White jelly for dessert in a glass. Multilayer jelly of kefir and cottage cheese

28.04.2019 Desserts and cakes
10 recipes for the MOST DELICIOUS JELLY!

1. Jelly white-pink


250 ml strawberry syrup (compote, juice)
250 ml milk
20 g gelatin
sugar to taste


1 Soak gelatin in 200 ml of cold boiled water and leave for the time indicated on the package.

2 Then bring the gelatin to a boil, but do not boil.

3 Add half of the gelatin to the strawberry syrup, mix.

4 Sugar can be added to the milk to taste (I did not add sugar to the milk, since the strawberry syrup was too sweet) and the remaining gelatin.

5 Pour strawberry juice on the bottom of the molds in a layer of 0.5-1 cm.

6 Then pour the milk in a layer of 0.5-1 cm.
Put in the refrigerator until it solidifies.

7 Pour juice and milk in this way until the molds are full.
Put in the refrigerator until it solidifies completely (preferably overnight).
To make it easier to remove the jelly from the mold, you can dip it in hot water for a few seconds (most importantly, make sure that the water does not get into the jelly).

2. Jelly "Multicolored"


Gelatin - 20 gr.
Jelly of different colors - 2 sachets.
Sour cream - 200 gr.
Sugar - 1 tablespoon
Fig peaches - 3 pcs.
Plum - 6 pcs.
Cherry - 200 gr.


Prepare jelly from one sachet according to the instructions on the package. Pour into molds and put 2-3 cherries each. Refrigerate.

In the meantime, prepare the next layer - pour gelatin with a small amount of cold boiled water, beat sour cream with sugar. Mix the swollen gelatin with sour cream and heat on the stove until the crystals are completely dissolved, then cool slightly and pour into molds. Add sliced \u200b\u200bpeaches and chill.

The last layer, like the first, should be prepared according to the instructions. Decorate with plums and refrigerate until solidified.

3. Jelly "Broken glass"


Gelatin - 4 Pieces (85 g each of different colors)
Condensed milk - 400 Milliliters
Colorless gelatin - 1 Piece (85 g)
Number of Servings: 10


Dissolve 4 packages of gelatin according to the directions on the package in boiled water in different containers. And leave to harden for 3 hours (preferably overnight).
Once the jelly is ready, cut it into small cubes.
Place the cubes in different colors in a separate bowl.
In a separate bowl, dissolve 2 packs of colorless gelatin in 1/2 cup cold water. After the gelatin begins to dissolve, add 1 1/2 cups of boiled water and dissolve the gelatin completely. Add condensed milk, stir well and refrigerate. Pour the milk mixture over the colored jelly cubes and leave to harden overnight.
Cut into cubes or other shapes and serve. Enjoy your meal.

4. Multicolored jelly

Multicolored jelly is a very joyful and colorful looking jelly that I traditionally make for the New Years. Not jelly, but a real feast for the eyes and taste buds.

Cooking description:
Multi-colored jelly is a very fun, festive dessert. While you are cooking it, you are already charged with positive and good mood, and when you cut and serve this beautiful jelly and see joy and delight in the eyes of the guests, it is impossible not to rejoice yourself :) The jelly is prepared, I must say, quite simply, it turns out - very tasty and spectacular thing. The most difficult thing is to wait for the holiday and not eat all the jelly before the guests arrive :)


Cherry or Strawberry Jelly (Powder) - 250 Grams
Lime Jelly (Powder) - 150 Grams
Condensed milk - 700 Grams
Gelatin (packing) - 9 Pieces

Number of Servings: 16

How to make Colored Jelly

Dissolve one bag of gelatin in 1/4 cup of cold water.
Fill with a glass of boiling water.
Immediately add a third of the cherry or strawberry jelly powder to the mixture.
Mix gently.
Pour the mixture into a large jelly pan, lightly greased with non-stick spray or regular butter (if not greased, the bottom layer will stick and the appearance of the dessert will deteriorate).
We put it in the refrigerator.
While the first color layer hardens, prepare the milk layer. Dissolve two packages of gelatin in 1/4 of cold water.
Pour half of the condensed milk into a bowl, add water with dissolved gelatin and a glass of boiling water there. Mix gently.
We take out a form from the refrigerator with a slightly frozen first layer of jelly. Pour up about a third of the condensed milk mixture.
Pierce the bubbles formed on the surface with a toothpick. We put the form in the refrigerator.
When the milky layer hardens slightly (it hardens faster than the colored one), pour a layer of green jelly (from lime) prepared in the same way on top. Put it in the refrigerator again.
Continue to alternate layers until you run out of all the ingredients. The layers can be of a different color, there can be a different number of them - all at your discretion.
When all the layers are ready, we send the jelly for a couple of hours in the refrigerator until it finally solidifies. Then we take out and cut into beautiful squares.
The multi-colored jelly is ready. Enjoy your meal! :)

