How to open champagne correctly. How to open champagne with bare hands and more

14.08.2019 Salads

A sparkling guest - champagne - appears at almost every holiday. But how tasty this alcohol is, so difficult it is to open it correctly. No, you can knock out the window glass with a cork, break your favorite chandelier or plasma screen, but you always want to open the bottle nicely and neatly. How to open champagne correctly?

Opening champagne without a shot

A very easy way to properly open a bottle without a shot and pop and subsequent destruction. Thanks to this method, even a fragile girl reigns with the opening of this drink.

  1. Be sure to chill the champagne! Yes, champagne cannot be opened if it is warm, but it needs to be cooled to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. If this is a rather pretentious party, chill the drink in an ice bucket to make the opening process look like a movie from start to finish. If not, the bottom shelf of the refrigerator will be more than enough.
  2. Place the bottle on a table or hold the bottle firmly with your hand just below the neck.
  3. Place your palm on the cork and carefully unscrew it (some put a towel on the cork as a safety net). Gas will be gradually released.
  4. As soon as you feel that the cork is completely out, do not remove it, but hold it for a little more. When the excess gas is completely exhausted, you can take off the cork and pour the champagne into glasses. There was no cotton, done!

This was the first way. The next method is similar, but even easier according to its own rules and is more suitable for men, since it is more convenient for women to open the bottle when it is not in an inclined position.

Champagne and corkscrew

You can find special champagne openers on sale. There are many different options, one of them is in the photo on the left. With this opener, it is very easy to open the bottle and no one gets hurt.

If the bottle is sealed with a wooden or cork stopper, you may need a corkscrew (it will be enough to cut off the top of the cork with a knife, and then act with a corkscrew). In fact, there are no particular problems with its choice, it is enough to know a few features of the ideal corkscrew. For corkscrews, corkscrews with a pointed and fine spiral are well suited. The thicker the spiral, the more difficult it will be to pull out the cork.

A stationary corkscrew opens well, but buy one if you are sure that you will really use it often, since it is not very cheap.

If you like a corkscrew with a manual action mechanism, then buy the model, the handle of which has a thin place in the middle and is made of wood or rubber. This will help keep your hand from slipping when you open the bottle.

The cork is broken

What if we have already learned all the tips for opening champagne, and the cork broke at the most crucial moment? The main thing is, don't panic!

First, carefully inspect the cork. If most of it is still in the neck, try opening with a corkscrew. Only you need to do this very carefully and pull the plug up very slowly.

If this method does not work for you, shake the bottle well and slap your hand on the bottom of the bottle. At the same time, it is advisable to direct the bottle towards the wall or in a towel.

And the last thing. To beautifully open a bottle of champagne at a holiday, if possible, practice several times alone or. Then you can definitely show off your skills.

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Question: " How to open champagne?"- probably visited many, especially before the holidays. Some do not attach much importance to this and open it as best they can, and then insert new glasses or run for bruise ointment for a beloved friend who got a champagne cork right in the eye. So that such incidents do not occur and everyone remains intact, you should learn how to open champagne correctly. Despite the fact that it may seem fun to some to open a bottle of pops and splashes, according to etiquette it is considered bad form. You need to open a bottle of champagne at home so that the cork makes a light pop, and instead of a stream of champagne, only a light smoke appears from the neck. Yes, this is not an easy task and most often depends on the way the champagne is stored.

Nowadays, not a single loud holiday is complete without champagne. There are hundreds of brands and names, different tastes and aromas, different prices. There are also fakes, without which not a single popular product can do, therefore it is very important to be able to choose the right champagne.

Real champagne from France will cost quite a lot of money, but it will amaze you with its quality.

Bottles of real French champagne usually bear a footnote that they were produced directly in France, in the Champagne region.

But if you don't want to shell out a tidy sum for a bottle of sparkling wine, and it would be nice to treat yourself to a delicious aromatic drink, then you can choose something from the cheaper options. But in order not to be deceived, read the label carefully. It should read: "Méthode classique" or "méthode traditionnel"... This champagne was produced using the same technology as the expensive one.

There are a few things to know about champagne:

    At any holiday that takes place in the house, the owner of this house must pour champagne for the guests himself, without passing it from hand to hand. This is considered bad form.

    Dry champagne should be poured exclusively into thin glasses, and sweet semi-dry - into wider glasses.

    Do not fill the glass to the very top. The drink should take up a little more than half the glass.

