How gold tequila differs from white. Tequila: species and how to drink

08.08.2019 Vegetable dishes

Tequila - Alcoholic drink with a fortress of 38% -40%, made on the basis of Blue Agava (see photo). It is considered a national Mexican drink. Mostly tequila is made in the vicinity of Tequila, Mexico.

It began to produce it, starting from the 16th century. However, the Aztecs were able to prepare a drink from Agava, which they called "Oktley", and then "Pulka". Agava used as a sweetener, as well as seasoning at least 2,000 years ago. In 1521, the Spaniards decided to overtake the pool. The resulting drink they called "Mescal".

Serial production of the beverage from Blue Agava has become possible in the 17th century due to the Marquis Pedro Sanchez de Takhla. Cultivate the Blue Agava for the manufacture of tequila steel in 1758, this idea filed and developed Jose Cuersvo. He owned the grant of the Earth in the city of Tequila. Hosé Antonio Family founded a farm for the cultivation of Agava. In 1795, Kuervo received permission to produce tequila on an industrial scale. So the first manufacturer of the beverage from Blue Agava was Cuervo. The company was especially standing out against the background of other manufacturers in that the first time used bottles for storing the drink, while all other manufacturers used barrels.

Alcoholic beverage produced by Cuervo became popular not only in his homeland, but also beyond. Nowadays, Tequila "Cuervo" remains one of the most sought-after markets. Its direct competitor can be considered the brand "Sauza". Sauza appeared on the market in 1873, Don Cenobio Sauza became its founder. Don Sauza initially worked at Cuervo in Tequila. Having gained experience, Don Sause decides to open its own enterprise, buys the plant, which calls "La Perseverancia", which means "perseverance".

In 1873, Cenobio Sauza for the first time exports tequila to America. In this regard, it is Cenobio Sauza that receives worldwide fame, this brand is called "Tequila Father."

In the early 2000s, Blue Agava began to hit the disease "TMA", which resulted in the rise in price of tequila, as well as a decrease in its production volumes.

Types of tequila

There are several types of this drink.

It is noteworthy that the red worm is added to expensive drinks. It is considered more rare than his white "relative".

But then buyers should rely on the honesty of the manufacturer, because any caterpillar under the influence of alcohol becomes white.

For the first time, the worm "settled" in the bottle in 1940, thus Del Maguey Mezcal decided to stand out against the background of competitors. The "mission" of the caterpillars was to demonstrate the high quality of the drink, because in good alcohol, the worm should not be detected. Huanito's worm soon became very popular, he was attributed to magical and medicinal properties. In order to make Huanito even more popular, manufacturers began to dissolve rumors that supposedly the worm can cause hallucinations. Actually the presence of the caterpillar does not affect the taste or smell of the beverage and the more so can not cause hallucinations.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of the beverage are due to its composition. Tekel is produced based on the core of blue agave, which refers to medicinal plants. Juice Agava skillfully used Mexican Indians Maya and Azteci.

Tequila is considered the most useful drink, the excerpt of which is 3 years or more.

Tubils that were discovered in this drink, stimulate the work of the GTC. Antiseptic substances suppress the reproduction process of rotten bacteria. Mexican scientists argue that Tequila contains ingredients that reduce the growth of oncological formations.

Use in cooking

In cooking, the drink is used to make alcoholic cocktails. For cocktails, you can take inexpensive tequila with a marktequila Mixto.. A good drink is a witty salty taste, which is perfectly combined with other ingredients.

For example, you can cook a famous "Margarita" cocktail. Blender mixed with 50 ml of tequila, 30 ml of Kuanto and 20 ml of fresh lime juice. Then they take a glass, lubricate its edges with lemon juice, dip the edges of the glass into the salt, then the drink is overflowed into the glass.

Also known to the cocktail is " Tequila Sunrias. It is prepared from 50 ml of white tequila, 200 ml of orange juice, 10 ml of Grenadin. There are several ice cubes in Hayball, poured tequila and juice, stirred with a spoon, 20 ml of Grenadin are poured on top to ice. Drink, as a rule, really like women.

How to drink?

Properly drink tequila from narrow cups with a massive bottom, they are also called "horses". Also allowed to use any glass. Drink a drink from Blue Agava as an aperitif and a digestive, drinking it while eating is considered a movietone.

