Jam from rhubarb for the winter with gelatin. Spicy rhubarb jam with rosemary and pink pepper

After writing, I received quite a lot of comments in which people wrote that they did not even assume that this was useful spring plant you can cook so many interesting dishes.

But in addition to salads, soups and casseroles, there is also enough interesting sweet dishes - and much more, for example, mousses, jellies and, of course, jam. Probably everyone has ever tried this rhubarb treat? And you know firsthand how delicious it is!

But you can cook it in a company with berries, for example, strawberries, or with citrus fruits, using oranges or lemons; or with apples, they are a bit "related in aroma and taste." There are even recipes where champignon mushrooms are added to the jam. And I will have such a recipe in my article today. In any of the options, such sweetness is always desirable on the table, especially with tea, and especially on long winter evenings.

You can cook like this delicious treat that no one will even guess what is in its composition. For example, remember, we have already prepared this! When I want to surprise my friends, I always take out a jar of watermelon and serve it in a vase for tea, no one can guess the composition !!!

Well, let's get started ...

We need:

  • rhubarb - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg


This is perhaps the simplest recipe I know of. It has only two components and it is very, very easy to prepare it. It is well stored for a long time, and eats beautifully in winter, reminding us of summer.

1. Peel the rhubarb stalks from coarse skins. To do this, you need to slightly pull the tip from the edge of the stem, and the skin itself will peel off with a long thin curling ribbon.

For cooking, it is better to use young shoots. They are not yet coarse, they contain all the juice that the plant has accumulated throughout the long winter. In addition, they are not yet so acidic, since oxalic acid has not yet accumulated in them.

Such stems are juicy, tender, with a pleasant light apple flavor and smell. Therefore, our treat will turn out as it should.

2. Cut the petioles into pieces, about 1 -1.5 cm in size, as you like. Someone likes the pieces more tangible, while others like a treat that looks like jam or confiture, that is, more puree.

3. Transfer the cut pieces to a bowl or a suitable saucepan, preferably an enamel one. Since the vegetable contains acid, oxidative reactions will occur during cooking and interaction with air, and copper or iron dishes will not be suitable for these purposes.

4. Cover the sliced ​​pieces with sugar, so that they are all covered with it. This will take about half of the cooked sugar. Save the rest of the sugar, we will still need it.

We need the rhubarb to release the juice, while the sugar should dissolve as much as possible. And the pieces should lie in the resulting sugar syrup and soak them as much as possible.

They will become translucent. If the color of the stems is green, then the pieces will be greenish - yellow color, and if the color is pink - red, then the color of the infused pieces will be the color of red wine, with pleasant pink tints. In general, the color in both cases will be pleasant.

As a rule, the whole thing will be insisted for 10-12 hours. It is convenient to fill the contents with sugar and leave overnight, covered with a towel. And in the morning you can continue cooking.

5. Standing out by morning sugar syrup you need to drain into a saucepan and put it on fire. Heat the contents and add all the remaining sugar. We cook the syrup more saturated and concentrated.

Stir so that the sugar does not stick to the bottom and dissolves faster.

6. When the sugar is gone and the syrup is boiling, you can add the chopped pieces. Stir gently, bring to a boil and heat for 5 minutes.

In this case, foam will form, we will remove it so that the jam turns out to be clean and amber, like a tear.

After 5 minutes, remove the basin from heat and leave to infuse and cool. There is no need to stir or injure the rhubarb pieces.

You can leave to infuse until evening, that is, again for 10 -12 hours.

7. When the syrup has completely cooled down and infused, soaking each piece, you need to put the basin on the fire again and heat to a boil. Cook again for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam.

The second time it will be formed quite a bit.

8. Reduce the heat to the smallest, so that it only warms up, but does not boil more, and immediately begin to lay out in sterilized jars.

You need to fill the cans to the very top, quite tightly. Make sure that no air bubbles remain.

9. Having spread out on the banks, immediately cover with sterilized metal lids... When all the cans are full, do not open the lids and tighten them with a seaming machine.

10. Turn the jars over and put on the lid, cover with a towel and leave to cool. After a couple of days, the jars can be turned over to their normal position and stored.

It is best to store them in a dark, cool room with a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. It will be stored all winter.

If it is not possible to roll up the cans, then you can warm it up for the third time. To do this, after the second time, again withstand the contents for 10 - 12 hours, and once again put to languish for 5 minutes.

Also pour the jam into sterilized jars and close with ordinary screw caps. Or in the old fashioned way, cover with thick paper and tie with a cord or elastic band.

Advice!!! Be sure to sterilize both jars and lids in both cases. Try to put it in hot jars. Make sure that they fill tightly, without the formation of air pockets.

Here's a quick and easy recipe. Prepare and store for the winter.

