Orange jam without sugar. Orange jam recipes for every taste

19.08.2019 Lenten dishes

You won’t surprise anyone, unless you add some exotic component there. But bright, elegant oranges ... Orange jam is not only tasty, but also beautiful, and healthy, and unusual, and ..., and ..., and ... As you can see, we have provided enough evidence to decide on a culinary experiment and try making orange jam according to one of the following recipes.

Orange jam: a simple recipe

This versatile recipe will help you prepare a treat for tea or for seaming for the winter.

You will need:


sugar (at the rate of 1 kg of sand for the same weight of pulp - you will need a kitchen scale!);

water - 500 ml for each kilogram of pulp.

Ripe, ideally thin-skinned fruits are suitable for cooking this jam. We wash them with a brush, carefully cleaning the skin. We discuss.

We clean the zest. In the finished jam, the zest looks beautiful in stripes, but you cut it as it will. It is convenient to peel the zest with a special tool; you can also use a regular grater or even a vegetable peeler.

So, we cut the zest into narrow ribbons, fill it with water and leave it on the stove. Cook for 10 minutes after boiling, drain the water; fill with clean water and put back on the stove. Bring to a boil, wait two minutes and drain the water again. All these manipulations are necessary to eliminate the possible bitterness from the orange peel.

We clean the fruits, free the pulp from films and seeds. We spread the peeled pieces of oranges in a container to the zest and weigh the resulting raw material for jam. Pour the orange mass with the same amount of sugar and pour water (500 ml for each kilogram of peeled oranges).

Bring the jam to a boil over medium heat and cook for another hour and a half, stirring occasionally and removing the foam. By this time, the jam should thicken.

After that, pour the orange jam into sterilized jars and immediately roll it up. Banks are turned over; wrap with a blanket and leave to cool.

Similarly, you can cook jam in a slow cooker.

Let's calculate a little more precisely:

a kilogram of thin-skinned oranges;

a glass of sugar;

glass of water.

We clean the oranges, free them from the films, put them in a multicooker saucepan. We fall asleep with sugar and pour water - in this state we leave the pulp of citrus fruits for an hour, and better - for the night. Then we leave the saucepan in an open multicooker until boiling, plus five minutes for cooking. The mode can be selected "steaming", "stewing" or "baking". Do not go far - you should be able to stir the jam so that it does not burn. Next, turn off the multicooker and leave the jam to cool completely. We heat it again and cook after boiling for five minutes in two more passes, after which we pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll it up.

After the first boil, you can puree the contents of the pot with a blender if you want to get jam.

the same number of oranges and lemons;

1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit;

250 ml of water for every kilogram of fruit.

Citruses are kept in boiling water in a peel for 5 minutes, then peeled, cut into slices, rings or slices, removing the seeds along the way.

At this time, pour sugar into the water, bring the syrup to a boil and wait for the sugar to dissolve.

Add prepared fruits to the syrup and cook for 40 minutes over low heat with regular stirring, after which immediately pour the jam from oranges and lemons into jars and roll up.

As a rule, in addition to pumpkin and orange, lemon is also added to this version of the jam. Take:

1 kg pumpkin pulp;

850-1000 g of sugar;

1 large juicy orange;
1 lemon.

Wash pumpkin, cut into small pieces. Peel the orange, not the lemon. We free from stones and finely cut (lemon - with peel). Pour all the ingredients for jam with sugar and leave overnight.

We put the container with raw materials for jam on a slow fire and cook until it thickens, it usually takes at least half an hour. We roll the finished pumpkin jam with oranges into sterilized jars and leave to cool upside down under the covers.

If desired, the finished jam can be pureed and brought to a boil again before canning it.


1 kg of apples;

1 orange;

500 g sugar.

We free the apples from the peel, cut into small cubes, simultaneously removing the seeds. We also cut oranges, but leaving the zest; remove the seeds and break the pulp with a blender. Add to chopped apples, sprinkle with sugar. Cook over low heat for 40-50 minutes with regular stirring; signs of readiness - a slow drip of syrup from a spoon. This jam can be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up or stored in the refrigerator.

1 kg of zucchini;

3 oranges;

1 kg of sugar.

Wash and grate the zucchini, put in an enameled container and sprinkle with sugar. Leave overnight .. Cook on medium heat for 30 minutes with stirring, then turn off the fire and leave to cool for several hours.

When re-cooking, add prepared oranges to the jam: washed, peeled and pitted, cut into pieces. Bring to a boil again, boil for 15 minutes and set aside to cool. The third cooking involves 15 minutes of boiling, after which the jam is immediately poured into sterile jars.

A beautiful jam that can easily be a gift to anyone - of course, provided that the person is not allergic to citrus fruits. We offer you a visually spectacular (and time-consuming) option - and its light version, which is also beautiful and tasty, but will require much less effort from you.

5 large oranges;

600 ml of water;

500 g sugar.

My citruses - it's good to use a brush for this. We clean the oranges by making neat cuts on the peel: first we divide each orange into 4 parts, and then we cut each segment into thin strips. We remove the peel as it is: with the zest and the white inside. Fill the prepared strips with cold water and soak for a day, periodically changing the water.

Now the painstaking work begins, which requires perseverance from you. Even needlewomen will love it! We cut off the inner white part, then we fold each strip into a relatively tight roll and string it on a thread using an ordinary needle (just don’t take it too thin, otherwise it may break). The thread is best to take white.

An option for those who like it simpler is to cut the peel into small squares and not bother with the thread.

Pour cold water into any heat-resistant container, dip the resulting beads from orange spirals of orange peel into it and put on a slow fire. Bring to a boil and leave to boil for another 15 minutes, after which we drain the water. We do the same two more times.

