How honey cream is made. Wonderful properties of honey cream: does not stain your hands and does not flow from the sandwich

30.10.2019 Fish dishes

From any natural honey, if it has not had time to be sugared, you can make a food cream that looks like cream. This product will be stored for a long time, but it loses some of its useful properties. Let's consider why exactly.

Regardless of the variety, natural bee honey must be sugared. But sugar can be evenly or divided into fractions. In the second case, as everyone knows, the shelf life is noticeably reduced. And here in Canada they came up with a know-how: it is necessary to carry out crystallization artificially, and so that the crystals are evenly distributed. The result is a product called cream honey. How to make honey cream yourself is described in detail below.

Shelf life, taste and color

It is known that a creamy product should be stored in the same way as any marketable or "mature" honey - at a temperature of 6-20 degrees in a tightly sealed container. The storage period will be 1 year.

Refrigerated storage method

In taste and appearance, the product from the creamer differs little from candied honey. It all depends on the original variety:

  1. Varietal honey from yellow acacia - liquid, light amber, transparent.
  2. After crystallization, the product of this type becomes white and opaque. The healing properties do not deteriorate.
  3. Almost the same white honey as in case 2, we get after beating, but the consistency will be similar to cream.

Often whipped honey is sold in stores, but they cannot explain what it is. In fact, we are talking about a product, the crystallization of which was carried out artificially - the whipping procedure does not affect the healing and taste properties.

Seeing white honey, we can make two assumptions: we see a mixture prepared with royal jelly, or a product that has been whipped. And we can also talk about certain varieties: raspberry, sweet clover, rapeseed, etc.

In the USA, only rapeseed honey is used for the preparation of the cream. It belongs to the low grade and is candied within a month. Our business is arranged differently - even elite varieties are used. And now cream honey with lime scent can be bought only in Russia. But any dark variety, such as buckwheat or chestnut, is not suitable for making a cream ...

A simple experiment with creaming

What happens if you buy light honey and make a cream with a mixer? The result is shown in the photo.

We did not manage to prepare anything acceptable: crystals of sugar and glucose appeared, which are noticeable "by eye". Serious production is arranged differently: to prepare cream of honey, the product must be kept at T = 14 C.

Manufacturing technology

Rapeseed honey becomes too thick after sugaring. In addition, it can delaminate. Therefore, a new technology was invented for him, which allows the product to be stored longer.

Remote control, motor and gearbox

The equipment for honey creaming was developed for the rapeseed variety. And if you are planning to start your own business, you should be aware of this.

Three different methods

So, we need to bring the honey to the state of sugaring. If the product has already been candied, creaming is pointless. Also, the process does not go with liquid varieties - acacia and clover.

Now let's try to figure out how a honey product is made in a creamer. It turns out that her program of work is copyrighted ...

Here is what is known about the operation algorithm: the screw rotates at a low speed, from 15 to 35 rpm, and the rotation periods alternate with pauses.

Trying to find a replacement

Manufacturers do not disclose other information. And this means that if you buy licensed equipment, you can make cream honey, but the recipe will still remain a secret. The copyright even extends to the shape of the paddles.

If "Method 2" is used, the second ingredient should be of the highest quality - uniform and free of large crystals.

Two stages, final and preliminary

After whipping, the product becomes lighter than the starting material. Next comes the packaging process.

Soufflé with pine nuts

But in Europe, many entrepreneurs build their business on the fact that pure cream honey is not interesting to the buyer. Fillers are added to the finished product: pine nuts, berries, etc.

The whipping method was patented in 1935. The patent number is 1987893. It was believed that "method 2" was used in the preparation of the cream. And the raw material, according to the author of the patent, must be pasteurized.

Pasteurizers 1000 l

The medical term "pasteurization" means the following: the product is kept for 1 hour at T = 60 C. It is known that some of the beneficial properties are lost during pasteurization.

60 degrees is a pretty gentle mode. But if we were going to knock down cream from milk, then the raw material would have to be heated up to 80 C!

Explained in detail

What is creaming? This is a process in which the sugar curing takes place in 3-6 hours. During creaming, large crystals are not formed, and in addition, the product crystallizes evenly. The crystallization period of natural honey is the time from distillation to sugaring. For rapeseed varieties, it is equal to a month, for elite varieties - a year.

