What tequila is mixed with. How to drink tequila - all kinds of combinations

17.04.2019 Seafood dishes

Tequila is a traditional Mexican drink made from fermented and distilled agave juice. She has unique flavors thanks to complex process processing. It can be used in many ways that are aimed at getting the most out of the properties of alcohol. All existing techniques are united by one condition - alcohol must be slightly chilled or at least room temperature.

Some people prefer tequila with added caramel. Sweetness is reflected not only in the taste and aroma of alcohol, but also in its appearance: it acquires a delicate golden hue. The resulting mixture is added to cocktails or drunk just like that.

Second way

You can create perfect snack to tequila. Everything to the point is simple: roll a cut-out half-ring of orange in cinnamon and sugar.

Third way

Margarita Is a mega-popular cocktail named after a Texas aristocrat. His classic recipe as follows:

  • mix 1 part lemon juice, the same amount of Cointreau (liqueur with orange flavor) and 3 parts tequila;
  • add a small amount of ice cubes;
  • pour into a glass with a salted rim.

There are other variations, for example, with crushed ice and pineapple or strawberry fillings.

Fourth way

It is called by various names: Mexican ruff, Submarino, fog. For preparation, you will need 330 ml of beer (in the homeland of the cocktail, Corona Extra is used for this purpose) and 33 ml of tequila. The resulting liquid differs in that it gives a quick intoxication.

Fifth way

This option is very funny. Remove the pulp from the sliced ​​lemon half down to the skin. Then flatten the bottom of the resulting cup, and sprinkle the edges with salt. The container should be filled with ice and tequila. This is suitable for meeting guests invited to a celebration: they are presented with alcohol for a sample right at the doorstep.

Sixth way

Lies in preliminary irritation taste buds... That is, before emptying the glass, you need to bite off a piece of small red chili, and then "extinguish" the heat blazing in your mouth.

Seventh way

Rapido (from Spanish - quickly), aka Russian Tequila boom... For him, tequila of any variety is first poured into a glass, and then sweetened soda or tonic is added. After that, they cover everything with a hand with a napkin and sharply hit the bottom on the table. The main thing is not to overdo it and not break the dishes.

The result should be a pronounced foaming of the liquid. Such a drink is swallowed in one gulp. It helps to instantly cheer up, therefore it is popular in nightclubs among young people, in company circles and at long parties.

Eighth way

You can make classic Mexican tequila cocktails. Their recipes have recently come to Europe and are in great demand. One of them is sangrita, a distant analogue of Bloody Mary. It includes one onion, chopped, freshly squeezed juice of three oranges and two lemons, six peeled tomatoes. One teaspoon is added as spices. l. salt, sugar and pepper. All products are placed in a blender along with tequila and mixed well. At the end, add some ice.

Ninth way

It is called banderita (flag) and is directly related to the previous cocktail. You need to drink alternately from three glasses: with lime juice, tequila and sangarita. The name of the technique is symbolic - the combination of colors symbolizes the national Mexican flag.

Tenth way

"Lick, knock, snack" is a traditional combination of actions when using tequila in one gulp. To do this, you need to take a quarter of a lime, a saucer of salt, and a glass of booze. Fragrant green, sour-bitter lime slices are the perfect addition to hot spirits. You can replace them with regular lemon if there is no way to find exotic fruits... The technique is simple:

  • sprinkle a little salt from the back of your hand into the groove near the base of your index and thumb;
  • squeeze some fruit juice there;
  • lick everything;
  • immediately swallow the tequila in one gulp;
  • eat citrus fruits.

This technique can also be supplemented with chilled sangrita (based on orange red, lime juice, hot chili, tomatoes). The procedure is repeated over and over again, the number of visits depends on personal preference. Have this method there are other options: for example, dipping lime in salt, pouring it into the hollow between the fingers from the inside of the palm of your hand, adding pepper there, eating the fruit before taking tequila. Also, sometimes the edges of the glass are sprinkled with salt.

Eleventh way

Its name is. To comply with all the nuances of the recipe, you should fill a special glass with a thick bottom with tequila. Then make a sauce based on lime or lemon juice with a drop of tabasco. When adding the latter, you should be careful, because the components included in acetic acid, salt and red pepper - burning combination... If you overdo it, it will be completely inedible. When everything is prepared, you need to drink alcohol in one gulp, wait a little and move on to the sauce.

