Cold Ambassador of Mushrooms. Cold and hot salting of various edible mushrooms, storage of salted mushrooms

26.04.2019 Soups

Salted mushrooms are a delicious and versatile product. They are both a full-fledged independent dish and an ingredient in salads / savory pastries, and also go well with meat and vegetables. Many housewives may have a natural question: how to salt mushrooms so that their taste does not deteriorate, and the blanks are stored for a long time? We will analyze all the subtleties of this process in our article.

Which mushrooms are more suitable for pickling

All edible mushrooms can be salted. Processing methods may vary only slightly, depending on the specific type of product.

It is important to remember that you need to pay attention not only to the type of raw material, but also to the places of its collection, since the mushroom, like a sponge, instantly absorbs pollution and poisons from the air.

With cultivated varieties, such as oyster mushroom and champignon, the danger is minimized, then with the rest of the mushrooms it is important to adhere to some rules:

  1. It is necessary to collect raw materials for salting in forests, as far as possible from places of settlement of people, industrial enterprises and highways. Such a product will contain a maximum of nutrients and vitamins, and will not cause poisoning.
  2. If the appearance of the mushroom is in doubt, do not cut it and use it for food.
  3. It is imperative that you know well what edible mushrooms look like so that you do not accidentally confuse them with poisonous ones. If there is not very much knowledge on this topic, you should ask for help from experienced mushroom pickers.
  4. The optimal time for "quiet hunting" is early morning, when the mushrooms are better seen.
  5. Only strong, whole specimens are taken for food.

Correctly selected raw materials are the basis for tasty and safe pickles.

Preparation for salting

Before proceeding directly to salting, some preparatory work should be done:

  1. It is important to remember that freshly harvested raw materials must be processed within the next couple of hours, as forest mushrooms are subject to rapid deterioration.
  2. The resulting crop must be carefully sorted, removing spoiled, cracked specimens so that the pickles are better stored.
  3. After that, the mushrooms are thoroughly washed with running water, removing pieces of earth, leaves, sand and other debris.
  4. Then large specimens are cut into several parts, in smaller ones, the leg is separated from the cap. Some mushrooms begin to darken quickly, so the already cut raw materials are put into any container filled with water. A little salt is also added there.

As soon as the raw materials are cleaned and prepared, the moment comes to choose the required salting method. How to salt mushrooms correctly? Everything will depend on their type.

How to hot salt mushrooms

This heat treatment option involves the use of brine. In it, the raw materials are first boiled, then laid out in pre-washed glass containers. After that, the mushrooms are poured with boiling brine and sealed.

An important addition: only mushroom caps should be salted hot.

To prepare such a mushroom snack per kilo of any mushrooms, you will need the following components:

  • a spoonful of salt;
  • peppercorns;
  • half a glass of filtered water;
  • lavrushka.

If desired, you can add cherry leaves, currants, carnation flowers, dill to the above ingredients. The mushroom caps must first be separated from the legs.

Mushrooms are salted as follows:

  1. Boil the required amount of water in a saucepan, add salt and add the remaining spices.
  2. Then the mushrooms are laid. After boiling again, the fire decreases. It is important to remove the foam from the brine surface.
  3. The duration of cooking is no more than half an hour, all this time the mushrooms must be stirred to avoid burning. The finished raw material will begin to sink to the bottom, but the brine should remain transparent.
  4. Now the boiled mushrooms are laid out in pre-processed containers, poured with brine and sealed.

The blanks are allowed to cool, after which they are transferred to storage somewhere cool and dry.

The method is convenient for its simplicity and speed: you only need to boil the mushroom brine and boil them in it. But the cold and dry methods are much more laborious.

With garlic for the winter

One way to hot pickle mushrooms is to cook them using garlic. This vegetable will add a spicy flavor and mouth-watering aroma to the pickle.

To prepare a delicious snack, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of any mushrooms;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 8 currant leaves;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 2 large umbrellas of overripe dill.

Pickles are prepared as follows:

  1. The mushrooms are pre-cleaned, washed, the legs are removed and especially large caps are divided into several parts.
  2. Raw materials are poured with water, salted and boiled over medium heat for no more than 20 minutes, constantly removing the foam.
  3. In an already prepared jar, you need to lay mushrooms and spices in layers. When the container is full, it is filled with cooled brine and sealed.

Store canned food without direct access to light and cool. They are ready for use in a month and a half.

Cold pickling of mushrooms

Salted mushrooms for the winter can also be cooked cold.

Its main difference from all the others is that mushrooms are soaked in water for a couple of days, during which they regularly change the liquid.

After that, the prepared raw materials are laid out in a barrel in layers, alternating with spices and salt. Then the container is covered with a clean cloth, and a load is placed on top.

As the mushrooms settle, the container is filled up to the top with fresh raw materials with spices and salt. Do this until the vessel is completely filled with rammed mushrooms.

Such barrels are stored only in the cold, best of all in the basement.

Salted champignons for the winter

According to the above principle, you can easily prepare mushrooms.