We cook the syrup: for this, pour sugar into clean water and cook, reducing the fire after it boils. To prevent the syrup from overcooking, periodically check its readiness: a drop of syrup on a plate should not spread. At this stage, the syrup is considered ready, turn off the fire and let the syrup cool, after which we pour freshly squeezed lemon juice into it.

We put the spirals (still strung on a thread) into the syrup and bring the mass to a boil. Carefully release the orange peel from the thread and pour the hot jam into dry, sterilized and slightly warmed jars. Roll up.

1 kg of oranges;

100 g fresh ginger root;

1 kg of sugar;

2 liters of drinking water.

Wash the citruses well, peel them, squeeze the juice from the pulp, and finely cut the cake. We clean the ginger and rub it on a fine grater. In a container for cooking jam, put the cake, ginger, juice, sugar and water.

We put the saucepan on the stove, over low heat, and slowly bring it to a boil, after which we increase the fire a little and cook, stirring, for a quarter of an hour - until it thickens.

Pour hot into sterilized and heated jars and roll up.

An unusual combination of gooseberries with orange is another recipe for your culinary piggy bank. You will need:

1 kg of ripe gooseberries;

3 oranges;

1 kg of sugar.

Cooking gooseberries: wash, pick off the tails. We also wash oranges and cut them into large pieces along with the zest, while not forgetting to remove the seeds. We pass the prepared fruits through a meat grinder, cover with sugar and leave until the sugar dissolves, after which the jam can be put on the stove.

After boiling the mass, reduce the heat to a minimum and leave to boil for 20 minutes, after which we immediately pour into sterile jars and preserve.

To make this jam you will need:

500 g tangerines;

500 g of oranges;

1-1.2 kg of sugar;

500 ml of water.

We blanch all the fruits in boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain the water, and leave the citrus fruits to cool at room temperature.

We make syrup from water and sugar. At this time, we prepare fruits: cut tangerines and oranges into thin circles along with the peel. Along the way, we remove all the seeds.

Pour the prepared fruits with syrup and leave to infuse for several hours. Then cook in three approaches; boiling time for each approach - 15 minutes. Several hours should pass between sets for the jam to cool completely.

At the end of cooking, in the third approach, add freshly squeezed lemon juice. Pour hot jam from tangerines and oranges into jars and cork.

3 large oranges;

2 large ripe kiwis;

half a lemon;

800 g of sugar;

100 ml of water;

sachet of vanilla sugar.

We cut the orange and lemon into pieces, freeing them from the seeds, and then pass through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Pour sugar into the resulting puree and put the saucepan over medium heat.

While the mass is preparing to boil, we are engaged in kiwi. Peel it from the peel and cut into circles or slices - as you like. Pour chopped kiwi into the just boiled mass of lemon and oranges, mix and continue to cook for another 25 minutes, after which the resulting jam is immediately poured into jars; roll up.

1 kg of bananas;

1 kg of oranges;

1 kg of sugar.

The amount of sugar can be reduced, because. due to sweet fruits, sugar itself can give cloying.

Peel bananas, cut into slices. We clean the oranges from the peel and films, free from the seeds. Put the pulp in a bowl for cooking jam, put bananas on top, but do not mix. The third layer is sugar. We put the mass on a slow fire, bring to a boil, then stir.

After boiling, cook banana and orange jam for 40 minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam, and then pour into jars; roll up.

1 kg of pears;

1 small orange;

1 kg of sugar;

2/3 st. water.

For this jam, ripe, but not overripe fruits are chosen. Depending on the variety, we decide whether to leave the peel on the fruits in the jam (too thick and rough in the jam will become even harder). Cut each pear into thin slices and place in a container with water and salt at the rate of 1 tsp. salt per 1 liter of water.

We cook the syrup from the named amount of water and sugar. Drain the pears into a colander, and then put them in syrup and cook for 7 minutes over low heat. We cover the container with jam with a mesh or gauze, leave to cool, you can overnight.

When re-cooking, bring the pear jam to a boil, boil for 7 minutes and again set aside for several hours. This step is repeated three times.

At the last cooking, add an orange cut into thin slices into the jam. The last cooking is the longest - 30 minutes over low heat; Don't forget to stir the jam. Pour into sterile jars and roll up.

3-4 small persimmons;

1 orange;

1.5 st. Sahara.

We clean the persimmon from the skin, cut it into pieces, put it in a saucepan and cover it with sugar. Remove the zest from an orange, squeeze out the juice. Juice and zest are also added to the saucepan to the persimmon.

We put the pan on the fire and after boiling over low heat, cook for another 20 minutes. Set aside and let cool. After a few hours, when re-cooking, boil the jam for another 10 minutes and pour into sterile jars.

1 kg cranberries (frozen is also suitable);

1 orange;

1 kg of sugar;

200 ml of water.

Wash berries and orange well. From an orange, we erase the zest on a fine grater. We squeeze the juice from the fruit itself and dilute it with water so that the total volume of liquid is 250 ml.

We prepare the syrup - for this, pour the sugar with a mixture of water and juice and bring the syrup to a boil, then immediately put all the cranberries in it and cook for about 15 minutes - until the jam thickens slightly, then pour the zest into the jam and cook for another 5 minutes.

Pour hot cranberry jam with orange into sterile jars and roll up.

Unusual, but extremely tasty carrot jam with orange and almonds. Shall we try?

You will need:

1 kg of carrots;

2 oranges;

150 g almonds;

1-1.1 kg of sugar;

4 tbsp honey;

1.2 liters of drinking water + 2 liters of water for cooking.

My carrots, peel, wash again and grate. While we are engaged in carrots, there is a pan with 2 liters of water on the fire. We lower the carrots into boiling water and leave to cook for 10-15 minutes. Drain the contents of the pan into a colander and make the syrup.

