Papaya or melon fruit, growing on a tree. How to grow Thai fruits

07.04.2019 Bakery products

Going to popular places of recreation, for example, in India, novice travelers are interested in: what kind of fruit grow there? Which of them can be and how to do it? After all, unfamiliar food suddenly can harm digestion. India fruits are represented by a rather wide range of items. Traditionally, in the country of yogis and fans of a vegetarian attitude towards the world, they use them a lot and with great pleasure. And one of these gifts of the jungle is even national symbol. About this and about many other interesting things in our article.

Fruit India

This country in its area is quite extensive and has a huge population. It is located immediately in several climatic zones, which allows you to cultivate a large number of Names of plants. The most famous - Mango, Maracuy and Papaya, Guava and Chiki, Karambol. In general, the real exotic. There are peaches and apricots, kiwi, banana, grenades and pineapples, more familiar to us apples and grapes. Such a fruit abundance is due to the fact that the ridge of Himalayas gives many areas of the country an excellent protection against cold winds from the north, unfavorable to grow air flows. And, in general, in India, you can meet and try tourists fruits characteristic both for tropical, subtropical and subequatorial climate and for moderate.


Mango is one of the characters and the national fruit of India. Hindus themselves say that the country grows as many varieties of this fetus in the country, how many dialects (according to unverified data from 800 to 1000). The Word itself comes from the Tamil "Mang Kai", which is translated as "immature fruit". The National Fruit of India can boast of their views such as Chause, Dosshery, Totapuri, Kezar, Nylam. Fruits are distinguished, huge, with watermelon variable - Baynganpalley, the king of varieties - Alfonso. And all this - mango! In this country, almost each of the regions boasts its variety. And for the traveler there is a good opportunity for samples and choices, among taste diversity. Eating a fruit in a natural and processed form by sprinkling the seasoning with salt, peppers. Of them make juice (by the way, in the USSR, this fetus knew exactly the delicious mango nectar, brought from a friendly fraternal state), Adzhika, sweets, add to many culinary dishes. So do not be surprised if you will offer two different types of fetus in various parts of India, but will call them in one word - mango!


About how Maracuy looks like, recently, many Russians had no idea. Meanwhile, in India, this evergreen liana growing in the tropics, more precisely, its fruits are tremendous. Although the birthplace of Liana is considered South AmericaShe is cultivated with pretty success in India (and around the world: from Israel to Hawaii). But, by the way, the very name of the fruit comes from the Indian word. What does Maracuy look like? These are rounded fruits of yellowish green with color specks. They have an acidic and sweet taste that perfectly begets and tones in the heat (very popular and tasty - mixes with yogurt or orange juice). Maracuya is widely used in medicine to create medicinal preparations. In her pulp a lot useful substances. Among them is iron, which is necessary for blood formation and enhancing immune protection, amino acids and vitamins. The fruit is also used in cosmetic purposes (creams and masks).

"Cow poor man"

India fruits are represented by avocado. It is here that this fruit is called such a strange name - the "cow of the poor man." The fruit of the plant of the Lavrov family is very useful and caloriene, and the plant itself has ancient history (Perhaps they were more taped by dinosaurs who inhabited millions of years ago). Flesh fresh avocado Gentle, soft, reminds of oil structure, has a yellow-green shade. The fruit contains many utilities, and it tastes quite pleasant. Its name "Cow of the poor man" - he received in India, due to its caloric content (100 grams / 240 kcal), and the amino acids in it are more than in citrus and bananas. Not in vain in 1995, he was listed in the book of records as the most nutritious of all existing fruit.

What does papaya look like?

These fruits are cultivated on all continents, where there is a suitable climate. But India occupies one of the first places for the cultivation of Papaya: more than four thousand tons annually. The plant was called "Melon Tree". What does papaya look like? Restless fruits resemble a melon (hence the name happened). The product itself has low calorie (39 kcal / 100 grams) than interesting for nutritionists different countries. But it should always be remembered that Papaya needs to be used only completely affected. A bonded fruit is dangerous for human health and can cause allergic reactions, quite serious (not in vain in folk medicine Immature fruit is used as a powerful contraceptive and drug for pregnancy interrupt). So be extremely careful when buying and using it.


