Whiskey from vodka at home. Whiskey at home: recipe

02.05.2020 Fish dishes

1 way - we imitate the taste and smell of the legendary drink

Whiskey is easy to make and requires minimal investment. We take:

  1. 3 liters of moonshine (45%).
  2. Z Art. spoons of oak bark.
  3. 50 gr. charcoal.
  4. 6-8 dried apricots or prunes

We buy oak bark in a pharmacy, we make coal ourselves by burning birch, fruit tree or oak wood.

Cooking method:

  • If the moonshine is too strong, we bring it up to 45% (it is absolutely not recommended to dilute the finished whiskey - its taste and aromatic characteristics are reduced).
  • Grind coal to a state of dust.
  • Properly prepare the oak bark - steam it for 10 minutes in boiling water, drain the excess water, fill it with cold water and drain it after 15 minutes.
  • In a pre-prepared container, add steamed oak bark, dried apricots (prunes) and coal. Pour moonshine (1.5 l), mix thoroughly and add the rest to the very top.
  • We remove the tightly closed container for a couple of weeks for aging. The place should be dark and cool.
  • At the end of the period, we try the resulting whiskey to taste. If everything suits, we filter with a cotton-gauze filter.

Method 2 - imitate aging in an oak barrel

This recipe is more labor-intensive, but the result is worth it. We take:

  1. Oak slats or boards and cut them into small pieces. So that they easily pass into the neck of the container for making whiskey. The length of the bar should not exceed 2/3 of the height of the can.
  2. We wrap the oak bars in pieces of foil and send them to the oven for 3 hours to roast. At a temperature of 120C, the aroma will be light, at 150C it will be more pronounced, at 205C it will acquire vanilla notes, at 250C it will have a smoky hue, and at 270C it will impress with a clear almond flavor.

Important! Open areas that are not wrapped in foil should not be left on the bars! Otherwise, a large cloud of smoke will form in the room, and the smell of burnt wood will remain in it for several days.

  1. We burn the resulting blanks from oak boards with a gas burner - their surface should become evenly charred.
  2. We put 3 slats in a container, pour moonshine and close tightly.
  3. We clean for three to four months in a dark, cool place. And remember - the longer the whiskey stands, the richer it turns out.

3 way - we insist moonshine on oak sawdust

Recipe similar to the previous one. Only oak bars are replaced with bark and sawdust evaporated in boiling water (to minimize the concentration of tannins in them).

Useful Tricks

Fans of homemade whiskey, masters of their art, managed to arm themselves with a lot of useful tips based on their own experience. Knowing these recommendations, you can create alcohol that is unique in taste and aroma, beating its color and even come up with your own recipe for homemade whiskey. Get to know these "home" secrets.

Color saturation

Natural whiskey has a bright golden (dark or light) hue. This color is achieved with the help of oak bark (chips), liquid smoke, saffron. But an amber color can also be obtained using the following products:

  1. Black bread. Its crust is applied. It must be dried, crushed and poured with vodka or moonshine (100 ml). After insisting for 2-3 days, the alcoholized bread mass is added to the rest of the ingredients. Black bread also helps to achieve a noble dark brown hue to the finished product and gives it a pleasant bready flavor.
  2. Elecampane. Leaves of this plant can also give homemade alcohol an exquisite dark shade. They must be infused fresh, after grinding and adding a glass of vodka. The exposure time is 3-4 days.
  3. Food colorings. They will help the home-made whiskey with a golden color to add a more noble and rich color. The use of food coloring in this situation is the easiest way to bring the color of homemade whiskey to the desired shade.
  4. Saffron. Helps to give homemade Scotch spirits an unusual, slightly tart taste. The spice is infused in vodka for 2-2.5 weeks (based on 200 ml of alcohol, 25-30 g of saffron). Moreover, throughout the entire period of infusion, the mass should be shaken daily.

With the help of some products you can enhance the color of whiskey

Use of liquid smoke

If you decide to use this substance in the preparation of whiskey, you should know that it can be used to change the taste of the finished drink. For example:

  1. A slightly peaty aroma (like natural Scottish spirits) is obtained by adding 5-6 drops to the main ingredients.
  2. Light smoky tone (this is observed in Irish whiskey production). To achieve this aroma, it is enough to include 2-3 drops of liquid smoke in the composition.