The drink is not only lime, but also with soft cheeses, olives. In Mexico, tequila combined with the national acute sauce of Salsa. It is prepared in this way: cut tomatoes, olives, onions, garlic, chili pepper, cheese. All ingredients are mixed in a blender, add salt, pepper, lemon juice, fed with vegetable oil. Also known snack to tequila is a light salad of seafood. Salad is prepared from chopped raw champignons moistened in lemon juice, pineapple, shrimp. Refueling salad mayonnaise sauce.

The world popularity of Tequila received thanks to a special ritual of use. Bartenders converge in the opinion that properly drink tequila on the principle: Lizni, tipper, bite. Inalienable tequis use attributes are salt and lime. A small amount of salt pour into hand. Next, it is necessary to lick salt, knock on the mouth of a glass of tequila, after which it is born with lime. This method liked the Europeans and Americans so much that salt began to lick not only with the palm, but also from other parts of the body of a loved one. This ritual gives a drink from Blue Agava. Special charm and entertainment. It is rather possible to be attributed to Western culture, .

In some regions, it is drunk in combination with an orange drink: tomato and pepper. To begin with, tipped a glass of tequila, and then slowly wash the non-alcoholic cocktail. Also in Mexico, this drink is often added to coffee or tea.

In Germany, the most popular way to eat tequila - along with a sliced \u200b\u200borange and a pinch of cinnamon. This method is similar to the principle of drinking drink with salt and lime. The combination of cinnamon and orange allows you to look at the taste of drink in a new way.

Temple is even mixed with beer, this method is known as Mexican ERS. For this, 33 g of tequila and 330 g of light beer of good quality are mixed. Since the mixture is inflicting, the Americans call such a way to eat "fog."

Another original way to eat tequila, popular among young people is "Tequila Boom". It consists in mixing 1: 1 tequila and sprite. Next, the cup hit the bottom of the table, as a result of which a strong foam is formed. This drink refreshes well and burst.

How to do at home?

Of course, the real tequila at home will not be able to do, since the blue agave, necessary for its production, grows only in Mexico. At home, you can prepare a drink that will remind the taste and smell of Mexican tequila. By the way, most people with difficulty distinguishes the taste of purchased tequila from the hand-made person.

Preparation of such a beverage is based on the fact that the aga will contain the inulin substance. In order to get pseudo-sequel, it is enough just to insist vodka on the plant, which contains inulin. So you can achieve the characteristic similarity of taste and smell of homemade drinks and purchased tequila. Often, Aloe is used for home tequila.

To prepare a drink, you will need 150 g of aloe leaves, 3 liters of vodka, 3 h. Sahara. Aloe cut into small pieces, poured them with vodka. Next, the jar is closed with a lid and put in a cool place for two weeks. As a result of insteading, vodka must first become green and then golden. After 2 weeks, the drink is filtered, bottled, insist 2 days again. The result is a green shade drink. So that the home tequila has become transparent, the bottle must be put on a few days.

Tequila benefits and treatment

The benefits of this drink have long been known to Mexican folk medicine. Based on tequila creates compresses that are effective in diseases of the joints. So, cotton fabric is well wetted with a drink and applied to the sore joint, then weave with a polyethylene film or a warm scarf. Such a compress in a short time reduces pain.

Tequila has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Mexicans also argue that the drink from Blue Agava improves the condition of hairMakes them shiny, and also reduces loss. In order to achieve such an effect, it is necessary to use a little beverage in 1 hour before meals, delaying tequila in the mouth.

Tequis use, as a rule, does not cause a hangover syndrome.

Damping Tekila and Contraindications

The damage to the body can be applied in individual intolerance, as well as excessive use.

Without negative consequences for health per day, you can drink 50 g of tequila.

There are two types - Premium From 100% Agava (Cien Por Ciento de Agave) and "Standard" (Often it is called MIXTO, that is, mixed) of mixed sugars, the share of agave juice in which at least 51%. The law does not stipulate the allowable types of sugars, but mainly in Mexico for the production of standard tequila to the Agava juice add local crystallized and unrefined sugar sugar (Piloncillo), unrefined brown sugar or corn syrup. Each of these sugars affects the taste of the drink. Tequila, made only from the Agava Juice, has a mark on the label 100% Agave.

