Types of tequila. What are the types of tequila and which tequila is better

08.08.2019 Salads

Everyone who wants to try tequila is usually interested in the question of its diversity. Thanks to this material, you will learn what types of tequila are according to the aging period and the content of agave juice. The Mexicans decided not to complicate their lives and officially use only one classification. That is what we will look at first.

According to the standards of the Mexican government, according to the aging period, tequila is divided into the following types (varieties):

Plata (blanca) "silver" - colorless tequila, the aging period of which does not exceed two months. It is bottled almost immediately after the completion of the distillation process. The drink has a sharp taste, but local connoisseurs prefer this type of tequila.

To soften the taste a little, some manufacturers keep “silver” tequila for 30-60 days in oak barrels. by the most famous brands of this species are "El Tesoro Silver", "Chinaco Blanco" and "Sauza Tres Generaciones Plata".

Gold - to obtain an external resemblance to aged tequila in the production of "golden" tequila, special dyes (oak essence) and flavors (caramel, vanilla) are used, which slightly soften the taste, additives cannot exceed 1% by weight.

Reposado ("rested") - the period of aging the drink in oak barrels from 2 to 12 months (usually about a year), due to which tequila has its own unique taste. The most popular brands of this species are Cabo Wabo and Herradura Reposado.

Añejo (aged) - before bottling, tequila is infused in barrels for 1-3 years, this type is considered the best in terms of price and quality.

Extra añejo ("extra aged") - this is how they designate tequila that has been in barrels for more than 3 years. These drinks claim to be elite status, and they cost accordingly. Their labels are usually marked "Reserva de casa" or "Tipo". The most famous brand of this species is "El Patron Añejo".

Añejo - best value for money

Types of tequila according to the content of agave juice in the drink:

Tequila 100% Agave (premium) - contains 100% blue agave juice. This type can only be bottled within those regions where tequila production is allowed. The label must contain the inscription "100% puro de agave" or simply "agave".

Mixta (standard) - drinks made by mixing (blending) alcohols different plants. But in any case, 51% of the alcohol must be obtained from blue agave juice, the rest from cane or corn syrup. Each manufacturer has its own recipe, there is no single standard for this type of tequila. Such drinks on their label contain the inscription "Tequila".

Tequila is a famous Mexican alcoholic drink. Many connoisseurs quality alcohol give it a leading position. But few people are interested in what types of tequila exist. There are quite a few of them and they all have their own characteristics.

Types (varieties) of tequila

The criteria that influence tequila varieties are varied. Each of them affects the value of a particular type of drink. Among them are the following:

  • the amount of sugar;
  • the origin of the ingredients;
  • agave quality;
  • other components.

All types of Mexican vodka differ in the way they are prepared. Peculiar technology brings its own distinctive features into alcohol. This also applies to the materials from which the containers for storing the drink are made. They affect the taste of tequila, its color and aroma.

Mexicans divided their vodka into two types:

  • made from 100% agave;
  • made from agave sugars (50%).

According to these criteria, popular brands of tequila are distinguished:

  • Silver;
  • Gold;
  • Reposado;
  • Blanco.

100% Blue Agave

This variety is known as "pure" tequila. She is attributed to elite drinks. Their cost is high, and they can only be purchased in Mexico. The state leadership took responsibility for the production of this type of vodka. It consists of 100% agave and is unparalleled in terms of quality.


This variation of the drink is better known as "mixed" tequila. Cheaper sugar is used in production. It can be cane or corn. Its share in the composition cannot exceed 49%. In the manufacturing process, various extracts, flavors or dyes can be used.

The taste of alcohol is good. But it does not have the expressiveness that is present in the first case. Its price is significantly lower. Therefore, it is more popular in the manufacture of cocktails based on Mexican vodka. Of the marks indicated on the bottle, there is only the inscription "Tequila".


Better known as "silver". This variety refers to the derivatives of the Mixto drink. It contains fragrances. One of the most quality brands of this alcohol is "Legenda del Milagro Silver". Unlike other drinks of this variety, it has a richer taste.


"Golden" tequila is very popular among lovers of this drink. It also has Mixto properties. There is no holding stage during production. It is compensated by adding dyes. Their number cannot exceed 1% of the total volume.

Observations of specialists confirm the possibility of producing various blends under the name "Gold", which include unaged 100% agave. The closest in characteristics to quality tequila can be attributed to "Sauza Gold".