5. Orange jelly

Cooking time: 40 min.

Orange jelly recipe. This dessert is very good to prepare in hot summer weather. It is very well suited for serving on a festive table. The taste is amazing!


Gelatin - 20 Grams
Sugar - 200 Grams
Oranges - 3 Pieces

Servings: 7

How to make Orange Jelly

1. Pour gelatin with boiled cold water (200 ml) and leave for the time that is written on the package.
2. Take some dish and squeeze out the juice from the oranges.
3. Now take the orange peels and chop them coarsely. Put orange peels in a saucepan and cover with water (one liter). Bring to a boil and boil for ten minutes.
4. Then strain and cool to about forty-fifty degrees. Now add sugar and swollen gelatin. Bring to a boil (do not boil).
5. Pour in squeezed orange juice. We remove the pan from the heat.
6. Now pour into bowls or molds. We put it in the refrigerator for five or six hours.

6. Blueberry jelly

Blueberries are an incredibly healthy berry, so the fresh blueberry season cannot be skipped. One of the most delicious blueberry desserts is blueberry jelly. On a hot summer day - that's it!

Cooking description:
A slightly unconventional recipe for making blueberry jelly, since it also contains cream with sour cream. However, you should not be intimidated - the recipe is still quite simple, and the result is much more impressive than the usual blueberry jelly.


Blueberries - 300 Grams
Sour cream - 300 Grams
Gelatin - 3 Teaspoons
Water - 50 Milliliters
Medium Fat Cream - 375 Milliliters
Sugar - 130 Grams

Servings: 6

How to make Blueberry Jelly

First you need to pour gelatin with cold water.
In a bowl for a blender, mix the berries and sour cream, bring it to a uniform state with a blender. If desired, you can also grind through a sieve, but this is not necessary. I don't grind.
In a small saucepan, mix the cream and sugar, put on fire and bring to a boil. As it boils - remove from heat and add swollen gelatin to the saucepan. Stir thoroughly, it is necessary for the gelatin to dissolve.
When the mixture of cream and gelatin has cooled, stir it with our blueberry puree. You cannot mix the mixture that has not cooled down - the sour cream will curdle.
Stir the mixture and pour it into cups or into another jelly container. We put in the refrigerator, after 2-3 hours the jelly will harden and it will be possible to serve it to the table.

7. Three-layer jelly

Cooking time: 4 hours 00 min.

Cooking description:

At first glance, it seems that making such a jelly is not so easy, but believe me, the recipe for making three-layer jelly is extremely simple, and you can easily cope with it. And if you want to make a sweet surprise for your soul mate and cook a romantic dinner, then it is impossible to think of a better dessert - it is insanely beautiful, and the taste is very delicate and soft. In general, this jelly will suit any occasion and will become a real decoration of the table. Be sure to try to cook it, it will not take you much time, but the result will exceed all your expectations, and I will gladly share my recipe with you and tell you how to make an incredibly beautiful three-layer jelly.


Gelatin - 6 Art. spoons
Cherry juice - 200 Milliliters
Sour cream - 200 Milliliters
Milk - 200 Milliliters
Cocoa powder - 1.5 Art. spoons
Sugar - To taste

Servings: 5

How to make "Three-layer jelly"

Pour gelatin with 1.5 cups of cold boiled water and leave for an hour, so that it swells. Then put the pan with gelatin on low heat and heat, stirring constantly, but not bringing to a boil. We need all the gelatin granules to dissolve.
Pour sour cream into a separate saucepan and add half a glass of cooled gelatin mixture and 1-2 tablespoons of sugar to it. Mix thoroughly until sugar is completely dissolved.
Now in our hands we slightly tilt the forms and carefully pour a little sour cream mixture into them. We place in the refrigerator, fixing the forms at an angle.
After a few minutes, the first layer will harden, and we can start preparing the second. To do this, mix milk and cocoa powder, add half a glass of gelatin and 1 tablespoon of sugar, mix thoroughly.
Then we tilt the molds to the other side and pour the second layer, fix it again in the refrigerator, but at a different angle.
Now the last, cherry layer. Pour cherry juice into a saucepan, add half a glass of gelatin, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and mix everything thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Pour it into molds and put it in a flat position in the refrigerator until the jelly hardens completely.

