Preserving bitter peppers. Chili pepper (hot, bitter) canned

20.08.2019 Lenten dishes

Harvesting hot pepper for the winter

Spicy, crispy and slightly sour will make a pepper prepared in the following way. For a liter can you will need:

  • hot chilli peppers (choose thicker fruits of any color) in an amount sufficient to fill the jar tightly;
  • several (4-5) garlic cloves;
  • vinegar: essence 70% - 1.5 tsp, 9% - 55 ml;
  • bay leaf;
  • dry dill, salt, black.

Cooking technology

Wash the jars, sterilize. Rinse the spices and place in containers: halved garlic, dill twigs, peas and bay leaf. Cut off the tails of the hot pepper pods. Place in jars. Sprinkle salt, cover with hot water and vinegar, cover with sterile lids. Put a cloth in a pot of water (on the bottom), put the jars on sterilization for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling. Then roll up the covers.

Pickling hot peppers for the winter without sterilization

This recipe will appeal to all lovers of savory snacks.

Recipe composition:

  • bitter capsicum (1 kg);
  • a liter of water (enough for four 700-gram jars);
  • 8 spoonfuls (tablespoons) of sugar;
  • 200 ml of 9% vinegar;
  • spices as desired.

Cooking technology

The preparation of bitter begins with the fact that the pods are washed and dried. Then the filling is prepared. To do this, you need to mix water with salt, sugar, vinegar. Put spices in sterilized jars, tamp the pods. without sterilization will require double priming. The first time you should fill the containers with boiling water. Hold for 15 minutes and drain off the water. Then pour the cooked marinade over the pepper. The finished snack should be screwed under the lids and left to cool. Harvesting hot peppers for the winter without sterilization is a simple and quick way to preserve the product. The pepper will stand for a long time, the brine will remain clean and light.

Bitter pepper: preparing a snack with vodka

Ingredients (indicated for a liter can):

  • hot pepper pods (enough to fill tightly into the jar);
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • half a teaspoon

Cooking technology

Rinse the pepper, remove the seeds (work with gloves), pour boiling water over and put under pressure for several hours. This procedure will relieve the bitterness of the pods. Drain the water, put the pepper in jars, add spices (garlic, peppercorns, etc.), pour boiling water, season with salt and vinegar. Sterilization - 30 minutes. Screw the lids on the jars and the snack is ready.

Canning hot peppers for the winter

The Hungarian recipe provides for the use of the following set of products: paprika (bitter) - 1 kg.

For brine:

  • litere of water;
  • 7-8 tablespoons (tablespoons) of sugar;
  • a little more than a glass (250 ml) vinegar 9%;
  • 3 spoonfuls (tablespoons) of salt;
  • aspirin tablet.

Cooking technologyi

Prepare peppers using remove seeds, cut in half, rinse. Divide into jars. Boil the brine by mixing water with sugar, vinegar and salt. Pour in pepper, leave overnight. During the night, some of the brine is absorbed into the pods. Therefore, in the morning you will need to cook a little more and fill the cans. Sterilize containers, add aspirin and screw caps back on. It turned out to be a spicy pepper snack.

Lean and bland food is probably very, very healthy, but most people prefer something salty, sour, sometimes even spicy and, just the same, hot. For those who are not afraid of a burning sensation on the tongue, there is hot pepper. This fruit, quite often, is used in homemade preparations for the winter in the process of pickling and salting. In addition, without it, it is simply unthinkable to cook the mega-popular adjika today. You can prepare adjika from tomatoes, eggplants, plums and other vegetables and fruits, but by all means, you will need to add at least a couple of hot pepper pods to them. And also, hot peppers can simply be salted or pickled. If you find peppers of different colors, then the beauty will be extraordinary, and most importantly, burning pleasure is guaranteed to you. If you want to make such hot pepper and pepper preparations at home, then all you need is to choose a recipe from our diverse collection and not be afraid to experiment.

Popular ways of preparing hot peppers

The best preparations for the winter with hot, hot peppers - recipes with photos

The last notes

kerescan - Oct 8th, 2015

Some of us prefer fresh cucumbers or a salad made from them, someone like pickled or pickled ones, someone pickled from a barrel ... and only lightly salted cucumbers are loved by everyone. They are moderately sour, saturated with the aroma of spices and garlic, hard and crunchy. But is it possible to preserve this taste and aroma for the winter. You can, and this recipe will help with this. It is quite simple, but it makes it possible to preserve all the qualities of cucumbers listed above for the whole year at home.

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Caucasian bitter pepper


A very interesting recipe for spicy lovers. Preparation for the winter of bitter pepper in vegetable oil, with spices and herbs.

