Liquid dough pizza. Pizza of liquid dough on kefir recipe

01.08.2019 Restaurant Notes.

Pizza, cooked on liquid dough, is characterized by a particularly gentle taste. In addition, its preparation is usually a little. Be sure to try at least one of the two most popular recipes, and the melting of the pellet with a juicy stuffing will not disappoint you.

1. Pizza on a liquid bearing dough with mushrooms and sausage

To create this dish, only half an hour will be required. From products will be needed:

Salt (teaspoon);

Soda (half a teaspoon);

Kefir (0.5 l);

Flour (1.5 glasses);

Sugar (half a teaspoon);

Eggs (2 pcs);

Ground black pepper (to taste).

We whip the eggs with pepper, salt and sugar. Add a little warm kefir and pour out soda. Thoroughly stirring with wooden spatula or hands. Then begin to gradually add flour, without stopping the dough without stopping. As a result, a homogeneous mass should be obtained, which resembles a thick sour cream in its consistency.

We turn on the oven and, while it is heated, cut into small slices, for which it will be necessary:

Marinated mushrooms (50 g);

Boiled sausage (better dairy or doctoral - 100 g);

Two large fresh tomatoes;

Half of one Bulgarian pepper;

Solid cheese (300 g);

One large or two small bulbs.

Pizza shape with oil, pour the dough there and carefully lay out the prepared stuffing in this order: sausage, pickled mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, sausage and mushrooms again. We put in the preheated oven. After 15 minutes, we take out, sprinkle with Bulgarian pepper and grated cheese, - and again we send it into the oven. After another 15 minutes, Pizza is ready. Before serving the dish, you can sprinkle a finely chopped greens.

2. Pizza on a liquid yeast dough with chicken liver and pickled cucumbers

Due to the presence in the yeast recipe, the cooking time of this dish is about an hour. For the preparation of delicious pizza on liquid test, it will be necessary:

Sugar (tablespoon);

Eggs (3 pcs room temperature);

Salt (teaspoon);

A little warm milk (half a liter);

Vegetable oil (three tablespoons);

Dry high-speed yeast (teaspoon);

Flour (added to the "peephole" dough).

We mix all the ingredients, except for flour, and thoroughly whipped with a wedge (not a mixer!). We enter into a mixture of flour - it must be added until the dough is reminded by its consistency dough for pancastes.

Now put the dough into a warm place so that it rises a little, and cook the filling for which you need:

Solid cheese (200 g);

Tomatoes (3 pcs);

Fascinated chicken liver (200 g);

Marinated cucumbers (three large or five small);

Hook (to taste).

Cheese three on a shallow grater. Tomatoes, liver and cucumbers cut into cubes. Fill out the form with a small amount of dough and evenly distribute the filling on it. We put a small amount of horseradish from above and sprinkled with grated cheese pizza. We bake until readiness in a preheated oven.

Tasty pizza secrets on liquid test

1. Such pizza is always baked in round form - on the contrary, the dough can burn or too "dry".

2. The form for baking must necessarily be slightly lubricated with oil (cream or vegetable) and sprinkle a little to corn flour.

3. The baking time depends on the number of fillings - if it is much, then the delicious pizza on the liquid test will be ready only after 20-30 minutes (the temperature should not exceed 190 degrees); If the fillings are small, it is enough to withstand the dish in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 220 degrees.

4. The garlic sauce is ideal for such a test, well combined with any filling.

Cooking pizza is always a whole ritual. Liquid dough pizza releases a lot of time for other cases. And I really like the fact that you do not need to dump your hands. This is a quick pizza recipe, but when the time allows you to pour yourself to pizza with eggplants and mushrooms - very tasty, press - find out how to cook yummy on weekends.

Liquid dough pizza - Ingredients:


  • Mayonnaise Provence - 3 T.L.,
  • Chicken Egg - 2 pcs,
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp,
  • Flour - 1 cup,
  • Salt - 1 pinch.