This is done like this:

  1. To begin with, the mushrooms are cleaned, washed, and the legs removed. After that, the raw materials are poured with clean water for a couple of days. The fluid must be changed twice daily.
  2. Spices, finely crushed garlic, salt are placed in a previously prepared container. A layer of champignons is laid on top, which should not be thicker than 6 cm. It is important to observe the proportion - 2 tablespoons of salt are taken for 1 kg of raw materials. Spices are added to taste.
  3. After that, the container is covered with a clean cloth, a load is placed on top, and the entire "structure" is sent to a dark place for salting.
  4. If you plan to harvest a large number of mushrooms, then as the harvest settles in the barrel, fresh mushrooms, salt and spices are added to it.

Fully salted mushrooms in this way will be ready in a month and a half.

  • Lay out the raw materials in layers, each of which is added.
  • When all the ingredients are laid out, pure matter is placed on top, and a heavy load on top of it. The workpiece is sent to the cold.
  • As salting progresses, mushroom juice is released, which should completely cover the mushrooms.

    Salt milk mushrooms

    For pickling, fresh mushrooms are taken without signs of spoilage and decay. Thoroughly clean them of dirt and, if necessary, cut them into several pieces.

    For 1 kg of raw materials, you will need 4 tablespoons of salt. No spices are used when salting, since this method is intended to reveal the natural taste and aroma of mushrooms.

    It is best to use a glass or wooden container. Metal or clay can impair the taste of the finished product.

    1. Clean milk mushrooms are laid out in layers, sprinkled with salt, after which a thick cotton towel and a heavy load are placed on top. It is best to use a stone.
    2. The workpiece is sent into the cold, and after a couple of weeks it will be possible to put crispy and aromatic milk mushrooms on the table.

    There is nothing difficult in preparing salted mushrooms. The main thing is to choose a quality product, then carefully prepare it for salting and strictly adhere to the technology. This is the only way to get a really tasty snack. Try it!

    Salting mushrooms is a way to stock up on mushroom preparations for the winter and enjoy the wonderful taste of mushrooms on holidays and weekdays. You can salt a variety of mushrooms - first of all, milk mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles, as well as mushrooms, boletus, aspen mushrooms, mushrooms, boletus, etc.

    Salted mushrooms are not only a ready-made tasty snack. Then they can and should be fried, boiled mushroom soups, stewed.
    When salting, as well as when, it is necessary to follow certain rules for processing and preparing mushrooms for harvesting.

    First of all, the mushrooms need to be sorted out and sorted by varieties (it is better to salt it separately, with some exceptions). Next, the mushrooms must be peeled and soaked at least overnight (preferably for a day). The water must be changed, and the mushrooms themselves must be placed in a cool place. Then the mushrooms are cut (in lamellar, it is important to cut the legs). Salting can be done in different ways - dry salting, hot salting and cold salting.

    Pickling milk mushrooms

    Mushrooms are salted in two main ways - cold and hot.

    Cold salting of milk mushrooms means salting raw mushrooms. Mushrooms must be soaked, periodically changing the water (a couple of hours). You don't need to soak white and black podgruzki - there is no bitterness in them.

    Salt is poured on the bottom of the dishes, leaves of cherries, currants, horseradish, dill stalks are spread. The mushrooms are laid in layers with their caps down. Every five to ten centimeters the mushrooms are sprinkled with salt and spices, garlic and pepper are also added. On top of the mushrooms, spread the leaves of cherry, currant and dill. They not only improve taste and aroma, but also protect against mold.

    From above, the mushrooms are pressed with a wooden circle or a smaller lid. Store salted milk mushrooms at a temperature of + 5-6. If stored in freezing temperatures, the taste will deteriorate. If there are few mushrooms, they can be salted in a glass jar under a plastic lid. Store them in the refrigerator.

    Hot salting of milk mushrooms

    The hot method has gained particular popularity. You can hot salt many types of mushrooms - milk mushrooms, volushkas, mushrooms, some varieties of russula.

    So, hot salting of milk mushrooms is done like this. In this case, the milk mushrooms are not soaked (as in the cold method). To get rid of the bitterness, the mushrooms are boiled (no more than half an hour), then they get rid of the liquid by letting the water drain.

    Hot salting of mushrooms also requires shorter blanching (heat treatment). To get rid of the milky juice, put the mushrooms in boiling water for 6-8 minutes. It is convenient to use a colander if there are few mushrooms. Then the milk mushrooms are thoroughly washed with cool water until cooled.

    Mushrooms are placed in jars, pots or other containers for pickling, sprinkled with salt, herbs, seasonings (dill, tarragon, add fragrant onions and (or) garlic, horseradish. Optionally, you can add celery, cherry, currant and oak leaves. Salted milk mushrooms are stored in a cool place.You can start to feast on them in one to two weeks.

    The first mushrooms can be picked in the summer, but most forest mushroom lovers go to pick them in the fall. Regardless of the harvest season, it is necessary to provide in advance a way that will help preserve the harvested crop until the next season. Wild mushrooms can be dried or frozen, but most fans of this product still prefer to salt the mushrooms.

    This article talks about the basic methods of pickling mushrooms for the winter. You will learn how to cook delicious spicy porcini mushrooms, champignons, milk mushrooms, mushrooms and other mushrooms using the simple and proven recipes given in this article.