For the syrup, squeeze the juice from oranges and pour it into a saucepan for cooking jam. There we add sugar and honey, prepared drinking water. We put the syrup on the fire and boil for exactly 7 minutes, then pour the carrots into the syrup and cook for another 25-35 minutes.

If you have unpeeled almonds at your disposal, steam them in hot water for 10 minutes, then drain the water through a colander, and free the nuts from the skin.

At the end of cooking jam, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and whole almonds to it. Pour hot jam into sterile jars and preserve.

For red currants, we take products in the following proportions:

1 kg currant;

1 kg of oranges;

1-1.2 kg of sugar.

For blackcurrant, the calculation is as follows:

1 kg currant;

2 oranges;

1.5 kg of sugar.

The technology for making currant jam with oranges is the same in both cases. Wash fruits and berries, sort out currants. Wash oranges, cut into pieces with peel and remove seeds.

Grind the prepared fruits with a blender until smooth, add sugar, mix. At this stage, the sugar has almost dissolved, and such a cold jam can already be put into jars and stored in the refrigerator. For a longer-lasting result and independence from household appliances, the jam can be heated, but not brought to a boil, and then decomposed into sterile jars, rolled up and stored in a cool place.

1 kg of apricots;

1 orange;

800 g of sugar;

1/3 lemon.

Wash all fruits well. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and pour it into a container for making jam. We add sugar there.

We cut the orange into pieces along with the peel, but carefully choosing the seeds - we do not need them in the jam. Cooking apricots: divide into halves and remove the seeds. Sliced ​​orange and apricots pass through a meat grinder or grind with a blender to a puree state. Add the mass to the lemon juice with sugar.

Cook over moderate heat until boiling, stirring. We make sure that all the sugar dissolves well. Then we increase the heat and, with constant stirring, let it boil for 10-15 minutes. Be sure to remove the foam.

Pour hot apricot jam with orange into jars, roll up.

2 grapefruits;

1 orange;

400 g sugar.

Grapefruits and oranges are peeled, seeds and films are removed - leaving one pulp. We keep the lemon in boiling water for two minutes, dry it; we erase the zest from it on a fine grater and add it to the prepared citrus pulp. Squeeze the juice from the lemon itself and pour it into a container for raw materials for jam.

Bring the jam over moderate heat to a boil, stirring occasionally, and then simmer over low heat until its volume is reduced by half.

We store such jam from grapefruits and oranges in the refrigerator or pour it hot into sterile jars and roll it up.

We hope you liked our selection of orange jam recipes and you have chosen a couple of delicious ideas for your implementation.

Eva Casio specially for the site

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With peel is a tasty and fragrant delicacy that is so nice to serve at the table. The treat will bring back memories of the hot summer sun and help you warm up on a cold winter evening.

Orange peel jam

The dessert recipe is somewhat different from the usual methods of making berry jams. Therefore, carefully read the instructions and follow them exactly:

  • Wash and dry one kilogram of Moroccan oranges.
  • Cut the fruit into thin rings along with the peel and remove all the seeds.
  • Pour two glasses of water into a large saucepan and add one and a half kilograms of sugar.
  • Boil the syrup, and then carefully dip the orange slices into it.
  • Bring the liquid to a boil and remove the foam.

The future dessert should be cooked for at least two hours. After the peeled orange jam is ready, place it in sterilized jars and roll up.

Orange jam with lemon

The amazing taste of this sweet delicacy will be remembered from the first time. Therefore, you can safely prepare a double portion of a fragrant dessert. Often, novice housewives have a question about the number of ingredients. How much sugar do you need to make jam? We recommend not to get carried away in this recipe, as the taste and aroma of fruits do not need additional reinforcement.

  • Rinse citrus fruits thoroughly - we will need a kilogram of oranges and one large lemon. For this purpose, you can use a brush and even detergent (if you are guaranteed to be able to completely remove it).
  • Cut the fruit in half and squeeze the juice into a large bowl.
  • Remove the pulp and finely chop it.
  • Cut the orange peel into small pieces in the same way.
  • Put the prepared foods in a large saucepan, pour in the juice, two and a half liters of water.
  • Cook orange peel jam over medium heat. After the liquid boils, you should reduce the heat and continue cooking for two hours.
  • When the peel is soft, put half a glass of sugar into the pan and wait until it is completely dissolved.
  • Bring the liquid to a boil again and simmer it for another quarter of an hour.

In the meantime, prepare jam jars - they should be thoroughly washed and sterilized. When the future dessert is ready, put it in a glass container, close the lids and store in a cool and dark place.

Orange peel jam

It turns out that fruit peels are a very valuable product. You can make an amazing dessert from them, which is not only very tasty, but also has a very presentable appearance. You can arrange the treat in beautiful glass vases or use it as a decoration for cakes and pies. The jam recipe is very simple:

  • Take three large oranges, pour boiling water over them, and then rinse under running water.
  • Cut the fruit in half and remove the pulp. Cut the crusts into fairly thin strips. If their skin is thick, then do not forget to cut off the white inside.
  • Fold the blanks into tight rolls and string them on a thread. After that, put them in a saucepan and fill with cold water. Soak for three or four days, changing the water periodically.
  • When the blanks are soft enough, put the pan on the fire and cook for a quarter of an hour. After that, change the water and repeat the procedure several times.
  • How much sugar and water should be used? To answer this question, weigh the crusts on a kitchen scale. The amount of sugar should be one and a half times more, and water - twice.
  • Suppose that the weight of the crusts was 200 grams, then you should take 300 grams of sugar and 400 ml of water. Place the ingredients in a saucepan and place over medium heat. If desired, you can add a piece of chopped ginger root to them.
  • When the syrup thickens, add half a teaspoon of citric acid to it. Threads from the "beads" should be removed when the jam is ready.

