The recipe for the perfect cheesecakes in the oven. Cottage cheese pancakes without eggs

26.07.2019 Fish dishes

Sometimes you want to pamper yourself and loved ones with something tasty and healthy at the same time. An excellent option would be cottage cheese pancakes.

Delicious cheesecakes can be cooked in a pan, fried on both sides, or you can use the oven. Baked cheesecakes will be healthier, but no less delicious. Next, we will analyze a few recipes that you can use in your kitchen.

Cheesecakes from cottage cheese in the oven: recipe step by step

The classic cheese cakes recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • 2 eggs
  • 5 tbsp. l. flour
  • 500 gr. Cottage cheese
  • 5 tbsp. Sahara
  • spices to taste

The cooking progress is as follows:

  1. In a plate or bowl, mash the cottage cheese, add salt and sugar, mix well
  2. Add eggs and sifted flour into the resulting mixture.
  3. Stir until smooth and roll into balls or cutlets from the resulting mass
  4. Put cutlets on a greased baking sheet or foil, having previously rolled them in flour
  5. Bake in a hot oven for 20-25 minutes at 180 ° C
  6. Sprinkle hot cheesecakes with icing sugar and serve

Recipe for diet cottage cheese pancakes in the oven

When you want to keep your figure and at the same time pamper yourself, dietary cheesecakes will come to the rescue. The recipe is as simple as possible, mix 400 g of dense low-fat cottage cheese, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of sugar, if you cannot do without it and add cardamom, cinnamon, vanillin and salt to taste.

  1. Stir the mixture thoroughly
  2. Now place baking paper on a baking sheet or grease it
  3. Form the curd cutlets and place them on a baking sheet one at a time, leaving a distance of 3-4 cm between adjacent cutlets
  4. Cook in a preheated oven for 20 minutes at 180 ° C
  5. Garnish with fresh fruit and serve

In this recipe, it is important to choose the right cottage cheese, because without flour and oatmeal, watery cottage cheese can disintegrate and will not give the desired consistency.

Oven cottage cheese pancakes with semolina and sour cream

Semolina will make the cheese pancakes more tender and airy, most likely this option will be more pleasant for children.

To make cheese cakes you will need:

  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 2 tablespoons semolina
  • 500 grams of cottage cheese
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream

To get delicious cheese cakes:

  1. Soften the cottage cheese and add sour cream to it, mix until smooth
  2. Add semolina to cottage cheese and sour cream, mix and leave for 5 minutes
  3. At this time, prepare a baking sheet by placing foil on it and greasing with oil
  4. Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting mixture and mix
  5. Form small patties and put on a baking sheet
  6. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven for 20 minutes at 180 ° C
  7. Serve hot with a few tablespoons of sour cream

If you care about your figure, you can cook cottage cheese pancakes without flour in the oven. The flour in the classic cheesecake recipe can be easily replaced with semolina or oatmeal. Such cheese cakes will be more airy and less nutritious.

Cottage cheese pancakes in molds in the oven

When forming patties, you can use the silicone molds you have at home. Then the cheesecakes will definitely turn out to be the same and even. Do not forget to grease the edges of the molds so that the cheesecakes do not stick to them.

Puffed cottage cheese pancakes in the oven

Baking powder and sour cream will add splendor to the dish, as a result you get fluffy and airy curd pancakes.


  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 2 tablespoons baking powder
  • 300 grams of cottage cheese
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream


  1. Beat the egg and sugar for a few minutes, add cottage cheese and sour cream to the mixture
  2. In a separate container, mix the sifted flour and baking powder and add to the egg and cottage cheese mixture
  3. Stir the resulting mixture and form into balls-cutlets, roll them in flour
  4. Put the resulting cutlets on a greased baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 180 ° C

Cottage cheese pancakes without eggs in the oven

If, by coincidence, it happened that you are already morally going to cook delicious cheese cakes, and there is not a single egg in the house, then do not despair. Take advantage of recipes for cheesecakes without eggs.


  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 250 g cottage cheese
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • vanillin, salt
  1. Stir all the ingredients and form a sausage, roll in flour
  2. Then cut the sausage into circles and distribute them on a greased baking sheet.
  3. Bake for 25-30 minutes at 180-200 ° C

For a change, you can experiment with different types of flour: wheat, rye, corn, buckwheat.

