Scenario of the holiday "cabbage gatherings dedicated to Mother's Day". Folk holiday "cabbage party"

10.04.2019 Desserts and cakes

Announcement on the office door:

Attention! Attention! Attention!
opens fun festivities!
Hurry, honest people,
"Cabbage" is calling you...

We clap our hands 5 times
And stomp your feet 5 times.
Let's call cabbage for a visit
And let's start our "Kapustnik".

Everything necessary for chopping and salting cabbage is prepared on the tables. At the end of the “working” part of the party, tables are covered with tablecloths and served for tea drinking. Everyone who came to the gatherings can participate in common work: chop cabbage and talk about it. And the Host and the Hostess, using the exhibition material, are having a conversation.


I am autumn, and I pour gold over the edge,
Gathered a rich harvest in the fields.
Brought in a basket the best fruits,
You will see one of them now.

She takes cabbage out of the basket.

Do not judge cabbage strictly
That she has a lot of clothes on.

- Word cabbage derived from ancient Roman ka "putum, which in Russian means head.


Everyone knows: no cabbage
Your pan is empty.
If you forget the cabbage
You won't eat borscht and cabbage soup.

- In the menu of Russians, cabbage has always been one of the first places among other vegetables. It has been widely used and used for cooking variety of snacks, soups, second courses. Cabbage juice is also very useful. As an independent dish, cabbage is stewed, fried, baked, stuffed with various fillings.
Here on the table are various cabbage dishes prepared by your mothers and grandmothers. Thank you all very much!
Basically, the national Russian cuisine includes dishes from white cabbage, although recipes from other types of cabbage are not alien to it: cauliflower, kohlrabi, red, Brussels sprouts, etc.

Exhibition of cabbage varieties “This is what I am!”

Exhibition of books about cabbage “If you want to know more about me, you need to read these books!”

Master. Perhaps, no vegetable has attracted such close attention of researchers of all times and peoples as cabbage. Philosophers and historians, doctors and cooks have left us numerous instructions about its magical, healing and culinary properties.
Even the ancient Greeks and Romans attributed to cabbage the ability to soothe a headache, cure deafness, relieve insomnia and various internal diseases.
Our ancestors also knew a lot about the healing properties of cabbage. So, in the old Russian medical books we read: “crushed cabbage, mixed with egg white, and then it is applied to any burn and so their ulcers heal.”

Cabbage. In folk medicine, I am used for various diseases. Fresh leaves are applied to purulent abscesses, wounds, used for burns. Fresh juice is recommended for tuberculosis (together with honey), for diseases of the liver, stomach, and toothache. My juice must be drunk immediately, because. the vitamins contained in it are quickly destroyed. To strengthen the hair, rub a mixture of juices of fresh cabbage, spinach and lemon.

Mistress. More than four thousand years ago, man began to grow cabbage. The ancestor of cultivated varieties of cabbage is wild cabbage, which grew and still grows along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. For many centuries man has been cultivating wild cabbage, caring for it and selecting plants with large leaves for seeds; thus a valuable vegetable crop was obtained.

Cabbage.“Kapustnik” in the old days in Rus' was called the garden where I was grown. It was the most favorite vegetable in Rus', not without reason they called me “the first lady in the village”. Vegetable gardens with cabbage everywhere surrounded Russian settlements. The abundance of cabbage in Rus' surprised even worldly-wise foreigners. So, in the 13th century, a certain Cornelius de Buin wrote: “In Muscovy, ordinary white cabbage grows, with which the Russians prepare large stocks and which the common people eat 2 times a day.”

Teacher additions. The foreigner is right - in Rus' cabbage has long been treated with almost religious adoration. The day of the Feast of the Exaltation was almost universally considered the date when the cabbage harvest began. They fermented it, salted it, and on this fast day various dishes were prepared from it. I.S. Shmelev, an émigré writer, remarkably wrote about sauerkraut, a process that has become almost a folk custom in our country:

“And here is another joy: we chop cabbage! After the Exaltation, tubs for cabbages begin to soar ... Vasil-Vasilich fills one trough, the other - me and Gorkin. Twenty wagons of cabbage, the whole yard is littered: a white-green mountain, chopping - not to cut ... Huge troughs made of thick boards, chopped ten sections from each side, it's fun to listen to the towing - how they dance! In that trough they chop gray cabbage, and in ours - white. They take away the greenery there, rent green leaves with ours, and in our trough they throw a little white, “milk”. They call it “the master's trough”. I whisper to Gorkin: “Why do they need green?” He smirks at me: “I know what you're thinking… No offense here, killer whale. Yours will be sweeter, but we love it stronger, with bitterness, much tastier ... and as it sours, it will pierce the spirit ... our most famous cabbage, a little serachok ... Merry - this cabbage!

1 student. Harvesting cabbage for the winter in Russia took place in late autumn, when, at the first slight frost, cabbage forks “coil up steeper” and become harder. There were general rules, customs and signs. For example, cabbage harvested in October is more sugary than that harvested in September, and it is better to chop cabbage for the “young month”, then it will be stronger and tastier.
From the Exaltation (September 27) in the villages they began to chop cabbage. The villagers used to say: “Dream, woman, cabbage on the Exaltation Day”, or “A good peasant has a pie with cabbage on the Exaltation Day”.

2 student. Winter stocks were considered not pounds and kilograms, but buckets and barrels. Such large stocks are difficult to make alone. That is why women chopped and salted cabbage together for the whole village, moving from one house to another. Invitations to cabbage parties were a sign of goodwill.

3 student. At all times in Rus', it was customary to harvest cabbage for the future in the fall, so that it would last until the summer. Cabbage, juicy, white cabbage was brought into the house directly from the beds. Then they chopped it and put it into barrels, crushed it, added seasoning and, after waiting for the allotted time, put it on the table - to feast on this wonderful gift of mother earth. Potatoes and sauerkraut are the first dish of the villagers and the townspeople. It is no coincidence that the folk festival “Cabbage” was celebrated so solemnly and cheerfully in different parts of Russia.

