Is it necessary to leave a tip: the history of the issue. Tipping in different countries: to whom and how much to tip

A true gentleman knows when and how to tip wait staff. An ill-mannered and uncouth man - no. Tips are not required, but they are left for decency, thereby demonstrating their respect for the serving staff. The only time you shouldn't leave a tip is if you've been served inappropriately and the person providing the service has made no attempt to remedy the situation. Leave tips carefully. If you do this “in public”, demonstrating how generous you are, you will only show yourself as an ill-mannered person. Still, tipping is an art. From our text you will learn how a real man should leave a tip and in what situations how much money should be given.

Why do you need a tip?

Tipping is given only in the service sector. Here are some reasons to leave a tip:

1)If a person did his job better and faster, perhaps even in greater volumes than required. It's just a way to show your gratitude for a job well done. Some people say, "Why should I tip people who are doing their job?" I answer them: “You work in a company and receive bonuses or bonuses for some merit.” At its core, the bonus is just a very large tip. When office workers get bonuses, they usually don't say, “Don't give me bonuses. I'm just doing my job."

2) To show my gratitude. Many service workers are incredibly overwhelmed, don't get a thank you, and don't get paid enough for their hard work. Agree, it's nice to hear from the boss "thank you" for a job well done. People in the service industry do jobs that we don't want to do ourselves. They pick up our trash, deliver mail, bring food. Their pay often doesn't match their efforts. Tipping is a way to say "thank you" to those who rarely hear this magic word.

3) Tipping provides great service. This works especially when the same person regularly does some work for you. Tipping acts as a motivation for the service staff, and from this their respect for you increases every time. If you leave a tip for the bartender or waiter at your favorite restaurant, next time you will be served even better.

4) The income of the attendants depends on tips. Service workers earn incredibly little. If they did not receive tips, their wages would even be below the minimum wage. Tipping is optional, but it is required.

How much tip should you give?

NB. Keep in mind that it is customary to tip different amounts in different countries.

Hotel room cleaning. A good tip for the person who cleans your room is $2 to $5. Don't just leave money on the nightstand. It may not be clear to the maid that the money is for her. Leave the money in the envelope marked "for the maid."
Guide. $1 to $5 per person in your group.
Messenger. $1 to $2 for every suitcase he carries for you.

Masseur. 10-20% of the total cost of the procedure.
Nurses. Usually hospitals don't tip nurses as it's not allowed. But this little money can motivate her to do her job better and take care of the patient.
The hairdresser. Tipping - 15% of the cost of a haircut.
Car wash. $3 is a great tip for car wash workers. If they complete their work quickly, they usually give 10% of the cost of the work.
Tattoos / Piercings. 15% of the total cost of the procedure.

Delivery Services
Pizza / Food delivery. Tipping is usually 15% of the order value. If the weather is bad, snow, ice or tsunami outside, and you risk the life of the guy who delivers your food, you have to pay extra for it.
Furniture / large loads. $5 per person. If they also help you collect all this, you can't avoid an extra tip.

In the town
Waiters. Tips range from 15 to 20% of the order value.
Bartenders. From 15 to 20%. If the staff did their job better and faster than you expected, you can give more.
Taxi. The standard tip is 15%. If the taxi driver brought you to your destination faster, thank him with a big tip.

It should be noted that during the holidays the cost of tips increases slightly. And if, for example, you need a nanny who would sit with the children while you are on a date with your wife, it is better to give her a good and necessary gift instead of a tip. Again, it all depends on the holiday itself.

Maintenance staff do their job and get paid for it. In addition to it, the service worker often expects additional remuneration from the client. This nice bonus is called a tip. Few people know how to pay properly in Russia. Usually this issue is not openly discussed. Also, people rarely have an idea about the amount of the tip. I would like to talk about the rules of etiquette and outline the generally accepted framework - to whom, how and how much it is better to give money as a thank you for the services rendered.

What is a tip?

A tip is usually understood as the N-th amount of money that a client or buyer voluntarily gives to an employee. A bonus is issued if a person was satisfied with the service and wants to express his appreciation for the work. Tipping motivates workers to perform their duties efficiently and communicate politely with customers.

