From the overseas fruit of the same name. The most exotic fruits

13.04.2019 Bakery products

Thailand's fruits and vegetables are very diverse. Below we have collected for you what you should definitely try while in the land of smiles.

Fruit in Thailand
1. Durian

Durian ( thai name - durian) is the undoubted leader of our list. The fruit is pale green-yellow in color with a shell-like skin. Weight from 2 to 5 kg. Durian has a very unpleasant odor and an excellent sweet-creamy taste. Durian is eaten raw and the seeds are fried and eaten in place of nuts. Store at home or in a hotel, as well as transport, is not recommended because of the smell. In many hotels, hospitals, shopping malls and other public places, you can find special signs reminding you that you are not allowed to bring durian into your room. The Thais themselves say about durian as "a fruit with the taste of heaven and the smell of hell."

Do not try durian - vacation in vain))

2. Mango

Mango (Thai name - mamuang) - outwardly yellow, green or reddish fruit of an oblong shape, outwardly a bit like a melon. Inside, juicy yellow-orange or green pulp with a sweet and sour taste.

In my opinion the most delicious mango it is green on the outside and yellow on the inside.

3. Dragon fruit

Pitaya or pitahaya ("dragon fruit", dragon's eye) (Thai name - geow mangon). Hot pink or yellow fruits with sparse green scales. Inside is white or red flesh with small black bones.

4. Guava

Guava (Thai name - farang) is a light green fruit that looks like an apple. Coarse skin outside. The flesh is white or red, crispy like an apple, with lots of small bones.

5. Papaya

Papaya (papaya) (Thai name - malakor) - pear-shaped fruits, green or yellow. The pulp is orange or bright pink. Papaya is eaten both as a vegetable and as a fruit, depending on the degree of ripeness. Thais love to cook their famous "papaya salad" from papaya.

6. Mangosteen

Mangosteen (mangosteen) (Thai name - mangkhud) is a small apple-like fruit with a brown or purple peel. Sweet. It tastes like grapefruit.

7. Lychee

Lychee (Thai name - linchi) - fruits the size of a small plum, with a scaly pink skin. Inside is a white eaten pulp and an inedible bone. It tastes like grapes.

8. Sapodilla

Sapodilla (Thai name - la moot) is a yellow-brown fruit, similar to kiwi. Crispy flesh with a creamy caramel flavor and a few hard seeds. It tastes like persimmon.

9. Passion fruit

Passion fruit is a purple-violet or golden fruit, about the size of a small grapefruit. Under the peel, there are bones in a juicy sweet shell. The cocktail is very tasty: soda, passionfruit and sugar syrup.))

10. Longan

Longan (Thai name - lamyai) - small fruits of light brown color, resembling in appearance walnuts... Inside there is a transparent white pulp and a tough bone.

11. Jackfruit

Jackfruit (Indian breadfruit, eve) is a large fruit with thick thorny yellow-green skin. It looks like a durian, but its "thorns" are smaller. The pulp is yellow, sweet, with an unusual smell and taste of a pear of the "duchess" variety. The segments are separated from each other and sold in sachets. Ripe pulp is eaten fresh, unripe cooked. Jackfruit is mixed with other fruits, added to ice cream, and coconut milk. The seeds are edible when boiled.

12. Pineapple

Pineapple (Thai name - sapa rot). Thailand's pineapples are considered some of the finest in the world. There are about 80 varieties of this fruit. Its taste is rich - from sweet and sour to honey. The smell of ripe pineapple is pleasant and slightly sweet. When choosing a pineapple, pay attention to its texture: it should slip slightly under your fingers, but not be too soft or, conversely, too hard. In Thailand, mini pineapple, or as it is called "royal pineapple", is also widespread.

13. Coconut

Coconut (Thai name - ma phrao). Season: all year round... If not for these fruits, Thai cuisine would be just a combination of Chinese and Indian. They are added to rice and eaten fresh. Most soups are made with coconut milk. Coconuts in syrup are offered as a dessert. The markets sell coconut milk directly in the fruit. Be prepared for the fact that coconuts in Thailand are not the coconuts we are used to seeing in bounty advertisements. They are green and large. But, there is another type - small light brown.

14. Langsat

Langsat (Thai name - lang sat). Season: July to October. This fruit is almost unknown outside the country, but is very popular in Thailand itself. Its grayish flesh is both sweet and sour taste... Langsat seeds are bitter and should be eaten carefully. Not to be confused with longan.

15. Pomelo

Pomelo (Thai name - som oh). Season: August to November. It tastes like grapefruit, only sweet rather than sour. In addition, the pomelo is much larger in size. The pulp is reddish, pale yellow and orange in color.

16. Rambutan

Rambutan (Thai name - ngaw). Season: all year round, peak from May to September. One of the most notable and delicious exclusively Thai fruits. The bright red fruits with pale green bristles vaguely resemble grapes in taste, only sweeter. Rambutan grows in the central and southern provinces (Chanthaburi, Pattaya, Surat Thani).

17. Rose apple

Rose apple (Thai name - chom poo). Season: all year round. There are two varieties of this fruit: one is really pink, the other is green. The taste of the fruits is similar to ordinary apples, only slightly sour. The most beautiful pink apples appear in the markets during the cool season - from November to March.

18. Baltic herring

Baltic herring, snake fruit (Thai name - la kham). Scaly fruits are burgundy-brown, oval and slightly elongated in shape, reminiscent of a drop of water. The peel is thin and peels off quite easily, but when peeling the fruit, you need to be careful: it is covered with small soft thorns. The flesh of herring is yellowish-white.

19. Sugar apple

Sugar apple (Thai name - noi naa). Season: June to September. The lumpy green skin hides a sweet and aromatic flesh milky... If the fruit is ripe enough, you can eat it with a spoon. By the way, the basis of the special ice cream served in thai restaurants, it serves exactly the sugar apple. The fruit loves a hot and humid climate, so it is grown mainly in the south of the country.

20. Carambola

Carambola (Thai name - ma feung). Season: October to December. Fruits are yellow or green, oblong. Cut across are shaped like a five-pointed star. Because of this, they have a second name - star fruit, or " star fruit". Ripe fruits are very juicy. The taste is pleasant, with floral notes, not very sweet. Unripe fruits are rather sour. They contain a lot of vitamin C. The fruit is mainly used for making salads, sauces, juices and soft drinks.

21. Tamarind

Tamarind (Thai name - makham thad). Season: December to March. Tamarind is a sour fruit, but a sweet variety grows in Thailand. Usually Thais boil the fruits in water, getting a refreshing drink.

22. Watermelon

Watermelon (Thai name - Taeng Mo). Season: all year round. Peak season: October-March. Appearance: watermelons are small in size, with red or yellow flesh. Yellow ones are more expensive because in Thailand, it is the color of wealth. Taste: Sugar-sweet typical for watermelon, refreshing in both types. Much sweeter than Astrakhan. Usage: Shakes, smoothies and fresh watermelon juice are popular. Used for curly fruit carving.