8. Jelly with fruit

Cooking time: 2 hours 00 min.

Fruit jelly can be served in the form of small "pastries" or cake. Any fruit is suitable for dessert - grapes, oranges, apples, pears, plums, etc. The type of jelly with fruit depends on the shape.

Cooking description:
Fruit jelly looks gorgeous. Especially if you bother stacking the fruit. Jelly can be poured in multi-colored layers, for this use juice of different colors. Citrus fruits, apples, pears, grapes look beautiful in jelly. They need to be thoroughly rinsed, dried, peeled and pitted. Serve jelly with fruit with ice cream or whipped cream. From the amount of ingredients specified in the recipe, you get 600 g of jelly.
How to make fruit jelly?
1. Rinse the fruit and cut into cubes. Grapes can be cut in half and pitted. It is advisable to remove the skin from the orange slices and, of course, choose the seeds. Thinly sliced \u200b\u200bapple slices look beautiful in jelly. If you have seasonal berries on hand, add them too.
2. Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with a glass of cold boiled water. The gelatin should stand for at least 20 minutes and swell.
3. Pour the swollen gelatin into a saucepan with juice, I use apple cider, but any will do. Heat over a fire, stirring occasionally, to dissolve the gelatin. Do not boil!
4. Cool the juice with gelatin to room temperature.
5. Put the fruits in a mold (you can moisten it or grease it with butter). Pour in juice with gelatin and refrigerate for an hour and a half. If you want the fruits not to float up and keep beautifully at different levels, fill them gradually, in layers.


Gelatin - 1 Art. the spoon
Water - 1 Glass
Juice - 400 Grams
Fruit - - To taste

Servings: 5-6

9. Jelly "Bird's milk"

"Bird's milk" is a favorite delicate dessert, the taste of which many remember from childhood. Jelly "Bird's milk" has an amazing taste, it will refresh after a meal and bring back good memories.

Cooking description:

Sometimes you want to pamper yourself with something tasty. Delicate chocolate-creamy jelly is just right for such an occasion. "Bird's milk" can be made low in calories by choosing skimmed sour cream and milk, and substituting fructose or stevia for sugar. This jelly can be alternated to create a striped dessert. Or you can make chocolate jelly, let it harden well, cut into irregular cubes and then pour sour cream over them. Turn on your imagination!

1. Dissolve 35 g of gelatin in one glass of water. You can heat in a saucepan (but do not bring to a boil) or in a water bath. Stir well to avoid lumps.
2. Beat the sour cream with two glasses of sugar and vanilla sugar with a mixer or blender. It is necessary for the sugar to dissolve. Then add dissolved gelatin (35 g) to the mass.
3. Dissolve the remaining gelatin (15 g) in one glass of water (as you did in step one). Then add half a cup of sugar (all the rest), cocoa powder, butter and milk to it. Mix everything until smooth.
4. Pour sour cream jelly into prepared portioned cups or bowls. After hardening a little, cover with chocolate jelly. Send to refrigerator until completely solidified. If you want to get jelly of an unusual shape, pour the first layer into the bowls, put the dishes at an angle. You can also alternate layers.
Jelly "Bird's milk" is ready! Sprinkle with grated chocolate or garnish with cream before serving. You can decorate with lemon peel, after cutting out a leaf from it.


Gelatin - 50 Grams
Sour cream - 1 Liter
Vanilla Sugar - 0.5 Teaspoons
Sugar - 2.5 Glasses
Milk - 6 Art. spoons
Cocoa (powder) - 4 Tbsp. spoons
Butter - 50 grams
Servings: 6

10. Cola jelly

Cooking time: 3 hours 00 min.

If you are a true Coca-Cola fan, then you will undoubtedly love this unusual low-calorie cola jelly made with this popular beverage.