Mistress. Our ancestors, the Slavs, have been growing cabbage since the 9th century and were the first to invent a way to ferment it. Cabbage was fermented in whole heads, chopped, chopped. Distinguish between white and gray sauerkraut. The first was prepared from white cabbage according to recipes that have not changed much to our time.
The second - gray - was obtained from the same raw materials, but a layer of cabbage was sprinkled with rye flour along with salt. In this case, if there was not enough juice under oppression, rye kvass was added to the barrel to improve fermentation.
Perhaps it was this method that was the oldest, the original one, which gave the name “sauerkraut” to cabbage, i.e. "filled with kvass".

4 student. It was from Vozdvizhenya that girls' cabbage parties began in the villages. They went on for two weeks. The youth looked forward to the cabbage rolls. They were fun, with conversations, jokes, jokes. The girls went singing from house to house to chop cabbage. The tubs in all families were filled to the brim with cabbage. Tables with snacks were laid in every house. Entering the house, the guests congratulated the hosts on a good harvest. The girls dressed up as cabbage girls and tried to show their industriousness, and the housewives looked closely at which bride was daring.


Come out, red girls, show your ability,
Not a pretty face, but golden hands.
After all, without cabbage and cabbage soup, they will not be thick!

5 student. On cabbage evenings, acquaintance with the master's son could begin, and there - you see, and a wedding. A growing child will ask a young mother: “Where did they take me?”. She will remember funny preparations, smile and answer the baby: “They found it in cabbage.”

Cabbage. Let's open the veil and see the picturesque picture that the Russian village was when pickling cabbage.


Cabbage evenings have arrived
On horses, on sables, on foxes, ermines.
Already you, gossips, my girlfriends,
You come to work for me.
Help me to chop the cabbage,
Help me pick it up!

A knock is heard, the girls enter.

girls (with bow). Hello Hostess and Hostess!

Here we come to help you
Let's chop the cabbage.

Master. For dear guests and the gate wide open!


Dear guests, make yourself at home.
Our comfort at home is visible to everyone:
In close quarters, perhaps, but not offended!
After all, any hut, you know yourself,
Not red in the corners, red in the pies!
Everything that is rich, so happy.

Master. First - business, then - pies and fun. Come on, girls, put on aprons so that you don’t stain your outfits, and get to work.

Three adults - mothers and grandmothers and "girls" - the students stand near the table and begin to chop and salt the cabbage: the mothers chop, and the students demonstrate the utensils and talk as they work, the audience - the rest of the children and parents - watch the process of pickling cabbage. Quiet music sounds, against the background of which the story of the girls and the hostess is being conducted.

Girl 1. This trough , and this chaff . For cutting cabbage in each house there was a special trough, which was not used for anything else. Here is another tool - shredder - a special machine for shredding, i.e. slicing cabbage in the form of shavings, but this - wooden pestle .

Adults and girls begin to chop cabbage.

Mistress. Cabbage cutting was a real holiday for the village boys. After all, it is known that children are very fond of nibbling stumps. During the cutting of cabbage, the guys did not leave their mothers for whole days.
First, the heads of cabbage must be washed and cleaned from spoiled and sluggish leaves. Having cut out the stalk, the heads of cabbage must be chopped into slices or chopped on a special shredder.
Mix chopped cabbage thoroughly with salt and chopped carrots in a wooden or enameled container.

Girl 2. Put the prepared cabbage in a tub, barrel or glass jar, ramming each new portion with a wooden pestle or other blunt object until abundant juice comes out.

Girl 3. Cabbage fermented with cumin, celery, dill, juniper berries. If desired, seasonings could be added to the cabbage, allspice, bay leaf, cranberry. Together with chopped cabbage, whole white heads of cabbage were fermented, as well as cucumbers of the last harvest and apples.

Girl 4. It is good to lay green cabbage leaves on the bottom of the barrel and on top of the cabbage. Cover the cabbage with a white cotton cloth, and put a wooden circle with oppression on it, under the press. For oppression, it is better to pick up large rounded stones, which are found along the banks of rivers.

Girl 1. After some time, under the weight of oppression, the cabbage will settle and be covered with brine. If the brine does not come out, the load should be increased. The fermentation process lasts about a week at a temperature of 18–20 °.

Girl 5. As soon as foaming bubbles begin to appear on the surface, the cabbage must be pierced in several places with a sharp long stick - a sharp birch stake (to the bottom). Through these punctures, the gases formed during fermentation will exit. After a couple of days, you need to make new punctures. When the cabbage gets White color(and this usually happens a week after salting), it should be transferred from a warm room to the cellar, and glass jars to the refrigerator. On this, the process of cooking cabbage can be considered complete.

Master. Let's remember what proverbs people have put together about cabbage.


  • Bread and cabbage dashing will not be allowed (healthy food).
  • Without potatoes, bread and cabbage - what food.
  • Don't poke your nose at the cabbage until they let you in.
  • Plant cabbage - annoy your back.
  • Why fence a garden, if you don’t plant cabbage.
  • No mouth can live without cabbage.
  • Cabbage is not empty "- it flies into the mouth."
  • September smelled of apples, and October - of cabbage.
  • Eat cabbage soup - the neck will be white, the head will be curly.
  • Cabbage cabbage soup is good, and salt is delicious.
  • Cabbage loves water and good weather.
  • Cabbage is hoarding.
  • good cabbage it will curl into a head of cabbage, and the bad one will rot in the leaves.

Master. Well done! Do you know the riddles about cabbage?