Twelfth way

The most popular cocktail based on. It is not difficult to prepare it: you need to take 4 parts orange juice, 1 part silver tequila and a little grenadine syrup in an amount equal to one fifth of the volume of alcohol. The last ingredient gives the liquid a pleasant red color. The resulting drink is somewhat reminiscent of a sunrise, effectively reflected in the water. It is served in a tall glass, with an orange slice and ice cubes.

Tequila is a Mexican vodka with a rich and original taste... To fully enjoy this strong drink, you need to eat and drink it properly. Lemon and salt is just one of many ways to make alcohol taste brighter and richer. Over the centuries, the Mexicans have developed their own tradition of drinking tequila, which can be used at home by all lovers of this strong drink.

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    What determines the choice of snacks?

    Mexico is rightfully considered the birthplace of tequila. According to the traditional old recipe, this liquor is prepared from the juice of blue agave, which passes special process fermentation. Its strength reaches 38-40 degrees. It is generally believed that tequila is a Mexican cactus vodka, but this is a common misconception. Blue agave, the juice of which is used to make tequila, is mistakenly considered a cactus. This plant is a close relative of indoor sansevieria, amaryllis and garden lilies. Its leaves are fleshy and dense, like all succulents, capable of storing moisture for drier periods.

    Now tequila has become a popular drink among Russians. But it is important to know how to drink this exotic drink correctly and with what it can be served to the table. Experts say: the right snack served with tequila will differ depending on the type of alcohol and its amount.

    Types of tequila

    There are several varieties of tequila, differing appearance and taste characteristics.Depending on this, you should also choose a snack for alcohol:

    • Silver (Blanko). Pure clear tequila. It is bottled immediately after the end of distillation. This drink can be taken with a snack and washed down with almost any dish that is suitable for the usual Russian vodka.
    • Gold, gold (Joven). This species has a distinctive golden color. The liquid does not stand in barrels, but is added before bottling sugar syrup, oak aging flavor, caramel color. The warm caramel flavor of this drink is easy to interrupt, so something light with an unobtrusive taste is chosen for a snack.
    • Aged (Reposado). This product must be aged in oak barrels 2-12 months.
    • Super Aged (Anjeo). Elite alcohol- the duration of its exposure reaches 10 years. You can feel the rich taste with the lemon on the edge of the glass.
    • Chocolate. This type of drink has a strength of 35 degrees, however, because of the chocolate flavor, it is much easier and more pleasant to drink. This alcohol can be served fruit cuts... Chocolate tequila is ideal for making cocktails.

    The harakieristics of each type of tequila greatly affect its cost.

    How to eat tequila?

    "Lick, drink, bite" - this is the sequence followed by most people who use this hot drink... Traditionally, tequila is served with lemon and salt, but there are a lot of options for snacks. Dishes do not have to be native Mexican cuisine... In their homeland, Mexicans often drink this drink with chips, bread and hot sauce.

    Thus, snack options can be as follows:

    1. 1. Fruits and citrus fruits. It is sliced ​​lemon with salt, orange, lime, grapefruit or pineapple sprinkled with cinnamon. This appetizer is most often chosen by women. Fruits for tequila are suitable only if the amount of alcohol consumed does not exceed 1-2 glasses.
    2. 2. Slicing. If no hot meals are planned, you can serve Mexican vodka with meat or sausage cuts, mushrooms, olives and soft varieties cheese. These foods will help enhance the flavor of the drink, rather than overpower it.
    3. 3. Shrimp salad. In the restaurant, visitors are often offered to tequila classic salad... It can also be prepared at home. Raw mushrooms cut into pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice. Add sliced ​​pineapple to the plate and boiled shrimp... This dish is mixed with a sauce (sour cream, black pepper, mayonnaise).

    Hot dishes

    You can and should eat tequila hot high-calorie meals... In this case, the effect of alcohol on the body will be less noticeable, and intoxication will not come immediately.

    During the feast, tequila, like traditional Russian vodka, is best served with a hot meat appetizer.

    A safe option for a hot dish would be:

    • boiled, stewed or fried meat;
    • poultry meat;
    • potato.

    Hot dishes can overpower the aroma and flavor of tequila, so the drink is not fully revealed.

    Traditional Mexican food

    Mexico has its own options for appetizers that can be prepared in Russia to serve with tequila. Cooking will not take long, and the taste will be rich and original.