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese raisins in the oven

The usual recipe for cheesecakes can be diversified by adding raisins, dried apricots, candied fruits or poppy seeds to the curd dough. The difference between this recipe is only in the fact that 50-70 g of filling is added to the resulting mass.

Cottage cheese pancakes with apples in the oven

Apples can also add a new taste and sound to a boring recipe. It is important to peel them off and cut them finely enough. It is better to choose not granular cottage cheese, but curd mass, then the dough will turn out to be denser and will not disintegrate when flowing.

Cheesecakes in the oven are not only tasty, but also healthy. Cooking will not take more than half an hour of your time, and all the ingredients are already in the refrigerator. Wish you new experiments and culinary ideas!

Video: Low-calorie cottage cheese pancakes in the oven


Have you tried cooking something as delicious as cheesecakes in the oven? Recipes for this dish with different combinations of ingredients will help you prepare them in a way that no one wants to be fried in a pan anymore!

If you first decided to cook cheesecakes in the oven, use the recipe without semolina, which can be considered a classic. It is simply impossible to spoil such a dish if you follow the instructions exactly.


  • granular cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • white flour - 50 g;
  • vanillin;
  • sugar - 2.5 - 3 tablespoons. spoons;
  • baking powder - a teaspoon without a top;
  • salt.

On a note! The most delicious are cottage cheese pancakes in the oven. The recipe for their preparation will have to be a little more complicated if you have "wet" store cottage cheese. It should first be placed in a bag of gauze and squeezed out the serum.


If your little one refuses to eat cottage cheese, cook him cherry pancakes in the oven. Take the recipe for children, suggested below, as a basis, and you can experiment with fillings. Any berries or fruit pieces are suitable for them.


  • cottage cheese from 5 to 9% - 500 g;
  • semolina - 3 tablespoons;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • culinary baking powder - 10 grams;
  • vanillin - half a packet;
  • sugar - 2-3 table. spoons;
  • olive oil - 1 table the spoon;
  • salt;
  • fresh or frozen pitted cherries - 150 g.


Advice! Spread the dough on two-thirds of the molds as the pancakes will rise.

The secret of airiness: baking soft cheese cakes

It is not necessary to have flour available to make delicious cheese cakes. Instead, you can use another binder, semolina. If for cooking you use the recipe for cheesecakes in the oven with semolina, then the finished products will have an amazingly tender creamy center.


  • semolina - 20 g;
  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • baking powder - 0.5 pack;
  • crystalline vanillin;
  • oil to grease the molds.


For those who are too lazy to cook: the easiest way to bake cheesecakes

Quick cheesecakes are made from curd mass in the oven. Their recipe is incredibly simple. It does not include sugar, because it is already in the main component.


  • ready-made sweet curd mass - 230 g (one pack);
  • the egg is one;
  • flour or semolina - 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • raisins - 2-3 table. spoons.

On a note! If you have chosen a recipe for cottage cheese pancakes in the oven from a ready-made curd mass, then you will not be able to bake them without molds (they will blur on the baking sheet).


Higher and higher!

The main problem that can arise during the preparation of such baked goods is that the products are too dense and thin. How to make lush cottage cheese pancakes in the oven? Here's a recipe that never fails. The curds are guaranteed to be high and airy. You can cook them directly on a baking sheet or in tins.


  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • flour - 7 tablespoons. spoons;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • vanilla sugar - bag;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons. spoons;
  • sour cream - 1 glass;
  • soda - 1 tsp. the spoon;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons. spoons.


Egg-free cottage cheese muffins? It is delicious!

The main component that binds all the ingredients and prevents the curds from losing their shape is eggs. But what if you didn't have them in your refrigerator? Here is a proven recipe for egg-free cheesecakes. Try it! The result will pleasantly surprise you.


  • sugar - 6 table. spoons;
  • flour - 3-4 tablespoons. spoons;
  • cottage cheese - 550 g;
  • salt;
  • butter - 1/2 table. spoons;
  • water for soaking raisins;
  • raisins - 100 g.


Advice! Knead the dough very carefully so that the cheesecakes in the oven with flour according to the recipe that does not contain eggs do not fall apart during the baking process.

We continue the theme of making dietary dishes from cottage cheese. Last time we cooked, and today we will cook curd cheese pancakes.

