Whole fish in a pan. Important information for every housewife: learning how to fry fish properly

12.10.2019 Buffet table

Almost any fish (river or sea) is a wonderful product that can be simply fried and served deliciously. To cook mouth-watering fried fish in a pan, the minimum of available products is enough.

As a rule, the fish is fried in a batter of flour or bread crumbs. By adding eggs, sometimes onions. The most important thing is to follow the detailed description in the recipe and everything will work out!

Fish fried correctly will never break when fried, and small bones will practically not be felt when eating a ready-made dish.

A crispy golden brown on the outside and juicy, tender pulp underneath is the perfect result that any housewife can achieve, without hassle!

Fried river fish in a pan with flour and lemon

Would need:

  • any medium-sized river fish 1 kg;
  • fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon;
  • spices for fish 5-6 g;
  • a pinch of table salt and ground pepper;
  • wheat flour (white) 100 g;
  • sunflower oil for frying.

Fried river fish in a pan in a batter of flour and lemon juice - a step-by-step recipe with a photo:

Almost any river fish can be used for cooking. But, it would be ideal, of course, to use carp. This fish tastes very good.

Prepare the fish. Clean it inside and out. It is important that the scales and entrails are completely cleaned out. Rinse thoroughly with cold water.

Put the peeled fish on a paper towel and pat dry. From the inside, each fish also needs to be wiped off with paper towels.

Transfer to a bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice.

Pour salt, pepper and spices into a bowl with prepared crucians. Stir with your hands.

After that, frequent, vertical incisions should be made on each fish. They should start at the head and end at the tail of the fish.

Do this with everyone else. These manipulations are necessary so that during the consumption of fish, small bones, practically, will be invisible.

Pour flour on a separate plate. Roll each fish in flour on all sides.

Warm up the pan. Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of the container. Fry over medium heat for 3-5 minutes. It is important that the fish boil in hot oil. If there is not enough oil in the pan, the fish will burn.

Delicious fried fish in flour batter with lemon can be served. Bon Appetit!

Pollock in batter in a pan

Alaska pollock is an inexpensive but very tasty fish. It will come to the table for those who care about their health and eat only high-quality and low-calorie foods. Correctly fried pollock can be given to children. And simply by cooking it for dinner, you will delight your family with a delicious and nutritious dish.

How to choose the right pollock in the store

Fresh and high-quality products are the key to a delicious meal. And if you are going to fry pollock, then, first of all, choose the right one in the store. Recommendations for the selection of pollock:

  1. pollock fillet, quite often gets on the counter of stores frozen. A prerequisite for high-quality and proper freezing of fish is a small percentage of people on it. According to the norms, the share of ice should not exceed 4%. Anything else is a product that should raise suspicion;
  2. be careful about the composition of the product. As strange as it sounds, frozen pollock also has its own composition: pollock, water. All other additives (E-452, etc.) speak of specific methods of freezing. In this case, the carcass is dipped in a polyphosphate solution. The latter are capable of strongly absorbing moisture. After the polyphosphate bath, the fish is sent to the water.
  3. Meat absorbs a lot of moisture. The fish is frozen in order to keep it longer. The result is a thin crust of ice that won't scare away shoppers in the store, but the inside is full of frozen liquid. By defrosting such a product, half of its weight is obtained as water. Polyphosphates are not safe for human health. They take a lot of fluid from the body, which leads to dehydration of the latter.

A telltale sign of the presence of this chemical in a carcass is yellowish spots on white meat.

High-quality pollock is supplied to the market only by Japan, China and Russia. All other manufacturers, in the popular words “resellers”. You should not expect freshness from such products.

Having chosen the right fish, we turn to the question of how to fry pollock so that it is soft and juicy in a pan. Tasty and quick to do this will help the recipe for fried fish on our website.

Recipe for fried pollock in a pan in flour batter


  • pollock fillet half kg;
  • wheat flour, sifted 100 g;
  • bread crumbs 100 g;
  • chicken eggs 2 pcs.;
  • milk 100 ml;
  • salt and favorite spices;
  • half a lemon;
  • butter for frying.