This is also very interesting food exotic. Fruit has a specific taste (as the humor classic used to say), resembling a mixture of an apple, cucumber and gooseberry. A PO appearance Reminds star. Local harvest is removed twice a year: 1 - in January, 2nd. How do carambol eating? This information may be very useful for a beginner traveler.


Fruits of India are presented and this is quite exotic fruit. Alive it reminds lemon. This is a generally recognized record holder for vitamin indicators (there are much more in it than, for example, in citrus) - Guava. The taste of it is acidic-sweet. Application B. culinary art The same as Citrus: Juice, seasonings for dishes and salads to give them sourness, sweets, sherbet. In order to correctly choose Guauva, for example, in the market in Goa or India, you need to forgive several of these fruits. Take the most soft guava. It is also necessary to inspect the fetus for the presence of cuts and bruises. By exterior color Guava should be bright green, moving in yellowness (do not take dark green or brown fruits). There is a Guaua just like this: just wash and cut down with slices (like apples).

In the previous post, I told you in detail about everyone, and now I will tell you and show on the photos as they grow. Enjoy your excursions in Thai fruit!

How growing.
This fruit grows very unusual - on long strings. Moreover, quite large fruits can hang on these strings. In the season, the mango tree looks like a Christmas tree, decorated with a lot of toys. Such mango trees are very often all over Thailand.

It is clearly seen here how mango grow on threads:

And here is so blooming mango trees:

How Durians grow.
Durian trees are large, have a thick trunk. In some provinces of Thailand and on some islands there are large durian plantations (farms, gardens). This is very interesting place For lovers of Durians, but visit them just in helmets, because if it falls on the head, it is hardly possible to survive. It is believed that Durians fall only at night, but there are no cases when these spiny fruits fell and the day ...

Durian tree.

Fruits grow very pretty.

Durian trees, if there are no fruit on them, it is easy to learn about their leaves.


So blooms Durian.

Jackfrute trees can grow very large, up to 20 meters in height, with a very thick trunk. It is such trees that are fruitful 30-kilogram jephrutes! Fruits grow on thick legs. To remove ripe, it needs to be twisted around the legs. The ripeness of the jackfruit is determined when pressed - the fruit should be slightly soft, not oak. If Jackfruit acquired a brownish shade, then it does not necessarily mean that it is ripe. The most faithful check is to check the softness of the peel.

Per year one jackfrurt tree can give up to 300 fruits!

Since it is a relative of Jackfruit, it grows very similar.

How growing. Coconut palm trees All the islands and provinces of Thailand! When the palms are young, they are low, and are approximately at the level of human growth. But the greater the age of palm trees, the higher they grow up, and reach the coconuts or using the stairs, or with the help of monkeys. They are launched on the palm tree, they unscrew the coconuts and throw them to the ground. In Thailand there are green coconuts (the most common 3 types of green coconuts) and golden.

How growing. Mangosteen trees in size resemble manga, only with larger leaves. That's how they grow and how they begin to sing the fruits.

How Rambutans grow. Rambutan reaches a height of 3-6 meters. Rambutans are growing on them with clusters, as ripening become red, and the hairs remain green.

How growing. Despite the fact that this is a Rambutan relative, their trees reach a height of 9 meters, much higher than their relative. Fruits also grow clusters. Trees of lychee look very beautiful, all covered with small red fruits.

How sugar apple grows.Middle height trees, 3-6 meters. This fruit refers to the Anona family, sometimes it is called the Anona Scaly. it happens green color and purple as well different sizes. They differ in the degree of sweetness and by the number of bones. This is how the fruits grow:

How grows.The tree grows to 5-12 meters in height, bush, thick crown.

How grows. Once neither call this fruit - the eye of the dragon, Painty. This is the fruit of cactus. There are several varieties of nuthaia - pink outside and white inside, pink outside and burgundy inside, as well as yellow pita. Ripen at the ends of the "branches" of the cactus.

How grows. Busty tree, 3-4 meters high.

How grows. This tree reaches 12-15 meters in height. Fruits grow clusters. He is a relative of lychee, and it is called the Dragon's eyes.

