny and smooth surface. In the event that you want to cook drinking product, it should be held for a shorter amount of time.

It is allowed to add absolutely any fillers to homemade yogurt. For example, such a dish turns out to be very tasty with grated chocolate, cocoa, pieces of fruit or berries, jam, jam, natural juices, nuts and dried fruits. At the same time, it is very important to remember that all of the listed ingredients can only be added to an already finished product.

Yogurt in a multicooker "Redmond" without jars: a recipe

If you've never made homemade yogurt yourself before, then you shouldn't experiment. To obtain the most useful and tasty fermented milk product, we recommend that you adhere to all the requirements of the recipe. To implement it, we need the following ingredients:

  • cream is not very fat (10%) - about 500 ml;
  • whole milk 2.5% fat - about 2 liters;
  • fine white sugar - 5 large spoons;
  • yogurt "Activia" without fillers - 1 small jar.

Cooking process

Despite the fact that homemade yogurt is a very capricious product, it is easy and simple to make it. For this, prepared not very fatty milk and cream are poured into the multicooker bowl, and then the "Steam cooking" mode is turned on. In this program, the drink is gradually brought to a boil, stirring regularly. After boiling the milk for about 5 minutes, the device is turned off. In this case, the product is allowed to cool under closed lid up to a temperature of 40 ° C.

After the described steps to warm milk add natural yogurt "Activia", mix the components well and close them again. Having set the heating mode for 2 hours, the kitchen device is set aside for 4-6 hours without opening the lid.

After the yoghurt is ready in a Redmond multicooker without jars, it is poured into another dish (preferably glass) and mixed with sugar. In this form, the food is covered with a lid and left in the refrigerator for several hours. Only then can you add various fillers in the form of berries, fruits, nuts, etc. to yogurt.

Making homemade yoghurt easy

Once you make homemade yogurt, you will make it again and again. After all, such a product turns out to be not only very tasty and nutritious, but also surprisingly useful.

For cooking plain yogurt we need the following components:

  • whole milk 3.5% fat - about 1 liter;
  • shop yoghurt "Actimel" without additives - 1 bottle.

Cooking method

To prepare such yoghurt, whole milk is poured into a clean and dry bowl of a multicooker, and then heated to a temperature of 40 ° C in the stewing mode. After that, the store product "Actimel" is added to the drink. After mixing the ingredients, close them tightly and set the heating program. After 25 minutes, the kitchen appliance is completely turned off and left as it is for 5 hours. In this case, the lid must be closed at all times.

Ready thick yogurt shifted to glass jars and close. Before use, such a product is kept in refrigerator compartment at least 12 hours. Only after that, various fillings are added to it and served as a delicious and healthy dessert.

Making homemade yogurt from dry sourdough

If you are in doubt about the quality of store-bought yoghurts, you can purchase starter culture for your homemade product at the pharmacy. With dry powder, you get a real milk meal with high nutritional value.

So, to make delicious homemade yogurt, we need:

  • whole milk of any fat content - about 1 liter;
  • dry starter culture - 1 sachet.

How to cook?

To make healthy homemade yogurt, whole milk is heated in a multicooker using steam and then cooled to 40 ° C. After that, dry sourdough is thoroughly stirred in a warm drink. To obtain a high-quality product, this process is carried out as follows: 1 glass of milk is poured, and then dry sourdough is poured into it and mixed well. After that, the resulting liquid is poured into the main part of the drink and again thoroughly mixed. It should be remembered that all utensils used to prepare yoghurt must be sterile.

After the milk with dry sourdough is in the multicooker bowl, they are closed and the "Heating" mode is turned on. After ¼ hour, the device is completely turned off and its contents are kept under a lid for 6 hours. After this time, the ready-made thick yogurt is laid out in glass jars and sent to the refrigerator.

Let's summarize

As you may have noticed, there is nothing difficult in making yogurt in a multicooker without jars. It should be noted that the first batch of the product using dry sourdough turns out to be a little slimy and very similar to jelly. However, such a structure of yoghurt does not in any way affect its useful and taste qualities. Set aside a couple of large spoons of this product in separate dishes and use it later as a leaven. Each time, homemade yogurt will turn out more and more delicious.