If there is no liquid smoke, and there is also no way to get it, you can replace it. With burning wooden toothpicks. They should be set on fire and extinguished in the prepared alcohol. How long such a process will take is an individual matter and depends on personal taste preferences.

Application of sugar syrup

In this case, you should also consider which of the two whiskey options you want to see. For example:

  1. For Scottish, it is enough to add 1-1.5 tbsp to the rest of the ingredients. l. syrup.
  2. To get an analogue of Irish whiskey, it will be enough to add 2-2.5 tbsp. l. syrup.

With the help of sugar syrup, you can achieve a different flavor shade of whiskey.

By the way, if it is necessary to include sherry according to the recipe, and it is also not nearby, it can be replaced. For such purposes, ordinary burnt sugar is used, focusing on individual preference.

Ready whiskey can be adjusted according to taste perception. If at the output the product turned out to be too saturated in terms of the concentration of additional ingredients, whiskey can be diluted with vodka and alcohol can be brought to the desired taste.

Use of oak bark

As already mentioned, in its absence, you can plan chips from an oak board. But the use of oak sawdust is not forbidden. True, before they are used to make homemade whiskey, sawdust must be passed through boiling water. This event will remove excess tannins from raw materials (they can spoil the taste of alcohol).

Sawdust is placed in a deep container and filled with boiling water. They must be left in this form until the water has completely cooled. Then the liquid is drained and a new portion of boiling water is added. It is necessary to carry out 3-4 such procedures in order to achieve good quality of the oak raw materials used.

Homemade whiskey in an oak barrel

There are a lot of recipes for making whiskey from moonshine at home, and everyone can make a drink according to their taste and abilities. But the closer the cooking technology is to traditional, the tastier and better your product will be.

To get the perfect whiskey from moonshine, first we will drive the moonshine out of the grain. For 100 grams of yeast and 50 liters of water, you need to take 7 kg of barley, 8 kg of corn and 1 kg of wheat flour. The future mash is boiled over low heat for 5-6 hours, after which it is fermented and moonshine is expelled from it. To clean it from fusel oils, it is insisted on charcoal for two weeks.

An oak barrel, burned from the inside, will help turn moonshine into real whiskey. Depending on the intensity of roasting, the color and shades of taste can vary significantly, and here you can afford to experiment to a certain extent. tart aroma of burnt wood, moonshine will take at least a year.

Whiskey, made at home according to the classical technology, will be indistinguishable from that same old and famous drink.

How to make a product with your own hands

  • Be careful with your choice of yeast. Lager and ale yeasts are great.
  • Water. Before starting cooking, the water must be defended for a day.
  • A good and high-quality moonshine will help in approaching the original taste.

There are a lot of subtleties and nuances that will make the final drink taste better and softer. Familiarize yourself with them and put them into practice.

Malt selection

In order to brew whiskey at home, both caramel (caramel malt) and melanoidin malt are used. You can also take both pure light barley brewing malt, such as Pilsen, and combined grist.

What's more, you can make your own malt. Use clean grain, no debris, sifted.

  1. Place the required amount in a container and fill with water.
  2. Leave everything for 6-7 hours, then drain the water and rinse the grain well again.
  3. Spread the whole mass on pallets with a layer of no more than 3-4 cm.
  4. Stir the grains every 2-3 hours during the day.
  5. After that, cover with a damp cotton cloth and leave in a room with a temperature of 15-20 degrees. Moisten the cloth daily.
  6. On the third day of germination, increase the temperature to 23-25 ​​degrees.
  7. Turn the grain regularly so that the process of stagnation and sweating does not begin.
  8. The finished sprout should exceed the size of the grain itself by one and a half times.



Malt production technology necessarily includes mashing. The main criterion is the temperature regime.

  1. Heat water to 70-71 degrees and add malt.
  2. After adding the temperature should drop to 66-68 degrees.
  3. It is necessary to maintain this temperature for an hour and stir the contents of the container.
  4. Then hold the mash on pause for another 30 minutes.
  5. Use hot water for rinsing.
    • the first stage - 71-72 degrees;
    • the second - 81-82 degrees.
  6. Cool the wort to 33 degrees.