How Langsat is growing (). The tree is direct, slim, reaches a height of 10-15 meters. Fruits grow in inflorescences on the trunk and on top branches.

How grows (Mafai.) . Busty tree, Mafhay fruits grow like grape clusters. That's what it looks like.

fruits . Pink apples There are several varieties - burgundy, light pink and light green. Fruits grow clusters.

Tamarind. The tree can reach 20-25 meters in height, and the trunk girth can reach as much as 8 meters. Very powerful tree. Fruits are pods (beans). Pods these dry, coffee color.

Santol. (Thai apple)

Pomel. The tree grows up to 15 meters in height. Trees look like this:


PS: All photos of growing fruits are made by me, except for photos of lychee trees, Natheri, Longana and Mafia - I could not see them personally.

The most global fruit overview in Thailand is all that I have tried personally. Detailed description And photo: What is called how much it costs, what taste is, what is useful and how it is necessary. Mango, Papaya, Durian, dragon fruit, Guava, Sapodile, Lychee, Mangosten and TD * Prices for all these fruits Various depending on the season, but in general everything is quite accessible. One pineapple can be bought for 25 baht, big guava - for 10, bunch of bananas - 30-70 baht, etc.

How to choose Mango in Thailand juicy, yellow (or green) and sweet. In any case, it is worth choosing the fruits that are already slightly soft, and not solid as a stone . Even dark green mango can be sweet if the fruit is soft.

How to clean and eat mango. I tried different methods eating this fruit, but this method like more than others. Need to cut mango inputs, cut off the bone and be sure to glue it: if the fetter comes good, then divine taste Nectar at this moment will flock on your teeth right from the bone. Then, on both halves, we cut the flesh with cubes and then it will be convenient to eat these cubes by a fork separately or in fruit salad. It is also convenient to eat the flesh with a spoon.

You can eat two green mangoes per day (no more than two!) - Wikipedia says that it eliminates the diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids and disinfects the liver. An elasticity of vessels is improved from green fruits. Mature fruits are well affected by the organs of vision and improve immunity. And also to lose weight, you need to sit on a mango diet.

Price on Mango In Thailand depends on the season: In November-January, mango may cost 70-200 baht per 1 kg, and in April - from 40 baht.

Papaya (Malako)

The taste reminded me of a zucchini and pumpkin, but soft, orange and sweet. If you choose a whole fruit, then it should be slightly soft, partially can even be restricted.

How to eat papaya. We cut in half, we remove the bones and cut the cubes. I read here that the main value of Papaya pulp is the "Papain" enzyme that improves digestion. And after all, it's true - I wanted to write to me that Papaya myself somehow did not super like it, but I love the feeling in the stomach after her, so I try to eat. At least, it goes along with mango, banana and blueberries (cut into cubes and enjoy). Or you can make necks: milk, frozen banana and papaya, whipped on a blender.

Benefit. In addition, the Papaya contains vitamins B, A, C, D, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and anabolic substances, stimulating protein synthesis in the body and calcification bone tissue. Anaboliki is something that add to athletes like food additive. So it is necessary to eat more often.

The most delicious papaya for some reason is sold on street fruit trolleys - when the seller himself cuts fruit and sells them in bags of 10-30 baht.

Longan and Lica (in Thai: Lamb Lam-Yai, Lam-Yai)

These light brown balls, magnitude with small walnut, Sold by brooms, like grapes of clusters. Longan's skin is thin and dense, it is easy to blow, bursting during the supervision. The color varies from brown to the rostovan-red. Grows clusters on evergreen trees whose height can reach from ten to twenty meters. Flowers yellow-brown flowers.

Fruit transparent white, sweet, juicy with musk taste. Inside the bone. Fruits can be "clicking like seeds", but you can not overeat, because This can lead to an increase in body temperature.

Longan contains a lot of sugar, vitamin C, calcium, iron and phosphorus, as well as many bios acids useful for skin. Skin ripe fruit Must be dense, without cracks. Longan is more ripe, which fell some time after removing from the tree. Before buying Longan, it is better to try to not buy a whole broom of acidic fruit.