    Thus, the snacks will be as follows:

    1. 1. Salsa sauce. This appetizer will have an original taste and will be quite satisfying. Onions, tomatoes, olives, cheese and chili peppers are chopped in a blender to puree. After that you need to add salt, a little lemon juice and olive oil... For those who like spicy foods, you can increase the amount of red pepper. This product is served in a gravy boat, and laid out around corn chips, tortillas or bread.
    2. 2. Burrito. Traditional food Mexicans, spicy, hearty and delicious. For its preparation, meat cut into pieces is fried, beans, corn, chili peppers, garlic, onions and many spices are added to it. This appetizer is served wrapped in pita bread.
    3. 3. Guacamole. This dish is original in appearance and taste. Avocados are peeled, pitted, mashed, onions, tomatoes, chili peppers and greens are added there. After stirring, season with lemon juice, black pepper and salt. This puree is perfect as a tequila snack. It can be eaten with bread, flatbread, or nothing at all.

    What is tequila taken with?

    Many people traditionally prefer to drink strong alcoholic drinks with another liquid. As with Russian vodka, tequila goes well with most types of drinks and juices. In Mexico, sangrita is used for this. This drink is characterized by a sour and pungent taste.

    You can drink tequila with other drinks:

    1. 1. Cola. This drink is quite popular in Russia. It is sweet and carbonated enough that slight weakness from intoxication will develop faster.
    2. 2. Sprite. Unlike the first option, the taste of this drink is lighter and the amount of sugar in it is less.
    3. 3. Mineral water. There is an opinion that it is not customary to drink strong alcohol with water, but mineral water- exception. It not only softens the taste of tequila, but also reduces harmful effect ethanol on the body.
    4. 4. Juice. It is ideal for drinking tequila at home. However, not every juice will be in place.

    Better to choose orange, tomato, pineapple juices. Cherry and plum will be too heavy. Their taste is too intense, and this will ruin the experience of tequila.


    In cocktails, tequila is successfully combined with some other drinks, which makes its taste softer and the intoxication effect lighter:

    1. 1. "Banderita". This is primordial mexican recipe, which got its name from the word "Bandera" - a flag. And, like the Mexican flag, this cocktail comes in three colors - red, white, green. Banderita is drunk separately. 1 glass - sangrita (500 ml tomato juice, lime and orange juice, a couple of drops of Tabasco and 10 ml soy sauce). The second glass is tequila. The third is lime juice.
    2. 2. “Acapulco”. Fruity aroma and bright taste the drink gives ease of use and a slight intoxication effect. In 30 ml of tequila and white rum add 30 ml of grapefruit juice, 60 ml pineapple juice and 15 ml of coconut liqueur. Beat everything with a mixer, decorate the glass with a pineapple slice.
    3. 3. Tequila boom. Fast and effective method for those who want to quickly experience the effect of intoxication. V equal proportions tequila and soda (like cola or sprite) are mixed. The glass is covered with a palm on top. With the other hand, a blow is made on the table - at this time the liquid begins to foam. Drink the cocktail as soon as possible. Bartenders can suggest a more original way of serving a tequila boom cocktail:
    4. 4. Tequila Sunrise. This cocktail fully lives up to its name "Sunrise". The drink consists of 50 ml of Mexican vodka, 150 ml of orange juice and 10 ml of grenadine. All contents are gently mixed with a spoon, the edge of the glass is decorated with a lemon wedge. This mix is ​​pleasant to drink and energizes for the whole day.
    5. 5. "Margarita". To prepare it, you need 40 ml of tequila, 20 ml orange liqueur, 40 ml lime juice and 150 g ice.

Among the wide variety of spirits, it is extremely difficult to keep track of all the innovations. However, there is an alcoholic drink that came to us through many centuries. This is a classic called tequila. That is why every person simply must have an idea of ​​how to drink tequila, even if he cannot be an active fan of this alcohol.

The traditions of the agave drink were found in the times of the Old, as well as the New World. Along with this, a variety of methods of drinking it and endless disputes about how to drink tequila correctly appeared.

We present to your attention several popular methods of drinking that will come in handy, and they are all considered correct. Because each of them will correspond to a particular country in which it is located. The drink is strong enough, so do not delay with drinking. And if this is your first time trying this alcohol, try to stretch the pleasure in a few sips and feel everything taste qualities... Thus, you can determine for yourself what you really need and finally understand how to drink tequila correctly.