Pizza filling -

  • Salami - 150 gr,
  • Tomato - 2 pcs,
  • Onions - ½ pcs,
  • Cheese - 100 g,
  • Greens - decorate.

Pizza from liquid dough - preparation.

One pizza with a diameter of about 26 cm of this number of ingredients is sufficient. If you plan to prepare more pizza, take a double portion.
In a bowl, lay mayonnaise, then eggs and oil with salt.

Mix everything.

Suck the pieces of sifted flour. Make sure that it is not too much.

Eggs for all different sizes, mayonnaise can also be liquid, and the flour itself plays not the most recent role. A liquid dough pizza can easily turn into a pizza from a conventional test if flour to overdo it. The dough must be such a consistency.

Now cut salami, bow for filling. We rub the cheese on the grater.

Lubricate the form with a small amount of sunflower oil. I have a pan with a removable handle, which is very convenient.
Pour the dough into shape and distribute the spoon.
Lay out on the dough salami,

then sliced \u200b\u200bfinely onions, then tomato with circles and grated cheese.

No mayonnaise, no ketchup, notice, I do not use it in the stuffing. Due to tomatoes, the dough pizza from the liquid dough is obtained juicy and tasty.

We put it in the oven breathed to 180 degrees until the test is ready. Usually it takes about 20 minutes. The dough from the edges rose, shut down - it means ready.

The finished pizza from the liquid dough is no less inferior to the taste of the original recipe that you can see

Tourists who visited Scandinavian eateries, noted with surprise that they sometimes offer dish "Russian cheesecake with meat" - In fact, the same pizza, but Russians estimated as a filling cake from a liquid or filling dough with meat.

If you do not understand the authenticity of the recipe, but only to highlight its positive parties, then the pizza, on such a test, saves a lot of time for cooking and the table will be covered much faster, because you should not forget that pizza is "fast food", hearty food hastily.

Liquid Pizza Dough - Basic Preparation Principles

Liquid dough for pizza cook quite simple and, most importantly, fast. All ingredients are mixed in one container and in a certain sequence, as a result you get a liquid dough, a little curly than for the pancakes. It has a wonderful advantage over ordinary - it is not necessary to roll. Everything is very simple: the finished dough is pouring on a lubricated oil and a slightly sprinkled in the pan, if you fry on it; In the form either on the baking sheet lined with parchment paper, if we decided to bake in the oven. A little smoking a spoon, and then it remains only to lubricate with any sauce, ketchup or mayonnaise and lay out the prepared stuffing. A little more will have to tinker with a yeast version, but the pizza will turn out even more magnificent and twisted.

Flour It is better to take the highest grade, products from such flour are obtained by more air, snow-white, without a characteristic taste, characteristic of bakery products, baked from other varieties.

Before using flour must need to sift. This will make it possible not only to clean it from randomly caught in the production of garbage, but also enrich the flour with oxygen, as a result of which the base for pizza will be more magnificent and air.

Yeast. Prerequisite for yeast - they must be fresh. If prescription requires extruded yeast, and at hand, dry instant, or vice versa, is nothing terrible, they are interchangeable. 50 gr. Fresh bakery yeast can replace 2 table. Spoons of instant, scored "without a slide".

When you start kneading the test, remember, the yeast of any kind must be dissolved in a warm, not hot liquid. Its temperature should not exceed, and this is a prerequisite, 35 degrees Celsius, otherwise the yeast will die.

Liquid dough for pizza cooked on milk


250 ml of pasteurized milk of any fatness;

300 grams of C / grade flour;

One chicken egg;

1/2 h. L. food soda;

10 grams of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Using a whisk, take an egg in a small bowl, it is not necessary to bring it to foaming when the egg mass becomes homogeneous, stop whining.

2. Pour milk, add salt gradually, soda and take all the ingredients again.

3. In small portions, without ceasing to beat, add flour. When the dough acquires the necessary consistency without lumps, leave the dishes on the table, covering the towel.