The first mention of Longane dates back to 1896, when the traveler from China brought as a gift to the wife of King Thailand Chulallongcorn five Longan saplings. Two seedlings were planted in Bangkok, and the rest - in the town of Chiang Mai.

Fruits Lica It is very similar to taste, but the balls are red-pink.

Langsat (in Thai Long Kong, Loncon, Lonngkong)

These are the same balls as Longan, only a little more size and smoother. They are a little with sourness and the fruit consists of poles - like garlic. Long Kong personally seems to me deer than Longan. The fruits of Long Kong are rich in calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates and vitamin C.

Mangosten (or mangostan). How to choose

It looks like a small ball-shaped eggplant. But inside soft white slices. Very sweet, the taste slightly resembles a citrus and peach. This is one of my favorite fruits. One problem - he takes a lot of space (more precisely its skins).

Mangostein benefits. Mangostein is called queen fruit, which allegedly expels the bad smell of the king of the fruit of Durian. But the most important thing - in Mangosteen contains xanthons - which contribute to self-destruction cancer cells, and a bunch of all sorts of beneficial substances. From Mangostana make biological additives, medicines and used as a basis for cosmetics. In general, you can eat, there is.

And on the basis of mangostein, you can cook a face mask. Take a couple of brands Mangosteen and drop two drops (orange, strawberry, grapefruit, and so on). Apply a furnace for 5-10 minutes and wash off with water.

How to choose mangostes. The main thing is that the fruits are soft, more precisely, the Mangosteen Shell is easily easily premined. If the fruit is hard, even even partially, then in this place it will be incredible, and you can not cut it.

Durian (Durio Zibenthinus)

The king of fruit (so called it). Whole fruit Size with a soccer ball. To begin with, it is better to buy it and try a small piece, because someone his smell can remind the rotten onions. In some public institutions There are signs prohibiting Durian (see photos). At the same time it is pretty tasty. And it's not just the same as he is the king of fruit - it is a very - the one is useful, healing and very satisfying. You can eat slice instead of a whole lunch. Durian is rich in carbohydrates, squirrels, fats and vitamins. The pulp contains many complex vitamins B, and the amount of vitamin C, much more than in an orange.


Guava may be like a small green apple - These are the submerged fruits that I personally liked more than ripe. Ripe looked like an elongated loose apple, they are softer, but less saturated with sour and sweet taste.

Guava has antimicrobial, binding, bactericidal and antispasmodic effect. It is also a super-duper useful, not so much super, like mangosteen, but almost. It also applies to therapeutic purposes. In Guava, it is contained five times more vitamin C than in an orange, it is very useful for nursing mothers and infants, plus it imposes a digestion, stimulates the work of the heart and normalizes the pressure. If there is a guava with a bone, then it helps it very well from constipation.

Pomel (SOM)

To taste, it looks like a grapefruit, only sweeter and more in size. In Thailand, a bag of sweet-salt-acute seasoning is sometimes attached to Pamelos. There are fruits with yellow, orange and red flesh.

Pitai or dragon fruit

I cut it into two parts with a spoon. The taste of something like boiled beet crossed with kiwi. This species has the color of the boiled beet, but more common dragon eye white color Inside.

The plants on which the pita is growing (fruit dragons) are curly epiphytic liano-like cacti, common in Mexico, Central and South America.

Medical studies have shown that the use of PTAYA contributes to getting rid of gastric pains, useful for diabetes suffering and other endocrine diseases.


(with an emphasis on the latter, a), or Salak. The skin is easily readily, inside a soft sweet bone fetus. Maybe someone can explain his taste, I have no associations, only a little bit reminds citrus. Try this fruit precisely worth it, but to use it often you are unlikely to become. In the markets, it is also sold already purified - it is much more convenient, for his skin is rather stronger. If you clean yourself, then your fingers will be in micro scratches.


"Rambut" translated from Malaysky means hair. In Thailand, there are several varieties of Rambutan. It can be round, with bright red skin and greenish tips of hairs. Round rambutan pulp is very sweet. There is still a rabbutan of ovoid shape, the skin and the hairs are pinking, and the flesh is so sweet like a round.