  • temperaturetequila should not be too cold, room temperature is just right.
  • initially it is necessary to feel the flavoring bouquet, not the aroma, which is why it is not recommended to warm it in your hands.

How to drink tequila properly

« Transnational". Or as it is called in another way “Liznite! Knock over! Have a snack! " In this method, the important thing is to complete the correct circle consisting of tequila, a pinch of salt and a slice of lime. The thumb is moved to the side and to the back of the palm, a pinch of salt is gently poured in the area between the two fingers (thumb and forefinger).

The meaning of this option is that you need to drink tequila in one gulp, then lick off the salt, and then bite with a slice of lime, which can be replaced with lemon. The process should be fast enough. In addition, this method has modifications. For example, if you come with a lady, you can sprinkle salt on her bare shoulder or on another part of her body if she doesn't mind. Another variation - combining salt with pepper, will be relevant for thrill-seekers.

« Rapido". Its other name is "tequila boom". How to drink tequila - boom? Very simple, all you need is tequila and tonic. These two spirits are mixed in a glass closed hand, thanks to a sharp impact on the table. However, do not overdo it, glasses are fragile and may crack.

« Spicy". Before swallowing a glass of alcohol, you should chew, and it is best to swallow hot peppers Chile. For those who cannot stand too hot, you can take a miniature pepper.

« Original". In the implementation of the planned process, you will need a lemon. We cut it into 2 equal halves, take out the core from there and get the shape of a glass. Next, fill it with tequila and add ice. Guests are served such a masterpiece right at the doorstep.

« Submarine". Its other name is "ruff" (on the territory of Russia). He is "fog" in the American version. There are no difficulties with execution. About 33 grams of tequila is poured into a glass of light beer (330 grams). This combination will make you quickly get drunk, which is why the name "fog" appeared.

« Gold»Favorite cocktail of charming female representatives. One condition - you need caramel to win the hearts of the ladies.

« New Year". This method has German roots. You will need: sugar, cinnamon powder and oranges. Ground cinnamon and sugar are mixed, then dipped orange slices in the resulting mixture. And you eat alcohol with this delicacy at your pleasure.

In cocktail ingredients Sangrita and Banderita. Cooking technology has recently appeared in European countries, however, in Mexico they are very popular. Sangrita reminds Bloody Mary... It contains: tomatoes (without skin), juice of 2 lemons, fresh Orange fresh, finely chopped onion, 5 grams of sugar (about a teaspoon), hot peppers, salt and ice cubes. Banderita differs from Sangrita in that it is drunk differently.

One glass is filled with tequila, another with sangrita, and in the third we add lime juice. And in stages everything is drunk. This cocktail symbolizes the colors of the Mexican flag, and "banderita" translates as the flag.

In the famous " Margarita". The recipe is named after Margarita Seims in the 20th century 1948. You will need a shaker to combine the ingredients. Mix three equal parts of tequila with a small dose of orange liqueur and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Chill the contents with ice. Serve in a glass decorated with fine salt.

How to drink tequila correctly is actually difficult to say. Many people ask the question: "What do they drink tequila with?" Most often in Europe, it is generally accepted to use alcohol as a constituent ingredient for cocktails. With the Mexicans, the situation is slightly different.

How tequila is consumed in Mexico

We reveal the secrets of how Mexicans drink tequila. The Mexican three-in-one approach is capable of surprising any European. Since the 19th century, the habit of drinking in one gulp and almost without a snack has remained. One condition is that the alcohol must be well chilled. Glasses are chosen narrow and high. And if you need a snack - their National dishes will be just the way. However, lemons are out of competition in this matter.

What do Mexicans drink tequila with? Mexican people just love to wash it down various drinks... For example, one of these cocktail "Sangrita" is a mixture of tomato and citrus juice with hot pepper.

Why tequila is often drunk with salt

The answer lies in the ancient Mexican history, during the time of the most terrible flu in the territory of hot Mexico - the country of heroic cowboys and hot tequila. Modern medicine then it was not, so the doctors took the initiative in their own hands and prescribed tequila and salt with lime to sick patients.

Today there is an opinion that salt in this composition plays the role of a neutralizing component. In addition, it allows you to fully enjoy taste properties agave.

Surely, many connoisseurs, amateurs, or even ordinary people at least once in their lives, but wonder why tequila is drunk with salt and lemon (lime). Consider the history of the drink and how it can be consumed under a magnifying glass.