We need:
Hot red pepper (red and green) - 1.5 kg
Vegetable oil - 2 stack.
Parsley (large) - 1 bunch.
Salt (not complete) - 1 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Spices (hops-suneli) - 3 tsp
Vinegar 9% - 5 tsp

Rinse the pepper and remove the stalk. Pour oil into a saucepan or deep frying pan, heat and drop the pepper there, salt, add sugar and stir.
Simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally. As the pepper begins to become soft, add spices, vinegar and coarsely chopped parsley, stir and simmer for another 10 minutes.
Spread, tamping a little, on sterilized jars and roll up. Turn over until it cools completely. In winter, you can eat it with potatoes or add to soups and salads.



Armenian style pickled hot pepper with herbs


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This preparation is very useful for the human body, as it retains all the vitamins and various useful substances that are contained in the products used. Pepper, pickled with herbs and garlic, turns out to be very aromatic and tasty, so it will be an excellent snack for both everyday and festive tables.

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What do you need:


hot bitter pepper - one kilogram;


9% vinegar - 60 ml or 6% acetic acid - 100 ml;


herbs: celery, parsley, dill - 50 g each;


garlic - 50 g;


edible salt - 50 grams;


drinking water - one liter.

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Rinse the pods and all the greens under cold water, peel the garlic and cut into arbitrary pieces.


Before you start pickling the pepper, it should be baked into the spirit. closet until soft. The temperature inside is about 150-180 °.


Remove the peppers from the oven and leave to cool for a while.


In the meantime, process the cans and lids.


Tear off all the leaves from the stems of the grass.


Arrange the cooled pepper in sterilized containers, alternating with layers of chopped garlic and leaves of herbs.


Pour water into a saucepan, add edible salt and any acetic acid from the recipe listed. Boil the marinade, remove from the stove and let cool slightly.


As soon as the marinade is at room temperature, pour the pods in the jars up to the very "shoulders" of the container.


Put a press in each jar (a glass filled with water or small stones), soak the peppers for up to three weeks, in room conditions.


After a lapse of time, close the jars with pressed pickled hot peppers with nylon or screw caps, rearrange the blanks in the refrigerator.

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Chili pepper (hot, bitter) canned


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A very tasty appetizer, very bright and colorful, very easy and quick to prepare. Stored at room temperature until next summer (haven't tried it longer).

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We need (for a 3-liter jar):
Chili pepper (better than different colors - red and green, as much as fit in the jar)
Water - 2 l
Coarse salt - 1 tbsp the spoon
Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
Vinegar 9% - 8 tbsp spoons
Dill with umbrellas - to taste.
Horseradish leaf to taste.
Garlic to taste

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Wash the pepper well and cut off the tails. We leave the seeds and place them tightly in sterile jars with a washed and dried umbrella of dill, a leaf of horseradish, peeled cloves of garlic and, in fact, the pepper itself.
I have indicated the amount of ingredients for the marinade for a 3 liter can, but I mainly make a smaller one - 0.7 l-1 l can. Therefore, we divide the products depending on the capacity of the can.


So, boil water with salt and sugar, as it boils (good), fill the jars, cover with sterile lids and leave for 15 minutes.


Then carefully pour the water back into the pan, bring it to a boil again, boil for 3 minutes, turn off the gas, immediately add vinegar, mix and immediately pour our peppers to the edges of the jar and roll up the lids.



Hot peppers for the winter


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Hot red pepper - 350 Grams (for an 800 gram can)


Garlic - 1 Piece (head)


Cilantro Greens - 3 Pieces (twigs)


Dill Greens - 3 Pieces (twigs)


Mint greens - 1 Piece (sprig)

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For the marinade:


Water - 500 g


Grape vinegar - 100 g


Salt - 1 teaspoon


Sugar - 2 teaspoons


Coriander seeds - 2 teaspoons


Black peppercorns - 5-7 pieces


Allspice peas - 2-3 pieces


Cloves - 1-2 pieces

Let's take care of the marinade To do this, we pour water into a saucepan and add all the spices, fresh herbs, sugar, salt and garlic into it. We put the pan on fire, and when the liquid boils, pour vinegar into the marinade. Cook it for 2-3 minutes, then turn off the fire, and insist on the marinade for another 15 minutes.

We sterilize jars in any way convenient for you. Now put the herbs from the marinade and cloves of garlic on the bottom of the jar, then carefully fill it with pepper. Pour the marinade over the pepper so that all the spices get into the jar. We press the pepper, as if tamping it, and add more marinade to the very neck.

If you will be storing peppers in the refrigerator, then close the jars with screw caps. If in another cool place, then roll it up and leave it under the blanket (bottom up) until it cools completely.

Pickled hot peppers for the winter - an appetizer that is not at all obligatory, included in the traditional list of preparations from housewives. But I bet if you ever taste a spicy crispy pod, you will certainly appreciate it and bring it in. They say that every woman has a zest, then, by analogy, there is pepper in men. And mine, spicy and burning and stunning - in cans.