Cooking description:

It is now an indisputable fact that cola is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and lately I see more and more often that it is used for making desserts. And recently I found this interesting recipe for making cola jelly and decided to try it. To be honest, the taste is very unusual, but I really liked the combination of cola and citric acid. And although we can talk for a long time about whether this drink is really harmful, but I believe that from time to time you can definitely pamper yourself with this yummy. And now I will gladly tell you how to make cola jelly for sour lovers:

1) Put the gelatin in a deep bowl and pour 200 ml of cola, leave to swell for 10-15 minutes.
2) Pour the rest of the cola into a saucepan, add citric acid to it, put on fire and heat, but do not bring to a boil.
3) Pour the swollen gelatin into a warm cola and mix until the granules are completely dissolved.
4) When the mass has cooled to room temperature, pour it into molds and put it in the refrigerator until it solidifies.
Decorate the finished jelly with mint leaves and serve. I am sure your friends will appreciate this culinary masterpiece! ;)


Coca-Cola Light - 500 Milliliters
Gelatin - 20 Grams
Sugar-substitute tablets - 2-3 pieces
Citric Acid - 1 Teaspoon
Servings: 6-8

Those with a sweet tooth who like to enjoy light desserts will love homemade jelly made with gelatin. The component has no taste or smell, so the finished dish will have the aroma of berries or fruits from which it is made. The dessert comes out very tasty, beautiful and healthy.

How to make jelly

The sweetness in the form of jelly is very popular all over the world, because it is not only tasty, but also a healthy product. It can be prepared using gelatin, pectin or agar-agar. These ingredients help to achieve the required consistency. To make the dessert tasty, you need to follow some rules on how to make jelly:

  • Do not use aluminum containers for making sweets. In such dishes, the mass can darken and form a specific taste.
  • The addition of a small amount of wine or lemon juice will help to improve the taste of the dish.
  • It is possible to prevent the formation of gelatinous lumps by pouring it into a dish with a warm bottom. The best option is to put the container in a water bath.
  • The product should freeze inside the refrigerator. The substance needs to be made into an elastic, dense mass, and not frozen, so do not put it in the freezer.

Many housewives buy ready-made powders, since it is easy to prepare from them. The difference lies in the benefits of the product. At home, you can come up with many options: the jelly base is made from syrups, milk, sour cream, cream, alcoholic beverages, juices, compote, lemonade and other soda (the child will love the Cola dessert). Add various fruits (apples, pears, oranges, pineapples, lemons), berries (gooseberries, cherries, red currants, grapes, strawberries), pieces of cottage cheese soufflé as a filler.

The product can be used as an independent dish. The sweetness prepared for the winter is recommended to be used for breeding fruit drinks and making jelly. If you have not canned compote, stir a small amount of jelly with water. The product is used for decorating and filling confectionery: cakes and pastries. Jelly brings lightness and is a striking decoration element.

How to dilute gelatin

An important part of the process of making gelatin jelly is diluting the thickener. The correct proportions will help create a delicious dessert:

  • Maintaining the correct proportions is important. Dilute the gelatin powder at the rate of 5 g per 50 ml of water.
  • It is necessary to fill in the crystalline substance with boiled water, which must first be cooled. The gelatin will swell from half an hour to 40 minutes.
  • Heat the resulting substance with a water bath. The process should be carried out until the powder is completely dissolved.
  • The finished gelling component should be mixed with the base for the dessert (compote, juice, milk).

How to make jelly at home

Making sweetness that has a natural taste and aroma is best done in your own kitchen. The process of its preparation is not laborious, it does not take much time. You can find a huge number of recipes for the dish, all this due to the variety of ingredients that are suitable for use. You can take jam, juice or compote as a basis.

How to make juice jelly

To make a juice-based jelly candy, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fruit or berry juice - 1 liter;
  • gelatin - 4 tsp

How to make gelatin jelly with a juice base:

  1. Pour gelatin crystals into a glass, pour juice to the top. Leave for 20 minutes to swell the gelatin.
  2. Mix the substance with the rest of the liquid in an enamel bowl, place on fire. While the juice is heating, stir it. Wait until it begins to boil so that the crystals dissolve completely.
  3. Pour the finished mixture into molds, cool at room temperature, refrigerate until it solidifies.