Where does the tradition come from?

The ancestor country of tequila is, of course, Mexico. This drink is also often called a kind of Mexican landmark, a curiosity. An unusual alcohol is made from the juice of a popular plant there - agave.

With its appearance, agave resembles a cactus, hence the numerous misconceptions that this plant belongs to However, in accordance with all biological laws, it belongs to the lily family. And its prickly look, like many other plants growing in Mexico, has developed due to the sultry climate.

Actually, speaking about how tequila is drunk with salt and lemon, first of all, it is worth remembering that this is the fermented juice of the plant. There are several versions regarding the origin of the word "agave". It is believed that the plant was named after a tribe that once inhabited Mexico. Another version rests on the name of the cliff, on which huge fields of agave grew.

Tequila is a traditional alcoholic drink in Mexico, but in Russia and other countries of the world, people also know firsthand why and how they drink tequila with lemon and salt. It is in Russia that it is customary to use lemon, although tradition speaks of using lime. Not all Russians favor a drink with an unusual taste and strange smell. However, he cannot be christened unpopular.

True connoisseurs of an alcoholic drink know that according to the European (note - not Mexican, since in Mexico this tradition is not approved, it is considered a sign of the uncouth gringo - English-speaking foreigners, that is, Americans and the British), it is customary to drown out tequila with salt and lemon juice.

Why is tequila jammed with salt and lime?

The ritual of eating tequila with such a snack, of course, originated in Mexico. But its origin is rather vague. The tradition is believed to have originated in the 19th century, during the flu epidemic in Mexico. This combination of alcohol and food was prescribed by doctors as a medicine. It is difficult to say with absolute certainty that it was this fact that gave rise to such a tradition.

So why should tequila be drunk with salt and lime? According to another version, such a snack is needed to kill the peculiar taste and smell of an alcoholic drink. The theory, in fact, is the most consistent with reality. It's hard to deny.

How to drink tequila with salt and lemon (lime)?

Surprisingly, this ritual of drinking tequila does not cause much delight among the Mexicans themselves. But Europeans are simply obsessed with how to properly drink tequila with salt and lemon (or lime).

For them, this is a matter that requires certain knowledge, skills and a special approach.

It is worth considering the ritual of consumption itself. Let's dwell on the most popular methods. Let's talk about how they drink tequila with salt and lemon in Europe and America. The reader will be able to try all of these methods at home, of course, provided they have a drink and an appropriate snack.

Methods of use

There are several main ways to consume such a drink:

  • In a volley. There is a small hollow between the thumb and forefinger, where you need to pour a pinch of common salt. Then take a slice of lemon in your hand. Now you can lick off the salt, knock over the glass and eat lemon immediately.
  • "Mexican ruff". To get drunk "in the trash" is just right: 35 ml of tequila and 350 ml of beer are mixed in one glass. Then everything is drunk in one gulp. In some countries, this cocktail is even called "Mist", as it instantly intoxicates.
  • "Margarita". This is a cocktail that includes tequila. Differs in ease of preparation. Pour 200 ml of tequila and 75 ml of orange liqueur and lemon juice into a large glass. Then mix everything and add ice.
  • "Tequila boom". This is just a "lighter" of nightclubs and a favorite of young people. To make a cocktail, you need to mix tequila and carbonated water in equal proportions in one glass, and then cover the dishes with a glass holder and lightly hit the bottom on the table. Thanks to these manipulations, we get a foamed liquid. Drink it in one gulp.

You will be able to get real pleasure from drinking alcoholic beverage by following the above tips and tricks. Just remember that tequila is a strong alcoholic drink, so you shouldn't consume too much of it.

Some facts about tequila

This mysterious and incendiary drink has received many different names. These include cactus moonshine, Mexican vodka and others. But tequila was and will be the official name for fermented agave juice. You don't have to go to sultry Mexico to learn how to drink tequila with salt and lemon. It is enough just to delve into different ways drinking cactus moonshine.

There are five varieties of tequila in total. This includes Silver, Gold, Rested, Aged and Aged high grade... Each type is used in a different way.

How to drink and what do you need?

For correct use tequila you will need the following: tequila, cinnamon, orange, lime, a tall stack with a big bottom, salt, sugar.

The first way - tasting the silver variety, is as follows: a little tequila at room temperature is poured into a special pile, then a lemon or lime is cut into four parts, then a little salt is poured into the dimple between the thumb and forefinger, it is licked and in the end the glass is overturned in one fell swoop, having a bite of everything with a lemon.