23. Banana

Banana - (Thai name - Kluai). Season: all year round. Appearance: yellow or green. Taste: very sweet, the smaller and thinner the skin, the tastier, but these are not stored. Long ones are stored better, are more expensive. They are very nutritious, they are eaten unripe with spices, half-ripe are dried in the sun, ripe ones are deep-fried, boiled in coconut milk or syrup, flowers are used in the preparation of various dishes.

24. Mandarin

Mandarin (Thai name - Som). Season: all year round. Peak season is September-February. Appearance. Smaller than European varieties, with thinner greenish yellow skin. Taste: sweet with a slight sourness, very juicy. Compared to European varieties, the taste is not so bright. Use: In Thailand, they are mainly squeezed out of juice and sold everywhere on stalls on the streets.

Fruit in Thailand by seasons.

Not just a fruit in the first letter of the alphabet, but in general a fruit that served as an incentive to create this page (later it turned out that it was a vegetable). It can be fully attributed to exotic, since it is not found on ordinary street stalls, only in supermarkets, and I have not heard that it was known to many (by taste). In Vladimir, it costs about 140+ rubles / kg (as of early May 2006), in particular, the copy on the left cost me 32 rubles. This specimen, as you can see, looks like an ordinary domestic pear, dark green and pimply. As a matter of fact, in connection with this, I had the idea that they eat it in the same way as a pear. I was stopped in time in this impulse by a knowledgeable person, who informed me that his skin was not eaten, and recommended to cut it first. Which I did, finding inside a light green, as if immature pulp and just a huge bone (or rather, a bone), which immediately did not fail to slip out (being wet). Well, then the very process of cutting out pieces of pulp and their absorption began ... Honestly, I didn’t last much ... Taste - nothing. Neither sour, nor sweet, none. It’s just as if you’re eating something neutral vegetable. It reminded me of something, but I couldn't remember what exactly. In general, since I was expecting something incredibly tasty, I was very disappointed. People don't buy avocados! (Or I don't understand why you need it?) And read this page sometimes - so as not to waste your money.

Overall rating: 2/5.


I recall that I first tasted this fruit as a child, when we lived in Central Asian Kyrgyzstan, but since then I have managed to forget its taste. Now I am publishing "on the fresh track", having just updated my taste memories.

This particular fruit (captured in the photo) was plucked with my own hands by my relatives in one of the gardens of Moldova, so I have no idea how much quince costs in general on the market.

The appearance of quince most of all resembles an apple, only the skin is slightly hairy in places (and the leaves are generally velvety on one side). After washing, the "hairiness" of the fetus is either washed off, or less felt.

The taste of quince reminded me the most of the same apple, only very dry, dehydrated, and a little astringent. Although there is one gustatory paradox: the initially astringent dryness, when chewed, is replaced by a noticeable juiciness. And this juiciness, together with a pleasant sourness, refreshes.

Overall rating: 4/5.

Pineapple (pineapple)


The exotic fruit of pomegranate can be called very conditionally - it grows in our country, in the south. They are sold mainly in Azerbaijan and only in winter (apparently, pomegranates ripen there only by winter). It is known that caring for a pomegranate tree is not easy, in particular, by the time of ripening, the tip of each (!) Fruit must be covered with clay in order to avoid the penetration of some kind of harmful insects into it, which is what specially hired workers do. By the way, in the same place, in the south, it is more often used as a seasoning for dishes - it is added to pilaf, sauces, etc. Many people know the taste of pomegranate from their "Soviet" childhood - they could buy it as in in kind, and in the form of juice, which was always available in Soviet cafeterias. Today (January 2007) this rather large, very juicy, dark red fruit costs about 90 rubles / kg in Vladimir. After peeling the thin peel (the easiest way to do this is by cutting it in several places and breaking the fruit), eat small berries with seeds. The taste of pomegranate varies from very sour (unripe fruit is practically no different in appearance from ripe) to very sweet. Pomegranate does not have a special aroma, but its taste is special - perhaps incomparable with anything. You can eat it for a long time, picking out one grain at a time, which is also interesting and original. In general, in winter time it is a good alternative to citrus and. Moreover, due to its composition, pomegranate is considered very useful for anemia (it seems that it increases the hemoglobin content in the blood) and as a general tonic for colds (thanks to vitamin C).

Overall rating: 4/5.


Another "citrus companion", which stands out first of all for its strange name: "grape" in English means "grape", and "fruit" - "fruit", but how grapefruit resembles grapes is completely unclear. One thing is clear: that this rather large citrus (about 10-15 cm in diameter) of various external colors (sometimes green, yellow, orange, red) and internal colors (white, yellow, red) is not so common (on our tables) , as, for example, or, but follows in terms of prevalence right behind them, while clearly standing out from the general series by the presence of "bitterness" in its taste. Actually, it is precisely because of this bitter (but moderately, pleasant) taste that it formed the basis of a drink called a tonic (note that it is not at all necessary to associate and mix it with alcoholic gin ;-) - you can drink it just like lemonade). In the "whole fruit" form, the absorption of even one fruit by one person can be difficult: firstly, the fruit itself is large (the last time we ate one for two), and secondly, it is not so easy to peel it - a thick peel and inedible interlobular septa clearly distinguish it from the previously listed citrus counterparts, but thirdly, the "bitterness" in large volumes may seem bitter to someone. approximate price in Vladimir slushy in winter 2007 - about 60 rubles / kg (the weight of one fruit may well reach 1 kg).

Overall rating: 5/5.


The appearance of the fruit initially led my wife to the assumption that this is some kind of representative of the citrus family - the pimply green peel most resembled. But for some reason it seemed to me that it should not be citrus, but some other fruit ... I was right, but it would be better if I was wrong - then the overall rating of this fruit could be higher. Inside, it turned out that the green skin is thin, followed by a fleshy white pulp, and in the core there is a jelly-like mass with a bunch of small bones. At first, we tried to eat this core with a photographed teaspoon, but, firstly, it turned out to be almost tasteless, and secondly, because of the large number of hard-to-separate and very hard bones, the eating process was not very pleasant. Having dealt with the core in half with grief, we proceeded to the rest. Timidly, slowly, we came to the conclusion that the fleshy pulp can be eaten together with the skin, and all this together tastes almost the same as an ordinary domestic pear (which is green and firm). Is it worth 700 rubles / kg (in one of Vladimir's supermarkets in December 2007)? ..

Overall rating: 3/5.