Today, every housewife is increasingly thinking about how useful the food we buy in stores is. This is especially true for dairy products.

Indeed, it will be much more beneficial for the whole family to eat those products that are created at home without adding any preservatives and other auxiliary substances.

This question is also relevant regarding yoghurts, which children love so much. Indeed, if you have a multicooker, cooking yoghurt becomes enough simple process and as a result you get useful product no preservatives.

What to look for when choosing milk and starter cultures?

The first question that needs to be addressed when making yoghurt at home is what kind of milk and sourdough to take as a basis?

If you are considering milk, then there are the following points to be aware of:

  1. Not all homemade milk is healthier than store milk. In fact, if you have your own cow (which in modern world hard enough) and you feed her, take care of her, etc., then yes, such milk will be healthier than store milk. But if you buy milk from aunts on the market, you should understand that you do not know at all what this cow ate and whether the milk is diluted with anything. In this case, it is better to pay attention to store products that have been processed and controlled;
  2. When choosing milk in the store, look for super-pasteurized milk. Its positive side is that it has been processed and it is sterile. This is what will create optimal conditions for fermenting yoghurt. Otherwise, you will have to boil the milk before use;
  3. The fat content of the milk is up to you. If you are cooking for toddlers, pay attention to 2.5-3.2%. For those who want to lose a little weight and make low-fat yoghurts, 0.5-2.5% is suitable.

You should also know what to look for when choosing a starter culture. Now this spectrum is widely represented on the market by both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

At the same time, relatively in the same category, prices are confusing. To choose the right starter culture, pay attention to:

  • The composition of the starter bacteria: the more different types bacteria, the more useful yogurt will be;
  • If you are preparing yoghurts for babies, you should not take those starter cultures where the bacterial composition is not indicated. After all, not all bacteria are suitable for small children, so if you do not see a clear list on the packaging, it is better to move on to choosing another product.

The easiest way to make homemade yoghurt using a multicooker

To begin with, we turn on our device and set the "Extinguishing" program. Pour milk into a bowl and heat it up to about 40 ° C.

The next step is to add the rest of the main components: starter culture and sugar. It is necessary that they dissolve well in milk. If desired, a small amount of cream is also allowed. That's basically all: the mixture for the future yoghurt is almost ready.

After 8 hours, you can feast on yogurt. It is also allowed to add to it favorite jam, fresh fruits or nuts. However, it should be remembered that such a product is stored for no more than 5 days in the refrigerator.

Multicooker Polaris: Secrets of Making Live Yogurt

The main difficulty in creating delicate dessert in a multicooker is their great variety. And each manufacturer has different cooking programs for a particular dish.

One of the more popular brands of multicooker is Polaris. To prepare unsweetened yogurt with live bacteria in it, you need to adhere to the following plan.

Preparing the necessary ingredients:

  • Milk - 2 l;
  • Dry starter culture - 1 pc.

Cooking with your participation takes a minimum of time. You just need to do the following steps:

  1. Prepare a multicooker, turn it on and pour milk into the bowl;
  2. Wait until the milk boils, cool it and pour the leaven into it;
  3. Pour the liquid into containers and switch on a suitable cooking program (cooking time 6 hours);
  4. After the allotted time, take out the finished yogurt and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Multicooker Redmond: Fruit Fantasies

Fruit yoghurts are the most delicate delicacy that neither adults nor children will neglect. Especially if it is lovingly prepared at home from fresh ingredients.

You should take:

  • Milk - 1 liter (suitable fat content 3.2%);
  • Natural yogurt - 250 ml;
  • Fruits: apricots or others of your choice - about 200-300 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tsp.

From the utensils we need a whisk, a small bowl or bowl (capacity 2 liters), containers for yogurt.

Take the prepared bowl or bowl, put the yogurt in it and add the powder. Mix the mass with a whisk and gradually add milk. However, do not be too zealous: we do not whisk the mass, but stir it.

The selected fruit must be thoroughly washed and peeled. Dried a little and cut into small cubes.

