Poppy fruit. Useful properties and harm. Dragon Eye - Bright Tropical Guest

21.09.2019 Fish dishes
General information about fruit

Pighta, or as it is also called, Pophaiya is one of the unusual tropical fruits. The first mention of it refers to the 13th century. Her aztecs grown, which means that it can be assumed that the fruit originated in America.
It is now grown in many countries of Southeast Asia, which can provide the plant necessary conditions. This is primarily a dry tropical climate and moderate precipitation. Why exactly such? All because Pights is nothing but a cactus. Only the cactus is not simple, but a liano-shaped tree.
The plant is very interesting. Creeping bush reaches 12 meters long. Flowers in Pighta fragrant, big white. They got the name of the lunar colors or the queen of the night for the fact that the flowering of them occurs in the dark day and it is one-day. So, they pollinate their only night insects and bats. Flowers appear on a tree strictly on a specific schedule: only in the first and fifteenth day of the month. You can collect fruits 30-50 days after flowering. They are formed on the most tips of the stem cactus. About 5 fruit yields can be obtained per year.
The pitaia is also named with a dragon fruit and barbed pear. The appearance of its fruit resembles a large bump, the color and size of which can fluctuate, depending on the variety. One fruit weighs 150-900 grams. The shell in the fruit is soft, it is covered with growing or deciduous scales. In many types of Pights, the base is pink, and at the ends bright green. The pulp of the fetus is reminiscent of a poppy bun and has a consistency of sour cream. She is white, in Krapinka, with many small black seeds, the same as Kiwi, but in more quantities, and they are also edible.

Types of Pighta

Pintaya can be divided into three kinds, differing from each other with the color of the peel and pulp.
The first is red - she has a pink skin and white flesh. The second is yellow having a peel and the pulp of the same color. And the third is Kostarikan, red as outside and inside. Larger distribution and demand received the first kind of Pighta.

The legend about why Painty called the fruit of the dragon

This legend comes from the east. According to it, fruit fruits appeared as a result of the battle of dragons. When the wounded, unusted monster did not have more strength to spew the flame from the mouth, he began to pop up a dragon fruit. They believed that he was always inside the dragon, where he had the most delicious meat, near the base of the tail. According to the legend of all dragons, people began to exterminate in battles precisely because of this fruit. As a result, Pighta began to be called "dragon fruit." And although, now all the monsters have long been extinct, beautiful fruits continue to grow and their appearance resemble those thanks to whom they appeared.

Taste and smell of Painty

Red pitaia is not as sweet as yellow. The taste of her resembles a mixture of banana and kiwi, with a light herbaceous tint. He is expressed very weak, many noted that he is just fresh. But after cooling, it becomes much more tastier.
The smell of PTAYA is practically absent.

How to choose Painty

To choose to choose the ripe fruit of the Painty, you need to stick to just a few tips:
1. The choice of color - the brighter and rushing the fruit, the more tastier it will be;
2. The softness of the fruit - when you press Pighta, uniform softness across the fruit should be felt;
3. A good appearance - ripe, unspoiled fruit should not be dents, spots and plated plates. These are the main signs of the shredded Painty.
The flakes in ripe fruit should be dried at the tips.

How to eat right

Be sure to put Paint for several hours in the refrigerator, before drinking it. The fruit of the fruit is not edible, it can contain pesticides. Seeds cause an ambiguous opinion. They are rich in natural oils and fiber, which means useful. It is said that there are them possible, but not recommended. If the seeds are bad to warm up, they will be very hard to digest in the stomach, lead to disorder and pain. Therefore, when using meat, along with them, you should not be lazy and need to chew it carefully.

There are several ways as you can eat. Everyone chooses the one that will be comfortable to him most.
1. You can clean the fruit from the peel, like a banana and bite the flesh of Painty as a common apple.
2. The second way is to cut the fruit in half vertically, there are halves moving the peel or using a spoon. You can share halves on slices and small pieces.
3. Make cuts on the peel in the form of a cross, the pulp at the same time does not cut forward. Then, on these cuts, remove the skin, as if opening the flower bud.

How to store Painty

This fruit is very gentle, so the transportation for him is a very hard thing. He spoils quickly and things. Therefore, it is not worth stocking Paintings of the future. Even in the refrigerator, the fruit does not break over three days.
And it makes no sense to buy unfulfronts - their taste will not be better after the ripening.