    A typical bottle of sparkling wine is often enough for eight servings.

    The quieter you open the bottle, the better.

    Hold champagne glasses by the stem only. In no case do not hold on to the bowl, as the drink can heat up by hand and lose all its charm and taste.

    If you do not want the sparkling wine to foam a lot when pouring it into a glass, then try throwing a piece of ice there, chatting it a little there, and only after that pour champagne.

    It is customary to eat champagne with seafood, desserts, fruits or meat.

Now let's look at the ways in which you can open a bottle of champagne at home as quietly and safely as possible.

How to open correctly?

To open the champagne correctly and not to splatter all guests, before serving you need to cool the bottle... To do this, you need to put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a couple of hours. You can also use a special bucket, into which ice is poured and a bottle is immersed. Putting the bottle in the freezer is completely undesirable, as this can cause the drink to lose its taste.

After you have chilled the bottle and brought it in a warm place, condensation will appear. You will need to wipe it off completely and then wrap the bottle with a napkin, covering the label. This is done so that the bottle does not accidentally slip out of the hand. When doing this, try not to shake the champagne, as this will prevent you from quietly opening it.

Start opening by removing the wrapper and wire. Now you are one on one with the cork. Hold it with your thumb and tilt the bottle so that it is not directed at people, glass or burning candles.Now start rolling the bottle, not the cork, by pulling it down slightly. You can try wrapping the cork in a towel to make sure it doesn't pop out, then you can go a little bolder.

Continue rotating the bottle until you open the cap. When you open the bottle, start slowly pouring the champagne into the glasses so that it does not form a high foam. And after that you can enjoy the great taste of sparkling wine. This way of opening a bottle at home is very simple, even girls can handle it.

By the way, open champagne can be stored for no more than two days in a cool place, but it will still lose most of its taste.

What to do if the plug is broken?

Another popular question: "How to open champagne if the cork is broken?" There are only three ways you can do this:

    open in hussar style;

    using a self-tapping screw;

    pull out the cork piece by piece.

How to open champagne if the cork is broken, in Hussar style, we will tell you a little later, but now let's look at other ways.

If the cork is plastic, then shake the bottle well so that the cork is knocked out under the pressure of air. Well, if the cork is wooden, then you have to tinker a little with it. Opening champagne with a self-tapping screw is the best option. For this it is necessary to carefully screw the self-tapping screw into the rest of the cork, then arm yourself with pliers and sharply pull the cork out of the bottle. In this case, the self-tapping screw should be chosen longer, and the bottle should be held tighter.

If this option did not help you to open champagne, then you will have to sweat. Arm yourself with thin pliers and start pulling out the broken cork piece by piece. You may need to strain the champagne through a strainer, as crumbs of cork will remain in the drink.

Opening a saber in a hussar style

Opening champagne with a saber in a hussar style is also possible if the cork is broken. Only for this you will need at least a saber, as well as a little physical strength and dexterity. In our article, we will describe in detail how to open Hussar-style champagne using a saber.

    A bottle of champagne should be held in your left hand if you are right-handed and in your right if you are left-handed. The drink must be chilled and the bottle must not be wet. Hold it by the bottom, tilting forty-five degrees.

    Be sure to keep an eye on where the champagne cork is pointing. In no case should you keep it pointed towards guests or fragile objects.

    Find a good hussar saber, and in the absence of one you can arm yourself with an ordinary kitchen knife.

    Now you should carefully examine the bottle to find the side seams. It is at them that you need to aim.

    Turn the knife with the blade up, with a blunt end hit sharply in the place just below the cork.

Most likely, you will not be able to open champagne at home in Hussar style the first time. Surely, there will be a large number of fragments, splashes and disgruntled exclamations around, but if you practice a little, then one day you will definitely be able to open a bottle of champagne in hussar style.

Remember how in films about hussars the latter opened bottles of champagne with a saber or made whole foam fountains?

If with - "Soviet" - such an operation can be done even today, then high-quality French sparkling wines are too tasty a drink to lose even a drop.

By the way, not only a professional waiter or bartender can open champagne correctly - even fragile girls can do this. Agree, the ability to "open" a bottle without a stream of foam is useful at a bachelorette party. What secrets do you need to know?

First of all, remember that according to the rules of table etiquette, this alcohol must be opened without sound special effects: the desired sound is a slight hiss that comes from the neck.

