Semolina porridge in the microwave. Semolina porridge - a nutritious dish for children and not only

08.08.2019 Healthy eating

Perhaps the whole world can be divided into two categories: those who love semolina porridge, and those who are its ardent opponent. There is probably no more controversial dish than porridge. Pupils of kindergartens, especially in Soviet times, simply could not imagine another breakfast. Today there are people who have remained lovers of semolina since childhood, and there are those who have turned into ardent “mankon-haters”.

We can afford ...

Did you know that a couple of centuries ago, semolina was a great deficit? Only aristocrats could afford to taste semolina for breakfast. For ordinary people, such a delicacy was simply unacceptably expensive. It was equated at that time with truffles or artichokes.

However, it is not a deficit today. On the contrary, such a dish as semolina is now considered even budgetary. Now we can afford to buy semolina and cook delicious porridge. But can we do it right?

and save time

Many do not cook semolina porridge, not because it tastes so bad, but because its preparation requires a certain amount of time. How can you save time and make a delicious dish at the same time? There is a way out - semolina porridge in the microwave. The recipe is simple, quick, and the cooked porridge is no different from what would be made using the traditional classical method. The main thing is to follow the rules of preparation, periodically look at the plate so that the porridge does not burn, and first study the instructions for your kitchen "assistant".

Required Ingredients

  • Semolina - two tablespoons.
  • Granulated sugar - two teaspoons (if the porridge is not as sweet as you would like, then add more sugar after boiling to a plate).
  • A pinch of salt.
  • 20 grams of butter.
  • One glass of milk.

Cooking process. Option 1

Semolina porridge in the microwave with milk must be cooked in a deep bowl. Which one is better to use? If you have special utensils for cooking in a microwave oven, then this is ideal. If there is none, then you can safely take a plate made of glass, special plastic (see the special icon on the lid, ceramics or porcelain.

Pour a glass of milk into a plate, add sugar and salt to it. Mix everything thoroughly, cover with a lid and send the milk to a boil in the microwave. We set full power and a couple of minutes on the timer.

When the milk boils, remove the dishes from the oven and add semolina to the milk. We mix it well again and put it back. Typically, at seventy percent power, the cooking time for porridge is six to eight minutes. Semolina porridge in the microwave is prepared, as they say, by trial and error. Everyone in the kitchen has different models of microwave ovens, so no one can tell the exact time. But, having tried it once, having determined the time and power specifically on your oven, you will calmly prepare the dish for the second time.

Cooking process. Option 2

How to cook semolina porridge in the microwave to save even more time? Experienced housewives advise adding all the ingredients to the dishes immediately. Pour out the milk, add a couple of tablespoons of semolina there, add salt and sugar and put in the microwave. This option, unlike the first, will require you to shut down the oven several times. Every three minutes, you need to get the porridge and stir.

When the porridge is ready, put a piece of butter, a spoonful of jam, jam on top. By the way, like any other porridge, semolina also goes well with dried fruits and nuts.

Benefit or harm?

So, we already know how to cook semolina porridge in the microwave. Now it remains to decide: to eat semolina after all or not? Is this a harmful dish, as many say, or healthy?

Semolina porridge is famous for the fact that it contains a small amount of fiber. This composition of the product makes it ideal for people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Semolina porridge, cooked in the microwave, is also suitable for small children who just need to maintain the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

It is common for semolina to be absorbed in the lower intestines. Therefore, semolina porridge, cooked in the microwave, is an ideal dish for the elderly.

Why is it good for seniors and young children? Semolina contains a fairly large amount of starch and vegetable protein. These substances are easily absorbed by the stomach and do not put too much stress on the digestive organs. Semolina, cooked in the microwave, will be an excellent salvation for people who have recently undergone surgical interventions and need a sparing diet.

If we talk about the shortcomings or contraindications, then, as with any other food product, you should not overdo it with semolina. There are people who have hereditary diseases - allergic reactions to vegetable protein. They are contraindicated to eat semolina. If your family had similar problems, then try to also refuse this dish, so as not to provoke a hereditary transition of the disease.

Otherwise, semolina porridge is a delicious, nutritious dish, perfect for a hearty breakfast that energizes the whole day. Children don't want to eat porridge for breakfast? Make it fun: decorate with fruits so that they form a face; pour the jam in such a way that a mischievous bunny or a bright flower flaunts on the plate. Parents' fantasy is a guarantee of an empty plate!