Now for the next recipe.

Rhubarb jam with orange

If you want a richer taste of a sweet treat, you can add to the ingredients additional components... And one of these safe components is citrus fruits - lemon and orange.

Since rhubarb itself has a slightly sour taste, we will leave the lemon for other recipes, but the orange is just what we need. We will cook with him according to this recipe.

We need:

  • rhubarb - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.3 - 1.5 kg
  • water - 50-60 ml
  • orange - 1 piece (large)
  • ginger - 20 grams of fresh root, or 0.5 teaspoon of dried


As already noted, try to make jam from fresh shoots, that is, from May or June rhubarb. At this time, it is the juiciest and most delicious. Its stems have not yet become excessively stiff and fibrous, and oxalic acid has not yet filled it with its acidic component.

1. Rinse and dry the stems thoroughly. Then peel off the upper skin, it is tough and use it for food to nothing.

2. Cut the stems into small pieces 1 - 1.5 cm thick. Such pieces will not boil too much and will be felt when we eat.

3. Remove the zest from the lemon, only its orange part. The white part is bitter, so we don't use it. You can rub the zest on a grater, or you can cut it off with a vegetable peeler. If she cuts thick slices, they should be cut thinner. In the first case, the zest will give taste and smell, and in the second, in addition to the above, it will also be quite tangible when consumed.

4. Then squeeze the juice from the orange. You can use a juicer, or you can simply squeeze the juice out with your hands.

There are recipes where the juice is not squeezed out and the zest is not peeled off, but the orange is simply cut into pieces, along with the peel, by the way. In this case, they prepare according to the same scheme. But I like the option offered today more, since in this case the jam turns out to be more uniform and refined, and appearance and to taste.

Choose the method to your liking.

5. Pour sugar into suitable dishes... Let me remind you that it is better not to use copper or iron dishes for this, it is better to take an enamel basin or a saucepan. Pour sugar over with water and put on very low heat.

There are two different sugar values ​​in the recipe. If you like sweeter, then add more of them.

Our task is to completely dissolve the sugar in a small amount of water and prepare the syrup.

When the sugar begins to dissolve, add to the saucepan Orange juice and continue simmering also over low heat.

6. Stir the contents during cooking and make sure that sugar does not accumulate on the bottom and does not stick. So gradually bring to a boil, by which time it should completely dissolve.

7. Add sliced ​​rhubarb and orange zest, stir gently with a wooden spatula and bring to a boil again. In this case, the fire can be added.

Add ginger. It combines very well with the plant, and gives simply unique taste and aroma, as well as a light spice, which will be very useful with both one component and another.

You can peel and cut a fresh root, or you can use dried in powder form.

As soon as the contents boil, reduce the fire again and cook to the end over medium heat so that the mass does not boil unnecessarily. Foam will appear during cooking, it must be carefully removed.

8. Cook for 25-30 minutes until thickened and the excess liquid boiled away. Rhubarb cooks quickly enough and softens quickly. Therefore, in order to preserve the integrity of the pieces, it is necessary to mix very carefully, otherwise they will fall apart and the mass will become more like confiture.

Stir with a wooden spatula.

9. We must have cans and lids prepared in advance. They must be thoroughly rinsed and sterilized. They should be ready to finish cooking, as we will be using them right away.

10. When 25-30 minutes have passed, the jam will change its color to a darker color and thicken slightly. V finished form pour it into jars and immediately close it with lids. Both screw caps and seamer caps can be used.

11. Turn the jars and leave in this position until they cool completely.

The same scenario can be used to prepare sweets using apples, bananas and kiwi. It makes no sense to describe the whole process, since it is exactly the same as the previous one.

By the way, you can also use an orange with an apple. And it will be a completely different, but no less interesting story.

As additives, you can add cinnamon, ginger, lemon zest... All this adds new flavor notes and enriches the familiar taste.

Super-recipe for jam with champignons

When I was preparing today's article, I found this interesting and unusual way cooking. I liked the recipe itself, and the video itself, and the author of its execution. In my opinion, it is true master their business. He is so passionate about his occupation that he just comes up with recipes on the go. They are born to him by themselves.

This can only happen when there is a lot of cooking experience, and when a person really loves what he is doing. In this case, the most real masterpieces are born.

And here is one of the recipes for this culinary masterpiece... Take the time and take a look. You rarely see this.

By the way, this is the promised recipe for jam with rhubarb and mushrooms.

That's really really - useful and extravagant! You can't argue with that. We wish the author further creativity and the same amazing and wonderful recipes!

Basic cooking principles

I hope that from the above, everyone understands the basic principles of cooking. You can make jam:

  • on own juice from rhubarb
  • on sugar syrup cooked in a little water, or a mixture of water and juice
  • on cooked rhubarb puree

You can cook it using:

  • berries - strawberries, raspberries, currants, red and black
  • apples
  • citrus fruits (orange, lemon)
  • bananas

And even using champignons, as we could see in the recipe video.