Braga fermentation

Fermentation must take place at high temperatures. You should start at 33 degrees and, in the future, maintain in the range of 28-29 degrees. The objective of this process is to obtain a wort with an alcohol content of 7-10 percent.

lacto fermentation

Lactobacilli allow you to supplement the drink with pleasant and unexpected tastes. Add them to the must at the end of the fermentation process (15-20 hours). As a result, a characteristic sour-milk smell should appear.


You already know that this process takes place in two stages.

  1. The first distillation is carried out until the alcohol content in the jet is 25-30%.
  2. During the second distillation, select 3 fractions: heads, heart and tails.
    • Heads: 1 tablespoon from each 1 liter of mash - this part is discarded.
    • At the next stage, the heart is sampled in the range of 52-72% alcohol in the stream.
    • Basically, the selection stops at 60%, after which the receiving tank changes and the selection of tailings begins. The tail fraction is squeezed dry, almost to 1% alcohol in the jet - it is in the next first stage.

Aging and refinement

Whiskey aging is a whole science. There is an unspoken rule that real Scotch whiskey must be aged for at least 3 years. Malt whiskey, which is not planned to be used for blending, is aged for 5–20 years.

The most common terms are 5-6 and 10-12 years (depending on the variety).

Each type of oak has unique properties that should be studied before use. All oak barrels intended for the storage and aging of alcohol must undergo fire treatment. The taste of the drink largely depends on the degree of roasting.

  • If the roasting is weak, then notes of coconut, vanilla, walnut will be transferred to the drink.
  • The average degree of roasting will allow you to get a spicy drink with a coffee aroma, even when using the most common recipes.
  • A strong firing will add notes of smoke, nutmeg and dried fruits.

Reference! Having at hand a 15-50-liter barrel, you can get a very high-quality product in six months - a year.


Blending is a blending of two types of whiskey: malt and grain. The resulting drink is called Blended whiskey (mixed whiskey).

Barley or grain alcohol must be aged for at least 3 years. It takes 10-12 years to age such alcohol. The composition is bottled only after the drink is completely mixed and gets a uniform taste.

Mix everything in a barrel and put away for 6-12 months (the period can vary both up and down, depending on your preferences).

Imitation of aging in barrels

Long exposure of classic whiskey in oak barrels is one of the main stages of production. At home, when imitating whiskey, aging in barrels is replaced with oak bark, wood chips or sawdust. Oak filler must be pre-prepared.

Preparatory steps:

  • Preparation of wood chips.
  • Soaking wood chips in water.
  • Soaking in soda solution.
  • Washing in running water, followed by boiling.
  • Drying.
  • Heat treatment at a certain temperature in the oven.
  • Charring the surface with open fire.

Pour the prepared wood with strong moonshine, close tightly and place in a cool cramped place for aging. The longer moonshine is infused, the better.

After two or three years, moonshine will acquire the color of strong tea. When insisting, the container with moonshine should be shaken periodically so that the alcohol is evenly saturated with taste and color.

Whiskey with a smoky flavor

To make homemade smoky whiskey, we need the following ingredients:

good vodka - 1l;

"liquid smoke" - 2 drops;

pharmacy oak bark -50 g;

natural sherry - 30 ml;

sugar syrup - 2 tbsp. spoons;

homemade moonshine - 50 g;

saffron - 25 g;

a crust of black bread;

elecampane leaves - 20 g.

The process of making homemade smoky whiskey looks like this:

1) take a glass (200 ml), pour oak bark into it and leave it to brew for 2 hours, then filter the contents into a separate container;

In fact, the laziest of us can go the simplest way and use the so-called "artisanal" method: it's no secret to anyone that after insisting good vodka on oak chips for about 2 weeks, you can get such an express version of the desired elite alcohol .

But it is worth noting that the formulation of this resulting substance will be very far from the original. Therefore, in order to make a proper impression on your comrades and acquaintances, we suggest that you memorize several proven recipes for homemade whiskey from alcohol.

You will have to put in a little more effort in preparing the drink, but the result will pleasantly surprise you: our tips will help you achieve a rich color and characteristic aroma.