Semolina is a delicious milk porridge from childhood, which has a number of useful properties. Many people consider it tasteless. But this can be fixed if you cook it according to the correct recipe. Semolina porridge requires a special approach and patience. Using a good recipe and some cooking tricks, any novice hostess will be able to cook a culinary masterpiece. Semolina is an excellent, tasty, hearty and healthy breakfast for the whole family. Thanks to a plate of porridge, a person will get pleasure, pleasure and a charge of vigor for the whole day.

Using a semolina recipe and the latest technology such as a microwave oven, you can prepare breakfast in minutes. It is incredibly convenient considering the modern rhythm of life. Preparing this dish in the microwave (you will find more) is very easy. This method is especially convenient for young mothers or busy people.


1. Cut off the required amount of butter, place in a bowl.

2. Add salt, sugar, semolina and vanillin to the butter. Don't stir. To make the porridge tasty and healthy, choose the cereal carefully. First of all, pay attention to the color of the semolina. The grains should be cream-colored, solid, without debris.

3. Choose fresh milk, and preferably homemade. Bring the milk to a boil. Pour the resulting dry mixture with it. Stir.

4. Prepare two microwave dishes. Pour the milk mixture equally. And put them in the microwave, as indicated in the photo, for 5 minutes. After the beep, stir thoroughly and let sit for another 5 minutes.

5. Semolina porridge in the microwave according to the proposed recipe is ready. Pour into nice serving bowls, garnish with fresh fruit and serve.

Tips for making tasty and healthy porridge

  1. Choose quality cereals: clean, uniform in color.
  2. Milk and butter must be fresh.
  3. You can use baked milk instead of regular milk. The main thing is to first dilute it with water, since it contains a high percentage of fat content. Porridge cooked with such milk turns out to be very tasty, with a caramel and nutty flavor.
  4. Serve the porridge hot. When cold, semolina loses its taste.
  5. From the remaining semolina (more), you can make a casserole, pudding, cake cream and other desserts.

Nutritionists around the world argue about the dangers and benefits of semolina. Many people claim that this is a great breakfast for children and adults, others consider it a useless cereal.

Video recipe

Beneficial features

Most people are sure that semolina is a valuable and useful product for the health of the human body, which has a beneficial effect on all organs.

  • Semolina contains vitamins (PP, E, B1 and B2), minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus and sulfur) and trace elements (iron, fluorine, vanadium, molybdenum, zinc and others).
  • It effectively cleanses the intestines. Semolina porridge, like a sponge, absorbs all harmful substances, toxins, toxins, fat, mucus, liquid and removes it from the body. Improves the digestive system, normalizes the internal environment and microflora.
  • Semolina is recommended to be included in the diet in the postoperative period and during illness.
  • Prevents the development of oncological diseases, carries out prophylaxis.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body: it strengthens the immune system, improves sleep and appetite, restores the functioning of the stomach and intestines, improves peristalsis, and rejuvenates the skin.

Harmful properties

Nutritionists provide the following contraindications for this gruel:

  • Individual intolerance to the product, allergic reactions.
  • Abuse. Add semolina to the menu no more than twice a week, then it will only benefit.
  • It is not recommended to add to the diet of babies up to one year old, since the gluten contained in cereals can lead to a disease - celiac disease.

When I first learned that in a microwave oven you can not only reheat food, but also cook, I immediately began to experiment. Of course, my microwave does not have a range of different functions and almost does not involve cooking - which could easily fail my promising plan. But it was not there. It turns out that the main function in cooking, in a similar way, is simply a time counter - we set the required time and easily cook whatever we want. Semolina porridge in the microwave turns out to be very light and tender, and the taste is flawless! Nothing can be distinguished from the one that was cooked in a saucepan or. But here there is one significant "but": to get carried away with cooking in the microwave is not worth it, and it is better to feed the kids using the good old way. Use this option as an emergency: you want to eat, but there is almost no free time. So, let's get down to cooking and reveal the secrets of the perfect semolina porridge, under the motto: "fast, simple and affordable."


  • semolina - 2 tablespoons (with a slide)
  • granulated sugar - 2 tsp (or to taste)
  • salt - a pinch
  • milk - 1 glass

How to cook semolina porridge in the microwave:

1. Pour all dry ingredients and mix in a glass and deep dish. Ordinary dinner plates can also be used. The main condition: nothing metallic. You can use more or less sugar, varying the amount as you wish.

2. Pour milk and stir again. You can use only milk, you can dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Place the dishes in the microwave, set the time: 1 minute. No modes are used - let me remind you again! Just time, like heating food.