Viscosity of finished cream honey

It can be concluded that the cream is made so that the product is stored longer: if it is unevenly sugared, it will definitely deteriorate in the future.

A self-made cremovalka will be deprived of the main advantage of the technology: when mixing, it is necessary to pause at a certain time. All these subtleties are known to the author of the patent as well as to the manufacturers of industrial equipment. By the way, if the raw materials are pasteurized, we will get a very high-quality cream honey, but it is difficult to pasteurize at home.

Many firms do business in the production of equipment, and only a few of them produce creaming machines. The names of these firms: Bi-Prom (RF), Plasma (RF), Lyson (Poland), etc.

Attachments: from 800,000 rubles

Payback: from 10 months

The technology for the production of cream honey dates back to 1928, when Canadian beekeepers prepared the delicacy for the first time. Even then, he received widespread recognition. Modern consumers from most countries also prefer this particular product, because they do not really like the candied original. A business in this area can be a successful and profitable investment.

Business concept

In the process of making cream honey, natural honey is whipped, acquiring the consistency of an airy, delicate soufflé with an unusual pronounced taste.

In appearance, the finished product is similar to mayonnaise, regular cream or the usual "condensed milk". Moreover, after processing, the mixture retains its taste and useful properties for a long time.

The idea of ​​the business is to open an enterprise related to the production and sale of cream honey. The main buyers of finished products will be supermarkets and grocery stores.

What is required for implementation?

First of all, it is necessary to study all the information about production, thoroughly understand the GOSTs, technical conditions, existing standards that affect the manufacture of food. Only after that you can move on to solving other problems related to finding premises, purchasing equipment and raw materials, recruiting personnel and advertising.

In addition to the standard certificate of an individual entrepreneur, which will cost about 1,000 rubles, you will need to collect other documents:

  • Rospotrebnadzor's conclusion that the premises comply with sanitary standards;
  • quality certificate for the manufactured product;
  • permission to carry out this type of activity. It is also issued by Rospotrebnadzor.

As for the premises, its area must be at least 200 m². Of them:

  • main production hall - 50 m²;
  • workshop for the preparation of containers and raw materials - 50 m²;
  • warehouses for storing raw materials, containers, finished products - 50 m²;
  • bathroom, changing room, shower room - 30 m²;
  • technical rooms - 20 m².

It will be cheaper to find a supplier of raw materials than to independently breed bees. Before selling its product, any manufacturer must send it for inspection, receive a special opinion on compliance with safety requirements.

You need to decide in advance which honey the cream will be made from. The price for 1 kg depends on its type: linden - 900 rubles, acacia - 750 rubles, sweet clover - 650 rubles, flower - 550 rubles; forbs - 650 rubles, buckwheat - 550 rubles.

Cream production is a slow process. First, fresh honey is poured into a special container, where it is stored for ten days at a temperature of + 14 ° C. The temperature is then raised to 28 ° C to soften the product.

After the raw material reaches a certain softness, they begin mixing in a special barrel. Again, maintaining the correct temperature is important. If all the conditions are met, a finished product is obtained in which all the useful properties are preserved. Therefore, in order to avoid interruptions in the production process, you must always buy raw materials in stock.

To purchase a batch of honey at the initial stage of production, approximately 300,000 rubles will be required. If you plan to add berries to the cream, then add about 30,000 rubles to the cost of purchasing raw materials.

From the equipment you need to purchase:

  • a special creaming machine... The unit for 150 liters will cost about 63,000 rubles. You can buy a device with a volume of up to 200 liters, which will cost about 95,000 rubles. But here you need to start from the scale of production and the number of workers;
  • honey creaming drill- 2,000 rubles;
  • filling line. If you are sure that your workers will be able to manually pack the finished product, stick labels on the container, you can refuse to buy a filling line. The cheapest metering pump will cost about 135,000 rubles.

You will also need to order a container (10,000 rubles), labels for jars - at least 50 rubles per item. The total cost of the labels will be 100,000 rubles.