The French argue that quality (and properly opened!) Sparkling wine should whisper, not scream. And even more so - guests in whom you hit a cork or poured a drink should not shout.

  • Before a feast or a romantic evening, do not be lazy chill the bottle... This is best done in the refrigerator - place the drink on the middle shelf. A cooler is also suitable - this is the name of a bucket for cooling wine. But it is better not to put alcohol in the freezer - this will negatively affect its taste and "effervescence". This can be done only in one case - if you want to know, at what temperature freezes champagne.
  • The drink cooled down to 6-8 degrees can be opened. For this, the bottle is advised wrap with towel(so it won't slip out of hand) and tilt 40-45 degrees. This makes it easier to control the movement of the plug when the gas bubbles "push" it.
  • The next step is to remove the foil. It is enough to pull on the special "tongue" on the side, and it can be removed very easily. After that, the muzlet, the wire that holds the plug in place, is loosened. It is wrapped six turns. The muzlet is spun, but left on the cork, holding it with the thumb.
  • Further the cork is firmly fixed with the palm, and the bottle is slightly rotated around its axis. You can do the opposite - hold the container and turn the cork, but in this case it is more difficult to avoid the shot.
  • Gradually removing the cork, achieve a light "sigh" of the drink, after which it can be poured into glasses.
  • The rules of etiquette prescribe fill glasses no more than two-thirds, and do it not immediately, but in two passes.

How to open champagne without a shot

If you are going to enjoy an elite type of alcohol, for example, cuvée, opening it with a shot and other special effects is a real crime. It is more correct to use the already described classical method. A few tricks will help simplify the process.

  • To speed up the cooling of the wine, place it in champagne bucket filled with a mixture of cold water and ice . Add a tablespoon of salt to the water and the alcohol will reach the desired temperature in just half an hour.
  • Experts advise to abandon special wine coolers- although it is easier to achieve the required temperature in them, condensation forms faster on the glass surface of the container.
  • Before opening, check the “shelf life” of the drink: if it has expired, the bewitching action will not work, and the taste will not be the same.
  • To protect yourself from trouble you can wrap with a towel not only the bottle itself, but also the neck with a cork... Make a kind of "pocket" at the neck out of a towel or tissue napkin - leave a gap in the fabric. This will make it easier to control the process.
  • Carry the drink from refrigerator to table very careful... Shaking or shaking will make it impossible to open the champagne without firing a shot.
  • It can be easier for the fair sex not to tilt the drink, but to hold it vertically. Best opened on a table or other hard surface. But for men, you can tilt the wine, resting the bottom of the bottle on the side, stomach or palm of the hand.
  • You should not direct the neck towards people, table, fragile objects or utensils. It is better to turn it away - even if the situation gets out of control, it will not be dangerous for guests or valuables.
  • You can control the exit of the plug with your fingers- do not relax them until the drink is open.
  • If gas pressure is rapidly increasing, to the neck you can apply chilled in advance a tablespoon... It will reduce the pressure - when the gas is cooled, it narrows.
  • When pouring wine, the thumb can be placed in the groove on the bottom - this makes the procedure more convenient.

How to open champagne if the cork won't come out

Sometimes the classical method does not work. This could be due to overcooling of the wine, its not too high quality, or an expiration date. Another reason is cooling in the freezer.

If you know — how to identify real champagne — and have checked its shelf life and chilled it correctly, there are a few secrets to discovering sparkling wine.

  • Run a hot tap on the neck. Usually three to four minutes are enough for the carbon dioxide to move to the “exit”.
  • You can shake up the wine - under the pressure of gas, the bottle will "open" on its own. This method is only suitable if the champagne is corked with plastic.

How to open champagne if the cork is broken in half

Such a nuisance most often happens with cork stoppers, but a break in the plastic "lid" is also possible. The first piece of advice on how to open a bottle of champagne if the cork is broken concerns crusty products. The usual wine corkscrew comes to the rescue, which is very carefully screwed into the cork.

From time to time, it is worth applying a chilled spoon: the gas pressure in champagne can reach several atmospheres, and screwing in the corkscrew further increases it, so the glass may not withstand. Be sure to wrap the wine in a towel and fix it firmly in the palm of your hand. Advance the spin slowly and very carefully.