    Salting mushrooms for the winter

    Unfortunately, mushrooms are products that have a short shelf life fresh, so the harvested crop must be processed faster. Most often they are fried, soup made with them, boiled and frozen. Salting is a great way to preserve these tasty and healthy forest products. Salting can be carried out in containers of any size: in barrels, tubs, cans. In an apartment, the most optimal, of course, will be pickling mushrooms in jars (Figure 1).

    Note: You should know that pickling is different from pickling, because pickled mushrooms do not contain a single gram of vinegar, which makes the product more useful.

    You can salt almost any mushroom, pre-sorted into individual types. For example, honey mushrooms with mushrooms, and white mushrooms with white ones. All of them must be fresh and not wormy. Small mushrooms can be salted whole, while larger ones will have to be cut into pieces. And although there are several ways of salting, we will consider the simplest recipe, which even novice cooks can do. So, for salting 1 kg of mushrooms we need: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt; Bay leaf; allspice peas - 4-5 pcs.; clove seeds - 2-3 pcs.; horseradish and black currant leaves.

    1. We sort out the mushrooms, putting aside the wormy and crumpled ones. We clean them from lumps of earth, particles of grass and needles. In large specimens, we separate the caps from the legs. For high-quality cleansing, it is recommended to soak the crop in water for a while, and then rinse it under running water.
    2. To remove any possible bitterness, the mushrooms should be boiled a little in salted water. Therefore, we put them in boiling salted water, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat, stirring regularly.
    3. Strain the boiled mushrooms, rinse with cold water and let it drain.
    4. Put mushrooms in prepared containers in layers, sprinkling each of them with salt and spices. We cover the contents of the container with a lid of a smaller diameter, put oppression on top so that a little brine becomes visible. If there is very little of it, you can add some cold boiled water.
    5. We leave them for several days under oppression at room temperature, until foam appears on top of the container. It must be removed, and the ready-made mushrooms must be transferred to jars or a saucepan, closing with a lid.

    Figure 1. Salting technology

    You need to store them in a cool place, because they will be ready for use only after a month. Then they can be used as a cold snack, and as an ingredient for salads, as well as filling for pies.

    How to salt mushrooms for the winter in jars

    Mushrooms are salted for the winter in three ways:

    • Hot
    • Cold
    • Dry salting.

    The difference between the methods lies in the duration of preparation, and the choice of a particular method depends on the type of mushroom. For example, with the cold salting method, the product is ready in about a month and a half. But the shelf life of such blanks is much longer. Hot-salted foods will be ready to eat in less than a month. But in terms of taste, they are significantly inferior to the previous ones. In addition, hot canned mushrooms do not last as long.

    Cold way

    This method got its name because during cooking mushrooms do not lend themselves to heat treatment. As a result, they do not lose their natural properties at all: they remain fragrant and crispy. However, it should be noted that cold salting requires careful preparatory work, which consists in repeatedly soaking the mushrooms with frequent water changes (Figure 2).

    Figure 2. Cold method

    Mushrooms prepared in an appropriate way are laid out in a clean dish, sprinkled with various seasonings, for example, dill seeds, allspice and black pepper, bay leaves and garlic, and salt. So, for 1 kg of raw materials, you will need 2 tablespoons of salt, but everyone chooses seasonings and their amount to their liking. The last is the layer of spices, which is covered with a small lid on which the load is placed. This is necessary in order for the mushrooms to release the juice and form a kind of marinade. It happens that little juice is released, then the weight of the load is increased or a little cold boiled water is poured into a container with mushrooms. It should be stored in a cool place for about a month and a half. This time will be enough for them to be salted and ready for consumption.

    Hot way

    Unlike the previous method, the hot salting method involves heat treatment of the mushrooms. This, of course, affects their appearance and taste. For example, hot salted products are not as crispy, and their shelf life is much shorter. However, in a city apartment, where there is not so much space, it is much easier to place several jars in the pantry than a whole tub. In addition, almost any species can be canned hot, which cannot be said about the cold one (Figure 3).

    Just as in the previous case, the mushrooms must be prepared: sort out, peel, wash, cut if necessary. Remember to weigh them before cooking so you know how much salt you need. The proportion remains the same: for 1 kg of mushrooms - 2 tablespoons. salt. Pour the mushrooms with water and add salt, cook them for about half an hour. It all depends on the type, since some of them are tougher and will take longer to cook. You can read about the features of salting of different types below.

    Figure 3. Hot salting method

    The foam formed on the surface during cooking must be removed. After the required time has elapsed, the mushrooms are removed from the boiling water with a slotted spoon, allowed to drain and cool. Take your time to pour out the brine, we still need it. Then the mushrooms are laid out in prepared sterile jars, on the bottom of which spices are preliminarily placed to taste. Sprinkle each layer with salt and the remaining spices until the jar is filled to the top. The contents of the jars are poured with the brine in which the mushrooms were boiled, and put under oppression for several weeks in a cold place. Subsequently, the finished mushrooms can be transferred to other, more convenient containers.

    Since different types of mushrooms have their own biological characteristics, the process of salting each species has certain nuances. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to mix different types when preparing them for the winter. Further, the features of the most popular types of mushrooms that are found in our forests are described in detail, as well as advice on salting them.