Thus, about 640,000 rubles will have to be spent on equipment and raw materials. All this is necessary to release the first batch of goods (2,000 cans) with a volume of 250 grams.

With full automation of the production process, it is enough to hire 3 people who will control the mixing, carry out filling on equipment, and pack the finished product. You will also need a cleaning lady. The manager can deal with accounting and advertising.

If you want to sell goods in large quantities, pay due attention to advertising. The best sources are your own website and a group on social networks.

Other ways to attract customers can be flyers, business cards, product presentations with free tasting and discounts for 2, 3, etc. bought a jar of honey.

Step-by-step startup instructions

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneurs.
  2. Premises for rent.
  3. Purchase of raw materials and equipment.
  4. Hiring staff.
  5. Advertising, search for clients.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

Monthly expenses

For the production of 2,000 jars of cream honey each month, operating costs will be:

How much can you earn?

A 250 gram jar of honey will cost about 350-400 rubles. The workshop can produce up to 2,000 such jars per month. Accordingly, the proceeds from the sale of the finished product will amount to approximately 800,000 rubles. Thus, the net profit will be 97,000 rubles.

Payback period

It will take 8-10 months to recoup the investment.

Business risks and cons

The advantage of this business is that the niche is not fully developed by competitors. Therefore, a small village has all the conditions to become a monopolist.

The most important thing to pay attention to is the quality of the raw materials. Product safety is a guarantee of the company's success.

In terms of seasonality, the main problem is finding fresh berries. In our country, due to climatic conditions, year-round harvesting is not possible, so you will either have to buy berries from abroad, or look for other alternative ways to solve the problem. For example, make cream honey with ginger, coconut or sesame urbech.


If you have enough money, you can try to open a cream honey workshop. The investment will pay off in less than one year, and then it is worth the risk of expanding the scale. For example, to produce caramelized honey.

An unusual cream found fans in the last century. It is worth figuring out how to whip honey if you prefer to create a menu of healthy and tasty products. How to properly turn ordinary honey into a nutritious and delicious cream will be described in this article.

After learning how to whip honey, you can prepare unusual and healthy desserts

  • Servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 15 minutes

Whipped honey recipe

The main feature of this honey conversion method is the absence of additional ingredients and no cooking. All manipulations are carried out with the purest product. Better if it is a rapeseed variety. You can use one of the recipes:

  1. Honey from the honeycomb is poured into the required container and left there for 10 days. At the same time, the optimum storage temperature of the product is + 14 °. After the expiration of the prescribed period, the storage temperature is increased by 2 times. The softened honey is stirred, achieving a decrease in viscosity due to the destroyed crystals of its structure.
  2. A small amount of the already whipped product is combined with liquid honey, whipping everything for 3-4 hours, maintaining the temperature at + 14 °.

How to whip honey at home? There are several ways to do this in your own kitchen. Use ordinary spoons in a cup or homemade attachments for a drill, dough mixer or mixer. Quite quickly and efficiently, you can cope with the task if you beat the honey in a blender. On average, it takes up to 15 minutes to get the desired result. The main thing is to withstand the necessary temperature requirements.

The result is a cream that is no less nutritious and healthy than the original product. It is attractive because:

  • does not change its aroma, type and properties during the year at a temperature of + 20 °;
  • not subject to fermentation and thickening;
  • easy to spread, does not stain hands and table;
  • useful no less than honey in combs.

In order for a delicacy to meet expectations, it is important to know the technology of whipping honey.

The benefits and harms of whipped honey

Mechanical processing of the product does not affect its beneficial properties. If there are no additives in honey and it has not been exposed to extreme temperatures, it can be argued that the resulting cream honey strengthens the immune system, saturates with vitamins and minerals.

Whipped honey can harm as much as natural honey can.

Some unscrupulous beekeepers make cream honey from cheaper varieties, passing off as the most exotic of them. Therefore, those who manage to get this product on their own are insured against counterfeiting and probably know what gets to their table.

Cream honey was invented in the distant 30s, when American beekeepers first tried to beat the honey mass. Since then, this product can be seen on display counters, and you can also try to make it yourself.

What is the product?

