Ivan tea: useful properties and contraindications. Brewing ivan tea: a forgotten medicine of traditional medicine

27.04.2019 Dishes for children

Even among the ancient Slavs, ivan tea was a favorite drink, beneficially affecting health and capable of curing any disease. Every part of the plant is useful - from roots to inflorescences, everything goes into action.

Ivan tea has the following healing characteristics:

  • Improves the qualitative and quantitative composition of the blood. The amount rises and normalizes the pH of the blood.
  • The body's ability to absorb all the necessary substances increases, the process of assimilation of fats and carbohydrates is balanced.
  • The bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action is useful in the treatment of viral and bacterial infections.
  • Active influence on men's health. The work of the prostate gland and other organs improves, which leads to an increase in potency and erectile function.
  • Regulation of blood pressure by normalizing kidney function.
  • Sedative action eliminates insomnia and headaches, relieves stress.
  • Tanning components have an enveloping effect and restore intestinal microflora... It helps in the treatment of ulcers and constipation.
  • Wound healing properties that contribute to the speedy tissue regeneration.
  • Beneficial effect on lactation, increasing the quality and quantity of breast milk.
  • Prevents the development of oncological pathology.
  • Improves the condition of the skin and prevents aging.

Among other things, it affects the work of the endocrine system, cleanses of toxins and toxins, has an antioxidant effect and a relative analgesic effect.

Important! The use of this herb is not recommended for children under 6 years old, due to the large amount of caffeine in the composition. For pregnant and nursing mothers, it is necessary to consult a doctor about taking tea. It should be used with caution in people with impaired blood clotting function. With the continuous use of decoctions for a month, problems with the digestive system are possible.

Ivan tea plant: types, description and composition

Ivan tea is a name for a whole family of perennial herbaceous plants - Cypress. In total, there are about fifteen species of this herb, however, narrow-leaved fireweed is known to our man more than others.

The common features of the whole species are beautiful pinkish-lilac flowers and green-purple leaves. Fireweed have a well-developed rhizome that spreads far below the surface of the earth.

It included:

  • a large amount of ascorbic acid, much more than citrus fruits;
  • thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid;
  • polysacchara;
  • pectin compounds;
  • high molecular weight phenolic compounds;
  • vitamin A;
  • pectins;
  • plant hormones;
  • organic acids;
  • quercetin and derivatives;
  • caffeine;
  • triterpenoids;
  • biologically active components.

In flowers, plants contain huge amounts of trace elements such as manganese, copper and iron. And the leaves are impregnated with salts of magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, nickel, boron and titanium. Rhizomes are rich in phosphorus and cobalt compounds.

Ivan narrow-leaved tea (photo)

The narrow-leaved fireweed grows throughout the northern hemisphere, but prefers areas not inhabited by other plants. It is a tall perennial plant with willow-like leaves densely clinging to the trunk.

The leaves are dark green, light below. Ivan-tea blooms for one month in the middle of summer. Inflorescences are large racemose, purple-purple flowers with a pink color.

The rhizome is superficial, creeping and widespread. Fireweed cannot compete with other plants and is rapidly dying out. It often colonizes at the site of a fire, providing fertile soil for other plants.

Ivan tea broadleaf (photo)

A compact, beautiful plant, similar to its more common relative with beautiful lilac with purple flowers, but already solitary. The leaves are small, solitary, oval or spear-shaped. They have a beautiful emerald green color, turning into dark lilac towards the petiole.

Its habitat is the arctic and subarctic zones. It has become an integral part of everyday life for the inhabitants of Chukotka, Greenland, North America and the Scandinavian countries. It was not only used as a medicine, but it was also added to food as a greenery. For Greenland, the broadleaf fireweed has become a national landmark.

This is a perennial plant, not particularly whimsical to conditions. In Russia, thickets of fireweed can be found both in the European part and in Siberia.

He needs a large number sunlight and moisture. Therefore, it can be easily found in open areas or near a forest, along roads or crops.

He often settles in places where a fire has recently occurred, away from other plants. The only exception is raspberry - fireweed loves and grows next to these bushes in abundance.

Love for moisture allows you to find thickets of fireweed near rivers and lakes, swamps. The main thing is to look in the light, away from trees.

It is important to remember that the desired shrub grows in open, sunny areas and has tall sprouts. It is easy to confuse it with marsh fireweed near water bodies, but it has small flowers and can grow in the shade. At the edge of the forest there is a chance to collect a forest congener, which is also not suitable for medicinal purposes. It is distinguished by small growth and reddish inflorescences.

Grass harvesting is advised to be carried out after flowering, when all the necessary nutrients have been accumulated. However, there is no exact date, it all depends on the habitat and climatic conditions. The ideal option is to find a clearing in advance and wait for it to bloom.

As soon as the first flowers appear and the buds open, you can collect. You should not uproot the plant without a strong need, it is better to cut the trunk at a height of 10 cm from the ground, or simply cut off the leaves.

Production: how to dry and harvest?

The steps are pretty simple. During transportation, try not to crush the collected materials and do not keep them in the bag for a long time. Steamed grass loses its dignity.

The first part of the process is drying. The grass must be rinsed well under running water and laid out in the shade in an even layer 3-4 cm on white paper. Do not use newspaper, it will negatively affect the taste of the tea.

In this form, the raw material should lie no more than a day. And all this time you need to stir up the leaves for better evaporation of moisture. The result will be soft, withering leaves. Overdried material is unsuitable, since the necessary elements did not have time to form in it.

After that, you can twist or ferment the tea and start drying it in the sun. We spread the fireweed in an even layer and let most of the moisture evaporate. Then we move it into the shade and cover with gauze until it dries completely.

Ivan-tea fermented - fermentation stages

Fermentation is the process of oxidizing fireweed leaves by fermentation. This process improves the palatability of the leaf, making the palate more noble.

A rolled or granular sheet is tightly laid out in a container with a twenty-centimeter layer. It is important that the container material does not react to the tea leaf. It is best to take enamel dishes.

Place a damp cloth on top of the container. The whole structure is placed in a dark, warm place. The best temperature for fermentation is 25 degrees Celsius.

The criterion for readiness is the appearance of a sweet floral scent, instead of herbal aromas. You can stop fermentation at any stage and get an absolutely unique taste.

After the end of fermentation, the leaf is laid out for drying.

Granulated tea - how to make at home?

The correct granulated fireweed is obtained using a special machine - a granulator. However, if you want to make such tea at home, you can resort to using a meat grinder.

Be sure to check the sheets for insects and foreign plants before grinding. After grinding, it can no longer be separated.

Ivan tea for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

One of the most dangerous diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is stomach ulcer... Ivan tea is a wonderful remedy that can not only prevent, but also provide significant assistance in the treatment of this disease. Due to the fact that fireweed contains a large amount of tannins and mucus, infusions based on it have an enveloping effect, effectively protecting and healing the stomach lining... In addition, Ivan tea contains oligosaccharides that help restore a favorable intestinal microflora and the reproduction of bifidobacteria. Ivan tea constricts blood vessels and secretory channels and as a result, the acidity of gastric juice decreases, and the receptors of the mucous membrane are less irritated and the ulcer heals faster.

In order to direct medicinal properties Ivan-tea for the treatment of stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers is recommended the following collection of herbs:

- Ivan tea: 2 parts

- Linden inflorescences: 2 parts

- Pharmacy chamomile: 1 part

- Fennel fruit: 1 part

All ingredients are mixed, and the finished mixture is poured with one glass of water (90 degrees) and insisted for about 30 minutes. It is advisable to insist in a thermos or in a wrapped container... The daily rate of this infusion is 2 glasses. This amount is evenly divided into several steps. Drink the infusion 15 minutes before meals.

Another collection of herbs based on Ivan-tea for the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers is prepared as follows:

  • Ivan tea: 2 tablespoons
  • Water mint: 1 tablespoon
  • Marigold (calendula): 1 tablespoon

It is necessary to mix all the ingredients and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Then, after wrapping, leave for about an hour in a warm place. After the mixture is infused, it should be filtered. They drink such an infusion 4 times a day, 0.5 cups, 20-30 minutes before meals. The infusion should be taken no longer than 20 days, and then be sure to take a break. To achieve a positive result, treatment is carried out in 4-5 doses.

Ivan tea is also effective for diarrhea... For stomach disordersmake a decoction based on the herb Ivan-tea, with the addition of thyme, mint or oregano in equal proportions.

A glass of water will require 10-15 g ready mix from herbs.The broth is boiled for about five minutes and infused for an hour. Take 0.5 cups before meals 2-3 times a day.

You can buy, as well as from our online store.

Ivan tea for colds

A decoction of leaves and inflorescences of fireweed for colds is mainly used to rinse the nasopharynx. It helps relieve inflammation and swelling. The broth is prepared as follows:

3 tablespoons of crushed inflorescences and leaves of Ivan-tea are poured with one glass of boiling water, and then boiled for 15 minutes in a water bath.

When the broth cools down, they can gargle and rinse the nasopharynx. If you use such a decoction in a tablespoon before meals, it will appear antipyretic properties Ivan tea.

Ivan tea is powerful diaphoretic, therefore, in case of a cold, it is recommended to use a hot drink from Ivan-tea in small portions throughout the day. It is especially beneficial for immunity, as well as fees and.

It copes well with the temperature, which is popularly known as "Natural aspirin"... This drink has a diaphoretic effect and can relieve headaches.

It is effective against the common cold, which have been used by our ancestors for a long time, as bactericidal and antiviral agent.

Ivan tea also helps with chronic bronchitis. To treat bronchitis, you will need:

Dried mandarin peel should be ground to a powder consistency and then mixed with Ivan-tea infusion in a ratio of 5 to 1. The resulting mixture should be brewed and drunk like regular tea.

Such a drink relieves the symptoms of bronchitis, and with prolonged use, it is able to cure this disease due to its pronounced antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Ivan tea for disorders of the nervous system

Ivan tea is indicated for people with a weak nervous system, namely, in stressful situations, as well as with insomnia... Ivan tea infusions affect the body like valerian, providing sedative and relaxing effect... It is known that feeling unwell in the morning is related not so much to the duration as to the quality of sleep. In order for the sleep to be full and calm, it is recommended to drink and at night. In combination with Ivan tea, these herbs enhance the calming effect of fireweed and give peace and tranquility. After such a drink, you will not only sleep well, but also wake up with a feeling of lightness and it is possible that before the alarm clock.

For chronic insomnia traditional medicine recommends another collection based on Ivan-tea, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • Blackberry leaves: 2 tablespoons
  • Melissa: 1 tablespoon
  • Ivan tea: 3 tablespoons

Mix all herbs thoroughly and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Then insist for an hour. This amount of infusion must be drunk throughout the day, dividing the receptions into equal intervals of time in equal proportions.

Ivan tea for headaches and migraines

In order to relieve severe headaches, a simple and effective remedy has long been used in traditional medicine. On the basis of Ivan-tea, a medicinal collection is prepared, which will require:

  • Ivan-tea inflorescences: 4 parts
  • Nettle: 1 part
  • Lovage: 2 parts

All ingredients are mixed. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and drunk in 2 doses between meals. Very fast there will be no trace of the headache.

Ivan tea for men's health

Studies have found that water extracts from fireweed, in addition to tannins and acids, contain phytosterols, which contribute to the rapid relief of symptoms of a disease that is unpleasant for men - adenoma. Drinking tea or a capsule of fireweed saves many patients from the need for surgery, because the enlargement of the prostate slows down or stops altogether. After examining the fireweed, German herbalists note: “The aqueous extract of plants (narrow-leaved fireweed), as proven, prevents the inflammatory process and renders healing action in acute and chronic diseases of the prostate, with stages I and II of prostate adenoma (there is also a progressive stage III), with inflammation Bladder and can also serve as supportive therapy after prostate surgery. In case of prostate disease, in addition to fireweed, it is recommended to eat pumpkin seeds, which will contribute to more quick release from this ailment. "

For the prevention and treatment of this male disease, the following herbal collection is made:

  • Ivan tea: 10 parts
  • Black currant (dried leaves or fruits): 5 parts
  • Meadowsweet inflorescences (meadowsweet): 1 part

To prepare one glass, you will need about 2 teaspoons of a ready-made herbal mixture. The mixture should be poured with water at a temperature of about 90 degrees, and infused for 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to drink the infusion warm, 0.5 cups 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day. On average, the course of admission is designed for a month.

For the prevention of prostatitis and adenoma Ivan tea helps by itself, but its properties can also be enhanced by adding dried hazelnut leaves to the drink in a ratio of 1 to 3. It is important that the tea is not sweet.

In our store you can buy, the use of which will serve as the prevention of prostatitis and help relieve inflammation in case of complications.