As flavors can be used:

  • ginger fresh and dried
  • cinnamon
  • orange or lemon zest
  • hot red pepper
  • star anise
  • use the stems for cooking from May to the end of June, while they are in the juice itself
  • be sure to peel the top layer of tough skin
  • do not use copper and iron utensils for cooking
  • lay ready-made jam only in sterilized jars and close with sterilized lids
  • store in a cool, dark place for 1 year

And if we take into account all these factors, and prepare jam for the winter, then on cold winter evenings with a cup of tea we will warmly remember the summer and wait for its arrival in order to prepare a new delicious sweet treat next season.

Bon Appetit!

This sour and healthy, from the kind of burdock, came to us from China. Today I will talk about rhubarb, a perennial plant that grows in many in their dachas. Only the stems are eaten. From a medicinal point of view, rhubarb has a laxative effect.

Rhubarb is 90% water and the rest is great amount coarse fibers. Therefore, it is best to consume it with the skin. Rhubarb has a large number of vitamins, mainly acidic vitamins. This plant is rich in trace elements, for example, it contains a lot of iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc. Also in rhubarb there is a lot of vitamin K, it is needed so that the human body has good blood clotting, which is very important. In general, we can say that from plants it is a champion in content nutrients.

There are a lot of recipes for rhubarb dishes (recall that last time we cooked), I will tell you how to make a delicious and unusual rhubarb jam. It will perfectly harmonize with matured cheeses, and as an addition to a sweet table with tea.

It will take you two days to make jam, and from the proposed products you will get a 300 ml jar.

- rhubarb - 400 grams;
- mint;
- lemon;
- sugar - 1 glass;
- poppy;
- rosemary or spicy confectionery mixture;
- pink pepper.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Wash the rhubarb, peel and cut if desired.
When choosing rhubarb for jam or jam, pay attention to young stems, they are juicier and healthier. The younger the rhubarb, the less oxalic acid it contains. And a large amount of this acid is useless to our body, they can form kidney stones.

Transfer the rhubarb to a deep bowl and cover with sugar. Cover cling film and set the bowl aside for 3 hours.

The rhubarb stood with the sugar and let the juice well.

Now put the rhubarb with its liquid in a ladle, put a sprig of mint there and put on a small fire. Stir the jam occasionally with a spatula.

Meanwhile, grind a pinch of pink pepper and rosemary in a mortar. These spices will give the rhubarb jam a new aroma for you, it will be soft and slightly pungent. If you prefer not to add them, you can use a confectionery mixture of spices (ginger, cinnamon and star anise).

Boil the jam for 10-15 minutes, knead the mixture with a spatula.

Grate the lemon zest and put in jam, you can and lemon juice add as desired.

Poppy is added to this jam for originality. By the way, many people thought that this jam was made from kiwi. So that you can experiment too.

Stir the rhubarb jam and turn off the heat. Leave it up next day, let it thicken.

In the morning, bring the jam to a boil.

Prepare the jars in advance, sterilize them. Use small jars for these jams. In principle, take small containers for everyone, because a large jar will run out for a long time and may become boring. And so, they ate it in the evening, and tomorrow you can open a new jam or jam.
Transfer the jam to a jar and seal the lid.

Put it on the table and invite everyone to drink tea, or put a plate of delicious and aromatic cheeses, next to a bottle of good wine.
May it be delicious for you.

Do you want to enjoy an unusual jam in winter and surprise your guests with it? Then turn your attention to this recipe rhubarb and orange jam. Of course, rhubarb jam is not as popular as currant, raspberry, cherry or strawberry jam, but that doesn't mean that this jam doesn't deserve to be made. The jam is moderately sweet, with pleasant sourness and citrus note freshness. Make rhubarb and orange jam - it's very easy and simple!

Wash the oranges well with a brush and cut into pieces, after removing the seeds.

Then, using a blender, grind the oranges.

Wash the rhubarb, clean it from the outer film. Then cut the rhubarb stalks into 1 cm pieces.

Pour into a saucepan in which we will cook the jam. Put the chopped oranges in a saucepan with rhubarb, stir. Add water and set it on fire. We cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly so that the mass does not burn. By the end of cooking, the rhubarb will change color from bright green to olive.

Now add sugar to the pan, mix and bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 15 minutes, not forgetting to stir occasionally.

During the cooking process, foam will form; you do not need to remove it.

By the end of cooking, the foam will disappear (or the amount will be minimal) - this is an indicator that the jam is ready.