There is no law or standard obliging the client to issue additional payment. It has been observed that half of Russians are accustomed to tipping workers. There are those who are inclined to leave a bonus, but always hesitate in determining the required amount. And there is also a category of citizens who fundamentally ignore the unspoken rule of tipping.

Some of the workers have low wages, but they are quite happy with their overall income, as they regularly receive tips from customers. At each location, the staff distributes the bonus money differently. Somewhere tips are accumulated as a general reward and at the end of the day the collected amount is divided equally between employees, and somewhere each employee has the right to immediately take honestly earned tips for himself.

To whom and how much to tip?

Tipping the waiter

To look cultured, modern, and tolerant in a restaurant, you must first get your order, eat and drink, pay the bill, collect your change, and then leave a tip. It is advisable to give 10% of the amount paid. By this you will not upset, but rather please the waiter. In the case when the restaurant staff immediately withheld the change without your will, you should ask for it back. If you pay by bank transfer, you still have to pay the tip in cash. There is a tradition of tipping the bartender who pours drinks behind the bar. Do not deviate from this norm and generously pay 10-15% or refuse to change. If you left a significant amount in the bar, paid for it, and the change was less than 50 rubles, then take it away and give a normal bonus.

Tipping the taxi driver

It is also customary to thank the driver for the taxi service. With his bonus, the client expresses his gratitude for the prompt, accurate and polite delivery to the right place. Lack of reward indicates dissatisfaction with the speed of the arrival of the car or the style of driving. Customers adore punctual and courteous drivers, attentive taxi dispatchers. As you understand, the amount will reflect your impressions of the trip, so determine it yourself on the spot, in the range from 5 to 10%. Some companies offer to thank the taxi with a bonus directly through the application.

Tipping beauty master

If you are satisfied with your own appearance after a haircut, styling or cosmetic procedure in a beauty salon, then you can sincerely thank the master who puts a lot of effort into your appearance. Sometimes clients leave tips with the administrator, but it is more reasonable to divide them among the specialists who performed the work. Also, do not forget to thank the master of manicure, treatment, hair straightening or eyelash extensions, who works at home. Here it is enough to pay 10% of the amount invested in beauty.

Tipping a car wash or gas station attendant

Car wash operators and gas station workers are also waiting for tips. In this case, it is good to leave 10% of the amount. The washer does the hard work of keeping your car clean, and the gas station attendants are constantly outside. In both places they do not give an amount below 50 rubles, since these workers perform difficult tasks for a small salary. If you give too little, then the operator may be upset and the next time you will be served poorly. If you hand over the car for repair, then immediately pay a tip to the car mechanic from several hundred rubles so that he faithfully performs repairs or diagnostics.

Tips for hotel staff

When living in a hotel, it is also uncritically to reward the staff, if possible. Doormen and maids are happy to accept money for tea. You can pay them with absolutely any amount, depending on the advancement of the institution and the quality of the service staff in it. In hotels, it is not customary to give out bonuses to cleaners, elevator operators and concierges.

Tipping to the animator

Animators at corporate parties, hosts of entertainment events and similar artists put a lot of their work and charisma into creating a warm and cheerful atmosphere at the holiday. With them, too, it is customary to pay extra. It is reasonable to give an amount of 500 rubles per employee for the successful holding of the event.

Tipping the courier

We all use delivery services, ordering goods on the Internet, water for a cooler, flowers, sushi and rolls, pizza, various meals in a restaurant. When the service itself has a certain price, then it is worth limiting to it. And in the case of free shipping, it is worth measuring 10% of the purchase price. Tips are given more if the delivery is on time, and less if the courier is late.

Who doesn't need to leave a tip?

  • guide on excursions and travel;
  • flight attendant on the plane
  • translator;
  • fitness trainer in the gym;
  • chef in a catering establishment;
  • psychoanalyst and psychologist.