Ivan tea for women's health

Ivan tea is an unsurpassed remedy for treatment of cystitis, thrush and other diseases of the genitourinary system in women, and since the plant has no contraindications, teas based on it are allowed for use during pregnancy and lactation.

In folk medicine, there is the following recipe for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in women, including chronic cystitis. It's incredibly simple and effective:

1 tablespoon of pre-dried and crushed leaves of Ivan-tea is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, after which it is infused for two hours. When the mixture is properly infused and acquires a persistent dark color, the infusion is filtered into a clean dish, after which it is consumed 1/3 cup (50-60 ml) 3 times a day.

Ivan tea for the treatment of wounds and burns

Fireweed helps well with treatment thermal and sunburn, neurodermatitis, wounds and itching of the skin.

For this, a gruel is prepared from fresh leaves of the plant, which is applied to the affected areas. Or a sterile bandage soaked in juice is applied to the wound and changed 2-3 times a day.

Rinsing with fireweed infusion treats inflammation of the mucous membranes. So, with an infusion of Ivan tea, you can rinse your eyes with conjunctivitis, rinse in the mouth with stomatitis and inflammation of the gums.

Ivan tea for skin care

Ivan tea has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, and also helps to relieve irritation and rashes.

There is the following recipe for an anti-inflammatory Ivan-tea mask:

First of all, it is necessary to make an alcoholic infusion from Ivan-tea inflorescences. To do this, the dried flowers are poured with 70% alcohol or vodka and kept in a warm (20-24 ° C) place for several days. Then salt and a little oatmeal are added to 10 ml of alcoholic infusion at the tip of a knife. All ingredients are mixed until a liquid mass is formed that resembles sour cream in consistency. The resulting mixture is applied on the face or on the problematic area of ​​the skin for 10-15 minutes.

Ivan tea to improve vision

In our time, for most people, the load on the eyes has increased greatly. A computer, a TV set, various kinds of documentation, which in large volumes must be processed day after day, leads to increased eye fatigue, which in turn leads to drowsiness, headaches and irritability. Ivan tea contributes decrease eye pressure, thanks to which vision is preserved and the eyes are not so tired. For the strongest effect it is necessary:

Mix Ivan tea with crushed eyebright herb in a ratio of 1 to 2 (for dried herbs). 2 teaspoons of the mixture will require 0.5 liters of boiling water. Recommended daily rate drink about 500 ml. The drink should be consumed warm, so it will not be superfluous to use a thermos. The infusion must be drunk at 150 ml per dose, one hour after meals. A little honey can be added if desired.

Ivan tea for relieving alcohol addiction

With the regular use of Ivan tea, another very unusual property is found - a decrease in craving for alcohol. This is explained by the ability of Ivan-tea to remove toxins from the body, cleansing blood and cells, which in turn leads to the purification of consciousness and a clear perception of the surrounding reality. A person who leads a conscious lifestyle does not feel craving for alcohol and other intoxicating substances, and Ivan-tea is a faithful companion of such a person! Well, for those who often suffer from a hangover syndrome and cannot yet quit this bad habit, but at the same time feel a great desire to change their lives, Ivan-tea will become a real helper!

For decreasing hangover syndrome and all its negative manifestations, traditional medicine recommends the following recipe:

It is necessary to brew fireweed by adding dry thyme herb to it in a ratio of 5 to 1 (by weight). 2 teaspoons will require 0.5 liters of boiling water. NS when the need arises to drink alcohol, in during the day, it is recommended to drink 5-7 cups of this drink, adding honey to it.

These simple recipes will help prevent the development of many serious diseases, and at the first symptoms they can completely cure sudden ailments. But remember that drinking Ivan tea in its pure form as a daily drink will have a strong preventive and general strengthening effect on all organs and systems of the body.

Drink Ivan tea with pleasure and be healthy!

The maxillary sinuses act as a humidifier and thermoregulator of air on the way to the lungs. When you have a runny nose, no one can guarantee that the infection only spreads in the nose, and that everything is in order in the nearby sinuses. Usually there also occurs inflammation, which goes away either on its own or under medication.

However, if treatment was started late or not started at all, sinusitis can take severe forms.

  • Drawing pain near the nose, aggravated by bending forward,
  • loss of smell, nasal congestion

All these are symptoms of sinusitis, inflammation of the maxillary sinus mucosa. Since they are not easy to get to, the diagnosis can be confirmed with x-rays, computed tomography, or rhinoscopy.

They don't joke with running sinusitis:

  • the doctor prescribes antibiotics,
  • antiseptic solutions for washing the sinuses,
  • in especially difficult cases, punctures are made to avoid the breakthrough of abscesses.

Juices, fruit drinks, herbal teas... Of the latter, some have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Koporsky tea made from fireweed herb

Ivan tea belongs to this category of herbs, scientific name narrow-leaved fireweed. Koporye tea is made from this plant: green leaves are rolled and wrapped in cloth, and allowed to ferment for a day or two. Then the fireweed is dried at high temperature to stop fermentation.

This tea is rich in vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folacin (B9), ascorbic acid.

  • Ascorbic acid is found in willow tea in greater quantities than lemon. This vitamin has a regulating effect on the immune system. Indicated for colds.
  • Pantothenic acid is a vitamin that has its positive effects everywhere: the synthesis of neurotransmitters, improved secretion of gastric juices, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, in particular, helps the body absorb other vitamins and minerals, including folacin.

Also, fireweed is rich in minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, iron.

To obtain a decoction, while retaining the healing properties of willow-herb, brew the collection with 70 ° C water. If the water temperature is higher, most of the enzymes and vitamins will be destroyed. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Koporsky tea can be drunk within 24 hours after brewing (according to experienced herbalists). It can also be dripped into the nose, inhaled or sniffed on.

Fireweed tea is a diuretic, and perfectly removes toxins from the body. It has no contraindications. But during pregnancy and lactation, it is taken only under the supervision of a doctor.

If you find symptoms of sinusitis in yourself, do not try to heal yourself with tea or anything else. You should also not prescribe antibiotics yourself if you do not have medical education - some pathogens are insensitive to them. See your doctor. Moreover, as I wrote above, it is not so easy to diagnose this disease, special devices are needed.

Review of the treatment of sinusitis in an adult

What else, besides fireweed, will help to cope with sinusitis, and even bilateral and in a neglected form? To find out about this, listen to the review of Ksenia, a musician who suffered from sinusitis for about 10 years.

Colds and hearing

I AM long time considered herself a fairly healthy person, had colds once or twice during the winter season, and recovered quickly enough. The only thing that bothered me was that with every cold I got very stuffy ears, and this deteriorated my hearing. Almost, probably, well, almost half.

I am a musician, and therefore I was especially worried about it. And it was unpleasant for me, as it interfered with my studies first, then my work.

And it started just in the years of study, somewhere at the age of 17.

I began to undergo various examinations. Naturally, I immediately went to the ENT doctor. Me there all possible ways examined what came to their mind. No deviations were found.

The only thing that for some reason was not done to me (now it is, of course, very strange for me, why), they did not do it for me ...

… A snapshot of the maxillary sinuses - a snapshot of the nose. Well, I don’t know, I can’t understand why this simple study was not applied to me. I was sent to an audiologist. An audiologist is, if someone does not know, the specialist who deals specifically with hearing and ear problems. The audiologist examined me, too, no deviations were found. The only thing that was suggested to me was to apply precisely during the period of acute respiratory illness.

But to do this in practice is simply unrealistic, because in order to get to this specialist, you need to sign up, there is a very long queue. In general, this is not at all easy to do and, of course, it is impossible to guess in any way so that the disease and the appointment with the doctor coincide. Well, since I rarely got sick, I decided to put up with it and move on.

Nose and pregnancy

This is how I lived until I became pregnant with my second child. My first pregnancy was going well: spring, summer, autumn. Not a single illness, excellent health. The second pregnancy fell on the period of autumn, winter, spring. Plus the eldest daughter went to kindergarten and I began to carry all sorts of different viruses from there. She was sick, and after her I was sick. Moreover, every time I got sick worse, everything with more some bad signs. And all this continued when the second baby was born. Worse and worse.

Since all this time I was either pregnant or breastfeeding, they didn’t take the same snapshot of my nose, because I was not allowed to do it.

However, here is an interesting paradox of our medicine - they forbid pregnant and lactating women to take a snapshot of the nose, and serious antibiotics are prescribed without a snapshot of the nose - it is possible.

Antibiotics seemed to help me at that time. Yes, they removed the symptoms, it seemed that the tests there were becoming normal, the nose began to breathe. Everyone was pleased and happy. But several months passed, my daughter brought another virus, I fell ill again, and everything again fell into place.

"Somewhere not there I am being treated"

Then the children began to grow up, they also get sick more and more often. This made me think about the fact that maybe I was looking in the wrong direction and somewhere I was being treated. I began to practice homeopathy, but I realized that it was too difficult, probably for me. I began to look further.

And at my request, the Universe sent me an acquaintance with a trainer for natural cleansing of the body and a psychologist in one person. I found her through social networks by accident, signed up for a free consultation. I realized that I like this person, that I want to cooperate with her, and she and I began to clean me. And one of the methods of cleansing the body, which she owns, is the method of conditional fasting according to Marve Ohanyan.

Now I will not dwell on this technique in detail here, if someone is interested in this, you can find information on the Internet. Well, again, I don’t want to introduce my incompetent, perhaps, some kind of interpretation into your ears.

Well, in general, I began to starve, and my coach warned me that in the process of hunger, an aggravation is possible, and even, most likely, it will be, this is an aggravation of all chronic diseases that have accumulated in my 30+ years. Well, that's how it happened.

And in my first prolonged hunger, my sinusitis, which I did not know about then, worsened.

And I learned a lot about him in a strange way

One fine day I woke up in the morning, I felt, I hadn’t even seen it yet, but I felt that one of my eyes was blinking strangely, that there was some very heavy eyelid. I went to look and saw that the movable upper eyelid on my right eye was swelling. Swelling. And while I went and did my usual morning chores there, this swelling increased. Then she moved on to a motionless eyelid, and, in the end, my eye literally in half a day turned into such a form, as if a bee had stung me there.

And I have two kids at home. My daughter, in my opinion, was also ill, or there were weekends, some holidays, well, in general, she was not in the garden. The husband is on a business trip. I there urgently called someone from my acquaintances, they came to me, and I went to the clinic.

Well, since the eye is swollen, who did I go to? I went to the optometrist. The optometrist prescribed local treatment: drops in the eye, ointment on the eyelid. Well, she sent me for a nose X-ray and for a consultation with an ENT doctor.

I could already take a snapshot of the nose, I finally stopped feeding the youngest child. I went and took it, the picture showed bilateral sinusitis.

Doctor, when, well, ENT doctor, when she saw the picture, when she saw me with my eye, she, of course, was horrified. And she said that I urgently need hospitalization, a puncture, and through this puncture, I think many of you know, it is pumped out of these maxillary sinuses. For some reason, she did not offer me any other alternative.

But I said that, purely physically, I could not go to the hospital, since there was no one for me to throw my children on - such a situation. Then she prescribed antibiotic injections for me, which still had to be selected in some strange way, that I had to buy one injection, inject. Somehow, they had to understand whether he was right for me or not. And then it is already to decide whether to prick him.

And besides that, she prescribed me a list of seven drugs. Well, in general, I looked at all this, was horrified and hit the road from there.

Well, of course, I was in direct contact with my coach. She supported me, said that she would help me correct this state of mine, that everything would be fine! And I went home. I don't know what they thought of me.

What began to do

I began to drink even more liquid, even more to walk on fresh air move actively. I added inhalations with such a medicine of mine, one of my favorites, which I had already found - Sinupret.

There are tablets, and there are also drops that can be taken orally, or they can be added to inhalation, to a solution for inhalation. I had an inhaler, and so I added them - I remembered about them again. They helped me very well at that time.

And thus, literally there for two or three days my swelling disappeared.

At that moment I was just in hunger, that is, I did not get out of hunger. And plus I added these things that I talked about, and my swelling went away. Well, the truth is, completely for this one run of hunger, I did not manage to get rid of sinusitis.

After somewhere, probably a month and a half, I went for another long hunger. And there I was already completing his treatment.

Well, now I can say with confidence that I have cured my sinusitis without doctors and without drugs. Why do I say this - because I took a second X-ray of the maxillary sinuses, which showed that everything was clean there. Well, everyone threw up their hands. Probably, they did not believe me and decided that I had received medical treatment from a private doctor somewhere. It doesn't matter to me anymore. I am very pleased with the result.

Two important points

Well, there are also two important points, which are worth mentioning here that I used saline nasal rinsing. He, of course, and doctors all recommend. But the only question is how to flush.