4. Twenty minutes can be used for its intended purpose.

Liquid dough for pizza on yeast


50 grams of pressed yeast;

One egg;

200 ml of low-fat pasteurized milk;

One chain. spoon sugar;

A half cups of flour, in / s, sifted.

Cooking method:

1. Pour milk into the unaled saucepan and put on fire. When the milk is slightly warm, remove the saucepan from heating and break into a bowl that was chosen to knead.

2. Place the yeast in the dishes with milk, add sugar and one tablespoon of flour. Stir all up to homogeneity and retain to the side aside, preferably in a warm place, stand up of about twenty minutes.

3. Wear an egg, and pour it into the dishes with yeast, add a cook salt, pour the flour and stirred carefully. In addition to the dough again, retain, fifteen minutes later it will be ready for use.

Liquid dough for pizza with kefir


250 ml of the minor kefir;

Two raw chicken eggs;

Raw sugar;

Half of the world small cooking salt (not iodized!) and food soda;

Wheat flour of the highest grade, sifted - 320 grams.

Cooking method:

1. In the dishes selected to knead, pour kefir and add soda. Sycium sometimes quenched by adding a table vinegar, but it is proposed not to do this, as an acidic, low-fat kefir is perfectly coping with the task. Leave the dishes with kefir on the table so that the soda is well separated.

2. Ten minutes later add alternately, stirring in the process: salt; sugar; Flour, and without delay, knead.

3. The dishes with the finished dough also desirable to leave on the table "Seek", it will take about a quarter of an hour.

Custard yeast liquid dough for pizza


500 ml of innocent milk, can be replaced with water;

One table. a spoon of dry yeast;

Two table. Spoons of frozen rap. oils;

1.5 h. L. unrefined sugar;

5 gr. shallow salt;

Paul kilo sifted wheat flour, in / s.

Cooking method:

1. Pour half of milk (water) in a saucepan and slightly heat, make sure that the liquid does not overheat. If it still happened, cool to the temperature slightly above room.

2. Pour the liquid into a bowl or volume plate, add yeast and sugar, stirring before dissolving the ingredients. Give yeast to approach a little, settling the dishes aside for fifteen minutes.

3. Remaining milk (water). Put.

4. In a bowl for kneading, thoroughly sort two tablespoons of flour and as much oil. Pour a boiling liquid into a bowl, and thoroughly stirring with a spoon or a wedge, "brew" fluttering with flour oil. There should be a tender stuffed mass.

5. Add salt, pour dissolved, existing in the amount of yeast, pour flour and, not bag, knead the dough.

6. The dough flour cooked on such quantities is enough for a large pizza, baked on the baking or two medium-sized frying pan.

Liquid dough for pizza in Neapolitan


400 grams of high-quality sifted flour;

1 tsp. salts;

2/3 h. L. scattering instant yeast;

One table. Spoon Rast. oils - olive, or sunflower;

1/2 table. spoons of natural liquid honey;

250 ml of water.

Cooking method:

1. In a bowl, slightly warm water, add yeast and stirre, they must completely disperse in the water.

2. In a separate dishes, pour honey, if not in a liquid form, melts in a water bath thick and measure the required quantity. Add salt, butter, mix everything and lay out in a bowl to dissolved yeast.

3. Pull the already sifted flour and quickly knead, let it stand for five minutes, then mix again. The dough will turn out to be liquid, slightly, than for oldes.

4. The working surface of the table thoroughly lubricate vegetable oil.

5. Place the hand in the vegetable oil, dough on the work surface, slightly crumpled and fold the envelope, leave ten minutes on the table. Such a procedure should be executed five times. Do not forget to constantly wet your hand in oil.

6. A bowl with a test. Cover the lid or tighten the food packaging film and remove into the fridge for seven hours. Storage period in the refrigerator up to three days, but it follows at least the specified time.