Some are hesitant to tip teachers, tutors and doctors. Some experts may regard the bonus as a bribe, and therefore it is not customary to offer it openly. Unfortunately, teachers and doctors in Russia earn little, but they put their soul into their work and do important work. Based on this, the question of the appropriateness of remuneration for the doctor and teacher is debatable. Obviously, representatives of such responsible professions deserve a decent tip for their work, so it would be wise to give them delicately.

It is also not customary to offer money to random fellow travelers on a train or other public transport who help carry hand luggage or look after things. You can thank them verbally and wish them luck.

If you see that an employee has conscientiously performed much more than his duties, trying to help you as a person, then do not hesitate to encourage him without being guided by any rules.

Tipping is a great way to reward wait staff and, in most countries, the main income of waiters, maids, porters. The tradition of expressing gratitude with money is not so popular among Russians, so many Russians are wondering how much to tip in Russia.

How much to tip: countries of the world

Most of all, it is customary to thank service workers in the USA and France. Americans encourage everyone:

  • waiters;
  • taxi drivers;
  • maids;
  • hairdressers;
  • art staff;
  • cooks;
  • refuelers, etc.

Usually the amount given out over the account is 15-25%. The French prefer to include an additional column in the bill - service, which is 10-20% of the order.

Tourist countries in the Middle East practically live off tips. Each tourist himself determines how much to leave a tip, but the unspoken generally accepted norm is from 10%.

The Japanese and Chinese believe that "handouts" offend their feelings, respectively, they never accept extra money. Representatives of a hardworking nation are able to chase a generous client, returning change to him.

Tipping in Russia

The Russian mentality is arranged in such a way that paying for services above the indicated prices is perceived as an unnecessary action. Before deciding how much to tip, you need to know that most of the waiters in St. Petersburg work on the minimum wage, and cash rewards are the main or only income.

In Russia, it is considered correct to leave a tip to the waiter, bartender, porter in the amount of 50 rubles. When paying an invoice in St. Petersburg with a bank card, the client says in advance how much to add. But it is possible to receive a reward not completely and after a certain time, when the money passes through the tax system of the enterprise. Therefore, it is recommended to carry cash with you.

Where it is customary to give tea in St. Petersburg:

  • cafe, bar, restaurant;
  • Taxi;
  • Beauty Salons;
  • filling stations;
  • car washes, service stations, tire fitting;
  • private clinics.

Good question here rose in the editorial office.

Here the cloakroom attendant hung up your jacket. They brought things to the hotel. Repaired a faucet at home. Thanks or not?

And okay yes / no, but what to do with tip amount- generally atas. Everyone has their own idea of ​​how much to tip. Who gives 5%, who 10%, who takes a steam bath and even counts 7%.

Here is the answer:

In general, it is necessary to understand. This is what we decided to do. And to make it doubly useful for you, we found a plastic card that allows you to tip for free.

What is a "tip" anyway?

Tips- an additional reward (or "bonus") to a person, which is given on top of the usual amount for a service or product. A way to support a person for diligence or a job well done.

The frequency and amounts vary - there are no generally accepted standards, there are no laws that regulate this. Therefore, there is no understanding of who to give and how much.

Statistics in Russia: only half of us tip. 25-30% cannot calculate the amount. And 25% don't tip. Don't do it, it's just ugly.

How much is it customary to tip in Russia

5-15% on top of the account.

The exact amount is determined by a lot of factors, and among them: the quality of service, the type of establishment (a simple cafe, an expensive hotel, an elite restaurant), the opinion of the visitor (generosity, mood, the current situation), the amount in the check is a modest lunch for 300 rubles. or a banquet for 1 million.

If there are no complaints, just leave about 10%. This is the standard.

Why is tipping good? In the service sector, many people actually work for tips - and at the lowest possible salary.

So every time you don't tip, you are in fact deprive a person of a salary. And not necessarily the one who served you directly. For example, in restaurants, tips are often sent to a common “cauldron”, from which they will then pay chefs and other restaurant kitchen workers. I felt it myself when I worked as a waiter for six months.