The second method is traditionally used to consume the golden variety of tequila: tequila is poured into a glass, the orange is cut into half rings, then a pinch of cinnamon powder is added and everything is thoroughly mixed. The stack is drunk in one gulp and eaten with an orange, which should first be rolled in a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.

Aged varieties of Mexican moonshine are recommended to be consumed only in pure form so that you can enjoy excellent aroma.

Lime cup

The third method is the most interesting, since in this case the lime plays the role of both glasses and snacks. To do this, carefully cut the lime in half and slowly remove the pulp, then flatten the bottom slightly. So we got two original cups. Next, salt the edges of the edible dish and pour chilled tequila into it. We drink in one gulp and have a snack with a homemade glass.

Usually people do not limit themselves to one "glass", so the prospect of overeating salt does not seem so bright. If you do not want to receive alcohol poisoning, take care of a normal snack.


Ideal option can become meat. This and roast lamb, and juicy pork, and cutlets. Among unusual dishes that can be served with tequila - burrito, tacos, shawarma. Seafood is also great: salted salmon, mussels, fried pollock.

In general, tequila is also advised to drink. Sangrita, a vigorous mixture of pepper, orange and tomato juices, is best suited for this.

Sometimes Mexicans at home like to mix with other alcoholic beverages, for example, scotch or cognac. True, even an experienced alcoholic "stoic" will not resist such a "whirlwind".

Tequila is a versatile drink that, however, can be used in different variations without any strict reference to a specific snack. Only here is salt and only lemon. It is a permanent masterpiece.

If you are a tourist in Mexico, then you are a gringo. You are a good gringo if you honor the traditions of the descendants of the Aztecs and do not go "into a strange monastery with your own charter." But you immediately become a bad gringo if you don't know how to drink tequila properly. Especially if you are used to drinking it with salt and lemon - "Lick, Shoot, Bite!" - so only a very bad gringo drinks tequila.

Gringo isn't always a bad thing. So, often, Latin Americans call the visiting public. It's just slang. But cases are not excluded when this statement acquires a derogatory meaning, in a certain context. You can be 100% sure that you will be called a "bad" gringo if you behave inappropriately in the company of a Mexican. For example, if you offer him to drink tequila with lime and salt.

It so happened that many drinking traditions are imposed on us by manufacturers alcoholic beverages... Drinking tequila with salt and lemon was instilled in us for a long time, not without the participation of such giants as the notorious Olmeca and Sauza. Lick, Shoot, Bite! (Lick, Sip, Kusny!) Propaganda went on all fronts, from advertising posters to Hollywood films. And so it happened. In the homeland of this wonderful drink, Mexico, they drink it in a completely different way. Let's figure out how to drink tequila properly in an educated society.

How to drink tequila if you're a bad gringo

If you are a bad gringo, you will drink tequila like everyone else - with salt and lime, even worse with lemon. Another marketing ploy. You lick the outside of your hand between your thumb and forefinger and put a pinch of salt there. In these same fingers you will take a slice of lime or lemon. Then everything is according to the Lick, Shoot, Bite scheme: you lick the salt, drink the tequila in one fell swoop, eat with lime / lemon. Done, you're a bad gringo. You are a bad Gringo German, if instead of salt you took ground cinnamon, and instead of lemon - orange.

You are a good gringo if you drink tequila with salt and lemon like these guys ...

Where this ritual came from is difficult to say. It is believed that in 1930 tequila with salt and lime was prescribed by doctors to prevent the Spanish flu that hit northern Mexico. You can often hear a more "romantic" version, they say, this is how Latin American peasants drank tequila in the fields: they licked their sweat, drank trashy mezcal and ate whatever came to hand - lime. It sounds very unlikely.

How to drink tequila when you're a poor gringo

If you are a poor gringo, you are probably going to drink cheap tequila from Auchan. Cheap tequila is a bottle labeled silver, blanca (aka plata) or gold. This is tequila without aging, maximum 2 months, which cannot boast of a refined taste and aroma. You can read more about the classification of the Mexican drink in the article. Savoring cheap tequila is tricky, but there are at least a couple of ways to brighten up its lousy taste.

Drink only real tequila, the label of which says "100% puro de agave" or simply "agave". If there is no such inscription, then the drink is likely to contain up to 49% of cheap corn or cane alcohol. This tequila can only be drunk by a very, very bad gringo!