How to deliciously fry pollock in a pan:

To deliciously roast pollock, you need to strictly follow our instructions. Then the dish will turn out with an appetizing crust and a seductive aroma. Everything is done in stages:

You need to defrost the fish at room temperature, rinse it well and dry it with a waffle towel.

If it was not the pollock fillet that was bought, but its carcass, then a black film is removed from the abdomen. If not removed, the fish takes on a bitter taste. Cut in portions.

Many people wonder how to fry pollock so that it is completely saturated with spices and salt. The answer is simple, before cooking, the fish is salted, sprinkled with your favorite spicy herbs, poured with lemon juice and left for 15 minutes. In this case, the meat will marinate and absorb all the necessary aromas.

While the meat is marinating, break eggs into a deep container, pour in milk and beat everything with a fork. Preheat the frying pan by putting a piece of butter in it.

Let's start cooking fried fish. Take one piece of the pickled product. First, we dip it in flour, then in the prepared milk and egg mixture, the last are bread crumbs. The resulting crust will prevent the fish from drying out during cooking and will be pleasantly crunchy in the mouth.

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Put everything in a skillet and fry over medium heat. When the bread crumbs are browned, the fish is ready. It is laid out on a special napkin that absorbs excess fat.

Many people ask how to fry pollock with delicious gravy. It's easy to do. You can add onions, carrots, lemon juice and some water to the remaining oil in the pan after cooking. Everything is stewed until vegetables are ready. Delicious fish sauce is ready. The fish dish is served garnished with herbs. It is in perfect harmony with rice, and it is perfect for potatoes.

Carp fried in a pan in pieces with honey

How to cook delicious river fish? The secret of cooking any fried river fish is, firstly, its freshness, and secondly, in the composition of seasonings and marinade in the recipe. Today on our site is delicious fried fish, a recipe for fried honey carp.

To prepare honey carp, you will need:

  • fish carp 2 kg.
  • salt, fish spices, honey 1 tsp
  • flour for breading.
  • vegetable for frying.

Cooking fried carp in flour batter with honey:

Peel the fish from scales and entrails, wash, sprinkle with salt and leave for half an hour. After that, rinse the fish well with water, if the fish is large, then cut into portions.

Chopped pieces of carp, sprinkle with seasonings for the fish, add a teaspoon of honey, mix the pieces of fish thoroughly so that the honey is completely dissolved and distributed throughout the fish. Leave to marinate for an hour.

Why, roll the pieces of fish in flour and fry in a pan on each side, over moderate heat. The color of the crust of fried fish will be brown due to the honey, which caramelizes at high temperatures.

Honey gives the finished fish a special taste and tenderness. Ready honey carp can be served with buckwheat porridge. Here is such a delicious fried fish recipe for "carp with honey".

Video: Fried pike with flour, in a sauce of eggs and onions

In this article, we will tell you how to fry fish deliciously in a pan. This does not require any new skills or unusual products, and the fish will turn out to be very juicy and unusually tasty.

The fish cooked according to this recipe always turns out to be very juicy inside, no matter how dry it is.

The whole secret is in the unusual breading, or rather eggs and mayonnaise.

How to fry fish in a pan deliciously?

  • white sea fish - 600 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 30 ml;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Spicy Salty Seafood Mix - Tastes.

Cooking technology

1. We clean the fish, wash it and cut it into pieces. Season with salt and sprinkle with lemon juice.

2. Beat eggs, combining them with the norm of mayonnaise. Add a spicy salty seafood mixture to this.

3. First, roll the fish in flour, and then drop it into the egg mass.

4. The oil in the pan should be well heated by this time. Place pieces of sea bunny on a brazier and fry on all sides. After frying, be sure to put the fish on a napkin so that it absorbs the remaining fat.

Let's prepare the fish for serving.

Put it on a plate, add, for example, pickled cabbage and herbs.

Fried fish is delicious! But not all are suitable for frying. And the point is in the "meat". If it is not greasy, then the fish will be dry. That is why it is better to use moderately fatty and fatty varieties: carp, crucian carp, bream, eel, lamprey, carp, roach. Experts say that river fish is ideal for frying. But is it possible to refuse fried sea bass, mullet or catfish? This is a delight and a "feast for the belly"!