Composition and beneficial properties of fruit

Calorie Painty - about 40-60 kcal per 100g.
Pitai contains up to 90 g of water, 0.49 proteins, up to 0.6 fats and 9-14 g of carbohydrates (100 g).
It includes vitamin C and B3, fiber, ash, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron.
Fruit normalizes the intestinal work, helps with stomach disorders, blooming. And this is a very valuable property in travel on exotic countries. It has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, improves the operation of the endocrine system.
It is useful to Paint, there are those who suffer from diabetes. Calcium, which is part of the fruit helps to improve the condition of nails and hair.
Pintaya Low-calorie fruit, which means that they can be replaced during diet sweet cakes and candy. Fruit is an excellent assistant with unloading days.

From freshly cut flowers and stems, the Pighta make a medicine that stimulates blood circulation and is a spasmolytic for the cardiovascular system.
The juice obtained from the stems is used in folk medicine as an anthelmic drug. But here you need to be careful, it is caustic and overdose is dangerous to health.

Water extracts of peel, leaves and pulp of fetal have a wound-healing property.

PTAYA application

Fruit is very often used in cooking. In addition to the fact that they are simply eating chilled, it is added to yogurts and ice cream. From the fruit you can cook an exotic dessert similar to the jam or sherbet. Jams, jelly and marmalade are cooked delicious. And in some countries it is served even as a side dish. Combining Paint with other fruits, get delicious and useful natural juices, frosses and smoothies. It is added to baking, in all sorts of sauces, in cocktails.
In some countries, it has learned from this fruit to prepare high-quality alcoholic beverages.
Painty's flowers also found their use in this area. They are very often used as an aromatized additive in teas.
Well, thanks to its bright color and beautiful appearance, the pitaia very often becomes a decoration of the table.
The fragrance of Pights interested and attracted cosmetologists, so she found its use in the beauty industry. But it is worth noting that the fruit extract is used not only as a hotstime, but also as mineral vitamin raw materials. The main raw material was not a fruit, but a fruit peel. It is added to creams, gels and shampoos.

Harm to Patay

Pighta can be poorly transferred by the body, unusual to exotic. It causes allergic reactions, heartburn, diarrhea, meteorism and dyspepsia. The first time you have to try fruit in small quantities to check whether individual intolerance is there. Children, especially if they have a tendency to diathesis, the fruit is not recommended. And you should not be afraid if after eating a large amount of fruit urine will get red. This phenomenon is quite normal.

Delicious recipe with Paint

Easy and very nutritious smoothie, for which you need to take one Paint, a quarter of pineapple, two banana and a piece of ginger. Mix all the cleaned products in the blender and, if necessary, dilute with water. Drink ready. Can be without

Pophalya is the fruit of a tree cactus, a plant spread in a tropical climate. South America is considered to be the birthplace of exotic fruit, but cultivate it in many countries similar in climatic conditions: Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Israel and others. In this article, let's talk about the taste of the qualities and the beneficial properties of the overseas fetus.

Appearance and taste of dragon fruit

The fruit with their forms resembles a spruce bump, it is rounded with leaf-based figures. The dense skin is not edible, but it is easily removed, opening a juicy flesh, covered with small seeds. Middle Weight - from 200 to 600 grams, in favorable Dragon, heart can weigh to a kilogram.

It is noteworthy that for the year you can collect several yields. Fruits have three species:

  • red Pight - with bright pink leather and white or creamy color pulp, the taste of fresh-sweet, smells of herbs;
  • kostarikan - with red skin and pulp, has a shrill taste;
  • yellow Pitai - With a yellow shell and a middle, has a pronounced sweetness in taste and bright fragrance.

Did you know? Ancient legends talk about the struggle of people with dragons: when the warriors brought the fire-haired lizards to exhaustion, instead of fire from the mouth fell fastened. People liked the taste, it is called the reason for the extermination of the dragons. And the fruit itself is called a dragon heart since then, scales on the peel are reminded by a dragon skin.

Vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements

Fruits have the following useful substances:

  • vitamins: ,;
  • mineral elements: ,;
  • ash;
  • tanin (in seeds).
Calorie - up to 50 kcal / 100

Beneficial features

The benefits of Pyahayia is due to its composition present in the pulp of vitamins and other useful substances are an excellent preventive tool with many illnesses. In countries where it is cultivated, recommended to use fruit with health problems:

  • pancreatic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • increased acidity of the stomach and related diseases;
  • reduction of visual acuity;
  • the cardiovascular system;
  • weak immunity.