Tequila division by age:

  • Blanco - white, unbeatable;
  • Joven ABOCADO - young, unbeatable;
  • GOLD is a kind of young (Joven) tequila;
  • Reposado - literally "rested";
  • Anejo - weathered.

Blanco Also known as silver, "Silver". This is the most common type of tequila, which is bottled or immediately after production, or after a short excerpt (not more than 30 days) in steel or oak steps.

Joven Abocado. - Young, unbeatable tequila. GOLD. (Span. Oro.), i.e "Golden" - Variety of young tequila . Because of golden color, many mistakenly believe that it is a weathered tequila. In fact, this is the result of tinted caramel (it is allowed to use no more than one percent of caramel). Despite the fact that Joven ABOCADO is the official industrial term describing this type of tequila, this name is not always indicated on the labels.

Reposado. - rested tequila. "Rest" in oak barrels from 2 to 12 months. More often, not barrels are used for excerpts, but huge oak cans (pipones) with a capacity of about 20 thousand liters. Caramel is added to the tequila of this type, since the period of "recreation" is insufficient to saturate the beverage color inherent in the drinks weathered in the tree.

Anejo. - The most expensive type of tequila, withstand in oak barrels with a capacity of no more than 600 liters from year to 7 years. Most often use 200-liter barrels, in which the effect of the tree is faster and fully. The upper limit of excerpts is not defined by the standards, but the practice has shown that the years of the tequila age is 5 years. With a longer exposure, the tree begins to dominate the beverage taste, it is gritting, loses the initial taste characteristics of raw materials from which it was produced.
It should also be remembered that in the hot and dry climate of Mexico "The proportion of angels" is much more than in Scotland or France. With a five-year shutter speed, the keg may lose up to 50% of its content due to the natural evaporation of alcohol.

As a rule, Tekel class Anejo is made from Agava's 100% juice, and a significant part of the Blanco and Joven tequila - from mixed sugars. However, and among Texa Reposado and unbendable flowed a lot of samples with one hundred percent content of agave juice. Now almost all manufacturers have in their assortment Tequila class Reposado and Anejo.

Probably there is no man who would not hear about such an elite drink like Tequila. As a rule, it is drinking in a tandem with salt and lemon, the taste is sharp and unique.

Every day, this type of alcohol is increasingly gaining popularity around the world and increases the number of alcohol markets that provide products of a wide variety of elite brands. Abundance impresses, so it follows a logical question: how to choose a decent drink and not mistaken? We will talk about this in this article and try to tell what is the best option for a simple rest, and what is for a gift.

What is Tequila?

Production of this drink is concentrated only in Mexico. Good tequila must have a "100% agave" mark. This is a sign of high-quality alcohol. Today, Tequila brand are presented in such an extensive assortment that even the most competent buyer knows all their list. This fact has both advantages and disadvantages. The manifold, of course, comes to the revenue of any person who wants to choose the tequila directly, which most of all meets its preferences. But you will agree, there is nothing harder than to determine the tequila popular brands and not mistaken in the choice.

Tequila is a luxury drink. And the point is not that it costs more than some more "simple" alcoholic beverages - it means prosperity and success. Now there are about 500 species in stock, thanks to this, choose from what.

Tequila - brands that have earned respect

Today's producers of famous brands are the heirs of Spanish emigrants that have begun production of the drink in the XVI century. Few people who have tried this burning mixture does not think about what brand is better.

The creators of the Mexican drink, using the growing glory of tequila, strive to please consumers with consumers. We present to your attention the best tequila, brand and the price of which you will see below.

LEY 925 Azteca.

This is the best tequila in the world. Despite the amazing taste, a significant price is also caused by a rich bottle, it is sold empty for a huge amount. The fact is that it is made of platinum and gold (white). Its price is $ 225,000. For a bottle decorated with diamonds - you need to pay only $ 1,500,000. This is the most expensive tequila in the world and the true dream of collectors.


To choose such a tequila characterized by softness, not all, its price is very high (2800 dollars). This type of drink arose due to the fact that the Creator of Elite Tequila wanted to try to insist her in barrels. He placed the liquid of eleven-year-old excerpts in the barrels purchased in one of the best wineries, and as a result, a soft and delicious drink came out.