If you beat honey for a long time, then you can achieve its transition from a liquid form to a creamy one. In this form, the sweetness somewhat changes its properties, without losing valuable healing qualities. Due to the presence of a large number of air bubbles that accumulate aroma, the resulting mass has a more pronounced taste and smell.

The thick form makes it possible to spread the sweetness on a piece of bread or roll without any problems. At the same time, the cream adheres well and does not spread over the surface. It is almost impossible for them to get dirty or drip on the table.

Since the product was not subjected to heat treatment during the manufacturing process, and there are no additional ingredients in the composition, all its qualities correspond to the type of honey that served as the basis for the cream.

Whipped honey is not subject to the process. It always remains tender and soft, ready to eat. In a creamy state, the mass retains its properties for one year when observed, similar to ordinary honey.

Benefit and harm

As already mentioned, the cream product has all the valuable qualities of the starting material. Regardless of the type of honey, it is possible to single out the properties common to all of them, which are used in the treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • anti-inflammatory effect,
  • replenishment of the lack of vitamins and minerals,
  • wound healing effect,
  • improved digestion,
  • normalization of hormonal levels,
  • saturation of the body with sugars.

Each grade has its own special properties. For the preparation of whipped honey, they are most often used and - first of all, because of the lower cost price. So, for rapeseed cream honey the following properties are characteristic:

  • normalization of blood lipid profile,
  • removal of toxins and salts of heavy metals from the body,
  • improved metabolism,
  • stimulation of the production of gastric juice and enzymes,
  • mild sedative effect.

It is important to remember that at a young age, the consumption of bee products can provoke an allergic reaction due to the lack of a fully formed immune system.

Since the sugar content and caloric content of cream honey does not change, obesity and, especially in the stage of decompensation, will remain contraindications. The ban also applies to those who have at least once been diagnosed with an allergic reaction of any form to bee products.

Methods for making cream honey

On an industrial scale, the dessert is made using the following technology:

  1. Liquid honey is settled in special containers for 10 days at a temperature of 14 o C. This is necessary to form small crystals, which will ultimately support the correct structure of the product.
  2. The mass is transferred to a room where the temperature is maintained at 26 o C.
  3. The last stage is stirring for a long time at a slow speed of the mixers. When taking care that the temperature does not exceed 28 o C.

If the technology is followed, it will not be necessary to add any substances to the mass to improve the taste. Only unscrupulous manufacturers can add syrup to the product to reduce the cost of raw materials.

From liquid honey

How to make honey cream? At home, to make honey cream, you will need a mixer or a spatula, a thermometer and, in fact, honey.

First of all, in order to get small crystals in the structure of sweetness, the honey should be cooled. To do this, put it in the refrigerator at night. After that, you need to stir the dessert for 1-2 minutes until the mass becomes cloudy and thickened, and then put it back in the refrigerator. The next day, the mixing process is repeated. This is done until a thick creamy honey is formed that can keep its shape.

You can also make a creamy dessert by mixing candied honey with liquid honey. The process consists of the following steps:

  1. A glass of coarse-crystalline honey is added to 2 liters of melted honey (it can be cooled in a water bath), remove the mass in the refrigerator until the temperature reaches 10 o C;
  2. Stir the dessert thoroughly for 1 minute, and then put it back in the refrigerator;
  3. Stir twice a day until the consistency of thick sour cream is reached;
  4. Add another 2 liters of liquid honey to the prepared cage, stir three times for 2 days;
  5. The finished dessert is defended for a day to rid the creamy mass of excess air;
  6. The product is poured into jars, placed in a cool room and waited for crystallization to complete.

From candied honey

Before whipping, you need to dissolve the honey so that there are no large crystals left. For this, it is better to use a water bath. This is less likely to reduce the medicinal value of the product. The honey should be set aside to separate the solid and liquid parts. After that, you can proceed to the stirring process.

The dessert is prepared within 3 days, whipping the mass periodically. After the delicacy acquires a pleasant light color and thick consistency, it can be poured into jars. It should be noted that immediately after preparation, the cream honey still does not have the desired texture. It reaches her in 3-4 days.