How to make fruit jelly

For a dessert with fruit filling, you will need the following ingredients:

  • food gelatin - 4 tsp;
  • juice - 400 ml;
  • fruit to taste;
  • granulated sugar.

Step by step instructions on how to make fruit jelly:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp of gelatin powder. cold water, let it swell for an hour.
  2. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add the swollen gelatinous mass. Taste the mixture, if it seems savory, add the right amount of granulated sugar. Put the mixture on fire, heat until sugar and gelatin dissolve, stirring constantly.
  3. Pour half of the resulting substance into molds, add pieces of fruit. Then, fill everything with the remaining base.
  4. Cool the dessert at room conditions, place in the refrigerator to harden.

Sweet dessert is a pleasant and irreplaceable attribute of any holiday. You always want to end an evening with your family or close friends with something bright and unusual. One of the most original options, in this case, will be multi-layer jelly. This delicate dish will add a light finishing touch to your dinner. And, cooked with your own hands, it will impress all guests.

Jelly interlayers: general principles of preparation

It is not difficult to prepare such a dish, the main thing is to choose the right products and follow all the technologies. The simplest option would be to buy ready-made jelly in powder. In this case, you can simply follow the instructions on the package. After that, you can slowly pour the multi-colored layers on top of each other, first letting each freeze.

You can make multi-layer jelly more original with the help of bowls installed in the refrigerator at an angle. Thus, the dessert will solidify with a striped diagonal. And the top layer can be done in the usual horizontal position. Additionally, pieces of fruit or berries are sometimes added to the jelly. Thus, the dessert can be made softer and more contrasting. In addition, the milk layer will be harmoniously felt.

Having decided on the appearance of the future dish, each of the ingredients should be prepared in different vessels. It is better to start with the jelly that appears at the very beginning. Each layer should be added only if the finished part solidifies. This way you can achieve the most beautiful cut. It is important not to let the blanks freeze in advance. But, in this case, they can simply be slightly warmed up in the microwave.

To avoid spreading the dessert, you need to wait until each previous layer has firmly hardened. In addition, the liquid should be poured carefully, not falling on the walls of the mold. In this case, the finished product will look as aesthetically pleasing as possible. The height of the layers should be determined at your discretion, paying attention to the amount of ingredients.

Classic multi-layer jelly

This jelly in layers is very easy to prepare, but at the same time incredibly tasty and beautiful. It is with him that you should begin experiments with variations of this dish. The recipe is for 6 medium servings.


· 3 packs of multi-colored fruit jelly;

Purified water (the amount depends on the instructions on the jelly package);

· Pieces of fruit or berries for decoration.

Cooking method:

· First, boil water. Usually, 400 ml of liquid is required for one pack of jelly. However, it is better to reduce this amount by 1.5-2 times in order to get a richer taste.

· The resulting liquid must be thoroughly mixed so that the jelly is completely dissolved.

· Now you can pour the first layer into molds. It is advisable to make the layers approximately the same. After that, we put the bowls in the refrigerator for half an hour.

· When 1 layer hardens, you can add the next one. By this time, it will just cool down a little, and will not melt the frozen part of the dessert.

· Do the same with 3 parts of multi-layer jelly. It will harden faster as the mold has time to cool down.

· Serve the finished dessert in beautiful cups in which it was prepared. It will be better to decorate it from above at your discretion.

Cottage cheese-chocolate jelly in layers

The white-brown stripes of this jelly in layers will not leave indifferent any chocolate fan. The dessert looks very appetizing, and the preparation is quite simple. Moreover, it is tasty and light.


· A bag of gelatin;

· Half a glass of low-fat cream;

· 2 packs of cottage cheese;

0.4 l sour cream;

75 g sugar;

25 g of cocoa.

Cooking method:

· Mix gelatin with chilled cream. If necessary, they can be replaced with pasteurized milk.

· Let the mixture rest for half an hour, after which we heat it in a water bath, stirring constantly. It is necessary for the gelatin to dissolve. The main thing is not to let the cream boil.

· Mix sugar with cottage cheese. Pour sour cream and cooled cream with gelatin here.

· Divide the finished mixture into 2 equal parts. We mix cocoa powder into one.

We put 1 liquid in the mold first, and after hardening - the second.

· Finished jelly with layers can be decorated with chocolate chips or chopped nuts.