3. As soon as the required amount of time has elapsed, take out the semolina, stir it until smooth, in order to get rid of the lumps in the future. Put the dishes in the microwave again and set the same time: 1 minute. We repeat the process 3 times, which will take 3 minutes in total. If we stir semolina in the microwave less often, its consistency will not please you at all.

Step-by-step recipes for instant cooking delicious semolina porridge in the microwave

2017-10-12 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of finished dish

3 gr.

6 gr.


15 gr.

132 kcal

Option 1: Classic semolina porridge in the microwave

The recipe for classic semolina porridge with milk in the microwave. The dish is cooked using the most common heating program in three stages; you do not need to connect anything else. It is very important not to neglect stirring, otherwise you will get one big lump.


  • 40 grams of dry semolina;
  • 250 grams of milk;
  • 15 grams of oil;
  • 10 grams of sugar;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

A step-by-step recipe for semolina in the microwave

For cooking, use a glass bowl for a microwave oven or a plate, but deep and without prohibited patterns of metal paint. Pour semolina, add sugar and salt, stir dry ingredients together.

Add milk. It is very important not to preheat it and be sure to mix the dry ingredients together first. Stir again, put in the microwave.

Warm up for exactly a minute. Remove the bowl, stir the porridge. At this stage, it will still be liquid.

Re-put the porridge for a minute. Warm up, remove and stir as well.

Add a piece of butter, put the semolina in the microwave for the last time, but for 30-40 seconds. If it is not enough, it is better to repeat it again.

Ready-made semolina porridge must be consumed immediately, otherwise it will harden, become not very tasty and thick.

According to this recipe, a dish of medium consistency is obtained, but it is not to everyone's taste. If you like liquid cereals more, then the amount of cereals can be reduced to 30 grams.

Option 2: A quick recipe for semolina in the microwave on water

A simple and quick recipe for semolina porridge in the microwave on plain water. This dish is suitable for those who, for some reason, cannot consume milk or the cooked porridge will be used further for baking, various desserts, casseroles.


  • 2 tbsp. l. decoys;
  • 1 cup (250 ml) water
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 10 grams of butter.

How to quickly cook semolina porridge in the microwave

Mix semolina with remaining dry ingredients.

Slowly pour in water, stirring the mass thoroughly. The liquid should not be warm, otherwise the porridge will take in lumps.

Place the bowl in the microwave. Warm up for exactly one minute for the first time. Take out, stir the porridge thoroughly with a spoon.

The second time, put the dish to warm up, but now keep it for exactly 20 seconds. Take out again, stir with a spoon.

Porridge cooks on water much faster than on milk. That is why for the third time we set the dish for exactly 15 seconds.

We take out the porridge, taste it, evaluate the readiness. If suddenly the power is not enough, semolina is undercooked, then you can cook it more, but we warm it up for no more than 15 seconds, otherwise you can easily miss the moment, a lump will form. We also remember that the microwave oven heats the food unevenly, be sure to stir the mass thoroughly.

Put a piece of butter in the finished porridge.

If the dish is prepared for fasting or is intended for a vegetarian, butter can be substituted with vegetable fats. You don't have to use familiar products. The porridge will turn out to be simply amazing with coconut or cocoa butter, they have food types.

Option 3: Semolina in the microwave with an apple

Semolina porridge in the microwave with an apple can be cooked in water or milk. We will use a mixed version. Apples can be used of any kind at your discretion, but the taste of the porridge will depend on it.


  • 1 apple;
  • 120 grams of milk;
  • 120 grams of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 45 grams of semolina;
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon;
  • 15 grams of butter.

Step by step recipe

Grease the bottom of the microwave oven cup.

Wash the apple. If his skin is tough and thick, then carefully peel it off, and cut the pulp itself into cubes no more than a centimeter. Throw away the bits.

Place the fruit pieces in a greased bowl, sprinkle with cinnamon and half granulated sugar. We put in the microwave, cook at 700 power for exactly one minute. We take out, stir, let the apples cool down a little, otherwise the semolina will begin to set in lumps.

Mix semolina, the remaining sugar, dilute with water, add salt, add milk and whisk thoroughly until smooth.

Add the semolina mixture to the steamed apples, stir and immediately add the remaining butter.

We warm up the mass for a minute, take out and stir. Next, cook for 30 seconds, stir and put in the microwave again.

At the last stage, heat the porridge for 15 seconds, then stir it well with apples, check it, if necessary, bring it to readiness for another 15 seconds.

If the milk is not fat, that is, less than 1.5-2%, then you can not dilute it with water at all. If, for semolina, a selected product of more than 4% will be used, then at least a third of the water must be added. Otherwise, in combination with butter, the porridge will turn out to be fatty, the calorie content will be much higher.