  • Matryoshka stands on one leg, wrapped up, tangled.
  • Yermoshka stands on one leg, on him a hundred clothes are not sewn, not cut, but all in scars.
  • There was a child - he did not know the diapers, he became an old man - a hundred diapers on him.
  • Patch on patch, but there was no needle.
  • Not a book, but with leaves.
  • Tolstovat, forsist, put on three hundred shirts, and one leg.
  • Patch on patch - green patches,
  • Standing on one leg, basking in the garden.

Master. Oh, enough, enough! I see that you really know the riddles about cabbage.

Girls. And we know not only proverbs and riddles about cabbage. Now we will sing ditties about cabbage.

Ditties about cabbage

Put your ears on top, listen carefully,
We will sing cabbage ditties wonderfully.

Katya walks between the ridges, tears everything in a row:
Where is the cabbage, where is the weed - she will not understand in any way.

The whole summer I tried, dressed, dressed,
And as autumn approached, I gave all the outfits.

I can ferment cabbage, I don’t feel sad from idleness.
Come to visit me - I will treat everyone with cabbage.

I was born to fame - my head is white, curly,
And who loves cabbage soup very much - always look for me there.

Alena dressed up in her green sarafan,
She curled the frills thickly. Do you recognize her? Cabbage!

In order for the stove to flare up, it is necessary to give heat,
To make the ditty easier to sing, you need to help with dancing.


Master. Villagers know from childhood how to ferment cabbage correctly.


I clean, I cut the cabbage, and then rub the carrots.
I'll salt it a little and put it in a barrel.
Mom will put sticks, dad will press.
And when it ferments, we will pierce it with a stick.
She wandered for a couple of days - it is necessary to take out to the cellar,
Otherwise, the goats will have to feed it all later.

Mistress. While the conversation was going on, the work was done. Thank you for your help dear guests.

Master. No wonder they say: the work of the master is afraid. A full tub of sauerkraut means it's time for fun.

6 student. Young men appeared with gifts for the owners and their assistants. The hostess baked a pie with cabbage and treated the guests.

The hostess brings the pie to the assistant girls.

7 student. After friendly joint work, cutting heads, the red maidens went out into the street and started round dances and dances until dawn. Often the villages flourished from their outfits, resounding with the sounds of songs and folk instruments: accordions, balalaikas, pipes, rattles ... Boys, youngsters, as well as elderly people joined the girls, and work was crowned with a general holiday.


Game "Pegs"

Pairs of players stand in a circle. One person in each pair sits down - this is a “peg”. Another is behind him. The driver walks in the center of the circle, approaches any pair.

- Kuma, kuma, sell the peg.
- Buy.
- And what is a hundred "it?
- A head of cabbage and a broom, and a ruble of money.
- Well, on the hands, but in the bath.

They hit their hands and run around the pegs in different directions. Whoever comes running first, he stands at the “peg”. The loser becomes the leader.

Game "Grab a treat"

- Imagine that you are a rabbit. And bunnies love...

Stumps are laid out on the floor. They are one less than the rabbits. Everyone starts running to the music. As soon as the music stops, you need to grab the stalk. Whoever fails is out of the game. The last hare with a stump is the winner. He gets a juicy prize.

Cabbage. It's my turn to test you:

  • What butterfly am I most afraid of?
  • What pet climbs into the garden to feast on me?
  • What about a wild animal?
  • What dishes can be prepared from cabbage?

Owner and hostess. You won't be full of games and dancing.

The hosts invite guests to tea with cabbage pies. At parting, everyone wishes health to each other, who needs help - they invite fellow villagers to their house “for cabbages”. In conclusion, the students optionally tell the found and learned poems about cabbage.

Poems about cabbage

summer rain

Summer rain soft paw
Ironing vegetables in the garden.
Only touches the cabbage,
How does the cabbage wake up:
The leaves are white and juicy
Curls into heads.

Once upon a time there was a cabbage

There lived a cabbage
White cabbage,
White cabbage
There was a desperate braggart.

Look for some more cabbage!
The hostess crumbled it into cabbage soup.
One stalk remained -
And that son got it!

Vladimir Suslov

sad cabbage

The field is being cleaned, the garden is empty,
Only behind the barn is the cabbage shivering.
They haven’t been taken away from the garden for two weeks now,
Even from the cold, the veins turned blue.
Crispy cabbage looks over the fence ...
Not a blade of grass nearby - that's why it's sad.

Kayum Tangrykuliev


- She tied her head, are you sick, cabbage?
Are you cold in summer too? Wrapped up, cabbage?
- From the sun I wear a turban,
I don't need heat at all!

Vasily Katanov

Heads of cabbage in the garden
This is the size
Are pouring.
Santa Claus put on a sheepskin coat,
To heads of stupas-hrup
Is selected.
I wanted to freeze them
All turned white with anger,
Nothing happened.
Heads of cabbage lie in the night
Like white bear cubs
And growl a little audibly.

M. Maltseva


The cabbage rose
It is important to look around
I quickly put on warm sweatshirts.
He covers his nose with a green cloak:
- I am not afraid of rain and frost now!


Presenter 1 : Welcome, invited and welcome guests! We invite everyone to our hut, sincerely meet! Don't be embarrassed, don't be shy, make yourself comfortable! I invited you, red girls, and good fellows, to tell you about one old custom of the Russian people - about cabbage gatherings.


What are get-togethers?

These are not gimmicks at all:

This is creativity and work,

This is friendship and comfort,

This is a song, this is a laugh

This is a joy for all of us!


On the rubble, in the light

Or on some logs,

Gathered gatherings

The elderly and the young.

Our leisure is sometimes shallow,

And what is there to say:

It's boring to live without gatherings,

They should be revived!