Did you know? The ancient Indians called the Cactus of the Chief of the Queen of the Night, because the plants can be admired by the blooming flowers only after sunset.

In addition to the pulp of the fetus, the healing properties have rich seeds, phenolic compounds have long been used in preparations for the treatment of eye diseases, with elevated metals, with throat diseases, during diarrhea.

From the stalks of the plant prepare drugs that improve blood circulation, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and supporting the heart muscle. Juice from stems are taken as an anti-shine.

Fruit is useful when losing weight: it is low-calorie, has the ability to bind fats and remove cholesterol.

Harm and contraindications

Contraindicated to use is to fruit, you should try from a small amount. It is not desirable to be fascinated by the fruits, as the overeating can lead to stomach disorders (nausea, diarrhea, bloating,).

Important! Children up to three years, prone to diathesis or having it in history, the fruit is not recommended.

How to choose

When choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • ripe Pyahaya will be homogeneous and rich color;
  • on average, the weight of ripe fetus is 250 grams;
  • the ripeness can be checked on the touch: the unworthy fruit will be hard;
  • deciduous growths on the peel should not be dry;
  • visual inspection should not reveal cracks or other damage.

Important! If you have noticed a spots that fired, wrinkles on the peel or cracks - the goods are not fresh, it is better to refuse it from its purchase.

How fruit eat

Dragon heart eaten fresh, cutting on halves and choosing the flesh with a spoon. Do not try to choose seeds, they are not toxic, on the contrary, useful, but you need to warm them. The pieces are cut into fruit salads, add to ice cream, cocktails, decorate desserts (mousses, jelly, pies, cakes).

From juicy pulp make jams and jams, sauces and refueling, sorbet, candy and yogurts.

Refreshing non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages made of fruit are popular in manufacturers:

  • juice, cocktails, tea (taking flowers);
  • wine, liqueur, strong drinks.
Raw chilled pulp saves in the heat from thirst.


Ripe fruit flies quickly, it is necessary to store it in the refrigerator about four days, no more.

Due to the difficulties of transportation, Pyahayu can not always be found in stores. If you want to buy a fruit for any event, it is better to take a hard one almost mature, he will last in the refrigerator and stand longer.

The assortments of some stores are sistering with exotic fruits. Many of them most of them never seen in their lives and did not hear anything about them. One of these products is Pophaiya - fruit is a wicked, bright and very unusual shape. Where did this alien come from, and what does the fruit name called the dragon? We will analyze in this article.

Pophaiya (pitai) is a cactus fruit, which is common in subtropics. Alternative name - dragon (dragon) fruit. The cacti themselves on which Pophaiya grows, have the form of curly lian. The Central and South America is considered to be the birthplace of this exotic alien. However, these geographic objects of dragon fruit did not limit himself and today it can be found in Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and other countries of the world.

The mass of one fetus starts from 300 g and can reach 1 kg. The outer shell of the fruit is covered with an interesting "scales" - tightly adjacent to each other with the leaves of a small size. It is they who attach to Pintai resemblance to pineapple. However, in shape it resembles, rather, an apple.

It is interesting. The plant is a kind of fertility record holder and can give up to 6 yields per year.

Most of our compatriots have the taste of the fetus caused taste delight. The reason for everything was most likely the immaturity of the reserved fruit. And all because the transportation of a ripe Pyahaya is associated with certain difficulties - the juicy fruit is very difficult to transport a long distances.

Fruit can be different in color both outside and inside, depending on the variety of plants.

There are 3 types of Pights:

  • Red Pita. The most common variety. Strictly speaking, it is read only nominally, since the peel in such a fetus pink, and the flesh itself is white.
  • Pink nuthaia. In appearance, it resembles the first option, with the only difference that the flesh of this fruit is brightly raspberry.
  • Yellow Pyahaya has a white flesh and not too often appears on the shelves of our stores.

All 3 varieties are characterized by taste.

Chemical composition of Dragonfruit

The benefits of the dragonfruct (yes, and so called Popharya in our areas) lies in its chemical composition, which includes 13% of carbohydrates and a large amount of water. But fats and proteins in overseas are practically absent. The calorie of Pighta is small - only 40 - 50 kcal per 100 g of product.