Option 4: Semolina porridge in the microwave with milk powder

In this recipe, whole milk is replaced with a dry analogue. In principle, if the product is of high quality, then the taste of the finished dish will not differ much.


  • 0.3 tbsp. decoys;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. powdered milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 25 grams of butter.

How to cook

Mix granulated sugar with milk powder in a bowl, add semolina and salt to them.

Gently pour in water at room temperature with a thin stream, quickly stirring the dry mixture. It is important that lumps do not appear immediately, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of them later. If they are already there, then thoroughly grind or beat the mass with a kitchen blender.

Send the porridge into the microwave for a minute, after stirring, warm it up for 30 seconds, then the same amount.

Season the prepared semolina porridge with butter. For splendor, you can additionally beat.

The amount of milk powder can be changed at your discretion. Someone likes rich porridge with a creamy taste more, while others prefer light meals in which the water is only slightly whitened.

Option 5: Semolina in the microwave with nuts and honey

This recipe is on the water, but the porridge is not quite ordinary. It is not suitable for baby food, but it will make a great breakfast for adults. Walnuts will be used here, they do not need to be fried separately, everything is done in a microwave oven.


  • 2 tbsp. l. decoys;
  • 230 ml of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. nuts;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. butter.

Step by step recipe

Cut the nuts into small pieces, combine with honey, stir, put in the microwave for a minute.

In another bowl, mix semolina with salt, place with water, put at first for a minute, warm up, stir.

Transfer the warm honey mixture to the porridge, stir the products thoroughly, heat for another 40 seconds.

Add butter, heat the porridge for the last time for 30 seconds. Serve immediately while the dish is hot.

You can also cook porridge with sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, or flax seeds. It is only important to warm it up with honey separately, and combine it with porridge only before the second or third stage of heating.

Option 6: Semolina in the microwave with a banana

This is not a simple recipe for ready-made porridge with a fresh banana, but a very tasty version of a dessert dish. It is prepared in milk, in addition you will need a little vanillin.


250 ml of milk;

35 grams of semolina;

1 tbsp. l. oils;

1 pinch of vanilla

How to cook

Cut the peeled banana into small cubes. You can make pieces of a different shape, but not circles. The slices will stick together and are harder to stir in the porridge.

Combine semolina with salt. If the sweetness of the banana is not enough, then add some additional granulated sugar.

Dilute all this with whole milk, do not add the banana yet, put in the oven for a minute.

Take out the porridge, add the banana and add butter at the same stage. Warm up for another 40 seconds.

Take out the porridge, season with vanilla, heat for another 20-30 seconds.

Stir the finished dish, you can additionally pour it with liquid honey or sprinkle with coke shavings.

Not all microwave ovens make good porridge the first time. In some models, the dish does not have time to cook, it will require additional heating. There are microwave ovens, in which the porridge quickly grasps into lumps, in this case it is necessary to shorten the time of each stage. In any case, you need to observe and adjust.

Semolina is a favorite product of all, which is served both at school and in kindergarten. Such porridge is distinguished by its excellent taste, which can remain in memory for a lifetime, but only if this product is cooked correctly. There are a lot of ways to prepare semolina porridge. It can be cooking on an ordinary stove, and cooking in a microwave oven. The taste of a dish largely depends on the chosen cooking method. This article will discuss how to cook semolina in the microwave.

What is the difference between a dish cooked in the microwave?

This cooking method is very popular among cooks and housewives. It is known for its simplicity and convenience. Cooking in a microwave is much faster than on a conventional stove. Speaking about the semolina itself, it should be said that it is not in vain that it enjoys its popularity - this product is very tasty and satisfying. Eating it for breakfast can give you healthy energy for the rest of your day. Moreover, the content of vitamins and minerals in semolina is extremely high, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

The best recipes

There is a simple option for cooking porridge in water. It is suitable for those people who, due to their health or taste preferences, cannot consume milk.

Semolina porridge on the water

To prepare such porridge you will need:

  • two tablespoons of semolina;
  • one glass of water;
  • one tablespoon of sugar;
  • ten grams of butter.

Cooking process.

  1. Semolina must be thoroughly mixed with all ingredients (excluding water and butter).
  2. Pour water into the resulting mixture, stirring the mass itself. It is also very important to make sure that the porridge is not warm, as in this case, small lumps will begin to form in it.
  3. The resulting should be placed in a microwave oven. For the very first time, the time should be no more than one minute. Over time, the porridge must be removed and stirred thoroughly.
  4. The second time, the time should be about twenty seconds, after which the stirring procedure must be repeated.
  5. The third time, the cooking time should be exactly fifteen seconds.
  6. After all the procedures done, you can get the porridge and try it. If it is not cooked, you can put it in the microwave again, but for no more than fifteen seconds.
  7. You can add a small piece of butter to the prepared dish.