I washed: I did not bury saline in my nose, I did not rinse it out of a pharmacy spray bottle, but I washed it using the yoga technique. There are also several options. And as one of these several options, you can use the Dolphin rinsing system.

It is sold in the pharmacy, but it is quite expensive. I didn't buy it, I washed my nose out of a sports bottle with a saline solution that I prepared at home. Salt water, if in Russian. Here.

  • And she also used one very strong remedy, which is promoted by the same Marva Ohanyan (you can read about it from her) - these are drops of cyclamen. Cyclamen is a plant related to violets. Well, only it should be forest there in order for the effect of the treatment to be more pronounced.

Its root is either bought from herbalists and drops are prepared independently. I bought ready-made drops, again I will not say where. Whoever needs it, you can google it and find it yourself. There are not so many of these manufacturers, but it is quite easy to find them. In the search, they pop up without problems.

And this cyclamen, he also liquefies mucus, when instilled in the maxillary sinuses, it accelerates everything there and improves excretion. And I am now finishing just the course of this three-month cyclamen. Here. And I can say that I solved my problem.

What is the bottom line

And, of course, in the intervals between starvation, I adjusted my nutrition, in which, again, my trainer helped me. Healthier, more balanced. I began to eat much less animal proteins. I believe it helped me too.

I would like to wish you to think more about what you are being treated with, how you are being treated, and not blindly trust medicine. At the same time, of course, I do not advise you to completely refuse the help of doctors. If only because of being able to diagnose. Without this, too, probably nothing. In the modern world, I think it's stupid to refuse this, you need to know exactly what you are dealing with.

But you cannot blindly trust, everyone should have their own head on their shoulders. And seek and find. The right information always comes at the right time. Perhaps the way that I described is not your way, and you will find yours. I wish you success in this quest on your path to health! All the best!

In conclusion, we invite you to watch this 14-minute video, in which Dr. Kozlov, one of the best "ear throat" in Russia, tells how to cure sinusitis without punctures and pain.

What will help with laryngitis

A fairly common disease in our time is laryngitis - an inflammation of the larynx mucosa. Our hectic age in every possible way contributes to this disease with stresses and a fast pace of life: it is worth jumping out for a while outside in the cold, or taking a sip cold cola, especially in the heat, or to smoke in the cold - the result of all these activities can be laryngitis.

In order to get sick, it is not necessary to look for an infection somewhere, sometimes the microflora that lives in the oral cavity is enough, behaves peacefully, and even participates in the life processes of your body.

Many people know that stress weakens the immune system. However, few people know, but magnesium-containing drugs help to resist stress.

But this is chemistry, you argue.

Not necessary. Minerals such as magnesium are also found in herbal preparations, for example, in ivan tea (narrow-leaved fireweed). Trace elements from the plant are well absorbed by the body, which favorably distinguishes it from the "chemical" analogue.

Herbal tea for laryngitis

Long ago, our ancestors noticed the healing properties of fireweed, and made Koporye tea from it - they rolled green leaves and flowers without seeds, and put them to ferment for several days. Then it was dried. After this procedure, the leaves and flowers contain more nutrients (enzymes).

In addition to magnesium, ivan tea contains trace elements such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, as well as many antioxidants: thiamine, riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6) , folacin (B9), ascorbic acid. These vitamins normalize redox processes.

  • Ascorbic acid boosts immunity, speeds up the treatment of colds and reduces the likelihood of recurrence.
  • Thiamine can be safely called an anti-stress vitamin, because it is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

To obtain the most healing tea, do not use boiling water for brewing, because it destroys enzymes and many vitamins. Let the water cool for 5 minutes and pour over the tea leaves. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Such tea will have a milder taste (thanks to enzymes) with a slight acidity (vitamin C).

Add a teaspoon of honey and you can start treating laryngitis in a delicious and proven way. Lemon - at will, but without fanaticism, so that there is no irritation of the mucous membrane.

Attention, in any case, do not drink scalding tea! Especially with inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa. Let it cool to body temperature. Every sane adult should understand that burns will not cure a cold. Also avoid cold, spicy and salty food... If you smoke, reduce the number of cigarettes to a minimum. Let your larynx rest.

According to herbalists' reviews, Koporye tea is an excellent general tonic. It can be drunk to treat and prevent colds and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It removes toxins. After a month of use, it is recommended to take a break of 2 weeks, because an excess of certain substances contained in the broth can lead to diarrhea.

Tea has no contraindications, except for cases of personal intolerance, children can drink it. During lactation and pregnancy, admission is allowed under the supervision of a doctor.

Review of the treatment of laryngitis in a small child

Listen to the review of Anastasia, mother, who managed to sound the alarm in time and did not allow the worst thing:

Good afternoon. My name is Anastasia, I have prepared another story from our life. How many already different stories accumulated over 9.5 years of the life of my son Ignat, but when I think about it, how much more will be ...

Today the topic of the story is laryngitis. Laryngitis is quite common. I read that every third child is faced with this disease, although I have not heard anything about it until I personally encountered, or rather, with what it is dangerous. The main thing is that the younger the child, the more dangerous the laryngitis. Ignat was not even a year old when he fell ill with acute respiratory infections. This is of course the whole story of how to treat acute respiratory infections in young children. Lord, this tiny nose, all these devices in the form of enemas, tubes, these methods of extracting snot. Plus, a fragile organism with imperfect reactions to various pathogens. As I remember, I will shudder.

Let's focus on laryngitis. It arose with us ...

If you want to read this review in its entirety, then click here and under this line you will see its transcription.

... as it usually occurs - as a complication against the background of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections. I read then enough different books on the development, education, caring for a small child, diseases that are common, symptoms, which diseases are considered characteristic of a particular age. In general, the arsenal of books was quite impressive, but they wrote about laryngitis in such a way, in general, nothing dangerous, it seemed, he did not conceal. It was I who later tried to specifically find some hint of danger to the child's life and did not find anything. I think maybe I missed some important information- no, she just wasn't there.

Of course, now there is much more of it, but 8 years ago it was quite problematic to find information. In fact, it is probably impossible to foresee everything, if only in medical, in pediatrics for the second higher. And back to the main thing, I will tell a story from our life.

Barking cough

So, it all started with the fact that by the evening the child had a cough, the cough was kind of strange, I could not determine which one. I've never heard that. I started to get nervous, my husband said: “Come on, you’ll call a doctor tomorrow, everything will be okay,” but that didn’t calm me down. In principle, I am an alarmist mother, but as practice shows, I do not panic over trifles. I decided to calm myself down a little differently - I thought that if there was nothing terrible, then I would apologize to the doctors, and dialed 03.

In the ambulance

The attendant or the operator, I don't know how to do it right, immediately asked what kind of cough. I didn't know how to describe it, she asked: "Barking"? Yes, that was exactly what it was, exactly barking. She quickly wrote down the address and the ambulance was with us literally in 10 minutes. After another 10 minutes we were already rushing to the hospital in an ambulance. There was no time to collect things, the things were later brought by my husband.

While we were driving in an ambulance to the other end of the city to the medical town, the doctor said that I was great, that she immediately called an ambulance, it was about 9 pm. The worst time is towards morning, when the passage narrows so much that it can completely stop the oxygen supply, and then they may not be able to save the child. The hair on my head began to stir. I immediately remembered my husband - how many such husbands, how many such young mothers who think - oh well, it will cost. Horror.

There was no desire to ask questions while sitting in the ambulance with the baby in her arms. I was all collected, mobilized, my brain was trying to work out situations, there was not enough information. Once again I thought about higher medical education.

In the hospital

In general, upon reaching the hospital, we were quickly admitted, the temperature was not typical. We were diagnosed with first-degree stenosis of the larynx. There are four degrees, the fourth is actually fatal. They probably put dolls on us when the ambulance arrived, I don't remember now. I only remember that all treatment was reduced to inhalations. We breathed oxygen, did inhalations, plus they gave us antihistamines. I asked: "Is that all?" And that's all.

It was also important to drink plenty of fluids to moisturize the mucous membrane. The next day we drove home, bought a small, compact, ultrasonic Japanese nebulizer, and we survived this crisis safely.

And it already seems that all this is somewhere far away, and in general it seemed as if it did not happen to us. But since then I know for sure that it is better to play it safe, be an alarmist, trust your intuition, especially when you are not sure, in doubt - call an ambulance.

A little about herbs

I do not want to scare, I want to warn. We still have it all happened against the background of the fact that we turned out to be quite allergenic, so growing up, we very carefully selected folk methods... First we got to know a chamomile, then a linden tree. Cranberry fruit drinks entered the diet much later, from the age of 5 only. Honey even later - probably from 8 years old.

There is no need to force events. If herbs are in your life, take your time, incorporate them gradually. For example, I have a very respectful attitude towards herbs, I read a lot of literature, I try to figure it out. But the more I read, the more questions arise. Now, at the herbalists' market, I am bombarded with questions - when did they collect, where, in what area. And those who do not follow the collection rules, procurement or storage rules are immediately identified. It is dangerous to buy from such people. I do not call for interrogation with prejudice, but to talk, to try to find out what and how.

It took me a while to find a herbalist whom I trust. This was helped by an incident from my mother's life. But that is another story. I wish you health, take care of yourself and your children. Until next time.

How does he suggest to treat laryngitis? modern medicine? Watch this 11 minute video to find out.

Pharyngitis tea

A sore throat, dry cough, fever and swollen lymph nodes are all symptoms of a cold sore throat. Most often, this disease manifests itself in the cold season, when the body is weakened by vitamin deficiency, lack of sunlight and hypothermia.

If you find yourself with the above symptoms, try not to irritate your throat once again: refrain from hot and spicy foods, smoke less, postpone vocal lessons until you recover.

In case of illness, an abundant drink is indicated:

  • water, freshly squeezed juices,
  • fruit drinks, decoctions of herbs.

Preference should be given to drinks rich in vitamin C, because it helps the body fight off colds. Among the herbal preparations, Koporye tea should be separately distinguished, because it contains a lot of vitamin C, as well as thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), nicotinic (B3) and pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9).

  • Nicotinic acid improves metabolism, has a vasodilating effect. It is indicated for chronic infections, prolonged stress and gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Pantothenic acid stimulates the absorption of other vitamins; essential for the absorption and metabolism of folic acid. Participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, which are so lacking in the cold season.
  • Folic acid is needed by the body to create and maintain new cells.

Koporsky tea is the leaves and flowers of narrow-leaved fireweed (ivan tea), which have undergone fermentation. For a long time, the broth of willow tea has been used to treat colds. And no wonder - look at the list of vitamins just above. In addition, it contains trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc, which also have a positive effect on immunity.

  • Calcium, in addition to being a material for teeth and bones, is involved in the secretion of hormones, including neurotransmitters. In simple terms, thanks to calcium, we feel good, and, therefore, we go on the mend faster.
  • Magnesium increases stress resistance. Deficiency of this metal causes a feeling of chronic fatigue, insomnia, migraines and other unpleasant symptoms.


  • Most enzymes, as well as vitamins, such as pantothenic acid, are destroyed at 77 ° C. This means that the temperature of the brewing water must be lower if you want to get the most of the benefits. For pharyngitis, ginger can be added to the leaves of fireweed. This tea will drive away seven sweats, removing toxins from the body.

For a more effective treatment, do not add sugar. You can honey. Lemon with this disease should be taken carefully so as not to irritate the mucous membranes.

  • A broth of willow tea can be used as a gargle if the disease is of a viral nature.

According to numerous reviews, you will feel a surge of energy after the first receptions. Tea is indicated for adults and children. It is prescribed with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Pharyngitis is a mild condition and usually resolves within 1 to 2 days. If this does not happen, and the disease progresses, see your doctor to avoid complications.

Are you 100% sure that you have pharyngitis? This disease has a "twin" and such a symptom as a sore throat is characteristic of both of them, and they are treated in completely different ways. Watch this 10-minute video to figure out what's what and avoid mistakes in treatment.

What is Ivan-tea

Ivan tea (scientific name - narrow-leaved fireweed) is a perennial plant of the fireweed family reaching a height of 1.5 m, with lanceolate leaves and collected by a long apical raceme of lilac-red (less often pale pink or white) flowers, having a thick creeping rhizome with numerous shoots. The flowering of willow-herb lasts from mid-June to mid-August (during this period, ivan-tea is also an excellent honey plant), and the fruits of the narrow-leaved fireweed ripen in August-September.

Ivan tea, unpretentious to growing conditions, can be found on dry sandy or peaty soils, near pine forests and country roads, in meadows and wastelands, on forest edges and clearings, along the banks of rivers and lakes, as well as in the form of weeds in gardens or vegetable gardens.