Lead 2 . There were many holidays in Rus', but the most generous, the most joyful were in the fall, when people, having harvested crops from fields and gardens, made preparations for the long winter. One of these holidays was popularly called the skit. It took place in the autumn on the day of the Exaltation, when the first frosts appeared and the massive rub and salting of cabbage began. Housewives invited their neighbors and girlfriends to help chop cabbage for the winter. Refusing an invitation was considered a sign of disrespect for the hosts. So elegant girls went from house to house with songs, jokes, jokes, helping each other in harvesting cabbage. The guys did not help to chop the cabbage, but came for fun. Yes, and the bride at work is better to choose. After work, the guys and girls danced round dances, so now we will sing a song! (Song about the mistress)

Cabbage is a vitamin-rich vegetable. It should be eaten by both the old and the young, as well as those who are in poor health.

Presenter 1: Dear guests, I want to ask you for help. Help chop cabbage for the winter. There is a lot of work, I can not manage myself. Can you help? That's good ... Thank you for your kind words.

And to begin with, we will determine the weight of the heads of cabbage in order to properly salt the cabbage. Let's play a game with our parents.

The game "Determine the weight of a head of cabbage by eye "(2-3 times).

The teacher starts in a row head of cabbage, inviting parents to determine the weight, then the weight is checked on the scales. The winner receives a head of cabbage as a prize.

Lead 2 : There are a lot of types of cabbage, and all of them are combined under one species - “garden cabbage”. Why do you think? (Because it grows in the garden.)

Presenter 1 : Oh, what good fellows! What varieties of cabbage do you know? (Headed (white and red-headed, colored, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, savoy cabbage, kohlrabi) .

Lead 2 : Well done, red girls and good fellows. But in order to cook something from cabbage, it had to be chopped.

Presenter 1: Hey, girlfriends, go out and chop the cabbage.

Help me chop the cabbage

Help me pick it up!

Song we chop the cabbage ..

Host 2: Before the potato spread in Rus', cabbage was the second food product in every peasant family after bread.

Presenter 1 : I see that you are masters of singing. Do you know how to solve riddles? Here listen:

Student 1.

What's the creak, what's the crunch?

What is this bush?

How to be without a crunch,

If I ... (cabbage).

Student 2.

Worth Yermoshka

On one leg

He has a hundred clothes on

Not sewn, not cut,

All in scars. (Cabbage.)

Student 3.

Like a disheveled sheep

White marble head.

The leaves are holding on so tight

At the beauty ... (cabbage).

Lead 2. Yes, you are good at solving riddles. Come on, try to guess other riddles - not about cabbage, but about the products that were added to it when fermented, so that the cabbage turned out delicious.

Student 4. For a curly tuft

dragged a fox from a mink.

Very smooth to the touch

Tastes like sweet sugar.


Student 5. I am red, I am sour.

I grew up in the swamp

Ripe under the snow.

Well, who knows me?


Student 6. I am a ruddy nesting doll

I will not tear myself away from my friends.

I'll wait until matryoshka

It will fall into the grass.


Lead 1. That's right, it's carrots, cranberries and apples. It was they who were added to cabbage so that it became not only tasty but also beautiful.

Pupil 7

I, friends, are a head of cabbage,

Unusually delicious.

I turned white from the top.

I'm already quite mature.

If you like - cook, if you want - salt.

Do as you please.

I'm crispy and fresh

Cut with a knife and eat.

Student 8.

young head,

Dear head,

Don't grieve - you

We put in a vat

And we'll pickle for the future,

And we'll cook cabbage soup

Let's put it on the table

Let's treat friends.

Student 9.

I also know the count!

I clean vegetables for cabbage soup.

How many vegetables do you need?

Three potatoes, two carrots,

Onions one and a half heads,

Yes parsley root,

Yes, a cabbage roll.

Make room for you, cabbage,

From you in a saucepan thick!

One two Three! The fire is lit

Stump, get out!

Song mistress came from the market

Lead 2. In ancient times, cabbage was considered medicine and used for insomnia, poisoning, headaches, stomach diseases.

Pupil 10. In ancient Egypt boiled cabbage served at the end of dinner as a sweet dish.

Student 11. Where do we use cabbage? She became the basis of the Russian national dishes: pickled sour cabbage, pies with cabbage, cabbage rolls ... And cabbage soup was served not only in simple huts, but also in the royal chambers.

Presenter 1: You are doing well, my assistants. " A good start- half the battle pumped out. And so that we can do it faster, you can amuse us with a funny joke and a fable!

12-13 Boy and girl in Russian costumes go to the music and meet in the center of the hall.
Ulya. Hello Phil!
Phil. Hello Ulya!
Ulya. What did grandma send?
Phil. Grandmother sent pies with cabbage.
Ulya. Where are they?
Phil. And I put them under the bench.
Ulya. What an eccentric you are, Phil!
Phil. How about you, Ulya?
Ulya. I would put them in the oven, you would come and eat.
(They turn their backs to each other and disperse, meet at the central wall.)
Ulya. Hello Phil!
Phil. Hello Ulya!
Ulya. What did grandma send?
Phil. Grandma sent a sundress.
Ulya. Where is he?
Phil. And I put it in the oven!
Ulya. What an eccentric you are, Phil!
Phil. How about you, Ulya?
Ulya. I would put it in the closet.
(They disperse, meet in the center of the hall.)

Ulya. Hello Phil!
Phil. Hello Ulya!
Ulya. What did grandma send?
Phil. Grandma sent a calf.
Ulya. Where is he?
Phil. And I put it in the closet.
Ulya. What an eccentric you are, Phil!
Phil. How about you, Ulya?
Ulya. I would take him to the barn, give him water to drink, give him hay ...
(They disperse, meet at the central wall.)
Ulya. Hello Phil!
Phil. Hello Ulya!
Ulya. What did grandma send?
Phil. Grandmother sent Nadyushka.
Ulya. Where is she?
Phil. And I took her to the barn, gave her water to drink, gave her hay.
Ulya. What an eccentric you are, Phil!
Phil. How about you, Ulya?
Ulya. I would have put her at the table and given tea to drink.
(They disperse, meet in the center of the hall.)
Ulya. Hello Phil!
Phil. Hello Ulya!
Ulya. What did grandma send?
Phil. Grandma sent a piglet.
Ulya. Where is he?
Phil. And I sat him at the table and gave him tea.
Ulya. Oh, you, Phil, Phil, you simpleton!