Who needs to tip

Restaurant waiter: you need to ask for a bill, pay and get change. And then leave the required amount in cash. We leave 10% .

Well, yes, if the waiter arbitrarily took the change that you are waiting for, do not hesitate to demand it.

When paying by card in Russia, tips are usually given in cash. It is not customary for us to leave a “tea” by bank transfer: you can ask for a check, but the institution has every right to refuse. Once I had a ride, and the other (on the Arbat) - no.

Beauty saloon: you can put the total amount on the reception desk. But it is better to distribute to those who took part in the process. More 10% do not leave.

Taxi: he can be left 5-10% . Now most services offer to leave a tip right in the application, so it has become quite easy. By the way, for example, in Greece and Belgium it is not customary to tip taxi drivers.

In a hotel: Tips to the maid or doorman are not required, they can be left according to your mood, depending on your own assessment of the quality of service and the status of the hotel. The concierge, the elevator operator, the garbage collector are not tipped.

Refuelers, car washers: the tanker and the washer can be given a “tea” within 10% from the cost of the service. I'm giving 100 rubles to the tanker so as not to freeze. Do not forget that it is not worth leaving less than 50 rubles - tea in small change can cause mental curses sent after you.

Suppliers, couriers: for the delivery of water, food and orders in restaurants - at will, but no more 10% and if the shipping was free.

They do not exactly leave: stewardess, guide, translator, chef, fellow traveler on the train for help with things, personal trainer, psychoanalyst, doctors.

How nice it is to tip in different countries of the world

Attitudes towards tips in the world vary greatly, the amount too.

Standard tip is 10%. In the USA, they traditionally leave 3-5% more - up to 15%, in France 10%, in Spain 7%, and in Egypt they rarely leave tips at all.

Follow closely! In some states, it is customary to include a tip in the bill - in this case, you do not need to leave anything on top at all.

If you have come across special tipping standards somewhere in the world - share it with us in the comments, we will help each other look polite when traveling.

How to refund tips (only now)

This is important because it is valid only now and until the end of February. You can return up to 11.5% from all checks! No kidding, directly in rubles and to the same card with which you paid.

You need to order Smart Card . This is not just a plastic bank card. She has both a standard cashback for everything and a special, themed cashback that changes once a month.

In fact, the Smart Card adapts to the most important events of each month, and therefore is beneficial exactly when you need it most.

In February acts additional increased cashback 10% v:

  • restaurants
  • cafes and coffee houses
  • bars
  • and other catering establishments. Even for Big Mac.

Cashback in promotional categories (as much as 10%!) is always credited in addition to the basic Smart Card cashback - 1% or even 1.5% (the standard cashback increases to 1.5% if you spend more than 30% on the card this month). 000 rubles).

An example of the benefits of "Smart Cards" in February:

Today I had breakfast with a sandwich and coffee for 250 rubles, then I had a modest lunch for 300 rubles, and in the evening I called my beloved to a restaurant (I paid 1900 rubles for two, it was worth it). In total, together it turned out 2450 rubles.

Returned by Smart Card: 281.75 in one day (provided that the cashback is 1.5%, and even without it, 269.5 rubles would be returned)!

More 250 rubles By the way, this is breakfast.

In addition to a profitable cashback, the card has other profitable terms: give 7.5% per annum to a savings account, allow free cash withdrawals up to 50 thousand rubles. per month from any ATM, if the minimum conditions are met (and without them there are some free withdrawals, you will definitely not be left without cash at the right time). There is always a cashback from 1 to 1.5% for any purchases, regardless of current promotions.

How to order a Smart Card

To order a card, you need to download application of the bank "Opening". It is not necessary to be a bank client - an application for a card can be left both before and after registration in the application.

As soon as the courier brings the card, you activate it right in the same application - and that's it, you can get up to 11.5% back from each check and be happy, of course :)

Delivery of the "Smart Card" is free, registration too. It is enough to have a passport with you, the release time is 3-5 working days.

Through the Discovery application, for example, you will follow for cashback, for the number of free money withdrawals from ATMs and to use everything that we are used to: for example, pay for a mobile phone or transfer money to friends.