Throughout its history of existence in nature, Ivan tea has acquired many names, most of which are due to one or another properties or characteristic features of this medicinal plant. So, for example, such names of narrow-leaved fireweed as "willow grass", "willow grass", "willow grass" speak about the external similarity of leaves of willow and willow. Ivan-tea has long been called a "firefighter" or "fiery grass" because of its unique ability to be the first plant to populate fire sites. The names "dremukha" and "drema" were given to Ivan-tea for its pronounced hypnotic properties. Due to the abundant down that accompanies the flowering of willow-herb, the people have long dubbed the narrow-leaved fireweed “down jacket” or “fluff”. And due to the fact that the stem of the fireweed, when pulling the plant out of the ground, emits a creak in the hands, such names of ivan-tea as "plakun", "squeak", "skipen", "skrypun", "squeaky", "skrypnik" , "Skrypiy", "forest skrypyy", "creaky", "fiddle", "creaked", "script". In the list of very numerous and expressive Russian names of Ivan-tea, one can also note such as: "Kuril tea", "Koporsky tea", "koporka", "bread-box", "magpie eyes", "Mother of God", "elushnik", "Dalyatik", "hog potion", "dug up the grass", "wheeze", "hrypnik", "hrypyalnik", "jump", "smolk-grass", "rubella", "hollow", "mother", "rhubarb "," Miller "," synovod "," stepnik "," mulberry "," hmyzok "," yarovnik "," wine-walker "," nenadychka "," cock's apples "," nitsalosa "and many others. dr.

For medicinal purposes, the leaves and flowers of ivan tea are most often used, collected during the flowering period of this plant (less often, the stems and rhizomes of fireweed are used for medicinal needs). The technology of making willow tea includes the collection of plant materials and their further drying, grinding, fermentation and drying.

A little about the history of Ivan-tea

A tasty, aromatic and healthy drink made from brewed dry Ivan tea has been widely popular in Russia since the 12th century (it was enjoyed with pleasure in those days not only by poor peasants, but also by representatives of the wealthy Russian nobility). And since the 13th century, this traditionally Russian drink has been often called "Koporsky tea". This is one of the now most common names for narrow-leaved fireweed came from the name of the settlement of Koporye in the Petersburg province, which was founded by Alexander Nevsky on the site of the destroyed fortress of the knights-crusaders. It was in Koporye, where vast thickets of willow tea were located on the sand dunes, that for the first time in the 13th century local monks began to produce "Koporye tea". And since then, when the English sailors who accidentally visited Koporye tasted a drink brewed from fireweed, ivan tea produced in Koporye and other Russian settlements began to be sold on a very large scale to England and other European countries (for Prussia and France imported from Russian Koporya Ivan-tea was a smuggled product in those days). It is worth noting that until the end of the 19th century, Great Britain, which owned huge tea plantations in India and Ceylon, preferred “Russian tea” from fireweed to Indian tea, famous for its taste and popular in many countries of the world. Ivan tea, which took an honorable place in Russian foreign trade from the 17th to the 19th centuries, was significantly ahead of such traditionally popular Russian goods as gold, honey and hemp in terms of export volume.

However, at the end of the 19th century, Ivan tea, which competed with Indian tea and seriously undermined the financial power of the East Indian tea campaign, as a result of intrigues and unseemly rumors from Russia's competitors in the tea trade segment, was quickly ousted from the international market. The gradual oblivion of Ivan-tea also on the inside, Russian market contributed to the First World War and the 1917 Revolution.

Today, modern Russians no longer even remember such a primordially Russian drink as tea brewed from fireweed. But every summer nature, abundantly decorating fields and meadows with purple willow-tea flowers, invariably reminds us of the "Koporsky tea", undeservedly forgotten and so famous in the old days.


V biochemical composition the aboveground part of ivan tea contains vitamin C(this antioxidant in fireweed is 3 times more than in oranges and 6.5 times more than in lemons), carotenoids(precursors of vitamin A), B vitamins, mucus (polysarachids), pectins, chlorophyll, tannins (up to 20%), organic acids, phytosterols (including beta-sitosterol), triterpenoids, coumarins, flavonoids (including quercetin and kaempferol), a small amount of alkaloids, as well as some macro- and microelements (the concentration is especially high in the leaves and flowers of ivan tea iron, copper and manganese, also found in the leaves and flowers of fireweed in significant quantities potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, boron, nickel and titanium).

Rich in starch, polysaccharides, easily digestible proteins and organic acids, the rhizomes of willow-herb lack tannins, but they contain a significant amount of phosphorus, calcium and cobalt salts.

Therapeutic and prophylactic action

With a pleasant taste and aroma, a drink based on brewed Ivan-tea not only perfectly quenches thirst (both hot and cold), but also has a wide range of healing effects, tones up, relieves fatigue, gives strength and vigor.

It is worth noting that, unlike black tea or coffee, which has a tonic effect, a drink based on ivan tea does not contain caffeine, oxalic acid and purine bases that are harmful to human health.

With regular use, decoctions and infusions of ivan tea that strengthen immunity and increase vitality:

  • Improve blood composition (including increasing hemoglobin levels). Ivan tea, when consumed regularly, helps to restore the normal acid-base balance of the blood. Iron, vitamin C, vitamins of group B, copper, manganese, nickel, contained in the composition of ivan tea, improve hematopoietic function.
  • Increase the efficiency of assimilation of nutrients from consumed food products, as well as improve carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
  • They have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, increase the effectiveness of the prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases. In terms of their anti-inflammatory properties, the leaves and flowers of ivan tea surpass such natural antiseptics widely known in folk medicine as willow bark, oak bark and bearberry (flavonoids, vitamin C, carotenoids, tannins, organic acids contained in ivan tea contribute to the relief of inflammatory processes , triterpenoids, manganese, magnesium, copper).
  • They have a beneficial effect on the functional state of the prostate gland and other organs of the male genitourinary system, increase potency and improve erectile function. For a long time and traditionally rich in beta-sitosterol, Ivan tea has been widely known in folk medicine primarily as a "male herb", that is, as a medicinal plant that helps to improve men's health.
  • Have a diuretic effect, help to restore normal blood pressure
  • Reduce the increased excitability of the central nervous system, contribute to the elimination of insomnia, headache and the consequences of psychoemotional stress. Ivan-tea is an effective natural hypnotic, which, unlike pharmaceutical medicinal hypnotics, is not addictive and does not have side effects... The flavonoids, B vitamins and magnesium contained in fireweed have a sedative effect.
  • They contribute to the elimination of constipation, have an enveloping, anti-inflammatory and protective effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, promote the early healing of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract affected by the inflammatory and ulcerative process, restore the optimal balance of the intestinal microflora. This complex healing effect of ivan tea on the organs digestive system due to the presence in its composition of mucus (polysaccharides), tannins, pectins, carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamin C and chlorophyll.
  • They have a choleretic effect. The organic acids, flavonoids, magnesium present in Ivan tea contribute to the improvement of the processes of bile formation and bile secretion.
  • Show antiviral and antiallergic activity
  • They activate the processes of granulation and epithelialization of damaged skin areas. Wound-healing properties are possessed by such components of fireweed as tannins, carotenoids and chlorophyll.
  • They have a moderate analgesic effect. Pain relief is facilitated by the flavonoids, mucus, magnesium and alkaloids contained in the leaves and flowers of ivan tea.
  • They help to increase lactation and improve the quality of breast milk.
  • They help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. The "cleansing" property of Ivan tea is largely due to the composition of its leaves and flowers of flavonoids and pectins.
  • Improves the work of the endocrine system
  • They have an antioxidant effect, reduce the risk of developing cancer. In folk medicine, willow tea has long been widely known as an antitumor agent (scientific studies have revealed the content of high-molecular and low-toxic compound hanerol in fireweed narrow-leaved, exhibiting antitumor activity). Among the antioxidants contained in Ivan tea are flavonoids, tannins, organic acids, carotenoids, vitamin C and some B vitamins, manganese, copper, magnesium.
  • They help to improve the condition of the skin, prevent premature aging of the skin. The leaves and flowers of ivan tea contain substances that contribute to the natural synthesis of collagen, which gives the skin elasticity and elasticity (among such components of fireweed are phytosterols, vitamin C, carotenoids, copper, flavonoids, organic acids).

Regular use of broths and infusions based on ivan tea increases the effectiveness of prevention and treatment:

  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Gastritis with high acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis, cholangitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, pancreatitis
  • Diseases of the male genitourinary system (prostatitis, prostate adenoma, etc.)
  • Female and male infertility
  • Arterial hypertension, cardioneuroses (neurocircular dystonia)
  • Kidney and bladder disease (including urolithiasis and cystitis)
  • Respiratory tract diseases (including pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and acute respiratory infections caused by the influenza virus). The effectiveness of willow-herb infusions and decoctions in the prevention and treatment of diseases of this group is due to the anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and expectorant effects of fireweed.
  • Spleen diseases
  • Dermatological diseases (allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, furunculosis, acne, etc.)
  • Gout
  • Herpes

The use of infusions and decoctions of narrow-leaved fireweed can also be recommended:

  • With food and alcohol poisoning, diarrhea, dysentery
  • Patients with epilepsy
  • With neuroses and neurosis-like states, with hysteria, alcoholic psychosis and depressive states
  • At hangover syndrome, composed of complex treatment alcoholism
  • With frequent stress and intense psycho-emotional stress
  • With chronic fatigue syndrome
  • During teething, as well as with increased bleeding of the gums
  • For menstrual irregularities
  • With painful or heavy menstruation, with uterine bleeding, with pain in women during menopause
  • To cleanse the body during the recovery period after courses of radiation and chemotherapy
  • As part of the complex treatment of lymphogranulomatosis
  • For immunodeficiency states
  • With C-avitaminosis (deficiency in the daily diet of vitamin C)

Possessing a pronounced anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, decoctions and infusions of Ivan tea are useful for instillation with otitis media, rhinitis, sinusitis, and also use for rinsing as part of the complex treatment of diseases of the pharynx, larynx and oral cavity (for angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis, stomatitis, periodontitis , gingivitis, caries, etc.).

It is also useful to apply externally decoctions and infusions of fireweed for washing ulcers, wounds and bedsores, as well as in the form of compresses - to relieve pain in bruises, diseases of muscles and joints.

For problem skin or acne it is recommended to make applications from steamed willow-tea leaves.

Mode of application

Ivan tea infusion recipe: 1 tbsp. Pour 1 cup (200 ml) boiling water over a spoonful of dry willow herb. Insist for 12-15 minutes, strain before use. Take 0.5 glasses 2 times a day - in the morning before breakfast and half an hour before dinner. The recommended duration of the treatment-and-prophylactic course of taking Ivan-tea is 1 month. The break between courses of taking fireweed should be 1-1.5 months.

Children from 6 to 8 years old it is allowed to give no more than 1 tbsp. spoons of Ivan-tea infusion 2 times a day, children from 8 to 14 years old the dose can be increased to 50 ml of infusion 2 times a day.

Ivan tea decoction recipe: 15 g of dry willow tea (2 tablespoons) pour 200 ml (1 glass) boiling water, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat, then leave for 1-1.5 hours and drain. Adults are recommended to take such a decoction for 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times daily before meals.


Ivan tea infusions and decoctions are contraindicated in children under 6 years of age. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, before starting the regular use of ivan tea, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the possibility of therapeutic and prophylactic use of fireweed. With prolonged use of tinctures and decoctions of ivan tea (more than 1 month without interruption), disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, liver and intestines are possible. With caution, use broths and infusions of fireweed with increased blood clotting, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Popular goods:

Although from the point of view of science, it is not entirely correct to call ivan tea with such a word as "fireweed" (this is a generic name for a completely different family of plants), the people have forever connected both names together.

In Russia, this grass stretches up to two meters in height and grows mainly in coniferous forests. You can often find it where fires raged or felling took place not so long ago. The fireweed blooms with beautiful pink petals, and the leaves of the plant are painted green from above and a pinkish shade from below.

Harvesting fireweed on their own is the lot of those who are not afraid of long walks in places far from civilization. Plants that adorn roadsides are not suitable for harvesting due to constant contact with dust and exhaust fumes. That is why we recommend that residents of cities and towns buy ivan tea in pharmacies in the form of sachets or loose raw materials.

Rich composition of ivan tea

Fireweed (ivan tea), the healing properties and rules of which we disclose, is a herbal preparation with a wide spectrum of action - with a minimum of side effects. Let's describe in more detail the substances that make up this wonderful plant.