Did you know? There are also special devices that will make it easier to open the champagne. These are special corkscrew models, similar to pliers. They can remove not only the cork, but also the plastic stopper. There are also corkscrews that “pull in” the crusts or plastic - this is a convenient option for girls, which is suitable even when the integrity of the package is broken, and the first attempt to open it failed.

As for the plastic "cap", if it is broken and there are no special tools at hand, there are only two options: carefully pick out the "blockage" or try to pull it out with thin pliers.

There is another way to open champagne without a corkscrew, which is called hussar. It is best to use a saber or a dagger for him, but if such a weapon is not at hand, a massive knife will do. Moreover, with a certain skill, you can even replace piercing-cutting objects with a spoon.

  • Chill the drink in the refrigerator, then wrap the bottle with a towel, tilt it at an angle of 45 degrees to a horizontal surface and fix it tightly in your hand.
  • Remove the foil and gently unwind the muselé holding the ring. Remove the wire.
  • Try on the impact site - carefully examine the glass surface of the bottle, find two seams on it. Beat with a knife or saber along one of them.
  • With the back of a knife or saber, hit the lip - a ledge on the neck. The blow should be strong enough - if the bottle does not open the first time, the pressure inside will increase significantly, and the wine may splash or "fly out" with splashes upon repeated impact.

This technology requires training and skill: if the glass cracks, fragments can fall into the glass. You can “rehearse” with inexpensive sparkling wine, or try making — champagne at home — by practicing with it.

There are many ways to open a bottle of sparkling wine produced in the Champagne province, but this noble alcohol requires respect. In order not to lose a drop of a fragrant drink, it is worth learning the basic rules that are described above.

Champagne has long been included in our life as an attribute of a holiday, fun, celebration. But all this can easily be spoiled by the inability to open a bottle of champagne.

And it's not a shame when girls at a bachelorette party look at each other with a mute question: "Well, who will open it for us," and then endlessly torment the poor cork - after all, according to etiquette, ladies are not supposed to open this drink.

But when it comes to men, and even in a romantic or super-solemn setting, like an intimate date in evening dresses or at a boss's birthday party, you don't want to hit your face in the dirt and pour a sparkling drink on your friend's new dress or break it with a cork the boss's wife's favorite chandelier. But can it be so? Yes, if you have no idea how to open champagne.

Therefore, you have to train. And before you start doing this, you should learn how to open champagne without noise, without a shot, quietly and peacefully. In general, so that the bottle of champagne is not like a volcano erupting lava. And if someone thinks that a shot of a traffic jam is cool, we say right away - no, it's not cool. And not fun. And not according to etiquette.

And to open the champagne beautifully and effectively - that's what you need ...

  1. Chill the bottle to 6-8 ° C by placing it in the refrigerator or a special ice bucket for two hours. This is to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is formed upon opening. But in any case, do not stuff the bottle into the freezer - this will thoroughly ruin its taste. As a little extra tip - make sure the drink is not past its expiration date!
  2. Prepare a clean small towel or napkin in advance, as the bottle, being warm after cooling, becomes covered with evaporation (condensation) and can slip out of your hands. Wrap the drink with a napkin, covering the entire label. Do this carefully, without shaking, otherwise the cork will still fly out of the bottle like a bullet.
  3. When opening, start with the foil and wire holding the plug. After removing them, tilt the bottle 40-45 ° and place the bottom on the table, for example. Direct the neck to a safe place, well, at least against the wall, just not towards the chandelier, family porcelain or lady of the heart. And then you never know what ...

Now you are ready for the most important thing - firmly squeeze the cork and start rotating the bottle (not the cork!). Don't be a dilettante - avoid splashing champagne and loud pops when removing the cork. Slow and finger-controlled extraction will only prolong the anticipation. Take your time to relax your fingers, holding the plug every millimeter of its advance.

If you feel that the gas pressure will now take out the plug, there is one interesting way to fix the situation. To do this, you will need to cool a regular spoon in advance when cooling the drink. So, if this very chilled spoon is applied to the neck of the bottle, then the level of gas pressure will immediately drop, and you can safely continue opening.

  1. After opening the bottle, continue - fill the glasses of your guests or your lady in the same leisurely, mesmerizing rhythm. So you will not only observe all the rules of etiquette, but also turn the process of opening and drinking champagne into a kind of ritual. By the way, according to the rules, champagne must be poured in two stages and filled no more than 2/3 of the glass.