Preparatory process

Purchased or caught fish must be cleaned of scales, fins, gills, tail, head and offal must be removed. The exception is fish such as smelt. It hardly needs to be cleaned, and many do not even cut off the head, fins and tail, but fry it whole. Fish mucus is removed with the help of salt: wipe the whole carcass and then rinse under running water.

Pay attention to the size of the fish: if it is small, then it is fried whole. If large, then cut into portioned pieces (not too wide, and not narrow - about 2.5 cm), without removing the bones, or cut until fillets are obtained. It is not recommended to remove the skin from the fish, otherwise fish pieces will fall apart during frying (however, it is recommended to “strip” a catfish with a thick skin).

There is a remedy to get rid of the specific smell of river fish by soaking in milk
... Add half a teaspoon of salt and a little pepper to it. The fish soaked in this sauce will not fall apart during frying, and its meat will become more tender and soft. After 20 minutes, the fish is removed from the milk and soaked in a paper towel to remove all excess moisture.

It is recommended to soak river fish in order to process it from fresh water, in which various organisms are found, including those harmful to human health. To get rid of this dubious "addition", the fish carcass is either rubbed with salt or vodka. And sea varieties "are already treated with a natural" disinfectant ".

Fish, fried in a pan

There are at least three ways to fry fish: in a pan, deep-fried and grilled. If you are going to breaded it, then flour is suitable for this purpose. Pour it on a flat plate, add salt (if you soak it in milk, you don't need to salt it again), mix the flour and salt and roll each piece in this breading. Some make it easier and more efficient. Flour is poured into a plastic bag, fish pieces are put there and then the bag is “shaken” so that all the fish will fall off. This "breading" is useful only once, then the bag needs to be thrown away.

For frying, you should have a separate pan - with a thick bottom and only for fish. The pan must be clean and dry. Pour oil on it and heat it to a temperature of 160-170 degrees. The fish pieces can now be decomposed. Do not put them close to each other, but leave some distance between them. Then the pieces will not stick, and the crust formed on the fish will not come off when turned over. Fry it until golden brown on both sides. A neat crust "keeps" the juice in the fish and prevents the loss of vitamins during frying. As a result, you get a wonderful, healthy and juicy dish.

Some people fry the fish, just salt and pepper it well on all sides. But for these purposes it is better to use varieties with "thick" skin: eel, catfish, burbot, bream. If you do without oil at all, then fill the hot pan with rock salt and wait until its grains begin to "jump". Then the salt is removed and the fish is fried until tender - without oil.

Deep fried fish

Friture is a French word for frying in oil. In other words, deep frying is a boiling oil (fat) in which various products are prepared: potatoes, rice, pieces of chicken, fish, shrimp, donuts.

It is better to fry dense fish in boiling oil: pike perch, hake, sea bass, pollock, blue whiting, mullet... Moreover, their "meat" is sticky and will not fall apart during the cooking process.

If you do not have an electric deep fryer, then you need to prepare a heat-resistant, non-enamelled and non-aluminum cookware (saucepan or saucepan). Pour in fat / oil - about half the volume of the vessel or in a ratio of 4 to 1 fish volume. Fry small fish whole, cut large fish into fillets or cut into thin long pieces. Before loading into oil, fish is breaded or dipped in batter. As a breading, you can use 4 layers:

  1. Sifted Wheat Flour;
  2. Egg ice - a mixture of beaten eggs and milk (water or cream);
  3. Breading with rusks of white bread and wheat flour;
  4. Lezon again.

The process of breading looks like this: the fish is rolled in the first layer (in flour), then dipped into ice cream, breaded in breadcrumbs and flour, and ice is released again. It turns out to be a dense layer of bread.

The batter is different from breading and is a doughy mass. The base contains flour, eggs, water and salt. Mix two eggs and 0.5 teaspoon and beat a little with a fork, add sifted flour (0.5 cups) to the mixture, mix well to get a homogeneous mass. Pour 0.5 cups of cold water into the mixture last and stir again. A creamy liquid dough should form. This is the batter.