Jelly with cottage cheese layers with pineapple

One of the reasons many people love this dessert is its lightness and freshness. That is why fans of multi-layered jelly will appreciate the dish with delicate cottage cheese and pineapples.


0.4 l sour cream;

· 2 packs of cottage cheese;

150 g icing sugar;

· A jar of canned pineapples;

· A glass of boiled water;

1 pack of gelatin;

25 g of cocoa.

Cooking method:

· Fill the gelatin with slightly warmed water and dissolve it by placing the dishes in a water bath. Stir this mixture regularly.

Cut the pineapple rings into equal cubes and put them on the bottom of the cups or bowls in which the jelly will be served.

· Mix cottage cheese and sour cream. Add powdered sugar. Additionally, you can beat slightly with a mixer. Divide the mixture in half.

· Add cocoa to one half.

We add each part one by one to the molds, let the dessert freeze completely. Finished layered jelly can also be garnished with pineapple cubes.

Multilayer jelly of kefir and cottage cheese

It doesn't matter if there is no milk or cream in the house. For jelly in layers, kefir is also perfect. This wonderful dessert will be especially delicious with strawberries.


0.4 l of kefir;

· A pack of cottage cheese;

25 g of gelatin;

175 g of sugar;

· Strawberries in any form (you can even add berries from jam).

Cooking method:

· Place the gelatin in a saucepan or bowl and mix it with lukewarm water. After 30 minutes, slowly heat the liquid in a water bath so that it has time to completely mix.

· Mix sugar with cottage cheese and fill with warm kefir. Mix and add gelatin.

· Cut the strawberries into slices or cubes. We spread it on the bottom of the form.

We spread the ready-made mixture with gelatin in the molds, alternating it with strawberry slices. Let each part of the dessert harden completely in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

· You can serve in a bowl or other form, decorating at your discretion.

Jelly interlayers "Winter delight"

This version of multi-layered jelly will fit nicely into the menu of any festive table. It is quite complex in execution, but it has a very bright expressive appearance.


· 3 packs of multi-colored jelly in bags;

· purified water;

· 20 g lemon juice;

Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

· The main highlight of this multi-layered jelly is serving in tall glasses. They will need to be positioned at an angle. A saucepan is perfect for this. The legs of the glasses can be leaned against its walls by setting in the desired position.

· Prepare 3 mixtures of jelly and water, according to the instructions on the package.

· Pour the first layer into tilted glasses. Let it freeze in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

· Turn the glasses over and fill in the second layer. We send to freeze again.

· We put the glasses in the usual upright position. Pour out the last layer.

· It remains to decorate the festive multilayer jelly. Lubricate the inside of the edges of the glasses with lemon juice using a brush. Until it dries, we pass the glass over the saucer with powdered sugar. It will resemble a snow border.

Multi-layered jelly cake "Rainbow" with fruit

Not everyone manages to quickly and deliciously prepare a fruit dessert. Especially when guests want something fresh and delicate. In this case, you can make a wonderful jelly cake with layers. This dish will amaze even the most sophisticated gourmet.


· The maximum amount of multi-colored jelly in bags (for some colors of the rainbow, food coloring is needed);

Raspberries or strawberries, peach, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries, dark grapes and currants (fruits and berries can be fresh, frozen or canned);

· purified water.

Cooking method:

· For each layer it is necessary to mix jelly from bags with the recommended amount of boiling water.

· Those colors that are not in the store (blue or cyan) can be obtained using food coloring. To do this, take a yellow jelly in a bag, stir it with water and add a few drops of dye.

· We receive 7 different colored liquids. Add chopped fruits or berries to each of them one by one.

· We spread in the form of jelly in layers, starting with red, according to the order of the rainbow. Let each strip freeze in turn before adding a new one.

· Before serving, dip the finished cake in hot water for a few seconds and turn it over quickly. Top it off with leftover berries and fruits.

· Add 1 tsp to all blanks with jelly. Sahara. Yes, it is initially quite sweet, but after hardening, the taste will dull significantly.

· Add some vanilla sugar to cream or milk. The taste of the finished dessert will slightly resemble melted ice cream.

· Ice-cream bowls are more convenient to fill in the refrigerator. If you transfer them already with liquid, a colored trace will remain at the edges of the form.

