What to cook in the Assumption Lent recipes. Orthodox recipe: eggplant and pepper caviar

02.05.2019 Soups

Despite the severity of the Assumption Lent, for housewives it is the most problem-free: on market stalls and store shelves - the sea fresh vegetables and fruits, and the August heat is not conducive to eating high-calorie meals... So, vegetables, vegetables and more vegetables - and, of course, apples and honey.

Broccoli and cauliflower salad

(recipe by Marina Starodubtseva)

Boil cabbage in salted water. Throw in a colander and drain. cut cucumbers and tomatoes into cubes or cubes.

Chop the ginger finely, crush the garlic and mix with olive oil... Mix vegetables in a deep bowl and season with garlic-ginger oil.

Avocado and tomato salad

(recipe by Irina Belyaeva)

  • Avocado - 1 piece,
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces,
  • onion - 1 head,
  • olive oil - to taste,
  • salt to taste.

Peel the avocado, remove the pit and cut into squares. Scald the tomatoes, peeled and cut into squares. Peel the onion, cut into thin half rings, scald with boiling water. Mix avocados, onions, tomatoes, salt to taste, add oil and stir again. You don't need to pour oil, enough juice from tomatoes, it's very tasty.

Thick soup with barley and vegetables

(recipe by Irina Belyaeva)

  • 1/2 cup pearl barley
  • 1 carrot,
  • 1 onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • half a small zucchini,
  • 1/2 cup red lentils
  • greens,
  • salt,
  • pepper.

Rinse the pearl barley, pour boiling water over it. Cook for half an hour on low heat.

Cut the carrots into small cubes. Chop the onion and garlic. Rinse the lentils. Add carrots, onions, garlic and lentils to the barley. Season with salt, add spices to taste. Cook for 15 minutes.

Cut the zucchini into cubes and add to the soup. Cook for about 20 minutes more.

Add chopped herbs before serving.

Vegetable stew in pumpkin

(recipe by Irina Belyaeva)

  • Round pumpkin - 1 piece,
  • carrots - 2 pieces,
  • cauliflower - a quarter of a small head of cabbage,
  • petiole celery - 2 petioles,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • salt,
  • spices.

Cut the lid off the pumpkin. Pull out all the insides, cut off the pulp. Peel the pulp and cut into cubes.

Cut the carrots into slices. Cut the cauliflower into small pieces. Cut the celery stalks into thin rings. Chop the garlic thinly. Lightly fry the carrots, celery and garlic in oil (over low heat for about 10 minutes).

Add pumpkin and cauliflower, cook over medium heat for another 10 minutes.

Add peas, salt, spices. Mix everything and put in a pumpkin. Close the pumpkin “lid” and bake in an oven heated to 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Lenten honey gingerbread

(recipe by Irina Belyaeva)

Pour sugar into a bowl, add water and vegetable oil, heat a little, add honey. Stir to dissolve the sugar and honey. Mix in separate dishes soda, cocoa or coffee, spices, then add this to a mixture of butter, water and honey and knead thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Add nuts, raisins, and baking powder.

You need so much flour so that the dough resembles thick sour cream... Bake in a lined pan baking paper or oiled and sprinkled with flour, 30-35 minutes at 200 degrees.

The rug can be eaten like this or cut across and layered with any jam or jam.

Lean Apple Pie

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 glass of semolina,
  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 5-10 apples
  • 200 g margarine,
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

Combine dry ingredients in a bowl and add 1 tsp. baking powder. Divide into three equal parts. Peel and grate the apples. We will also divide into 3 parts.

Lubricate the form with oil, pour into it, alternating layers of dry mixture and apples. The last layer is apples. Pour the melted butter evenly over the top.

We bake in a preheated oven at 200C - 60 minutes. After 15 - 20 minutes, look into the oven, and if you see that the top is on fire, cover it with foil or wet baking paper. Remove 5 minutes before the end of baking.

Dormition fasting involves many restrictions that apply to food intake. It should be remembered that fasting is not a diet, but requires abstinence in everything, including refusal from recreational activities.

The daily food calendar will help believers to prepare the menu in advance and carry out the Dormition Fast in 2018 according to all the rules. The site's experts know that believers strive for spiritual growth, so they made it easier for them. Consider the menu provided so as not to deny yourself and your household members a complete, healthy and tasty diet.