    Oyster mushrooms

    Oyster mushrooms are eaten boiled, fried, stewed and salted for the winter. These are rather large mushrooms with a very dense stem, which is not eaten because of its rigidity. Since oyster mushrooms contain a substance called chitin, which is not absorbed by the human body, their preparation requires mandatory heat treatment. That is why oyster mushrooms cannot be salted in a cold way. They must be finely chopped and cooked at high temperatures.

    Figure 4. Salting oyster mushrooms

    If you are going to salt oyster mushrooms, start by preparing the raw materials. To do this, it is necessary not only to thoroughly wash the oyster mushrooms, but also to cut off their legs. In this case, there is no need to peel off the skin from the caps, because it does not affect the degree of softness during cooking. For 1 kg of fresh oyster mushrooms you will need: 4 liters of water for blanching; 90 g of salt for boiling, 400 g of water for the brine; 2 tbsp salt in brine; 6 peas of black pepper; 6 sheets of black currant; 6 bay leaves (Figure 4).

    Oyster mushroom salting technology includes the following stages:

    1. Add salt to boiling water, put prepared oyster mushroom caps. Boil for 7 minutes, put in a colander, cool.
    2. To prepare the brine, boil the required amount of water, add salt and seasonings. Boil everything for 5 minutes. Strain the brine, boil again and cool to room temperature.
    3. Arrange the mushroom caps in sterile jars, fill with the remaining brine, close with nylon caps.

    You need to store the workpiece in a cool place until ready, which comes in a week.


    Champignons can not only be collected in the forest, but also grown on your own summer cottage. If you do not have the opportunity to cultivate them, you can always buy them at the nearest supermarket or in the market for further salting (Figure 5).

    Despite the fact that pickling champignons is considered a more traditional preparation, pickled mushrooms of this type also have a pleasant spicy taste.

    To pickle champignons, take 2 kg of mushrooms, 5 onions, 150 grams of rock salt, one and a half tablespoons of mustard seeds, 10 allspice peas and 5 bay leaves.

    Salting champignons includes the preparation of the mushrooms themselves. They must be thoroughly cleaned so that there is no earth and branches left on the legs or on the caps. After that, you need to rinse them under running water and put them in a deep saucepan. Fill the container completely with water and add a teaspoon of salt to it.

    Next, you need to turn on high heat, bring to a boil and reduce the cooking intensity. After that, the mushrooms should be boiled for 7 minutes. Pour the champignons into a colander to drain the remaining liquid, and in the meantime, clean and cut the onion into half rings.

    Figure 5. The technology of salting champignons

    When all the ingredients are ready, you need to sterilize the jars, put onions, peppers and washed bay leaves in them. Next, lay out the mushrooms, sprinkling each layer with salt. After that, you need to fill them with hot boiled water and roll them up with lids. The containers must be turned upside down, wrapped and left to cool completely.

    Honey mushrooms

    Honey mushrooms loved by many can be cooked by frying, pickling and salting, as well as frozen. At the same time, you should be aware that the lower part of their legs is harsh, therefore, mainly, they do not eat it, limiting themselves only to hats. Before salting, honey mushrooms must be sorted out, discarding wormy and damaged ones, cleared of earth and foliage. The mushrooms are thoroughly washed in several waters, then the legs are separated from the caps and cut into noodles. Small ones are salted whole both cold and hot (Figure 6).

    Since mushrooms are devoid of a peculiar aroma, for salting them you will need such spices as bay leaves, garlic, dill seeds, allspice, currant, cherry, oak leaves. For 10 kg of honey agarics, take: 500 g of salt; 10-20 pcs. bay leaf; 50-60 peas of allspice; a few dill umbrellas

    Figure 6. Salted mushrooms for the winter

    The cleaned and washed mushrooms are placed in a wide vessel, the bottom of which is covered with salt. Mushrooms are folded with their caps down, alternating with salt and spices until the container is filled to the very top. The container is closed with a lid of a smaller diameter and pressed with pressure to release the brine. The salting is removed to a cool place.

    Note: Make sure that the mushrooms are covered with liquid at all times. If it is not enough, you need to increase the weight of the load. When in a few days they settle down a little, the free space can be filled with a new portion of honey mushrooms, adding salt and spices.

    When mold appears, it is removed, and the circle is thoroughly washed. So honey mushrooms are kept for several days at a temperature of + 18 + 20 degrees. When they begin to ferment (and this can be recognized by the characteristic aroma), the dishes are covered with foil and transferred to a cold room. Honey mushrooms will be ready for use in 5 weeks.

    To salt honey mushrooms in a hot way, you will need the same amount of mushrooms and salt as in the previous recipe, as well as 20 g of bay leaves, 200 g of young dill and 150 g of onions.

    Cooking technology consists of the following actions:

    1. Honey mushrooms prepared in a known way are immersed in boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. Moreover, they should be cooked in small batches, changing the water after each batch. The foam formed during cooking is removed.
    2. Boiled mushrooms are taken out of the boiling water using a slotted spoon, transferred to a sieve and left to cool.
    3. A small amount of spices is placed on the bottom of the salting container. On top of them, they begin to lay mushrooms with their caps down, forming a layer no more than 5 cm thick. Each layer is sprinkled with salt and spices. This continues until the container is completely filled.
    4. Cover the top layer with a clean cloth, cover with a lid (circle) and put under oppression. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the mushrooms are always covered with brine, and also periodically wash the circle and change the fabric.