The only fruit that I tried not directly, but indirectly, namely: the fruit itself, presented in the first two photographs, was captured, bought and tasted in Thailand by my relatives, and they brought me only impressions of it, sweets from it (two at the top in the third photo) and his puree (a large "candy" at the bottom in the third photo). The fruit itself, due to its specific unpleasant odor It was impossible to take it, moreover, even in Thailand it is forbidden to buy it and bring it to the hotel (but my relatives did it anyway). :-) Now we will debunk the myth that durian is the "king of fruits", or, as they say locals, "The smell of durian evokes visions of hell, and the taste - heavenly delights" ...

First - the impressions of my relatives from fresh fruitbought in the place of growth (I clarify this for commentators who reproached me for the poor quality of the tasted fruits), I quote literally:

We photographed the durian, bought a peeled one, brought ... A stench !!! Rotten onions, rotten trash heap, the smell of large coverage, that is, the whole room stinked instantly. Taste as well as smell [to put it mildly] not really... Soft, almost creamy flesh, like a core in the middle. Sweet, almost without sourness - in short, I took it in my mouth, could not swallow it. Wrapped it in 3 bags, took it out into the street, in the trash. The "King of Fruits" turned out to be inedible for me. It took about 30 minutes, and everything smells like a "king" ... I tried a durian candy - the result is the same.

Well, now my own impressions of the same brought sweets and durian pulp puree: muck is rare! : -O Being warned of the smell, I went outside to taste it, but even the fresh wind could not carry away the unpleasant smell ... which did not remind me of either rotten onions or garbage, rather, some kind of technical smell, but hefty unpleasant. For some reason, I didn't manage to taste the odorless taste, that is, plugging my nose, and therefore there was a feeling that I had to eat some oily rags ... br-rrr! ..: -O The first candy was still tolerable (maybe because that it was, judging by the inscription on it, “milk candy”), although he could not finish it; the second, close to mashed potatoes - muck, which he spat out immediately; with the third, mashed potatoes, the situation was the worst - even a small dose almost caused my gag reflex. : -O

In short, we have seen such a "king of fruits" ...: -O Let the locals enjoy him "like heavenly", and in my collection of exotic fruits he was the first to receive 1 point out of 5 possible and the title of the most disgusting fruit among the tried exotic fruits and vegetables (currently out of 46)! Even the one who is blown away by me is just a darling compared to this ... dukhan! ..: -O

Overall rating: 1/5.

Ziziphus (ziziphus)

This one for once new fruit Relatives brought from India to my collection (there has been no replenishment for a long time). Accordingly, there it is more called "", although in the world it is also known as "ziziphus", "(Chinese)", "" and "". Of the incomprehensible words in this list ("ziziphus", "jujuba" and "unabi"), I like the funny "ziziphus" most of all :-), but of the understandable words, nothing fits - "plum" and "date" is only because of a single large bone inside.

In fact, ziziphus externally most like small apple... Like apples, zizyphus come in different colors, which do not necessarily indicate their ripeness: green, yellow, red - they brought us green ones. I was warned in advance about the presence of a large bone inside (although this is not entirely according to the rules of this collection), therefore, in order not to break off my teeth about this “unexpected surprise” in the middle of the “apple”, I immediately cut the fruit in half (more precisely, cut in a circle and ripped with his hands so that in one half remained whole bone), removed the bone (assuming it was inedible) and ate the halves from the pure pulp. The taste is not much like an apple (except for crispy freshness and sourness), but even less like a plum and a date. Most of all, the taste of ziziphus seemed to me similar to (which is also not an apple in fact), (which is also called "" - a coincidence? :-) and - that is, nothing like that, refreshing, but what special delight and desire to eat you still do not feel ... Although for some reason the youngest son liked it - he ate several fruits, although he is very conservative in food, and most often he dislikes exotic fruits and vegetables. :-)

Overall rating: 4/5.

Figs (fig)

Also known as a fig (fig) - the fruit of a fig (and not fig :-) tree - the very one whose leaves covered shameful places Adam and Eve, who knew shame after having tasted of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil ... Since then, fig is nothing special and not famous, except perhaps the phenomenon of the homonym of the Russian language, another meaning of which is a synonym for "duli". :-) As a fruit, for some reason, it is more common in dried form, but in this fresh form I first tasted it during my vacation in Adler-Sochi in July 2007 (therefore, contrary to usual, it was photographed without a teaspoon). There he seems to mature naturally, and costs nothing, 10 rubles / piece. A pear-shaped fruit about 5-6 cm long, a lilac skin with a glossy sheen, and inside there is such a fleshy pulp with a bunch of small seeds (a la caraway seeds), which tastes not very impressive to me ... Sweetish and that's it, nothing special. For some reason, I remember this in connection with this, but here the pulp is not astringent.

Overall rating: 3/5.

Cantelupe (cantaloupe)

This unusual melon was bought for me by my wife, who knows about my "exotic-fruit" hobby. But it is unusual only at first glance - this is when you do not immediately guess that this "minke" is generally a melon (although the price tag was honestly written: "melon, cantelupa"). And so her closest "relative" is a small round yellow melon of the "collective farm woman" variety, which is very common in our country. Only this one is bright orange inside, and a little sweeter, but everything is the same. Well, maybe I forgot about the much more expensive price - 135 rubles / kg in July 2007 in Vladimir.

Overall rating: 4/5.


Tasting No. 1

Time: March 2007.

Place of purchase of the fruit: Russia, the city of Vladimir.

For some reason, when buying this fruit of the oxalis family (I already learned this after the fact), also known as "" (starfruit), I was afraid that it would turn out to be not a fruit at all, but some kind of vegetable (as I once made a mistake with) - he looked too unusual. And in the same way, it was completely incomprehensible how to eat it (in particular, whether it is possible to eat the peel). In the end, it was neatly cut along the edges of the slices, and the tasting began first with the pulp (although later it turned out that the peel could also be eaten - like an apple). The pulp turned out to be quite strong, crispy, but at the same time highly juicy - for some reason, I immediately remembered the leaves of the sour, which we collected and ate when we lived in Kyrgyzstan. The taste is also very similar to sorrel - a kind of refreshing mixture of sour and sweet, quite pleasant. However, as a "quencher" of thirst, it is unlikely to fit, since it is not cheap - 49 rubles / piece. (in March 2007 in Vladimir). Whatever it was, I can safely call it one of the most delicious truly exotic (new to me) fruits.

Overall score: 4 / 5.

Tasting No. 2

Time: September 2015.

Place of purchase of the fruit: Thailand, Phuket island.

So far, the only case when re-tasting the "right" fruit, that is, quickly brought directly from the place of growth (in this case, Thailand), did not improve it in any way general perception - I gave him the same grade. Taste sensations are also the same: very juicy, very fresh, but almost tasteless (“grass,” as my wife said); at the same time, I noticed that if you still eat it without top dense skin, then the taste becomes slightly richer and more pleasant. But what the repeated tasting improved for sure was the photographs of the fruit - I replaced them with new ones, in which the fruit looks more "presentable" and fresh.

Overall score: unchanged, 4/5.