This taste is familiar to us from childhood. Someone loved cheesecakes in the kindergarten, some did not. But over time, tastes change and I'm sure that most adults have an extremely positive attitude to cottage cheese dishes. And everyone probably knows that cottage cheese is a low-calorie product rich in protein. Which makes him a welcome guest on our table.

And if there are not so many fans to chew dry cottage cheese, then everyone loves cottage cheese pastries.

Step-by-step recipe for cheese cakes with photos so that they turn out lush like in a garden

Let's start with a classic recipe that is used by most housewives and according to which they prepare cheesecakes in kindergarten.


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons

The specified ingredients are enough to make 10-12 syrniki.

The higher the fat content of the cottage cheese, the juicier the cheese cakes. Do not use low fat cottage cheese. Use at least 5-9%


1. Put egg yolk, sugar and vanilla sugar in a bowl with curd.

Mix everything well. It should look like this.

2. Add flour to the curd mixture and mix everything again until smooth.

3. We form cheese cakes. To do this, we need a flat bowl with a couple of tablespoons of flour and a chopping board, also sprinkled with flour.

We scoop up the curd mass with a tablespoon, roll it into a ball with our hands and roll it in a plate with flour. Slightly crush the ball to get an oval shape.

Choose the size of the cheesecake yourself, but try not to make them too large so that they have time to bake

4. Formed cheesecakes are put on a cutting board sprinkled with flour.

5. Put baking paper on a baking sheet and spread the curd blanks on it. We send the baking sheet to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

After 15 minutes, the cheesecakes can be turned over so that they acquire a golden hue on both sides.

All is ready. Take the cottage cheese pancakes out of the oven, let them cool down a bit, pour over sour cream and serve.

Enjoy your meal!

Airy curd pancakes with semolina and sour cream

You can use semolina instead of flour. And in order for the cheese cakes to turn out to be airy, you need to add sour cream.


  • 200 gr of cottage cheese
  • 3 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 5 tbsp sour cream
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp semolina
  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 bag of vanillin


1. In one bowl, combine cottage cheese with eggs, sugar, baking powder and vanilla. Stir until smooth.

2. Then add semolina and melted butter and mix well again.

The easiest and fastest way is to melt butter in the microwave, setting the maximum mode for 30-40 seconds

3. Lastly, add sour cream and stir in the same way.

Then you need to let the mixture settle for 10 minutes so that the semolina swells.

4. Put the settled mixture into baking tins.

In this case, it will not work to sculpt cheesecakes with your hands, since the mixture is too liquid and it will not keep its shape

5. We put the forms in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes. As a result, you will get airy and elastic cottage cheese pancakes. Do not take them out of the mold right away, let them cool completely so that they do not creep.

Oven cottage cheese pancakes with apples and cinnamon

You can add various fillings to cheesecakes. They go equally well with banana, raisins, nuts, and dried fruits. A bunch of options. I want to show you a cheesecake recipe using an example of apple filling.


  • Curd 9% - 500g
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Salt - a pinch
  • 1 egg
  • Flour - 4 tablespoons
  • Apples - 6 small or 2 large
  • Bag of ground cinnamon


1. As in the previous recipes, combine and mix cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, salt and flour until a homogeneous consistency.

2. Prepare the apples. Peel them and cut into small cubes. Sprinkle with cinnamon for flavor. If you don't like cinnamon, skip this step.

3. Combine apples with curd mixture and stir.

4. Put the baking paper on a baking sheet and put the curd mixture on it, with which we give the desired shape with our hands.

To prevent the mixture from sticking to your hands, wet your hands with warm water

5. We put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. After 15 minutes, open the baking sheet, turn the cheesecakes and return to the oven for another 10 minutes.

6. Cottage cheese pancakes with apple are ready. We put them on a plate and serve. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook cottage cheese pancakes without eggs

If during the preparation process it turned out that there are no eggs in the house, then it is not necessary to run to the store or refuse to cook altogether. There is a recipe for such a case.


  • Soft cottage cheese - 600 gr (three packs of 200 gr)
  • Sugar - 3 tsp
  • Flour - 3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil

If you do not want to cook from three packs at once, then follow a simple rule - for one pack of cottage cheese you need 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of flour


1. Add sugar and flour to a bowl with cottage cheese and mix thoroughly until smooth.

2. For further actions you will need flour. We distribute a little flour on the table, where we will shape the cheesecakes, we also apply a little flour to our hands. Everything so that the mixture does not stick.