Other recipes can be used. The main condition is compliance with the proportions of liquid honey to crystallized honey. They can be 9 to 1 or 5% of the total sweetness of the sugared product.

Royal jelly recipe

To saturate cream honey with additional medicinal qualities, add to it. The technology of preparation differs only in that in the process of mixing the honey, royal jelly is added in an amount of 1% of the total volume of the product. So, for 500 grams of starting material, about 7 grams of milk will be required.

The use of such cream honey is indicated for persons with diseases such as:

  • anemia,
  • depletion of the body,
  • immunodeficiency states,
  • oxygen starvation,
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
  • inflammatory processes,
  • sexual dysfunction,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • renal failure.

Since the dessert is a strong allergen and has a high calorie content, it should be consumed in small portions. One teaspoon a day is sufficient.

How to make cream honey at home? What is he like? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Cream honey is a great alternative to liquid bee products. Its manufacturing technology was developed in 1928 in Canada by I.J.Dyes - professor of beekeeping at the Ontarian Agricultural College. Why was this product created? Because many were uncomfortable to consume dirty clothes and hands.


What is it? Creamy dessert is the most popular in Europe. Recently, people in other states are beginning to trust him. Whipped honey (or cream honey) is produced as a result of whipping (oxygen treatment) of a liquid bee product. Saturated with oxygen, it acquires balanced sweetness, delicate taste and literally melts in your mouth.

However, its healing qualities and aroma remain the same. Such a product with a consistency resembles thick sour cream. It is easy to remove from the dishes and spread on bread - it will not leak and get your hands dirty.

This product differs from ordinary honey in a number of qualities:

  • Cream honey does not need to be melted and heated - it does not thicken for a long time.
  • It retains its delicate texture and creamy consistency throughout the year.
  • Acquiring a different consistency, he manages to preserve all the useful substances that are in ordinary bee honey.

Amazing cream honey. What is it really? This is an ordinary natural honey with an improved structure. As a result of processing, it acquires a form that is comfortable for use, without transforming its natural qualities. Everyone needs to remember this.


So, you already know what cream honey is. How is it done? The technology for its creation is very simple. It is only necessary to stir fresh honey from the honeycomb until the crystallization process begins. After this treatment, the product does not harden, as under typical storage conditions, and large crystals do not appear.

When creating cream honey, only this technology is used, without resorting to the help of improvised means and additives. For the first time, this product was made in Canada using this method: specialists poured honey into huge containers and left it for ten days at a temperature of 14-15 ° C.

After that, he was moved to another room, where the air temperature was 28 degrees. The softened honey was constantly stirred until it matured (crystallized). As a result, a very tasty dessert with a creamy consistency was obtained.

At the same time, its aroma and natural qualities have not changed. The Canadian method of making cream honey has become popular and has survived to this day. It must be remembered that when making a product according to a Canadian recipe, it is important that the temperature regime does not exceed 28 degrees. The production of honey according to the Dyes scheme is still used today. The cream product obtained in this way does not stratify into fractions, does not ferment and does not change its consistency for a very long time.

Quick way

Have you ever eaten cream honey? You already know what it is. There are other ways to create it. Consider a quick recipe. First, transfer the liquid bee product to a bowl, at the bottom of which there is a little cream honey from the previous batch. Beat the "amber dessert" with a stirrer at a temperature of 12-14 ° С without stopping for a couple of hours.

This technique is faster than the Dies scheme - in just three hours, the liquid dessert turns into a creamy, tasty, soft mass. Due to oxygen treatment, its natural qualities do not change.

Simplified way

Many people like cream honey. What is it, some people still ask. We present to your attention a simplified way of preparing it. First, at a temperature of 26-28 ° C, nine parts of liquid honey should be mixed with one part of a crystallized bee product. Mix the components thoroughly, avoiding the formation of air bubbles. Then set the mixture aside for a couple of hours.


So, you already know what the preparation of cream honey is. You yourself must decide how to create it: according to a simplified scheme, a Canadian method, or a quick recipe. In each of the three cases, the product will be covered with fine crystals and will become identical to ghee.