Also in the composition of Pighta:

  • cellulose;
  • vitamins B, C;
  • minerals: potassium, iron, phosphorus, and so on.

For your information. It should be noted that the chemical composition of the dragon fruit was not studied carefully.

What taste and smell has pithy

The taste of an exotic Fruit Pyahaya depends on its variety. Yellow fruit is considered the most saturated and resembles a mixture of a banana with kiwi. Red fruits are more fresh and endowed with a lighter flavor.

By the way. According to the reviews of Dragon Fruit Tastors, the most delicious fruits had a chance to try not in Russia (which is not surprising), but in Vietnam.

How eating an exotic fruit

How to eat Pyahaiyu? This fruit is practically universal, because it can be fresh and add to salads. In addition, jams are boiled from the dragon fruit, and also make juices or wine.

  • Fruit can be untreated. For this, the fruit is cut for 2 halves and trample the flesh with a spoon of the resulting improvised impaired.
  • You can start separating the peel as a banana, from top to bottom. Thus, in the hands there will be only a purified core with small, like kiwi, seeds.
  • Cut nuthaia to the cytruses manner, slices.
  • Slightly cut the peel and move it down.

Fans of exotic dishes for sure will like a salad from Natheria


  • pataiy - 1 pc.;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • strawberry - 5 pcs.;
  • other fruits - at will.
  • yogurt or fruit juice - to taste.


Cut the dragonfruit on 2 halves and remove the flesh. Pophaw and the rest of the fruit cut into cubes and mix. From above the mixture to pour yogurt or fruit juice.

Useful properties and contraindications

Pophalya is a very useful product, despite its unusual and even somewhat awesome appearance.

The basic use of fruit for the body is as follows:

  • An impressive amount of fiber and low calorie makes the fruit indispensable for diet. People seeking to reset extra kilograms and clean the body, should certainly pay attention to this delicacy.
  • Ability to remove toxins and slags from the body.
  • Elimination of constipation.
  • Immunity increase.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Regulation of blood glucose levels.
  • Slowing the processes of aging in the body.
  • The external use of the pulp of dragon fetus helps in the fight against wrinkles, and also contributes to the improvement of the skin turgora and healing damaged tissues. It is for this reason that PTAYA is used in traditional medicine and cosmetology.

But despite all these advantages, the dragon fruit is not harmless at all.

  • Do not give the flesh of the fruit to small children.
  • People prone to manifestation of allergic reactions should also be careful, giving the fruit.
  • No need to consume a large amount of Pyahaya for the first time.
  • The product may cause diarrhea.

For your information. After using the red fetus, the urine will subsequently have an identical shade. This phenomenon is not feared.

How to choose and store fruit

Choosing the dragonfruit, you should follow certain rules:

  • The fruit should be slightly soft (like avocado).
  • If a solid instance is caught when buying, the choice is limited, the fruit must be sent "soften" to the fridge for a couple of days.
  • It is worth avoiding the purchase of overwhelmed fruit. It is possible to identify it by explicitly designated dark spots on the surface.
  • The fruit peel must be even and have a bright shade.
  • Fighters do not have to be dry. Food leaves are a faithful sign that the fruit is long after collecting.

Pophai is stored in the refrigerator not more than 6 days. But it is worth it in mind that in a more recent product, useful properties are pronounced.

Pophalya - fruit of overseas origin, which has original taste. In addition, dragons fruit carries many substances beneficial to the body and its use will be useful for people who follow their figure. Nevertheless, do not forget about moderation. It is important to monitor the body's reaction to the introduced new product, because there may be an unexpected negative reaction to such a ration in people who are inclined to allergies.

Pophaid, is the name for some types of cacti and their often edible fruits. Motherland Popa Hair is South America.

This plant belongs to the family of cacti from the genus hylocereus. Grown in the tropics, some species of hylocereus, have large fruits with large scales, because of what they got the name of the Dragon Fruit.

Dragon fruits. Photo

Popayahaya grows in tropical forests using trees as a support, reaches 10 meters high and widely distributed in Central America and in the northern regions of South America. In addition, it is cultivated in Southeast Asia, China, Australia and Israel.