    Store the dishes in a cool place for 2-3 weeks until they reach readiness.


    Although the waves are conditionally edible, but on the territory of Russia they are everywhere pickled, dried and salted. Bitter milky juice is called the main problem when making waves. Therefore, before preparing any dish from them, the waves must be soaked in cool water for a day, changing the water four times during this period of time. The soaked mushrooms are boiled and the first broth is drained. In the future, they can be salted both cold and hot, without fear that they will taste bitter (Figure 7).

    Cold-closed waves are aromatic and crispy. To perform salting, you will need the following ingredients: waves - 1 kg; table salt - 40 g; citric acid - the amount depends on the volume of water; spices - garlic, currant leaves and horseradish - to taste.

    The soaked waves are placed in a solution consisting of water, salt and citric acid (at the rate of 10 g of acid per 1 liter of water) and pressed on top with a press. Then they are poured over with boiled water, laid out in jars, sprinkled with salt on top and covered with horseradish leaves and dill. The oppression is again installed on top to extract the juice. Wait approximately one month before being ready.

    Figure 7. Harvesting salt waves

    Hot salting of the waves will take you a little longer. It is necessary to prepare: a couple of bay leaves, a dozen currant leaves, several umbrellas of dill, two tablespoons of rock salt and one tablespoon of peppercorns - per 1 kg of mushrooms.

    Salting technology includes the following steps:

    1. Preparation: at this stage, the waves are cleaned, soaked and boiled for the first time, as described above.
    2. Second brew: The waves are boiled a second time in a brine made from water and spices, within 15 minutes after boiling.
    3. Transfer to cans: the boiled waves are transferred to jars, poured with the brine in which they were cooked a second time, and tightly closed with nylon lids.
    4. Wrapping cans: jars are well wrapped and kept warm until they cool.

    In the future, cans are stored in the refrigerator or on a glazed balcony.


    Just like the wolf, pigs are conditionally edible species, and some of them are completely poisonous. And yet, experienced mushroom pickers, who know the subtlest differences between the species of pigs, do not deny themselves the pleasure of collecting species suitable for consumption, preparing various dishes from them and preparing them for the winter. The recipes below will help to properly salt pigs for the winter (Figure 8).

    For hot salting, you will need: pig caps - 1 kg, coarse table salt - 50 g, dill umbrellas - 10 pieces, currant leaves - 3-4 pieces, garlic and black peppercorns - 5 pieces each. Hot salting of pigs includes three stages: preparation, salting procedure, putting in jars and storing them.

    At the stage of mushroom preparation, the following steps must be taken:

    1. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly in running water and peel. In this case, large specimens should be cut into several smaller pieces.
    2. Soak the pigs in cold water and soak for 15 hours, changing the water every 5 hours.
    3. Pour the soaked mushrooms with salted water and put on fire. Cook for 5 minutes after boiling.
    4. Drain the boiling water, rinse the mushrooms in fresh water.

    Salting the mushrooms prepared in the above way includes the following sequence of actions:

    1. Boil the mushrooms a second time in salted water for 30 minutes.
    2. Pour the boiling water, rinse the pigs.
    3. The third cooking takes place in salted water for 40 minutes.
    4. Throw the boiled pigs three times in a colander.
    5. Put washed currant leaves and dill umbrellas on the bottom of sterile jars.
    6. Put the mushrooms in jars in dense layers, sprinkling each of them with salt with garlic slices and black peppercorns.
    7. Boil clean water, pour boiling water over the contents of the cans.

    Figure 8. Salted pigs for the winter

    In order for the mushrooms to juice up and become suitable for storage, several important steps must be taken. Firstly, the contents of each jar must be pressed with oppression. Secondly, all containers are first left at room temperature, then moved to a dark, cool (+ 5 + 8 degrees) place. Salted pigs are consumed no earlier than a month and a half after cooking.


    Cooking all kinds of dishes from milk mushrooms is traditional for Russian cuisine. It is customary to cook them, harvest them for future use, pickled and salted. Cooked milk mushrooms are one of the best seasonings for meat, it's not for nothing that they are stuffed with fried poultry and served as a side dish for beef (Figure 9).

    We bring to your attention a recipe for cold salted milk mushrooms. For 1 kg of white milk mushrooms, you should take: large non-iodized salt - 3 tablespoons; seasonings - garlic (5-6 cloves) and black peppercorns (the same amount), an umbrella of dill with seeds, as well as several cherry and oak leaves and horseradish.

    A step-by-step cooking recipe includes the following steps:

    1. Preparation: The mushrooms are sorted out, the legs are cut off, the caps are thoroughly washed. Large specimens are cut lengthwise.
    2. Mushrooms are placed in a clean bowl, sprinkle with salt, pour cold water and soak for 3 days, changing the water three times a day. There is no need to re-add salt when changing water.
    3. The bottom of the salting tank lined with horseradish leaves. Soaked milk mushrooms are laid on them, caps down, sprinkling the layers with salt and shifting them with spices and leaves.
    4. Mushrooms are covered with a clean cloth, press on top with oppression to release the brine.
    5. After 20-30 days the bottom layers of the milk mushrooms will be ready to eat. They should be transferred to sterile jars, closed and stored in a cool place.