Place the treat in a jar and close the lid tightly. You can serve dessert to the table as soon as it cools down.

Orange and gooseberry jam

This delicious treat will cheer you and your guests up. You can prepare it according to the following recipe:

  • Prepare for processing two kilograms of berries and five large oranges with a thin peel. For convenience, cut the fruit with a knife into small pieces.
  • Pass the gooseberries and oranges through a meat grinder (use the attachment for vegetables and fruits) or chop them with a blender.
  • Transfer the resulting puree to a large saucepan or basin, and then add two and a half kilograms of sugar to it.
  • Put the dishes on the fire and bring its contents to a boil.

For storage, you will need sterilized jam jars and plastic lids.

Preserve "Solnechnoe"

The exotic taste of pumpkin and oranges can cheer you up even on the most rainy day. Therefore, take our recipe into service and surprise your loved ones with an original dessert.

  • Cut 700 grams of pumpkin into slices (you can use fresh or frozen vegetables).
  • Rinse five oranges, grate the zest, and finely chop the pulp.
  • From one juice.
  • Put the pumpkin in a saucepan and put it on the fire. Add lemon juice and cook for ten minutes.
  • After that, add one kilogram of sugar and a pack of gelatin to the dishes.
  • Bring the jam to a boil and add the cinnamon stick to it. After five minutes, the spice should be removed.
  • If you want the jam to turn out homogeneous, then at this moment it should be beaten with a blender. If you prefer a treat with whole pieces, then you can skip this step.

When everything is ready, put the dessert in clean jars, close the dishes with lids, turn them upside down and leave to cool completely.


Orange peel jam can be used as directed immediately after preparation or stored for several months. This delicious dessert is a great accompaniment to hot drinks and is also widely used to decorate pies and homemade cakes.


Orange jam is not only a tasty and fragrant delicacy, but also a preparation with unique cooking possibilities. You can make it all year round, and there are so many recipes for cooking that no other jam can be compared in terms of the number of options. Orange delicacy can be cooked only from the oranges themselves, with peel and zest, or even from these parts of the fruit with the addition of other citrus fruits, almost all berries, some vegetables (zucchini, pumpkin, carrots) and nuts, as well as with cinnamon. Each recipe has its own zest, which allows you to always get an excellent, but different in piquancy taste.

To prepare this delicacy, purchase only high-quality fruits, preferably sweeter. You should not take crumpled fruits, especially when preparing a dessert for the winter. Of these, most likely, you will get a tasteless jam with a nondescript color, which, moreover, will probably not be stored for long. It is better to check the quality and taste of oranges at the outlet immediately. Do not rely only on the appearance of the fruit. Gotta try them. At a minimum, oranges should not be bitter inside. And by the taste of oranges it will be possible to judge how much sugar is needed for jam.

Oranges for making jam

Before use, be sure to wash all citrus fruits thoroughly, preferably with soap. Otherwise, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely remove the fat-like preservative from their peel. Then dry the oranges with a towel. If it is decided to cook jam without peel, then we clean it. But you should not throw away the peels. Then it will be possible to remove the zest from them, which you suddenly want to add during the next cooking of orange jam for the winter. It will give the dessert an extraordinary aroma and piquant astringency. Or from the most dried peel, when a lot of it is gathered, you can also cook quite tasty and appetizing jam (before cooking the peel, you need to soak for 30 minutes in water, and then cut into thin slices).

Then we cut the orange in an arbitrary way. The smaller, the more homogeneous the jam will turn out, and it will cook less in time. If the orange is peeled, then it is enough to divide it into slices. But often it is then cut even smaller, as in the photo. All bones must be removed. With them, an orange delicacy will be bitter. If according to the recipe, in addition to oranges, other fruits are used, then they also need to be prepared - washed and peeled. But it will already be seasonal harvesting for the winter. After all, fruits, berries and vegetables are most available in summer and autumn. You can add spices such as cloves, cinnamon, cardamom to the jam.

The jam cooked from oranges, like any other, is poured into carefully washed and then sterilized jars, which we cork with lids that have undergone the same preliminary preparation. If orange jam is prepared in a slow cooker, then it is advisable (and when the “five-minute” is mandatory) to package it while still hot. Especially if it is supposed to be stored for a long time when it is harvested for the winter. In all other cases, the dessert can first be allowed to cool, and then poured.

These recipes use only oranges, sugar and water as ingredients. Moreover, the fruits must be cleaned, and not only from the peel, but also from the white skin and veins under it. From oranges prepared in this way according to classic recipes, jam is obtained that is very similar to honey - an almost homogeneous tender mass that has the same viscous consistency and amber color. The differences between different classic recipes are only in a small difference in the ratios of the ingredients used and the method of obtaining syrup before cooking jam.

Traditional orange jam

Or we cook it from water and sugar, and then fill it with oranges. Or we fill the fruits with sugar and fill them with water, and then leave them to stand so that they secrete juice. It mixes with water and sugar to form a syrup. And if you use high-quality ingredients and do not deviate much from the basic rules for their preparation and cooking, then according to any classic recipe, you can only make good orange jam with an excellent taste and wonderful aroma of this citrus. Just depending on the specific recipe and possible improvisations during cooking, the dessert will turn out to be thicker or thinner, sweeter or sourer.

The easiest classic recipe. You will need:

  • oranges - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • filtered or settled water - 0.5 l.

So, we divide the carefully peeled fruits into slices, from which we remove the seeds. Then, in a bowl for cooking jam, you need to prepare a syrup. To do this, pour water into it, pour sugar, heat this mixture to a boil and cook for 2 minutes, stirring. Then we throw slices into the resulting syrup (whole or cut in half or smaller). Immediately after that, reduce the fire to a small one.