The ability to open champagne with a light cotton (no splashes!) Will delight guests, for example, at a wedding or anniversary. But it will take even more skill from you than opening without cotton. Indeed, in this case, you will need to neglect one of the main rules and shake the bottle slightly. In this case, the increasing pressure will forcefully push the plug out of the neck, and your task is to first hold it, and then deftly remove it without spilling liquid.

If you have already become a pro in the discovery of sparkling wines, and the guests want not a traditional unhurried ceremony, but fun and "drive", then practice opening a bottle in a slightly shocking but exciting way - with a knife.

  1. As in the classic version, you will need to chill the champagne. In addition, get rid of the foil and unwind the wire (but do not remove it), completely eliminating its retention of the plug. Leaving the foil and untwisted wire is possible only in case of absolute self-confidence, that is, in the complete success of the "operation".
  2. Choose the right knife. It should be quite large, wide, and sharp enough.
  3. Tilt the champagne 40-45 °, turning its neck away from people and valuables - neither you nor we need injuries and losses.
  4. Now select one of the seams on the bottle, along which the opening will take place. Take the knife with the point towards you and the blunt end towards the neck. Pass them several times along the selected seam, visually select the place for the blow, and aiming, strike a sharp and strong blow at this place. But don't hit directly perpendicular to the throat. The impact should be slightly gliding, like planing. If it didn't work the first time, hit it again and the neck will probably bounce off. Make sure that some of the liquid spills out - it will wash off the smallest particles of glass from the "cut". Although this should happen by itself.

In general, there are practically no fragments when opening with a knife. But if you are worried about microscopic glass particles, then after filling the glass with champagne, wait a few seconds, and even if something happens to be in the glass, everything will settle to the bottom. After draining the glass, leave a sip or two at the bottom, and you will protect yourself from eating the glass.

This method of opening is called "hussar" and it certainly looks impressive. Initially, to open champagne using the hussar method, it was meant to take not a knife, but a saber. But since sabers are now tense, they were replaced by a kitchen knife.

But even if you prefer the classic way of opening, we recommend that you still practice in the "hussar". He can come to the rescue in case the plug is broken. Of course, in the case of a broken plug, a corkscrew, fork, etc. can also help you. But you can do without a corkscrew. Moreover, the hussar method is still more aesthetic, besides, a cork accidentally flying out under the influence of a corkscrew will not injure you, and your lady and guests will not have to watch your picking in the bottleneck and take out pieces of the cork from the glass.

Having opened 2-3 bottles of champagne, you may not yet become a "pro", but after the 10th experience it will take its toll and things will get off the ground.

Champagne is traditionally an important attribute of the festive table. It has an unsurpassed taste, aroma and millions of bubbles sparkling merrily in a beautiful glass. The grand opening of the bottle marks the start of the holiday, reminiscent of a cannon salvo, after which the real fun begins. However, the very process of removing the cork sometimes causes a slight panic among people who do not know how to do it correctly. Unskillful opening of the bottle can lead to dire consequences. In this case, half of the contents of the container, accidentally spilled on the floor, will be the most insignificant of them. Everyone can learn how to beautifully open a bottle of champagne, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Nuances that make sparkling wines easy to open

A loud shot with a cork flying out of a champagne bottle is not at all a sign of good form. According to the existing rules, it is the quiet cotton that testifies to the high quality of the drink and the ability to present it. For this procedure to be successful, it is necessary to ensure that the bottle of sparkling wine is prepared before serving. Observing the existing rules, even a beginner can open the wine.

Proper cooling

Before serving, a bottle of champagne must be cooled to an optimal temperature of no more than 4–8º C. For this purpose, you can use a special bucket - a cooler, pre-filled with ice water. This cooling method will allow you to achieve the required temperature within 30-40 minutes. Cooling the bottle with ice alone will take much longer.

In order not to force guests to wait too long for champagne, consider the cooling time in advance.

An ice cooler will cool the sparkling drink in 30-40 minutes

Tip: If you want to shorten the cooling time, add a few tablespoons of salt to the cooler in addition to ice.

Cooling champagne in the refrigerator can be just as successful. However, you should not put the bottle in the freezer. As a result of gradual cooling, the drink will reach the desired temperature after 6 hours.

Champagne is completely cooled in the refrigerator after 6 hours

If you do not have ice and a refrigerator at hand, you can cool the drink with cold running water. However, this method will not provide complete cooling, but will completely bring the temperature down to 10 ° C.