The fruits of this plant are oblong-egg-shaped berries. Peel rigid. The usual weight ranges from 300 to 850 grams, a record of 1.5 kg. Fruits edible, juicy and with numerous, small, black edible seeds in the pulp, about 1 mm. Hard outer shell insecured. The fruits of the dragon have a sweet taste similar to Kiwi and very thin smell. They are good combined with almost all food products.

Pophalya contains minerals, vitamins (especially fruits with red skin) and fiber. Pophaw red, contains more phosphorus, while yellow fruit contains more calcium.

According to the study of the Dragon Fruits contain many antioxidantsincluding:

  • beta carotene,
  • licope
  • vitamin E.

They can also be a potential source of probiotic, which contributes to the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, it is impossible to use seeds in large quantities, as they are rich in omega-6 fatty acids of approximately 50 percent, compared with Omega-3 (about only 1 percent) and Omega-9 (approximately 20 percent). Given that the abundance of omega-6 can lead to a violation of the balance of anti-inflammatory compounds in the body, it is better to limit the consumption of seeds.

Due to the high content of fiber, the dragon fruit consumption contributes to the intestinal peristalsis, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, helps to regulate blood pressure, and also helps in weight loss. High content of vitamin C is useful for strengthening the immune system and for the production of collagen. Beta-carotene is an important antioxidant precursor of vitamin A, which protects the eyes and skin from ultraviolet rays, and also improves the body's immune response. Vitamin E, or tocopherol, is one of the key antioxidants, in the fight against free radicals. It prevents heart disease, various forms of cancer and age macular degeneration.

Chemical composition

Fruits consist mainly of water (its quantity can vary within 80-90%), fiber, protein and fat.

Pophalya contains:

  • vitamin A,
  • vitamin C,
  • vitamins B1, B2, B3 and Vitamin E, which is contained in the seeds.


  • potassium,
  • iron,
  • sodium,
  • phosphorus and calcium.

Pitihai's fruits also contain flavonoids and substances possessing antioxidant properties.

The abundance of fiber, give this fetus soft laxative properties, so this fruit is a good prophylactic method during constipation.

Availability vitamin C. and other substances with antioxidant properties, has a beneficial effect on health. His consumption strengthens the immune system And it helps in the fight against the impact of free radicals, which has a positive effect on the slowdown in the process of aging cell cells. Free radicals, a by-product of human metabolism, are the cause of many serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease and degenerative diseases.

Pophai consumption is a good way to prevent many of these diseases. The fiber, in addition to the useful substances, present in Pophalye is useful for reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. This will reduce the risk of dangerous plaques in blood vessels and therefore is good prevention of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes. Vitamin with Pophaiy, besides strengthening the immune system, helps to cope with stress.

Recent studies showed that this fruit is capable reduce level sahara In people with type 2 diabetes.

Flavonoids have a wide range biological activity. In addition to antioxidant properties, they also possess anti-inflammatory, anti-agricultural, anti-studary effect.

Pyathayya: benefit and harm

Dragonfood fruit has anti-inflammatory properties. Its consumption can be useful for solving problems associated with inflammation of the joints. The pulp of the fetus, except that, it has a good taste, can be used to treat and prevent acne and acne by applying to the skin.

Recent studies were carried out with extracts of leaves, peel, pulp and colors of various varieties of dragon fruits. Experiments conducted on laboratory rats showed that this plant and its fruits accelerate the process of wound healing.

100 g of Pophaiy Mountain has only 38 calories.

Fruits consumption prevent the formation of tumor cells, purifies blood and liver, and also accelerates the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the body. In addition to preventing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure regulates. Phosphorus located in the fetus stimulates brain activity, improves memory and concentration.

The fruit of the dragon also has diuretic properties and struggles with cellulite. Beta-carotene, an important antioxidant, protects the eyes and skin from ultraviolet rays, vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen and together with vitamin E, fights with free radicals, is good prevention, various forms of cancer and age-related macular degeneration.

Consumption and contraindications

Choosing this fruit, you should pay attention to the color it should be bright and saturated that speaks of his ripeness. Nowhere should not be traces of rot.

The fruits of the dragon are cut in half and eat using a teaspoon. To improve the taste, the pulp is seasoned with sugar and lemon. From the pulp also prepare a juicy drink.