Recently, chestnuts at 160 rubles per kilogram were suddenly discovered in Magnit near the house. I had seen them before only in Moscow in fried (and every time something prevented me from buying), and those that grow with us, alas, are inedible.

I put it in a frying pan, fried it until dark on each side (about 15 minutes), some of the chestnuts burst in the process. When opening, the upper thin hard shell was first removed, then another layer pressed against the core itself (it was quite easy to break it with your hands - again, in contrast to the hard shell of those that grow here). As a result, a small wrinkled core remains, very soft, a small void is found on the fracture inside, apparently, the core consists of two halves (but does not easily separate).

It tastes like sweet potatoes! But not as frozen, but a more pleasant, whole taste. Nothing like that, but again it only makes sense if these chestnuts grow right under the window, went out, typed and fried.

Overall rating: 3/5.


This miracle-not-that-fruit-not-that-vegetable was presented to me by my wife, who knew that I had not replenished my collection for a long time. :-) It was sold in one of the Vladimir hypermarkets called "Kiwano", but now Wikipedia told me that it is also called "horned melon" (I agree, with its oval shape it looks a bit like a "torpedo" melon, but small; to taste, however, with a melon has nothing to do - more on that below) or " african cucumber"(And this is closer in shape, size, and even taste), and that it is still a vegetable.

The peel is hard and, apparently, inedible (the wife honestly tried to bite her - it tastes bitter). Inside there is a sweetish jelly with large seeds, which can either be swallowed or spit out by sucking on the jelly. In total, the taste is most reminiscent of an ordinary domestic cucumber, only which is large, overripe and watery, with large seeds. Well, and something else reminded Turkish.

Overall rating: 2/5.

Kiwi (kiwi)

These are not hairy eggs, which the Australian bird of the same name lays, and not even a hairy radioactive gooseberry, as you might think. :-D Although this fruit is somewhat similar to gooseberry in taste, but in terms of its internal structure, in terms of the type of pulp, it is more similar to. Kiwi is found on domestic holiday tables for some reason, less often, although it is freely available on sale (in Vladimir at a price of about 70 rubles / kg or, if by the piece, 7 rubles / piece) and personally I consider it quite tasty (although sometimes it is too sour - apparently it contains a lot of vitamin C ). Perhaps its not very great popularity is due to the fact that it is not so easy to peel it without a knife (no one seems to eat the hairy skin), and after cleaning the slippery pulp is not always easy to take with your hands - it turns out that it is best to serve kiwi on the table for guests already peeled, cut into slices (artificial, because kiwi does not have "natural" slices) and with forks. :-) Yes, and even recently I began to notice cakes, the components of which (mainly for the top decoration) include kiwi, the green pieces of which delight the loving green color human eyes. :-)

PS Much later, in 2017, my sister taught me how to eat kiwi in the most convenient way: the fruit is cut into halves, the half is taken in one hand, with a green cut up, and a teaspoon is taken in the other hand, which must be pried out of the peel in the same way as eat boiled egg... :-) True, this is really convenient for ripe fruits with soft pulp.

Overall rating: 5/5.


I have dreamed of trying coconut ever since I first saw the ad for the “Bounty” chocolate bar (here it is, the power of TV zombie!). We managed to taste dry coconut flakes quickly - in the same chocolate bars with the aforementioned name, on some pastries, cakes and other confectionery - they ceased to be a rarity and generally I liked them. But I always wanted to try the "live" coconut. By that time, I already knew that they don't grow on palms, but coconuts, as in advertising, and in life, really grow on palms. Only one advertising stereotype deceived me very much :-) - when it falls to the ground, the coconut does not split exactly into halves, and it has no “thread” to gently “fold” it with your hands and turn it into two halves in the same way. :-) In general, we had to fiddle with a "usual" kitchen hacksaw for metal: -O, and the process was extremely "low-tech": three adults were holding a coconut, fidgeting along the bottom of a deep bowl (we were afraid that precious coconut milk :-), and one of them sawed with zeal; at the same time, the hairy husk of this giant nut (about 10 cm in diameter) crawled into the gap formed and mixed with the milk; then the edges of the bowl became very difficult for us to cut further ... well, etc. In general, it was awful - our inexperience clearly affected (surely someone knows how to open a coconut "by the mind"). Anyway, as a result, we got two halves and several pools of precious moisture ... brown (due to dust and husks mixed in during the sawing process) and, moreover, not very pleasant to the taste. For some reason, the white pulp hidden under the 5-millimeter walnut shell also didn't look very much like an advertisement - it was too hard to just scrape with a spoon. Nevertheless, with the help of a fork and / or knife, it could be broken off and eaten - it tasted almost like regular walnut hazelnuts, only with a slight aftertaste ... coconut flakes! :-) At a price of about 25 rubles / piece. (in the winter of 2006 in Vladimir) it seems like a good saving for those who want to gnaw on hazelnuts. :-)

Overall rating: 3/5.

Kudret nari

I thought it was a fruit, but it seemed to be a vegetable (which is why I had to expand the title of this page). Be that as it may, at one time they sold it to us in Turkey (in August 2004) rather like a fruit that looked very unusual for gazing tourists. It is so unusual (orange pimpled cucumber) that I, having decided that I would never see such a miracle again, decided to pay 2 dollars for it (then it was about 54 rubles). In Turkish it is called “kudret nari”, but we tried to translate it into Russian as “pomegranate apple” (although for some reason it still seems to me that something else is called that). Fortunately, they immediately explained to us how to eat it, and that the outer shell is not used (although if you look closely at the edge in the second picture, it is slightly bitten off - I tasted it and found that it was bitter and tasteless). The opened fruit looks even brighter and more unusual - inside there are small red berries with seeds (it is they that resemble pomegranate seeds). These berries are sweet and a little tart to the taste, and most of all resemble ... an ordinary domestic green pea... So my taste sensations did not match the anticipation created by the appearance of this miracle vegetable, and I would never buy it next time.

Overall rating: 2/5.


A fruit of the citrus family, the closest "relative" (I would even say, "younger brother"), both in its "physiology" and in taste. Oblong fruits are very small (from 2 to 4 cm) - apparently due to the fact that they are called Japanese oranges, and in Japan everything is miniature. But the price of these babies is not small at all - 300 rubles / kg (as of the beginning of summer 2006), while ordinary oranges cost about 30-40 rubles / kg (that is, kumquat is almost 10 (!) Times more expensive). I'm not sure, oh, how I'm not sure that exotic sizes should be so many times more expensive, but the taste of kumquat is the same orange, maybe a little sour. Although it has one more small feature - the thin peel is edible and quite pleasant to the taste, moreover, it somewhat compensates for the acidity of the pulp. Just do not forget to wash these fruits with the peel before eating! ;-) Well, you shouldn't forget about the fact that even in such babies quite ordinary orange seeds are sometimes found. In general, a fruit for lovers of exotic sizes, and even then try it once.