Plastic stopper

The technical conditions for the production of sparkling wines presuppose the use of exclusively cork stoppers. If it is made of plastic, then you are holding an inauthentic champagne wine. Such drinks are distinguished by the presence of a large amount of carbon dioxide, which contributes to strong foaming.

The plastic stopper is not used to seal genuine champagne

To safely open the bottle, it is necessary to smoothly unscrew the cork. Usually, its extraction does not require much effort, since it moves due to the gas pressure. Your task is only to ensure control over the position of the vessel. At the moment when the cork leaves the neck completely, the bottle should be tilted slightly to ensure that carbon dioxide slowly escapes to the outside.

Regardless of the type of cork, the bottle of sparkling wine is stored only in a horizontal position.

Wood cork

Wines that undergo natural champagnization are traditionally sealed exclusively with wooden corks. These drinks do not create high pressure inside the bottle, making the uncorking process easier without the need for cotton.

The cork is more than just a stopper. Essentially, it is the filter through which wine breathes in order to live and develop.

After unscrewing the wire, it is necessary to ensure the fixation of the cork with your left hand, while simultaneously holding the bottle by the bottom and turning with your right hand. When the cork is almost out of the bottle, you need to reduce the speed of its advance. This will avoid a shot.

Until a certain point, bottles of champagne exploded quite often in wine cellars. This was the reason for the invention of the muselé (wire mesh) in 1844.

The corkscrew is usually not used when opening champagne. However, there are cases in which the cork can break, which will significantly complicate further manipulations. It is in such a situation that a special corkscrew for champagne bottles can come to the rescue.

This unusual corkscrew has a convenient mechanism that allows you to easily open champagne bottles

In addition, you should never shake the bottle before opening the champagne. This is permissible only if you wish to redeem yourself and the wine splashes present in the fountain.

The tradition of pouring champagne on the winners was introduced by Dan Gurney in 1967, who won the 24 Hours of Le Mans marathon

Ways to properly open a champagne bottle

According to professional sommeliers, champagne should not “clap”. Its correct opening is accompanied by "whispering" caused by the process of gas evolution. Uncorking a bottle with a loud pop is certainly a very effective option, however, in the highest circles it is completely unacceptable.

Opening a bottle without cotton - step by step instructions with a photo

How to open champagne without cotton - video

Safe and neat bottle opening option for girls

Even girls can cope with opening a bottle of champagne, following fairly simple rules.

Any girl can master the technique of opening a bottle of champagne

  1. Put the chilled bottle on the table, first wrapping it with a napkin and holding it below the neck.
  2. Then, after covering the cork with a towel, begin to slowly unscrew it.
  3. As soon as the plug completely comes out of the neck, hold it a little longer, finally releasing the excess gas. This will prevent the possibility of pops and also allow you to safely open the bottle without too much effort. This method is the simplest, most reliable and safest.

Video tutorial - how to open champagne for a girl

Opening a bottle with cotton

To open a bottle of champagne with soft cotton, you must:

  1. Cool the drink to a temperature of 6–8º C;
  2. Tilt the vessel at an angle of 45º C. Remove the muselle and foil, clamp the cork with one hand and start rotating the bottle with the other;
  3. As soon as the cork starts to move towards the exit on its own, you need to gently tilt the bottle, which will release the gas. Open the container with a pleasant cotton.

Video tutorial - open champagne with cotton

Opening a bottle with a cork shot

If you want to make a lasting impression on your guests with a spectacular cork shot, you need to break some of the tips described above. However, this option of uncorking presupposes compliance with safety rules, since a plug flying out under pressure can injure people nearby, as well as cause damage to property.

  1. To prevent such situations, do not direct the neck of the bottle at people, as well as at easily breakable objects, including household appliances. In addition, at the moment of opening, there is a possibility that some of the drink will spill on the floor. Consider these factors in advance.
  2. For the "theatrical" opening of a bottle with cotton, you need to shake it slightly, then remove the wrapper and muzlet. Let the plug pop out of the neck on its own, not holding it too tightly. The accumulated gases trying to escape quickly will provide the desired cotton.
  3. After such an opening, it is advisable to instantly pour the contents of the bottle into glasses.

Opening the bottle with the cork off produces a mesmerizing effect

Another method for uncorking a bottle of champagne with cotton requires a minimum of action on the part of the sommelier. However, in this case, the ceiling of the room may suffer, since the cork is not held by anyone.