Tequila with sangrita for the poor gringo

In general, Mexicans most often drink tequila with sangrita. This is such a non-alcoholic mixture of tomato juice, an analogue of non-alcoholic Bloody Mary... Traditionally, sangrita is made with 2 parts tomato juice, 1 part orange juice, ½ part lime juice and ground green chili to taste. You need to drink cheap tequila with sangrita like this: do small sip sangrita, then you drink tequila (30-50 ml), take another sip of sangrita and eat a small slice of lime / lemon.

V big company cheap tequila can be drunk a little differently. The entertainment is called Banderita (Banderita - from the Spanish "flag"). Pour sangrita into the first shot, tequila into the second, and lime juice into the third. The drinks in the glasses are the same color as the Mexican flag - hence the name. Drink as follows: sangrita, tequila, lime / lemon juice. Done, you're a poor but drunk and cheerful gringo.

Mexican "ruff" for the poor gringo

Crown Extra is the eternal companion of the theca.

It is believed that 100% puro de agave tequila does not cause hangovers. If you do not interfere. But you're a poor gringo and you don't have much cheap tequila. In that case, you drink the Mexican "ruff". To do this, you mix 33 ml of tequila and 330 ml of lung light beer... You know what to do next - you were born and raised in a concrete box built in the USSR. But if your business has gone uphill, and there are a couple of extra pesos in your pocket, then be sure to buy a box of Corona Extra - Mexicans drink tequila only with it.

Tequila without a Crown is a peso down the drain.

Meeting guests at a party can be very in an original way though not for all poor gringos. Buy some lemons, cut them in half and core them. Cut by small piece zest from the bottom of the halves - the original "glass" is ready. Dip the edges of the "half-lemon" in salt and pour inside the chilled tequila. Give a "glass" to the newly arrived guest. Done, you hospitable gringo!

Tequila Boom or Rapido cocktail

Pour some tequila into a glass with a thick bottom and add sparkling water at your discretion, preferably sweet - Sprite or 7 Up. Cover the glass with a pack of napkins or a round beer fire (aka coaster). Briskly hit the covered glass on the table and drink the foamed mixture in one gulp. Great, you just learned how to make the Tequila Boom cocktail, which the Spanish-Mexicans call Rapido. You can go further and add a helmet and a bell / gong to the Rapido rite. Do you understand what I mean? Watch the video below:

If a girl drinks vodka, then she has a dark past, if she drinks tequila, then she has a bright future!

How to drink tequila if you're a rich gringo

If you are a rich gringo, you can afford expensive, aged tequila: reposado, añejo or extra añejo. Tequila reposado is not kept for long, up to one year, añejo - up to 3 years, extra añejo - as a rule, up to 6 years. Good tequila can be compared with good cognac... If you are not an idiot, and do not drink Martel cognac with cola, then the culture of drinking cognac is not an empty phrase for you either. You need to drink an expensive Mexican drink slowly, from a snifter or a heavy glass with thick walls. You do not need to heat the glass with your hands too much - in tequila, it is not the smell that is appreciated, but the unique taste.

A rich gringo can also afford tequila tacos.

If you're a rich gringo, you can indulge in Tabasco sauce and make delicious sangrita. To do this, take 2/3 of natural tomato juice, 1/3 of natural orange juice without pulp, about 7, or better 8 large lime fruits (only juice is needed), salt and Tabasco sauce to taste. Mix all the ingredients in a large jug, adjust the flavor so that none of the ingredients stand out. The perfect sangrita is ready. Take a small sip of good tequila, but do not swallow - hold it between your lips and teeth - feel its great taste for a couple of seconds. Drink it twice big amount perfect sangrita. Repeat the procedure as many times as your conscience and health allow.

If you're a smart gringo

If you are a smart gringo, you are no stranger to the desire to make drinks yourself. You can't make real, 100% authentic tequila, but a gringo schoolboy will also make a successful imitation of tequila. For this, arm yourself with vodka, fresh leaves aloe and patience. Then go on here, where the Honorable Don Pomazan described in detail the recipes for making imitation tequila and other "cactus" vodkas. Oh yes, only a very, very bad gringo calls tequila cactus vodka.

So, congratulations, you just learned how to properly drink tequila in every way. in various ways... Bring this knowledge to the masses, drink only 100% puro de agave Tequila and be a good gringo!