Overall rating: 5/5.


Stanislav: The fruit was brought from Thailand by a colleague Sergey, so they also tasted it at work, with the whole micro-collective. They didn’t eat the rind, since Sergey suggested that they don’t eat it, but simply pry it off with a fingernail or knife, and then easily remove it (it is rather thin and relatively soft). Inside - something like a grape, some specimens with a slight taste of fermentation. Even deeper, inside the "grape" itself there is a hard and also inedible bone. In general, lychee is really the closest "relative", judging by the device and taste.

Colleague Sergey I didn't remember the name of this fruit right away, but with the help of the Internet and pictures I still figured it out - it's longan, also known as lam-yay or "dragon's eye". Well, a little later, I remembered what else this fruit reminded me of besides lychee - a strange fruit that had been tested by SPQR 8 months before.

Stanislav: a specimen brought in April 2016 by relatives already from India (the third fruit that opens the collection from there), more precisely, a few berries on branches, was very fond of the eldest son, and my impressions of this fruit improved by 1 point.

Overall rating: 4/5.


Before writing these lines, I mistakenly believed that longcon (aka longkong) is just another name, a synonym for the previously described thai fruit ... But my relatives brought it to me from Thailand (nicknamed "potato" for its external similarity), and we were able to make sure that it is, if it is, a related, but still a different fruit. Yes, outwardly it looks the same as a longan, yes, it is just as easy to clean (thin soft skin), but inside there is not one big "grape" - "eye" with a brown bone - "pupil" inside, but 4 slices like cloves of garlic boiled to a transparent state, one of which may have a light stone. The taste is also close to longan, but due to either the absence of uncomfortable and inedible bone, or the fact that it was the "correct" fruit, that is, quickly brought straight from the place of growth, I liked the bosom (g) con (g) more. Even taste associations with sweet arose, that is, as if its "grains" were increased to the size of cloves of garlic. (All associations with garlic are only in shape, not to taste!)

Overall rating: 5/5.

Mandarin (mandarin)

Just don't say that this is not an exotic fruit! Although we see and eat it in Russia no less than, nevertheless, for our climatic conditions it is still an exotic fruit. When our country was still called the USSR, and it included hospitable and warm Georgia, we ate their (or Abkhazian) tangerines with pleasure. Now, when these our southern brothers preferred to communicate with another, "most democratic" state, problems arose with tangerines, which is a pity ... We, for example, only have Moroccan and Turkish tangerines on the shelves, and the first, in my opinion, are easier peeled (less firm), much tastier (sweeter) and almost pitted. The specimen shown on the right is just a typical moroccan mandarin, at a price of 52 rubles / kg (at the beginning of May 2006). And for the first time I "got acquainted" with tangerines in childhood, on Far East, and then it was either Chinese or Vietnamese fruits, in any case - delicious. In general, any tangerine is a "younger brother", which is usually smaller and tastes sweeter. Like any other citrus fruit, it has a high vitamin C content so that when eaten in the morning, it maintains tone throughout the day. My personal experience also says: peeled tangerines, crumpled in half with honey and eaten right there, are great for removing colds from the body. And, of course, one cannot fail to mention that mandarin is a traditional dessert on our holidays, from birthdays to the New Year.

Overall rating: 5/5.


Another pear-shaped fruit, but "inclined to fullness" (to spherical). The specimen bought in a Russian supermarket (presumably unripe) was very hard, with smooth green-red skin and a groin, oddly enough, of needles; the sample, bought and brought from Egypt, was much softer, green and hardly smelled of needles. An attempt to cut the mango in half was unsuccessful - I came across a large hard bone in the middle, somewhat similar to a peach bone, only the pulp from it could not be separated from it, I had to cut it in layers (in general, eating mango without a knife is problematic). Inside it is a deep yellow color, while the "local" sample was hard, and the Egyptian one was soft and juicy, both fibrous (Egyptian - almost imperceptible), but juicy. The needles inside already smell less and, in general, something begins to resemble something or other carrots (especially yellow Uzbek; although the carrots almost did not resemble juicy and soft Egyptian mango), either by smell, or by taste, or simply by tactile sensations when biting off. I did not find a direct taste analog, but I came to the unequivocal conclusion that of the last three tasted fruits and vegetables (,, mango), this one is the most delicious, although not as much as the same pineapple. Mango is also cheaper than avocado and papaya, about 100 rubles / kg (in May 2006 in central Russia), but still, its price / taste ratio does not allow it to become quite popular with us.

Overall rating: 5/5.


Tasting No. 1

Time: December 2007.

Place of purchase of the fruit: Russia, the city of Vladimir.

Due to the fact that this time we were in such a hurry to try this exotic fruitthat I forgot when photographing to put a teaspoon next to it (so that you can estimate the size), you will have to describe the appearance and dimensions verbally: this is such a "petrified apple" (hard shell, like a nut) with a diameter of about 4 cm. you guessed, you don't need to eat any leaves or shells :-), so they just cut it in half and saw ... maggots! : -O Yes, yes, such nasty white worms, slugs, one species of which is already sick of ... We did not even immediately understand whether they were alive or not (you never know, the "worms" climbed the "bull's-eye" to eat) ...: -O and try this is we did not dare right away ... But nevertheless, we decided and found that "the devil is not so terrible as he is painted" - this white muddy pulp tasted almost exactly the same as that of "ordinary", that is, "grape-like", with the only remark that due to some fibrous structure it was difficult to eat it to the end. Price - 400 rubles / kg (in one of Vladimir's supermarkets in early December 2007).

Overall score: 3 / 5.

Tasting No. 2

Time: September 2015.

Place of purchase of the fruit: Thailand, Phuket island.

The “right” fruit, that is, quickly brought straight from the place of growth (in this case, Thailand), improves photographs, visual and taste impressions (in this case - as much as 1 point, to the mark “good”). :-) And there are no "maggots" there, but easily removable white cloves, similar to boiled garlic cloves, but with the taste of sweet and sour grapes. :-)

Overall score: increased to 4/5.

Passion fruit (maracuya)

Tasting No. 1

Time: May 2008.

Place of purchase of the fruit: Russia, the city of Vladimir.

I have been looking for this exotic fruit (also known as “passiflora” or “passion fruit”), which was the last one on my list of “must-try” ones (of those that are known by the names). And for a long time he could not find him in our city of Vladimir, perhaps because he had little idea of \u200b\u200bhow he should look. And now, finally, my friend Nikolai (he is now a co-author-naturalist) quite by accident came to visit me and brought it as a gift, and not one, but three whole fruits (despite the high cost - 400+ rubles / kg in May - 2008)! :-) It was thanks to this that I learned that outwardly passion fruit is most similar to (maybe that's why I did not notice it, mistakenly believing that I had already tried it), but inside it is closest to ... Although this time the inner flesh is the color of “childish surprise "With pits did not resemble red currants, except perhaps for its sourness. In general, we were unable to find a similar taste in our gustatory memory (the taste of passionfruit juices does not count), although this in itself turned out to be not very memorable. As Nikolai rightly summed up, "the product is of little value." :-)

Overall score: 3 / 5.