Rambutan contains vitamins C, B1 and B2, carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and nicotinic acid. It is believed that the fruit is very good for weakened and sick people, because it has cleansing properties, a beneficial effect on the skin.

I somehow did not like this fruit, although I tried.

Sapodilla (Lamut or Scientific Achras Sapota)

Something between persimm and pear. Very soft fruit, inside the bones, like a persimmon. The taste is shining and sweet-caramel. It is stored a maximum of a few days, quickly flies. You need to choose soft (but not rotten) fruits and eat in the next couple of days.


Fruit sweet-sour. It is not necessary to clean, you need to cut with slices-stars and there. The fruit is rich in oxalic acid and the taste of this acid is slightly felt. Carambola is decorated with dishes, because when it looks like a very beautiful stars when cutting.

Sugar apple

Tasty, sweet, soft inside. Somewhere read that the sugar apple restores the energy. I did not find anything special about this fruit. Bones of u. sugar apple It is impossible.

Pink apple

Pink apple looks rather on bulgarian pepperthan on an apple. The taste is if you mix the Bulgarian pepper with an apple, it will turn out. You can eat it a lot - the fruit is very watery, with a weakly pronounced taste.

Jackfruct (Nangka)

This is the world's largest fruit growing on the tree. It can weigh up to 30 kg. If you enter the jackfructure yourself, it is recommended to lubricate hands sunflower oil Or put on rubber gloves, because the fetal surface contains adhesive latex.

In the taste of Jackfruct, there is something sniffing, sweet, there is something from melon, chewing, marmalade. In general, this taste is difficult for me to describe. I think that I will not be it anymore).

The benefit and the composition found extremely few. The pulp of the low-calorie jackfruit is good source potassium and vitamin A.

Sweet Tamarind (Ma-Kaman)

At first I thought it was grids with nuts. It turned out that this is a fruit. Tamarind is also called Indian Dried Pichen.

Inside the peel is red-brown, fibrous, sweet pulp with dark brown seeds. The view really resembles a finic. Tamarind grows clusters in high trees.

Tamarind tree, according to Thais, brings good luck to the landlord by the site where it grows. Tamarind branches Elastic and flexible, Thais call them "sticky". It is believed that to a person who has a "lipurate tree" in the garden, will "stick" money. Durable wood is used for furniture production.

The fruits contain vitamin A, organic acids, including wine, lemon and lactic acid. The tea cooked from the bark, tea softens the symptoms of fever, has knitting properties, and tamarind flowers help reduce pressure. Mount Tamarinda receives laxatives, and the loosen seeds of ripe fruit are used for treatment in infecting with nematodes, ribbon worms and dysentery.

The fruit of Tamarind must be solid to the touch, with a smooth, smooth peel, not wrinkled and not lost color. Fruit can be cut along with a knife. We came across some kind of dry version of the fruit, with a dark pulp (in theory it should be white) and a thin skin, which easily burst when pressed with his fingers.


Very tasty and juicy, but in Thailand rarely where comes across on sale. Sweet-sour taste, it is very sour.

Physalis (Thai)

Philippines - the edge of evergreen plants. There is no change of seasons. The time of year can be defined only by the calendar. It seems that the bit of the thermometer forever froze at a mark of +35 degrees. Paradise conditions for brown tropical vegetation.

A little about papaya, mango and other plants

Go through any quiet Philippine street, and even better, turn into some village. In big cities, greens can only be found in the parks, but there is unlikely to grow papaya. And if it is, then only as a decorative plant. There is a different thing in the villages. It seems that Papaya is not planted there, because it grows where it wishes. Along the road, near a pouch, where fallen foliage and dry palm branches dump. Everywhere she feels comfortable. We can say that it grows as weed. But in the height of Papaya, sometimes, reaches impressive sizes. Up to ten meters. The fruits are typked, as a rule, near the crown itself. On such a tree, you will not climb the harvest as on coconut Palm. The trunk is too thin and rather fragile.