Vitamins and minerals

  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 (PP), B5, B6, B9) important for huge number metabolic processes in the body, are involved in the production of energy within cells and are especially beneficial for the nervous system, including the brain. The effect of various B vitamins is enhanced in combination with each other, therefore Ivan tea, which contains almost all of their set, has an enhanced effect on nerve cells.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and protects against oncological degeneration of tissues. Fireweed contains huge reserves of this antioxidant - six times more than the same amount of lemon. Vitamin C blocks the production of histamines by the body, which prevents allergies and can be useful in situations where you do not know which irritant your body reacts to with a rejection reaction.
  • Calcium- is necessary not only for strong bones, but also for normal blood clotting and hormone production.
  • Iron- helps the assimilation of oxygen and is important for DNA synthesis.
  • Magnesium- necessary for the health of the nervous system, digestive tract organs, important for the work of the heart.
  • Phosphorus- important for bone health and essential for the brain.
  • Potassium- normal functioning of muscles and regulation of blood composition is impossible without it.
  • Sodium- participates in maintaining the body's water balance.
  • Zinc- important for the health of the skin, thyroid gland and good digestion.
  • Nickel- is necessary for the work of the pancreas, is part of many enzymes.
  • Manganese- is needed by the nervous system and participates in the work of the gonads.
  • Molybdenum- strengthens the immune system, has antioxidant properties.

Curious fact: Ivan tea also contains titanium - a rare example of a metal that cannot be absorbed by the body and is completely eliminated from the body.

Complex organic compounds

  • Tannins- have an astringent and antiseptic effect.
  • Lectins- participate in the binding of carbohydrates, help the liver.
  • Pectins- normalize bowel function, help the body get rid of poisons and toxins.
  • Flavonoids- have pronounced antioxidant properties, protect cells and DNA from free radicals, inhibit tissue aging.

As you can see, fireweed has a complex composition, thanks to which it is able to have a beneficial effect on a variety of organs and systems. It can be drunk as a general tonic for the prevention of diseases. There are, however, a number of conditions in which fireweed demonstrates particular effectiveness - let's talk about them in more detail.

Why is ivan tea useful for the body

Fireweed will help you if:

  • You suffer from loose stools, intestinal disorders, abdominal pain, or food poisoning.
  • You have identified intestinal dysbiosis with the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and fungi that displace beneficial bacteria.
  • You tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis.
  • You suffer runny nose, cold or flu.
  • You worry a lot, cannot sleep, experienced stress, loaded with cases, you have to urgently perform a large amount of work.
  • Do you feel prostration, lethargy, difficulty concentrating, decreased performance.
  • You high blood pressure, headaches are frequent.
  • You have appeared skin rashes, wounds, acne, burns, scars, wounds and ulcers.
  • You suffer allergies(especially if its nature is unknown to you).
  • You fight the consequences anemia- this problem is acute for every fifth woman.
  • You became get sick often or you have to go through the "flu season" - the end of autumn-winter.
  • You problems with the outflow of bile and the work of the liver, the pancreas is worried.

We especially note that in folk medicine, fireweed (ivan-tea), the healing properties and rules of application of which are referred to a long list of ailments, are most often used in the treatment prostatitis and other pathology of the prostate gland. It is irreplaceable when reducing male power and the extinction of sexual desire among the fathers of the family. According to one version, such a special usefulness of fireweed for a strong half of humanity was the reason why he received a "male" name - Ivan-tea.

You can find many statements that fireweed helps to stop the progress of cancer, however, with such serious diseases, unconditional priority should be given to traditional medicine and drugs that have passed clinical trials. However, Ivan tea helps patients to cope better with the unpleasant effects of chemotherapy. Let us repeat: if the body faces any difficult test, Ivan tea will come in handy.

Medicines from fireweed

Although the very name "ivan-tea" suggests that the infusion of this medicinal plant is most often used in folk medicine, fireweed serves as the main one for many dosage forms - decoction, infusion, oil, alcoholic tincture and concentrated infusion for cosmetic needs. Below we describe in detail the rules for the preparation and use of all forms.


Depending on the available material, Koporye tea is brewed different ways... We suggest you choose which method suits you best:

  • Dry herb from the package: two teaspoons of dry leaves of fireweed will require half a liter of boiling water (or a little more if the drink is too thick). Tea is infused for 15 minutes in a sealed container, which can be covered with a towel on top. The drink is poured into cups; you do not need to additionally dilute it with water.
  • Fresh leaves: perfect recipe for a hike or a country trip. Fill a small saucepan or pot with fresh willow-tea leaves so that a three-centimeter layer is obtained. Fill the top with water so that its upper mark is five centimeters above the level of the leaves. We put on low heat and wait for a boil, remove from heat and let it brew for ten to fifteen minutes.

Although sugar is often dissolved in ordinary black tea, the fireweed drink is traditionally not sweetened, but drunk with something sweet. As an accompaniment, honey, dried apricots, raisins or dates are suitable. We do not recommend eating koporye tea with halva because of its high fat content - it is not useful for every stomach.

They drink tea from fireweed up to three to four times a day as a preventive measure and for all the ailments described above.


The infusion is distinguished from tea by a higher concentration. It works stronger, but it is taken in smaller doses.

  • Pour a tablespoon of ivan tea into a cup, pour a glass of boiling water. We insist for at least twenty minutes. We drink one or two tablespoons four times a day.
  • Infusion is used for diseases internal organs: stomach, liver, gallbladder, prostate gland. They also gargle a sore throat and rinse their nose.

Cosmetological decoction and mask

  • For two tablespoons of dry material, use a glass of water. Bring to a boil and leave on low heat for 25-30 minutes. You cannot take such a drug inside: it is too rich and thick. Broth to wipe the skin of the face from inflammation and redness, is used as a base for a steam mask and is applied in the form of lotions to problem areas.
  • If you prepare about a liter of broth, you can add to water when taking baths- it softens the skin and makes it velvety to the touch. You can also rinse hair with broth after washing with shampoo: this natural conditioner will take care of the strength and shine of the hair and help with split ends.
  • If you add a small amount of starch to the broth and stir until a thick mass appears, you get base for a great face mask... Apply it on the skin for 25-30 minutes and wash off with cool water.


  • To prepare the oil, we need one glass of fresh fireweed flowers - we cannot do without a country trip. We put it in a narrow container and add oil. Traditionally, the more affordable sunflower was used, but we recommend the olive one. We put the vessel in a cool dark place for three to four weeks, daily shaking will help the oil to better absorb the healing substances from the flowers. We filter and store in the refrigerator.

This oil is appreciated for its mild sparing effect. It is applied to dry areas of the skin and used for rubbing hands in the morning and evening.


Historically, tincture of ivan tea was prepared on strong moonshine, so we recommend using alcohol with a strength of 70% and higher for its production. If ordinary vodka is used, then the duration of the infusion should be one and a half to two times longer than in the traditional version.

  • Ten tablespoons of fireweed are poured with half a liter of alcohol. Place in a cool dry place, shake daily. Insist for four to six weeks, filter.

Tincture of fireweed is traditionally used by men for problems with potency. We drink a tablespoon of tincture three times a day before meals. For ease of use, it can be dissolved in a little water. The average duration of one course of therapy is one and a half to two months, then a two-week break is required.

The tincture can also be used as a general tonic - in this case, it should be drunk in the amount of a teaspoon.


Ivan tea is devoid of pronounced side effects, has no direct prohibitions and is considered safe for use in reasonable quantities. However, it is advisable to observe the following precautions:

  • Talk to your doctor if you are considering taking fireweed and anti-anxiety or antihypertensive (blood pressure lowering) medications. Tea can increase their effectiveness.
  • It is not recommended to drink significant amounts of Koporye tea if you have blood clotting problems.
  • After three weeks of continuous use of ivan tea, it is recommended to take a break of three to five days.
  • If you have never tried this drink before, then start with small amounts. Although an allergic reaction to fireweed is practically non-existent, sensitization issues must be approached with caution.
  • Although it is believed that fireweed is safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, we recommend that you refrain from using ivan tea during such delicate periods.
  • Children under six years old can drink ivan tea only after receiving approval from a pediatrician.

Pages of history

Until the beginning of the 17th century, Ivan tea was a frequent guest on the table of both the tsar and ordinary peasants - they drank fireweed as often as we now drink Brazilian coffee and tea from the island of Ceylon. Soft taste, beneficial influence on the body and a noticeable sedative effect: it was impossible to resist fireweed.

Ivan tea in large quantities exported to Europe, where it was called "Russian tea". The establishment of trade relations with the countries of the East undermined the unconditional leadership of the fireweed. By the time of the reign of Peter I, black tea from China and India had become the favorite drink of the Russian people.

Ivan tea, however, has not lost its popularity: until the very beginning of the twentieth century, it was transported from the St. Petersburg province under the name "Koporsky tea" - throughout the Russian Empire.

Pharyngitis is an infectious inflammation of the pharynx associated with the intensive multiplication of disease-causing formations on the back of the pharynx. The disease is accompanied by pain when swallowing, and a dry, cutting cough that occurs due to irritation of the mucous membrane.

Types of disease and characteristics

Pharyngitis or inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall is a consequence of a weakened immune system, often caused by hypothermia of the body in the autumn-winter period.

In addition to infections, the appearance of pharyngitis is provoked by:

The manifestation of pharyngitis provokes dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

The medical literature classifies pharyngitis as subatrophic, acute, and chronic.

Unlike the acute and chronic form, external factors often become the cause of the appearance of subatrophic pharyngitis:

  • work in dusty rooms;
  • inhalation of vapors of paints, solvents.

Also, the disease is caused by the use of nicotine and alcohol, excessive enthusiasm for vasoconstrictor drugs, and difficulty in nasal breathing - a consequence of edema of the mucous membrane.

Treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies

Treatment folk remedies, with pharyngitis, is used to weaken the severity of the inflammatory process and moisturize the mucous membrane of the pharynx.

Treatment methods with folk remedies are divided:

  • rinsing;
  • compresses;
  • lubrication;
  • inhalation;
  • infusions for internal use.

Doctors recommend using traditional medicines to treat the throat, after consulting a doctor. Balanced, effective treatment of pharyngitis with medicines and traditional medicine, will relieve pain, reduce the severity of the course of the disease.


Medicinal herbs are a natural antiseptic that localizes the focus of the disease and reduces the strength of the inflammatory process.

Herbs are used in the treatment of all forms of pharyngitis:

Oak bark for decoction

  • The acute form is treated with mint St. John's wort, yarrow.
  • Atrophic - by inhalation of herbal oils.
  • Chronic - by rinsing a decoction of chamomile, oak bark and plantain.

You can prepare the infusion as follows:

  • mixing herbs (1 tbsp. l), pour boiling water over and insist;
  • drink as tea with the addition of honey, or gargle with infusion of the throat.

Infusions, teas

A characteristic feature of pharyngitis is increased dryness of the pharyngeal mucosa, accompanied by a cutting pain in the throat. Warm herbal teas moisturize dry throat and relieve acute pain.

Medicinal teas, in the treatment of pharyngitis, are:

  • herbal;
  • dairy;
  • alkaline.

To weaken the cough, and enhance the expectorant effect, decoctions of plantain, sage, marshmallow are used.

The standard recipe for bulk herbs is 10 grams. dry grass 200 gr. boiling water

Important! When buying herbs from individuals, in the markets, make sure that the product is environmentally friendly, find out the time and place of collection, drying and preservation conditions.


Soda for gargling

Herbal gargles for pharyngitis are used as a pain reliever and a universal antiseptic.

A famous recipe for gargling is water, baking soda and salt. One rinse - one glass of soda-salt solution.

Also, when rinsing, use extracts of chamomile, calendula, oak bark.


Inhalation moisturizes the dry mucous membrane of the pharynx. For the procedure, you need a nebulizer sold in pharmacies. For inhalation, use saline or herbal decoctions.

In the absence of a nebulizer, they breathe over the steam, covering themselves with a blanket over their heads. The duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes, twice a day.

Soda-water solution for inhalation

Means for steam inhalation:

  • soda-water solution (st. a spoonful of baking soda for 200 grams of water);
  • boiled potatoes in a peel.

Also, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, marshmallow and other medicinal herbs are used for inhalation.


Vegetable oils have pronounced moisturizing properties and are used to lubricate the throat and moisturize dry mucous membranes. For optimal results, oils are instilled into the nose to cover the inflamed area of ​​the nasopharynx.

When treating a throat, oils are used:

  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • calendula;
  • rose hips;
  • tea tree;

According to the strength of the impact and effectiveness, the best of vegetable oils are considered peach and sea buckthorn, as substances possessing maximum number medicinal and nutritional components.

The use of sea buckthorn oil for the treatment of pharyngitis

Sea buckthorn oil is used in the treatment various diseases.