Despite the fact that during the Assumption Lent it is forbidden to use certain foods, it is considered the most successful, because no one forbids eating products grown on their personal plot... The last summer month is rich in many gifts of nature that are allowed to be consumed during fasting. During the two Spas - Apple and Honey - believers will be able to pamper themselves delicious treats, which are necessarily sanctified in the church.

Dormition fast food calendar

Observance of any fast excludes food of animal origin. This means that meat, eggs, dairy products will be strictly prohibited. Three days a week, believers observe dry eating, that is, they eat food without heat treatment... During the great festivities celebrated by the church, believers are allowed to eat fish and dishes with its addition, as well as not a large number of church red wine.

August 14, Tuesday: the beginning of the fast coincides with the holidays of the Savior of Honey and the Origin of the Honorable Trees of the Life-Giving Cross. On this day, believers can eat cereals and vegetables, as well as mushrooms and fruits. Honey is consecrated in the church in the morning, which means that after the service you can enjoy it. It is not allowed to add oil, so believers can season porridge with honey.

August 15, Wednesday: on Wednesday, the church only allows food that does not require cooking. During dry eating, you can eat nuts, fruits and vegetables, lean bread... Believers can make a salad of vegetables from their own beds with the addition of herbs.

August 16, Thursday: use is allowed on this day lean foods without oil. You can diversify a modest lunch with potatoes baked with aromatic herbs and mushroom sauce made from soy milk.

17 August, Friday: the day comes again when food cannot be boiled, baked and fried. The church allows you to eat raw, ready-to-eat foods, as well as feast on honey and nuts.

August 18, Saturday: on Friday food can be cooked and oil can be added to it. Believers will be able to make many delicious dishes by adding various vegetable oils to their diet, aromatic herbs and spices.

August 19, Sunday: the church is celebrating the Transfiguration of the Lord, and the faithful after the morning service can prepare healthy porridge with the addition of nuts, honey, fruits and linseed oil... On the day of the great holiday, it is allowed to take a sip of dry red wine, as well as dilute the diet with fish products. Apple Spas also celebrated on the 19th, which means that from this day you can eat apples, bake them and add them to salads.

August 20, Monday: believers are forbidden to cook food, but they can eat raw foods: fruits, vegetables, bran bread, nuts and honey.

August 21, Tuesday: You can cook food, but you shouldn't add oil to it. On this day, you can diversify your diet with baked apples with honey and aromatic spices.

August 22, Wednesday: food is consumed without preparation. An exception is made only to people who cannot do without hot food.

August 23, Thursday: boiled food can be taken again, but oil is not allowed. Believers can prepare nutritious porridge with the addition of fruits, honey and other healthy ingredients.

August 24, Friday: strict day. Do not cook or bake food. On this day, you should limit yourself to fruits and vegetables.

August 25, Saturday: it is not forbidden to drink wine at lunchtime. Oil can be added to food. Believers can do healthy salads seasoning them with olive, linseed or canola oil.

August 26, Sunday: on the weekend it is not forbidden to eat fish low-fat varieties e.g. cod, pollock, hake, pike perch. You can also eat seafood, so believers can pamper themselves with new ones. delicious meals, including bake fish fillet, cook fish soup or cook fish cakes... It will be useful to eat crayfish or shrimp, which contain a large amount of vitamins and contribute to the rapid saturation of the body.

August 27, Monday: on the penultimate day of fasting, dry eating is observed. Believers observe the church prohibition and eat only raw food. On this day, prayers will help maintain fortitude and refuse to use foods prepared by heat treatment.

August 28, Tuesday: completion of the post. On this day, believers break their fast, that is, they begin to consume animal products.

Relaxation in the fasting menu is done to children, women in position, the elderly and those who, due to circumstances, cannot comply with all church prescriptions. Remember also that fasting is a time of offering up prayers to the Higher Forces. They help believers grow spiritually and fight weakness and temptation.

Anyone can change their lives for the better while fasting. It is only important to follow all the prescribed rules and not indulge weaknesses and bad habits. Good luck and happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Assumption Lent: it will be quite simple to compose a menu for every day, there is an understanding of the basic principles of nutrition. As with other Orthodox multi-day fasts, you will need to completely exclude animal products from your menu.

What is animal food? This is not only meat or fish, but everything that people get from animals. For example, milk is also an animal product, which means everything that is produced from it. Or chicken eggs- another product prohibited for use on the Assumption Lent, because they also have animal origin.