We heat the resulting mixture to a boil, after which we cook it for 2–3 minutes. All the time the jam is on the stove, it must be stirred, and after boiling almost continuously. Then remove the jam from the stove and leave to cool. It is better to let it cool completely, but if someone is in a hurry, then you can devote only 2 hours to this process. Then again put the jam on a small fire. In general, we repeat the same operations (heating, cooking and cooling). You need to do 2-3 more repetitions. Then we make the final cooking, during which, after boiling, boil the jam to the desired consistency (thickness).

Of course, jam only from oranges in itself is very tasty and fragrant. But you can add notes of other fruits to it. From this, it certainly will not lose anything, but someone will even like it more. Without delving into a little useful enumeration of all recipes, we can only indicate the recommended ratios in the jam of the most commonly used additional ingredients in relation to oranges (per 1 kg of this citrus). Lemons are added from 1/4 pcs. up to 0.8 kg. Accordingly, they take sugar. Tangerines are added in a ratio of 1: 1 (less or more can be) and usually a little lemon is also used with them - 1/2–1 pc. Gooseberries and other berries are usually added in a ratio of 1:1.

Orange and tangerine jam

Apricots are usually taken more than oranges - 2 kg per 0.5 kg. Apples or pears can be taken as equal in weight to oranges, or less. It is advisable to add a little lemon to them. These are generally win-win compositions - what, what are pears with this citrus. Peaches are also taken more than oranges themselves - about 2 times. Together with them, it is recommended to use a little lemon juice or this citrus itself. Zucchini take: 1 large per 1 kg of oranges. Carrots are added along with lemon. Usually they are taken at the rate of 1 kg of vegetable and 4 pcs. lemons per 1 kg of oranges.

When preparing such assorted dishes, one should not be afraid to experiment, and one's own experience and intuition will prompt the most correct proportions. The main thing is that these combinations of products have already been tested in practice and have given excellent results. It is necessary to cook assorted in the same way as jam according to the classic recipe - in several stages.

The peel of an orange also contains many different vitamins, so jam with it will be even more useful. But admirers of this citrus and desserts from it appreciate such recipes for something completely different. With the peel, orange jam turns out to be slightly tart-bitter, which gives its taste a special unique piquancy. In addition, the dessert will be much more flavorful.

Making orange jam

True, to prepare such a jam, you will have to spend much more time than to cook a dessert without a peel. After all, it will have to be cooked in several stages until the latter becomes soft. There is, however, one way to speed up the cooking process somewhat. Even before cutting into pieces, oranges are blanched whole, as shown in the photo, and some home cooks even cook until soft, and then cool. But most housewives do not favor these methods and make jam with peel in the same way as in classic recipes, while increasing the number of heating and cooling cycles for the dessert.

Blanching option. You will need:

  • oranges - 1 kg;
  • filtered or settled water - 0.7 l;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Blanch the washed fruits whole in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then we take them out, let them cool down by themselves and then cut them into circles or slices, while removing the bones. Next, cook orange jam, as in the classic recipe above: in the prepared syrup and in several steps.

Even if it is decided to make jam from oranges without peel, it is still recommended to add zest to it. With it, the dessert will turn out to be as fragrant as from unpeeled fruits. And the degree of light piquant bitter astringency of the taste of jam can be adjusted by yourself by adding a little more or less zest to it. In addition, excessive bitterness can be removed by soaking whole oranges overnight in cold water or steaming only the zest for a few minutes in boiling water. At the same time, it will no longer take so long to cook an orange delicacy as from fruits in a peel.

And with the addition of zest, you can make jam according to any recipe, including when boiling oranges with other ingredients. Just do not confuse the zest with the peel. It represents only the topmost layer of the latter painted. The easiest way to prepare the zest for cooking is in the following ways. We remove it from the fruit on a coarse grater, as shown in the photo. This is the fastest way. Or cut with a regular or special knife for vegetables, and then chop with a blender (you can use a meat grinder).

The optimal amount of zest is 2-3 tablespoons per 1 kg of fruit.

You can add zest to jam at any stage of its preparation. And when they just started to boil it, and during any subsequent stage of cooking, and during the last boil. In the latter version, the jam will turn out to be much more aromatic than in the first. True, there is a small chance that when the dessert is ready, the zest is not yet fully boiled.

Ginger not only gives the dishes to which it is added a specific pleasant aftertaste and aroma, but also makes them healthier. The substances and vitamins contained in this seasoning contribute to the normalization of the work of a number of organs and many physiological processes of the body. It is most useful to use raw ginger root, and not a product of its processing in the form of a powder. If you do not attach importance to the usefulness of ginger, then the taste of jam with it, after all, is not for everybody. Therefore, you need to be careful with this seasoning. You can overdo it so much that the taste and aroma of ginger will almost completely drown out the orange.

Ginger for jam

Lovers of this seasoning and supporters of a healthy diet can add it to orange jam prepared according to any recipe, including with other ingredients. The accentuated flavor and aroma of ginger in the dessert is achieved with its amount of 200–300 g of root per 1 kg of fruits used in the recipe. If it is necessary to make jam with taste and smell, in which notes of cooked fruits will prevail, then seasonings should be added less. Before using as an ingredient, the root must be peeled, and then chopped with a meat grinder (blender) or grated on a fine grater. Add the prepared ginger to the fruits just before they start cooking. Then we cook jam, according to the chosen recipe.

Jam made in a slow cooker

Orange jam in a slow cooker according to the classic recipe, but with citric acid. You will need:

  • oranges - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - a little bit on the tip of a spoon;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • filtered or settled water - 250 ml.