It is very tasty to fry fish in beer batter. To do this, take 2 chicken eggs, separate the proteins and "forget" about them for a while. And sift flour into the yolks (1 full glass), add a pinch of seasoning for fish and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. All this mass is shaken and gradually 1 glass of cold light beer is poured. Whisk the whites separately until they are foamy and add to the beer mixture. Stir until smooth, adding 0.5 teaspoon of salt.

Chunks or fillets of fish are doused in flour or breaded, and then dipped in batter and quickly deep-fried. The pieces should float freely in the oil, so there shouldn't be a lot of them. To find out if the fish is ready, you just need to follow it: if it is covered with a golden brown crust, you can remove it from the container. The remaining oil must be removed: spread the pieces on a paper napkin so that the excess is absorbed.

You can cook the fish in the oven. Then they do this: they spend up to 5 minutes on deep-frying, and 5-7 minutes on an oven.

Grilling fish is also one of the types of frying. Non-bony varieties with dense meat are suitable: tuna, mackerel, gilthead, pink salmon, salmon. To give the fish a special taste, it is pickled and left for 30 minutes. It is recommended to rub the carcass without marinade with vegetable oil, and then it will not stick to the grill grate.

Fish has a very spicy taste if you first grate it with sugar and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Only then it is salted or pickled: for example, in different types of oil and soy sauce, to which minced garlic and ground ginger are added, or in lemon juice with garlic. Do not get too carried away with spices and seasonings, otherwise their smell will "outweigh" the smell and taste of fish.

Frying oil

Only refined oil is suitable for deep-frying fish.
But which one is your choice. You can use rapeseed, safflower, canola, peanut, soy, olive, and only fresh. It should be noted that olive has a high smoking point. However, you will use up peanut butter several times less than the usual one, and besides, when deep-fried, it burns out less than all other varieties. The only (but significant "minus") of peanut butter is that it is an allergen.

Fish is also fried in a "mixture" of sunflower and butter. You can use pork fat instead of butter. Some cooks recommend using butter as a "lining" for fish during the frying process, and when it is already browned on one side and turned over to the other. Butter, like a dairy product, removes specific odors. Others advise to fry in vegetable, but melt the butter and pour it over the ready-made fish before serving. Such a culinary "trick" will make the dish more delicate and refined.

Before pouring oil into the frying pan, it must be well calcined. Acceptable "layer" of oil - 1 cm. Ideally, the fish should be immersed in the oil by half, but not boiling, but well heated. How can I check this? Very simple: if a whitish smoke is emitted, you can start frying. By the way, heavily smoky oil must be replaced with "fresh" oil. It is not recommended to fry in the same oil many times: the particles of the breading will be charred and can ruin the chic look of the dish. Don't save oil!

Some people use margarine or fat. Little secret: to avoid sticking to the pan, you need to add a little salt to it (the fat).

Notes to the hostess

It is recommended to fry fried fish before serving. After spreading it out on a platter, pour over it with the juice allocated during frying or butter, melted and warm. If the cooking recipe involves sauce (tomato, mayonnaise, sour cream), then it must be poured into a gravy boat and placed on the table next to the fish - everyone will take as much as they see fit.

The fried fish is served with a side dish: fried potatoes or vegetables (tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, cauliflower, green peas), vegetable salads. Pasta or cereals (except for rice) products are bad manners. But pickled, pickled cucumbers or mushrooms, a lot of greens, lemons - what you need!

Fish is not only tasty, but also a healthy product, as it contains a huge amount of trace elements and vitamins. True, its preparation requires certain skills and dexterity. But there is no need to worry: little secrets will help even a novice housewife surprise her household with delicate fish with a crispy appetizing crust.

Preparing fish for frying or starting the process

Difficulties in cooking fish can await you from the very beginning and forever discourage you from doing it in the future. So, for example, defrosted pollock simply falls apart in the hands, and hake resembles porridge. Before you start frying fish, you need to select and properly prepare it. And this business requires certain knowledge. The cooking method depends, first of all, on the type of fish. Roasting pike and capelin differ significantly from each other. Breading also affects, as which you can use:

  • flour;
  • crackers;
  • a mixture of various herbs and spices.