Sea buckthorn is an effective immunostimulant:

  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • healing wounds;
  • reducing the severity of the inflammatory process.

Sea buckthorn is a multivitamin, herbal antiseptic that protects the body from disease-causing formations, and has radiation and cancer-protective properties.

The sea buckthorn fruit contains:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins of group A, E, B1, B2, PP.

The peculiarity of sea buckthorn oil is its high fat content. Sea buckthorn oil is liquid, transparent, reddish in color, has a tart, sweet and sour taste.

Oil from sea buckthorn berries is extracted by cold or hot pressing methods - grinding the fruits with seeds.

The cold-pressed method is considered more suitable for preparing a medicine, since it allows most of the beneficial components to be retained.

Contraindications to use

Using sea buckthorn oil in the treatment of pharyngitis is not recommended for patients:

  • with poor blood clotting;
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers.

With drug treatment, the combination of sea buckthorn should be avoided:

Before taking sea buckthorn oil, consult a physician and make sure there is no allergic reaction to this drug.

Sea buckthorn oil is used to moisturize the mucous membrane of the pharynx, lubricating the inflamed tonsils 3-4 times a day. Inhalation with sea buckthorn is carried out twice a day. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

As an antiseptic and immunostimulant, sea buckthorn oil is taken orally in one teaspoon, in the morning, after a meal.

Honey recipes

A popular pharyngitis treatment product is honey:

Honey is one of the products that treats pharyngitis

  • finely chopped plantain leaf, mixed with honey;
  • boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes;
  • take the drug 3-4 times a day, a teaspoon.

Honey and Garlic:

  • the chives are boiled in honey until they are completely softened;
  • take the medicine several times a day.

The listed drugs have an expectorant effect and moisturize coughs.

Milk with honey

Milk will ease the disease

It is well known that the use of milk and honey facilitates the course of the course of the disease. To prepare the medicine, honey is mixed (st. L.) With warm milk(200-250 gr), high fat content, and after stirring, slowly drink. Milk and honey drinks are consumed up to 3-4 times a day.

At acute stage pharyngitis, a small amount of soda is added to the drink to enhance antiseptic properties.

In the treatment of chronic pharyngitis, 2 tablets of mucaltin, a drop of iodine are added to milk and honey, and they are drunk before bedtime.


With pharyngitis, you should refuse:

  • from cold and hot dishes;
  • hot spices;
  • smoked and fried;
  • hard fruits and vegetables;
  • salty and sour foods;
  • alcohol and nicotine;
  • carbonated drinks.

With pharyngitis, it is forbidden to eat foods and drinks that irritate the mucous membrane of the pharynx.

Food for patients should be warm and, if possible, grated.

What to eat with pharyngitis:

  • porridge;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • steamed meat;
  • boiled sea fish;
  • fruit jelly.

Exclude fried food from the patient's menu, and replace with boiled (steamed). Give the bread fresh, soft, after cutting off the hard crust.

Home compresses

Compresses for pharyngitis are used as a warming agent.

Camphor oil for compresses

  • camphor compresses;
  • butter and salt compresses.

A dense, gauze bandage is moistened with a solution and placed on the throat, covered with polyethylene. The compress is left overnight or for several hours.

The maximum treatment result is achieved with a balanced approach to the process - using medications and traditional medicine.

Other recipes

With pharyngitis, gargle with decoctions of medicinal herbs, oak bark. An effective method of treatment is rinsing every 1.5-2 hours.

Collection of medicines for acute pharyngitis:

  • peppermint leaves;
  • leaves of mother-stepmother;
  • inflorescences of a series.

A mixture of dry leaves and flowers is poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and left to infuse for 1.5-2 hours, and then filtered. Gargle with a solution 3 times a day.

When treating pharyngitis with St. John's wort, 200 grams of boiling water is poured over one tablespoon of the herb and insisted for 2 hours, after which 20 drops of propolis are added. Gargle with an infusion of St. John's wort and propolis 3 times a day.

For prophylaxis and prevention of disease, rosehip decoction is used to strengthen the immune system.


Propolis is a versatile antibacterial agent used in the treatment of various diseases.

For the treatment of pharyngitis, propolis tincture is prepared. Finely crushed propolis is poured into a dish made of dark glass and poured with cold water. After the impurities float to the surface, they are carefully separated, and the propolis that has settled to the bottom is transferred to a glass dish (jar), where 100 g is added. alcohol.

The jar is tightly closed and left to infuse for a week. After 7 days, propolis is mixed with glycerin in a 1: 2 ratio, and left for another two weeks. The resulting tincture is used to lubricate the nasal mucosa.

Pharyngitis in atrophic and subatrophic forms may be accompanied by tissue necrosis and crust formation. In such cases, contact of the mucous membrane with propolis, which causes additional irritation of the throat, should be avoided.

Important. Propolis is a substance with allergic properties, which should be taken into account when using and taking.

Prevention of pharyngitis

Don't overeat at night.

Disease is easier to prevent than to cure. To prevent pharyngitis, change your usual lifestyle:

  • Avoid alcohol and nicotine.
  • Deal with the restoration of nasal breathing.
  • Do not overeat, eat dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Pay attention to the humidity levels at work and at home. Dry air provokes pharyngitis. The problem of dry air in the house will be solved by a humidifier sold in stores.

A perennial, noticeable from a distance with lilac-pink large inflorescences, growing along roadsides, on forest edges, the first inhabiting fires, as a medicinal plant has been known in Russia since the 12th century. Ivan tea useful properties and contraindications of the plant were not only widely used in Russia, the product was exported abroad, where it bore the proud name "Russian tea".

Ivan tea - description and biochemical composition

Perennial herbaceous plant ivan tea, aka fireweed, usually grows up to 2 m tall. The stem is not lignified, without branching. The leaves are narrow, from 6 mm to 2 cm, long up to 12 cm. The rhizome is thick, creeping, actively producing new buds, from which new plants grow. The roots quickly grow in breadth, because fireweed so quickly captures bare areas, for example, burnt forests, forming a layer of fertile soil instead of burnt out.

The plant loves good lighting, grows in abundance on the edges of forests, along roads, in the wastelands. It is easily recognizable by its buds-inflorescences of various shades of pink - from deep purple to delicate pale pink.

Leaves and flowers contain a lot of nutrients, the main of which are:

  • vitamins C, B2, B6, carotenoids;
  • iron;
  • amino and organic acids;
  • chlorophyll;
  • tannins;
  • phytosterols;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectin;
  • polysaccharides;
  • coumarins and alkaloids;
  • lignin;
  • proteins;
  • cellulose.

In addition to the listed substances, rhizomes are rich in starch, calcium, phosphorus, cobalt.

Useful properties and scope of fireweed

The complex of nutrients stored by leaves, flowers, roots, suggests widespread use as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, diaphoretic, sedative. Beneficially affecting nervous system, Ivan tea also helps with epileptic seizures.

On a note! The drink is prepared for future use, stored in the cold for up to 5 days: unlike traditional tea, no harmful substances are formed in it upon contact with air.

The most common tea made from leaves and flowers of fireweed, which in the old days was drunk almost every day, has the following beneficial qualities:

  1. Regulates the activity of digestion and intestines, accelerating metabolism, freeing from toxins, toxins, restoring the natural intestinal microflora.
  2. Strengthens the immune system, acts as an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, bactericidal agent.
  3. Regulates the endocrine system, the thyroid gland in particular.
  4. It treats diseases of the liver and urinary system, since it has a pronounced bile and diuretic effect.
  5. Useful for solving male or female problems.

Useful properties of fireweed leaves

The main healing power ivan tea is concentrated in the leaves - they contain more than 70 types of trace elements only necessary for a person, and the first place in the list is occupied by iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper.

In addition to the beneficial substances listed above, the leaves contain hanerol, which helps to suppress the development of tumor processes.
Medicinal drinks, decoctions or infusions made from the leaves are useful in the following cases:

  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • intoxication with various substances, including heavy metal salts;
  • prostatitis;
  • high fever, headaches;
  • a prophylactic agent against neoplasms.

When applied externally, decoctions improve skin condition, strengthen hair, and promote rapid wound healing.

Know! In the XIX century. Ivan tea was in second place in terms of export volume after rhubarb. Hemp, which is often remembered when talking about foreign trade Russian Empire, in the list of exported goods was the third.

The benefits of Ivan tea flowers

Flowers dried the usual way, is used as an aromatic additive to tea. Of course, beneficial substances do not disappear anywhere. But with such drying, they are partially destroyed. For cooking medicinal drinks flowers are prepared as follows:

  1. Lay out in an even layer on a linen or linen napkin.
  2. The cloth is twisted and wrung out.
  3. The package is left for 12 hours in a dry place at a temperature of about 25 ° C.
  4. Raw materials are dried in a slightly open oven for several minutes.

Remember! Flowers are harvested only before the formation of hemicarps.

Flower heads dried in this way fully preserve the beneficial properties:

  • astringents;
  • enveloping;
  • antibacterial.

Ivan tea honey and its beneficial properties

There is no need to talk about the health benefits of honey, it has been used by folk medicine as a remedy since ancient times. This completely applies to fireweed honey:

  • strengthens the body's defenses;
  • cleanses the skin;
  • relieves cramps;
  • refreshes and invigorates;
  • removes toxins;
  • relieves puffiness;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • lowers and stabilizes blood pressure.

In other words, ivan tea honey fully retains all the healing properties of the plant itself, up to the prevention of cancer.

On a note! In inflammatory processes, the healing effect of honey is enhanced with propolis, mixing it with 5% tincture in equal proportions.

How to make honey at home

Homemade honey is made from the flowers of the plant. In fact, this is a jam, but this product does not become less useful. For cooking you will need:

  • fresh or dried flowers - 3 cups;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp l.

The flowers are placed in an enamel saucepan and poured over with cold water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, simmer for 10 minutes. Then the saucepan is covered, kept for 24 hours in the dark at room temperature.

After a day, the broth is filtered, the flowers are squeezed out. The broth has a pleasant rich red color, it tastes bitter. The infusion is poured into an enamel container for making jam, sugar is added. The syrup is boiled over low heat for about half an hour, then the syrup is removed from the heat and insisted until a honey consistency. After that, lemon juice is added, which gives a slight sourness to the finished product and ennobles its color.

Honey is laid out in jars and stored in a dark place at a low temperature (up to 15 ° C). Its taste has a characteristic bitterness; it is used like ordinary honey.

Useful properties of ivan tea for women

Tea brewed from leaves and flowers of willow-herb tea in its usual use is useful for prophylaxis or as an adjunct in the treatment of diseases of the female genitourinary system. Specially prepared drinks are distinguished by pronounced healing properties. They are treated:

  1. Abundant menstruation - a warm broth is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, before going to bed in the evening for 1 glass.
  2. Menorrhagia - juice squeezed from fresh leaves, drink 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l., mixing it with 1 tbsp. l. honey.
  3. Beli - infuse for an hour a decoction of 2 tbsp. l. roots and a glass of water, dosage regimen - 3 x 70 ml before meals.
  4. Climax - alcohol tincture(50 g of dry leaves per 500 ml of alcohol) are drunk three times a day, 30 drops.

Important! Pregnant women and nursing mothers can drink fireweed drinks only after consulting their doctor!

As an adjuvant, Ivan tea infusions and decoctions are used for endometriosis, fibroids, thrush, cystitis, infertility.
A rich set of antioxidants and vitamins helps to maintain freshness and elasticity of the skin, strengthens hair and nails. For cosmetic purposes, masks with freshly squeezed leaf juice, decoctions for lotions, baths and rinsing are used.

As an additional remedy, Ivan tea is used in various diets for weight loss. The fruity taste of the drink reduces appetite, which can significantly reduce the amount of food eaten.

Is ivan tea useful during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a difficult period in a woman's life, drinks from the leaves and flowers of the plant help to cope with the problems:

  1. Antibacterial action will avoid the use of special drugs that adversely affect health future mother and baby.
  2. The body receives trace elements - iron, manganese, nickel - in an easily assimilable form.
  3. Normalization of pressure, getting rid of edema.
  4. Calms the nervous system, relieves fears and depression.
  5. Relieves nausea with toxicosis, extinguishes heartburn.

Note! Fireweed does not contain caffeine, and therefore does not harm expectant mothers. The tonic effect is provided by the high content of vitamins.

Useful properties of Ivan tea for men

The luminaries of medicine, before resorting to drug treatment for male genital problems, recommend trying the Ivan tea treatment. Its effectiveness is not lower than that of drugs, but it brings great health benefits, there are almost no contraindications, there are no side effects. Of the abundance of nutrients for men, the following are especially important:

  1. Flavonoids that improve vascular structure. Blood pressure is normalized, which affects erectile function.
  2. Hanerol, which prevents the development of tumor processes.
  3. Vitamin C, which has a tonic effect.