As in the classic recipe, washed oranges are thoroughly peeled, white films and pits. Then we cut the fruits into medium cubes in a deep bowl, cover them with sugar and pour water. We leave the oranges to let the juice and soak in the syrup for at least half an hour. It's better if they stay longer. You can even leave them like this all night. In this case, the oranges are ideally soaked in syrup. Then the fruits are thoroughly, but gently mixed and loaded into a slow cooker. We turn on the "Paired" mode. We set the time of its operation to 1 hour. And at the end of the preparation of the jam (at the signal of the multicooker), add citric acid to it and mix everything properly.

"Five Minute" - a quick and healthy orange dessert

A variety of five-minute jams made from various fruits and berries are very popular with housewives, mainly because of the speed of their preparation. But in fact, this is not the main advantage of such desserts. The main charm of the “five-minute” is that it is much healthier than jam prepared in the traditional way or in a slow cooker. After all, any heat treatment destroys vitamins, and the shorter it lasts, the more useful substances remain in the final product. Most of them are saved in the “five-minute period”.

Orange jam five minutes

Oranges are primarily rich in vitamin C, which is very important for humans. And therefore, five-minute orange jam at any time of the year will be a powerful source of nourishment for the body with this vitamin. Oranges for the "five minutes" can also be peeled or left in the peel, divided into slices or cut into pieces of any desired shape and size. Other citrus fruits (lemon or tangerine), any fruits or berries can be added to the main ingredient. The fruits will need to be cut into pieces that are close in size and shape to orange.

For a more piquant taste, you can also add cinnamon, ginger, vanilla sugar, cloves. Sugar for an orange five-minute should be taken by weight about the same as that taken for cooking fruits (including additional ingredients - fruits, berries or citrus fruits). Depending on preferences, it can be put less (for lovers of sour jam) or more. “Five-minute” can be eaten right away, having prepared the required limited amount, or rolled up for the winter.

Recipe for a classic orange "five-minute". You will need:

  • oranges and sugar - 1 kg each;
  • filtered or settled water - 1 cup.

Peeled oranges are divided into slices, which are cut in half, removing the seeds. We put the fruits crushed in this way in a bowl for making jam. We fill them with sugar, and then fill them with water. Mix everything gently and leave the oranges for 2 hours to extract juice. Then we put the cooking utensils with fruits on the stove and turn on a small fire. We heat the oranges in our own syrup to a boil, and then boil them for exactly 5 minutes, after which we remove from the stove. Everything, the jam is ready. Do not forget to gently stir the oranges all the time while the dishes with them are heated on the fire. In the process of boiling, this must be done almost without stopping.

Autumn days for busy hostesses are a hot time. Blanks are made from the usual and most unthinkable products. Winter has come, you can rest. It wasn't there. The cold season is the time to cook exotic jam. From oranges.

Well, let them be sold all year round. The aroma of this delicacy can drive anyone crazy! And it's worth the money and time spent.

What is orange jam

The fruit itself is very fragrant and quite suitable for harvesting alone. But it can also miraculously transform other fruits and vegetables. For example, pumpkin, zucchini, apples. In combination with an orange, you get not just jam, but an amazing delicacy. This is not a shame to put on the festive table. And raw oranges can also be used as a room fragrance. But first things first.

Classic recipe

Those who write in a search engine - how to make jam from oranges, receive a standard recipe in the issue. The most common set of products:

  • oranges. 2 kg. Count the weight together with the peel.
  • Drinking water. 0.5 l. Not boiled. Spring - perfect.
  • Granulated sugar. 2 kg. If the fruit is too sweet, you can use less.

First make the syrup. It is the basis for all types of jam. Sugar is poured with water, put on a small fire, brought to a boil. As soon as the mixture acquires a yellowish tint, oranges can be added. The mass is boiled again for 8-10 minutes, the fire is turned off, and cooled for about 3 hours. Then once again put on fire, cook for 10 minutes. Let it cool down a second time. Repeat the sequence a third time.

Depending on the lids chosen, they are laid out in jars cold or hot. Tin caps - for hot capping. When cooling, the jam will slightly decrease in volume, the vacuum in the container protects the workpiece from mold.

Polyethylene - for cold. For such lids, the delicacy must cool completely. If hot jars are corked, condensation will appear during cooling. And this is a great reason for fermenting jam.

You can store a blank of oranges in the cellar, under the bed, in the pantry or refrigerator. In a word, where jam from the usual berries and fruits is well worth it.

Advice. Brown sugar will give the finished dish a peculiar aroma and interesting taste. It will be more expensive, well, you can spend money for your loved ones.

Raw jam with oranges

The basis of such a blank is gooseberries. Many people know its benefits, but few people like to preserve it. Gooseberry compote is inconspicuous, the jam has practically no aroma. And if you add oranges to the berries, then the dessert turns out to be truly royal!

You will need:

  • ripe gooseberries, 500 g
  • oranges with peel, 500 g
  • ordinary sugar, 1200 g
  • meat grinder, glass bowl, wooden spoon

Pigtails and wreaths are pinched off from the berries, the fruits are thoroughly washed, and the bones are removed. Pass through a meat grinder into a bowl or bowl, add granulated sugar. Stir thoroughly with a wooden spoon or spatula until completely dissolved. This may take up to half an hour. Do not be lazy, you are making an imperial delicacy!

Now you can decompose the resulting mixture into sterilized jars, close with plastic lids. Store only in the refrigerator! In the cellar, the workpiece will quickly deteriorate.

Advice. A few leaves of fresh mint or a slice of lemon will add extra flavor to the raw jam.

How to cook orange jam - additives and ingredients

Based on the classic recipe, you can create your own. Experiments sometimes lead to unique results. Carrots, peaches, pumpkins, zucchini, apples are cooked simultaneously with oranges. For more fragrant or original taste, ginger, cognac, cloves, whiskey, vanilla, cinnamon are added. There is no limit to perfection!