It will turn into your favorite dessert thanks to its delicate aroma, delicate taste and ease of use. Whipped honey is a great treat for toddlers as its benefits do not change after processing. It does not stain clothes, does not run off the sandwich, does not need heating, delighting the lovers of sweets with the optimal consistency (not thick and not liquid).

Creamy honey with raspberries

And how to make cream honey at home with raspberries? This folk recipe is very simple. Anyone can prepare such a medicine for the winter. It is known that in winter the human body is more susceptible to colds, immunity is weakened, and the lack of vitamins makes us easily vulnerable.

So, first you need to carefully grind the raspberries. Next, pour the required amount of honey into a container with high sides. Use a blender or mixer to beat the honey well. Beat at high speed until the product turns white and looks like an airy foam. Add the grated raspberries to this mass, mix well and store.

Such a cream with raspberries should be taken to improve overall well-being when treating stomach ailments, chronic fatigue, atherosclerosis and hypertension. You can use both dried and fresh raspberries.

The benefits and harms of cream honey

You've probably already memorized how to make creamy honey. What happens to the beneficial qualities of honey during mechanical processing? Is this honey harmful or healthy? Some believe that this is a very tasty delicacy that surpasses ordinary honey in properties. Others say that such a product, made by human hands, is falsification and outright forgery.

Can cream honey be harmful? This is possible if it is not made correctly. If everything is done according to the method, use special equipment for whipping, do not mix various additives into the honey and do not heat it, there can be no harm. On the contrary, such a dessert is tasty and healthy, just like ordinary honey.

Creamy honey with royal jelly

So, you already know how to make creamy honey with raspberries. How to cook the same product, but with royal jelly? For the manufacture of this mixture, light varieties of honey are used (dark ones are also possible), to which a small amount of royal jelly is added. As a result of vigorous stirring, a product with a delicate white texture is obtained. It is most often used for medicinal purposes due to its extreme value.

Product with wild berries

There are very different recipes for making cream honey. Various fillers can be added to honey, such as garden and wild berries. There are recipes for making creamy honey with nuts, outstanding goji berries.

To make this amazing dessert, you can use ginseng honey, lime, steppe, cotton honey. If you add forest and garden berries to any bee product, it will become healthier and tastier.

Linden cream honey can contain mashed blueberries or raspberries, both fresh and dried. This honey goes well with goji berries. Goji berries are known to be very healthy and delicious. And if they are added to cream honey, then their properties will be enhanced.

The healing effect of these berries has already been proven: it has earned the highest praise from professionals. They are often brewed in tea. When it cools down, honey is added to it. You can just eat 100 g of goji berries and consume a small amount of honey at the same time. Any scheme of use brings undoubted benefits.

The recipe for making linden cream honey may also include pine nuts. They contain trace elements, amino acids, vitamins that enrich the dessert and make it very nutritious. This composition is used to increase the level of hemoglobin, performance. Honey, which contains goji berries, contributes to weight loss.

Useful qualities

Despite its unusual texture and taste, cream honey has the following beneficial properties:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antibacterial;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunostimulating;
  • calming;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The cream is whipped cold, so the beneficial trace elements are not destroyed. Nuts, wild berries and goji berries only add useful qualities to such a cream. The simplicity of creating cream honey makes it a generally available medicine and a treat for everyone. If you stock up on such a product for the winter, colds will bypass you and your family.

Should you buy?

Why do some beekeepers whip honey instead of allowing it to crystallize naturally? They pursue the following goals:

  • They want to give honey a better consistency and a new taste, master new techniques and introduce innovative ideas in the creation of this product.
  • Marketing move - adjusting the state of honey to consumer needs.

Fans of such a delicacy claim that whipped honey has the best taste and it is difficult to find fault with its quality. Many people like real cream honey. It is known that taking advantage of the demand for a new product, some honey sellers under the guise of a natural product slip a surrogate to gullible buyers, passing off cream honey from inexpensive varieties as a rare and expensive variety.

In this case, it is much easier to do, since when creating it, you can add syrup, fragrances, and various additives. It's easier to hide unripe and overheated honey. How to protect yourself from fakes when choosing whipped honey is a difficult question. Perhaps the most effective way is to purchase cream honey from trusted beekeepers.