Put the curd mixture on the table and roll it out to a sausage state, periodically sprinkling it with flour.

3. Cut the sausage into circles a couple of centimeters thick, and crush the circles a little, giving them a flatter shape.

4. Put the resulting circles on a baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil and send them to the oven preheated to 180 degrees.

5. After 15 minutes, turn the syrniki and bake for another 5-10 minutes.

Cottage cheese pancakes without eggs are ready. Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe for cheesecakes in a pan from Julia Vysotskaya

And finally, a video recipe for delicious cottage cheese pancakes from a celebrity. It is believed that cheesecakes are a dish that should only be cooked in a pan. But I get it too greasy, so I prefer the oven.

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And I have everything for today. Thanks for attention.

Cheesecakes are a delicious dish, very simple to prepare, and, most importantly, healthy. Of course, it is generally accepted that the more oil there is in the pan, the tastier and more tender the golden cheesecakes. But today I suggest you try to cook cottage cheese pancakes in the oven. The recipe with the photo was taken step by step for young housewives who are still just mastering home cooking. You won't need butter for these cheesecakes at all if you take small silicone molds - we will simply spread the curd mass in them. So you don't have to sculpt anything (and I know that not everyone loves this process, when you risk being up to your ears in flour, and your hands will become sticky from the sweet "dough"). Our cheesecakes in the oven will turn out in the form of small neat muffins. For me personally, this recipe has literally become a lifesaver. In the morning on weekends, it is unrealistic to stand at the stove for half an hour to keep track of the cheese cakes. As soon as you stiffen at a frying pan with a spatula to fry cheese cakes, your children or your husband will have something to do with you. Distracted once, twice, and now breakfast is spoiled - what should have been tender and tasty turned black on the sides and looks at least unappetizing, and if distracted specifically, it will generally turn out to be inedible. Therefore, if I can't get up before everyone else to cook cheesecakes in a pan in peace and quiet, then I choose cooking in the oven. Firstly, nothing will burn, because you can set a timer. And secondly, the oil consumption when cooking such cheesecakes is simply minimal, so they can easily be called even dietary.

Cooking ingredients:

  • Cottage cheese of any fat content - 500 grams;
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Wheat flour - 4 tablespoons with a slide;
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt - 1-2 pinches;
  • Sour cream - 4 tablespoons with a slide;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon.

How to cook cottage cheese pancakes in the oven

The recipe is just perfect for breakfast, you can make such cheesecakes without really thinking about what you are doing. They will just be baked for awakening, and you can mix all the ingredients on the list almost on the machine.

As for the curd, it doesn't matter which curd you take. I took both low-fat and fat cottage cheese, to be honest, I did not feel the difference at all. The most important thing is that the cottage cheese is fresh and not too dry, otherwise it will not be very easy to mix everything as it should. I take Belarusian cottage cheese in paper packs - if it is fresh, then it is incredibly tasty. I put cottage cheese, sugar, the right amount of flour, salt and soda in a bowl in which I will mix it all. I don't quench soda. Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product, and he can easily cope with this task himself. The dough will be of medium thickness, as in the photo.

Prepare the molds. They should be smeared with a brush with vegetable oil, after which you can fill the molds, but not to the very top. Keep in mind that cottage cheese with soda reacts well when heated, which means that curd cakes will increase, if not twice, then one and a half times as sure.

While we are laying out the cheese cakes in tins, we warm up the oven to 220 degrees. Then we put the baking sheet on the second shelf from the top and bake until a beautiful golden color. It takes me about 15 minutes. Baking at a lower temperature may take longer. In the oven, the cheesecakes will look even more magnificent, but as soon as you take them out, they will settle a little. It doesn't matter, they will still be both lush and delicious.

Now let's prepare a sweet sauce - the most common, sour cream. Mix thick sour cream with granulated sugar.

After that, each syrnik, while it is hot, should be dipped in sour cream, rolled on all sides.

We spread the prepared cheesecakes on a dish, fill them with the rest of the sour cream, and sprinkle with berries - I have frozen blueberries.

If the sauce does not seem sweet enough for you, add sugar to your taste, because the cheesecakes are bland, so someone may want a more pronounced sweetness. Or pour it over with condensed milk - then it will definitely be delicious. Enjoy your meal!