Listen to more stories.

Boy 14: It was in November, the first of April.

It was dry in the yard, knee-deep mud.

There was a tall gentleman of short stature.

He is curly, without hair, thin as a barrel.

Boy 15 : The village was driving past a peasant.

Suddenly a gate barks from under the dog.

The horse snatched the cart from under the whip

And let's beat the gate with it.

Boy 16 : The roofs were frightened, they sat on the raven,

The huts have run away from the village!

Rubbish, rubbish, pure rubbish!

GIRL: Hey girls - laughter,

Isn't it time to sing ditties

BOY: And the boys will get up too

girls will not be left behind!

"Cabbage ditties"


Put your ears on top

Listen carefully,

We are cabbage ditties

Let's sing great.


The whole summer tried

Dressed, dressed.

And as autumn approached,

I gave away all the outfits.


dressed up Alena

In your green sarafan,

Curled the frills thickly

Do you recognize her? Cabbage!


For the stove to ignite

Gotta turn up the heat

To make the ditty easier to sing,

We must dance to help.


My cabbage is good

Well, what's wrong with me?

Now I'm sitting in the garden

I'm waiting for my fiance.


Let the goat into the garden

To guard the cabbage

Ignorant goat:

Ate cabbage and left.


We fought for cabbage

Every day and every hour

Only caterpillars though

They managed to defeat us.


Sonya walks between the ridges,

Selects everything:

Where is the cabbage, where is the weed,

She won't find it.


My brother is prowling around the kitchen,

He is looking for a fork of cabbage.

Well, what do I care?

I ate it a long time ago.


Long thought and decided:

What to give mom?

And decided to celebrate her

Salt all the cabbage.


We are the picture on the cabbage

Mom was painting

And for the brightness of lipstick,

And they took the blush.


Chopped all the cabbage

And they washed the floors.

Our mother was surprised

"Children, is that you?"


Mom, you are our dear,

We all love you.

To upset and offend

We won't have you!

Host 2: I'm so dressed up, and you tried. Everyone who has in clothes green color please come out to me. Your task is to make a hat out of cabbage leaves and demonstrate it on your assistant.

Lead 1. And who bakes us delicious cabbage patties? (mothers and grandmothers). Today, at our cabbage gatherings, we must not forget about them. And our guys have prepared a little surprise for their beloved mothers and grandmothers. They will sing for you songs that you have already heard, and there will also be a premiere of a new song.


Mom brings me

toys, candy,

But I love my mom

Not for that at all.

funny songs

She sings

We are bored together

Never happens.

I open it

All your secrets.

But I love my mom

Not only for this.

I love my mom

I'll tell you straight

Well, just for

That she is my mother!

My mom's game is the most...

The song "I'll sit by the window"


My mom the best,

She has success.

Succeeds here and there

Young beyond her years.

Likes to sing and have fun

And beautiful as the Firebird.

Smart, sweet, generous, slim,

And I'm in love with my dad.

I love mommy hard

After all, mom is the whole family.

Game of the situation: Let's play in the situation

Very often children behave unexpectedly in some situations. Now we offer you to play out such situations, three pairs of mother and child come out.

Pull out. And now the most important thing! The child will be the mother. A daughter or son mother.

Situation 1: Mom persuades the child to sit down to do homework.

Situation 2: Mom takes the child to the dentist

3 situation Mom explains to the child. What it takes to be good at school!

Song "Lights"


There is nothing sweeter

Mom's smile -

Like the light of the sun,

Darkness will dispel unsteady!

Like a twinkle,

gold fish

Will bring joy to the heart

Mom's smile!

One hundred ways, roads around

Go around the world:

Mom is the most best friend,

Better mom- There is not!

Game: "Let's get to know each other" 6 pieces of paper, pens, books

Sometimes we feel like we know each other very well.

But we don't know much about each other!

Let's get acquainted!

Now I will ask you simple questions in turn, and you will briefly answer them on the sheets of paper.

Questions for moms:

    What should I bring to my next craft class?

    Who does the child go home with every day?

    What verse can your child say right now?

Questions for children

    What school did your mother go to?

    What was your mother's favorite subject?

    Why does mom like pies?

The song I wake up early in the morning ....

Lead 2. Do you want another fairy tale? And to see a real fairy tale about cabbage? Then sit comfortably. Begin!

Dramatization of the fairy tale about cabbage.

Characters : 17 Lead, 18, 19, 20.21 Hares, 22 Cabbage, 23 Hedgehog, bear 24.

Leading : Somehow in the fall, a little light was invited to dinner

Hares fashionista Cabbage. (song about cabbage)

Hare 1: What to sit alone and sad?

Soup is being cooked by us

We'll set the table for you!

Leading: Cabbage clapped its hands

Smiled at the invitation...

Cabbage: Ah, how nice! Crunch-crunch!

Hares cook soup for me.

Leading: The cabbage dressed up for a long time,

Dressed in a hundred clothes ...

Cabbage puts on sweaters, a jacket, everything is green.

Just got done by lunch...

Finally set off!

With a good mood

There was cabbage along the path.

Cabbage: Crunch-crunch! Crunch-crunch!

Bunnies cook soup for me!

Leading : And at the meeting prickly Hedgehog.(hedgehog song)

Hedgehog: Where are you going?