Pour the jam into hot sterilized jars and tighten with processed lids. We put the jars without turning over, cover them with something warm and leave them to cool completely. Jars of jam can be stored at room temperature up to one year, in a cold place - up to two years.

Rhubarb is not such a frequent guest in our kitchens. And absolutely in vain.

This plant appears one of the first in the spring and makes it possible to please yourself and loved ones with delicious and healthy treats: jam, compote and other drinks. Use it as a pie filling.

The finished jam is distinguished by its beautiful color, exquisite smell and great taste with apple notes. Making rhubarb jam is not difficult at all.

Rhubarb jam: recipe

Traditional rhubarb jam for the winter

To make jam, we need rhubarb stalks without leaves and sugar in equal proportions(for example, 1 kg of rhubarb and 1 kg of sugar).

We clean the petioles of leaves and cut them. The length of the pieces depends on the thickness of the stem: thin pieces can be cut by 1 cm, and thick pieces are better smaller. should be red, but if there are white parts, you should not cut them off - they are the sweetest.

For making jam by traditional recipe you will have to be patient: the process will take at least a day.

Combine rhubarb and sugar in a saucepan and leave overnight to release the juice. Now you can put the pot on the stove. When the jam boils, reduce the temperature to medium or even low, and cook for 10-30 minutes, stirring constantly. Time is up - we put the jam "to rest". The procedure is repeated several times a day, 2 or even more - this is necessary to achieve a beautiful bright red color.

When cooking, we do not allow overheating, otherwise it will overheat and change the color of the sugar, and it will not be possible to achieve the desired color.

The finished jam can be passed through a meat grinder to get a homogeneous mass. Place in jars until the jam has cooled. Do not forget to sprinkle with sugar on top so that the jam is better preserved, and close it with a plastic lid.

Quick Microwave Rhubarb Jam Recipe

In the everyday hustle and bustle modern housewives often cannot afford to spend a few days making jam. And sometimes I want to diversify traditional breakfast unusual dish! In this case, a "quick" recipe for jam will help.

For one serving, 1 rhubarb stalk and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Cut the petiole into small pieces, put it in a plate and pour boiled water so that it completely covers the petioles. No more need, otherwise the jam will turn out to be liquid. 3-5 tbsp is enough. spoons.

We put the cup in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, turn on the maximum power. It is better to follow the preparation: when the jam boils, it may splash out of the cup. To avoid this, you can slightly open the microwave door while boiling.

After 2-3 minutes, the rhubarb pieces will turn into a homogeneous mass. True, the color will not be red, but green. But the taste won't change!

Now you can taste the resulting jam. Just be careful: the sugar syrup is very hot. If the jam doesn't seem very sweet, you can add sugar to taste.

Jam from rhubarb is not popular in our area. But, having tried it once, you can radically change your opinion about it. Healthy jam with original taste will become a favorite treat for the whole family.

This is one of the most interesting jams on the Picantecooking culinary site. Although those who have been cooking with us for longer know that all the jam recipes on our culinary site are unusuale. Jam from rhubarb with ginger can be characterized as a very bright, delicate consistencyher and with a pleasant sourness. My eldest daughter, despite her dislike for fresh root ginger and its aromaI immediately fell in love with this jam.

So that the rhubarb pieces do not get too boiled during the cooking process, before making the rhubarb jam, it should be covered with sugar for one hour. And in general, there is such a rulemaking jamov: if you need berries or fruits to boil, for a uniform consistency or for cooking,then you need to boil them first without sugar, with the addition of a small amount of water. If you need them to retain their shape, as much as possible, sugar should be added immediately, and if there is time and desire, you can fill the berries or fruits with sugar in advance, but not leave for more than 2-3 hours, especially if you do not put in refrigerator, because they will begin to ferment and the taste of the jam will not be the same.


  • 1 kg rhubarb, wash, cut into not too thin slices
  • 500 grams of sugar
  • 3 cm ginger root, peel, finely grate

1) Place rhubarb, ginger and sugar in a deep saucepan. Mix well and leave for 1 hour.

2) Place a pot of rhubarb on medium fire and cook, stirring often, until the rhubarb is boiled and partially thickened (until the end it thickens after cooling), 25-30 minutes, by this time, the foam should begin to collect towards the center. Remove foam.

3) Pour ready jam from rhubarb on sterilized, hot jars, close with sterilized lids.

(It is more convenient to pour the jam by placing the jar in a small bowl, it is easier to clean this way, since splashes are simply inevitable) On the floor or on a shelf (where there is room), spread a tea towel folded in half and place the jars upside down.

4) Wrap the jars of rhubarb jam with an old blanket or a pair kitchen towels and leave so until it cools down, after cooling, turn it to its normal position.

Store rhubarb jam in the closet for up to 6 months. And after opening the can, in the refrigerator.