As men age, the risks of diseases of the genitourinary system, especially prostatitis and adenoma, increase. Brewed, like ordinary tea, fireweed has a preventive effect, and decoctions promote treatment, sometimes substituting for it.

Ways of application for male problems:

  1. Infertility, problems with potency. At 1 st. l. of dried herbs, take 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes, filter. Drink 1/4 cup before meals. The duration of the course is 45-50 days.
  2. BPH. 1 tsp dried leaves pour boiling water (200 ml). They drink a glass twice a day: on an empty stomach in the morning and shortly before going to bed. Important! Doctors recommend introducing the infusion into the daily diet of those over the age of 50.
  3. Prostatitis. The infusion is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. herbs and 200 ml of boiling water. The mixture is steamed in a water bath for 20 minutes, then infused for 1 hour. Drink 1/2 cup before meals.

The recovery period after prostate surgery. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with boiling water, insisted for 5 minutes, filtered. A typical scheme for a course of treatment with infusions is a two-week reception alternated with a week-long break.

What diseases does Ivan-tea treat?

Official medicine recognizes fireweed as an excellent medicine and recommends it for use for the following health problems:

  1. Neuroses, sleep disorders, headaches of various etiologies.
  2. Psychoneurological diseases, including epilepsy, depressive conditions due to alcohol abuse, post-traumatic depression.
  3. Anemia.
  4. Respiratory diseases, acute and chronic, including tuberculosis.
  5. Conjunctivitis.
  6. Skin diseases, including allergic and neurological diseases.
  7. Prostatitis, prostate adenoma, male infertility.
  8. Disorders of the cardiovascular system, including atherosclerosis, hypertension.
  9. Scrofula.
  10. Acute and chronic forms of various diseases of the digestive system.
  11. Diseases of the urinary tract.
  12. Hormonal disorders in women, especially in menopause.
  13. Female infertility.
  14. All types of poisoning.
  15. Development of tumors, benign or malignant.
  16. Inflammatory processes of the oral cavity.

An additional action in all cases without exception is a general strengthening of the body, an increase in immunity.

Attention! The simultaneous use of antipyretic or sedative drugs with fireweed leads to a worsening of the condition!

Folk recipes with Ivan tea

The easiest way to make a healthy fireweed herb drink is to brew regular tea. Take 1 tsp for one serving. dried leaves, pour boiling water over and leave for several minutes.

Note! This tea brings the maximum benefit if you drink it before meals.

For medicinal purposes, decoctions and infusions are used. The standard scheme for their preparation:

  1. Broth - 3 tbsp are poured into an enamel saucepan. l. dry leaves and flowers, pour a glass of boiling water. The mixture is brewed in a water bath over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then the broth is cooled, filtered.
  2. Infusion - for 200 ml of boiling water, take 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials, insist 2 tsp.

Depending on the disease, the recipe and technology for preparing medicinal drinks may vary.

The most popular traditional medicine recipes

Collection from prostate adenoma

Would need:

  1. Ivan tea herbs - 2 tbsp. l .;
  2. Field horsetail - 1 tbsp. l .;
  3. Nettle roots - 2 tbsp. l .;
  4. Goldenrod - 2 s. l .;
  5. Hop cones - 1 tbsp l .;
  6. Marsh dryers - 1 tbsp. l.

The herbs are mixed well. Take 1 tsp for 250 ml of boiling water. collection, insist 15 minutes, filter. The infusion is drunk in a third of a glass three times a day before meals.

With bronchitis

15 g of dry leaves of fireweed are poured into 5 liters of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes. then the infusion is brought to a boil, 400 g of bran is added to it, boiled for 2 minutes. The broth is drunk several times a day instead of tea as hot as possible.

Interesting! Koporye tea helps to get rid of a double chin. A pinch of salt is added to the brewed tea, half a glass is drunk before meals.

With diabetes mellitus

You will need:

  • 1 tsp dry raw materials;
  • 200 ml of boiling water.

The herb is poured with boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes. Drink the infusion like regular tea three times a day.

With inflammation of the pancreas

To 3 tbsp. l. dry leaves are added one and a half cups of boiling water. Insist for 10 minutes. I drink a quarter of a glass warm before and after meals.

With an ulcer of the stomach or duodenal ulcer

For cooking take:

Pour the leaves with water, bring to a boil over low heat. Then remove from heat, wrap up for 30 minutes. Take a strained infusion 3-4 times a day before meals for a third of a glass.

With kidney stone disease

Prepare a herbal collection of dried leaves of fireweed, wild rose berries, birch leaves, juniper, taken in equal parts. 1 tsp insist 8 hours in a glass of cold water. Then the infusion is heated to a boil, boiled for 5-6 minutes, cooled, filtered. The portion is drunk during the day, taking one sip.

For kidney diseases - stones, sand, pyelonephritis

  • 2 tsp dried fireweed;
  • 200 ml of boiling water.

Crushed raw materials are poured with boiling water, simmered for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered. Drink a full dose of the decoction once a day

Koporsky tea for colds

To alleviate the condition for colds and acute respiratory viral infections, when brewing ivan tea leaves, crushed rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currant are added. Chamomile flowers in this tea will help a sore throat, mint leaves promote sound sleep.

With hypertension

2 tbsp raw materials are infused in 400 ml of boiling water for 15 minutes. The addition of pine buds enhances the effect, thins the blood.

Know! The effect of the fireweed treatment will not appear on the same day. Like all mildly acting remedies, it manifests its effect gradually, with regular repetition of courses of treatment, the positive result is fixed for a long time.

From cravings to alcohol

You will need:

  • dry leaves of fireweed - 5 g;
  • wormwood - 2 g;
  • mint - 2 g.

The herbs are mixed, 2 tbsp. collection is poured into 1/2 l of boiling water, simmer on low heat for 10 minutes, insist 2 hours, filter. Drink 70 ml three times a day.

Advice! Fermented Koporye tea, which can be bought in a regular store, with regular use reduces the craving for alcohol, after binges it helps to remove toxins from the liver and gastrointestinal tract, and replenishes the reserves of vitamins necessary during the recovery period.


With individual intolerance to one of the substances that make up Koporye tea, it is contraindicated to use the plant for medicinal purposes. In addition, they do not drink decoctions and infusions for varicose veins, thrombosis, arrhythmias.

Know! After 2 weeks of using decoctions or infusions, take a break for 7-10 days, otherwise an unpleasant one appears. by-effect- diarrhea.

For colds and respiratory viral infections, one of the most important treatment factors is drinking plenty of fluids. Along with compotes and fruit drinks, it is useful to include Ivan-tea in the drinking regime. Especially in combination with raspberries, chamomile, thyme, rose hips, meadowsweet and other useful berries and herbs. As the saying goes: Those who drink Ivan-tea with raspberries are not afraid of flu and tonsillitis!

Ivan tea is not drug... However, this is not just a tasty drink, because the narrow-leaved fireweed, from which Russian Ivan tea is made, is a storehouse of biologically active substances, useful vitamins and microelements.

Where does a cold come from?

A cold is a disease associated with hypothermia, which the body has undergone, and a decrease in local immunity. Hypothermia disrupts the functioning of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. A decrease in local immunity leads to the activation of bacteria with the development of inflammation. A cold is manifested by symptoms of inflammation of a particular part of the respiratory tract.

Our airways are a receptacle huge amount microorganisms, especially bacteria. Microbes are in a state of neutrality with the human body. Their existence and reproduction is inhibited and regulated by the immune system. With a decrease in the body's defenses, microbes are activated.

Colds can be caused by four factors:

general hypothermia (swimming in cold water, frost, clothes not suitable for the weather) rapid loss of heat due to sweating, when hot, moist skin comes into contact with cool air or when there is simply an air flow (draft) reflex vasospasm of the vessels of the mucous membranes that occurs upon contact of sensitive zones of the foot with cold ("wet feet", barefoot on the cold floor, etc.) cooling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract: ice cream, cold drinks, frosty air.

A person with good immunity is practically not susceptible to colds... In turn, weak immunity almost always leads to the formation of foci of chronic infection in the nasopharynx.

So, so that colds do not bother you, hardening is necessary, proper nutrition and strengthening the immune system.
At the same time, proper nutrition also includes partial or complete rejection of tea and coffee. Today, more and more often you can hear recommendations from doctors to abandon black tea and coffee in favor of caffeine-free Ivan tea. In addition, the caffeinated drinks we are used to flush out useful substances from the body, including calcium and iron.

The benefits of Ivan tea for colds and viral infections

Ivan tea is a good remedy for strengthening immunity and restoring vitality.
People who have made this drink a part of their lives often forget when they were sick the last time. Those susceptible to colds note that they have become less and less ill.

The secret of the beneficial effect of Ivan-tea lies in its composition

The composition and benefits of narrow-leaved fireweed, from which Ivan tea is made, have been well studied by modern scientists.

Fireweed leaves (Ivan-tea) contain:

vitamin C (up to 588 mg per 100 g.) vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9) minerals: iron, calcium, potassium, copper easily digestible vegetable proteins antioxidants and tannins flavonoids and pectin substances(from 10 to 20%). carotene (natural immunostimulant)

There are 16 amino acids found in the leaves of fireweed, six of which are irreplaceable (for an adult, there are eight essential amino acids). 100 g of dry raw materials of narrow-leaved fireweed cover from 5 to 10% of the daily requirement for an adult in essential amino acids (Polezhaeva I.V. et al., Chemical and Pharmaceutical Journal. 2007).

Traditional herbalists have long noticed the anti-inflammatory effect of Ivan tea. Modern scientists confirm this and, in addition, note the antioxidant properties of this plant. The anti-inflammatory effect of narrow-leaved fireweed is due to the presence of tannins in its composition.

On the basis of the Laboratory for preliminary testing of antiviral substances of the BelNII of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, the antiviral activity of a number of plants was studied. Among the most active in this list was narrow-leaved fireweed, or Ivan-tea (V.F. Korsun et al., 2003). As a result of the studies carried out, the coefficient of anti-inflammatory action of fireweed is 1: 400. Due to the content of coumarins in its composition, Ivan-tea has a slight antipyretic and analgesic effect.

Ivan tea has a positive effect on the metabolism due to the alkaloids contained in it, they are also credited with a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and blood circulation in general.

The antiviral effect of narrow-leaved fireweed has been established against the herpes virus; researchers associate it with the presence of tannins in its composition.

The antimicrobial effect of narrow-leaved fireweed has been studied since the 50s. last century. Subsequently, as a result of research, a connection was established between polyphenolic compounds in the composition of narrow-leaved fireweed with antimicrobial action on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Narrow-leaved fireweed can be effectively used in complex antimicrobial therapy.

So, scientists have proved that Ivan tea (narrow-leaved willow herb) has a beneficial effect on the body.
Fireweed tea is not a medicine, but it is perfect for strengthening the immune system and can be included in the drinking regimen for colds, SARS and flu.

What kind of Ivan tea to drink to strengthen the immune system?

Any Ivan tea is suitable to strengthen the immune system. good quality... In the season of colds and spring beriberi, Ivan tea with rose hips, sea buckthorn, currants, and lingonberries will provide invaluable help. These drinks will saturate the body with vitamin C and activate the immune defense.

In case of a cold and acute respiratory viral infection, of course, it is necessary to call a doctor and follow his recommendations, observe bed and drinking regime. Ivan tea will also be of invaluable help. Relieve intoxication, improve well-being, prevent the development of complications and accelerate recovery.

Ivan-tea with meadowsweet (meadowsweet), which is called "natural aspirin", is very good for colds. It has a diaphoretic effect, will help reduce fever, relieve headaches.

In our online store you can find Ivan tea with healthy herbs and berries for every taste

How to make Ivan tea for a cold?

One of the ways to make a healthy drink: Boil a teapot Prepare a ceramic teapot for brewing a drink Rinse a ceramic teapot with boiling water Put a teaspoon of Ivan tea Rinse the tea: pour a little boiling water over the leaves and pour out the first brew. Pour boiling water over the washed tea leaves and leave for 5-7 minutes. Many people prefer to brew Ivan tea in a thermos for a richer taste, which is also applicable. Healthy drink for immunity is ready!

Sources: Scientific article in the specialty "Medicine and health care", "Fireweed narrow-leaved, chemical composition, biological activity", V. N. Tsarev, Altai State University Polezhaeva I.V. Study of extracts of the terrestrial part of Chamerion Angustifolium (L.) Holub // Bulletin of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University. 2007. No. 3. Article "Cold", doctor Komarovskiy EO Surkova OV Antitumor and immunotropic properties of Stellaria Media and Chamaenerion Angustifolium: author. dis. Pokrov, 2009.24 p. Krylov G.V., Kozakova N.F., Camp A.A. Plants for health. Novosibirsk, 1989

Valov R.I. Pharmacognostic study of the aerial part of Chamerion Angustifolium (L.) Scop. : author. dis., Ulan-Ude, 2012

Be healthy! And enjoy your tea!