7. The finished dough is laid out in a lubricated oil form on parchment. The dough is very liquid, so do not forget to moisten in the oil of your hands.

Liquid dough for pizza on mayonnaise and sour cream, with olive herbs


Two eggs;

Four table. Spoons of low-fat mayonnaise and sour cream 20% of fatty;

Nine tablespoons, without a slide, the flour of the highest grade;

Salt at the tip of the knife;

Blend "Olive herbs".

Cooking method:

1. Put in the bowl of eggs, beat them with a whisk or break the fork.

2. Add sour cream, mayonnaise, salt, one teaspoon of the specified spices and stir.

3. Fall off the flour and again all stir up to the production of liquid homogeneous mass.

4. Such a dough should be baked in the oven, but it is possible to fry in a frying pan. A shape for baking or a frying pan is slightly moistened with oil and sprinkle a little flour, "sweeping".

Liquid dough for pizza - tricks and useful tips

Add a little sugar in a liquid to a bowl with a little sugar, yeast will act better, and the product will turn out to be more air.

Do not dissolve yeast in a hot liquid, otherwise the bacteria contained in them will die, and the dough will not rise.

The soda is added to kefir or sour milk, it is optional to quench the vinegar, it is well evacuated due to the acid contained in the dairy products, they rose it themselves.

Soda can be replaced with a baking powder, but do not forget that the result in this case will be less porous.

"Liquid dough for in-nestanitarian pizza" is stored in the refrigerator up to three days, it does not deteriorate, but, on the contrary, it becomes even better. Cooking the dough for such a recipe in his free time, you can quickly prepare your favorite pizza at any time.

It is necessary to add flour to small portions, and every time it is thoroughly mixed everything, it will exclude the formation of lumps and help regulate the lug.

Determine the required consistency, you can capture a little dough on a spoon, it should not drain, and slowly slide from a spoon is not too thick lump.

If in the cooking process add a slightly mixture of spicy herbs, your favorite spices or crushed greenery or curry on the knife tip, the dough will turn out not only beautiful, but also acquires a characteristic taste and aroma.

Liquid dough for pizza is a real find for each mistress. Preparation of such a test will not take much time; no need to roll off the pellet, pack hands and table. For liquid test, the minimum of products will be required, and its preparation is simpler. Pizza on liquid test is obtained more juicy and gentle.

The undoubted plus of the liquid test is that it can be prepared both in the oven and in a frying pan.

Successful option for oven

  • Egg chicken -1 pc;
  • flour whole grain - 300 g;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • soda, hated by vinegar - 2 g;
  • salt - 2
  1. In the deep cup with the help of a whisk of beat the egg; Add milk, soda, salt and continue to beat.
  2. To sift flour and add to the cup in small parts, constantly stirring.
  3. When the dough becomes homogeneous, leave it to stand at room temperature for 25 minutes.
  4. After it is imagined, pour it on a pre-lubricated oil baking sheet either.
  5. Put the dough into the oven, warmed up to 180-200 s ° and prepare for about 30 minutes.

For frying pan

  • Pancake flour - 120 g;
  • chicken Egg - 1 pc;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • creamy oil - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 20 g.

First you need to add salt into flour and sift twice. The next is butter.

The oil is pre-obtained from the refrigerator, whatever it becomes softer and tritura well.
Now you need to beat the egg, add to the flour and pour a slightly heated milk, while not forgetting to mix thoroughly.

The final stage is added the necessary filling. Prepare this dish with a closed lid frying pan within 20-25 minutes. At the pizza prepared in the pan, the cheese is not roasted, but soft and driving.

Help: To determine the correct consistency of the resulting test, you can dip a spoon. If the dough slowly slides on a spoon, the consistency is correct, if it flows - liquid.

What stuffing to choose?

For pizza on a liquid test, absolutely any filling is suitable. Classic option - sausage, cheese, tomatoes and (The easiest option to mix mayonnaise with ketchup, or use just ketchup). You can experiment and try to come up with my stuffing - with boiled chicken, mushrooms, greens, olives, seafood and even pineapple. In addition, you can add greens In the dough itself, - it will only be fragrant.