What you need to remember right away is that the key ingredient will no longer be vodka, which simply does not meet the criterion for the required strength. Prepare in advance a good moonshine, in which the alcohol content will be at least 60%. In addition, you need to have on hand the oak chips already mentioned by us, small bars or ordinary sawdust. By the way, in almost every building supermarket there is an oak plank we need, which can easily be turned into chips or pegs that we need for the aging process. Just from the very beginning, consider the size of the container in which you plan to infuse the drink: oak chips must fit through the top hole of the can.

Now that we have stocked up on the right materials, let's start making homemade whiskey from alcohol: first of all, wrap the cooked oak chips in foil and roast them well in the oven for 3 hours. Please note: the taste of your drink will directly depend on what temperature you choose.

So take note that:

  • a subtle oak aroma can be achieved if the roasting temperature is 120 ° C;
  • a richer taste will be obtained if you increase the temperature to 150 ° C;
  • at a temperature of 205 ° C, your spirit whiskey will acquire a slight vanilla flavor;
  • to recreate the recipe for Scottish elite alcohol, it is necessary to increase the degree of roasting to 215 ° C. Then you get a light "smoky" flavor;
  • the drink will acquire almond notes if the temperature indicator reaches 270 ° C.

When you have achieved the desired result - you have given the substance a characteristic taste and aroma - you need to take care that the whiskey with your own hands from alcohol acquires that very special Scottish shade. This is possible if, after roasting, oak chips are also carefully charred over an open fire.

After that, you can safely lay out the pegs in prepared containers: oak chips should take up a tenth of the entire space in the jars. Next, you need to fill the bottles with moonshine and leave to infuse for 4 months. If you are willing to wait half a year, then your drink will be much tastier due to a longer exposure.

By the way, remember one more advice from experts: if it so happened that you couldn’t get a whole oak board, then finding ordinary oak sawdust will not be difficult. Moreover, the recipe for making whiskey at home from alcohol practically does not change: the only difference is that the sawdust will need to be thoroughly poured over with boiling water so that tannins, the so-called insoluble organic matter, do not remain on them. The boiling water treatment process should be carried out 3 times to be sure.

Thanks to the described alcohol whiskey recipe at home, you can treat yourself and your guests to a good analogue of Scottish alcohol. Naturally, an expert can easily distinguish a home-made version from a branded one, but you don’t try to please some high-ranking person, do you?

Recipe for making whiskey from alcohol at home

You can also make homemade whiskey from alcohol using a slightly different technology: remember that this is not about insisting diluted alcohol or vodka on oak chips! We safely abandoned this option and forgot about it.

Therefore, let's get acquainted with another method of preparing the desired drink.

Before you get started, check what you have on hand:

  • capacity, the volume of which is 3 liters. By the way, an ordinary glass bottle will do for you;
  • the key ingredient is alcohol;
  • oak bark purchased at any pharmacy, which will need three large spoons;
  • 50 g of charcoal;
  • from 8 to 10 fruits of prunes or dried apricots.

When you have stocked up with everything you need, be patient and start making whiskey at home from alcohol.

To do this, carefully follow the following instructions:

After you have prepared boiling water, carefully add a mixture of oak bark, prunes or dried apricots and charcoal to the previously prepared container. All this should be immediately poured with hot water.

The next step is to pour a quarter of the alcohol into the container. During this process, you must carefully stir the tincture. Then pour out the remaining alcohol so that the jar is filled to the brim.

When you have done all this, tightly close the container with a lid and leave it alone for six months or a year. The longer the exposure, the better the taste.

After this period of time, before serving alcohol to the table, do not forget to filter the drink.

To make your homemade whiskey look even more solid, pour it into beautiful vessels.

More experienced craftsmen know how to make spirit whiskey even more like its Scotch counterpart. To do this, they resort to more painstaking technology and a couple of tricks. Interested? Then write it down.

Experts call this recipe “with smoke”. To implement it, you must purchase good vodka or alcohol in advance. In addition, you should also have oak chips on hand.

What you need to do:

First you need to fill the chips with vodka or alcohol and leave the mixture to infuse for a couple of hours.

Only after that you should use ordinary gauze to filter the tincture.

You may not need such an ingredient as “liquid smoke” at all if you use the following technology: using the same alcohol, you will extinguish the burnt sugar in it.

In the next step, you add sugar syrup, moonshine and sherry to the mixture.

But the procedure for preparing the drink does not end there. The remaining alcohol should be added, and then proceed to the very important process of giving alcohol all its characteristic features - color and taste.