    In order to pickle milk mushrooms in a hot way, you can use the following recipe (all ratios are for 1 kg of mushrooms):

    Figure 9. Salted milk mushrooms in banks

    In prepared from 1 liter of water and 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt in a solution, boil the mushrooms for about half an hour, constantly removing the foam. Then you should discard the milk mushrooms in a colander and rinse in running water. Put them on the bottom of the container in layers, sprinkling each of them with salt and spices (garlic, dill, currant and horseradish leaves). Cover the top layer with a clean piece of cloth and press down with pressure, which must be periodically washed in hot water. Take out the container in two days in the cold. It will be possible to consume milk mushrooms after a month.


    In addition to the original taste and useful properties, mushrooms have gained their fame thanks to their wonderful gastronomic qualities. These mushrooms can be salted, fried, stewed, pickled. The classic option for salting saffron milk caps is dry salting. For her, you only need salt (1 tablespoon per 1 kg of mushrooms) and dill seeds. The mushrooms are placed in a clean container, sprinkled with salt and dill, covered with a lid and pressed with oppression for the appearance of juice. The mushrooms covered with juice are left at room temperature for several days. After the appearance of a characteristic sour smell, the dish is transferred to a cold, dry place, for example, a refrigerator. Note: To save space, you can put the mushrooms in small sterile jars with lids. In this case, the mushrooms should be poured with the resulting brine so that it completely covers the mushrooms. Mushrooms salted in this way can be eaten after 2-3 days (Figure 10).

    Figure 10. Stages of salting saffron milk caps

    It is also possible to pickle mushrooms hot. 1 kg of mushrooms is sorted out, washed, cut and poured with hot water. Boil for 5 minutes, regularly skimming off the foam. The water is drained, the mushrooms are transferred to a container, sprinkled with salt (50 g) and spices (black and allspice - 1 tsp each), covered with horseradish leaves and sent under oppression. Store the salting in a cool place, such as a cellar. In a month and a half, the mushrooms will be ready for use.

    How to salt porcini mushrooms at home

    Fresh porcini mushrooms have a pronounced taste and bright aroma; they are an ideal product both for preparing independent dishes and as an additional ingredient in more complex dishes. Boletus can be successfully cooked and fried, stewed and baked, dried, marinated and salted. Before salting, rinse the mushrooms in cool water, cut off the lower part of the leg, and cut the larger specimens into pieces. Soak them for half an hour in cool, salted water so that all the worms rise to the surface. Rinse thoroughly again and start salting (Figure 11).

    Boletus can be salted both cold and hot. So, for cold pickling for 5 kg of mushrooms, you need to prepare:

    • 120 g of rock salt;
    • 10 cloves of garlic;
    • 25 oak and cherry leaves;
    • 10 dill umbrellas;
    • 6 horseradish leaves

    Prepared mushrooms are spread in slightly salted water (at the rate of 1 tsp salt per 2 liters of water) and heated without boiling. Then the water is drained, and the mushrooms are left to dry. Meanwhile, the garlic is peeled and cut into thin slices. Dill umbrellas are divided into thinner branches. Spicy leaves are sorted out, washed and poured over with boiling water.

    At the bottom of the salting container, spread horseradish leaves, sprinkled with salt. Next, they start laying the mushrooms, while at the very bottom they put the largest ones with their caps down. Sprinkle each layer with salt (2 tablespoons per 1 kg of mushrooms) and seasonings, not forgetting to add the leaves. The upper layer of boletus is covered with gauze and pressed with oppression. Store in a cool place for 40 days until tender. The brine released during this can be drained, and the vacant space can be filled with new mushrooms. It is recommended to thoroughly rinse ready-made mushrooms in running water before use.

    Figure 11. Salting porcini mushrooms at home

    You can salt the boletus in jars using the hot salting method. Here's an example of a recipe for filling a 3 liter jar. You will need: 3 kg of porcini mushrooms; 100 g table salt; 2 liters of water; 10 pcs. clove and dill seeds; 10 peas of allspice; 6 currant leaves.

    Having prepared all the necessary components, perform salting according to the technology:

    1. Add 2 tbsp to boiling water. salt, as well as all spices. Mushrooms are dipped into the resulting brine and boiled for 15-25 minutes until the brine becomes transparent and the mushrooms themselves settle to the bottom.
    2. Then they should be taken out and discarded in a colander, cooled, and the brine left.
    3. The cooled mushrooms are laid out in layers in a jar, shifting each of them with scalded currant leaves and sprinkling with salt.
    4. The filled jar is poured with 0.5 l of brine, covered with a plastic lid or gauze and removed to a cold place (for example, a refrigerator).

    You can eat such mushrooms after 3 weeks, rinsing immediately before serving.

    How to salt mushrooms correctly so that they are tasty and stored for a long time, you will learn from the video.


    Salted mushrooms, perhaps, in their importance on the festive table can compete with red and black caviar. They are also used in the preparation of various fillings, side dishes and soups. Unlike caviar, you can cook this dish yourself, but you have to work hard: collect, process and pickle mushrooms.