More common under the name "platinum" or "white". It is a favorite variety of the inhabitants of Mexico. It has no color, but retains the unsurpassed aftertaste of agave distillate.

This tequila contains 100% agave. It is not subject to aging, but there are exceptions. So, drinks "Chicano Blanco" and "Sauza Tres Generaciones Plata" are aged for two months.


It is called "rested". Drinks in this class are barrel aged from two to twelve months. They are distinguished by a golden hue, which is formed naturally without coloring impurities. The taste is soft and balanced. Among other representatives of this variety, it is worth highlighting "Cabo Wabo" and "Herradura Reposado".

Understanding the difference between varieties, you can not be afraid of buying low-quality alcohol. To do this, follow these recommendations and carefully study the product label. This is the only way to enjoy the real taste of a traditional Mexican drink.

Attention, only TODAY!

Until recently, tequila was unknown to a wide range of consumers in the post-Soviet space. However, now it can be found on store shelves. The only thing worth paying attention to is that according to international laws, only a drink made in Mexico with the inscription “Hecho en Mexico” on the label can be called tequila. Today, there are four main types of this drink - white, yellow, aged and over-aged tequila, which is the most expensive. But not everyone knows how yellow tequila differs from white, although these are the most affordable varieties.

What is the difference between golden tequila and white tequila

If you are wondering what golden tequila different from white, the same comparison can be applied here as for rum. Everything is in the production technology. The fact is that white tequila (silver) is the basis for all other varieties and is most of all used for making all kinds of cocktails. Although, no one bothers you to try this drink in pure form. The fact is that the technology for the production of white tequila uses the method of bottling immediately after distillation or a short exposure in metal containers. It turns out completely transparent.

At a later stage, all other varieties and varieties are produced from white tequila. Here we come close to answering the question, golden tequila is different from white. In this case, white tequila at the end of production is aged in oak barrels for a period of two months to one year. It is due to this that you can get the yellow tint characteristic of this drink. The last two varieties mentioned above can be aged up to 10 years.

By the way, if we consider the question of how gold differs from white, there is another simple answer. The fact is that golden tequila is sometimes obtained from white by adding oak essence, dyes and flavors such as caramel, sugar syrup or glycerin.

For all varieties of tequila, regardless of the production technology, there are also their own rules for use. It is most often drunk like cognac, in small sips enjoying palatability and flavor of the drink. As mentioned above, white tequila is used mainly for cocktails. Yellow tequila can also be mixed with other ingredients, but experts and true connoisseurs of this drink recommend using it in its pure form. However, even without knowing how golden tequila differs from white, you can still feel the unsurpassed taste and aroma of any of these varieties. But for the purchase of even one bottle of tequila, you will have to pay a considerable amount of money.

There are two types - "premium" from 100% agave (cien por ciento de agave) and "standard"(often called mixto, that is, mixed) from mixed sugars, the share of agave juice in which is at least 51%. The law does not specify the types of sugars allowed, but mainly in Mexico, to produce standard tequila, agave juice is added with local crystallized and unrefined sugar from sugar cane (piloncillo), unrefined Brown sugar or corn syrup. Each of these sugars affects the taste of the drink. Tequila made only from agave juice is marked 100% agave on the label.

Division of tequila by age:

  • Blanco - white, unseasoned;
  • Joven abocado - young, unseasoned;
  • Gold - a kind of young (joven) tequila;
  • Reposado - literally "rested";
  • Anejo - seasoned.

Blanco also known as silver, "silver". This is the most common type of tequila, which is bottled either immediately after production or after a short exposure (no more than 30 days) in steel or oak vats.

Joven abocado- young, unaged tequila. Gold (Spanish) Oro), that is "golden"- a type of young tequila . Because of the golden color, many people mistakenly believe that this is aged tequila. In fact, this is the result of tinting with caramel (no more than one percent caramel is allowed). Despite the fact that Joven abocado is the official industry term for this type of tequila, this name is not always indicated on the labels.

Reposado- rested tequila. "Rests" in oak barrels from 2 to 12 months. And most often, not barrels are used for aging, but huge oak vats (pipones) with a capacity of about 20 thousand liters. Caramel is also added to this type of tequila, since the "rest" period is not sufficient to saturate the drink with the color inherent in wood-aged drinks.