What you might need for this:

With the help of saffron, your homemade whiskey will take on a natural shade. Therefore, take 25 g of this spice and pour 200 ml of vodka. Before using this mixture, be sure to infuse it for 2 weeks. Thanks to this trick, you can color the drink in a rich golden color.

If you decide to make whiskey from alcohol, then you can resort to such a method of coloring the drink as powder from ordinary black bread. The bread product is carefully crumbled and dried, and then poured with vodka. By the way, one glass of liquid will be enough. Such a dye should be infused in a warm, dark place for 3 days. Using this substance, you will give homemade whiskey a noble dark shade.

If you have elecampane leaves at hand, 20 g will be enough, you can safely grind them and pour 200 ml of vodka. In a warm place, the dye will infuse for a couple of days, and then it can be used to color the analogue of Scottish alcohol in an exquisite dark brown shade.

Thus, knowing all the tricks and subtleties of making whiskey from improvised materials, you can not spend fabulous money on buying your favorite drink in stores.

Whiskey has always been considered the traditional spirit of the Scots and Irish. But in our area, it is not considered a deficit. Whiskey can be bought at any store and supermarket. Some prefer to buy this drink in expensive and sophisticated stores that sell real whiskey of certain varieties. But today you can make a drained drink at home, the taste will be no worse than that of expensive whiskey. In fact, the recipe is somewhat reminiscent of making moonshine, very soon everyone will know the secret of cooking. Anyone who has not tried whiskey has lost a lot. The drink is a light brown liquid with a 45 degree alcohol content. Whiskey is stronger than vodka. And how to make whiskey at home without much experience?

Whiskey is made from alcohol. And for the preparation of the drink, corn and rye are used. Usually alcohol is kept for about 3-10 years. There are several varieties of whiskey. Soda is made from pure barley malt, no grain whiskey is added to it. But grain whiskey is made for a blended drink. Although some of it goes to retail. Not sold in pure form. Blended whiskey is made by blending grain and malt whiskey. The most popular is bourbon, corn whiskey, whose birthplace is America. The technology of whiskey preparation is very simple: preparation of malt, drying of malt, obtaining ready-made wort, fermentation of the drink directly, its distillation, then aging, blending and bottling.

There is a very quick and easy recipe for how to make whiskey. Of course, it will vaguely resemble the taste of real whiskey. But this method does not require much time and money. In order to prepare a "quick" whiskey, you need to dilute the alcohol to 45-50 degrees. Some take regular vodka or moonshine. You need to insist the drink on oak sawdust for only a week in a dark place. Everything, the drink is ready to drink. For those who want to do everything by the rules, you can try a slightly different recipe. But for this you need to be patient and spend a lot of time to prepare an exquisite drink. At the exit, whiskey will turn out no worse than in a branded liquor store.

The alcohol will be similar to Scotch whiskey. Depending on the country of manufacture, barley, rye, corn, wheat or rice are added to the whiskey. To prepare a drink, you need to buy corn 8kg, wheat flour 1kg, yeast 0.1kg, oak sawdust, barley malt 7kg. Now you need to prepare a moonshine still and a bottle (barrel) of 50 liters. Let's start making whiskey. The corn should be in the form of grits, and it is mixed with wheat flour for fermentation. A container of 50 liters is placed on the stove, 30 liters of clean water are poured into it. simmer the drink over low heat for 5 hours. This decoction should be stirred periodically. At the end of time, a liquid-like slurry will turn out. When the fire is turned off, the container should be wrapped in a blanket.

The broth should cool to a temperature of 40 degrees. Then yeast and barley malt are added to the wort. Everything is thoroughly mixed and left to ferment for about a week. The resulting mash will be bitter. That's the way it should be. After distillation, you get a delicious whiskey. Brazhka must be distilled on a moonshine still. A double distillation removes unwanted impurities. Alcohol must be cleaned in a charcoal filter. This requires activated charcoal. It is crushed into small grains and put in a layer of gauze, cotton wool and coal. The resulting moonshine is passed through such a filter. This is a high quality alcohol refinement for a good whisky. Oak sawdust should be laid out at their bottom. After all this, the drink is poured into other containers, smaller in volume. And now everyone knows how to make whiskey at home.