Ivan tea for diseases of the respiratory system

Ivan tea is a familiar plant, but its medicinal effect is rarely used. However, this perennial has a reason to become a permanent "resident" of the home first aid kit. Primarily due to the ability to treat diseases of the respiratory system, which are very common at any age.

The most important properties of ivan tea for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system are:

Anti-inflammatory Analgesic Antipyretic Antimicrobial.

For inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, take a teaspoon of the dried plant (leaves together with flowers) and brew with two glasses of boiled water. Boil the product for five minutes or leave for 1 hour. Take before meals 3 or 4 times daily. Drink a tablespoon of this broth or infusion at a time.

Inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and throat helps to cure fresh fireweed juice due to its analgesic effect. From the juice for these diseases, you need to make poultices.

Such an infusion of ivan tea will help with sore throat: pour dry chopped grass in an amount of 15 grams with a glass of water and boil for a quarter of an hour. After insisting for 60-90 minutes, strain and drink three times a day. Drinking such an infusion should be a tablespoon, optimally before a meal.

Tea of ​​their fireweed will help get rid of a cough, for brewing which they take a glass of water and two tablespoons of plant leaves. They drink such a remedy one tablespoon up to 4 times a day.

The cough remedy recipe differs from the tea recipe only in the concentration of Ivan tea and the dose of consumption

Sinusitis can also be treated with ivan tea infusion, taking a third of a glass half an hour before meals 3 or 4 times a day. To prepare such an infusion, take 500 ml of boiling water and 2 tablespoons of ivan tea. After brewing the plant, the liquid is brought to a boil, and then left to infuse for 30 minutes.

Narrow-leaved fireweed (ivan tea)

The raw material is a selected whole leaf of fireweed fresh collection 2016 year.

Narrow-leaved fireweed, or willow-herb, is used in folk medicine as a sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, hemostatic, antipyretic and emollient. Fireweed is used for headaches, insomnia, gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, dysbiosis, epilepsy, infertility, anemia, prostatitis and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women. Does not cause drowsiness, so Ivan tea can be drunk at any time of the day. For people suffering from hypertension and hypotension, prone to a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure, Ivan tea is a good substitute for black tea, since not only does it contain no caffeine, but also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Fireweed removes toxins and radionuclides from the body. Fermented fireweed leaves are also used as a substitute for regular tea, which is made from special recipe- Koporye tea, which is superior to black tea in taste and aroma, is very close in color saturation.

Botanical description of fireweed

The Latin name for Ivan-tea is Chamerion

Narrow-leaved fireweed (ivan tea)- a perennial plant of the family Onagraceae of the subfamily Onagroideae of the order Myrtales. The height of the plant is from 75 cm to 2 meters, the stem is erect, the leaves are alternate, on very short petioles or sessile, oval, elongated, with a pointed tip and clearly visible veins, the rhizome is creeping, with numerous processes, up to 1 meter long. The flowers are bright, pink or purple-pink, wide open, gathered at the top of the plant in an inflorescence - a rare conical raceme. After drying, the flowers turn blue. The fruit is an elongated box up to 8 cm long, with numerous small seeds, each of which has a tuft of fluff, thanks to which the seeds fly far away. One fireweed plant can give 20 thousand seeds per summer. Ivan tea blooms from mid-June to mid-August, the seeds ripen in late July-August. Propagated by fireweed and seeds, and rhizomes.

Fireweed grows everywhere in the temperate climatic zone of the Northern Hemisphere on burned-out areas, clearings, one of the first to appear in the disturbed territory.

Collection and drying of narrow-leaved fireweed (ivan tea)

In folk medicine, leaves, flowers, rhizomes are used, rarely - shoots of narrow-leaved fireweed. Fireweed is harvested during flowering, flowers can only be collected that have just begun to bloom, otherwise they will turn into seeds during drying and spoil with fluff appearance medicinal raw materials. For drying, the leaves are separated from the shoots, laid out in a thin layer under awnings, in a ventilated area, stirring regularly for better drying.

The roots are harvested after flowering, in autumn, washed and then dried in dryers or ovens at temperatures up to 70 ° C.

To make Koporye tea, the leaves must be fermented using a special technology.

The chemical composition of fireweed

Fireweed leaves contain flavonoids (quercetin, etc.), a large amount of tannins (up to 20%), up to 10% tannin of the pyrogal group, coumarins, 0.1% alkaloids, mucous substances (up to 15%), sugar, vitamin C, provitamin Ah, iron, manganese.

The roots of narrow-leaved fireweed contain flavonoids, carotenoids, tannins, mucous substances, starches.

The roots of ivan tea contain flavonoids, mucous substances, carotene, tannins, starches.

Fireweed flowers contain almost all the substances that are in the leaves, plus essential oils.

Medicinal properties of narrow-leaved fireweed and use in traditional medicine

In the old days, fireweed was used to combat intoxication, using it as a remedy for a hangover. For colds and other ailments, fireweed was used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing agent. Our ancestors were sober from a hangover, having got sick, they used it as an analgesic, emollient, astringent, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antipyretic and diaphoretic. Fireweed helps not only with alcohol intoxication, but also with its other varieties, helps with poisoning, oncological diseases, has a calming effect, in case of problems with sleep and insomnia at night it is better to drink tea from fireweed.

An infusion of fireweed leaves is also used as an emollient, sedative, hemostatic and anticonvulsant. Fireweed contains a large amount of mucus and tannins, so it is an effective enveloping and pain reliever for stomach and duodenal ulcers, helps with gastritis with high acidity. Fireweed helps fight the pathogenic flora of the intestines, removes toxins and helps with dysbiosis, as well as during and after intestinal infections in children and adults.

For sore throat, sore throat, inflammation of the oral mucosa, rinsing with a warm infusion of fireweed herb helps. Fireweed tea has antipyretic, diaphoretic and analgesic effects, helps with acute respiratory infections, flu, sore throat.

The simultaneous content of iron, manganese and vitamin C makes fireweed an effective remedy for increasing hemoglobin levels in iron deficiency anemia (anemia), after blood loss and heavy menstruation in women, as well as in the postpartum period.

Outwardly, the herb of fireweed is used to wash ulcers and wounds, and as a poultice for bruises and otitis media, as a pain reliever. Powder from crushed leaves of fireweed treat infected wounds by sprinkling them.

Narrow-leaved fireweed is used for infertility if the cause is obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesions. For this, the fireweed herb is taken together with the flowers of the meadowsweet and the seeds or leaves of the plantain. Also, narrow-leaved fireweed is taken for inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary sphere in men and women, fireweed is effective for prostatitis and prostate adenoma. With obstruction of the fallopian tubes, fireweed is drunk for 1-2 weeks in each cycle. For the treatment of prostatitis, fireweed is drunk in courses of 3-4 weeks, alternating with courses of red root and wintergreen.

Fireweed during pregnancy you can take it, there are no contraindications for this, but in moderation. It can be taken as a sedative, as well as during colds and coughs during pregnancy, with low hemoglobin during pregnancy, with constipation and digestive problems, with toxicosis of pregnant women to reduce symptoms of intoxication.

Cooking methods

Fireweed tea: To make willow tea, pour a few pinches of dried leaves into a porcelain teapot, fill it with hot water (not boiling water), let it brew for 5-10 minutes and you can drink 1-2 glasses as tea before going to bed. Dried flowers give Ivan-tea a special taste, a little sour, blooming Sally has a delicate honey aroma, has a mild sedative effect and removes toxins from the body, treats dysbiosis and headaches, insomnia and stomach ulcers.

Infusion of fireweed: 1 tablespoon of chopped leaves (7-8 g) pour 500 ml hot boiled water, insist in a thermos for 30-40 minutes, strain and take half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals with dysbiosis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. For children under 5-6 years old, take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals, preferably with a drink or diluted in half a glass of warm water.

For colds, take tea from fireweed and infusion of fireweed in the same dosage, but in small sips during the day. It is better not to take fireweed before going out, as there is a high risk of catching a cold even worse, due to its diaphoretic action.

A decoction of herb fireweed: 2 tablespoons of herbs (about 15 g) pour a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave to cool, about 1 hour and take as for gastritis and colitis, 2 tablespoons before meals, 3-4 times a day.

A decoction of fireweed rhizomes: Pour 10 g of rhizomes with a glass of cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.

Vitamin tea from fireweed has a calming effect and removes toxins from the body, helps to improve digestion. To prepare it, take parts of fireweed herb equal in weight (preferably with flowers), the fruits of mountain ash, viburnum, rose hips, chokeberries, half the size of marsh cinnamon, mix and brew two handfuls of the vitamin mixture with 1 liter of boiling water in a thermos, leave to infuse until morning and drink like tea, diluted with hot water to taste. You can add this collection during cooking in the compote, from this the content of vitamins in the compote will increase several times. To do this, 5 minutes before the end of cooking, pour into the compote 1 heaped tablespoon or 1 handful of vitamin collection with fireweed for each liter of water. After 5 minutes, turn it off, let it brew for 1 hour and you can drink 1 to 3 glasses a day. Children under 5 years old - a tablespoon 3-4 times a day, children under 12 years old - 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day.

From the leaves young fireweed you can prepare a vitamin salad or juice that helps with anemia and hypovitaminosis. To prepare the juice, take fresh young leaves of willow tea and the tops of the stems, grind in a blender and squeeze the juice, which is stored in the refrigerator. The juice can be preserved with sugar or alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio, and take 1 tablespoon, diluting in a glass of water every morning and evening before meals. But it's best to use fresh juice. Although juice canned with alcohol can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

For the fireweed salad, take fresh young leaves, boil them for 2 minutes, dry on a sieve or colander, chop with the same amount of green onions, dill, cilantro, add a little young horseradish, lemon juice and vegetable oil. Also, young leaves of fireweed can be added to summer soups.

For the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, a collection with fireweed is used. Take 2 parts of fireweed leaves and linden blossom, 1 part each of chamomile flowers or talus and fennel seeds. 2 tablespoons of the collection for 500 ml of hot boiled water, insist in a thermos for 1 hour, strain, take 1 glass of warm infusion on an empty stomach in the morning and half or 1 glass before meals. Take up to 3 glasses of infusion per day.

It is better to store infusions of fireweed in a cool place or refrigerator for no more than a day, it sour easily. It is better to prepare tea from fireweed always fresh.

Koporsky tea

As you know, the first tea that came to Russia was very expensive and was inaccessible to most of the population, so they were looking for substitutes for it. The result is a fireweed drink that tastes and smells like Chinese tea. In the village of Koporye near St. Petersburg, such tea was prepared in large quantities and even exported to England: it was cheaper and tasted like Chinese tea, which was insanely expensive at that time. Abroad, Koporye tea became popular and was called "Russian tea". Koporsky tea gained great popularity among Russian peasants, and even wealthy merchants drank it with pleasure.

The secret of making Koporye tea is now available to everyone, and you can prepare it yourself. To do this, freshly harvested willow-tea leaves are dried for 24 hours, then twisted between the palms until the juice appears, put in a warm place for another 12 hours, spreading out with a layer of 5 cm and covering with a wet cotton napkin. After ripening, the tea is dried at a temperature of 100 degrees for an hour, spread out on parchment on a baking sheet in a thin layer and periodically turning it over, checking the readiness. Leaves can be cut or dried whole before final drying. Dried Koporye tea has a dark color, almost like black tea, the infusion is rich in color, like chinese tea but the aroma and taste are more intense. Koporye tea has a sedative effect and improves digestion, helps with insomnia and headaches.

It should be noted that tea made from unfermented fireweed also has a bright, rich taste and aroma and no less useful properties.

Fireweed: contraindications and restrictions

With the abuse of fireweed, like any other medicinal plant health problems may arise. Fireweed tea is very tasty and aromatic, but drinking it for a long time and in large quantities is not recommended because of the possible hepatotoxicity of fireweed. Ivan tea contains coumarin, which, with prolonged use, can accumulate in the body and have a toxic effect on the liver. After 1 month of taking fireweed, it is worth taking a break for 1-2 months. It is good to take fireweed with the composition of the collection: this way the healing properties of each of the herbs of the collection increase and the negative properties are mitigated. During the reception of fireweed or in a break after taking it, hepatoprotective fees and herbs are taken: sandy immortelle, hill hodgepodge, golden buckwheat, marsh creeper.