By tradition, cheesecakes or curds are cooked in a pan. However, many cooks and tasters, most of whom are boys and girls of school and preschool age, do not at all like the fact that cakes made from cottage cheese, eggs and flour absorb a significant amount of the oil on which they are cooked. As an alternative, I propose to cook cheese cakes in the oven, and then decorate them with thick sour cream and fresh berries. And one more pleasant feature of this recipe - no sugar is added to the dough. Natural honey and berries will add sweetness to the cheese pancakes.
In this recipe, we will cook fluffy cheesecakes with cottage cheese in the oven, we will serve our cheesecakes with sour cream and decorate them with fruits, try it, you will be surprised how delicious it is.
Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Taste Info Cheesecakes


  • cottage cheese fat content 9% - 250 g
  • large chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • flour the highest grade - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • baking soda - 1/2 teaspoon
  • sour cream fat content 20-30% - 2-3 tablespoons
  • fresh berries - 12 pcs. for decoration
  • liquid honey - 1-2 tsp.

How to cook fluffy cottage cheese pancakes in the oven

Put cottage cheese and eggs in a deep bowl. It is advisable to first wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve or mash it well with a fork. Carefully combine cottage cheese with egg yolks + proteins.

Pour twice sifted flour into a bowl and add baking soda. Important: you do not need to quench soda with vinegar / lemon juice!

Gently mix all the ingredients (you can use a whisk), so that the result is a soft and loose dough for cheesecakes. The finished dough looks something like this:

Prepare a clean and dry cupcake / cake pan. Lubricate each cell with unscented sunflower oil using a cooking brush. As an alternative to butter, insert paper muffin cups into the trays. Divide the cheesecake dough into about 12 pieces and spoon the dough into each compartment.

Bake curd products in an oven preheated to 220C for about 15-20 minutes. Cheesecakes will instantly rise, completely occupy the cells, and then quickly become ruddy-golden. Important: do not open the oven during baking!

Carefully transfer the prepared cheese pancakes to a dish. There should be no drafts in the room. Cheesecakes baked in the oven look something like this:

Hot syrniki (outwardly similar to donuts) immediately pour thick sour cream.
Option number 2: If the curd cakes are immediately transferred from the oven to a wide enamel pan and poured over with thinner sour cream, and then cover and leave for 10-15 minutes, they will be soaked in sour cream and you will get a new culinary masterpiece!)

Garnish with cottage cheese pancakes on a plate under sour cream with fresh blueberries, red currants or cranberries. However, any medium-sized and fresh berry will do. Add liquid fragrant honey as the last drop.

Serve delicious and fluffy cheesecakes immediately after cooking on a platter or in portions. Warm curd cakes in the oven with sour cream and berries go well with hot drinks, and cold (if left over) can compete with the most refined desserts.

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Recipe number 2. Diet cottage cheese pancakes in the oven in silicone molds

With a minimum dosage of a thickener - flour, without breading and any frying in a pan (and sometimes in a large amount of fat), we prepare cottage cheese pancakes of a new interpretation. A thin shell, surprisingly delicate center is achieved thanks to silicone molds and further baking in the oven. You can diversify dietary cheese cakes with dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts, chocolate chips, canned and fresh berries and fruits.


How to cook delicious cheesecakes in the oven:

Separate the yolks from the whites so that the second ones are whipped into a foam, introduced on their own and, as a result, get a delicate, soufflé-like texture of dietary cheesecakes.

Add fine-grained and not too dry cottage cheese to the egg yolks. Ideally, rub the fermented milk product through a thick sieve.

Add portions of granulated sugar and premium wheat flour. Mix thoroughly. If desired, the taste is enhanced with vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt, confectionery flavors.

In a skimmed container at the highest possible speed of the mixer, beat the separated proteins - transfer the protein foam to the curd mass last, stir in a circle until smooth.

Having previously greased with soft butter, we fill the portioned silicone molds with curd dough, immerse in the berry as a filling.
Also, our cheesecakes can be prepared in any cupcake molds, both hard paper and any other molds are suitable.
We bake diet cheese cakes on a baking sheet / wire rack in a hot oven for about 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees.

After cooling a little, turn over the molds, remove the airy syrniki.

We serve homemade dietary cottage cheese pancakes along with any fresh berries.

Cheesecakes in the oven are lush and non-nutritious, as they are cooked with a minimum amount of fat, cook them as an alternative to cottage cheese casseroles and regular frying pan pancakes.