On the Internet you can find "How to make whiskey at home" video. There are detailed cooking instructions. Experts recommend using oak barrels. The container must be hermetically sealed and insisted for at least 10-12 months. Now the whiskey is ready. This heady drink will taste just divine. Making whiskey at home is not difficult. The taste of whiskey acquires due to aging in oak sawdust. But those who dream of "genuine" whiskey should still find oak barrels for the drink. Whiskey recipes don't end there. There is another cooking technology that will be much simpler than this one. The taste of whiskey will also be very tasty and interesting. Now there are many methods known on how to make whiskey from alcohol at home.

To begin with, water is taken and boiled (the amount should be as much as needed to dilute the alcohol). Water is poured into a container in which oak bark, coal and dried apricots (prunes can also be) lie at the bottom. Usually 3 tbsp is taken for 3 liters of vodka. spoons of oak bark. You can buy it at any pharmacy in the city. Charcoal is recommended to take 50g, and dried apricots - 10pcs. Alcohol is added to a bottle of boiling water, and everything is thoroughly mixed. Whiskey is aged for about 6 months. Whiskey is an expensive and heavenly delight. This is a good holiday gift for a man. But do not get too carried away with alcohol, because excessive alcohol consumption can cause diseases. Therefore, do not forget that everything should be in moderation. Now it's worth trying to make whiskey at home and show off the result.

Real whiskey will be offered to you in the bars of Ireland and Scotland. They produce a strong alcoholic drink in accordance with all the secrets, thanks to which it acquires a unique, recognizable taste.

But if a trip abroad is not yet in the plans, do it easier: make whiskey from alcohol at home and enjoy life, from time to time "skipping" a glass in the evenings. It will take patience, because its preparation does not tolerate fuss.

We will approach the preparation with full responsibility and start with the process preparation of oak chips- only in this case the result of the work and the original drink will be identical.

Whiskey at home from alcohol insists on oak pegs, since it is hardly rational to get and store in a small apartment.

The recipe includes the ingredients:

  • alcohol (diluted to 450.2 l);
  • glucose bought at a pharmacy (you can use sugar instead) - 20 ml;
  • oak chips - 100g;
  • soda - a tablespoon;
  • water (12 l).

According to a popular recipe for making whiskey at home from alcohol, they start by purchasing oak pegs from a hardware store.

Having delivered the pegs home, they are placed in cold water for a day, changing the water every 8 hours. Then a soda solution is prepared and chips are poured into it. In order for whiskey to turn out to be of good quality, it is necessary to leach tannins - this role is performed by soda.

Leave the chips in soda solution for 6 hours. We drain the soda, wash the pegs, lay them out in the sun or at home in a warm, dry place and dry them. But that's not all! To cook whiskey, which will be indistinguishable from the real one, at home, roast the wood chips in the oven. "Bake" oak bars for 2 hours.

There are nuances here

How to make whiskey with a subtle, subtle aroma of oak bark? To do this, the chips are fried at a temperature of 150ºС. Do you want to feel a light taste of vanilla in the drink? Raise the temperature to 205°C. At 215°C, there will be "smoke" in the whiskey. And if you “add heat” to 270ºС, notes of almonds will appear.

Chips are fried by wrapping them in foil. Can be done in 2-3 layers. The last stage is charring on an open fire.

If you do not skip any of the above points, you can make almost natural whiskey at home.

Pour the prepared wood chips into, pour glucose (or sugar syrup) - so the taste will be softer, pour alcohol “under the neck” and close tightly with a lid. Alcohol infusion is aged for a week, after which the first sample is made. Most likely, the whiskey will not be ready yet. Therefore, shake the bottle and leave for another week.

The desired result is obtained after 2 months of insistence. If the drink suits your taste, pour it into branded bottles and serve it on the table. Let the guests try to determine if they are being treated to an authentic Scotch whiskey or a home-made product!

The recipe is simpler

How to prepare this alcohol, if it seems to you a complicated and time-consuming undertaking with soaking and roasting wood chips?

Let's use the folk trick and simplify the recipe. We buy:

  • oak bark (sold in a pharmacy as an anti-inflammatory, astringent);
  • charcoal (50 g);
  • prunes or dried apricots (10 pieces).

Still need alcohol and water. Alcohol follows up to a fortress of 45º. If it is difficult to purchase alcohol, buy high-quality vodka.