What can you cook on the Assumption Lent

Assumption Lent: a menu for every day, knowing the basic principles of nutrition, it will be easy to compose. This is especially true on weekends. For weekdays, you should look out for such options for dishes that do not require the use of any type of vegetable oil.

Oatmeal with apples

One and a half glasses of oatmeal;
By a pinch nutmeg and salt;
1 tsp ground cinnamon;
4 tsp honey;
2 tsp brown sugar;
Three apples, finely chopped;
100 ml apple juice(it is best to take a natural product);

He will put the oven to heat up to 180 degrees, and at this time mix all the ingredients. Now transfer the mass to an oven dish and cook for a quarter of an hour. It is best to eat this oatmeal with apples hot.

Pies with cabbage

You need (for the test):
500 grams of flour;
250 ml of water;
30 grams of dry yeast;
A tablespoon of sugar;
Four tablespoons of vegetable oil;
A quarter tablespoon of salt;

For filling:
Head of cabbage;
Two onions;
Two sour apples;
A teaspoon of tomato paste;

Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water with a large spoonful of flour. Leave on for 20 minutes until foam appears on the surface. Mix flour with dough, pour in vegetable oil and knead the dough. After covering with a clean towel, leave the dough in a warm place for two hours.

To prepare the filling, you need to fry the onions in vegetable oil. After 5 minutes, add cabbage to it and simmer for 10 minutes. Then add the apple pulp to the vegetables, grated on coarse grater, spices, tomato paste... Fry for 10 minutes over low heat.

When the dough is ready, it will need to be kneaded on a table sprinkled with flour. Then divide the dough into twenty parts and make a ball from each part. Roll the ball into a cake, put the filling in the center and form a pie. Cook for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. It is allowed to eat during the fast.

Lean pickle

Two liters of water;
A glass of pearl barley;
Four big potatoes;
Carrots and onions;
Small white root celery;
Two pickles;
50 ml of cucumber pickle;

Rinse the groats and cover with water, leave for 50 minutes. At this time, peel and dice the potatoes. Finely chop the onions and carrots, the celery root can be grated on a coarse grater. Cut the cucumbers into medium cubes. First, onion is fried in vegetable oil, then add carrots and celery. Fry for another ten minutes.

Boil the barley after 50 minutes until tender. It usually takes another hour or so. After this time, add potatoes and spices, pickles and pickle, sauteed vegetables to the groats. Boil the soup for 20 minutes, let stand for 10 minutes under the lid and you can have a delicious lean first serve the dish.

Assumption Lent: the menu for every day is, of course, important. But keep in mind that fasting is not just a diet that excludes animal products from the diet. At this time, you need to try to focus on your soul and faith, start going to church, pray a lot and read spiritual literature. Only when combined with a spiritual component can a plant-based diet really be called fasting.

The Dormition Fast in 2017 begins on August 14 and ends on August 27 (before the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos). The Assumption Fast (or Spasovka) is the shortest of all four fasts, but in terms of severity it is equated to Great Lent. What traditions are associated with this post, as well as what is allowed to eat on these days, read more in our material.

The Dormition Fast was established in honor of the Mother of God the Word. According to church tradition, the Archangel Gabriel appeared before the Most Holy Theotokos and told her that her earthly journey would end in three days. After that, he gave her the branch of paradise. Returning home, the Mother of God began to fast and pray intensely. Three days later, Christ himself descended from heaven to her and took not only her soul, but also the most pure body.

For this great day, believers are fasting. They ask the Mother of God for help, mercy and intercession. In their prayers, believers free the soul from sins and suffering.

The Assumption Fast is a happy time for the hostess. August gives us such an abundance of fruits that cooking lean dishes is not difficult. For those who are not ready to come up with recipes on their own and check them against the prescriptions of the charter, we are starting a series of "culinary" publications.

We offer a menu for every day of the Assumption Lent.

Of the four many-day fasts, the Dormition Fast is considered the easiest and most enjoyable, since the menu at the Dormition Fast consists of young potatoes, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits ripening at this time, there are many fresh honey, various sweet honey baked goods... For those who were interested in what you can eat on the Assumption Lent, we answer: according to the church charter, these days the severity of the meal is the same as in Great post... What cannot be eaten on the Dormition Fast is meat, dairy products and eggs, and fish is allowed only on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19). During Lent, the Church prescribes moderate consumption food and drink, and, moreover, food is not meager, but lean.