Tasting No. 2

Time: April 2016.

Place of purchase of the fruit: India, Goa.

The second fruit to open the collection straight from India. And again, an example of the correctness of my critics, when a specimen promptly brought from places of growth, in terms of its taste sensations, turns out to be better than a “Russian” specimen of an unknown condition. Pleasant, refreshing taste of sweet and sour pulp - "slime", enveloping the bones, which do not need to be separated and spat out - they are easily eaten without spoiling the taste, but at the same time crunching unusually.

Overall score: increased to 4/5.

Medlar (loquat)

While in Rome, Nikolai and his wife went into a grocery store, where, in addition to disorder with ordinary (and surprisingly cheap) fruits, Nikolai found a box with, as he first thought, apricots, but then he saw that it was not at all. It was not possible to identify it on the move, so I took a heel for a test. The label said that it was “Nespole” (I didn't remember the price, but not expensive).

Before eating, I cut it first. Inside, two slippery bones were found tightly pressed against each other, easily separated from the rest of the mass. It is also easy, in three or four movements, the outer skin is removed, although you can eat right in it, it is not much harder than the same apricot. It tastes rather like a peach - pleasantly sweet and sour. We ate it with pleasure, but did not buy it with us - the next morning, brownish spots from bruises appeared on the left pair of fruits, and we quickly finished eating them.

Overall rating: 5/5.


Outwardly, it is similar to, and, consequently, to an ordinary domestic pear. But inside, everything is completely unexpected - the reddish flesh looks more like a watermelon, and in combination with black beads of oily seeds it looks like ... black caviar in red fish. All this did not make me hungry, but I decided to take a chance. Having intuitively guessed that neither the skin nor the bone can be absorbed, I immediately proceeded to the pulp. Taste sensations are strange, difficult to compare with anything; something like (although someone draws analogies with pumpkin, quince and even peach), just does not knit. In any case, these are several tastier than avocado, but I was not particularly delighted. And it is all the more unclear who needs it and why for such a price (200+ rubles in May 2006). Once again I come to the conclusion that “exotic” is not synonymous with “amazingly tasty” ...

Overall rating: 2/5.


This exotic fruit was unexpectedly bought for me by my wife Julia. It cost "crazy" money - as much as 114 rubles / piece. (copy in the photo) at the beginning of June 2007 in Vladimir (although I don’t think that the price for it changes much during the year), and who knows how much a kilogram costs ... appearance - a smooth-skinned yellow pear, so inside we assumed something similar ... But inside suddenly there was ... a melon! .. Almost natural melon, only dwarf and "unhuman" in shape, and the pulp is the same (in texture, it tastes much less sweet, leaner), and the core (the fringe of the bones), and the skin is somewhat similar (thin, easily separated). With an obvious effort it was eaten - the fruit did not cause a taste delight, although it turned out to be not as disgusting as. Nevertheless, we assumed that, perhaps, we underestimated it because it might not be a fruit, but a vegetable, but then this question was specifically clarified - no, it is a fruit, and very popular among the inhabitants of South America. And what did they find in it? ..

Overall rating: 3/5.

P. S. A couple of copies of the same were brought to me by relatives in 2013 from Cyprus, unripe, along with instructions in English, to what extent they should ripen (to a yellowish color and a noticeable odor). When they ripened, we tried them again and felt exactly the same as five and a half years ago: a barely sweet melon, which I nicknamed “Pepin's underdone”. :-) For some reason, only the eldest son especially liked her from the family.


Tasting No. 1

Time: December 2007.

Place of purchase of the fruit: Russia, the city of Vladimir.

In the supermarket, this fruit was why it was signed in Russian as "pitahaya" (pitahaya). Then we were in such a hurry to try it that I forgot to put a teaspoon next to it when photographing, and I had to describe the appearance and dimensions verbally: an oblong red fruit about 10-12 cm long, all so leathery and with processes in the form of "scales" , which really explains its "dragon fruit" in one of its names ("dragon fruit" in English). The transparent jelly-like pulp, a little cloudy, with a large number of its small black bones resembles, and even tastes something like it, although not sweet at all, and hardly sour - almost tasteless. We ate the pulp with teaspoons from the dense and inedible (more precisely, tasteless) peel - the process of eating itself was convenient, which can be denied here - but only because someone had to finish eating, and this did not cause much delight in us at all ... What can we say about the price of 600 rubles / kg (in one of Vladimir's supermarkets in early December 2007) ...

Overall score: 2 / 5.

Tasting No. 2

Time: September 2015.

Place of purchase of the fruit: Thailand, Phuket island.

Responding to criticism from many

Thailand and exotic are complementary concepts. One of the exotic discoveries for our compatriots in this country was the fruits of Thailand. The tropical climate has allowed nature to create unique combinations shapes, colors, flavors and aromas. The harvest in Thailand is harvested up to three times a year. Fruits in Thailand reach their peak ripeness without the addition of nitrates and other chemical fertilizers, so they are safe from an environmental point of view, for which they are loved and appreciated by tourists all over the world.

However, this fact does not in any way affect the cost of fruit in Thailand itself. Fruit in Pattaya is cheap and can be bought at markets, street vendors, mobile motorcycle kiosks, etc. Do not be surprised if Thais offer a bag of salt, pepper or local spices with the purchased fruit. Asians believe that it is in the order of things to combine sour, bitter or spicy with sweet.

No one doubts that the fruits of Thailand are a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals. Fruit pulp traditionally used in national dishes Thai food... Fresh juices, popsicles, fruit cuts, salads and fruit-based soups are sold everywhere.

Thai fruits are amazing with their variety. But there is one fruit in Thailand - endowed with royal status. Fruit with amazing taste, but absolutely disgusting smell... It was the smell of durian that became a stumbling block, because of which the fruit is forbidden to be transported in transport, consumed in hotels and other public places in Thailand.

The fruits grow on gigantic tropical trees reaching 50 meters in height. About 30 species of this plant are known, of which only 9 are suitable for human consumption. Thais called Durian the king of fruits in Thailand for its large weight - up to 4 kg, majestic and formidable appearance, reminiscent of the weapon of the orcs from the famous fantastic epic. In fact, it is a ball or oval with a diameter of up to 15 cm, studded with thorns, attached to a rod up to 30 cm long.Under a strong peel with thorns, there is a saffron-colored flesh of a delicate creamy consistency.

Despite the repulsive smell, durian has fans, and not only among the residents of Thailand, who happily eat the fruit, claiming that it has an incomparable delicious taste. The rest take their word for it, not even trying to try Durian because of the repulsive smell.

