How to peel ginger at home. Do I need to peel ginger before brewing tea

03.03.2020 Restaurant notes

Bulgur appeared in our stores relatively recently and immediately attracted the attention of housewives. Delicious porridge made from this cereal is easy and very quick to cook, because the grains of durum wheat, from which bulgur is obtained, were specially processed. This valuable product is used to prepare various side dishes in the form of cereals in milk and water. Often, cereals are used as an ingredient in recipes for first courses, added to cutlets and baked goods. Groats are universal, and if you decide to cook bulgur porridge, then surprise everyone with a new delicious dish.

The benefits and harms of bulgur porridge

Wheat groats are rich in a variety of useful substances, and ready-made treats from it help the heart muscle to work normally. The use of this unique cereal will maintain vascular tone and help lower blood sugar. The fiber-rich porridge will keep you feeling full for a long time and won't harm your figure.

But there are also contraindications to the use of bulgur. It is worth giving up this cereal for people who are gluten intolerant, prone to overeating and have problems with the digestive tract.

Choice of cereals and rules for cooking porridge

  • On sale on the counter you can see cereals of three different grinds. For porridge, you need to choose a medium grind - koftelik. It is ideal for cooking crumbly and aromatic dessert cereals.
  • Unlike other cereals, bulgur does not need to be rinsed or soaked. But the container in which you will cook the porridge must be chosen taking into account the fact that the cereal greatly increases in volume during the cooking process. A glass of dry bulgur requires two glasses of water.
  • To make the cooked porridge crumbly, fragrant and with a nutty flavor, you need to fry the grains. Water and milk are added to the prepared cereal. And when the liquid boils, you need to rearrange the dishes in the oven. If this is inconvenient, then you can wrap the pan in a warm blanket and let the porridge steam in the warmth - it will absorb all the liquid and become soft.
  • In order for the newfangled cereals to fully reveal their unique taste and aroma, the grains must be fried a little in butter. You will need dishes with a weighted double bottom - it is convenient to simmer and cook porridge in it.
  • The readiness of the porridge can be determined by the formed small pits on the surface. They indicate that the porridge is ready, and it is time to serve it.
  • Bulgur porridge can be cooked with the addition of honey and nuts, raisins or fruits. This sweet and beautiful porridge will especially appeal to children. Before adding fruits to sweet porridge, you must first caramelize.
  • Champignons go well with this cereal. Porridge with mushrooms, neutral in taste, has an exquisite taste and will replace a full dinner.

A warning! When trying new recipes with crushed and processed wheat, one must take into account that there are a number of products with which Bulgur is categorically not on friendly terms. Any cabbage and beets should be excluded from dishes with it. Do not cook bulgur with tomato paste, tarragon and paprika. There are also no recipes for cooking cereals with eggs and potatoes.

Bulgur porridge recipes

Groats can be cooked well and quickly on any stove that you have in your house. To cook bulgur porridge, you can use a kitchen assistant - a multicooker. A microwave oven and even an ordinary thermos will perfectly cope with the task. In it, the cereals are steamed, simply mixing the necessary components.

Dessert bulgur porridge in a slow cooker

A wonderful household appliance, a multicooker, in the "Buckwheat" mode, allows you to prepare a delicious and hearty breakfast for the whole family in just half an hour.

To prepare delicious milk porridge you will need:

  • 200 gr. cereals,
  • two glasses of milk
  • glass of water.

Additionally for dessert porridge you need to prepare:

  • 100 g pumpkins,
  • one apple,
  • some dried apricots,
  • powdered cinnamon
  • granulated sugar.

Cooking bulgur porridge in a slow cooker:

  1. The first step is to fry the cereals in butter. You can do this right in the multicooker bowl.
  2. Pour milk and water over the fried bulgur grits.
  3. Cut the pumpkin with dried apricots into small pieces and put them in the multicooker bowl. Add some salt and sugar.
  4. Set the "Buckwheat" mode, time 30 minutes, and close the lid.
  5. While the porridge is cooking, you can fry an apple cut into petals or cubes in sugar.

Porridge with pieces of pumpkin and dried apricots will turn out crumbly - grain to grain and no lumps. When serving, each plate can be filled with caramel apple slices, sprinkled with sweet apple syrup and garnished with a sprig of mint. Mint will give a pleasant aroma, and honey pumpkin will give juiciness and bright taste.