The curious will be interested to know that in cold weather a fragrant appetizer will not only diversify the menu, but also heal. Since it is a wonderful and healthy vegetable in all respects, it contains substances that can save you from colds.

Pickled bitter pepper for the winter - cooking secrets

Each piece has its own nuances in the correct preparation. Capsicum is not too capricious, there are few secrets:

  • You can pickle peppers of any kind and color - red, green.
  • Choose the longest and thinnest pods, as they marinate faster, take up the entire space in the cans, are much tastier than their larger counterparts, in addition, they look inviting and elegant.
  • Do not reject large specimens - cut into strips.
  • Before canning, cut off the dry ends of the pods, but be sure to leave at least a small tail - it will be convenient to hold during tasting.
  • Do not like too spicy food, soak it in cold water for a day. Do not forget to change it several times during this time - the extra bitterness will go away.
  • You can remove the bitterness in another way, no less effective: pour the pepper pods directly into the jars with hot water, and, after 10 minutes, drain it.
  • If you don't have enough pepper for a whole jar, do not get lost, add strips of ordinary Bulgarian, in a joint preparation it will become spicy and no less tasty.

Whole pickled bitter peppers without sterilization

A recipe that captivates with its simplicity in execution, observing the correct proportions, you will get a wonderful appetizer for meat and first courses.


  • Spicy pepper.
  • Water - 5 glasses.
  • Salt - 2 large spoons.
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons.
  • Table vinegar - half a glass.
  • Dill, bay leaf, allspice, cloves, mustard seeds, parsley - choose spices at your discretion.


  1. Wash the pods, pat dry and trim dry ends. Please note: pruning should be done carefully so as not to compromise the integrity of the pod. Do not touch the tail - you will hold a treat for it.
  2. Fold the spices on the bottom of the jar and fill with pepper pods to the top.
  3. Boil water, fill the jars and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  4. After this time, pour this water into a saucepan, boil with salt and sugar, and return it back to the jar.
  5. Repeat this manipulation again, the last one - pour vinegar.
  6. Roll the workpiece under an iron or nylon cover. Recently, I have adapted to close canning in jars with screw caps. They are excellent, just advice: pour the marinade to the top so that it overflows, and twist.

Pickled Georgian hot pepper

Well, someone who, but Georgians understand spicy snacks, know a lot and know how to cook - it's not a sin to learn. Pickled hot peppers according to this recipe can become the "nail" of any feast.


  • Hot pepper - 2.5 kg.
  • Parsley, celery - a large bunch.
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 150 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - 250 ml.
  • Salt - 3-4 large spoons (to taste).
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons.
  • Table vinegar - 500 ml.


  1. Prepare the pods for marinating - cut at the base so that the marinade quickly saturates the pepper.
  2. Pour water, oil, vinegar into a saucepan, add sugar, lavrushka, salt and let it boil.
  3. Cook the pods in small portions for 6 to 8 minutes, keeping them from floating and turning for even cooking. Remove and fold into a separate bowl.
  4. Cool the marinade, put the chopped herbs - celery and parsley, chopped garlic into it, bring to a boil again.
  5. Pour the marinade over the hot pepper and press down.
  6. Leave the workpiece in the refrigerator for a day, then transfer to jars and send to storage.

Armenian bitter pepper - quick recipe

There are not enough sharp impressions in life - prepare a hot marinated snack in Armenian for the winter. In the Caucasus, pepper is treated with adoration, no more or less serious meal is complete without it. Grown in large quantities, fermented, pickled. They call it gently - "tsitsak", pluck at an early stage, when the pods are light green and not too hot. For meat, borscht - just right!

You will need:

  • Tsitsak - 3 kg.
  • Garlic - 250 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - 350 ml.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 500 ml bottle.
  • Salt - 100 gr.
  • Parsley - 2 bunches.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Wash the pods and cut at the base with a cross, fold into a wide container.
  2. Chop the parsley, chop the garlic into gruel, add salt to the mixture, stir well and place the peppers there. Marinate for 24 hours, covered with a lid.
  3. Combine the vinegar and oil and sauté the peppers in the mixture in small portions.
  4. Place the fried pods in 1 liter jars and sterilize after boiling for 20 minutes.
  5. Move the cooled workpiece to the cold. After a day, try and admire. It burns - to go crazy, but it is impossible to break away.

Bitter peppers marinated with honey for the winter

An incredibly tasty preparation will turn out if you add two components to the marinade that, at first glance, do not go well with each other.

  • Take on a liter jar filled with pepper: honey - 2 tablespoons, a spoonful of salt, apple cider vinegar - a glass. If not, take a table one instead of an apple one, but only 6%.