We boil water. Then we pour charcoal, dried fruits into a bowl with water and add alcohol (you need to take one fourth of alcohol). We mix everything properly. then add the rest of the alcohol, cork the composition with a lid and put it in a dark place. We insist a month or two.

After the specified period, open, filter. We pour into beautiful bottles. Whiskey made in this way will be less like real whiskey than the one that we “brewed” according to the first recipe. But he has every chance to please the guests!


Finally - a couple of secrets on how to give the drink color.

  1. We buy saffron, take 25 g and mix with 200 g. Let stand 2 weeks. Stir the solution occasionally. You will get a bright yellow "drink". We pour it into the finished whiskey - and our "Scottish product" begins to play with yellow colors.
  2. We take black bread - pink bread. Pound so that you get a small crumb. Fill bread with vodka. We put for 3 days in a warm place where the rays of the sun do not fall. At the exit we have a brown "paint" for our whiskey. It will add additionality to the originality of the taste range.

Do you think it is possible to make whiskey at home - or at least a drink that resembles it as much as possible? Have you tried cooking methods similar to those described above? Or do you have your own "signature" recipe?

Write to us about your experience. Self-made alcohol has advantages over purchased alcohol: after all, instead of the original one, you can buy a fake, and you are 100% sure that you are a home-made product. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions!

The taste of ethyl alcohol diluted with water can be improved by insisting on specially prepared oak chips (pegs). You will get a homemade whiskey that most people will not be able to distinguish from the store. I will talk about the technology of harvesting wood and the method of infusion.

Attention! Real whiskey is made from malt distillate. According to the method described here, a drink is obtained that only successfully imitates the taste of whiskey. For greater similarity, I recommend taking alpha class alcohol, which is produced from cereals (barley, wheat, rye), and not other starchy raw materials.


  • alcohol (45-50%) - 2 liters;
  • oak pegs (slats) - 100-150 grams;
  • pharmacy glucose (40%) - 20 ml or 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • soda - 1 tablespoon;
  • water (for oak preparation) - 10-14 liters.

Alcohol with a strength above 50% is pre-diluted with water. The fact is that strong alcohols do not absorb wood substances well. But I also do not recommend diluting below 45%, because in the process of infusion, the fortress will decrease by several degrees.

You can prepare oak pegs yourself or purchase at a hardware store. It is desirable that the wood is as old as possible. Glucose (sold in ampoules) is needed to soften the burning taste of alcohol, you can replace it with sugar or not add it at all. Soda and water are used to soak tannins.

alcohol whiskey recipe

Wood preparation. The most complex process, on which the lion's share of the result depends. In some recipes, the oak is not soaked, immediately starting from the sixth stage. But in this case, there is a very high probability of getting a “plinth” - a drink with a sharp unpleasant taste. It is better to adhere to the following methodology:

1. Cut dry oak into sticks 2 × 2 cm and 8-10 cm long.

2. Soak the pieces in cold water for a day, changing the water every 6-8 hours.

3. Pour the wood with soda solution (1 tablespoon of soda per 5 liters of water) and leave for 6 hours.

4. Drain the solution, rinse the pieces well under running water, then put them in a saucepan, pour water again (to cover completely by 5-6 cm), put on the stove and simmer for 45 minutes over low heat. If necessary, add evaporated water.

5. Drain the decoction, then rinse the wood with cold water.

6. Dry the bars in the sun for a day, then wrap them in thick foil (you can use several layers), put on a baking sheet and roast in the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 150-160 ° C.

7. Remove the wood from the oven, unfold the foil (when cool), then lightly char the pieces all over on a gas burner. Cool workpieces to room temperature. The resulting chips (the second name is “chips”) are used not only to imitate the aging of whiskey, but also other drinks, such as cognac.

Finished wood chips

Infusion technology:

8. Fold the prepared sticks into a glass container, add glucose (sugar), pour alcohol up to the neck and close tightly.

9. Keep in a dark cool place. The aging time depends on the properties of the oak and taste preferences. After a week of infusion, I advise you to take a sample from your spirit whiskey every 3-4 days, controlling the smell and taste.

10. When the desired result is achieved (usually it takes 2-7 months), pour the drink into a glass container and close it tightly.