· The main thing is to always allow the previous layer to completely solidify. Yes, it will take longer, but the bottom line is worth it. All jelly stripes in interlayers will be clear and beautiful, especially in the cut.

· It is better to choose bright and contrasting colors so that the dessert has an attractive appearance at the end.

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French jelly dessert has been and remains one of the most delicious desserts in the world. Bonaparte and his wife also enjoyed this dish at the dinner table.

Since then, hundreds of jelly dessert recipes have appeared, and website chose for you 5 of the most delicious, so that you can please your loved ones.

Jelly rice dessert

You will need (for 2 servings):

  • 4 tbsp. l. boiled rice
  • 150 g cottage cheese
  • 1 tbsp. l. gelatin
  • 5 tbsp. l. low-fat cream (or milk)
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • vanilla sugar
  • ground cinnamon


  1. Boil the rice in sweetened water until tender. The proportions of rice and water are indicated on the cereal packaging.
  2. Soak gelatin in a small amount of warm water, let it swell and then dissolve it in a water bath.
  3. Combine cottage cheese, cream (or milk), sugar, vanilla sugar, cinnamon and mix with a blender.
  4. Add the gelatinous mass and rice to the curd mass. Mix thoroughly. Rice can be pre-chopped with a blender or left intact for the texture of the dessert.
  5. We pour the mass into molds and send it to the refrigerator to freeze.
  6. To make the jelly easy to remove from the mold, lower it upside down in hot water for a few seconds, and then turn it over.
  7. Serve dessert with your favorite sweet sauce, melted chocolate or jam.

Chocolate jelly

You will need:

  • 120 g dark chocolate
  • 500 ml milk
  • 10 g gelatin
  • sugar optional


  1. First, we need to boil the milk.
  2. Then we take gelatin, soak it in a small amount of warm water, let it swell and dissolve in a water bath.
  3. Add the finished gelatin to the milk. Warm up the mixture a little and stir vigorously.
  4. Break dark chocolate into pieces and combine with milk. Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved, until a mass of uniform color is obtained.
  5. Pour the mixture into molds and send to the refrigerator. The finished dessert can be sprinkled with grated chocolate or almond petals.

Kiwi and sour cream jelly cake

You will need:

For the cake:

  • 400 g shortbread cookies
  • 150 g butter

For I jelly:

  • 2 packs of kiwi flavored jelly
  • 2 pcs. kiwi
  • 25 g gelatin

For II jelly:

  • 750 g sour cream
  • 500 ml milk
  • 35 g gelatin
  • 200 g sugar


  1. First, knead the cookies so that they turn into small crumbs, then mix them with melted butter. The dough should be fairly wet.
  2. We put cling film on the bottom of the split form and put the dough there. To make the surface even, press down on the dough with a spoon. We put the form in the refrigerator.
  3. Add gelatin to slightly cooled boiled milk and stir it until completely dissolved.
  4. Beat sour cream with sugar with a mixer. Without turning off the mixer, carefully introduce milk with gelatin into the sour cream with a thin stream, so that the gelatin does not come in lumps from the temperature drop.
  5. Pour the mixture into a mold on top of the cake and send it all to the refrigerator for an hour. During this time, the mass should grab.
  6. Cooking kiwi flavored jelly according to the instructions on the package.
  7. Peel the kiwi, cut into slices or wedges.
  8. We take out the dessert form from the refrigerator and check if the jelly surface has compacted. Pour a layer of cooled green jelly on top and lay out the kiwi slices. We put the cake in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning we enjoy a delicious dessert.

Jelly cake "Mosaic"

You will need:

  • 4 packs of jelly of different colors
  • 400 ml condensed milk
  • 85 g gelatin


  1. Prepare the jelly according to the instructions on the package (in different dishes), then leave to freeze overnight.
  2. Soak gelatin in a small amount of warm water, let it swell and then dissolve in a water bath.
  3. Combine gelatin with condensed milk and mix well.
  4. Cut the colored jelly into cubes, pour them randomly into a suitable shape and fill with condensed milk with gelatin. We leave to freeze in the refrigerator.