For example, here is a recipe for orange jam that everyone will love, without exception.


  • ripe pears, 900 g
  • oranges with skin, 600 g
  • dark raisins, 150 g
  • peeled walnuts, 300 g
  • white sugar, 1200 g

Procedure. Rinse raisins with clean water, pour boiling water over, leave to swell. Then recline on a sieve or colander, dry on a rag towel. Fruits should be washed, wiped dry. Remove bones, stalks, hard cores. Grind the nuts with a knife or coffee grinder, not into crumbs, but into small pieces.

Grind pears together with oranges in a meat grinder or in a blender. Pour sugar, leave for 5 hours for the appearance of juice. Then put on a strong fire, heat quickly. As soon as the puree boils, add the finished raisins. Boil for 40 minutes, removing the foam. After adding nuts, boil for 7 minutes, turn off the heat.

Arrange in sterile containers, cover with parchment paper, put in the refrigerator. Such a miracle is stored for about 3 months. In theory. In practice - does not have time, flies away instantly.

Advice. This jam will have to be stirred continuously during cooking, it can quickly burn.
Instead of pears, you can take bananas or carrots. Only then will you have to add 500 g of water, because they are rather dry in themselves.

Collecting peels!

Citrus lovers can enjoy the juicy fruit pulp and enjoy the original jam at the same time. To do this, you need to collect all the crusts: from tangerines, oranges, lemons, grapefruits. The peel of limes, kumquats and pomelo will also come in handy.

Cut with rhombuses or any shape. Dry in a convenient way (in the oven or on the battery). You can freeze.

When a large bag is typed, spread in a basin, pour cold water. Boil 12-15 minutes. The liquid is drained, the crusts are weighed. For 1 kg of raw materials take 1 tsp. citric acid, 1200 g of granulated sugar, 700 g of pure water. Put in an enamel basin, put on fire. Cook at a low boil for 1 hour 15 minutes. Then hot poured into containers, corked with tin lids.

You can store such a blank in the cellar for about 2 years.

Advice. The finished jam should be thick. If it is still liquid by the end of cooking, then you can thicken it with Gelfix or Confiture. It is a natural pectin-based jam thickener.

Magic deodorizer

When you cook orange jam, do not spare one fruit, make yourself an air flavor. The cost is low, but the effect is amazing! It will take only one orange, a glass of sugar, a small jar with a tight lid.

Thoroughly washed fruit is cut into half rings. After that, they are laid in layers in a container, sprinkled with sugar. It should be the top layer. Then tightly close the jar with a lid, clean for 3 days in a warm dark place. Everything, home flavor is ready.

You need to store it in the refrigerator. On a cold winter evening or when you are in a bad mood, take out the container, put it in the room, remove the lid. As soon as the contents warm up, you will smell the aroma of sunny summer days. Your mood will improve 100%!

Feeling better? Close the jar tightly and put it in the refrigerator until the next time.

Advice. Sugar can be replaced with table salt, you get a small savings. Throw a pinch of your favorite spices or a few fragrant flower petals into a jar. Salt can be taken even flavored. Then the deodorizer will be unique, prepared according to your preferences. Experiment and enjoy.

Fruit preparation, the right choice

In order for a dessert to certainly turn out, every little thing must be taken into account. Oranges to choose the best. Bright orange color, elastic, smooth in tactile sensations. The peel can be thin or thick, it doesn't really matter. Much more important is the presence of dents, damage, deep scratches. Naturally, they should not be.

Rub the skin with your finger without strong pressure. The citrus smell should be felt already at a distance of 30 cm. It is desirable that it be pleasant and fresh. Set aside a weak-smelling orange, it will not give enough juice.

The fruits are washed very carefully. Washcloth or soft brush. A greasy, sticky coating on the peel is a food wax. It is applied for better preservation of oranges. That's what you need to get rid of, because the skin is useful for cooking. You can even wash the fruits with laundry soap. The main thing is to rinse them thoroughly in plenty of clean water or under a running stream.

Now, depending on the chosen recipe, peel off the zest or remove the whole peel. Next, the oranges are divided into slices, cut into beautiful triangles. If a recipe with a skin is chosen, then they simply choose to taste: circles, cubes, plates, straws. Everything, the raw materials are prepared, you can start cooking.

Advice. The juiciness of fruits is determined by the butt opposite from the twig. The larger and more developed the characteristic bump there, the juicier and sweeter the orange. Conversely, a fruit without a “rose” growth in this place is practically dry inside and sour in taste.

Subtleties and nuances

  1. A vessel made of copper, aluminum, tin, iron is unsuitable for orange jam. Metals interact with the acid from the fruit to form a patina. It is better to take an enamel basin or a wide stainless steel pan. Make sure there are no chips or deep scratches. Particles of enamel on the teeth bring a lot of "pleasant" moments.
  2. If there is no vegetable peeler or a special tool for peeling, then the most ordinary kitchen grater will come to the rescue. The small one makes beautiful curls, the large one saves time. The choice is yours.
  3. There was no pectin at hand, but the workpiece seems watery? Wait to grieve. As it cools, it will become much thicker. If the syrup still remains liquid, then pour it into a ladle, boil it with the addition of dry red wine and a pinch of hot pepper. Feel free to serve with any hard cheese or poultry. At the same time, you can modestly tell the guests that they learned the recipe in Italy.
  4. Be sure to always remove the pits from the pulp. They give the preparation a strong bitterness.
  5. The shelf life of classic orange jam is about two years. With the addition of alcohol - no more than 10 months.
  6. And the most important! After you put the last serving of orange jam, do not run to the sink to wash the dishes. Take a heavy piece of white bread, pour yourself freshly brewed tea. Now, with an accurate, confident movement, directly with a bun, collect the rest of the jam from the walls of the saucepan and send it immediately to your mouth. Why wait for winter? Compensate your efforts with a wonderful dessert right now.