If you dare to taste the royal fruit of Thailand, we recommend trying the "golden pillow" variety (literal translation from Thai). The smell is less intense, and the taste is as "magical" as that of other varieties of durians.

Harvesting season: May-June.

Price: about 250 baht per 1 kg (500 rubles per 1 kg)

Dragon fruit

Fruits of thailand

ABOUT round fruitthat looks like a small eggplant with a very thick skin. There are white slices under it that resemble
garlic. The fruit has a characteristic delicate sweet and sour taste. Mangosteen is rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamins B and C.

The large fruit, weighing 5 kg, is covered with a dense skin and covered with large thorns. The pulp is very tender, by its consistency it resembles thick creamwith a nutty cheese flavor. Ripe fruit has a corrosive putrefactive smell, so it is forbidden to bring durian indoors. The smell is less intense or completely subtle if the fruit has just been peeled. In Asia, durian is very highly valued, it is considered the "king of fruits" and is credited with miraculous properties.

The rambutan fruit is round or oval, about the size of a ping-pong ball or chicken egg. The peel is red, densely covered with coarse hairs. The pulp of rambutan is a white, gelatinous mass with a sweetish taste.
The fruit is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin C.

A curved bean-like fruit, 10-15 cm long. Has a sour-sweet, sometimes tart taste. Tamarind
used as an effective but mild laxative.

Outwardly, the fruit looks like a nut, it is easy to clean. Under the peel there is a transparent juicy pulp that has a sweet taste.
The fruit has one large bone. The use of this fruit has a beneficial effect on the skin, it contains a lot of phosphorus,
calcium and amino acids.

Difference between Longan and Lancon

6.Eye of the Dragon
The homeland of this fruit - South America, and he himself is the fruit of a cactus. Dragon fruit pulp comes in white and burgundy colors with many black seeds. Its taste is barely perceptible, not expressed, sweetish-sourish. It is best to consume the dragon eye chilled as it is a great thirst quencher. The fruit stimulates blood circulation, is useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system and thyroid gland.


Pomelo is the largest citrus fruit. May weigh more than 1 kg. The color of the flesh is from red to yellowish. The taste resembles grapefruit, but more delicate and without pronounced bitterness. It is a source of vitamin C.

Depending on the degree of ripeness and the variety, the mango comes in yellow, red and green colors. Mango has a bright, characteristic sweet, occasionally sweet and sour taste. The aroma of mango is extremely expressive and pleasant. Unripe fruit is an essential ingredient in many Thai salads. The fruit has a good effect on the cardiovascular system, is favorable for the digestion process.

The fruit is fleshy, oblong, resembling a squash in shape. The peel of the ripe fruit is orange-yellow in color. The ripe fruit is used for dessert, and the famous green papaya is made from thai salad "Som Tam" - classic dish Thailand. Papaya contains a lot of iron, vitamins A, B, C and D. The fruit is valued for its ability to improve the digestion process: it normalizes the acidity of the stomach and relieves pain during exacerbation of stomach diseases.

The fruit of Noina is pale green in color, with a bumpy skin, similar to a lump. The ripe fruit is soft, with pleasant aroma... The pulp is white with black seeds, has a very sweet and slightly astringent creamy taste. It is customary to eat Noinu with a spoon, breaking it into two halves. The fruit is rich in amino acids.

Another variant of the name is sapodila. It looks very similar to kiwi, only less "hairy" and has a dark brown color. The taste is sugary sweet, milky caramel. The fruit is often used for serving dishes because of its beautiful brownish pulp, they are cooked various drinks, desserts, sauces. The season is from October to December. Increases blood pressure.

The fruit looks like a large, lumpy green apple. Season - all year round. This fruit is cut into wedges, carved with soft bones in the middle, and eaten like a green mango, sprinkled with a mixture of spices and sugar, or simply without seasoning. Ripe fruits should be eaten with the peel to improve digestion and stimulate the heart.

Fruits are yellow or green, resemble in size and shape bell pepper, but when viewed from above or below, they are star-shaped. Ripe fruits are very juicy, have a pleasant floral taste, and are not very sweet. No need to peel, just cut into pieces ("asterisks"). The season is from October to December. Contains a lot of vitamin C.

It is very widespread in the countries of Southeast Asia. Baile fruit is not so easy to find in fruit markets as a whole. And even if you meet him, you yourself will not cope with him. The fact is that its rind is hard as stone, and it is impossible to get to the pulp without a hammer or hatchet. Fruits are round or pear-shaped, up to 20 centimeters in diameter. Ripe yellow fruit. Inside is flesh and several bones covered with hairs. The flesh is yellow, fragrant, not too sweet and a little astringent. If you can't taste the fruit fresh (which, in general, you shouldn't worry about), you can buy tea from the Bail fruit, called Matum. It is a fruit cut into circles and dried. It is believed to be very effective in treating colds, bronchial and asthmatic diseases.

Avocado is also called American Perseus and Alligator Pear. Covered with a tasteless and inedible rind. Inside there is a pulp dense like a pear and one large bone. The pulp tastes like an unripe pear or pumpkin and is nothing special. Avocados are more commonly used in food preparation than eaten raw. But dishes cooked with avocado can greatly diversify the festive table.

Jackfruit fruits are the largest fruits growing on trees: their weight reaches 34 kg. The inside of the fruit contains several large, sweet-yellow slices of edible flesh. The pulp has a sugary sweet taste, reminiscent of melon and marshmallow. They are very nutritious: they contain about 40% carbohydrates (starch) - more than in bread. The season is from January to August.

This fruit is also known as big moringa, Indian mulberry, healthy tree, cheese fruit. The noni fruit resembles large potatoes in shape and size. Noni cannot be called very tasty and aromatic, ripe fruits have an unpleasant smell (resembles the smell of moldy cheese) and a bitter taste, but are considered very useful. In some regions, noni is the staple food of the poor. It is usually consumed with salt. Noni juice is also popular. Noni bears fruit all year round.

18.Passion fruit
This exotic fruit is also called the fruit of passion because it is credited with being a powerful aphrodisiac. Passion fruit fruits have a smooth, slightly elongated rounded shape, reaching 8 centimeters in diameter. Ripe fruits have a very bright juicy color and come in yellow, purple, pink or red colors. The yellow fruits are less sweet than others. The pulp also comes in a variety of colors. Under the inedible peel there is a jelly-like sweet and sour pulp with seeds. When consumed, it is most convenient to cut the fruit in half and eat the pulp with a spoon. The seeds in the pulp are also edible, but they cause drowsiness, so it is better not to abuse them. Passion fruit juice has a calming effect and induces drowsiness. The most mature and tasty fruits those whose skin is not perfectly smooth, but covered with "wrinkles" or small "dents" (these are the ripe fruits). Ripening season from May to August.