Also in the application you can:

  • pay for mobile, utilities, Internet and television;
  • replenish cards "Troika" and "Arrow" no queue at the cashier;
  • transfer money to friends and acquaintances by phone number or card;
  • issue new cards, open deposits with favorable rates and convenient accounts;
  • instantly buy foreign currency at almost exchange rates;
  • find the nearest ATM of the Otkritie group (by the way, there are more than 3,000 of them in Russia);
  • if there is no ATM nearby, replenish the card from the cards of any other Russian banks.
  • So pay or not pay? The rules and trends may be different, but the global “tipping” policy boils down to the following: never, under any circumstances, give a penny to anyone if the quality of the service or the service itself did not satisfy you.

    Tipping is a tradition. Giving them only when they are deserved is the attitude. A position dictated by a good tone.

    How much to tip?

    Unwritten international standards for tips hover around 10% of the bill or value of the service rendered. This standard is relative and may vary in different countries and situations. So, for example, the largest tips are given by Americans (up to 25% of the bill), and it is customary to leave the smallest in the Czech Republic, where a trifle from the change received will not offend anyone. But in Japan, tipping is generally prohibited. The Japanese are convinced that everyone is obliged to do their job in the best possible way. Therefore, offering a tip to a resident of the Land of the Rising Sun is perceived as an insult. But this is an exception, in other countries you cannot do without a tip. Europe is closer to us, so the amount of tips that are customary to leave in Russia can be safely calculated based on 10%.

    In Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Scandinavian countries and Finland, the waiter is left with a tip of 3 to 6%. In Italy, waiters have a habit of slightly “winding up” the bill. Dealing with a waiter, especially if you don’t speak the language, is very difficult, and you don’t need it, just leave 2% in a trattoria, no more than 5% in a restaurant. By the way, the Italian authorities believe that tips received by waiters should be included in their taxable income. income along with the official salary. But since it is very difficult to control this process, the state tax administration takes extraordinary measures. For example, at the exit of a restaurant, a financial inspector may stop you and require you to present a bill in order to establish how much you paid in a tip.

    In Turkey, Spain and Portugal, both in a cafe and in a more expensive place, a waiter will be satisfied with 5-7%. In Greece, 5% of the amount will also be enough. In Tunisia and Egypt, you can leave nothing at all if you are able to withstand the mournful expression of Arab eyes in anticipation of baksheesh. In Israel and Cyprus, where prices are traditionally high, at least 6% of the tip is expected in a modest establishment, and only 10% in expensive restaurants in Jerusalem, Eilat, Paphos or Limassol. In Poland, they hint at 8, and in Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia and Bulgaria will be quite satisfied with 5%. The largest tips in Europe are usually given in Belgium and France. And if it seems to the waiter that you have underpaid, he will directly ask for more. If you want to come to this restaurant again, you need to unfasten at least 12-15% of the order.

    In the UK, it is not customary in pubs to tip change in the form of change. However, in respectable restaurants you have to fork out 10-12%. In the United States, it is customary to tip waiters, doormen, head waiters. But bartenders are considered the elite among all service professions. Giving him nothing, or giving him less than a dollar, is considered the height of indecency.

    Already included?

    Often the tip is already included in the price of the service. You can find out about this by carefully reading the menu. If you notice service compris in a French-speaking country, tips included in English, and Trinkgeld eingeschlossen or Trinkgeld inbeg-rifen in German, this means that you can not leave a tip (except to thank for the extraordinary service or praise the divine cuisine). This "automatic" way of calculating tips is most common in France, Belgium, Germany, the Czech Republic and in the tourist centers of Latin America.

    Tipping a waiter in a restaurant

    In a restaurant: only after you have checked the bill, paid and received the change to the nearest ruble. Investing a large amount in a folder with an account in advance or saying “thank you” to the waiter, implying that you can not bring change, is not correct and not stylish. Just as wrong is the behavior of the waiter, who himself "calculates" a reward for himself, for example, by arbitrarily appropriating the change. When paying by credit card, the tip is left in cash after the check is signed. It is not customary in Russia to indicate the tip amount on the bill and pay it with a card. Establishments where tips are already included in the price of service are also unpopular with us, nevertheless, you should carefully study the menu and do not leave any tips if it says that tips are included.