There are also certain rules for the preparatory stage:

  1. Defrosting. Place the frozen carcass in a flat container and wait until it is completely thawed. At room temperature, this process will take a fair amount of time. You can put the fish in cold water, in no case use either warm, much less hot, it will completely spoil the product and deprive it of all its taste. Use a little trick: add a pinch of regular table salt to the water. True, this can be done only if the fish is not butchered.
  2. Cleaning. The melted carcass must be cleaned. It is most convenient to do this under the pressure of water, using a special metal brush, or having previously doused with boiling water, then the scales will move away much easier. Unpleasant mucus will go away if you rub the fish with salt first, and then wash off this plaque with running water. You should gut the fish carefully, otherwise, if you damage the gallbladder, you will get a bitter dish.
  3. Elimination of the specific sea smell. Experienced chefs have long known the secret of how to get rid of the fishy "flavor". For flounder, it is enough to remove the skin from the dark side. Cod odors can be removed with a vinegar solution or lemon juice. River fish can also spread a not very pleasant aroma, but you can also remove it: cover the pieces with bay leaves and pour warm water.

How to make cakes on sour cream like a grandmother has a simple baking recipe for tea or instead of bread.

How to bake shortbreads in sour cream is one of the simplest homemade baking recipes.

Pancakes stuffed with cheese and ham are a delicious and simple appetizer for a feast, the recipe is here.

Fry fish: step by step technology

How to fry fish in a pan in flour? Traditionally, fish is cut into portions, doused in flour and fried in vegetable oil. And the recipe for such a dish is simple, it consists of several basic steps:

  1. Defrost the carcass;
  2. Clean it;
  3. Cut into pieces no more than 3 centimeters thick. At the same time, you do not need to remove the peel;
  4. Salt and pepper the prepared ingredients for frying;
  5. Dip them in the beaten egg mixture;
  6. Roll in flour;
  7. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it up;
  8. Place the pieces of fish, fry on one side, then on the other, do not cover with a lid.

Fried pollock in pieces in flour with a crispy crust

It will be possible to serve the finished fish with a different side dish:

  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • vegetables.

So what are the ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 400 grams of pollock;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking time is insignificant - 15-20 minutes.

This dish is perfect for dinner, its calorie content is 150 kcal per 100 g.

The cooking method consists in performing such simple actions:

  1. Defrost pollock carcass;
  2. Remove scales from it;
  3. Cut into portions;
  4. Salt;
  5. Whisk the egg in a shallow bowl;
  6. Dip pieces of pollock first in the egg mixture, then in flour;
  7. Fry in hot oil on both sides until golden brown.

Trout in egg and flour, fried in a pan

Delicious and tender trout can also be cooked in a pan. To do this, you need to take the following products:

  • trout - 1 kilogram;
  • lemon - half;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • flour two tablespoons;
  • sunflower oil - three tablespoons;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking time - 50 minutes.

Caloric content 170 kcal per 100 g.

But the recipe for whole fried trout in flour and an egg in a pan has several minor differences from the preparation of pollock:

You can decorate the dish with herbs and the remaining half of a lemon, serve with boiled potatoes.

  1. Fish with a large carcass, such as salmon, trout, salmon, are best cut into portioned pieces, but roach or crucian carp can be fried whole, after cutting on the sides;
  2. To improve the taste of sea fish, it is marinated in lemon juice or wine at the preparatory stage after defrosting and peeling;
  3. It is easy to avoid sticking to the bottom of the pan with the help of breading: flour, eggs, breadcrumbs or seasoning;
  4. It is better to fry fish in sunflower or olive oil, if desired, you can add a little butter;
  5. The fire should be medium, on a fast one the fish will burn out and will not be fried as it should;
  6. Wipe all utensils that were used for cooking fish with vinegar or lemon juice, so you can easily eliminate the unpleasant odor and mucus;
  7. It is better to remove all waste after cleaning and cutting the carcass immediately to avoid the spread of infection.

Enjoy cooking and enjoy juicy crispy fish.