No risks for health associated with fethary fruit consumption are not revealed. The consumption of this fruit is safe for pregnant women. Light allergic reactions may be.

The consumption of nuthaia with a red pulp suggests the reddish color of urine and feces; This is a temporary change that passes through a day or two.

It is advisable not to give this fruit to young children to not provoke diathesis.

Exotic Fruit Dragon from Thailand is a rare guest of Russian supermarkets. This mysterious bright pink fruit wears many unusual names:

  • Pophaid;
  • Pitai;
  • Dragon heart;
  • Dragon eye;
  • The Dragon;
  • Barbed pear;
  • Dragonfruit;
  • Chereumangon.

Legends are composed about his origin, and it blooms solely at night, as it should be a plant from ancient fairy tales.


If you believe the ancient tales, it is the sweet taste of a dragon fruit that was so loved the ancient wars, and thwarted the beautiful fire-haired creatures. No wonder the peel of this fruit resembles dragon flashes, because Preamne is a real heart of the dragon, which could be mined, just killing him.

So people have fought with these giants for the sake of the desired delicacy, until they destroyed them. The monsters are extinct, leaving behind the amazing fruits who arrived in Thailand and are now growing independently.

By the way, the same legends assure that the person who fell pitiful becomes bolder and bravely.

Beneficial features

Modern scientists are more detained in the assessment of the beneficial properties of the dragon heart, however, they note its benefit to human health.

Their research suggests that the dragon is a fruit that:

  1. Is a source of protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins C, RR, B1, B2, B3;
  2. Favorably affects the work of the digestive and cardiovascular system;
  3. Strengthens vision;
  4. Useful in diabetes;
  5. Helps to reduce the weight, avoiding the deficit of the useful substances;
  6. Displays slags and toxins;
  7. Moisturizes and restores skin.

In folk medicine, he also attributes the ability to improve memory, heal cuts and raise appetite.

Harmful properties

To eating any exotic food always costs with caution. Pophaw in this regard is no exception. Start with small portions so as not to provoke the appearance of allergies. Very small kids this fruit is better not to treat in order to avoid diathesis.

Dragon fruit in large portions can lead to more serious consequences: meteorism, heartburn, diarrhea. So it is better to use it without too much fanaticism.

Appearance and taste of Painty

Wild Popharya relating to the cactus family is very difficult to confuse with any other plant. It is not just a cactus, but its climbing lio-like variety. Three-blade stem of such a cactus sometimes reaches a height of 10 meters.

Flowers a dragon fruit with big white flowers, publishing a delightful aroma. They are called lunar colors, because they are blown solely at night.

After a month and a half after flowering, the fruits covered with scales are tied. The size of them is commensurate with the size of radish, and the maximum weight is 1 kilogram.

Pophai is growing in a tropical climate: South and Central America, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines.

The taste of Pintay gentle, sweet and slightly sour. It is usually compared with a kiwi or banana, however, the consistency of the dragon fruit is more water.


Three types of nuthaia are most popular:

  1. Red pithy with white flesh;
  2. Costa Rycan Rosa Pyahaya, which has not only red leather, but also red flesh;
  3. The most sweet is yellow pitted with a white flesh.

How to choose and keep a pita

The first thing to pay attention to when buying a dragon fruit is his peel. Bright saturated color with light glitter, as well as the yellow-green ends of the scales, they say that the fruit is ripe and it can be safely taken. Uneven painting with pale stains, on the contrary, issues an immature fruit.

The fact that Pyathaya has long been granted on the store shelf, they can testify the dried place of attachment to the cactus, dark spots and pale scales. Excessive softness or excessive hardness is also a bad sign. Ideally, the heart of the dragon to the touch should resemble ripe kiwi.

It is necessary to store Painty in the refrigerator, and the shelf life of the fruit should not exceed three days.

  • Not only the fruits are appreciated, but also the flowers of Pyahayia. They are used for making tea and other beverages.
  • The taste of the pulp becomes more saturated if it is cool a little.
  • Dragon fruit actively use many perfume manufacturers and cosmetics, adding it to masks, creams and shampoos.
  • The first to use the heart of the dragon in the food became more of the Aztec tribes.
  • Some Pophai varieties have salty, not a sweet taste.

90% of the composition of the dragon fruit is ordinary water. Use Paint, cutting into two halves. After that, it is divided into slices or trample with a spoon.