    Tipping in beauty salons and SPA

    In beauty salons and SPA-salons, tips are relied upon by everyone who directly serves you. Leave them before leaving the salon. You can leave the money at the reception at the reception (who is also not to be forgotten), but it is better to hand it over to the specialists personally, because the tip amounts will be different, depending on the cost of the service. All amounts exceeding 10% of the bill cease to be a tip and become a gift for the establishment staff. A good tone is to give gifts exclusively for the holidays. The distribution of "extra" money in an everyday situation has a negative impact on the image of a business person. In no case should you tip the owner of the establishment, just a smile and a promise to come again. A driver who works for you all the time does not need to tip. But the driver of a friend (provided that you were given a lift at the request of a friend) can be given about 50% of the amount that a taxi ride would cost you. The taxi driver can be given 5-10% of the amount of payment for the trip, fixed on the meter. In some countries, such as Greece, Belgium, tips for taxi drivers are not accepted. It is also not customary to tip the concierge, elevator operator, garbage collector, etc. An exception is made if a special service was provided to you personally. The amount is determined arbitrarily. A porter in a hotel, almost regardless of the country, is usually given a dollar and a half in local currency.

    Tips for maids and staff at the hotel and inn

    It is customary to give a tip to an employee in a hotel only for services rendered. For example, they slammed the door and left the key in the room. The amount of remuneration is small and, as a rule, does not exceed a dollar. Whether to tip at a gas station is a matter of your good will. In principle, there is no etiquette for a person who inserts a hose into a gas tank. But if you give 10-20 rubles, no one will be offended. But at the car wash, tips are appropriate - usually about 50 rubles.

    Delivery tip

    It is also considered correct to tip for the delivery of food and water to your home (50-100 rubles, depending on the amount and weight of the order). It is customary to give about 1096 of the bill for the delivery of dishes from the restaurant, as you usually do in a restaurant. In Russian hotels, you need to take into account the difference between the cost of services in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in the regions. The amounts you leave tips are calculated taking into account this difference, the amount (1096) remains unchanged. Tips are left for the maids (20-50 rubles on the bed) and given to the doorman in person (10-30 rubles).

    Who to tip and not to tip

    When tipping, proceed primarily from the fact that you should not offend the person. It is not customary to tip stewardesses, guides, translators, chefs in a restaurant or boarding house. It looks ridiculous to try to slip money to a fellow traveler in a compartment on a train for helping you remove a suitcase from the top shelf.
    Inappropriate tips can not only create an embarrassing situation, but also look like a bribe to officials. Therefore, for example, do not tip the police, even if they have rendered you a favor.

    In all these cases, other means are used. You can simply limit yourself to words of gratitude (for example, a flight attendant, tour guide, fellow traveler, policeman) or give a souvenir to those who have worked with you for a long time (for example, a translator). When choosing a gift or a souvenir, keep in mind that it is unlikely that your translator, who has been working with Russian delegations for many years and has visited our country more than once, will be delighted with the twenty-fifth matryoshka doll that you presented.

    The staff of closed private clubs are usually not tipped. The status of the institution suggests that the salaries of local employees are quite high. However, a special favor or a job well done for you can be rewarded. The amount of encouragement is chosen arbitrarily, while it is preferable to give 5-15 dollars or euros than the same amount in rubles.

    It is not customary to give tips to personal trainers (fitness, horseback riding, tennis, golf, swimming, etc.), as well as personal psychoanalysts, it would be more correct to give a special cash reward or gift on special occasions, for example, on birthdays and New Year's Eve. The amount is usually the average monthly cost of services rendered to you. It is not customary to tip doctors in clinics and medical centers. But middle-level medical staff can be encouraged - a decent tip is the same 10% of the cost of the service that you are currently being provided.