  1. With clean pods (cut a little at the tail), fill the jar tightly and fill it with marinade.
  2. Prepare the marinade: add the required amount of salt to the vinegar, add honey and stir well.
  3. The workpiece can be closed with a simple nylon lid and stored in the refrigerator.

Hot pepper in tomato recipe

I call it a tomato bomb, although the juice softens the marinated peppers a little.

You will need:

  • Hot pepper - 1 kg.
  • Tomato juice with pulp, purchased or prepared on your own - 2.5 liters.
  • Salt - 30 gr. (spoon with top).
  • Sugar - 90 gr.
  • Ground pepper - ¼ teaspoon.
  • Garlic, gruel - large, top, spoon.
  • Vinegar 9% - a tablespoon.
  • Sunflower oil - one and a half glasses.
  • Lavrushka - 5 pcs.

Pickle hot pepper in tomato:

  1. Cut the pods and fold into jars.
  2. Add salt, bay leaf, sugar to tomato juice, cook for 20 minutes. add garlic, pour in vinegar, let it boil.
  3. Pour boiling marinade into a jar and roll up.

Hot peppers marinated in Korean

Korean cuisine cannot leave anyone indifferent. Keep the recipe, the only drawback of which is that you cannot prepare hot peppers for the winter - this is a quick recipe that assumes the same quick use.

You will need:

  • Capsicum - 1 kg.
  • Garlic - ½ head.
  • Water - 400 ml.
  • 6% vinegar - 70 ml.
  • Black pepper - a teaspoon.
  • Salt and sugar - half a large spoonful each.
  • Ground red pepper - a teaspoon.
  • Ground coriander seeds - small spoon.

Marinate in Korean:

  1. Place the pods in a jar and cover with the marinade.

Preparing the filling: put the spices, chopped garlic into boiling water and let it boil. After 2-3 days, the pickled peppers are ready.

Video recipe for pickled red capsicum

Begin to regularly harvest hot peppers for the winter, believe me, the mood will always be good, since spicy pickled pods are a source of endorphin, a substance that ensures the production of a joyful hormone. May it always be festive and tasty in your home! With love ... Galina Nekrasova.

Pickled hot pepper for the winter turns out to be a little spicy and sour in taste, so this pickle is good to serve as an appetizer for meat, even on a festive table, even on weekdays. Hot peppers go well with alcoholic beverages.
Vinegar gives the workpiece a flavor similar to other canned vegetables and also makes peppers crispy and brittle.

pickled hot pepper recipe without sterilization

Hot peppers for the winter with vinegar without sterilization are prepared according to a standard recipe that can be used for all types of vegetables. The ingredients for the marinade are water, salt, sugar and vinegar.
For 4 liter jars, you will need about 2 kg of capsicum. Try to use medium-sized fruits without visible defects such as rot, blackening, and so on. The color of the pepper is not important, so if you wish, you can either select only the reds or greens, or put everything in one jar.


  • 2 kg of hot pepper;
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence per 1 liter jar.

For 1 liter of marinade you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking process:

First you need to prepare the pepper. Rinse and drain. The top (stalk) of peppercorns is cut off and sent to the scrap. Seeds are not retrieved. If you think that the workpiece will turn out to be too sharp, then the vegetables should be washed not only on the outside, but also rinsed on the inside to remove the seeds that may have remained after cutting the tops. Also, in each vegetable, an incision is made about 2 cm long from the cut edge along the fruit itself.

The washed peppers are folded into a jar so that the cut point is at the bottom. You can pre-sterilize the jar, or just wash and dry it thoroughly.

For brine, add salt and sugar to the water immediately. The mixture should boil for 1 minute, after which it is poured into jars of pepper. Cover each container from above with a boiled metal lid. In this state, the pepper should stand and warm for about 15 minutes, after which the brine is carefully drained and boiled again.

Hot liquid is poured into jars of pepper and vinegar essence is added last. Regardless of the amount of brine, the amount of vinegar does not change: 1 teaspoon of essence is needed per liter jar. Adding vinegar straight to the jar, and not to the marinade, will not affect the taste in any way, but it is much easier to calculate the amount of an ingredient this way.

After adding the vinegar, you do not need to shake the jar or otherwise assist in stirring the preservative. The jar is closed with a boiled iron lid, placed with the lid down and wrapped in a blanket or blanket. After cooling down the next day, it is removed to a dark, cool place. It is necessary to check the condition of the cans. And if they are all dry and the liquid is clear. The workpiece must be infused for at least a month.

Bitter pickled peppers look pretty neat: vegetables perfectly retain their shape and color.


Housewives who have not rolled up marinades before can monitor the state of preservation with brine. If it remains clean and transparent all the time, it means that the twist was successful and you can safely store it further. But if during the first day or after a month the liquid in the jar becomes cloudy or a precipitate appears, then you can simply throw out the pickled snack, because if you don't, the lid will soon swell and the jar will explode.