Cabbage : Hello, hedgehog! Crunch-crunch!

Bunnies cook soup for me!

Hedgehog: Are you going to the Hares for lunch?

Oh, and you won't get into the soup?

Cabbage: You are prickly, but stupid, but stupid!

Bunnies cook soup for me!

Leading : And went her own way,

His, showing off clothes.

The mighty bear met

Everything Cabbage was surprised (bear song)

Bear: To the Hares?! Well, go, go

Don't get yourself into the soup!

Cabbage: You are powerful, but stupid, but stupid!

Bunnies cook soup for me!

Leading : Here Cabbage came to Hares

And sat down at the table with a crunch.

Cabbage: Good day to you, chrup-hrup!

Serve, Bunnies, soup! (hares song)

Leading: Well, the rabbits say...

Hare 1: Show off your outfit!

Take off your coat!

Nobody will take it!

The hare takes off his jacket and runs away with it.

Hare 2: We are warm, no frost.

You take off your vest!

Hare 3: How are you dressed up!

Take off your jacket too!

Hare 4: Relax, relax

And take off your coat!

Leading: In vain Cabbage dressed up!

Only left with a stalk!

The cabbage leaves slowly, head down.

But cabbage is cabbage!

Should she be sad?

Cabbage has come to us again!

Brought something else!

The cabbage comes out with a tray covered with a napkin.

Cabbage: Everyone in the world loves cabbage:

Hares, adults and children!

I can be of use to everyone!

I will be proud of this!

Vitamins in me - the sea!

I am fit for cabbage soup, and for the second!

But with cabbage pies ...

It is something! One two Three!

He removes a napkin from a tray on which lies a cabbage pie.

Song about cabbage

Leading: The cake is delicious, fragrant,

Shall we try guys?

Eat on both cheeks

Remember cabbage!

Presenter 1: As the people say

The corners of the hut are not red,

And red with pies.

Pupil 25

We will eat and praise the hostesses

Yes, add supplements to each other.

(Everyone sits at the table where there is a treat: pies with cabbage.)

Eat cabbage! My advice to you:

Eat! Nothing in cabbage.

In the sea, in the gorge, over the abyss

Eat Healthy Cabbage

And at any respite

Remember the stalk.

Schoolgirl 26

"Thank you" we say boldly

You, white cabbage.

You washed yourself in the rain

She wore three hundred dresses.

Let's eat and praise

Yes, say "thank you".

Presenter 1: Well, that's what they did, and had fun. Thank you for your help. Come to cabbage soup - I will always be glad to have guests. And the guys will now give their mothers souvenirs that they made with their own hands.

Great about verses:

Poetry is like painting: one work will captivate you more if you look at it closely, and another if you move further away.

Little cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is that which has broken.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is most tempted to replace its own idiosyncratic beauty with stolen glitter.

Humboldt W.

Poems succeed if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is commonly believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish Poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion near a fence, Like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not in verses alone: ​​it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Take a look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing inside us. Telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He is a wizard. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful verses flow, there is no place for vainglory.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. Because of the feeling, art certainly peeps out. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

- ... Are your poems good, tell yourself?
- Monstrous! Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! the visitor asked pleadingly.
I promise and I swear! - solemnly said Ivan ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from the rest only in that they write them with words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched out on the points of a few words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

The poets of antiquity, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times, a whole Universe is certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for someone who inadvertently wakes dormant lines.

Max Fry. "The Talking Dead"

To one of my clumsy behemoth poems I attached this heavenly tail:…

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore drive away critics. They are but miserable drinkers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let the verses seem to him an absurd lowing, a chaotic jumble of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from tedious reason, a glorious song that sounds on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing but pure poetry that has rejected the word.

Irina Nikitina

Scenario of folklore entertainment

"Cabbage gatherings".

Purpose: Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture.

Tasks. 1. To develop interest in Russian folk art, folklore.

2. To develop in children a love for Russian traditions;

3. Cultivate a sense of patriotism.

The hall is decorated like a Russian hut: a stove, benches, tables with cabbage crafts, small tables with boards with pieces of cabbage and other vegetables.

LEADING. Hello dear guests! You are welcome to join us for the holiday. A holiday without guests is not a holiday. Oh, and there used to be many holidays in Rus'. The most cheerful and generous were in autumn, when people, having harvested their crops, made preparations for the winter. One of the autumn holidays Exaltation - September 27th. From Vozdvizhenye, skits, Kapustensky evenings began, which lasted two weeks. The hostesses invited their friends to parties to help chop cabbage for the winter.

((Enter two hostesses)

HOSTESS 1: (addressing the audience) - Hello, honest people!

Come to our house

Let's sing and joke

Yes, chop the cabbage.

MISTRESS 2: -From all doors, from all gates

Come quickly, hurry up people.

There is singing outside the door. Children in Russian nar. suits with song_ "Someone's yard" enter the hall.

HOSTESS 1: (invites everyone) Hello, dear guests! Please in the hut! Do not crowd on the porch, go closer to the stove.

HOSTESS 2: Red guest - red place ( offers to sit on the benches). Have a seat. Where it's tighter, it's more fun.

HOSTESS1: In the old days in Rus' it was a custom to harvest cabbage in the fall. These days the yards were littered with heaps of heads of cabbage. The youth gathered together, went from house to house and chopped cabbage in troughs and fermented it in barrels. So they helped each other. Such help was very much needed, cabbages were harvested a lot, a lot, for the whole winter.

HOUSEHOLDER 2: Cabbage is a vitamin-rich vegetable. It should be eaten by both the old and the young, as well as those who are in poor health.

Hostess 1: There are a lot of types of cabbage, and they all come together under one species - “garden cabbage”. Why do you think? (Because it grows in the garden.)