Bulgur with mushrooms

Lean bulgur porridge with champignons will not leave anyone indifferent and will appeal to mushroom lovers and convinced vegetarians. It's easy to cook.

You will need:

  • 200 gr. cereals,
  • Champignon,
  • large onion,
  • parsley.

This recipe uses olive oil or vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking lean bulgur porridge:

  1. In a heavy cauldron, you first need to fry the onions.
  2. When the onion becomes transparent, put the chopped mushrooms to it and continue frying until the mushroom juice appears.
  3. Now it's time to add bulgur, fry a little more and pour in two glasses of water. Salt the porridge and mix with chopped parsley.
  4. As soon as excess moisture leaves and small pits begin to appear on the surface, the porridge is ready.

This dish will diversify your daily menu and will appeal to those who are concerned about a healthy diet or are fasting.

Simple bulgur porridge for garnish

If you intend to serve porridge as a side dish, then cook it in plain water, without adding milk and sugar. Pre-fried bulgur will give it an unusual nutty flavor.


  1. Fry a glass of cereals in a pan with melted butter, add hot water and salt.
  2. It will take about half an hour to cook.
  3. Until the cereal absorbs all the liquid, the porridge must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn.

The porridge is ready, all its grains are well cooked and become very soft. Serve as a new side dish with meat gravy.

Bulgur porridge in the microwave

The microwave will simply help out a person who strictly monitors the calorie content of his diet. In this oven, you can cook bulgur in water without seasoning the porridge with oil. Such a dish contains less than 100 kcal and is able to saturate for a long time.

The recipe for cooking porridge is nowhere simpler:

  1. Pour boiling water over the groats and cook at maximum power for three minutes.
  2. Then leave the cereals for another quarter of an hour in the turned off microwave with the door closed. After a while, it will steam up, absorb all the liquid and become soft.

Bulgur porridge in a thermos

You can cook diet porridge in a thermos - just pour all the ingredients into it and wait until the grains become soft. You may need to wait a few hours, but the porridge from the thermos will surprise you with its nutty taste and aroma.

Bulgur porridge video recipe

Of course, while cereal is not very widely known in our country, and it is not sold in all stores. If you have tried delicious bulgur porridge, tell your friends and acquaintances about your experience of cooking dishes from a new cereal for us, share your favorite recipes. They will definitely thank you.

People consume ginger by adding it to food and drinks (for example, ginger tea is popular).

However, not everyone knows whether it is necessary to peel ginger from the peel and how to do it correctly and quickly at home. Therefore, albeit not consciously, they are depriving themselves of some of those useful components that are contained in ginger.

Do I need to clean?

So, ginger contains essential oils and other components useful for the body, and all these substances are stored in the pulp, which adheres very tightly to the peeled peel. That is why it is important to decide on the choice of tool and method of cleaning this root crop.

Is it worth getting rid of the skin at all if it is so capricious and, moreover, thin? In fact, the taste and aroma of the dish itself depends on the answer to this question.

  1. Before you start peeling ginger, think about which particular dish or drink you will need it for. The following rules apply here:
  2. If ginger is needed for making a refreshing drink or tea, for pickling, or it is planned to sugar-coat it, then you don't need to get rid of the peel, otherwise the product will lose its delicate taste (and the culinary specialist is counting on it).
  3. If in the next few hours the whole root is not needed, cut off only the amount required at the moment and peel off the skin from this part.
  4. If you plan to add ginger directly to food, then cleaning it is required. Without subjecting it to prolonged heat treatment and other necessary actions, it will not be possible to get absolutely no benefit from it.

By the way, it is strongly discouraged to buy the peeled root in the store, regardless of whether it is vacuum packed and how attractive it looks. In such a product, almost nothing useful remains either, moreover, it very much loses its taste.

The most effective and correct ways to cleanse ginger

Before you know how to properly peel ginger, you need to prepare it, i.e. rinse thoroughly in cool water.

Warm water should not be used, as it will negatively affect the condition of the product.

After washing, the root vegetable is dried. Next, with a sharp knife, you need to carefully cut off all the branches and bulges located on it from the winding root. Small shoots can be thrown away, and large ones are better left and also cleaned (they will enhance the taste of drinks or jam).

Then proceed to peel the root crop directly. This can be done in one of the ways described below:

It may be better to try the option of using ginger with or without the peel, and only then decide whether to peel it or not.

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