Barrique Ponciano Porfidio.

This type of tequila is a unique creation of art, to know which connoisseurs of alcohol. It insists for the year in barrels. You can easily in Japan. Price per bottle - 2000 $.


Production of brand 1800 COLECCION brand personifies Louis Yerenas, he works on the famous John Cuersvo. This is unusually maintained in a French oak barrels, as a result of this, the liquid receives an unusual aroma and a taste. Price - $ 1,100.

Clase Extra Anejo.

If you are interested, what kind of tequis brand is the best, you should try, actually, this drink. True, if you find it. Only 100 bottles are produced per year. It has a unique taste and bloody-red. Drink two years insists in barrels from under the sherry, as a result he gets a refined aroma. Price per bottle - 1,700 dollars.

Rey Solanejo.

This tequila is amazing in what has caramel-vanilla taste with acute nota. It has a unique aroma. It is maintained in barrels for five years. Beautiful and design of the bottle created by the famous artist Sergio Bustamante. Rey Solanejo price is about 400 dollars.

Tres Cuatro Cinco.

Standing Tequila Brand Tres Cuatro Cinco is manufactured in Khalisko. Developing for several years has been owned by one family, which invented a special recipe and keeps him secret. But we only know that the drink is withstanding 5, 4 and 3 years. Price - approximately 390 dollars.

Casa Herradura Selection Suprema

Tequila brand Casa Herradura enjoys recognition in many countries. Texture of drink oil, color - amber-yellow. If you care what to choose tequila in the present, then Casa Herradura is one of the best types of drink. Bottle price - 360 dollars.

Don Julio Real.

The oldest tequila grade grade premium. A bottle with a big neck - a premium sign, other brands borrowed such a form, actually from "Don Julio". At the moment the price for the bottle is $ 350.

Gran Patron Platinum

This tequila is in the soul not only to ordinary consumers, but also experienced tastors. It is soft and oily texture. Individly felt the taste of citrus. Price per bottle - $ 250.

Tequila happens two types:

  1. MIXTO - with alcohol content from agave 51%. The rest is the alcohol from another raw material.
  2. Tequila class "Premium" - made exclusively from the Agava juice. At the bottle of such tequila, the inscription "100% Agava" must be standing.

There are five species of tequila:

  • Blanco (Blanco) - Unbecable young tequila. Spilled in bottles immediately after distillation. It has an invigorating taste, well combined with salty.
  • Hovene (Joven) - She is white tequila, sometimes called gold (Gold). This is a dye tinted and cokel Blanco tequila aromatic additives.
  • Reposado (Reposado) - Only "100% Agava". It is maintained in oak barrels from two months to a year. You can use chocolate.
  • Anyao (Añejo) - 100% agave, weathered in oak barrels from 1 to 3 years.
  • Extra Añejo (Extra Añejo) - 100% agave, which languishes in barrels for more than three years. It is now my favorite view of Tequila. Masterpiece of tequile art. The cost of the bottle sometimes reaches an indecent amount with a large number of zeros.

The first drink from Agava began to do in the distant V !!! century Toltec tribes. The most famous of the predecessors of Tequila, the great-grandfathers of all its modern species - the pool. It is a fermented juice of agave milk color, a driving foamy drink with a fortress of 4-6 degrees. The bulk played an important role in the life of the Indians, and their god - the feathers of Komalcoatl, - had a great addiction to this drink. Agava Mom, Pulka, Aztecs were identified with the goddess Mayauel.

Later, Spanish conquistadors decided to make the "Chy-thread pouch" from the ball. And the reason was the usual - "ran out of the bow," which they captured with them on the road. Experiments with alcohol distillation technologies, known to Europeans, led to the appearance of the first Mescal. And there and before Tequila, it was already hand to hand.
Mescal (not to be confused with Mescalein) - this is another drink from Agava, which is often confused with. Remember - they are different! Tequila - not Mescal. Mescal - did not tequila. What do they differ? Mescal produce from five varieties of agave, tequila - only from the blue. Mescal is distilled only once, Tequila is distilled twice. Tequila in large quantities is sold in many countries of the world, Mescal is still difficult to find a border, but its popularity is growing.