    Preparing for salting - highlights

    Any edible mushrooms can be salted. However, it is advisable to select young and strong specimens for this, so that during the preparation process the caps do not become sour and do not lose their specific crunch. Before you salt the mushrooms, you need to prepare them: wash and peel, sort, soak.

    In order to wash and clean the mushrooms well, it is recommended, upon returning from the forest, to immediately soak them in a large volume of water, if there are a lot of them, for example, in the bathroom. All damage and wormy areas should be removed from them. When cleaning, special attention should be paid to the central recesses of the caps, and in lamellar mushrooms, also to the back of the caps, where the plates are. Milk mushrooms and other species of their family need especially thorough cleaning. Processing should be carried out under running water. It is very convenient to use a toothbrush for cleaning. For butter, as well as russula, the skin of the caps must be removed.

    During cleaning, immediately, if necessary, sort by species, and also throw out "dubious" specimens collected in the heat of the "quiet hunt" and may be poisonous. Sorting is due to the fact that the salting time is different for different species, and most importantly, they have different processing processes (duration of soaking and cooking). However, many recipes are based on the joint canning of different types - this is how the most delicious and fragrant preparations for the winter are obtained.

    When such recipes are used, you should first process the various types separately, and then salt them in one container. Species containing milky juice must be soaked. Mushrooms belonging to this type are called lactarius. The soaking time depends on the bitterness (acridity) of the juice.

    The duration of this procedure in days:

    • 2–5 - for whites, black mushrooms, valuevs, violins, smoothies and undergrowths;
    • 1–1.5 - for waves;
    • 1 - for white milk mushrooms (do not soak small milk mushrooms);
    • russula and mushrooms do not need to be soaked.

    The water should be changed every day at least 2-3 times. When soaking, especially for a long time, the mushrooms can begin to sour. To prevent this from happening, citric acid and non-iodized salt must be added to the water - for 1 liter, 2 g and 10 g, respectively. After soaking, the mushrooms are washed and, if necessary, peeled again.

    Types and features of salting

    Salting mushrooms for the winter is performed in 3 ways. The first is conventionally called "dry", the second - "cold", and the third - "hot". Regardless of the recipe, mushrooms should only be salted in wooden barrels, enameled dishes or glass jars. The container is pre-prepared: clean; wash; scalded with boiling water, and sterilized glass.

    When using recipes for dry or cold methods, salt in an open container. The laid mushrooms are covered with clean gauze or cloth, then an inverted enamel lid, a wooden flat circle or something similar is placed, and on top - oppression (load). Pure boiled natural stone (usually granite), wrapped with gauze, or a jar of water can act as oppression. Do not use metal, limestone and similar cargo.

    In a 3-liter jar, you can place a small glass container of water on top or put a plastic bag filled with water. When the mushrooms are salted, the container is closed and moved to a cold place. In order for the finished product to be stored longer, canning is done: they transfer the mushrooms to prepared jars, fill them with fresh brine, and then sterilize (30 minutes - 0.5 liters, liter - 40 minutes). After that, they roll up and remove the containers for storage.

    Regardless of the recipes for salting and canning, a ventilated room is ideal for storing mushrooms, where the air temperature is from 0 to +4 ° C. A refrigerator or not damp cool basement or cellar is also suitable.

    Dry cooking - why is it so named?

    All other types must be pre-soaked or cooked. According to the recipes for dry salting, the mushrooms are placed in a container with caps down in rows, sprinkling each layer with coarse non-iodized salt, the amount of which is 40 g per 1 kg of russula and mushrooms. Cover the last top row as described above.

    Russula and mushrooms after 3-4 days will give juice, settle down, and it will be possible to report the next batch. You can report until you run out of fresh mushrooms or the container is full. They will be ready after 7-10 days, counting from the moment of the last bookmark. It happens that the juice is released in insufficient quantities, and russules with mushrooms are not covered with it. In this case, you should put a heavier oppression.

    Cold salting - no heat treatment

    This method is similar to dry salting - it is performed without heat treatment of mushrooms. However, the "forest mining" is not only washed, some are also soaked. The latter include the species mentioned above - the milkmen. They should be soaked in accordance with the recommendations given there. Then they start salting.

    At the bottom of the container, in accordance with taste and choice (recipe), spread horseradish leaves and roots, bay leaves, dill, allspice peas, garlic, clove buds, caraway seeds, as well as branches and leaves of cherry, black currant, oak and other spices. In order not to interrupt the natural taste and aroma of the mushrooms themselves, it is not recommended to lay too many spices. Many housewives do not put any aromatic additives at all, being sure that this is completely unnecessary, especially with regard to mushrooms, milk mushrooms and valuey.

    Then the mushrooms are placed in rows with caps down, sprinkling them with coarse non-iodized salt, the amount of which is 40-50 g per 1 kg of mushrooms. Then the container is covered as described in the salting features. Mushrooms, under the weight of oppression, will secrete juice, after 2-3 days they will settle. After that, you can report the next batch. If the juice is not enough to cover the mushrooms, put heavier oppression. If this does not help, add 20 g of non-iodized salt to 1 liter of water.