Tart with tangerines

You will need:

  • 100 g butter
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 130 g wheat flour
  • 30 g ground almonds
  • a pinch of salt
  • 125 g sugar
  • 20 ml water
  • 300 g sweet curd mass
  • 25 g starch
  • 2 eggs
  • 350 g tangerines
  • 1 pack of unflavored jelly


  1. Prepare the dough: mix butter, flour, almond crumbs, salt and 25 g of sugar. Rub the mixture into crumbs with your hands and add the yolks. We knead the dense dough, gradually adding cold water.
  2. Place the dough between sheets of parchment or cling film so that it can be easily rolled into a thin layer. We carefully transfer the layer to a lubricated form, forming the sides.
  3. We add sugar to the curd mass to taste (if required). Grind with eggs, add starch.
  4. We pierce the dough with a fork in several places, spread the filling on top. We bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, then cool.
  5. Cooking jelly according to the instructions.
  6. Peel the tangerines and divide them into wedges. We spread the slices on the surface of the tart and fill in the jelly. We send the dessert to the refrigerator until it solidifies.

Ease of preparation, the use of only natural and healthy ingredients, an original look - all this jelly homemade. You will also need jelly recipes if you want to make an extraordinary cake or pastries. Jelly is a bright, tasty and extraordinary gelatinous dessert, which is obtained due to the presence of pectin in the ingredients, or the use of gelatin. The base of the jelly can be different, it is she who gives the predominant taste of the jelly. The most commonly found fruit jelly. The gelatin-free fruit jelly recipe uses apples, since these fruits contain a lot of pectin, which causes the jelly to freeze. Otherwise, gelatin, pectin or agar is added. Delicious fruit jelly, this is currant jelly, orange juice jelly, raspberry jelly. Sometimes a dessert such as fruit in jelly is also served. You can also make fruit jelly from jam. Fruit usually produces a clear jelly. This cannot be said when preparing sour cream jelly, curd jelly, milk jelly or chocolate jelly. Milk jelly, sour cream jelly are made from the same gelatin that is used to make other types of jelly. The preparation of milk jelly or jelly with sour cream is just as simple: you soak the jelly, add it to warm boiled milk, stir, add vanillin, and set it to freeze in a cold place. As it hardens - your milk is ready jelly... The recipe with gelatin is one of the fastest and most affordable, gelatin hardens faster than, say, agar. By combining several multi-colored jellies, you can make a funny jelly broken glass. It can be fruit jelly of various colors and milk jelly. The glass is just like real glass, it is very tasty and children like it very much.

A common question is how to make gelatin jelly. The main thing here is to correctly calculate the proportions. For 1 part of gelatin, you should take 8-10 parts of water. After the jelly has solidified, the excess water should be drained. If you are interested in how to make homemade jelly, the video is a good guide. There are other nuances of how to make jelly. Do not use aluminum cookware. Another secret on how to make jelly at home without lumps: the bottom of the gelatin dish should not be cold. And when the jelly hardens and you need to remove it from the dishes, you should put the dishes in hot water for a few seconds, then put your jelly... The photo recipe will show you how. Choose the appropriate recipe and see how to make homemade jelly, photos and comments are attached. You can also make delicious homemade jelly from agar. The recipe is similar, but agar should be taken 2 times less than gelatin. Finally, it should be noted that jellies are good for the body. Gelatin is good for joints, while pectin and agar are excellent intestinal absorbents.

Mousse - the recipe that was presented to us, again, by the French pastry chefs. "Mousse" translates to foam, and making a mousse essentially boils down to whipping the various ingredients into a frothy state. With jelly, mousse is related to the use of gelatin or pectin, which fix the foam. Although some mousses are prepared on the basis of egg whites, glutinous semolina. There are also fruit and dairy mousses. Usually prepared cranberry mousse, apple mousse, strawberry mousse, curd mousse, chocolate mousse. Fruit mousses are the healthiest. They can be made very light, but if you use cream, butter, then they will be more satisfying. It is also important that the mousses are very colorful, they look very bright and festive. For example, chocolate mousse is a recipe that can be prepared in an extraordinary way, decorating it with berries, nuts, candied fruits. After spending quite a bit of time and learning how to make mousse, you will close the question of a quick and tasty dessert for yourself. It will also be useful for you to learn how to cook mousseif you are planning a buffet or sweet buffet. This portioned dessert is as if created for such feasts. And of course, you can make healthy baby mousses. Recipes with photos will reveal to you all the secrets of making delicious and beautiful mousses.