  1. To do this, you need to put slightly chilled bottles of champagne on the table, having previously freed them from foil and muzle.
  2. Wait a while. Gradually heating containers will shoot with corks on their own, while not a single drop of the drink will spill onto the surface of the countertop.

How to open champagne with a glass - video

If the plug is broken

Sometimes there are unforeseen situations in which the plug, being in the neck, can break. There are several ways to open a bottle of champagne:

  • in hussar;
  • using a corkscrew;
  • using a self-tapping screw;
  • using a knife;
  • using a thin blunt object;
  • removing the cork piece by piece.

Opening the bottle with a corkscrew

If the broken cork is made of plastic, it will be enough to shake the bottle and it will fly out by itself under the pressure of air. A corkscrew equipped with a fine spiral with a sharp end is perfect for cork stoppers. A thick coil will only complicate the extraction process. A stationary spin is no less effective in this case. However, it is not cheap, so its purchase is advisable only on condition of constant use.

If you decide to remove the broken cork from the champagne bottle using a regular corkscrew, pull it up very carefully and slowly. With a sudden movement, an explosion can be heard that can break the very neck of the bottle. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to make a hole in the plug, allowing some of the accumulated gas to be released.

We use a self-tapping screw

If you can't open the bottle with a corkscrew, a long self-tapping screw can be a great alternative. Then, armed with pliers, you need to slowly pull the self-tapping screw up, gradually releasing the gases accumulated in the bottle.

Step-by-step removal of a broken plug using a self-tapping screw

How to open champagne with a knife

First, you need to cut off the remnants of the top of the cork and push it a little inside the bottle. Then hit the bottom of the vessel with your palm so that the cork pops out on its own.

When opening a bottle with a knife, you need to take into account that at the moment of impact, part of the drink will spill out and can stain you and people standing next to you.

Use a knife to remove the broken cork with extreme caution.

Remove the cork with thin pliers

If none of the above options provide the desired results, you can remove the cork using fine pliers. This option will take a lot of time. When pouring champagne into glasses, you may need to use a strainer. This will prevent pieces of cork from getting into the glasses.

Opening champagne with a blunt object

A hole must be made in the broken plug to release excess carbon dioxide. This will reduce the internal pressure in the bottle. Then the remnants of the cork are pressed inward using any thin and blunt object at hand.

When using a thin, blunt object to open a bottle of champagne, you may need to strain the drink through a strainer that can trap pieces of cork in the container.

Squeezing a broken cork with a marker

Opening in hussar style

This option for opening a bottle of champagne is used not only in the case of a broken cork. The sabrage technique is widely used in many ceremonies and requires a certain amount of experience from the sommelier. You can master it at home, however, this option is very dangerous for beginners. The name of the method comes from the English word "saber", which means "saber" in Russian.

Opening a bottle of champagne using the sabrage method is widely used in many ceremonies.

With this opening of the bottle, cutting movements are not performed; the success of the operation depends on the accuracy and force of the impact.

When performing such a trick, you need to make sure that the severed neck does not fly at any of the people. Moreover, the saber itself is a very dangerous item, capable of causing harm if mishandled. After completing the opening of the bottle, do not touch its neck, in order to avoid getting cuts by its sharp edges.

Before tasting champagne opened using the sabrage method, it is advisable to make sure that no shards of glass get into your glass.

Video on how to open champagne in hussar style

Once, at a meeting of the Restaurant Forum, they held a master class “How to easily open champagne”. Then I did not dare to try, but carefully memorized the instructions. After a couple of years, knowledge came in handy. Remove the foil. We put chilled champagne on the thigh (well, like children are carried on the thigh) at an angle of 45 degrees. Slowly turn the bottle (holding it on the hip) clockwise a full circle until the "tail" of the wire appears in front of you. Don't ignore this moment! With this movement, you calm the bubbles. Unscrew the wire, remove it. Slowly pull out the cork. Can be twisted in both directions. There will be cotton and smoke. But the champagne won't pour out.

Purely feminine way: remove the foil, then if (plastic cork) DO NOT REMOVE THE WIRE, cut off the top of the cork with a sharp knife. Everyone's eyes are intact, nothing is spilled. Checked repeatedly.

a guest

The skills that allow you to properly and beautifully uncork champagne will be useful to anyone who knows a lot about the taste of this exquisite drink. Correct opening of the bottle will decorate the festive celebration and raise your authority in the eyes of those present.