Fried fish in a pan - what could be simpler and simpler? But this dish has its own secrets and cooking options. The most delicious and interesting variations of frying fish (from simple to more complex), loved by many fish-eaters, as well as advice from experienced chefs, are collected in this culinary article.

The easiest recipe

The easiest cooking option involves frying in flour after breading. So you can cook both a catch from a river and from the sea. Both in the first and in the second case, you get an appetizing crispy crust and tender soft meat.

How to cook fried fish in flour in a pan:

  1. Cooking in any recipe begins with cleaning the carcass from scales, guts, fins. If she is preparing with the head, then you need to remove the gills. Otherwise, the head is simply cut off;
  2. Cut the carcass into transverse pieces. Their thickness should not be more than 30 mm, as this may not completely fry them. Season with salt and season, each piece, focusing on your taste, then sprinkle with flour. Shake off excess;
  3. After that, it remains only to fry the pieces in hot vegetable oil until a crispy golden brown color.

Fried fish, breaded with a crispy crust

When there is absolutely no time to cook dinner, you can use the recipe for fish, fried in breadcrumbs until crisp. This dish is prepared very quickly, and by adding a light vegetable salad, you can forget about hunger until the morning. Fillets of pollock, haddock or cod are suitable for cooking.

Number of products used:

  • 800 g fish fillet;
  • 150 g of ground (but not dust) crackers or bread crumbs;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 80 g flour;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 30 g butter;
  • fine salt and spices to taste.

The cooking time will be between 20 and 25 minutes.

The energy value of pollock prepared in this way is 281.2 kcal / 100 g.

The sequence of cooking processes:

  1. Wash the fillets, dry them with a towel, and cut into portions. Sprinkle each piece with salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice;
  2. While the pieces are slightly standing and marinated, prepare the crunchy breading. Put some beaten eggs, flour and crackers in deep plates of equal volume;
  3. In a frying pan, melt a piece of butter of the specified mass. It will make the crust and fillet taste more tender and creamy;
  4. First, roll the prepared pieces of pollock in flour. It will help to better combine meat and batter. Then dip in the egg mixture, after that pressing the pieces well to the breadcrumbs, breaded them in crumbs;
  5. Fry each side in oil for two to three minutes. Turn over to the other side very carefully with a wooden or silicone spatula so as not to damage the integrity of the crust.

Recipe for fried fish in batter in a pan

Fried fish in batter is very popular, because this method of cooking allows you to get a fried crispy crust, while the meat retains all its juiciness and is cooked in its own juice. There are many variations of batter dough: on beer, wine, with herbs, cheese, mayonnaise and others.

A very interesting taste is obtained from ready-made meat in onion batter, for which you will need:

  • 600-800 g of prepared fish fillet;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 g of onions;
  • 50 g mayonnaise;
  • 60 g flour;
  • 20 g finely chopped dill greens;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking fish in batter in a pan will take up to 50 minutes.

The calorie content, for example, of tilapia in batter will be 224.2 kcal per 100 g.

Cooking procedure:

  1. Put eggs, herbs, mayonnaise, flour and peeled onion cut into 2-4 parts into a blender bowl. Chop everything into a homogeneous mass. If there is no assistant in the kitchen - a blender, then you can simply grate the onion on the smallest grater and mix with a fork with the rest of the ingredients;
  2. Add salt and spices to a homogeneous mixture for batter. Fillet (suitable for hake, pollock, tilapia, etc.), rinse, dry with a paper napkin, cut into portions, salt and pepper;
  3. After that, dip the prepared pieces into the batter and, frying in vegetable oil, bring the product until a golden crust appears. Spread the finished pieces on a paper towel to blot off excess oil.

Try it - an unexpected combination that will give you a lot of pleasure.

Take note of chicken with spinach - it's easy to cook, besides, the dish is not very high in calories.

What kind of bread is better to use for weight loss, the product and how long it can be consumed.

Add color with vegetables

This fish dish with vegetables can be cooked in a pan in various variations: using different vegetables, frying whole or in pieces, cooking vegetables and fish together or separately, and already combining them together at the final stage of cooking.