Sometimes, not to reach high behind the fruits, the tree is flex to the ground so that it grow under the tilt. But this is already done on their trees, and not on those who are inconsisively growing on the street. Beautifully looks papaya, which is crumbling. Many side shoots attach the present similarity with wood. The fruits crit for a long time, but this is not at all embarrassing the Philipps. There is a papaya of varying degrees of maturity. Green - on salads and other dishes, and ripe - for dessert. When cooking has its subtleties, especially unripe fruit. Milky juice highlighted by green papaya can cause skin irritation. Sometimes you can hear how Papaya is called " breadwinner».

But this happens extremely rare. It received such a name due to aroma, which exuded baked fruits. He is very similar to the smell fresh bread. Another of the names of Papaya is a melon tree. Choose yourself how to call it better, but if you say "papaya", you can avoid possible misunderstandings when buying a fetus with carrot-melon taste.


One of the fruits that the Philippines are famous is mango. It is recognized as a national fruit of this country. There are about 1000 MANGO varieties in the world, but in the Philippines it grows mostly yellow and green. Fragrant and sweet fruits with fibrous pulp. Huge trees with a crown that achieves more than ten meters in diameter hung by fruits. When it comes to ripening, mango is protected from possible encroachment on the side of the feathery. Each fruit is wrapped with paper. And the tree seems hung christmas toys.

Fruit time is not limited to some strictly limited interval. On one tree you can see blossoms, ovary and ripening fruits. Food is not only ripe mango. Unworthy fruits are widely used for salads. The main food of Filipinets can be considered Fig. But day after day there is one thing to do not have enough patience. Here they are trying to diversify their diet as much as possible. various fruitsusing them in salads and independent dishes. The grade of green mango differs from the rest of the specific spruce flavor.


Favorable climatic conditions contribute to the brown growth of tropical greenery. Here, wherever you have a look, you can see the plants that are considered to be indoor. In order to grow at home in a pot of a small exotic bush, years leave, and in the Philippines the same plants are found everywhere, but the size of the tree. Often they grow in a wild way, causing an immeasurable envy from fans of indoor plants. Practically, without care open soil It grows like a weed codium, he is a crotone with a motley leaves. Indoor Liana reaches truly gigantic sizes. The leaves are hardly no more pots in which they grow at us at home.


But it is impossible to say that the Philipins do not like to breed home plants. Only here the scale is not those. They are considered not indoor, but garden plants. Indeed, why pour green pets to four walls when the street for them is much more space and more comfortable conditions. The sun caresses them with its rays from morning to evening, and rains watered with fresh water. Natural humidity replaces our pulverizers. Well, how not to envy. Filipino favorites are orchids and broad-sized ferns. They are not even put in the ground, and hang on palm trees and suitable trees. It is difficult to list everything houseplantswho grow on the fertile lands of the Philippines. It is easier to say that it does not grow here. Probably, still, violets. It's hot here.


Filipino zealous Catholics. It would seem, what does this have to do with plants? The most immediate one. Especially in christmas and New Year. They are put on to meet with the Christmas tree. And where to find her palm trees in the edge? Although some Filipinos mashed stylized trees from palm branches and coconut peel, but it is not at all. There are no large fluffy paws bright green. But not everything is so hopeless. Araucaria is growing here. They are also called "Drunk Christmas Trees". Because without any visible reasons, they grow under the slope. But they are not chosen every time. They just grow in the courtyards, and every year decorated with garlands and new year toys.


Despite the wet climate, in the Philippines feel quite comfortable cacti, occupying, sometimes, whole beds. And the lowest local grass covers the courtyards with a soft green carpet. It does not even need special care for it. Only in the morning the Philipins sweep away from it that fallen leaves per night. But, oddly enough, the gardens in the Philippines are not practiced. They are replaced by flowers in the pots exhibited on the street. Maybe because not in the nature of the Philipinets to take themselves with some kind of work. Here even the chickens are provided by themselves. At its discretion, chickens are sitting, and then walk with their sip through the countryside. Probably, even the owners themselves do not know how much they have chickens and where they are located. Only roosters are subject to strict account. Yes, and that, just because they are fighting.

In addition to the fact that the Philippines is a paradise place to relax with high palm trees and affectionate sea, it is also a paradise for plants lovers. Traveling through this country can be called a tour of a huge greenhouse in an open-air in size from the Philippines. Come here yourself, and you will see everything with your own eyes.