Anejo- the most expensive type of tequila, aged in oak barrels with a capacity of no more than 600 liters from a year to 7 years. Most often, 200-liter barrels are used, in which the influence of the tree manifests itself faster and more fully. The upper limit of aging is not defined by the standards, but practice has shown that the age limit of tequila is 5 years. With a longer exposure, the tree begins to dominate the taste of the drink, it becomes bitter, loses its original taste characteristics the raw material from which it was produced.
It should also be remembered that in the hot and dry climate of Mexico, the "portion of angels" is much larger than in Scotland or France. After five years of aging, the barrel can lose up to 50% of its contents due to the natural evaporation of alcohol.

As a rule, Anejo class tequila is made from 100% agave juice, and a significant part of Blanco and Joven tequila is made from mixed sugars. However, among Reposado tequila and unaged tequila there are many samples with 100% agave juice content. Now almost all manufacturers have Reposado and Anejo class tequilas in their assortment.

There are about 1,000 brands of tequila in the world, so it is useful to know about the different types of tequila and what categories of this drink exist so as not to get lost in such an abundance. The task of classification is to help the consumer determine the type of tequila, the place where it was produced, the aging time (if any). First of all, there are two main varieties of tequila.

Varieties of tequila by composition

  • Tequila Mixto (mixed)
  • 100% Blue Agave (only blue agave is used)

Tequila Mixto.
Contains at least 51% blue agave, the remaining 49% may be other sugars (usually cane). In addition, Tequila Mixto is allowed to use the following ingredients: caramel color, oak extract flavor, glycerin and sugar syrup. Since 2006, Tequila Mixto can be bottled outside the tequila production area (including in other countries).

100% Blue Agave. If the drink was made entirely from blue agave, the label will say Tequila 100% de agave or Tequila 100% puro de agave. Labels for Mixto have only the inscription Tequila.

Varieties of tequila by exposure

In addition to classification by composition, tequila is classified by aging. There are five such varieties.

  • Tequila Silver (Blanco, White, Plata, Platinum)
  • Tequila Gold (Joven, Oro)
  • Tequila Reposado
  • Tequila Anejo
  • Tequila Extra Anejo

Tequila Silver (Blanco, White, Plata, Platinum).
This is a blue agave drink in its purest form. It is transparent, and, as a rule, does not have any exposure. Natural aromas are expressed in it, the taste of agave is intense, there is a natural sweetness. This tequila can be bottled directly after distillation, or stored in stainless steel containers for up to 4 weeks. In some cases, Blanco tequila sometimes has a short aging of up to 2 months to get a smooth taste of tequila (this property is called Suave).

Tequila Gold (Joven, Oro). Golden tequila, as a rule, is mixed (Mixto). This means that before the bottling process, colors and flavors are added to the drink. Such young and diluted tequilas containing impurities are usually inexpensive and are widely used in bars and restaurants to create various cocktails.

However, it is worth noting that there are exceptions here too, as Gold Tequila (Joven) can also be the result of blending Silver Tequila with Reposado and/or Añejo (following categories) while maintaining the characteristics of a 100% pure agave drink.

Tequila Reposado. Sometimes Reposado tequila is called rested and ripened tequila. This is a tequila of the first stage of aging and maturation. Tequila is aged in wooden barrels or metal containers from 2 to 11 months. The drink acquires a golden hue, the taste begins to reflect a good balance of agave and wood aromas. A lot is used for aging various kinds wooden barrels, but American or French oak barrels are the most common.

Interestingly, some types of tequila mature in barrels that have previously aged bourbon, whiskey, cognac or wine. Tequila, aged in such barrels, acquires the aromas of the former alcoholic beverage.

Tequila Añejo (long aged, mature). Tequila aged for at least a year is classified as Añejo. The rules of the game oblige producers to age Añejo in barrels not exceeding 600 liters. This maturation process colors tequila in amber, its taste becomes smoother, richer and more multifaceted.

Tequila Extra Añejo (extra aging). Relatively new variety in the classification of tequila (introduced in 2006). It includes any tequila aged for more than 3 years. As with Añejo, the producers age the drink in barrels or containers with a maximum capacity of 600 liters. During aging, tequila becomes significantly darker (almost red) and acquires a taste and aroma characteristic of other aged alcoholic beverages. According to the rules, after aging, the drink should be slightly diluted with distilled water. The taste of Extra Añejo tequila is extremely smooth and complex.