19.Buddha's hand
This is a kind of citron. It is also called the fingers of the Buddha and the finger citron. This is not the kind of fruit you enjoy. Undoubtedly, the fruit is very interesting and healthy, and when you see it, you will most likely be tempted to try it. But don't be in a hurry. The fruit is almost entirely composed of a peel (inedible pulp), which is similar to lemon peel in taste (bitter-sour taste) and violet in smell. The fruit is very interesting in shape and looks like a palm with a large number of fingers, reaching a length of 40 centimeters. You can buy it only in order to bring it home with you as a souvenir, and already at home prepare from it different dishes from citrus flavor (compote, jelly, candied fruits).

20.Sala (herring, rakum, snake fruit)
Small oblong or round fruits (about 5 cm long) red or brown in color, covered with dense small spines. Fruit with a very unusual, bright sweet-sour taste. Someone resembles a persimmon, someone a pear. You should be careful when peeling the fruit: the thorns are very dense and dig into the skin. Better to use a knife. The season is from April to June.

Round red fruit, up to 4 cm in diameter. Wonderful, delicious fruit. It has one bone in the middle. Very juicy, sweet, sometimes sour. The peel is easily separated from the white-transparent flesh. Unfortunately, fresh lychee cannot be consumed all year round: the lychee harvest season begins in May and lasts until the end of July. The rest of the year, it is almost impossible to find. In the off-season in Asia, you can purchase canned lychee in jars or plastic bags in own juice or coconut milk. Lychee contains a lot of proteins, pectin substances, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. A very high content of niacin - vitamin PP, which actively prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

It is also known under the names horned melon, African cucumber, Antillean cucumber, horned cucumber, anguria. Kiwano
really in the cut looks like a large cucumber. Although it is a fruit, it is still a question. The fact is that Kiwano fruits grow
on the liana. It is cultivated mainly in Africa, New Zealand, and the American continent. Kiwano fruit
oblong, up to 12 centimeters in length. The color is yellow, orange and red, depending on the degree
ripening. Under the dense skin, the flesh is green, the taste is somewhat reminiscent of a cucumber, banana and melon. Fruit not
peeled, and cut into slices or halves (like a regular melon), and then the pulp is eaten. Also used with

23.A pineapple
The most common varieties in Thailand: nanglai - a small round fruit with a yellow-green skin and yellow juicy
pulp; Phuket - a fruit with a yellow-orange peel and dark yellow sweet and crunchy flesh; phulae - small
round fruit, the smallest of all types, with a yellow-brown skin and light yellow aromatic flesh; sri racha
- large reddish-brown fruit with yellow flesh, sweet and sour taste. Pineapple is rich in vitamins A and C,
calcium, phosphorus and bromelain, helps fight colds and low blood pressure.

24.Pink apple
Usually bell-shaped, this is the most common cultivar. There are also flattened pink apples and even
oval. The color of this fruit is red, green and pale pink. It is always light inside. His taste is coniferous
sour, not bright. But the fruit is incredibly juicy. Excellent thirst quencher. They have no bones. Therefore, it is very convenient
give it to children. You don't even need to clean it, it is used together with the skin. Externally, the fruit of a pink apple is a little
resemble cashew apples. In thailand pink apple sold all year round.

Highly interesting fruit, because in its shape it resembles a drop, and its skin is like a shell, which is very easy to remove. Cancers need to be cleansed very quickly because this fruit has sharp thorns on its skin. Its taste is unusually rich and sour-sweet, roughly similar to kiwi or strawberries.

26. Coconut or maprao
It is very different from the hairy brown nut we all are used to. The Thai nut is huge, almost the size of a man's head. Unripe coconuts - maprao, have a refreshing aromatic juice and tender white pulp... In season coconut juice sold directly in the shell, a hole is cut in it and a straw is inserted.

It's strange why I haven't tried this fruit in Spain. Apparently, I was confused by the name - nisperos... I did not know the translation, but there was no one nearby who would suggest what kind of exotic it was.

This time I bought and tried it. And I was not disappointed - tasty, juicy, refreshing. Fragrant and fleshy fruits caused an explosion taste sensations... In surprise, I even coughed, as the juice popped out of the fruit, like a bottle of gas. Now I will not miss the opportunity to feast my heart on the fruit that is open to myself. So, live a century - and you will not try everything.

Nisperos ( Nisperos) in Spanish (stress on the first syllable) or japanese medlar is an Asian fruit that has existed on earth for several millennia. The homeland of this tree is China, its subtropical regions. Medlar has taken root well in Japan and hence its name.
Until the 19th century, medlar did not grow in Spain and other Mediterranean countries. She was brought to Spain by sailors about two thousand years ago. The warm coastal regions of the Mediterranean are ideal for the delicate tree, which grows in the same place as citrus trees.

There are many varieties of medlar, each with some differences. As a rule, it has a pear-shaped fruit up to 8 cm in diameter, with a smooth skin from yellow-orange to dark orange. It has a soft yellow very juicy pulp with a sweet and sour taste, similar to the taste of a mixture of apricot, apple, plum. In appearance, the medlar is very similar to the apricot.

The fruit contains 2-4 large seeds, which can be dried, roasted, ground and brewed like core coffee. It is better not to eat raw bones, as they contain a small amount of toxic substances. But a decoction of seeds can be used to treat the gastrointestinal tract.

In Spain, 2 varieties are most commonArgelino and Tanaka... The evergreen tree begins to bloom in the fall, and the harvest ripens from May to June. The flowers resemble the scent of almonds.
The fruit is consumed raw. Can be served with cheese or cold meat, jamon. And those with a sweet tooth can experiment by combining nisperos with bananas, ice cream, and yogurt. Due to the high content of pectin, medlar is especially suitable for making jam or jam, you can make juice, compote, sauce.
This low-calorie food, high in carbohydrates and fiber, is a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. It contains carotene, vitamin C and B vitamins. And you get tired of listing the number of minerals: selenium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, zinc, calcium, sodium - and that's not all.
Therefore, this amazing fruit can be safely used when losing weight and treating the urinary tract, relieving pain in kidney stones, to normalize the intestines, to cleanse the liver and blood vessels from toxins and toxins, to reduce sugar. Medlar helps control blood cholesterol and blood pressure.

But you should not forget that you need to observe the measure when dieting: a fasting day can only be Once a week and eat no more 1 kg per day. In case of bronchial asthma and respiratory diseases, an alcoholic tincture is prepared from the pulp of the fruit together with the seeds. Grind 5 pieces of medlar, add 2 tablespoons of honey and 100 ml of alcohol or vodka. Mix everything and leave in a dark place for a week. Take 30 g after straining 3 times a day before meals. Relief of cough, mucus removal from the lungs and improvement general condition... Lovers of exotic plants have learned how to grow loquat from seeds and admire it like an ornamental shrub, and even harvest a small crop in 5 years at home. There is a Spanish site for lovers of this fruit.