Salt dough toy templates. Master class on making Christmas tree decorations from salted dough "New Year's toys

15.04.2019 Soups

They do it by many - and each time their own New Year's crafts turn out to be original, in their own style, even if they are done according to the instructions. We offer you to make Christmas decorations from salt dough together with your children. You can pack them beautifully - and you will get a DIY gift for the New Year. The problem of New Year's gifts for grandmothers, grandfathers and family friends will be solved!

To make Christmas toys from salt dough, we need:

  • salty dough (100 g flour, 100 g salt, 125 ml water)
  • cookie cutters
  • rolling pin
  • lace doily
  • ribbons
  • gouache
  • brush
  • sponge
  • bags for souvenirs

Making toys from salt dough:

  1. Knead the salted dough. We roll out the layer 3-5 mm thick. We put a lace napkin on top and roll it with a rolling pin two or three times (we are not afraid to press). We have a very interesting relief.

  1. We squeeze out stars, hearts, houses, Christmas trees with molds. Do not forget to make holes - then we will insert ribbons into them.

  1. The first stage is over! We dry our christmas gifts in the oven (convection mode, 60 degrees, 3 hours). Let it cool down properly.

  1. Now comes the fun part! We take a brush and gouache and paint. We cover the edges with dark paint - this will make our souvenirs look neater (you can skip this step).

  1. We go through a slightly damp sponge dipped in paint over ready-made souvenirs. This will make the drawing more visible. Let it dry. We cover with varnish, wait for it to dry, and then insert the ribbons.

  1. Now let's get down to the most pleasant thing - gift wrapping. We pack three or four souvenirs in each bag, and the gifts are ready!

Salted sculpting dough is a safe material for kids' crafts. You can make cool Christmas tree toys of any shape from it. Let's take a look at a few master classes that the designers have prepared.

Salty dough recipe

For dough crafts, take:

  • 1 cup salt
  • 1 cup flour;
  • water;
  • colored gouache.

This is the easiest salt dough recipe. To improve it, add 5 tablespoons sunflower oil.

IDEA! The paint can be replaced with juice (cherry or beetroot). If a child eats a piece of dough while sculpting, he will definitely not be poisoned. The dough can be dyed at the end.

How to make dough at home? Step by step:

  1. Put all the ingredients in a deep plate. First dry, then only water and oil.
  2. Mix everything to make the dough like dumplings. It doesn't have to be oak.
  3. To make the mass faster, turn on the mixer.

IDEA! If the toys are small or you need to make small parts, make the dough separately with PVA or starch. There may be some glue left after wallpapering. Use it instead of PVA.

How to make crafts from salt dough with your own hands

Salty dough, the recipe of which will be easy even for children, is a very flexible material, but it is absolutely safe in composition. Add to it food colorings or generally natural (fruit or vegetable juices). Even if you leave the child alone for modeling, nothing will happen to him.

Sculpting tools:

  1. rolling pin;
  2. working flat surface;
  3. ball pen;
  4. paint brush;
  5. a cup;
  6. threads;
  7. medium-sized needle;
  8. silicone baking dishes;
  9. any stencils for patterns;
  10. paint (acrylic or gouache);

To prevent the gouache from cracking, add glue to it.

We cover the figurine with paint and varnish

The dye is added not only at the stage of kneading the dough, but also during sculpting. Just divide the dough into several parts (1 part \u003d 1 color), make a depression in the center and add the dye. When sculpting, it will be distributed evenly over the entire piece.

With an ordinary brush, you need to paint the grooves from the paw

When the figurine is ready, cover it with varnish, so the paint will definitely not roll and brighten. The aerosol form will facilitate the coating process.

If the varnish is liquid, cover the toy in several layers. Thick cover in one layer. It can also be matte.

IMPORTANT! If you dry the toy properly, you can do without varnish. It is needed if you are not quite sure that you did everything correctly.

What could go wrong?

  1. Cracks or bubbles appear after drying. This means you did not dry the figurine correctly. Probably, heat with the oven door closed. Try sanding these areas with sandpaper.
  2. Cracks can also appear after painting. Let the craft dry completely and only then paint. Dry the figurine in natural conditions, sand the cracks and paint again.
  3. If any part of the figure breaks off, glue it with PVA.
  4. Store figurines in a dry place under normal room temperature... They can be folded into any cardboard box, then nothing will happen to them for sure by the next holiday.