Now you can grab the yoghurt containers. First put in each fruit, then fill it with the resulting mixture of milk, yogurt and powdered sugar. Stir the mixture a little in each so that the fruit and liquid are evenly distributed throughout the jar.

We prepare the Redmond multicooker: either a napkin or a silicone mat must be placed on the bottom of the bowl. After that, we arrange the jars and cover them with lids. Then we proceed to setting up the programs: select “multi-cook”, set the temperature to 40º and set the time frame - 10 hours.

After the allotted time, we take out the jars and put them in the refrigerator for another half day.

Panasonic multicooker: vanilla perfection

Vanilla yogurt is a real must have for any housewife. Delicate and fragrant, this one can be eaten with pleasure for breakfast or enjoyed during the working day.

In order to bungle this masterpiece, you will need:

  • Milk - 0.6 l;
  • Sugar (you can take icing sugar) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (2 g);
  • Liquid sourdough - 3 tbsp spoons.

First of all, if you took non-super-pasteurized milk, it should be boiled. After that, add sugar and vanilla to it and stir well so that the free-flowing components completely dissolve.

The next step is to add the starter culture and mix well again. And that's all - all the rest of the work behind the multicooker.

Pour the resulting mixture into jars and place in a bowl. We select the "Yogurt" mode on the screen and provide further work from Panasonic. After 8 hours you can get ready dessert which needs to be cooled and you can enjoy the vanilla taste.

When serving, you can add fresh fruits and berries, jams, coconut flakes and ground nuts - in fact, whatever your heart desires.

Dairy products are healthy and tasty, so keep in mind that the recipe for which is easy to prepare and does not take much time.

Do you know how to cook properly batter on kefir for a pie? Read on.

Take note royal cheesecake with cottage cheese and sour cream and cook it next weekend.

Making yoghurt is not that bad difficult process... Its only drawback is the duration.

Depending on the model, it can take 6 to 10 hours to cook. But, we can say with confidence that the resulting dessert is worth it.

In addition, if you follow some tips, you can make the process easier:

  • If you are preparing yoghurts for yourself in order to lose a few pounds, get tested by a nutritionist and he will be able to give recommendations on what bacteria you need. Also try to choose milk with the lowest fat content;
  • It is optimal to cook yoghurt in a multicooker at night. In the evening, you can prepare everything and put everything in the bowl and press "Start" with a clear conscience to go to bed. In the morning you will have delicious fresh yogurt;
  • Do not place containers of yoghurt directly in the multicooker bowl. If not special form then put a few napkins on the bottom.

Lovingly cooked yoghurt with good bacteria in a multicooker at home can be your kids' favorite food. In addition, he not only has good taste, but also much more useful than those sold in stores and supermarkets.

Yogurt in a slow cooker (easy way)

We need:

1 liter of milk, I bought 2.5% fat in the store

1 jar of "Activia" without additives (by the way, yoghurt is even tastier with such a leaven than with flavors and fillers).

How to cook:

Pour all the milk into a multicooker pan, turn on the "Baking" mode, stand by ourselves so as not to miss the moment when the milk heats up to 40 degrees. I cooked in a Panasonic 10 multicooker, I did not close the lid, so the milk was heated to the desired temperature in 5 minutes. I checked the temperature with a thermometer, this is important, because the quality of the finished yogurt depends on the temperature of the milk:

As soon as the milk reached 40 degrees, I took out the saucepan from the multicooker so that it would not overheat. Disabled the "Baking" mode.

I poured a little milk into a mug and mixed it with Activia in it:

This mass was poured into milk and mixed thoroughly.

turn on the "Heating" mode for 15 minutes.

We turned off the "Heating", rested for 1 hour.

"Warm up" again for 15 minutes.

Left for 6 hours. I put it in the night, moved the pan to the refrigerator early in the morning, and when I took it out, the yogurt was like this:

I poured the finished yogurt into jars and closed them with lids.

no fiddling with banks

no need for a napkin on the bottom of the pan

put in the night and sleep well

I really liked this method of making yogurt in a slow cooker.