How to cook orange jam? In any way. Following the recommendations or adding your own ingredients. All year round or only in summer. It is difficult to spoil it, and the color and smell will forever remain in the memory of the household.

Video: orange peel jam

Many are sure that jam can only be made in summer, when your favorite berries ripen on the beds, and the trees give a lot of fruit. However, even in winter it will not be difficult to prepare several servings of fragrant, healthy and unusually tasty jam. Of what? Of course, from oranges!

There are several secrets to making orange jam:

  • While cooking delicacies from peeled oranges, add a little orange zest passed through a meat grinder to it, so the jam will be many times more fragrant;
  • Be sure to try the fruits prepared for dessert, so you can determine how much sugar you need to put in the jam;
  • Be sure to remove the pits from citrus fruits, otherwise the delicacy will be bitter;
  • Jam should be cooked in an enamel pan, and the finished delicacy should be rolled into sterilized jars.

After you have learned the main secrets of making orange jam, it's time to bring to your attention some interesting recipes.

Orange jam. Classic recipe

You will need:

  • oranges - 1 kg,
  • sugar - 1.5 kg,
  • water - 500 ml.

Cooking method

  • Wash oranges thoroughly. We discuss. We cut into thin circles. We remove the seeds.
  • Pour sugar into an enameled pan and fill with water. We cook syrup.
  • Put the orange slices into the syrup. Bring to a boil. We take off the foam.
  • Cook the jam over low heat (no need to cover) for 2 hours, stirring occasionally.
  • Pour the finished jam into jars. We clog. We store in a cool place.

Orange and lemon jam

You will need:

  • oranges - 2 kg,
  • lemons - 1.5 kg + 4 pieces,
  • sugar.

Cooking method

  • Wash citrus. We dry. Without removing the zest, cut into small pieces. We remove the bones.
  • Pour oranges and lemons with water in a ratio of 1:3. We leave for 12 hours.
  • After the specified time, put the jam on the fire and cook for 20 minutes. After we clean for a day in a cool place.
  • The next day, we put freshly squeezed juice from 4 lemons and the same amount of sugar into the jam. We mix.
  • Cook orange-lemon jam over moderate heat for 30 minutes after boiling.
  • Pour jam into jars. Seal with metal lids. Delicious preparation for the winter is ready!

Orange and gooseberry jam without cooking

You will need:

  • orange - 1 piece,
  • gooseberries - 1 kg,
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method

  • My orange. We discuss. We remove the bones.
  • My gooseberries.
  • We pass orange and gooseberries through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
  • Mix with sugar. Mix thoroughly.
  • Pour the jam into sterilized jars. Seal with plastic lids. We store in the refrigerator.

Orange jam with lemons and ginger

You will need:

  • oranges - 3 pieces,
  • lemons - 2 pieces,
  • sugar - 500 g,
  • ginger - 150 g,
  • water - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Wash oranges and lemons thoroughly. We discuss. Cut lengthwise into 4 pieces. We remove the bones.
  • Grind citrus fruits in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.
  • Pour water into the orange-lemon mass. We put on fire.
  • After 2 minutes after boiling the jam, add sugar. We mix.
  • We simmer the jam for another quarter of an hour over moderate heat, not forgetting to stir.
  • We clean the ginger. Finely chop or grind in a blender. Send to jam. Mix well. We remove the delicacy from the stove.
  • Pour the slightly cooled jam into sterilized jars. We remove to a cool place.

Orange jam with apricots

You will need:

  • apricots - 2 kg,
  • oranges - 0.5 kg,
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method

  • My apricots. We discuss. We divide into two parts. We remove the bones.
  • We fall asleep apricot with sugar.
  • Wash oranges thoroughly. We cut into rings. We remove the bones.
  • We combine apricots with oranges. We put on a moderate fire, periodically remove the foam.
  • After the jam begins to boil, and there is no more foam, remove it from the heat and pour it into jars. The treat is ready!

Jam from oranges and young carrots

You will need:

  • granulated sugar - 750 g,
  • oranges - 500 g,
  • young carrots - 500 g,
  • lemons - 2 pieces.

Cooking method

  • Wash the lemons well. We discuss. We cut the zest. We divide in half. Remove the bones, put them in a gauze bag. We squeeze juice.
  • Wash oranges thoroughly. We squeeze juice. We send the bones to the bag with lemon seeds.
  • We clean the carrots. We cut in circles.
  • Put carrots and lemon zest in an enamel pan.
  • Pour in lemon and orange juice.
  • I put a bag of bones.
  • Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the lemon zest softens.
  • Take out the bag of bones. We add sugar. We mix. Cook over moderate heat for an hour.
  • Delicious and fragrant jam is poured into sterilized jars. We clog. Now on cold winter evenings you can enjoy a delicacy reminiscent of summer.

Orange and tangerine jam

You will need:

  • sugar - 1.5 kg,
  • oranges - 0.5 kg,
  • tangerines - 0.5 kg,
  • lemon - 1/4 piece,
  • water - 500 ml.

Cooking method

  • Wash oranges and tangerines well. We clean. We discuss.
  • Blanch citrus fruits in hot water for 7 minutes. We cool.
  • We divide oranges and tangerines into slices. We remove the bones.
  • Pour sugar into water. We cook syrup.
  • Pour oranges and tangerines with hot syrup.
  • Pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice. We mix. We leave for a couple of hours.
  • We put the real jam on the fire. Bring to a boil. We cook 10 minutes. We cool. Boil again for a quarter of an hour. In total, we cook jam in 4 doses.
  • Pour a delicacy of oranges and tangerines into sterilized jars. After it cools down, seal with lids. Bon Appetit!