The first day.


Oatmeal pancakes

2 cups oatmeal, 2 cups water, dry yeast bag (11 g), 1/2 cup wheat flour, vegetable oil, salt, 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Pour into a bowl cereals, pour warm water, add salt, sugar, a bag of dry yeast, add a little wheat flour. Put in a warm place. After 30-40 minutes, stir and begin to fry the pancakes in a preheated pan with vegetable oil... Serve with honey or jam.

Apple juice

3-4 apples, boiled water, 5-6 tsp. Sahara.

Squeeze the juice from the apples, top up boiled water up to 1 liter, add sugar. Strain the fruit drink through a fine plastic sieve and chill.


Red bean soup

5 potatoes, 1 can (400 g) canned in own juice red beans, 2 carrots, 1 onion, half a celery tuber, 2 cloves of garlic, half a bunch of cilantro and parsley, 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste, 1 glass of tomato juice, savory, pepper and salt to taste.

In a saucepan of boiling water, put the potatoes cut into quarters, add a can of red beans canned in their own juice, chopped carrots, celery and onion, put chopped greens and cook for 15-20 minutes under the lid. At the end of cooking, add salt, add crushed garlic, ground red pepper and savory, tomato paste and tomato juice... Boil for another 5 minutes and serve, sprinkle generously with herbs.

Having a jar on hand canned beans you can cook delicious and hearty soup per a few minutes... And if time permits, then fill in the beans in the morning. cold water, remove the beans that float to the surface and leave for 3-4 hours. During this time, the beans will swell. Drain, fill a saucepan with fresh water and place over low heat. Beans will cook faster if you do not salt them right away, but add them to the pan dessert spoon Sahara. Salt bean soup need shortly before the end of cooking.


Lenten yeast dough, liquid honey (about 1 glass), 300-500 g of walnuts.

Prepare yeast in the evening lean dough(optional - with or without oil), knead well, put in plastic bag and put in the refrigerator. In the morning remove the dough, knead well again and divide into 4 parts. Roll out thinly, put in a mold (preferably rectangular or just on a metal baking sheet lined with baking paper), spread with honey and sprinkle with chopped walnuts. It is best to crush the nuts with a rolling pin on a wooden board, rather than chopping them with a knife - crushed nuts have a more expressive taste and optimal texture. Then put the next layer of dough, spread with honey again, sprinkle with nuts, repeat a third time and cover with the last layer of dough. With the blunt side of a knife, mark the rhombuses on the baklava ready for baking, without cutting through it to the end. Lightly grease each diamond with honey and decorate with a beautiful quarter or half walnut.. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of honey in half a glass hot water, remove the baking sheet and pour over the baklava syrup, trying to get to the borders of the rhombuses. Return to oven and bake until tender, about 30 minutes. Cut the finished baklava into individual cakes.


Stewed cabbage with apples

1 head of cabbage, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 0.5 glass of water or apple juice, vinegar, salt, 2 apples.

Chop 1 head of cabbage, stew in a deep frying pan with vegetable oil until half cooked, adding salt, sugar and 0.5 cups of apple juice, vinegar and an apple, finely diced. Simmer until tender.


10 potatoes, flour, salt to taste, vegetable oil for frying.

Grate peeled raw potatoes, salt, add a little flour and mix. Spoon out potato mass in a skillet with heated vegetable oil and fry the potato pancakes on both sides until crisp. Put on a plate in one layer so that the potato pancakes remain crispy.

Despite the severity of the Dormition Fast, it is the most problem-free for housewives: there is a sea of ​​fresh vegetables and fruits on market stalls and store shelves, and the August heat does not dispose to eating high-calorie dishes. So, vegetables, vegetables and more vegetables - and, of course, apples and honey.

The menu of the Dormition Fast, according to the laws of the church, has not changed at all over the years. Naturally, only lean dishes should be served on the table.

On August 14, on the very first day of fasting, according to tradition, honey is consecrated in the church, various pastries with poppy seeds and honey are baked, and after that it is allowed to eat honey.

On August 19, on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Apple Savior), it is allowed to eat fish and after the consecration of the fruits of apples and grapes in the church, they are also allowed to be added to the menu.

On August 28, on the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, it is also allowed to eat fish with one exception, if this holiday does not fall on Wednesday or Friday. And that is why, breaking the fast can be postponed to the next day. Well, in the event that the holiday falls on another day of the week, then there is no transfer.