    Cold-prepared salted mushrooms for the winter will be ready in:

    • valuei - 2 months;
    • waves and white milk mushrooms - 1.5 months;
    • mushrooms and russula - 10-12 days.

    The countdown starts from the moment the last batch was laid. There is another option for cold salting. Mushrooms are also laid in rows on herbs and spices, but they must be salted in layers, again spreading between layers of herbs and spices. The thickness of the layers is within 5–8 cm. After that, cooled boiled water is poured into the container so that it is flush with the last layer, but does not cover it, put a cloth, support under the load and bend.

    In the recipes for this version of cold salting, there will be no problems with insufficient juice production, but in all other respects it is identical to the method without water.

    Hot canning - for all types

    After seaming or closing the container in another way, the finished product is allowed to cool, and then put away in a storage area. The mushrooms will be ready in a month.

    Salting mushrooms is the easiest way to prepare them for future use. All mushrooms are suitable for salting.

    How to salt mushrooms

    Salted milk mushrooms

    We thoroughly clean the milk mushrooms and rinse them under cold running water. Cut large milk mushrooms into medium pieces. We spread the mushrooms in a container and fill it with cold water for 5-6 hours so that the bitterness goes away. Then boil the milk mushrooms in salted water (2 tsp. Salt per 1 liter of water) for 20 minutes, then rinse it under running water. We do not pour out the water.

    Peel the garlic and horseradish root and chop finely. We put the milk mushrooms in a container with their hats down in several layers. Salt each layer, shift with currant leaves, garlic and horseradish, dill seeds and pepper. We cover with gauze and install the load, if there is not enough brine, add the water in which the milk mushrooms were cooked. We leave the milk mushrooms for salting for 2-3 days. Then we transfer the mushrooms to sterilized jars, press on top with a currant leaf. We close the cans with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator or cellar.

    Milk mushrooms - 1 kg, salt (not iodized) - 4-5 tbsp. l., garlic - 5-6 cloves, dill seeds - 5 tbsp. l., horseradish root - 1 pc., black pepper - 6 peas, currant leaves.

    Salted chanterelles.

    To begin with, the chanterelles must be properly cleaned of all contaminants and thoroughly rinsed in cold water, and this must be done carefully, trying not to damage the mushrooms. Then we boil the chanterelles in salted water for 15 minutes, put them on a sieve and wait until all the liquid drains and the mushrooms cool.

    After that, pour a layer of salt on the bottom of a glass or enamel container and lay the layers of chanterelles with their caps down, sprinkling each layer with coarse salt. When the container is filled with mushrooms, cover it with a cloth, put a wooden circle or dish on top and put a slight oppression (for example, you can use a bottle filled with water).

    We leave the mushrooms for 3 days until they give juice. Then you can add new mushrooms and continue to repeat this operation until the shrinkage is completely finished. Then the chanterelles must be taken to a cold room for further storage (it is necessary to ensure that the mushrooms are completely covered with brine). The chanterelles will be ready in 1.5 months.

    For 1 kg of freshly picked chanterelles: 50 g of coarse salt (and salt for cooking at the rate of 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water).

    Mushroom platter.

    Clean the mushrooms from dirt, wash thoroughly and soak in water for three days (change the water several times). Then boil for 15-20 minutes. and rinse with cold running water. Let the water drain, sprinkle the mushrooms with salt. Place the mushrooms in a saucepan, layering with horseradish pieces, oak leaves, cloves and garlic cloves. Withstand a month under oppression, reduce it, and after 10 days put the mushrooms in jars, pour oil on top and close with lids. Keep cold.

    For 3 kg of autumn mushrooms (volushki, milk mushrooms, etc.): 3 tbsp. l. coarse salt, horseradish, oak leaves, cloves, garlic, vegetable oil.

    Mushrooms "Assorted".

    Clean the mushrooms from dirt, cut off the roots. Volnushki, milk mushrooms and russula should be soaked in cold water for about 6 hours, and the mushrooms just need to be washed. Pour a layer of salt on the bottom of the prepared jars and put the mushrooms there, sprinkling with salt. Put oppression on top. When the mushrooms have settled, add more to fill the jars.

    Leave for 5 days at room temperature. Then check if there is enough brine, if not enough - increase the load. After 15 days, the mushrooms will be ready and must be stored in a cool place.

    For 1 kg of mushrooms - 40 g of table salt (4 tsp).

    Salted mushrooms with crunch.

    After the mushrooms have been peeled and soaked for at least 1 hour, boil them in salted water with spices for 20-30 minutes. Drain the broth, rinse the mushrooms in cold water, discard in a colander and let dry. After that, add spices and salt to the container (at the rate of 1.5-2 tablespoons of salt per 1 kg of boiled mushrooms) and cover with a napkin, a circle and a load.

    You can eat mushrooms in 3-5 days. The mushrooms are salted, now you need to save them. Mushrooms can be stored in a tub or pot in the cellar or refrigerator, because mushrooms should always be in brine. But you can put them in jars, and pour vegetable oil on top, close with a plastic lid and store in the cold. From this amount, you get 5 cans of 0.8 liters. The oil prevents the brine from fermenting or becoming moldy, and if the mushrooms are too salty, they can be rinsed with cold water.