Cooking with yeast

Dilute yeast in a glass of warm milk;


egg, salt and sugar - to stir thoroughly,

flour And still knead the dough, on consistency as on Ondia.

Now pour dough on lubricated oil and a little popped by flour and lightly dissolve a spoon.

From above you need to add your favorite sauce, evenly smearing and add the remaining ingredients of the filling.

Why add milk add?

Milk in the dough playing the role of the softener - it makes the pizza gentle and not dry. Moreover, the release of the dough on milk is obtained more than on the water, respectively the volume of pizza increases. Pizza, cooked on a liquid dough with milk it turns out more fragrant, lush and delicious.

Suitable sauces


Lukovitsa It is necessary to clean and chop finely; Skip garlic through garlic catcher or crush a knife. Onion and garlic Fry on olive oil to a golden brush, then add tomato paste. The resulting grip is poured with clean water before receiving the consistency of the ketchup.

Add salt, sugar, herbs and bay leaf. Cover the frying pan with a lid and stew the sauce of 10 minutes on low heat. Before applying the pizza, the sauce must cool a little.


Garlic Skip through garlic dust or crush with a knife. Grind on a small grater cheese. Mix sour cream and mayonnaise, beat by a wedge or fork. Add crushed garlic and Cheese, Basil, Salt and Pepper. Mix the sauce to get a homogeneous consistency.


Mix sour cream, mayonnaise and tomato paste, to stir thoroughly. Add lemon juice, salt and pepper. Stir the blender or fork to a homogeneous mass.


Preparing homemade pizza on liquid test, you can exercise fantasy - add various spices and ingredients in the dough, experiment with fillings and sauces. The main thing is to comply with the desired consistency.

If you never tried to cook pizza on a liquid test, today you have a wonderful chance to make a long-time dream. Surprisingly, the pizza prepared on this recipe is distinguished special, with nothing inclusive taste. Luxurious, soft and gentle dough for pizza with juicy and tasty stuffing can not but rejoice! Little time? - no problem! Take this simple recipe for a note, because it always turns out to be fame! How to cook pizza, read further.


  • general purpose flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • 250 ml kefir;
  • 2 eggs of the highest category;
  • 10 gr. shallow salts of the Extra class;
  • 5 gr. packaged white sugar;
  • 6 gr. tea soda;
  • a little fragrant black pepper for piquancy (2 chips).


  • 100 gr. boiled (dairy) sausage;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 300 gr. cheese;
  • marinated cucumbers, home salting - 2-3 pcs.;
  • 1 bulb;
  • salad mayonnaise;
  • ice cream greens.

Preparation steps:

1. At the initial stage, it is necessary to thoroughly mix eggs with salt, sugar and black pepper. It is advisable to use black fragrant peas, because it gives pizza an even more spicy taste and aroma.

2. To the above mixture add a warm kefir. To repay with vinegar food soda and add to the rest of the products.

It is good to knead the dough with a wooden spatula. Hipshells should not be!

3. At the next stage, add general purpose flour.

All this time continuously stir the dough. In the process of kneading it will become similar to a homogeneous thick sour cream.

4. While the oven is heated, lubricate the shape for baking the oil and pour the liquid dough for pizza.

5. Cooked sausage and cucumbers of home salting cut into cubes.

6. The bulb is released from husks, wash and cut into small cubes.

7. Wash tomatoes and cut into small slices. Ice cream greens chop up as much as possible.

8. Share the prepared stuffing on the dough in the following order: sausage,


Onions, cucumbers, greens. You can escape a little.

9. Surface lubricate mayonnaise and generously sprinkled with cheese, pre-grated on the grater.

After 30 minutes, an incredibly tasty and fragrant pizza on a liquid test will be ready.

Cut into portion pieces, lay out on the saucer.