For gourmets and people who love delicious food, there is another simple recipe.

Semolina porridge with apple

You can use both milk and water to prepare this dish. Apples can be of absolutely any variety - this does not play a big role. Required Ingredients:

  • one apple;
  • one hundred twenty grams of milk;
  • one hundred twenty grams of water;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • forty-five grams of semolina;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • fifteen grams of butter.


  1. The bottom of the cup in which the dish will be prepared must be greased with oil.
  2. The apple should be washed thoroughly. If its skin is very tough, it must be cut off. The pulp of the fruit must be cut into cubes.
  3. Put the sliced ​​fruit in a greased cup, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. The resulting dish must be placed in the microwave and cook for a minute at a power of 700. At the end of this time, the product must be mixed.
  4. Mix the semolina and the remaining sugar and pour the mixture with water. Next, the product must be salted.
  5. The apples prepared earlier should be added to the semolina and stir all this, adding all the remaining oil.
  6. This mass should be warmed up again. The time should be no more than one minute. Then the process is repeated, only instead of one minute, the time should be no more than thirty seconds. Further, the stirring procedures are repeated.
  7. At the very end, the porridge is taken out and checked for readiness. If it's a little raw, you can microwave it again for fifteen seconds.

For adults, a recipe for one very tasty porridge with nuts and honey was invented.

Semolina porridge with honey and walnuts


  • two tablespoons of semolina;
  • two hundred thirty milliliters of ordinary water;
  • two tablespoons of walnuts;
  • one tablespoon of any honey;
  • one tablespoon of butter.

The recipe is as follows.

  1. First, cut the walnuts into small pieces and then combine them with honey. The resulting should be thoroughly mixed, then put in the microwave.
  2. In another bowl, you need to mix semolina and salt, adding water to them. This mixture must be placed in the microwave for sixty seconds. Over time, the product should be thoroughly mixed.
  3. Then add a mixture of nuts and honey to the porridge, thoroughly mixing the resulting mixture. Such a product must be warmed up for another forty seconds.
  4. At the end of the time, add butter to the dish and heat it again for exactly thirty seconds.

An alternative to porridge with nuts and honey can serve as porridge with a banana. For the preparation of such a dish, not water is used, but milk.

Semolina with banana

Required Ingredients:

  • two hundred and fifty milliliters of milk of any fat content;
  • thirty-five grams of semolina;
  • one tablespoon of butter;
  • one large banana;
  • one pinch of vanilla.

Cooking method.

  1. The first step is to peel the banana. Next, the fruit must be cut into cubes.
  2. Semolina must be combined with salt. If one banana is not enough for sweetness, you can add a little sugar.
  3. The resulting mixture is diluted with milk and placed in the microwave for one minute.
  4. After a minute, the porridge gets out, slices of banana are added to it. In addition to them, you should also add oil. Then the resulting product is placed in the microwave for forty seconds.
  5. After forty seconds, the porridge is taken out and filled with vanilla. Then it needs to be reheated for about thirty seconds.
  6. The dish is ready. You can add honey or coconut flakes to it for a more sophisticated flavor.

How else can you cook?

There are a lot of ways to cook semolina porridge in a microwave oven. It can be porridge with milk, and with a banana, and with cinnamon, and much more. It is worth noting that if the dish is cooked in milk, it turns out much tastier than in water. Now we will talk about the preparation of semolina in milk. Cooking with milk is not very different from cooking with water.

So, the recipe.

  1. Pour semolina, sugar and table salt into a deep bowl.
  2. The resulting mixture must be poured with milk and placed in the microwave.
  3. You need to cook it for one and a half minutes at a power of 700 watts.
  4. After a minute and a half, the porridge must be mixed and oil added to it.
  5. Put the porridge in the microwave again for one and a half minutes. She is now ready. You can add various fruits, berries or, for example, honey with nuts to it.

Of course, everyone has their own tastes and preferences, so everyone's favorite recipes for how to make porridge are different. According to most people, the microwave oven in every home is considered the best cooking appliance. With it, dishes can be prepared faster, and sometimes even tastier. Speaking of recipes, semolina with milk, semolina with apples, or semolina with bananas are considered the best.

The recipe for cooking semolina in the microwave, see below.