HOSTESS2: Oh, what good fellows! What varieties of cabbage do you know? (Headed (white and red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Beijing cabbage, Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Savoy cabbage, kohlrabi).

HOSTESS1: Well done, beautiful girls and good fellows. But in order to cook something from cabbage, it had to be chopped.

HOSTESS 2: Hey, girlfriends, come out and chop the cabbage.

Help me chop the cabbage

Help me pick it up!

Red girls come out to the table, imitate cutting cabbage.

We chop cabbage, chop,

We three carrots, three.

We salt cabbage, salt.

We mash cabbage, mash

Let's put it in a tub.

HOSTESS 2:. Finished the job - walk boldly. And who knows proverbs about cabbage?

CHILDREN: “Why fence a garden if you don’t plant cabbage?”

"Not a single mouth lives without cabbage"

"September smells like apples, October smells like cabbage"

"Without cabbage, cabbage soup is not thick!"

"Cabbage is not empty, it climbs into the mouth"

MISTRESS 1: Bread and cabbage will not allow dashing.

HOSTESS2: Oh, well done! How pickled cucumbers!

MISTRESS 1: That's the end of the work.

Do you want to have fun?

Then get up quickly

Sing the song out loud.

Song r. n. p. “I weeded cabbage”

What a glorious day! Gather, people, in a round dance!

Let's start a round dance

let's all drink together.

Khorovod r. n. p. "On the mountain is viburnum"

HOSTESS: I see that you are masters of singing and dancing. Do you know how to solve riddles? Here listen:

Makes riddles, for the correct guess a prize is awarded - the corresponding vegetable.

1. She grows in the garden,

Dressed in noisy silks.

We are preparing tubs for her

And coarse salt bag floor.


2. Not sewn, not cut,

and all in scars.

Without counting clothes -

And all without zippers.

(head of cabbage)

3. Patch to patch -

green patches,

All day long she

Lurks in the garden.


PARENTS: Yes, you are good at guessing riddles. Come on, try to guess other riddles - not about cabbage, but about the products that were added to it when fermented, so that the cabbage turned out delicious.

4. For a curly tuft

dragged a fox from a mink.

Very smooth to the touch

Tastes like sweet sugar.


5. I am red, I am sour.

I grew up in the swamp

Ripe under the snow.

Well, who knows me?

6. I am a ruddy nesting doll

I will not tear myself away from my friends.

I'll wait until matryoshka

It will fall into the grass.

That's right, it's carrots, cranberries and apples. It was they who were added to cabbage so that it became not only tasty but also beautiful.

HOSTESS: And what a skit without jokes and jokes! Well done, they want to amuse you and amuse you.

The boys stage a Russian folk song"Where was Ivanushka?"

HOSTESS: That's how merry jokers made everyone laugh, amused.

GIRL: Hey girls - laughter,

Isn't it time to sing ditties

BOY: And the boys will get up too

girls will not be left behind!

Children sing PARTS

1. Come out soon, girlfriend

We shine in public

And perky ditties

Let's sing about cabbage.

2. My cabbage is good,

Well, why am I bad?

Now I'm sitting in the garden

Waiting for the groom

3. He let a goat into the garden,

To guard the cabbage.

Irresponsible goat

ate cabbage

4. We fought for cabbage

Every day and every hour.

Only caterpillars though

They managed to defeat us.

5. I weeded the cabbage,

Everyone was afraid of failing.

No grass and no cabbage -

It's worth watching!

6. I am the neighbor's boy

I'll quickly dry myself up.

Every day a stalk

I wear it for a date.

7. Let me put it in a tub

All cabbage quickly.

I will sing ditties to her,

To crunch more cheerfully.

8. I am a folded boy

slim figurine,

Wouldn't love

no Shurochka?

9. I didn’t drink all week,

Didn't drink, didn't eat

In this hall, sing a ditty,

I really wanted to. (parent)

10. I didn't want to dance

Stood and hesitated

How the harmonica played

I couldn't resist. (parent)

11. My cabbage,

all four heads.

I never danced

Just started today! (parent)

HOUSEHOLD: Hey, cheerful people,

Don't stand at the gate!

Come out more fun

Dance for the guests!

Performed DANCE

HOSTESS: And now it's time to play games, show your dexterity, because the game is a serious matter! Do you guys know a lot of games? Which one will you show us?

CHILD: And let's play "Cabbage"!


Children dance and sing; in the center of the circle is the owner, he guards the cabbage (balls). Around the hares. At the end of the song, the children give up, and the hares try to pick up the cabbage. The owner can catch them only in the territory of the circle.

I'm sitting on a pebble, amusing pegs with crayons

Pegs of crayons amuse, my garden is in town

So that the cabbage is not stolen, they did not run into the garden

mustachioed hare, fat-fifted bear!

Suddenly, a roar is heard from behind the stove - this is the grandfather fell from the stove. He gets up, takes a cane and swings at the children.

DED: Why are you making a noise here, a? As soon as I warmed up, fell asleep, and here you woke me up with your songs, dances and games, prevent me from resting, Here I am, you mischievous ones! Come on now, stop the noise and din, scatter in the corners!

Children begin to tease their grandfather by jumping around him and saying:

Grandfather wanted to cook an ear

And went to feed the ruff,

And behind the grandfather - the cat Lavrenty,

Behind the cat is the rooster Terenty.

They drag fishing rods along the street,

The poor grandfather can't stand it,

We need to help the old one.

The game "Catch-up" is being held

DED: I played something with you. I'll go to the garden to look at my cabbage.

Hostess now compete.

Competitive games are played.

1. Who will more accurately determine the weight of the head. Whoever guesses correctly is given this head of cabbage as a prize.

2. Who will chop the cabbage sooner. (Two mothers or grandmothers)

3. Who will sell cabbage faster .(two children praise freshly chopped cabbage, offer to buy it for children and guests)

4. HOSTESS: We have a good harvest,

The whole family will be fed!