Mescal is produced in the states of Sakatecas (Zacatecas), San Luis Potosi (San Luis Potosi), Oaxaca (Oaxaca), Guanajuato (Tamaulipas), Guerroo (Guererro). The main importers of the United States and Japan (Oh, the Japanese, know the fuss in drinks). Mescal does not contain Mescalin or other psychedelic substances, however, its properties are truly amazing. We still talk about Mescale more than once, but not in this program. Now simple remember that Mescal is not one of the types of tequila, and another Mexican drink.

In addition to the fact that Tequila happens different types, it is also poured into the most unusual bottles. Look.

There are about 1000 brands of Tequila in the world, so it is not, to know about various types of tequila and what categories of this drink exist in order not to be confused in such abundance. The task of classification is to help the consumer to determine the type of tequila, the place where it was produced, the exposure time (if any). First of all, there are two main varieties of tequila.

Tequis species in composition

  • 100% Blue Agave (only blue agawa is used)

It contains at least 51% of the blue agave, the remaining 49% can be represented by other sugars (as a rule, reed). In addition, the TEQUILA MIXTO uses the following ingredients: caramel dye, oak extract flavoring, glycerol and sugar-based syrup. Since 2006, Tequila Mixto may be distinguished outside the territory of production of tequila (including other countries).

100% Blue Agave.If the drink was completely produced from Blue Agava, the label will be indicated by TEQUILA 100% de Agave or Tequila 100% Puro de Agave. Labels for MIXTO have only Tequila inscription.

Tequila variations on exposure

In addition to classification in composition, tequila is classified by exposure. There are five such varieties.

  • TEQUILA GOLD (Joven, Oro)
  • Tequila Reposado.
  • Tequila Añejo.
  • Tequila Extra Añejo.

Tequila Silver (Blanco, White, Plata, Platinum).
This is a drink from Blue Agava in pure form. It is transparent, and, as a rule, has no excerpt. It expressed natural flavors, the taste of Agava is intense, there is natural sweetness. Such tequila can be spilled on bottles immediately after distillation, or it is stored in stainless steel tanks up to 4 weeks. In some cases, BLANCO tequila sometimes has a small excerpt for up to 2 months to get a smooth taste of tequila (this property is called suave).

TEQUILA GOLD (JOVEN, ORO).Golden tequila, as a rule, is mixed (MIXTO). This means that dyes and flavors are added to the bottle of the bottle. Such young and diluted tequilas containing impurities are usually inexpensive and widely used in bars and restaurants to create various cocktails.

It is worth noting that there are exceptions here, since the Gold Tequila (Joven) can also be the result of mixing Silver Tequila with Reposado and / or Añejo (next categories), while maintaining the characteristics of the beverage from the net 100% agave.

Tequila Reposado. Sometimes Tekel Reposado is called rested and ripened tequila. This tequila of the first stage of exposure and maturation. Tequila is kept in wooden barrels or metal tanks from 2 to 11 months. The drink acquires a golden hue, taste begins to reflect a good balance of aga wood and wood flavors. Many different types of wooden barrels are used to exposure, but the most common barrels from American or French oak are used.

Interestingly, some types of tequila ripen in barrels in which Bourbon, whiskey, brandy or wine were previously kept. Tequila, weathered in such barrels, acquires the aromas of the former alcohol.

Tequila Añejo (big exposure, mature).Tequila, aged no less than a year, is classified as Añejo. The rules of the game oblige manufacturers to withstand añejo in barrels, the volume of which does not exceed 600 liters. Such a ripening process stains tequila in amber color, its taste becomes smoother, rich and multifaceted.

TEQUILA EXTRA ACEJO (Extras).A relatively new variety in the classification of tequila (introduced in 2006). It includes any tequila weathered for more than 3 years. As with the case with Añejo, manufacturers are withstanding the beverage in barrels or containers with a maximum capacity of 600 liters. During the excerpts, Tekel becomes much darker (almost red shade) and acquires the taste and aroma characteristic of other weathered alcoholic beverages. According to the rules, after exposure, the drink must be slightly diluted with distilled water. The taste of tequila Extra Añejo is extremely smooth and complicated.