Simple Christmas decorations made of salt dough for beginners

Let's take a look at a few step-by-step workshops and see how to make simple but interesting toys from the Christmas tree dough.

Idea 1. Gingerbread men

Try to do gingerbread men with kids. It will be a lot of fun. Do the most difficult stages of work, and let the dough knead yourself. Show what kind of face the little man will have, let them try to repeat it.

Idea 2. Flat multi-colored figures

We will need: flour, salt, water - for the dough; blender; dyes for its color; molds in the form of circles and hearts; rolling pin; ribbons, twine or thread, a sharp object for holes and decorating figures; parchment for baking

Idea 3. Snowflakes with patterns

How to save on holiday packaging and do it yourself, look in the article

What else can you mold from salt dough to decorate a Christmas tree? Let's try to make snowflakes.

Take the same compound for the test, acrylic paint three colors (we have white, black and blue). From tools - a ballpoint pen, a stationery knife and a round object for extrusion. Markers will also come in handy

Idea 4. Shiny figurines

Plus products made from salt dough in their weight - the toys are very light. The branches will not bend.

You can make a lot of toys and thickly decorate the Christmas tree with them. It will be very beautiful

Option 5. Circles with flowers

Idea 6. Silver stars

Let's try to make shiny stars on the Christmas tree

Idea 7. Name tags for gifts

Labels can be not only in the form of hearts, flowers or rectangles. For a New Year's gift, try making a house or a snowflake.

IMPORTANT! What to give to relatives and friends for New Year and Christmas 2018 read the article

Idea 8. Lace plates It is very interesting for children to make three-dimensional figures. You can start with simple vegetables... Use artificial thread to make pumpkin segments

Salted dough is a worthy alternative to plasticine and clay. The advantage of this material for creativity is that the figures become strong after drying, they can be painted with paints, varnish, felt-tip pens, with them you can for a long time play.
By the way, see what you can make as a gift for the New Year.
The advantage of the dough over clay is its cheapness. Today I want to show you how to make Christmas toys from salt dough and how to decorate them. The most common flour is needed. Whole grain or rye will not work because the dough from them turns out to be sticky and not suitable for sculpting toys. We also take the cheapest, fine-grained salt.
What you need to make toys from dough:

- Wheat flour,
- salt,
- water,
- Bowl,
- bed.

Stages of creating Christmas tree toys from salt dough:

Pour flour, salt and water into a bowl. Knead the dough. It is necessary to achieve the consistency of plasticine. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, you can moisten them with water or sprinkle with flour. Put salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon in a full glass of flour. The dough will taste very, very salty. This is to prevent the toys from becoming moldy over time. We connect the child to the process. The result should be an elastic, flexible, even dough.

Put the resulting elastic dough on the table, roll it out with a rolling pin or jar. Do not roll it too thin, otherwise the toys will be fragile. The optimum thickness is 5-7 mm.

Squeeze the figures out on the rolled salt dough using molds. To do this, you can use a glass, then the toys will be round. Can be cut ready-made forms for cookies. Or you can fantasize and draw something original on the test, for example, circle the palm of your child.

Or cut a herringbone.

I used a brush for these purposes, piercing the opposite end along the fingers, leaving marks on the dough, then cut it out with a knife. If the toys are made as Christmas tree decorations, you need to make a small hole for the string at the top of the toy. It is convenient to use a juice straw. In general, you make any figures.

Christmas toysmade from salted dough can be decorated with beads of different colors and sizes, shells, sequins, beads, etc. You can make a spiral from beautiful woolen yarn. As long as the dough is fresh, it is very pliable and easy to fix on it. various decorations... You need to allow the child to fantasize, allow him to decorate the toy in his own way, you should not interfere, even if it comes out clumsily or not very aesthetically pleasing from the point of view of the mother. Having completely decorated the toy on their own, the child will be proud and pleased with himself.

Next, be sure to dry the cut out toys. This can be done in the oven at the lowest temperature in a few hours. Or you can dry it on a battery, it will take one or two days. Finally, toys can be decorated.

I use acrylic paint and nail polish. My son and I (3 years old) have got such Christmas tree decorations. He did half last year, half this year. When they took out the Christmas decorations, he remembered that he had made them himself, he was happy and wanted to do the dough again, to create something beautiful with his own hands again!
If you love sewing, then you can sew beautiful

Master class in testoplasty. Craft "New Year's clock"

The master class is designed for older children preschool age, teachers, parents.

Purpose: This salt dough craft can be used as new year gift or group decoration kindergarten for the New Year's holiday.