For the option with whole fried carcass, vegetables and lime, you need to take:

  • 500 g seabass (river trout or dorado) with one medium carcass:
  • 150 g potatoes;
  • 120 g carrots;
  • 60 g red (or regular) onions;
  • 50 g lime (can be substituted with an equal amount of lemon);
  • 10 g dill;
  • salt, fish spices and oil for frying.

It will take about an hour to marinate in the spices, and the subsequent preparation will take about 40 minutes.

The combination of fish and vegetables in the dish reduces the calorie content at the output to 120.8 kcal per 100 grams on average.

How to cook fried fish with vegetables in a pan:

  1. As in the previous recipes, the fish carcass must first be removed from the scales, viscera, fins and gills. Then wash well and rub with spices, then leave to marinate for a period of 60 minutes;
  2. Fry the carcass grated with spices on each side for several minutes. She should acquire a beautiful golden crust;
  3. After that, take out the fish on a plate and set aside while cooking vegetables. Cut carrots and potatoes (preferably small) into slices and fry in oil, in which the fish was fried;
  4. On the more roasted side of the carcass, make three to five cuts, into which insert circles of onions and lime (lemon);
  5. When the carrots and potatoes are almost ready, put the fish on them, with the notched side up, and cook all together for a few more minutes;
  6. At the end of cooking, transfer vegetables and fish to a plate and sprinkle with chopped fresh dill on top.

Fried river fish with onions

Many housewives do not like river fish because of its smell of river and mud, but there is a way to prepare it that neutralizes the unpleasant aroma and gives new flavors to the finished dish. This is fried fish with onions. Using this technology, you can cook absolutely any river fish, but small-sized crucians are especially tasty.

The proportions of the products used:

  • 600 g of medium-sized crucian carp;
  • 300 g onions;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking time is approximately 40-50 minutes for all processes.

The calorie content of fried crucian carp with onions is 121.3 kcal / 100 g.

Frying sequence:

Grilled Red Fish Recipe

Red fish is often baked in the oven or eaten in a lightly salted version, but there is another option for preparing this seafood - frying in a grill pan. This process can be called frying conditionally, since a minimum amount of oil is used for cooking and the pieces are not breaded in flour, as in conventional frying. It is more like baked fish, but cooked twice as fast as in the oven.

To cook any red fish with a grill pan, you need to take:

  • 1000 g of salmon (chum salmon, pink salmon, trout or other red fish);
  • ½ part lemon;
  • 3 g ground allspice;
  • 20-30 ml of vegetable oil.

All stages of cooking will take no more than 40-45 minutes, including the time for marinating the steaks.

The calorie content (or energy value) of grilled red fish is 109.0 kilocalories per 100 grams.

How to fry:

  1. First you need to prepare the main ingredient: peel the carcass, remove the fins and cut across into individual steaks, the thickness of which should be from 25 to 30 mm;
  2. Each prepared piece must be salted, pepper and sprinkled with lemon juice. Then marinate for at least 20 minutes or half an hour. This must be done without fail so that the finished steaks do not lose their juices and become dry and crumbly;
  3. Sprinkle some vegetable oil on the grooved surface of the grill pan and spread it evenly with a silicone brush. Then put the pan on the fire and heat it up well;
  4. Coat the pickled steaks with vegetable oil on all sides and send to the pan. Fry until golden brown, but do not disturb the pieces of fish in a pan often and turn over only once;
  5. There is no need to spread the finished fish on a paper towel, because very little oil was used for its preparation. The most correct thing would be to immediately serve it with a side dish of potatoes or vegetable salad.

Fried fish can crumble and fall apart. To prevent this from happening, it must be salt and forget about it for 10-15 minutes. This will make it stronger and will not fall apart in the pan.

River fish often have an unpleasant odor, since most of the inhabitants of the river, before getting into the pan, spend all their time digging in the silt. Soaking in milk, marinating in lemon juice or chopped onions will help get rid of the smell of mud.

Saltwater fish will retain its juiciness and flavor when sprinkled with wine vinegar, lemon or lime juice. After that, she definitely needs to be given a few minutes to marinate.