Autumn is getting closer, it is already August, which means that the last Lent - Uspensky will soon begin. The Assumption Lent has a number of its own distinctive features, we'll talk about them. And of course, we'll find out what you can eat and answer other questions.

Assumption Fast

All posts have their common features: dates, severity, preparation and implementation processes, and so on. The Assumption Fast is similar to:

  1. Rozhdestvensky, so the dates of both posts are fixed;
  2. Great, because in severity he strongly resembles him.

The Assumption Lent is one of the shortest fasts of the year. It only lasts two weeks. And it is also notable for the fact that two folk holiday(which, by the way, also have church significance):

  1. Apple Spas.

We will talk about each of them separately, so we will not focus our attention here.

The Church tells us that the Dormition Fast has come down to us from the most ancient times. It was established in memory of the Mother of God and prepares us for the Feast of the Assumption, one of the most beloved holidays in Russia. But not only this holiday we remember during Lent - there is also the Transfiguration, this day is also of great importance.

The Dormition Fast is a joyful time. At this time, you should "wash away" from yourself all unnecessary, decrepit, in order to begin to conquer new heights.

August is a summer month, but in many cultures it was at this time that the transition to autumn was made. For example, the Celts. In the Christian tradition, too: the New Year was previously celebrated on September 14, and therefore, the Assumption Fast, although it is held in the summer, is an autumn one.

All this is very symbolic: the end of the church year with the Dormition - the passage of the Mother of God into another life.

When does the Dormition Fast begin?

The Assumption Fast, as we have already said, has a fixed date. It always starts on August 14 and ends on August 27. Old style 1 - 14 August. And in 2018, and in 2019, 2020, and in all subsequent years, the date is the same.

August 14 is a bright, sweet and warm holiday - Honey Savior... It is on this day that the last fast of the year begins.

How to fast

Like any other fast - prayer and righteousness. Fasting is not a diet; it also contains spiritual content that is much more important. We have already written about this. In general, we can say that at this time you need to take care of yourself and your actions in order to prevent inappropriate ones.

The Church does not approve of idle talk at this time (that is, sabotage);

    food restrictions apply;

It is worth noting that the Dormition Fast is strongly comparable to the Great one also in that both of them are strict with regard to entertainment. Therefore, it is worth limiting yourself in them.

Popular questions

Is it possible to play a wedding?

When can you eat fish?

Fish during the Dormition Fast is allowed only on one day - Transfiguration. A complete daily meal calendar will be below.

Is seafood allowed?

Only on one day - the Transfiguration, on the same day fish is allowed, since both are half-dry food. However, it all depends on which charter you will observe the fast: the strict monastic charter allows half-fast food only on Church holidays, and, for example, in the Athos monasteries it is allowed on Saturdays and Sundays.

The best thing in this matter is to consult with your spiritual father. And, of course, decide how you will conduct the Dormition Fast.

At this secret time, prayers are read before and after meals. Before eating, they read the well-known Our Father.

Of course, you can thank the Lord in your own words. The main thing is that from the heart.

After eating, the following humble prayer is usually read:

And there is also a short traditional phrase of gratitude after a meal:

An angel for your meal!

What can you eat during the Assumption Lent?

The Dormition Fast is quite strict. If you follow the monastery charter, then the following are banned:

    meat and everything connected with it;

    fish and seafood (relaxation only on the holiday of the Transfiguration);

    dairy products.

However, the Dormition Fast is much easier to sustain thanks to the harvest. Vegetables and herbs have already arrived, and there are many mushrooms in the forests. All this diversifies the food you eat. It will even be beneficial to health, as many vitamins will enter the body.

By the way, the people call the Dormition Fast a "gourmet".

What you can eat and what you can't, in any case, is easier to decide with your confessor and doctor. Because not every person is able to withstand fasting for various reasons, someone, for example, for health reasons. All this is being resolved, the Church gives indulgences in such cases.

We have compiled a daily meal calendar for the Dormition Fast. This is a monastic charter, quite strict. Laymen can follow the "easier" option, it is allowed to eat fish and seafood, as well as give up dry food.

* The calendar can be downloaded and printed.

And remember, fasting is not a diet.

P. S. Before fasting, be sure to consult a doctor so as not to harm yourself by strict abstinence from food.