Purpose: to develop the aesthetic feelings of children, emotional and value orientations, to familiarize children with artistic culture.


· To develop children's independence and initiative, friendly relationships and cooperation with peers and adults.

· Develop spatial and imaginative thinking.

· To form the skill of carefully working with salt dough.

Develop the ability to assemble a whole from parts

· To foster a culture of communication, the desire to bring the product to the desired image.

You will need: For the dough (salt 1 tbsp, flour 2 tbsp, water by eye, 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil); foil, stack, paint, paintbrush, sippy glass.

New year clock

The alarm rings twelve times

New Year has come again

He boldly opened the doors to us

Entering the house without asking

And we will feel sad in our souls again

We will remember the old year

We will remember the old chimes

And the old firmament

Or maybe we want

Take back that year

In which I first saw

That gray sky

But a year has passed

And he will never return

So we will meet friends with fun

Its new year and new hour.

Step-by-step execution process

So, like this original composition you can make salt dough with a clock. You just have to work a little. First, prepare the salted dough for further sculpting. The recipe is as follows: 1 glass of salt, 2 glasses of flour, 1 glass of water and 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil. Next, knead the dough, bring to the desired consistencyso that it does not stick to our hands, and we begin work.

1. Take a piece of foil and spread it on a baking sheet. Roll out a layer of dough and cut out the base of the house.

2. Determine the place for the clock and begin to roll out the 1 cm thick flagella and lay out in the form of logs. Lubricate one side with water for stickiness. All excess must be carefully trimmed with a knife.

3. When the whole house is covered with sausage, define the window and roof with a flagellum. For the roof, we roll out the tourniquet and flatten it a little.

4. Next, go to the figures. As usual, the house has its own tenants. Anyone can be done. I made a snowman and a Christmas tree. I also painted icicles along the edge of the roof. I made a watch with numbers and arrows in the window.

Made together with the child. Colored and shiny, a little uneven and that makes them even more touching and memorable.

On New Year's Eve, every adult, not to mention children, wakes up a desire to create cute little things that bring a feeling of comfort and warmth to the house ... And although the stores are overflowing with factory toys and New Year's accessories, I want to do something of my own, unique, inimitable.

Elegant toys for the New Year's green beauty can be made of paper, fabric, thread. Or you can use salted dough - another interesting and readily available material. How to do it for the New Year? This is what will be discussed now.

How to make salty dough?

First, you need to make the right salty dough. To do this, prepare one measurement in advance. fine salt and two measures of flour. Dissolve salt in warm or hot water, and when it cools down, add a little saline solution into flour, stirring constantly. You can add a little sunflower oil to the dough - it will make the mass more elastic and less sticky. However, it is more difficult to mold something from dough with the addition of butter, since its pieces do not adhere well to each other. This option is good for simple, one-layer crafts.

The dough should be steep enough to hold its shape. Let it stand to release the gluten and get to work. Decorations for a Christmas tree made of salted dough are convenient to make using cookie cutters.

DIY Christmas crafts

Figures made in this way are very reminiscent of traditional gingerbread and create a feeling of home comfort. You can make cute hearts, Christmas trees and stars: just roll out the dough into a thin (about 1 cm) sheet and invite your child to make figures out of it.

If not ready-made molds, you can cut them out of tin cans from drinks, bending them inward so that the baby does not get hurt. Even simple round pendants, which can be made with a glass, a glass or a small jar, will look beautiful. Remember to make a loop hole in each figurine.

Lay out the cut figures on a grid and let them dry well; if drying on a firm, flat surface, flip the crafts periodically. You can use the oven by carefully drying the workpieces at a low temperature.

We paint dried figures bright colors, cover with sparkles.

The top of the crafts can be coated with transparent varnish - this will give them a beautiful gloss.

We put in a ribbon or thick thread - and the decoration is ready.

Herringbone made of salted dough.

Salted dough heart.

Can be colored christmas decorations from dough paints.

From the imprint of a child's pen, a charming Santa Claus is obtained. The craft is done using the same technique. Let the craft dry well.

Apply a layer of white paint.

We paint the craft and cover it with varnish. Santa Claus is ready!

Salted dough can be made wonderful christmas decoration "Pig with wings".

DIY Christmas crafts made from salt dough made in this way for children will become especially expensive, and the children will be happy to join the process of decorating the main symbol of the New Year.

DIY Christmas crafts from salt dough (video)

Salted dough Christmas toys (sweet and pink):