Guess sumey by touch

What's in my basket?

Game for parents "Guess what's in the basket?"

HOSTESS: Thank you, beauties and good fellows! Let me tell you about one more fun. In Rus', good fellows were very fond of measuring strength. The guys sat down opposite each other, their feet rested against each other, they held a stick with their hands, and each pulled it towards himself. Whoever pulls the stick to his side is the stronger one. Let's measure our strength.

A game with the boys "Tug of the stick"

Grandfather enters: Hey, hostess, do not yawn, Take the harvest!

What are you wasting your energy on here? Are you pulling the stick? Now let's see which of you is stronger, who will quickly transfer cabbage from the garden to the house.

The game "Transfer the cabbage" is being held

MISTRESS 1: Well, thank you, grandfather, for the cabbage. We will have thick cabbage soup, there will be something to pickle for the winter, there will be something to feed the kids. Sit down, grandfather, rest.

HOUSEHOLD 2: And now, let's spin a big head of cabbage with our round dance!

We'll go in a circle, let's curl the cabbage!

Such that for the whole kindergarten enough! Hold on tight to your hands!

Under the river n. p. "VEISYA CABBAGE" children go in a circle curling "cabbage"

Goat appears (adult)

GOAT: That's cabbage!

That's so head!

It is worth pouring, waiting for me.

Now I'll eat you!

Children scatter, the goat catches up with them.

The HOSTESS offers to build a wattle fence to keep the goat out of the garden. In order for the wattle fence to be stronger, parents are called for help.

Game "WASH"

At the end, everyone dances to R.N. Melody

GOAT: Oh, you are saving cabbage from me, but they have been eating it for a long time.


GOAT: Caterpillar!

HOUSEHOLDER: Oh, indeed, the caterpillar is the first enemy of cabbage. Now we'll catch her.

GOAT: Where are you without me! So be it, I'll help. The children stand one after another in a "train" And take each other by the belt, the Goat gets up first.

The game "Caterpillar" is being held the goat must catch the tail of the caterpillar, which is dodging all the time. At the end of the game, the Goat catches the tail.

HOSTESS: That's good, we caught the caterpillar, now it will not harm us. And to you, Goat, thank you very much for your help and our song:


The hostesses and grandfather bring out pies with cabbage on a tray.

HOSTESS1: While you were singing and dancing, my cabbage pies were ripe. I invite everyone to tea with pies.

HOSTESS2: As the people say, the hut is not red with corners, but red with pies. And we have delicious treats, pies, and cabbage salads.

Everyone goes to the group for tea

The house is empty without cabbage
Life without cabbage is not tasty.
We love guys
All kinds of salads.
We love wrestlers for the first
And not just us, I guess.
And certainly not the second
We love vegetable stew.
Cabbage has a secret -
Without cabbage, there is simply no:
Golubtsov, stew, borscht.
Eat more vegetables.
You will be fine:
Don't get better guys.
Get stronger, slimmer
And most importantly, smarter.

About cabbage in the garden
I want to tell you,
As everyone knows,
It's easy to collect.
But it's harder to grow
Need to water a lot
Weeds need to be bolder
Rip without mercy.
This is our favorite product!
It is boiled and salted.
Component irreplaceable
For girls and guys.
Pies, I will say, with cabbage
Very good!
Thick soup from cabbage
All are pleasing to the soul.
There are vitamins in cabbage
A, B, C and even E!
They are smart pictures
Awaken in the head.

This is the lady-cabbage
She wrapped the leaves in a ball.
"It will be very tasty with cranberries" -
That's what the chef told us.

tied her head,
Are you sick, cabbage?
Are you cold in summer too?
Wrapped up, cabbage?
- From the sun I wear a turban.
The heat doesn't work for me at all.

Look, cabbage in the garden
All dressed up in fashion!
One hundred outfits, that's too much!
Under the sheets - a stalk!

I don't like it to be empty
In the stomach, and eat cabbage!
Without a doubt, this vegetable
Help for digestion!

People love to eat sauerkraut And crispy, for example, Almost everything. It is boiled, fried, stewed, often put in pies made of sifted flour. And it suits a salad. Very tasty little thing.

On a hot day and on a cool day
The cabbage wants to be smart.
She stands on a large foot
In the armful holds all the clothes.

In the garden at night
The head of the head thinks the Duma:
- I'm not afraid of cold dews,
And I'm afraid of hungry goats.
And the fence is so low!
And the dawn is so close!
Feels a stalk -
I'm covered today!

A sprout sprouted a little -
And already like a curl!
So he will try
Everything grows and curls
bend leaf to leaf,
As it should be a fork,
Do not get sick in bad weather
Even with the cold to be friends
Because in the garden
Cabbage live.

They chop it for the winter, Salt, ferment, pickle.
After all, cabbage, as you know, is useful to us in all forms.
She cleanses wounds and protects from stress,
And curative, and tasty - We always need it.

In the garden, in the field is empty -
Sad hare, very sad.
Bunny remembers summer
Bunny sings softly:
"Oh, how delicious!
Cabbage leaves! .. "
And all night long
The hare is dreaming of a garden.
There's no counting in the beds
Sweet stalks."

In Yegor's garden
Pumpkin, turnip, tomatoes.
Ivan's garden
Zucchini and eggplant.
You will plant a patisson,
Get out of the circle.

I am a basket of vegetables
I'll bring it from the garden.
Drank onion and celery
Light dew in the morning.

Warm rain washed them away
The sun warmed gently.
Poured beet juice -
Became dense, scarlet.

And fed them day by day
Wet loose black soil.

playful wind,
Flying near the ridges
Stroked every stalk
And gave them a scent.

We are a basket of vegetables
Brought from the garden.
For salads and borscht
They will suit us!